CanadaDue to I-601 are the following required
QUOTE (WaitinToGoHome @ Aug 20 2007, 04:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If the old background check has expired, you will need a new one. If you go through the Commissionaires, they now do digital finger print-back ground checks. They send it to the RCMP and it will be mailed back to you in 2-3 weeks (maybe sooner). I think it only costs $35. Make sure you save yourself and look into this.

Thanks WaitinToGoHome, I think I will go with the name check next time since they have the RCMP one that goes back to the beginning of time, I think all I would need is a check for the past few months if that is possible.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-20 16:55:00
CanadaDue to I-601 are the following required

The normal background name check is quick!! Not sure why that took you soo long!! some get it the same day, some in a few days

Thank you again Flames9, I had to do the RCMP check and not the name check the first time because of past criminal charges which are the cause of the I-601, that documentation is now on file with the consulate, so I am sure that the next time a name check will be adequate as it will be to cover from the time the last full check was done.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-17 10:30:00
CanadaDue to I-601 are the following required

For the RCMp is that for finger printing as well?? Because isnt there a faster way to get fingerprints now?? through the Commisionaires?

Thank you Flames9, I will have to call and see if the shorter version of the background check would suffice since they have the RCMP fingerprint check on file, the next check would be for the time from the original check (March) to the then present time (?), which would or should be less than a year. If I need the name check only I will go through the Commissionaires.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-17 10:09:00
CanadaDue to I-601 are the following required

Due to the time that will be needed to do the I-601 both may have expired, will it be necessary to have both done again as at least one the medical will be needed for the AOS in perhaps mid 2008 if everything goes well. I am sure that it will be now that I have written this out and I don't like it very much since it will be an added expense which seems to be growing daily.
I-601 = $545.00 u.s.
Medical = $310.00 cdn plus aprox. 2 months of waiting.
RCMP = $85.00 cdn aprox. plus X months of waiting.
New trip to Montreal $150.00 cdn + $100.00 u.s.

I just needed to write this out for my own peace of mind since it is obvious that the above is necessary. Thanks

Hi Ron and sharon , hope you guys doin ok
I have a question cant you use the same medical you just had for the interview ? ( cose 310 is expensive I paid 210 for mine in MTL , maybe you can hold off redoing the medical maybe theyr able to clear you with the one you just had ? I understand the medical is good for 1 year , but I think you will get this aproved before since they seen your medical came back clean and so was your police certificate , would sure save you lots of headach and some cash I hope you wont need to do them again , Lona

Hi Lona, thanks for the reply. We are holding on since we have more issues to deal with than just this one, it seems like Sharon's world is crumbling around her and all I can do is listen and offer her whatever support I can.
My medical was done in June and because of the way things are going right now it may take months before we have the hardship letter completed along with the necessary documentation. I am sure that when I do get approved I will have but a few months left before the medical expires and since the Criminal check was dated March that leave about 6 months before that expires and not having gone through this process before I don't know if the criminal check is required further down the process line, I do believe that the medical is required for the AOS and since I don't presently see me being there before 2008 the validity of the medical will either be close to an expiration date or will have just expired.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-17 10:07:00
CanadaDue to I-601 are the following required
Due to the time that will be needed to do the I-601 both may have expired, will it be necessary to have both done again as at least one the medical will be needed for the AOS in perhaps mid 2008 if everything goes well. I am sure that it will be now that I have written this out and I don't like it very much since it will be an added expense which seems to be growing daily.
I-601 = $545.00 u.s.
Medical = $310.00 cdn plus aprox. 2 months of waiting.
RCMP = $85.00 cdn aprox. plus X months of waiting.
New trip to Montreal $150.00 cdn + $100.00 u.s.

I just needed to write this out for my own peace of mind since it is obvious that the above is necessary. Thanks
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-17 08:00:00
CanadaNeed assistance from anyone who has received Packet three recently
QUOTE (Lyric @ Aug 21 2007, 07:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, wait a second. I got ahead of myself. Maybe it said this on my fiance's original letter...I'll have to check, but on step one where it's talking about the DS-156 form. It says to fill out two copies and send them in to the office. I thought the DS-230 Part 1 was the only form that had to be sent in and that the DS-156 and DS-156K were to be taken unsigned to the interview. Am I completely wrong about this?? unsure.gif I'm totally confused right now.

I'm still having communication troubles with my fiance. His internet still isn't up so I'm unable to check with him about this right now. sigh. I am so stressed.

The DS-156 is to be filled in duplicate, signed and sent to the consulate, it is the DS-156K that is not signed and brought to the interview
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-21 07:01:00
CanadaDeath in the family
I am sorry that you lost someone so young and dear to you being your brother in law. I wish you all the strength needed to support youself and your wife right now, I hope you can get the AP very soon so you both can be there with family. You are in our prayers
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-16 16:36:00
CanadaA little later than promised... my experience in Montreal!

I am happy that you had a good trip and experience at the consulate, mine was very much like yours, it would seem that you met Debbie, the lady that put everything together with you. She is one consular official I will never forget because of a notation she made in my file. Can I ask you a question? Do you think that alcohol could be smelled off a persons breath on the other side of that window. Debbie said she could when I was there, she must have one good nose to smell back that many years. The second person I saw was a younger male about early to mid 30s.

Ron, are you saying that the consular officer actually said she could smell alcolhol on your breath?!!!!! Unbelievable. I'd be fuming.

It was noted in my file by Debbie, I only found out after the doctor called the consulate with a what's up question this week regarding her examination.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-17 12:49:00
CanadaA little later than promised... my experience in Montreal!

Amy forgot to ask. My letter also says something about buying the envelope there. Did they offer you that option?

If you don't have the envelope they will give you a pass to get back in and then will send you to the pharmacy near the consulate to get one.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-17 12:44:00
CanadaA little later than promised... my experience in Montreal!
I am happy that you had a good trip and experience at the consulate, mine was very much like yours, it would seem that you met Debbie, the lady that put everything together with you. She is one consular official I will never forget because of a notation she made in my file. Can I ask you a question? Do you think that alcohol could be smelled off a persons breath on the other side of that window. Debbie said she could when I was there, she must have one good nose to smell back that many years. The second person I saw was a younger male about early to mid 30s.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-17 07:27:00
CanadaA well deserved kudos...
Lena, good thing you're almost 4000 Km away, I'm too old and too tired run from you.

Dammed it, you folks are going to make me cry again. Thank you each and everyone, and you Lena for the wonderful words and for thinking this way about us, we are only trying to do what we can and offer to others what is also available us, we are only trying to return what was, is now and will be given to us as our travels continue. For me the best way to heal and move forward is to help in a small way others to move forward also, you may not know this but each step you take brings us closer to the end of our own journey also.
I have prayed that Sharon and Alan / Pam and Réjean would get their visas before me because they waited for so long and they did thank god. I also prayed that other after me get their visas before I did and guess what god listened, we are have been put on hold and others are now getting dates that will have them soon get their visas and be with the loves of their lives. When you and others say we have our visa it fills my heart with more happiness than you can understand.

Sharon and I have trials to go through right now and when god decides for us to be a couple we will, everything has its time and its place we will patiently await our time and place and while doing so we will be here with heart felt congratulations, the odd push and shove and any other emotion that is stirred up in us by the posts we read.
This is not about Sharon and I but about the enter family here that has adopted each other and us helped us every step of the way.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-24 09:29:00
QUOTE (Alan & Sharon @ Aug 23 2007, 07:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey all,

Yesterday, wait the day before was the bus ride from hell. Not only did all the buses depart late, LLOOLLLL instead of two transfers, I ended up having 5. I left 8 pm Tuesday, got in NC at midnight thursday, No sleep Not much food to think about, but there was my Alan. He brought me to a restuarant, I pigged out, then we drove HOME. smile.gif I hadn't seen my puppy for 2 years, she about knocked me down. I never knew she had such a wet fast and furious tongue helpsmilie.gif Alan had candles all over the bathroom in preperation for my what was supposed to be early arrival i was 5 hrs. late.. ... but the thought was there, i jumped in a hot steamy bath, then everything hit me.... THIS IS IT........ IM HOME.

I crawled into my comfortable bed, a far cry from the YMCA YWCA tiny bed, then dropped into a restless sleep. So much to be done yet. After 5 hrs. sleep the long days before hit my body, but i never felt so good a pain before. smile.gif I opened my vsa seen that stamp stating one entry... So much more to do.

smile.gif I do have to thank all of you for the support expecially when I was at my lowest. For those of you who feel like giving up, Don't. You will never feel the peace of mind I did when at customs the nice young man *who had turned me away from the border 2 yrs ago* smiled at me and said, "Congratulations, I hope you have a wonderful life and welcome to the USOFA."

All this is worth it and some.

I did have to laugh when the min I told Alan my visa came in, he said, "holy #######, I have to clean"

Again, Thank you all, expecially PresGirl, Lance, Ron and Sharon and ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so many

Kisses Sharon and Alan kicking.gif kicking.gif

Sharon, I don't know if you ever made a man cry before, I am right now after reading what you wrote actually the first paragraph is the one that got everything flowing. You will never know how good it feels here to know tha you are now home, in your home and away from the Y.
heart.gif rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif for You and Alan
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-23 06:59:00
CanadaSuites or Adjoining Rooms
QUOTE (Misty1979 @ Aug 25 2007, 06:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aw c'mon guys, he's just being a gentleman and making sure the 15 year old is comfortable and has a nice big bed to himself, nothing wrong with that innocent.gif

I knew they are doing what anyone else would do, the right thing. I'm glad everything is turning out for you and you got a suite. Enjoy the trip to Montreal
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-27 06:28:00
CanadaSuites or Adjoining Rooms
Like you didn't already do that devil.gif
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-25 16:49:00
CanadaSuites or Adjoining Rooms
QUOTE (Udella&Wiz @ Aug 24 2007, 02:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does any one know if the hotel across from the Consulate in Montreal has suites or adjoining room? (A door between the two rooms) If not, has anyone stayed at a suite in the area that would have a sleeper sofa in it. We have a 15 year old that is going with us and I know she doesn't want to stay in the same room. smile.gif Come to think of it, we don't want to stay in the same room with her either. whistling.gif


Why not place a blanket and pillow in the bathtub for her and close the door devil.gif
Sorry it was just a thought, Seriously, I can't help you I didn't use any of the hotels there, I got to Montreal at 5 am and left right after the interview.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-24 16:08:00
CanadaNeed some hugs
Lenina, you have been here a while now ,and spent most of your time helping others with with your words of wisdom and support. If this was someone else what would you tell them to do. you do know that your fears are unfounded, check the list of people going through and see how many have been denied on that list, I'm sure that you will see that only one couple was and that was Sharon and i and they had a valid reason a bit exagerated reason but still by law a valid one. All I will say is, you should try and be happy right now so you can look at them and simle as they and you interact with each other. the thing that is funny is that once it is over and you walk out you will say god that was so easy, what was I afraid of. I wish you knew what I knew, you would feel so much better. Now that I know what goes on there my next appointment there will be totally relaxed. Just know that you are liked, loved and very much appreciated here, and we will all be very damned happy for you when you come back and post your review telling us that you were worried for nothing at all.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-30 19:35:00
Honestly I was worried about you folks, I am very glad that everything went well and you are done this part. Congratulations and all the best in future processes may they go as well as this one has.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-06 06:43:00
Canada$65.00 to step on U.S. Soil
QUOTE (Caladan @ Sep 13 2007, 10:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ron, you have only my respect because you haven't said 'screw it' and just stayed in the U.S.

Hi Caladan, I totally agree that offense such as mine should not be considered for denial if older than the adjudicator.
Thank you very much for the above you wrote, and I wouldn't say screw-it and just stay there, We are trying to do everything asked of us to make everything legal in every way their manual dictates. One day if the process continues to expand we will break as an elastic band would. When that day arrives we will take the alternative option available to us.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-17 12:23:00
Canada$65.00 to step on U.S. Soil
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Sep 11 2007, 11:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Absolutely incredible, Ron. Safe journey and I am glad you will be able to be with Sharon at this time. Good luck.

Thank you Kathryn and everyone else from both Sharon and I.
The trip was not the best I ever had, in Toronto crossing the street from inbound to out bound buss I ended flat on my face, I strained both wrists and ankles and thought for sure I broke my big toe on my left foot, everything swelled up and as you would thing it hurt like heII. Right now the swelling gone for the most part, the left foot is discolored, the toe can move a bit but because the calf on the left leg hurts and is still quite swollen still walking is very difficult an I have to use a cane right now to get around. None of the above would have stopped me from being here as this is where I was suppoed to be to support Sharon the best I could do. Leaving here will not be an easy thing to do and we can't prepare in any way for that time.
I will try and catch up with everything once I get back home
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-12 21:10:00
Canada$65.00 to step on U.S. Soil
QUOTE (new orleans bound @ Sep 11 2007, 03:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ Sep 6 2007, 09:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kitkat1 @ Sep 6 2007, 07:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Look on the bright side -- at least you have an option to even enter the US without a waiver having been approved. The majority of people who have to file waivers definitely do not have this option and are forced to remain outside the US (and usually separated from their SO for a long, long time).

With a somewhat valid reason and the right documentation things can happen, but only if you try and make it happen. This will be my last entry into the States for a while, but that doesn't stop Sharon from coming here to visit.

Ron, how did you find out about this waiver program. Can yo direct me to the site. I'm praying like crazy I can get something that would allow me to attend a family members wedding. I know it's different in your situation with Sharon's father passing away-my condolences to you both.

I think I got the idea from reading here on VJ. What I did is I went to the airport here and asked if it were possible that I enter the U.S. being under a I-601 and to make a long story short they said yes once I presented copies of all the docs that were prepared for Montreal plus the doc that stated the reason for the K1 denial. Since the flight was too expensive I decided to take the bus. Taking the bus required that I contact the POE for me that was Buffalo NY, the airport said I would be able to have a 14 day parole, the POE at Buffalo would only allow 7 days. Well I left at 2:15 Friday and arrive here around 9:30 Sunday evening the funeral was Monday morning and a memorial was on Tuesday. Right now I should be on the buss going back to Ottawa but am delaying that tomorrow or Friday.
P.S. The Buffalo parole was to be given on the 7th but was in fact given at 12:45 on the 8th yet the issuing date remained the 7th. I left Toronto at 8 p.m. got to the border around 10 p.m. but was delayed at the border until 3 a.m. because nothing was prepared in advance. P.S.S. The POE personnel were suprised that we were given a I-601
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-12 20:03:00
Canada$65.00 to step on U.S. Soil
QUOTE (kitkat1 @ Sep 6 2007, 07:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Look on the bright side -- at least you have an option to even enter the US without a waiver having been approved. The majority of people who have to file waivers definitely do not have this option and are forced to remain outside the US (and usually separated from their SO for a long, long time).

With a somewhat valid reason and the right documentation things can happen, but only if you try and make it happen. This will be my last entry into the States for a while, but that doesn't stop Sharon from coming here to visit.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-06 19:56:00
Canada$65.00 to step on U.S. Soil
QUOTE (Caladan @ Sep 6 2007, 07:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ Sep 6 2007, 06:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not wanting to give more ammunition than necessary to the other side I did what I thought was right to protect myself from further problems in the future. I called the CBP at Buffalo NY and asked for a waiver to enter the United States and was asked what is that and after talking with three people we finally figured out it was a parole that I was seeking. Well I got the parole and that is good, the bad part is that it is good for only 7 days and the bad part of that is I have 4 days of travelling 2 to get there and 2 get back. I was to leave today but the buss people screwed up, they said today at 4:30 would be the best for me, wrong, that would have brought me to Detroit and I have to go through Buffalo because the parole is only good at the point it was issued. So now I will be leaving at 2:15 tomorrow for Buffalo to get the parole papers which had I not called again and changed the time I would arrive would most likely have been cancelled. As you read above the cost is $65.00 US for the parole which has to be turned in at the border upon my return or suffer the consequenses. I should have saved more and flown down the CBP at the airport here agreed to give me a parole no cost with a 14 day limit because that is what I would have preferred to have in the first place. the good thing is I will be there on the day I need to be.
If the above doesn't make sense blame it on the massive headache I am present in possession of.

How bizarre. I'm so sorry, Ron. This is just ridiculous; they're so, so worried that you're a dangerous criminal that you have to get a waiver to get a fiance visa, but if you bring a little piece of paper to the POE you can come for a visit.

Do they put down the crack pipe in between drafting regulations or what?

They are just giving me more material for my auto-biography good.gif which will be in three part; pre-consulate, devil.gif consulate laughing.gif and of course post consulate. heart.gif Guess which one will be a comedy of errors. There is no need to be sorry, I’m living this ####### and I can’t help but laugh at some of the things that are going on in my life right now, I’m just too old to give a rats a_s. Do you want to read a good one, when I was charged, I was charged with taking a vehicle with intent to drive. That is here in Canada, at the consulate they had it down at auto theft, and when I went to the CBP they said it was grand theft auto, now I’m afraid to hear what the next U.S. official I meet will say. What really happened is I borrowed a friends car and after the police told him I had had an accident he said I took it without his permission. Because I was offered a suspended sentence I took it, no problem, well at least for 31 years. Here in Canada I am and have been a public servant for the past 17 years with a security clearance equal to many of the consulates employees. So here I am not a criminal and my past because of a pardon is a none issue, but in the U.S.’s eyes I am a criminal ph34r.gif not really a dangerous one but still a criminal that after 32 year of not offending may one day re-offend. To get the paper from the POE (CBP) I had to spend a bit over 2 days negotiating with them and faxing documentation about myself and documented proof from two sources in the States stating that my presence there would be nothing but beneficial to all concerned all the while being on the phone with them. The very first CO person I spoke to at a POE (CBP) said I didn’t have a valid reason for being in the States, I’m glad that other saw differently.
The crack pipe what do they do with it between drafts, well it is to my thinking that it just changes hands.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-06 19:42:00
Canada$65.00 to step on U.S. Soil
Not wanting to give more ammunition than necessary to the other side I did what I thought was right to protect myself from further problems in the future. I called the CBP at Buffalo NY and asked for a waiver to enter the United States and was asked what is that and after talking with three people we finally figured out it was a parole that I was seeking. Well I got the parole and that is good, the bad part is that it is good for only 7 days and the bad part of that is I have 4 days of travelling 2 to get there and 2 get back. I was to leave today but the buss people screwed up, they said today at 4:30 would be the best for me, wrong, that would have brought me to Detroit and I have to go through Buffalo because the parole is only good at the point it was issued. So now I will be leaving at 2:15 tomorrow for Buffalo to get the parole papers which had I not called again and changed the time I would arrive would most likely have been cancelled. As you read above the cost is $65.00 US for the parole which has to be turned in at the border upon my return or suffer the consequenses. I should have saved more and flown down the CBP at the airport here agreed to give me a parole no cost with a 14 day limit because that is what I would have preferred to have in the first place. the good thing is I will be there on the day I need to be.
If the above doesn't make sense blame it on the massive headache I am present in possession of.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-06 17:44:00
CanadaMontreal Interview
I was first off the elevator and in line to get my number but that made no difference because some twenty odd people were ahead of me going in for their interview, that may have been because I had pre-paid at the bank which was not to be done. They may have thought I was a CR and not a K1 because of the pre-payment, The number I was given was C-1, others may be able to confirm this by what the number was they were given. Calling the numbers is done alphabetically starting with A-1
As for lockers at the bus terminal, they do have them and that is the good news, the bad news is that the person that sells the tokens is not there until 7:30 in the morning and only tokens are accepted.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-17 14:11:00
CanadaWhat happens if we're denied?
I think if everyone got a two day notice that would cut back on the stress, no time to worry except for what to pack. That would make life so much easier.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-18 16:15:00
CanadaWhat happens if we're denied?
QUOTE (Tinker @ Sep 18 2007, 04:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ Sep 18 2007, 04:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Go to the MTL timeline to interview and see how many people there were denied, I think you will see only one appealing out of the whole group, that makes your adds better than very good for not getting one. I say plan for a celebration because your on your way to your sweetheart.

Ron, I understand the "adds" but the wording? laughing.gif *hugs*
The appealing will turn into an approved as well good.gif

Done never said I was edumacated
gotta be magic changed an o to an a, now lets see if Chris Angel can do as well.
We are on our way to peace and happiness.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-18 16:10:00
CanadaWhat happens if we're denied?
Go to the MTL timeline to interview and see how many people there were denied, I think you will see only one appealing out of the whole group, that makes your adds better than very good for not getting one. I say plan for a celebration because your on your way to your sweetheart.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-18 15:36:00
CanadaPrepaid cell phones
I have a pre-paid fido from walmart it was about $80.00 I use it daily, when I went to Kansas last week I loaded it with $80.00 of prepaid time to cover the trip, but the roaming charges killed me I made 3 calls the first day out and was left with 80 cents for the following 2.5 days, I think I was being charged between $3.50 and $4.00 per call. I'm sure someone can come up with something better for you.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-21 17:57:00
CanadaOff we go...
You come back with the biggest grin ever and the best news you have had in months to post. We are waiting and praying for you. heart.gif rose.gif
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-24 11:17:00
CanadaCanadian friends and Temp EAD stamp
Lynette, Thank you for everything you are doing for us it sure helps to know where to go and who to talk with. I'm happy for you and Ed and the whole family. How is your son doing in the new school, loving it or hating it. How are you and Ed doing, well I hope, How is married life and the new home..
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-25 14:36:00
CanadaLen_and_Bren Happy Dance
Congratulation Len and Bren, can't wait for the good news story comming once you get back here. I'm sure happy for you folks and everything went well for you at Montreal.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-26 16:00:00
QUOTE (Tinker @ Sep 26 2007, 08:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ah but Galateia sent her packet3 back in Jan. She figured out her priorities and is sticking with them.
Just shows you Montreal is moving faster now. Otherwise she probably wouldn't have gotten one till 2008. Pretty soon everyone in the Canada forum is going to be gone *sigh*

Good Luck Galateia!

Hell no, I'm sticking around I love this place, good people come and good people there will always be good people comming and going only us bad people stick here like glue. tongue.gif

Galateia, I hope you can get what you want, don't settle for second best. heart.gif rose.gif
Tinker,aren't you supposed to be on your honeymoon or something. innocent.gif
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-26 14:57:00
CanadaMontreal review and story
QUOTE (T.O_2_FL @ Oct 3 2007, 11:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
gotta keep my eye out for this 'Debbie'...LOL

Even though I would like to see Debbie moved to a back office away from dealing with the folks that are seeking visas at the interview she wasn't all that bad. But you had better be alcohol free including aftershave and mouthwash, that woman can smell booze you had 23 years ago. She must have been a bloodhound trainer or trained bloodhound before her present job. The good thing is that everyone is getting revenge for us by getting their petitions accepted and leaving there wit a promise that the visa will arrive soon.
When I go back for the second interview and she the officer, I'm asking for someone else and if she want to know why I don't know what will come out of my mouth.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-10-03 11:15:00
CanadaMontreal review and story
QUOTE (lynamon @ Oct 1 2007, 09:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm sooo happy for the both of you .. Congratulations!!!!!!! .. BTW .. Is Debbie the one with long black hair (staightened curly hair so it's all frizzy) .. skinny bit*hy older lady?

Na, she the blond at window 12 or was blond when I went through, and not at all on the skinny side and maybe somewhere in her mid 40s, p.s. I'm a bad judge of age so don't quote me as I'm sure there are others that saw her that are better at guesing ages.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-10-02 08:17:00
CanadaMontreal review and story
Len and Bren Congratulations on passing the first big hurdle may the others be quicker and easier to pass. Now do as the Bible says “Go forth and” ah what the heII just go and be happy together for ever.

Christ girl, you are a scream! Love what you had to say about my friend Debbie especially the “seeing Debbie’s face without anaesthesia” that sent me running for the bathroom laughing my head off. She really didn’t bother me too much until after the fact, it must have been the Jack Daniels breakfast or Martini lunch that I was more concerned about. I didn’t know what she did until the doctor called Montreal to find out why they needed tests for alcohol to be done.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-10-01 17:21:00
CanadaOttawa Consulate?
Ottawa is among other Canadian cities not listed that offers consular services to a degree, mostly Q & A's and assistance to American travellers. The embassy is in Ottawa and the embassy has a consular section but only Montreal and Vancouver do the immigration processing. If the work were spread out to other centers perhaps one per larger province things would be better.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-09-05 13:46:00
CanadaComments re:Ron's interview
Thank you everyone for the love and support, which is truly appreciated and heart tugging.
My problem was a personal one of adding negative remarks in the same post that I congratulated someone on moving forward by either getting their visa or getting their interview date. No-one has ever said anything negative to me not one thing that would have brought on my reason for appologizing. I have no intention of not posting just the intention of posting properly in the proper place.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-10-07 17:57:00
CanadaComments re:Ron's interview
I have a problem when reading others posts, when I try to add a decent reply it turns out to be about Sharon and myself especially if I see Sharon's and or my name or reference to us there or something just clicks a reaction and I am no longer comfortable with that because it takes away from the original posters intent to share their reviews, passions and frustrations. I would like to make pertinent comments to others posts but right now that does not seem to be the case or in my case not possible because I am presently to involved in Sharon' and my little corner of the universe.
To everyone that I managed to dull or take away from their joy with my posts within theirs I am sorry and apologize it was not my intent to do so. In time I will return to my senses and be more mindful of others and their emotional voyage through this same process.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-10-04 07:51:00
CanadaSafe, sound, sans place
Cngratulation and glad you made it, Tuesday isn't that far off and then you will be setting up your new home. All the best to you and Bren
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-10-05 13:33:00
Canadapolice certificate with fingerprints
When I had mine done the RCMP site said 4 months and since that would have put me past the expiration date on the NOA-2 I called the Consulate and they said they would give an extention as the RCMP told them 7 month and the Consulate told me I would get it around October I did in fact get the certificate I bleive March 3 days after talking with the consulate and 70 days after sending in the forms.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-10-10 13:41:00