CanadaI just paid a guy $225 to play with my nuts

C.'s medical was today. Yesterday he received his tetanus vaccination.

In Edmonton the doctor's office was nearly empty. It is, however, in a building that is tricky to find if you "can never find a thing in downtown Edmonton anyway", as the office is in a converted house rather than a typical office building.

They were very friendly, and the whole physical, including a cursory eye exam, took about 20 minutes. He had to drive to a couple different places to get the X-rays and the blood work.

They drew four vials of blood, one for hepatitis, one for HIV, one for MMR, and one for varicella.

He'll have the results & the X-ray Tuesday.

The title was C.'s overall opinion of the interview.

I'm paying $250.00 :angry: so for that price the Dr. is going to be a woman :thumbs: :P
P.S. Don't tell Sharon
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-01-12 09:13:00
CanadaGona gota go ta Montreal

You would think it would cut down on costs and time if they just emailed the damn packets to people...

Good luck Ron & Sharon.

Thank you Misa, we did get it last night, and never assume the Government will act logically or in the general publics best interest.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-01-23 09:41:00
CanadaGona gota go ta Montreal

Now just how often can they (Canada Post) screw up? not only with incoming but outgoing mail before they see somethig is wrong. I have too many gripes to go through them all so I will deal only with the latest. Since Jan. 4th Montreal has sent 2 correctly addressed Packet 3s to me, the address was confirmed on Jan. 12 over the phone after the second packet was returned to them. On the 12th of Jan. they were given a different address to use and after having it read back and confirming its correctness, the packet was to be posted on the next day, that was 8 days ago for a total of 17 days since the first one was sent.
Even thought having the packet wouldn't in my mind speed up the process as there is still work to be done it would still be nice to have it here to confirm we are going in the right direction through this maze.
One other thing is that just maybe the packet wasn't sent at all and the answers were just to satisfy my inquiries even though there were only two.

It sucks but I'm just bitchin, not yet time to scream, yell and shout and start pulling hair out.

I sure hope everyone else is having a better time getting all their correspondence in due time.


i've been in the same situation, first time they sent packet 3 to me was nov. 29th, i never recieved it... second time, january 5th, never recieved it... both time they sent it it was at the right address.. so as i live just a few blocks from the consulate, i picked it up ...

Sorry to here it was done to you also, but I am glad that you were close enough to be able to walk over and get it without too much delay. I hope you have everything completed and a date that is in the very near future. Thank you for your response it helps to know that it can be picked up if all else fails.
They sent mine on the same day (Jan.4th), that Sharon recieved a letter and I an e-mail stating that it would be sent shortly, on the 12th I called to find out if it was sent and they said twice an asked for a different address so I gave them one and verified they had it right and they did, the previous address was also correct. I do tend to put the blame on Canada Post since for an example Sharon got her Christmas card on Jan. 19th which is over a month late.
I'm calling the Consulte later this after noon to see if I can get the packet from the Embassy here in Ottawa if not a trip to Montreal will be in my future.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-01-22 06:54:00
CanadaGona gota go ta Montreal
Now just how often can they (Canada Post) screw up? not only with incoming but outgoing mail before they see somethig is wrong. I have too many gripes to go through them all so I will deal only with the latest. Since Jan. 4th Montreal has sent 2 correctly addressed Packet 3s to me, the address was confirmed on Jan. 12 over the phone after the second packet was returned to them. On the 12th of Jan. they were given a different address to use and after having it read back and confirming its correctness, the packet was to be posted on the next day, that was 8 days ago for a total of 17 days since the first one was sent.
Even thought having the packet wouldn't in my mind speed up the process as there is still work to be done it would still be nice to have it here to confirm we are going in the right direction through this maze.
One other thing is that just maybe the packet wasn't sent at all and the answers were just to satisfy my inquiries even though there were only two.

It sucks but I'm just bitchin, not yet time to scream, yell and shout and start pulling hair out.

I sure hope everyone else is having a better time getting all their correspondence in due time.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-01-21 13:43:00
Canada(Vacinations) Here a titers there a titers everywhere a titers titers
For those of you trying to quite and are finding it hard, I found that a brand called Native American are about as close to canadian cigarettes as you can getTaste and smell wise. Sharon prefered that I smoked them if I was to smoke to any of the other American cigarettes, they are a primium brand at just over $4.00 for a pack of 20, they supposedly have no additives and are all natural. What I found surprising is that smoking them I reduced my smoking by over half smoking 10 per day rather than the usual pack of 25 canadian I brought with me.
The best thing is to not smoke at all you can never tell when smoking will affect you, I have been lucky and am only in the past year felt the effects of the narrowing of the veins and to be honest it is not something that is enjoyable but rather restictive in certain functions.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-01-29 08:25:00
Canada(Vacinations) Here a titers there a titers everywhere a titers titers
Thanks to KitKat1's list

Tetanus and diptheria toxoids
Influenza type B
Hepatitis B

I went to see my Doc and she gave me the MMR said there was no harm having it done again since there is no record of my having itin the first place, also got the Influenza short a week to late to do any good but at least it will look good on paper. The Td is still good for another 6 years contrary to the previously stated 1993 for the last shot. Blood was drawn and sent to the lab will get the results in about two weeks to see if other shots will be required. As for the varicella there is no denying I have had that since 2 years ago I got shigles and you can't get shingle unless you have had chicken pox, now I'm wondering if I will need a shot for the varicella in order to not get shingles again.
On the down side for those of you who smoke this is a good time to think of quiting, myself after 50 years of smoking my viens have shrunk to the point of having to take the almighty asa daily to reduce chances of clotting and further complications. Not only have the viens shrunk but either a vien or artery in the abdomen is abnormally large and now I am scheduled for ultrasound. Doctors re such wonderful people aren't they, you feel like a teenager going to their office and a senior citizen when you leave.

God bless you all and hope everything is working well for you
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-01-28 11:00:00
Canada(Vacinations) Here a titers there a titers everywhere a titers titers
Hi Stay33

Mercy has a good point in having the titers done before the medical, otherwise you will have to pay for them and all requied shots, the clinc here I am going said everything was covered by OHIP in Ontario, I don't know if your provincial coverage would cover your though, no harm in asking.
I hope ll goes well and quickly for you at the medical.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-01-13 13:46:00
Canada(Vacinations) Here a titers there a titers everywhere a titers titers
Hi Mercy,
Thanks for replying. I am under 65, just barely for the moment. I have a printout of that list you attached but it seems to be short or just the basic and enough to get through the system, I'm hoping to get everything needed so nothing is required once get to the States. Why should we pay for the doctor's filet mignon down there we can have everything done here and eat filet mignon ourselves.
I have the time, I'm waiting for the RCMP and German certificates, I hope to get the packet 3 early next week since this is thier third try at getting it to me.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-01-13 13:28:00
Canada(Vacinations) Here a titers there a titers everywhere a titers titers
Thank you for the list, I will present it to the doctor so she can have the proper tests done. I rather have everything done here, if there is a cost I am sure that it will be much less as the medical insurance here will cover most of what would be out of pocket in the States, it is bad enough that $250.00 has to be spent for something (medical exam)that is done without cost here.


Thank you also, I knew that the tetanus had a ten year lifespan, and one would be required, I'm sure that HIV is a big one that even I would be glad to hear was negative. I wasn't sure about what the supplements were that others where writing about and I do want to get everything possible done here. The list that Kitkat has posted is along the lines of what I was looking for and if anyone has anything other to add it would appreciated and welcome.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-01-13 12:22:00
Canada(Vacinations) Here a titers there a titers everywhere a titers titers
Called the doc to find out what shots I had on record and guess what I have one a tetanus that was given 1993 and now I have to do a titers or a series of titers to find out what shots are going to be needed.
I have read that some here needed supplemental shots in the States so my question is, where those supplemental shots beyond what is listed: Tetanus Diptheria, Mumps, Measles, German Measles (Rubella), Chickenpox (Varicella), Hepatitis B, and Influenza?
According to the UK Vaccination Chart all I need because of my age would be the Tetanus Diptheria, Varicella and Influenza shots.
Reading further I see that being born before 1956 I don't need proof of the MMR
Well I am hoping that the titers will prove that all that is needed is the Td booster, I am glad that the docs office said all short are covered by OHIP.


P.S. Any over 60 Canucks remember what vaciations they were required to have.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-01-13 11:20:00
CanadaConfirming what Immunization Records I need.
Well thanks kitkat1 and her list which she posted for me a short time ago, I have had the MMR and influenza shots, the Tetnus and Diptheria aren't necessary this time around I'm good for another 6 years. The doc said that many would not be necessary because of my age, but I told her if there is no record of it and it doesn't show in the titre I want it. Last thing I want to have done is a medical in the States and being told you need this and this and that. Of all the shots listed in kitkat1's list only one is not covered by OHIP.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-02-03 11:48:00
CanadaPolice certificate from another country
I got one from Germany a short time ago and had it sent to me because of the need for translation, I would think that you would also need your document translated unless they sent already in English. On my application for the certificate of good conduct I had the option of where the certificate should be sent.

Misa is spot on and you're better doing as Misa suggests it doesn't hurt and you can't go wrong. When in doubt ask for a second opinion.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-03-09 08:14:00
Canadapolice check
I called the corp this morning wanting to get the contact they and was told by the receptionist that the Commissionaires in Ottawa no longer do background checks which I think is not right and she was misinformed. All I can suggest right now is that you contact them by dialing 613-231-6462 and then extension 602 which will bring you to the security clearance administrator.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-03-12 08:19:00
Canadapolice check
Here in ottawa the Commissionaires are at 24 Colonnade Road thier phone # is 613-231-6462 if you can wait until Monday I can get you a name and extension to call for information re: Police/Background check.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-03-09 18:31:00
The RCMP Suck, I sent an e-mail last Tuesday and got an answer back on Sunday the following was their reply.

Mr. ??????:
Your request for the verification of a criminal record for VISA purposes refers.

Your request was entered into our database on: 2007-02-18

The processing time is currently one hundred and twenty (120) days from receipt of an application. Note that processing time can vary due to incoming workloads
CFSS processes more than 15,000 criminal record searches each month.
You may wish to visit our Internet Website at: for a complete overview of our service.
Thank you
Civil Fingerprint Screening Services

NOTE: We are currently receiving a high volume of e-mail, therefore there may be delays in receiving a response. We apologize for any inconvenience.
NOTA: Cette adresse courriel reçoit actuellement un volume très élevé de correspondance. Nous nous excusons pour les inconvenients.

What really sucks is that I sent the application a full month before they entered it into their system, so now instead of being half way through the process we are just over the 20 day mark with 100 more to go.

If they count every weekdayand weekend day as a work day we will have news by June 20 at the latest, the 120th day, if they count Monday to Friday as work days we are looking at August 3 at the latest as the 120th day.
I am hoping that because we got the e-mail on Sunday that they are working 24/7 and will have our reply by June.
If they take until August that will place us beyond the 4 month extension and right back at day one with a twist, Sharon would be moving here.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-03-12 10:55:00
Thank you everyone for the comments and suggestion. Now I’m going to dissect what has been sent so to answer everyone without too much repetition.


Yes I did mention it a while ago. It was better to go with the fingerprints since I said yes to having a criminal record in the bio that I have already sent in, no use saying yes and not do the right thing by getting the proper documentation and having problems later on during the interview. There was not one iota of disrespect in what you wrote and clarification was needed so all could see that what I did was out of necessity and not a mistake on my part. I am also optimistic, cautiously optimistic though.


I don’t really know why it is taking so long, maybe it is because of the new passport ruling and the multitude of applications, that is if the RCMP are involved in that process at all. I’m glad tat were able to get your quickly, and I hope mine will be here soon. I did send the money order with the application. The funny thing is I got the certificate of good conduct from Germany in a matter of a few days.

Than you Autumnchik,

I hope I don’t have to wait the extra 5 months that would place me well beyond the final due date and therefore in a position of either bringing Sharon here to live or starting all over again from square one. As for the Commissionaires I am one of them and have been for 17 years and have gone through the system with them, they are the one’s that got me my pardon. I have a security and have been working for a Federal Deputy Minister for the past 16 years, I did ask them for what ever they had found out during the security clearance and pardon process and was told it was all destroyed once the pardon was received I don’t know how they work, I thought thy also had to use the RCMP and their function was only preparing the document that needed to be sent. I have contacted the court and was told that the documents were no longer available, all I could get was the court date, docket number and other info but was told that other documentation wasn’t available even to them, my guess is that it is now sealed because of the pardon.


Like I said above I am a Commissionaire so I’m thinking I went through everything I am going right that I did many years ago. As for the Commissionaires being quicker I can’t say because I don’t know if they are in fact offering the same service.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-03-08 15:06:00
Hi Flames9, thanks for replying.
I've been waiting for over 2 months now, when I sent in the paperwork I also included a a note, a long one asking that the process be expedited stating it was required before April as the NOA 2 (I-797) is valid to April 7th. The one good thing is there is the 4 month extension to fall back on if needed.

Carla, thank you also for your reply.
The sad thing is I was once stupid and got caught driving without a licence in 1971, and got a suspended sentence that is 35 years ago, and I got a pardon almost 20 years ago. As you can see I had to go the fingerprint route.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-03-08 11:17:00
Has anyone else had to go throught the complete finger print search with the RCMP, their site said 120 days in January and now it has gone from that to 120+ days for the results. Poor Sharon has been planning and planning for a spring wedding since we started the process and now we are looking at a fall wedding at the very earliest since I have about 2 more months of waiting for the certificate and then another few months sitting in Montreal. I e-mailed them (RCMP) on Monday requesting and update but still no reply from them.

After all that the question is: has anyone heard of anyone else who went through the fingerprint thing and how long it may have taken them.

Thanks Everyone
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-03-08 10:12:00
CanadaPolice Certificate
I recieved this on Sunday March 11, 2007 after a request made on March 6th

Your request for the verification of a criminal record for VISA purposes refers.
Your request was entered into our database on: 2007-02-18

The processing time is currently one hundred and twenty (120) days from receipt of an application. Note that processing time can vary due to incoming workloads
CFSS processes more than 15,000 criminal record searches each month.
You may wish to visit our Internet Website at: for a complete overview of our service.
Thank you
Civil Fingerprint Screening Services

NOTE: We are currently receiving a high volume of e-mail, therefore there may be delays in receiving a response. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-03-12 11:12:00
CanadaPacket 3: divorce decree *and* marriage certificate?
Below is the entire checklist I received from Montreal, this is not the complete package only the checklist as the package contains 10 pages and some double sided. In Montreal the Marriage certificate IS NOT required.

I hope this helps you out a bit.

Consulate General of the
United States of America
P.O. Box 65, Station Desjardin
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H5B 1G1

PLEASE REFER TO THIS NUMBER:____________________________________________

Dear Visa Applicant:

We have received from the United States Citizenship and Immigrations Service a petition granting you status as a fiancé(e) under the provisions of section 101(a)(15)(K) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The petition includes the following child/children:

To continue the process of your case, please follow these instructions:

A. STEP ONE. Please complete and return immediately to this office the enclosed Form DS- 230 Part 1, Application for immigrant Visa and Alien Registration and the Form DS-156 in duplicate. All Forms DS-156 are required to be completed in an electronically-completed format, available through the Internet. Hand written DS-156s will not be accepted. You can complete your forms DS-156 on line at in either French or English. Please print out two copies of the entire form, including the bar code on page 3, and send them to this office. This new electronic format does not apply to Form DS-230. Complete the single copy of the Form DS-156K, Nonimmigrant Fiancé(e) Visa Application.

B. STEP TWO. Please obtain each document listed below. Check off the box next to each document as you obtain it and sign the checklist when you have obtained all of them. Then, return only the signed checklist back to us. Please make at least one photocopy of each of your original documents to bring to the interview.

NOTE ON ACCEPTABLE DOCUMENTS: Documents must bear the seal of the issuing office. We will accept a photocopy, but only if the original document with a seal is also presented for inspection. If you are unsure whether a document meets the requirements listed below, please consult the Department of State’s Reciprocity and Country Document Finder online at

NOTE ON TRANSLATION: All documents not in English must be accompanied by a certified translations into English. Translations must be certified by a competent translator and sworn to by him before a Notary.

NOTES ON COPIES: Please note that these same documents will also be necessary to complete your immigration visa application once the I-130 Petition for Alien Relative filed by your spouse has been approved and transmitted to the National Visa Centre. Therefore, we recommend that you obtain extra copies of all civil document listed below. Doing so will save you the effort of having to get a second set of all these documents for your immigration visa application.

1. PASSPORT: Obtain a valid passport or, if you already have a passport, make certain that it is still valid for at least one year.

2. PHOTOGRAPHS: Five identical photographs, each 2 inches square (50 mm x 50 mm). For photo requirements please see the enclosed letter, Information on photographs for immigrant and K Visa Applicants. Three of these photos will be used for your medical examination.

3. MEDICAL EXAMINATION: Arrange for a medical examination by one of the physicians listed on the enclosed medical instructions. Please note that you must pay for the medical examination. A medical examination is also required for each unmarried minor child who will accompany you to the United States.

4. BIRTH CERTIFICATE: An original civil birth certificate is required. The certificate must show that it is an extract from the official records and must bear the seal of the issuing authority. It must include the date and place of your birth and names of both of your parents.

5. EVIDENCE IN LIEU OF UNOBTAINABLE BIRTH CERTIFICATE: In rare cases, it may be impossible to obtain a birth certificate because records have been destroyed, or the government will not issue one. In such cases, a baptismal certificate may be submitted for consideration provided I contains the date and place of your birth and information concerning parentage, and provided the baptism took place shortly after birth. Should a baptismal certificate be unobtainable, a close relative, preferably your mother, should prepare a notarized statement in duplicate, stating the place and date of your birth, the names of both parents and maiden name of your mother. He statement must be executed before an official authorized to administer oaths or affirmations.

6. POLICE CERTIFICATES: Please obtain police certificates from the police authorities of each locality (with the exception of places in the United States), where you have resided for six months or more since the age of 16. A police certificate must also be obtained from the police authorities of any place where you have been arrested for any reason, regardless of how long you lived there. The certificates must cover the entire period of residence in the area. A certificate issues by local police authorities must be of recent date when presented to the consular officer. The term “police certificate” as used in this paragraph, means, certification by the appropriate police authorities stating what their records show concerning the applicant, including any and all arrests, the reason therefore, and the disposition of each case of which there is a record. For further information on obtaining police certificates from around the world, see:

7. COURT AND PRISON RECORDS: Persons who have been convicted of a crime must obtain a certified copy of each court record and of any prison records regardless of whether they may have subsequently benefited from clearance of the record through passage of time, an amnesty, pardon or other act of clemency.

8. Military Records: If you have served in the armed services of any nation, obtain certified copy of you military record.

9. Divorce and Death Certificates: If you or your fiancé(e) was previously married, you are required to present a certified copy of the termination of any prior marriage, for example, a death or a final decree of divorce or annulment. The certificate must show that it is an extract from official records and bear the seal of the issuing authority.

10. Evidence of support: Form I-134, Affidavit of Support, must be completed by the petitioner and notarized.

11. Documents for Accompanying Child/children: Your child/children, if under 21 and unmarried, may also receive a visa, but only if they are included in the petition of your fiancé(e) and listed in the first paragraph of this letter. Each child must have all the documents noted above (except police certificates, if under the age of 16) Evidence of support (see above) must mention each child by name. Children must have their own separate passports. You must show that you have sole custody of any children under age 18 who will be accompanying you to the U.S. Present divorce judgments showing that you have sole custody of accompanying children. If you do not have sole custody, you must obtain a notarized statement from the child(ren)’s other parent stating that they have no objection to the child(ren)’s immigration to the United States


Once we have received and processed the completed Form DS-230, part 1, your Form DS-156 and your document checklist, we will send you an appointment letter with an appointment date and time and further instructions to prepare for your interview day. Processing time for the K-1 visa at this office is estimated at two to four months from receipt of this checklist at our office to the interview date.

On interview day, please be prepared to pay the machine-readable visa fee for Beach applicant. This is currently USD $100.00. It must be paid in cash, n U.S. dollars.

Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to receiving your completed document checklist and to seeing you on your interview day.

Very truly yours,
Consul of the United States

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-02-09 10:37:00
CanadaE-mailed Montreal re: RCMP 120+ days wait
Thank god, flames9 I was about to call Sharon and tell her that she may as well start packing, :no: man, I'm too old for this kind of stress, if I had any hair you would have turned it snow white, the befroe it falls on the ground white.
Still we are keeping all options open.
Flames9, you have maid my day a much better one :thumbs:
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-03-20 16:22:00
CanadaE-mailed Montreal re: RCMP 120+ days wait
flames9, I will take the bottom of the list if necessary if it gets me to Kansas without going through the while process again. If it is necessary to start over we have another option open to us, Sharon could come here, the only thing that really matters is that we are together the where is of no consequence and never was.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-03-20 13:54:00
CanadaE-mailed Montreal re: RCMP 120+ days wait
Thank you both for the replies,
Mo. I think it is about time the list was sent in even though I would have prefered to have everything in my hands except the police report which will be here in its own time.
CutienPurg, you were right on the money with your reply. My concern is that we have with the extension until August 7 with no further extensions avaiable and I was wondering if they had everything they asked for would an over run past August 7 would be available is necessary.

P.S. the list will be mailed out shortly.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-03-20 13:47:00
CanadaE-mailed Montreal re: RCMP 120+ days wait
Isn't this a bit strange? I sent an e-mail to Montreal with the following:

I have requested an update on my request for a criminal background check with the RCMP, and I received a reply stating that my request was entered I their system on February 18, 2007, and it will take 120 plus days to process my request. The 120 plus days could run from May 20th to July 20th depending on whether they count 5 or 7 days as workdays. Our visa process is valid until April 7th, with the 4-month extension permitted by the consulate I would have until the 7th of August to have everything finalized and I was wondering:

1. Does the interview have to be done on or before the 7th of August deadline?

2. Could the checklist be sent to the consulate before the RCMP documentation is in my hands and check it as having been received?

3. I have a letter from the court where I was arraigned is it necessary to also have a statement from the arresting police force also which was a RCMP detachment?

For number 1 there was no reply.
For number 2 there was no reply, but I do know that the answer is yes.

For number 3 there was no answer, the answer should have been yes as per packet 3.

Below is the reply I received from them.

I have entered you as having all docs recd; the police certificate does not have to be taken with fingerprints unless you have had problems with the law.

I find that someone took the initiative and jumped the gun without all the facts by assuming I have everything in hand when in fact I don't as yet. I will be getting the documents from Sharon in a few days they are not here with me.

I am left wondering if what they did is what is done when the checklist is sent to them. Should I at this point consider myself as checked in (having sent the checklist) and waiting for a interview date.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-03-20 12:14:00
CanadaOttawa medicals?
Is that $310.00 USD or Canadian the last I heard was $250.00 USD for the examination. Right now the $250.00 USD is $289.93 CAD
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-03-23 11:18:00
CanadaNVC - Packet 3
If you check the timelines uner my timeline you should see everything that other have filled out and that should give you a good idea of about when you should get yours. Mine is as follows:
Date received at NVC 2006-12-26
Date sent to Montreal 2006-12-28
Date received at Montreal 2006-12-30
Date I received packet 3 2007-01-22
Date I returned packet 3 2007-04-16
The long period between receiving and returning packe 3 is I did the fingerprint version for the RCMP certificate.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-04-16 16:25:00
CanadaAnother question (about mail)
Hi Lynette, I have been followng your progress and I hope that you and Ed are together very soon, it has already been too much of a wait. You will be in the States a long time before I reach there I'm looking at some time aruond Augustsince I had few hang-ups specially with the RCMP I only received the certificate back this month, but we are now in the system waiting for our number to be picked. It seem like the longer in the system the less we get stressed, we just keep counting the days gone bye.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-04-21 10:36:00
CanadaAnother question (about mail)
The package should be about 11 pages thick, it arrived in a 8.5x11 envelope. there is no need for the post office to not deliver it to your address as it will fit in your mail box easily. The consulate does at time tell you stories such as it is in the mail when in fact it is sitting in their mailroom. Call them and make sure they have the right address. It took two attempts in December to get mine to me the third attempt was in January and it was the successful one, I'm assuming that the first two were just vocal attempts to keep me happy and not factual in the envelope attempts.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-04-21 08:50:00
CanadaAPPROVED IN MONTREAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am glad, and very happy for both of you, congratulations
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-04-18 11:57:00
CanadaPacket 3!! And a question
I know that you were quite busy, and I understand how things can get. I am glad the you got you owns and now you can get to working on the final stages before going for the interview. Read everything very carefully.
Again congratulations

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-04-25 07:45:00
CanadaPacket 3!! And a question
Congratulations Melytha, I'm glad you have finally got it, I won't be waiting for your call now that your well on your way to the finish line.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-04-24 07:16:00
CanadaMore questions... passport photos
I'll probably get a letter back because I used the regular passport photos. When I sent my documents to the consulate I sent the photos in a photo holder so they could do with them as they pleased. According to what you read here some have sent them and others have brought them to the interview.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-04-25 07:24:00
CanadaQuestion for ErikaB and others
You have too many other things to get done without worrying about what is not in your control.
I'm hoping that when I have my exam done the doc knows how to read the x-rays since i had a ultra sound done two weeks age and I have a benign cyst on each kidney which needs to be re-check in a year or two.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-05-07 12:13:00
CanadaQuestion for ErikaB and others
Melytha, if curiosity got you why not go see your family doctor and have him/her do everything the other one did, being an Ontario resident it is free. Just make sure they know you want a copy of all the results before they start, their answer may be no also.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-05-07 11:56:00
Hi Earmuffs, I had to go through the fingerprint process with the RCMP and they do take a long time, I think it took me close to 79 days regardless of their saying 4 to 6 months. The reason I am writing is that even thought I said on the forms that I had a record the RCMP said I didn’t have one and the reason for that was I got a pardon 10 years ago.

You say you have a record; did you get a pardon for your charge? If you did you may want to call the Consulate and see if you can get by with a copy of the pardon and name check only.

The following is the name of a person that may be able to help you get a copy of your pardon if you have one as I was told by the consulate that since I was convicted of an offence and it was pardoned I would need a copy of the pardon also.

Jan Cleary
Clemency and Pardons Division
National Parole Board
410 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON K1A 0R1
The above will supply you with your file number if you don’t know it.

I would say forget about having to start over, get in touch with the Consulate and tell them that getting the background certificate is taking a long time and they should give you the extension required as they do receive updates from the RCMP regarding the time required to process requests.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-05-21 12:40:00
CanadaMORE questions....
I think that for you a photo id such as your drivers licence and something to back it up may be enough. If you think for them remember that your id (name) can be matched with what is on NOA-1 or 2, I think the ID and Noa shoul be sufficient.

Edited by Ron/Sharon, 01 June 2007 - 08:19 AM.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-06-01 08:16:00
Canada24 Signs You Might Be Canadian
You got to be a real old Canadian to remember John Conway's Uncle Chichimus & Hollyhock 1953 and the Americans Show Howdy Doody 1947 to 1960
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-05-29 07:08:00
CanadaWhy did you choose the US?
For the time being the States is the place to be for us, Sharon's parents are in thier 80s and 90s so I didn't want to take her too far from them and her children. I have only one daughter here who was asked to come to the states to be with us but she refused for her own reasons.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-05-30 16:41:00
CanadaDid you get yours? I got mine!
Headlines in the Ottawa Sun this morning" Ottawa couple winners of $30 million. I didn't ready the article so I can't say when or in which lottery they won. The prize for tonight is still at $37 million. Hey I wouldn't mind sharing with a few others, a million or 2 would be fine by me
All the best to everyone that has theri ticket for tonight.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-06-09 10:21:00
CanadaExpiration of NOA-2
Thanks Misa
I never thought of looking at what Cutienpurg has put together for us even though it is one of the places I visit regularly. You are right it was good for only 4 months, ours expired 44 days ago

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-05-21 13:30:00