CanadaExpiration of NOA-2
My NOA-2 expires in July and I am looking at between September and November as the time of our possible interview date. Have many received a interview after the expiration date of their NOA-2 and for those who say yes could you give an aproximation of the length of time between the NOA-2 expiration and the interview date.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-05-21 13:06:00
CanadaThe 4 month extension
Thanks for the replies. When I last called about a date they gave none, so I ask them the quesion I asked here and was told that on the day of the interview I would be given a 4 month extension, which to me now is quite funny since why would I need another extension if I am being interviewed. I do think the newer extension would be to cover the time between the elapsed one and the interview date which should be in the area of 30 to 60 days including any RFs that could add further delays.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-06-22 08:31:00
CanadaThe 4 month extension

Our NOA-2 has an expiration date of April 7, and on that date we received a 4 month extension which will expire on the 7th of August, the extension to our understanding that this is a one time only non renewable extension. According to the last conversation I had with a consulate representative on or about May 16th we are looking at a interview date 6 months in the future, if this date is 6 months from the time of our conversation in May that will place us somewhere in November which also places us 3 months beyond the expiration date of the 4 month extension we received in April. If the 6 months is from the April 7th date that would place us in October still beyond the 4 month extension by 2 months.

What happens to our petition if we do not get a pre July 7 interview date.

The consulate can extend the expiration of a NOA2 infinitely depending on the reasons behind the delay...

The first delay was the CDN police certificate which took almost 3 months to get , which I received in April a few days after the NOA-2 expired and presently the doctor that did the examination is delaying matters further by seeking 30+s of year background documentation.

Thank you for the answer this just may go on indefinately
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-06-19 13:06:00
CanadaThe 4 month extension

Our NOA-2 has an expiration date of April 7, and on that date we received a 4 month extension which will expire on the 7th of August, the extension to our understanding that this is a one time only non renewable extension. According to the last conversation I had with a consulate representative on or about May 16th we are looking at a interview date 6 months in the future, if this date is 6 months from the time of our conversation in May that will place us somewhere in November which also places us 3 months beyond the expiration date of the 4 month extension we received in April. If the 6 months is from the April 7th date that would place us in October still beyond the 4 month extension by 2 months.

What happens to our petition if we do not get a pre July 7 interview date.

Edited by Ron/Sharon, 19 June 2007 - 12:25 PM.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-06-19 12:24:00
CanadaNot trying but just may set a record
Thank you Lynette, but everything happens for a reason and this I brought on to myself half a lifetime (mine) ago. As you know had I been a good boy way back when we would both be at Montreal just about on the same day, but this is part of the payback that is due. We aren't expecting the interview for a few months yet so we are still hanging in there with everyone else and looking for a break in the clouds over Montreal. I am glad that everything is working out for you and all of you will be a family very soon

Jomo's girl thank you also, my problems were mental and alcohol related. Problem 1 has not been an issue for more than 36 years and problem 2 not an issue for over 22 years, which surprised me to be issues at all.

Thank you also Emancipation, I think the doc missed the timeframe about the past problems, even so I will do whatever they ask to get everything cleared up and back on track, we have plenty of time left to get everything done.

Well Tinker for some reason I just love the name you chose, every time I read it I have to smile; thanks for writing. We went through the first part of the process much quicker than we thought we would so in our minds we are just about in our expected timeframe. Honesty pays and sometimes like for us right now it costs a price we are willing to pay.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-06-22 12:35:00
CanadaNot trying but just may set a record
Ever heard of a medical REF, I got one from the doc here.
My medical examination is not yet completed; it started on June 7th and should end in mid or near the end of July.
Honesty is the best policy and my honesty in my replies to the questionaire questions at the doc's office is costing me time since further information and testing is now required for past ailments. My next appointment is with my famly doc on July 9th to see what needs to be done to make me look good and acceptable in the eyes of the consulate. at this moment as per the immigration doc I am on the road to a denial. My next appointment is 32 days after the original appointment and that is just the start depending on the tests required and how long it will take to get the results back.
This whole process is starting to feel like I'm applying for a top secret or higher security classification, I hope the medical doesn't take as long as the RCMP certification did.
The good thing is that I have yet to get a interview date, which I may get in the next 3 maybe 4 months.
Even though stressed we Sharon and I are not yet ready to be medicated

If you read the above and it makes you worried about your own medical DON'T, chances that your doc is anything like mine are slim and your situation is simmular to mine may be even slimmer.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-06-22 09:36:00
CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...

Edited by Ron/Sharon, 11 June 2007 - 06:52 AM.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-06-11 06:49:00
CanadaAll Time Dumbest Questions asked by Tourists to Banff Park
They should have had a sign posted that says,
"Please think of what you're asking, we can't answer you while laughing our as$es off".
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-06-26 07:40:00
CanadaI could just scream!
Can you not go it alone based on the amount of time you have been seperated. I think if seperated (don't quote me on the following) for a year or more you can go it alone and all you would need is his signature, I'm sure he can sign his name can't he. My ex and I were seperated for 9 years before I filed for the divorce. I filed the paperwork and brought a lawyer to her so she understood what she was signing, all in all it took just a few months I filed in January and it was all over by March.
I do hope that you can find a quick solution and that your soon to be ex realizes that holding up the process is not benficial to either one of you. I do understand that a soon to be ex can be a pain in the ###ets.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-04 08:00:00
CanadaWhat if the USC has a criminal record ...
;) (F)
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-04 16:16:00
CanadaWhat if the USC has a criminal record ...
Lynette, your next worry shouldn't be more than when to leave for Montreal since two weeks from right now 1:11 p.m. your interview will be over and you will be asking where is the passport already.
I wish you and Ed all the pleasures life can bring.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-04 12:15:00
I have not yet except from friends been teased about going to the States, and to them my comment is, has been and always will be the quote in my last post which should have read (talk and not take), if they can’t be positive I don’t want to hear it. Sharon and I are going through the process to be together and if there is a denial of any sort at the consulate I will keep my job and bring her here, which is something we have talked about often. My sole reason for going there is because her parents are both alive and she is looking after their affairs.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-05 08:44:00
Melyssa, just one thing to say to those people when they make their comments, "Take to my as$, my head hurts" they don't deserve any better.

Edited by Ron/Sharon, 03 July 2007 - 11:58 AM.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-03 11:56:00
CanadaStupid question about xpresspost mailer
Sorry Lynette for being so late, but I just received this.

That’s fine.
-----Original Message-----
From: ]
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 8:14 AM
To: Montreal, IV
Subject: Return mailing address

On the Canada Post pre-paid envelope that is to be brought to the Consulate at the time of the interview if I add the Consulate’s return address:

U.S. Consulate General
P.O. Box 65, Station Desjardins
Montreal, QC
H5B 1G1

myself would that cause a problem.
Thank you
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-09 14:32:00
CanadaStupid question about xpresspost mailer
I would fold it as long as the ink was dry and there would be no smearing of the address,.
I would also place the Montreal address as on the packet 3 you received minus the Attention: IV issuance.

U.S. Consulate General
P.O. Box 65, Station Desjardins
Montreal, QC
H5B 1G1
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-05 12:48:00

I guess on hindsight this might have been better in the Canada forum but my only concern was the possibility of somebody taking the answer as universal. Certainly you didn't intend that.

It would have been better there and perhaps some kind soul will do just that. My intent was to state what was said to me and me alone considering the circumstance for which the question was asked, and I think that the answer given was a valid one. I did screw up in my original post, sorry.

The reason for my response now though is that you probably don't want to be "presenting" the letter unless it is needed. I suggest, that when you cross the border, you simply answer any questions as generally as possible. "Visiting family" or simply "pleasure" (as opposed to business) is usually sufficient for a travel purpose, as you already know. You're doing this preparation because you are a Canadian awaiting a K1 Fiance visa but the most likely circumstance is that you won't need the letter or anything you didn't need before. I would just approach the border crossing with the same attitude and actions you would if you weren't going through a visa process.

You are right, but I still want to have everything just in case a red flag pops up on their computer.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-12 16:35:00

I don't want to confuse the issue because I think you have the answers you need. However, this answer, "You need to address this issue at the border." doesn't apply to all. It's probably good for Canadians or VWP countries and maybe even those countries where obtaining a visitor visa is just a routine approval. In cases where a visa is required before attempting to enter the US, the answer will be in the hands of first a Consular officer and then CBP at the POE.

My mind is over thousand miles away and thinking is not as clear as it should be. I didn't intend for my comments to be taken universally. I have the answer I need as you said and as everyone else says also it is always best to have all the documentation possible in case questions are asked. This may have been better placed in the Canada sub forum than in the K-1. I went to the consulate and got their reply and then went to who they pointed to get an idea of what would be necessary to make my encounter pleasant rather than a disaster.

I'm constantly going to Canada or Kristy coming over here. They rarely bat an eye, even with my future step-daughter with me. Although, once I did have to prove ties to the US when i was going to Canada, and got pulled into a random customs check yesterday. Bring the documentation, answer the CBP officers truthfully and succinctly, and you won't have a problem whatsoever.

Since starting the process I haven't tried to enter the States and having gone through the past 10 months I definitely don't want to jeopardise the remaining time by doing something that could be negative.

Yes, it's up to the CBP officer at the POE, but unless he is having a REALLY bad day, and is feeling like taking it out on someone and that someone is you, then you *could* be denied. I wouldn't give it a second thought, though, really.

I'm sure that if there is a denial there is also a backup system in place where a second opinion can be asked for, and that is why I asked what documents would be required.

Right - preparation, knowledge, and a calm attitude are key. The more you understand and can convey your knowledge of and respect for the laws, and if you carry the right kinds of evidence with you, the better off you'll be.
Someone could also be an ####### and say "no" - but anyone can lower the likelihood of this happening by being prepared. And staying calm. Can't emphasize either enough.

Prepared and as calm as possible will be the way I will go. If not calm they will know why after reading the letter I will present.
I am sorry if nothing makes any sense, my mind has been everywhere but here for 3 weeks now
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-12 14:04:00
Thank you for moving this to the proper forum.

We are presently in the process of getting a letter from the doctor re: his present condition and prognosis. I am gathering the documentation required, even with documentation passage is not guaranteed, but wanting to be sure of passage at the POE I was hoping that the Consulate would have a form of sorts that could guarantee passage. Murphy's Law: If you perceive that there are four possible ways in which something can go wrong, and circumvent these, then a fifth way, unprepared for, will promptly develop.

The K-1 is not yet issued and will not be for several months yet, which could cause the scale to tip in either direction even with the documentation re: ties to Canada. And on the eighth day God said;"O.K. Murphy, you take over!

Just got of the phone with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection people and was told that the only documents needed were the passport, ticket and a letter from the doctor, nothing else is required. I did tell them I was a K-1, and their only questions were are you coming back and how long will you be staying, and I said yes and about 2 weeks.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-12 10:48:00
You need to address this issue at the border.

-----Original Message-----


Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 2:44 PM

To: Montreal, IV

Subject: RE: Change of address

Thank you for updating my file.

I have one question that I hope I can get an answer to.

My fiancé’s father is in the hospital in Kansas because of complication after a surgery and it had come to light that he is in worse shape than previously thought.

Is their some way that I would be allowed into the States without jeopardizing our K-1 visa if my fiancé asked me to be there when and if things get worse.

Thank you

There is no need to reply this is post it is for your information in case you ever have a reason to travel to the States urgently at your SO’s request.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-11 16:29:00
CanadaCalgary Herald today Immigration Cartoon
I'm screwed, I'm bald
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-05-30 17:23:00
CanadaI'm not trying to beat a dead horse but....
At my medical Dr. Stewart told me that I was looking at a denial but she needed further information from my family Dr. before completing her evaluation, which I do hope is done very soon, at least in the next few weeks. I hope everything goes well at his medical, why not get as much past and present medical documentation from his Dr. plus a prognosis for the coming future. He may have to sign a few waivers so the Dr. can gather whatever info they want from either his Dr. or the hospital.
Good luck and try to not stress too much on the unknown it may be for naught.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-19 11:15:00
CanadaFailed Medical??
If you want to stick around for another three or so months I should have a story for you according to my medical examination doctor.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-06-28 12:16:00
I swear you had me on the verge of tears, if I wasn't at work I would have cried because I am so very happy for you since we for a short time were in the same timeline. I am glad that you got through everything without too much stress, now sign that document and get it back to them. Congratulations to you and Ed, your son and Ed's son also. It won't be long now that your present family will double in size.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-19 08:50:00
Get yourself a bottle of water and a straw before going up the elevator, that will give you something to figget with and bring to your mouth instead of the cigarette you want. Remember that everyone here will be with you in Montreal.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-16 12:28:00
Enjoy the trip and your time in Montreal, it will be a long time before you will be going back that way after Wednesday.
I hope both you and your son have a good time in Montreal, take some time to celebrate together before returning to Hamilton.
Ron and Sharon
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-16 10:57:00
CanadaProof of Documents
If you guess, make it a guess in your favour by keeping the time between jobs as short as possible and the time working as long as possible.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-20 11:27:00
CanadaPhysically Ill after talking to the RCMP
If a pardon is required or a copy of a pardon needed the following may be helpful.

Clemency and Pardons Division
National Parole Board
401 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON K1A 0R1

It took less than 2 weeks to get my copy
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-24 11:11:00
CanadaPhysically Ill after talking to the RCMP
I did the fingerprint thing in January and was told 120 day and in March 76 days later I was worried about the NOA2 expiring and called the consulate and they said not to worry as the RCMP had told them 6 months so the consulate told me it wouldn’t be before August that I would get it, 3 days later on the 79th day after I applied for the certificate I had it in my hands. I hope his goes as well and soon he will be seeing it.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-24 11:03:00
CanadaHow very disappointing!!!

Hopefully you will get it very very soon!!! :thumbs: Little bit more patience and you are there! Keep us posted!

Lynette, concerning patience, the expression is "patience my a$$ I'm going to kill someone" and I'm sure your and your son both feel that way. I hope Ed will compensate with the biggest and best hug of all times. I have been praying for a lot of people lately even you and now it will be for a different reason. Treat that little man of your with love and tenderness he doesn't fully understand others are in control.
(F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F)
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-25 12:57:00
CanadaCan it be that the Dr. wants me for herself

Sharon would have a good laugh at what you wrote in the previous post, I sure did but didn't want to bring it up or did I. I think I'll have to sign the posts but it isn't really necessary since Sharon as far as I know doesn't come here for lack of time. L there is no problem since it was a honest mistake and no harm was done. As for the doctor we will continue to :ranting: about her and her ways. I'm sticking with August for the letter and September for the interview that is how it is going to be.
As my boss said when I told her may years ago "better the devil you know than the one you don't" I hope the next devil you have to deal with is a better one for you than the past one.

You betcha - September it will be, and chances are we will get the same day: check our timelines!!!!
Peace, L.

Well I am surprised, we both sent the P3 back on the same day, I just looked at the new list to see if this happened to others and it would seem that it is done quite often, but none that have a same return date were at th consulate on the same day. It would be nice if we could be the first. Here's to seeing you in September in Montreal.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-26 11:42:00
CanadaCan it be that the Dr. wants me for herself
[quote name='Len_and_Bren' date='Jul 25 2007, 11:18 AM' post='1071085']

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Now I get it - it's Ron who is the beneficiary! Whoops. Sorry my friend. But we can still :ranting: about the doc, riteee????
And it will be either end of August or beginning of September for BOTH of us. You're right, affirmations bring good stuff!!! (maybe it was after all my affirmations on the matter that my stupid "boss" got canned????? ;) )
Peace, L.

Sharon would have a good laugh at what you wrote in the previous post, I sure did but didn't want to bring it up or did I. I think I'll have to sign the posts but it isn't really necessary since Sharon as far as I know doesn't come here for lack of time. L there is no problem since it was a honest mistake and no harm was done. As for the doctor we will continue to :ranting: about her and her ways. I'm sticking with August for the letter and September for the interview that is how it is going to be.
As my boss said when I told her may years ago "better the devil you know than the one you don't" I hope the next devil you have to deal with is a better one for you than the past one.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-25 12:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)just when you think things will get worse they do.
The thing is, there are laws in place that make people with certain backgrounds or experiences ineligible for visas. Most of those ineligibilities can be waived.

My comment was meant to be that each country has laws that are in place to protect the people of those countries and no-one should be embarrassed because of the laws of their country.
So if you believe the denial is incorrect, why not fight it with the help of a lawyer? If it is correct, why not submit a waiver?
As per my thinking the denial would be correct if the offence were more recent as in 5 or ten years given my age, this one (Mine) I find is well within the laws of the land but some leeway should be allowed for the fact that I spent 31 years with a clean record, pulled a stupid and paid for it then had another 31 years with a clean record.
Not submitting a waiver means never having the opportunity to live in the US. Ever.

I don't see how that is a bad thing, and I don't see it that way, living in the US is just a way for Sharon to be close to her parents. There are other countries that we would both love to spend time in. Our permanent address can be anywhere our little hearts desire.

Since you were pursuing a visa to live in the US, it's hard to grasp that it's not worth it to you.

Things change in life and even though I like the Dodge City area and the closeness to Colorado that we love visiting we don't have to live there to continue enjoying them. Her father is 87 years old and will not see 88 and he will not see his 69th wedding anniversary in October, his wife who is 96 will very likely not live much longer once he dies, these things happen to couples that have that many years together, one dies and the other just goes to sleep and doesn't wake up. With both parents gone there is nothing holding Sharon in Kansas or the US that a visit can't cure.

Again in the end it's your decision.

True it, and we are not rushing into something that may be for naught a few months down the road, we have 11 months before we have to file for the waiver, and that does not mean that we will be apart all the time I can find a place here for the two of us as we wait.

It's just hard to understand that you prefer to do nothing when you have options.

At this time we are doing what we think is best. You call it doing nothing we call it evaluating our options. If we were 30 or 40 we would most likely say what the h-ll and throw caution to the wind, but we are in our mid 60s and tend to think before jumping.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-28 19:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)just when you think things will get worse they do.
QUOTE (joelunchbox @ Aug 28 2007, 03:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ Aug 27 2007, 04:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just received this from Montreal in reply to a question asked.

please focus on the waiver which might take 12-18 mths. Once that is approved we will review your file again and ask you for expired documents.

Which should be sent to the consulate in Montreal as a reply:



Good God, you must be serious there's no smiley to be found anywhere.

With a few taps on the keyboard you managed to change the time frame on the information letter I received from 3 to 12 month to 12 to 18 months. So now I fill the form for the waiver, send it to Montreal and it sits there until someone sends it to Vermont in 3 to 6 month, November 2007 or February 2008 and then wait for Vermont to adjudicate at a cost of $545.00 in approximately 12 to 18 month, which will bring us into somewhere between February and August 2009 then wait for the review to be done at the consulate at a cost of $385.00 in approximately 6 to 12 months which brings us to January or July 2010. Then once I get the decision everything we have will be out of date approximately 13 items have to be done again from the beginning which means that if everything goes as you plan I will have buried both of my in-laws before I ever had the chance of saying I do.

Why did the consular officer not tell me, you have been denied for 2 asinine reasons, but $545.00 for an adjudication, and $385.00 for a review of the adjudication paid now will expedite the process. This whole process could take as little as 2 years and as many as they wish.
The above sure felt good writing, I just had to get it out. The hardest part right now will be telling Sharon not to buy the house she saw and wants.
The good thing is I have a big rig driver and two helpers ready to move her here at a moments notice.

It is beginning to get embarrassing to admit that I am an American. My this how we treat people?? I wish you best of luck, and hope you get satisfaction with this soon.

Joelunchbox, You have no need to feel anything but proud of who you are, the laws of each and every country are made to protect theri inhabitants, I am more pissed off at myself for getting myself into this mess and maybe a few people at the consulate for not having the balls to make a on the spot decission since they had all the information in their hands when I was there. Sahron is from the tornado alley area so we will ride out the storm and raise a little dust as we do.
Thank you and all the best to you and yours on this journey
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-28 15:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)just when you think things will get worse they do.
QUOTE (kitkat1 @ Aug 28 2007, 12:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK so there's no question you are eligible. Writing a good hardship letter and providing the necessary evidence is not very difficult and there are tons of great examples on the net. What do you have to lose? $545 plus any additional fees. What do you have to gain? The change for legal residency in the US. Ultimately only you two can decide what to do, but the option does exist.

Being eligible has not been an issue with me, it is the reasons for 221g and 212 that I find has no logic.

The reason for the blood test for alcoholism is based on Debbie writing in my file that she could smell alcohol on my breath, anyone who has been to window 12 at Montreal would find that comment a bit questionable, hence there were no grounds plus there was documentation in the medical records from my family stating that over the past 10 years alcohol was never an issue during examinations and ultra sounds showed liver and kidneys were in fine form.
The car theft thing happened at about the same time the person that gave me the denial news was born 31 years ago and the RCMP check confirmed that there were no priors or other offences after that one therefore the chances of my re-offending after 31 yrs are quite slim.

As far as a hardship letter being written I don't see any valid reason for one being written, her father will be passing very shortly and her mother will surely give up a short time later, both should be gone before the adjudication even begins therefore no grounds for hardship. The only evidence they requested was a blood test for the alcoholism and I have those results in hand, and none was requested re: the auto theft because they already have that in their hands. I'm not going to hand over $545.00 to any government agency in any country just because they say so, not without my getting a few digs in first. What do I have to gain? A chance for legal residency in the States. That was an option, hope and dream but has quickly been removed from the list of to dos, now the priority is to get everything in order there by living there as long as required. Mind you I love the people and area I'm going to there, but I'm not spending one moment more than I have to. Our decision was made a long time ago with the option of changing it, bureaucratic fumbling has made our decision quite clear.

Edited by Ron/Sharon, 28 August 2007 - 02:21 PM.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-28 14:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)just when you think things will get worse they do.
QUOTE (kitkat1 @ Aug 28 2007, 10:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ron, since no office can give you exact timing, it's pretty normal for one person to say one thing (3-12 months) and another to say something else (12-18 months). Post waiver approval, there is a second "interview"/visa pick up. If one year has passed, new documents and medical exam results are required.

I'm confused about the alcohol thing. "Alcohol abuse" or whatever they are calling it is NOT waivable. So it appears to me you are only dealing with the criminal issue. Do you have the exact denial codes to be clear on what needs to be addressed? Since you do qualify for a waiver, seems like you should go for it unless it's easier for her to move there. Just my opinion.

I beleive that the 221(g) for alcoholism is a REF only.




Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-28 11:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)just when you think things will get worse they do.
After a long discussion last night we (Sharon and I) have come to the conclusion that we have other priorities that need addressing more urgently than this visa trip we are on.

Kitkat1, the consulate packet I received for the waiver has oversized bolded letter stating that the waiver process would take 3 to 12 months, the person who replied to my e-mail is the one that stated 12 to 18 months. The only evidence I have is proof that Debbie's nose is out of whack and I am alcohol free.

Desert_fox, this is about a I-601 I received for 1, Alcoholism and 2, here in Canada I was charged with (taking a vehicle with intent to drive) and in the states according to the consulate it is called (car theft) and what BPS calls (grand theft auto), both are now older than some of the members here.

Tinker, thank you very much. We aren't stopping anything just putting things on hold for the time being.
Right now because of what was written to me in their response I have a new thorn to stick in their side (please focus on the waiver which might take 12-18 mths. Once that is approved we will review your file again and ask you for expired documents.) ((The word review here meaning they will look for other reason for denial)) by sending them a complete copy of everything I have and asking them to review it so I have all of their reasons that a waiver would be required instead of having to go through this whole process again and adding a further 12 to 18 months to the process.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-28 08:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)just when you think things will get worse they do.
I just received this from Montreal in reply to a question asked.

please focus on the waiver which might take 12-18 mths. Once that is approved we will review your file again and ask you for expired documents.

Which should be sent to the consulate in Montreal as a reply:



Good God, you must be serious there's no smiley to be found anywhere.

With a few taps on the keyboard you managed to change the time frame on the information letter I received from 3 to 12 month to 12 to 18 months. So now I fill the form for the waiver, send it to Montreal and it sits there until someone sends it to Vermont in 3 to 6 month, November 2007 or February 2008 and then wait for Vermont to adjudicate at a cost of $545.00 in approximately 12 to 18 month, which will bring us into somewhere between February and August 2009 then wait for the review to be done at the consulate at a cost of $385.00 in approximately 6 to 12 months which brings us to January or July 2010. Then once I get the decision everything we have will be out of date approximately 13 items have to be done again from the beginning which means that if everything goes as you plan I will have buried both of my in-laws before I ever had the chance of saying I do.

Why did the consular officer not tell me, you have been denied for 2 asinine reasons, but $545.00 for an adjudication, and $385.00 for a review of the adjudication paid now will expedite the process. This whole process could take as little as 2 years and as many as they wish.
The above sure felt good writing, I just had to get it out. The hardest part right now will be telling Sharon not to buy the house she saw and wants.
The good thing is I have a big rig driver and two helpers ready to move her here at a moments notice.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-27 15:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 Waiver of inadmissability
QUOTE (blueblue @ Sep 18 2007, 11:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ Sep 18 2007, 07:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When wanting to travel to the States go to the top of the ladder, My visa was denied, I was given a I-601 and 212, I have a criminal record plus and wanted to go to my fiancée' father's funeral. What I did was I called the Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) office at the point I wanted to enter the States and asked if under my situation I could enter and to my surprise the answer was yes. Had I flown to the States I would have been given a 14 day parole but having gone by bus I was given a 7 day parole. I did have to supply a letter from 1. Employer 2. His doctor 3. Copy of I-601 and a copy of photo and information from passport.
It worked in our situation and still may in yours there is no harm in trying. You are dealing with USCIS to immigrate only, deal directly with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) if travelling with intent to return is your objective.

USCIS is part of DHS, they are one in the same. Entering from Canada is quite different than other countries. The B2 visa is issued through the embassy (State Dept). The OP here still needs to get the visa before he can see if Border Patrol will allow him to enter. It is likely if he can convince the embassy to give the visa and 212d3 waiver, he wouldn't have problems at the border.

I am sorry for the mistake, I thought they were two different entities for the simple reason that 1. the consulate, which I thought was USCIS said denied do a I-601 and 2. the CBP, which I thought to be DHS where 3+ staff said ####### a I-601 for this. But you must be right because all my entry visa's were issued at the POE's
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-18 12:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 Waiver of inadmissability
When wanting to travel to the States go to the top of the ladder, My visa was denied, I was given a I-601 and 212, I have a criminal record plus and wanted to go to my fiancée' father's funeral. What I did was I called the Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) office at the point I wanted to enter the States and asked if under my situation I could enter and to my surprise the answer was yes. Had I flown to the States I would have been given a 14 day parole but having gone by bus I was given a 7 day parole. I did have to supply a letter from 1. Employer 2. His doctor 3. Copy of I-601 and a copy of photo and information from passport.
It worked in our situation and still may in yours there is no harm in trying. You are dealing with USCIS to immigrate only, deal directly with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) if travelling with intent to return is your objective.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-18 07:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)canadian waivers
Thanks I hope so too, sorry you had to pay for something you never needed, that part sux, now try and get a refund, it ain't going to happen. I'm now preparing a package to send to Sharon's Senator. I hope your wait is a short one now.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-10-17 11:34:00