CanadaCan it be that the Dr. wants me for herself
Lynette, your life will soon be filled with smiles and a whole lot of happiness. Right now the world is revolving so quickly that you're not taking time to enjoy this special moment you are living. Once you get to the border and hear welcome to the United States you wll need your seat belt because so much weight will be lifted that you will float away otherwise.
Sorry for the Doc because Sharon found me first an I'm a one gal kind of guy, maye I'll tell the doc where Sharon found me and she go and find her hearts desire.
It was the "B!tch of Montreal" not the doc that caused the delay by removing me from the waiting list in January after I called for information and was told I could not b added until checklist was completed. The doc is just prolonging her part, which at this time is not interferring with anything.
Lynette to keep smiling read the last line at the bottom of your posts, that one sentence always brings me smiles. The only thing that will drive me mad is having given everything up to be with Sharon and get denied and have to bring Sharon here and start here from scratch. Well every day brings us one day closer so everything is moving at its own pace and in Gods own good time will be done.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-25 08:36:00
CanadaCan it be that the Dr. wants me for herself
Y’all gotta be more positive than that “should” shouldn’t be in there cause we’s getting August letters and September interviews. Tis a done deal missy.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-24 14:47:00
CanadaCan it be that the Dr. wants me for herself
Thank you Len,
Oh my god; :lol: I think the last time someone called me Sweetie pie Edmonton wasn’t big enough to have growing pains yet. Boy did those words bring back memories, good memories. I am definitely thinking there is something wrong with the panel physicians here and in the States. Here for the price they collect and there for the con they are trying by telling other that a second medical is needed for the AOS. At this time we are looking at September/October for the letter and October/November for the interview but hoping for better than that. There were 2 health issues that the doctor locked onto and this is hopefully the last one and that whatever test is done will prove it was all a non-issue.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-24 12:23:00
CanadaCan it be that the Dr. wants me for herself
Hi Carla, it is easy to keep a sense of humour when reading what newby’s post when they start out here such as “we have sent our petition in June do you think we ill be able to get married in August”. We weren’t any better as we petitioned in September and wanted to get married in 2006 and now it I looking more like December or 2008. What keeps us going is the time we send together every days and looking at the time that has past and not too far into the future as that is still not yet very clear. Up to January we were neck and neck with Lynette but as of right now we are 3 month behind her and Ed and we are if they doesn’t mind too much living their happiness for the moment. Native Americans live by one rule, nothing happens before its time and for me this works because the time is used to strengthen and secure our future. Sharon’s dad is doing better but sadly every day is touch and go and very hard on Sharon and he is the only part in our lives that we are truly concerned about.
Thank you very much Carla for asking about Sharon’ Dad.

Emancipation thanks for writing, The medical issue is really a none-issue as far as I’m concerned, but still a bit of overkill on the doctors part right now. I have a feeling that she is looking to deny us, maybe she needs to cut down on the approvals she has given out. She did say during the appointment that I could possibly get a denial and right now she seems to be pushing that way. She is just one strand in this web and time will tell if she is the strongest and if she is there are other avenues to be taken.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-24 07:57:00
CanadaCan it be that the Dr. wants me for herself
Well I just talked with the Dr.s receptionist to see when I would be getting the medical result since there was some tom foolery going on.

The medical was on June 7th further info was required from the family Dr. and that appointment was on July 9th and when done the family Dr. said she would send a letter to the USCIS Dr. which she did and they got last Friday, today I was asked if I had a kidney test done and the answer was no so I asked if on was needed and they didn’t know but will ask the Dr. tomorrow. All this just because of the alcohol related question which I answered honestly, she doesn’t seem to care too much about the fact that I quit drinking 22 years ago.
I think she loves me and want to keep me here for herself. :lol:

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-23 14:34:00
CanadaYou can call me Mrs. now :)
Congratulations to both of you and your children. May your new life together be everyone's every dream come true.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-28 14:16:00
CanadaDr. Maureen Stuart
Finally after 2 months to the day I have the medical documentation. All the waivers I signed for her (the Dr.) were for naught since she got nothing from any hospital I was in because as the receptionist said "records are not kept past the 20 years mark" and everything the doc wanted to know about happened over 37 years ago.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-02 14:34:00
CanadaDr. Maureen Stuart

Hi, it did go well and I am thankful for that, I hope the glitch will be nothing big though otherwise everything will have been for naught. I am hoping and praying that you are soon with Ed, as others here I am also keeping an eye on you hoping to see a great big we have our appointment. You are definitely more than ready, willing and able to make it Montreal, you have put in your time and should have been in the US long before now.


For me also: the price was rather high but when offering a service that is required with only one alternative it is up to the patient to decide which of the two is better for them and I as you personally prefer a female doctor myself because they are better listeners and make sure that what they said is understood and you for your own reasons.

I am very sure that if she thought you had some issue that would cause a problem with the consulate she would have told you so as she did with me

I was quite surprised at the thoroughness of the examination as others in their posts said that this and that wasn’t done (examined) at the time of their examination. Basically the only part of me that wasn’t physically looked was my nose other than breath through your nose and hold your breath.
As for the time it took waiting; getting the x-ray done for me was the longest wait since that took about a half hour or more everything else was done within a 10 to 15 minute period, the examination it self was quite long because of all of the questions and her having to formulate that answers so they would shed a positive light and not a dark shadow on my past and present conditions.

Now we have to collect documentation from 30 years ago because that was my blue period. I thought having a 35 year old criminal record which no longer exists was my only problem and now it seems that, that is nothing compared to being depressed 30 years ago.
The funny thing is that after telling me that I could be denied she took my blood pressure and it was 130 over 88 or something like that and she said I should bring it down a few points, well it would have been fine had she checked it before giving me the so good news.

I did like the doctor’s office it was lacking the sterile look of white everywhere it had a relaxing atmosphere, which was good and calming.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-06-08 08:49:00
CanadaDr. Maureen Stuart
Well today was my time to see the doctor, the appointment being at 10 a.m. I was there at 9 and the office opened around 9:15. The receptionist said it was good that I arrived early since there was a lot of paperwork to be done and there were about 6 or more pages to fill and it all went fairly quickly. The longest part of the process was waiting for the x-ray to be done since they were short staffed this morning, and that took well over a half hour to get done. The blood work took no more than 3 minutes and then it was back to the office. Once back in the office I waited about 20 minutes to see the doctor and get everything done examination and questions, the exam was a total medical exam from the top of my head to the soles of my feet, including the prostrate and turn your head and cough. Everything went very well until she asked about depressions, I told her that I had a bout of depression in the early 70s and she told me that we needed documentation about that since it could mean denial at the consulate, I told her it was a mild bout and that it was treated by my going to work everyday and being at the hospital overnight, but she insisted on getting the documentation required. So all in all things went very well, I did need a tetanus shot and another next year. From the time I arrived to the time I left it took 3.5 hours and I am glad it is done.
For those in the Ottawa area I went to see Doctor Maureen Stewart, she is impressive, competent and has my vote as who to go and see. The reception area and examination rooms were well above expectations.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-06-07 14:54:00

You'll do fine! :thumbs:

I love you!!!

Réjean, all the best tomorrow, you and Pam have waited much too long for this day, just be who you are and everything will be fine. Pam & Réjean we will be waiting for the good news and comments on the interview when you have the time.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-07 09:31:00
Canadasapa off to MTL next week!!
Being a September 2006 filer also I sure know how you're feeling. I am glad that you are on your way to Montreal and soon off to the south and home. Enjoy your trip.All the best to ya.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-03 16:42:00
Canadathe last 2 weeks
Cutie, know that your son was here with a God given purpose and task, these he completed and now is at the Heavenly father's side looking upon you and Purg and the family. I hope you continue celebrating his life and not his passing, he was a beautiful person in life and will remain so in everyone's heart that knew him. I am so sorry that this has happened to you and your family; I hope you heal well and soon, and I hope that you and Purg find the strength to continue helping each other and all others that are in need right now.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-01 10:58:00
CanadaBooked, booked, booked
I hope you enjoy and have fun in Montreal, there is much to see and take in there. Let the party begin.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-12 13:34:00
CanadaVisa Denied

Had to go to the doctors (Panel physician) today, she called the consulate and they looked at my file and it was noted by Debbie that when at the window she smelled alcohol on my breath, the second consular officer I saw stated that he did not smell the alcohol. So all in all the test is done and the results will be sent to the consulate to be added to my file, if only the rest could be so easy I would be thinking of airline tickets rather than additional furiture for the apartment here.

Ron you don't need anyone to tell you that that is absurd. Even if "Debbie" saw you drinking a beer outside the consulate, that doesn't equal a finding of "alcoholic".

If they continue down this path, I would really consider getting attorney Laurel Scott involved or at least ask the consular officer to file an Advisory Opinion request with CDC.

Thanks kitkat1, you are my guardian Angel
The alcohol issues is almost done with, the test is done and the results will be filed. The person the doctor talked with at the consulate said is was a none issue but best to do the test and have the document on file since Debbie made the notation during her portion of the interview. This part is over with they will have what they requested.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-15 14:27:00
CanadaVisa Denied
Had to go to the doctors (Panel physician) today, she called the consulate and they looked at my file and it was noted by Debbie that when at the window she smelled alcohol on my breath, the second consular officer I saw stated that he did not smell the alcohol. So all in all the test is done and the results will be sent to the consulate to be added to my file, if only the rest could be so easy I would be thinking of airline tickets rather than additional furiture for the apartment here.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-15 13:39:00
CanadaVisa Denied

sorry to know that!! :(

don't give up.. i'll send you good energy

Thanks Morktuum, I hope your process is going well for you. We're not giving up just exploring alternatives as we work with the letter of hardship information we have have been getting. Right now with the feeling of failure and every other emotion in the book we are taking our time to get everything done properly with as much information we can think of.
Thank you for the energy, we are going through sleepless nights right now and hope to return to some normalcy soon.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-15 07:08:00
CanadaVisa Denied

Don't worry about answering everyone individually! You're both going through a hard time right now and we all understand and are definitely keeping you both in our thoughts! :)

I'm not sure if you answered this before but is there any possibility of Sharon immigrating to Canada?

There is the possibility of Sharon coming here, but we have everything set up there, our home which we have been putting together over the past few years, we have our own vehicles. The two things that are stopping our staying here at the moment are one Sharon's parents both are alive and living 85 miles from Sharon, Her mother is 98 and doing very well and has a family history of living into the 100s, when two of Sharon's aunts passed away one was 101 and the other 104 there is another approaching 103. As for Sharon's dad he is 87 and has just gone through knocking on deaths door but is now not yet better but getting there slowly. His family is also one that has family member that have survived into their 100s. and the second is that I am presently living in a batchelor apartment having downgraded, and my job which was also downgraded so I could work on the immigration process without too much interuption which I am now not so sure will continue to be available since I have had the interview the process continues with no end in sight. There is a chance that I continue here and there is also the chance it will be terminated and if that happens I would still have work elsewhere but at a much reduced salary which would reduce the chance of upgrading to a residence suitable for both Sharon and I. So right now we are between a rock and a hard place, but the battle has just begun.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-14 10:59:00
CanadaVisa Denied

Ron/Sharon...I am so sorry for what's recently happened. Joel and I hope things get resolved with the waiver. Hang in there...I truly believe the Latin phrase "Amor Vincit Omnia"...Love Conquers All. (F)

Thank you very much, I do wish I could answer everyone Individually, I don't like leaving anyone out and them thinking I don't care about them but time is short and Sharon and I are torn in many directions right now. This denial is the icing on the cake.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-14 09:08:00
CanadaVisa Denied

kitkat1, Thank you very much for all the information, you are a sweetheart. I don't think we have any grounds for hardship though since we have both lived on our own for an equal amount of time without too much difficulty. Our sole hardship is that of two hearts being apart.

DO NOT go down that path in your head!!! Hardship consists of a ton of things and it's not nearly as difficult to prove as you might think. Start with Laurel Scott's memo for a guideline and then check out the forum on I2us. Your wife has to look at how her life would change if she had to relocate permanently to Canada -- how it would impact her employment/financial situation/health insurance/social security and retirement income/her family and her ties in the US, etc. etc. etc. You can post there asking for member experiences specifically from Canada and you'll find a lot of help. It's doable - just takes a lot of work to write the letter and pull together the evidence so stay positive!

Hi kitkat1, thank you for all the information and for the time you have and are spending helping us out with this glitch. I do have to tell you so there is no mistake and you don't waste your time seeking information to help us, I did mention this before "Sharon and I are (not married) we are fiancees and I do not think that a letter of hardship from Sharon would have much value in our case. With that said we have had two, two week vacations and a long weekend together in the 4 years we have known each other yet this was enough for us to come together aquire two vehicles and furnish the home there to suit a combination of both our tastes, we have but one further purchase to make and that is the freezer which now that Sharon is back home from Wichita will purchase in the comming weeks.
I have read 5 pages of hardship letters on I2us and each one was spouse writing on a spouses behalf, not one was fiancée for fiancee.
Again thank you very much for the info and effort.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-14 08:59:00
CanadaVisa Denied

OK - that makes it sound much better. I agree that you should wait for the news from the doctor and hope that he can correct it.

For the criminal charges and the 601 waiver, I suggest reading everything on in the waiver forum. Great examples of approved and denied letters, and lots of help for your wife regarding how she will need to write the letter and what kind of evidence she'll need.

Good luck.

kitkat1, Thank you very much for all the information, you are a sweetheart. I don't think we have any grounds for hardship though since we have both lived on our own for an equal amount of time without too much difficulty. Our sole hardship is that of two hearts being apart.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-13 15:51:00
CanadaVisa Denied

Thank you kitkat1, I read what you have written and what she has on her site and taken into consideration that since there is no request for further information in my case other than a blood test for the alcoholism. For the legal charges nothing is asked for because all documentation has be given at the Consulate during the interview and there is no more to be had. I think the IOC at the consulate was under pressure to produce and saw only key words like Auto theft and alcoholism and said denied. Once a review is done and the documentation is sifted through more thoroughly I can only see an approval coming our way.

Ron, I would still highly recommend a consult with Laurel regarding the alcohol charges. I understand the criminal charges - these never go away and do need to be addressed via waiver. But they told you the alcohol charge was waivable -- which it isn't. It requires a three year wait. What was the 221g about? Did it specifically address the alcohol charges? It sure looks like they made a big, fat mistake that needs to be addressed. Laurel's consultation fee is not high and IMO will really, really help you. She can also help you with realistic timeframes for waiver adjudication in Vermont -- it typicall takes about 12 months and since the consulate is not involved in adjudication, they often give unrealistic or incorrect time frames.

Right now I'm going to deal the little things and wait for news from the doctor who may be able to get the alcoholism thing gone.
This office regrets to inform you that it is unable to issue a visa to you because you have been found ineligible to receive a visa under the following section(s) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The information contained in the paragraphs marked with “X” pertain to your visa application. Please disregard the unmarked paragraphs.

X – Section 221(g) which prohibits the issuance of a visa to anyone whose application does not comply with the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act or regulations issued pursuant thereto. The following remarks apply in your case:*

Need follow-up with medical for alcoholism.

The criminal offence is under section 212(a)-------
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-13 13:12:00
CanadaVisa Denied

Sorry to hear about the denial....I can't even imagine what you both are going through....our thoughts and prayers are with you both.

How long is it going to take for you to get the Waiver done? $500 something dollars is expensive.....

According to the person at the Consulate it can take between 3 and 12 months to go through the adjudication process.
The medical examination doctor is dealing directly with contacts in the embassy and consulate regarding the 221g request for further information.
The 212(a)---- is very much staright forward as everything for a quick decission is in my file.
I think the lengh of time taken is dependent on complexity of the issues. AS of today the cost 573.03 CDN
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-13 12:34:00
CanadaVisa Denied

Ron, have you consulted a lawyer who is experienced in waivers? While I assume every consulate acts differently, the general rule is alcohol or drug use in the prior THREE years requires a three year wait and proof of rehabilitation. Also, there is no waiver available for these charges -- it's a three year wait. So if Montreal told you that a waiver will "solve" this, I think you should first talk to a lawyer to see if this is even true.

For example, in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico: "Applicants who admit during the medical exam to using an illegal drug within the last three years, or who are found with these substances in their system after drug screening, are inadmissible as drug abusers. There is an exception for mere experimentation (single use). There is no waiver for this medical ground, but applicants who have been in remission for three years since the last drug use can reapply for the visa. The consulate will keep the case open during this period. They should come prepared with evidence that they have undergone drug counseling or similar rehabilitation

CDJ is also known to make false charges of alcoholism. Attorney Laurel Scott's advice to lawyers is: "This does not appear to comply with the Foreign Affairs Manual. Direct any complaints to the Centers for Disease Control, Division of Global Migration and Quarantine, National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, Mailstop E-03 Atlanta, GA 30333. If you disagree with the finding, ask the consular officer to file an Advisory Opinion request with CDC. Other than that, there's nothing the Department of State can do for you, and you do not have the option to file the Advisory Opinion request directly with CDC yourself.

You might want to have a consult with her ( as well as read her 601 memo on her site to get some more advice.

Criminal charges, at least those define as "moral turpetitude", never seem to go away and always have to be addressed by a waiver.

Hope this helps and good luck.


Classes of Aliens Ineligible to receive visas:

(2) Criminal and related grounds.-

(A) Conviction of certain crimes.-

(i) In general.-Except as provided in clause (ii), any alien convicted of, or who admits having committed, or who admits committing acts which constitute the essential elements of-

(I) a crime involving moral turpitude (other than a purely political offense or an attempt or conspiracy to commit such a crime), or

(II) a violation of (or a conspiracy or attempt to violate) any law or regulation of a State, the United States, or a foreign country relating to a controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802)), is inadmissible.

(ii) Exception.-Clause (i)(I) shall not apply to an alien who committed only one crime if-

(I) the crime was committed when the alien was under 18 years of age, and the crime was committed (and the alien released from any confinement to a prison or correctional institution imposed for the crime) more than 5 years before the date of application for a visa or other documentation and the date of application for admission to the United States, or

(II) the maximum penalty possible for the crime of which the alien was convicted (or which the alien admits having committed or of which the acts that the alien admits having committed constituted the essential elements) did not exceed imprisonment for one year and, if the alien was convicted of such crime, the alien was not sentenced to a term of imprisonment in excess of 6 months (regardless of the extent to which the sentence was ultimately executed).

B Multiple criminal convictions.-Any alien convicted of 2 or more offenses (other than purely political offenses), regardless of whether the conviction was in a single trial or whether the offenses arose from a single scheme of misconduct and regardless of whether the offenses involved moral turpitude, for which the aggregate sentences to confinement were 5 years or more is inadmissible.

Thank you kitkat1, I read what you have written and what she has on her site and taken into consideration that since there is no request for further information in my case other than a blood test for the alcoholism. For the legal charges nothing is asked for because all documentation has be given at the Consulate during the interview and there is no more to be had. I think the IOC at the consulate was under pressure to produce and saw only key words like Auto theft and alcoholism and said denied. Once a review is done and the documentation is sifted through more thoroughly I can only see an approval coming our way.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-13 12:18:00
CanadaVisa Denied

I'm sorry if this was answered before, but I thought a pardon meant that you would not even need a waiver? Like the "offense" never happened... yes? I am hoping that your fiance's senator/congressperson can help with this. We'll all be here crossing our fingers for you!

A Canadian pardon carries no weight what-so-ever in the States even though it is a document that they want to see. I don't think we will be going the senator/congressperson route, we will just file the document given to me. I am surprised that there is no request for further documentation regarding the charge just a follow-up on the medical.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-13 11:52:00
CanadaVisa Denied

Oh, man, Ron. I'm so sorry. Shouldn't this stuff be grandfathered in?

I have looked to see if there was information about that but so far have found none, and I don't think such information is available, but I am also sure that once reviewed it will grandfathered and the OIC at the consulate may get a ####### from the INA people.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-13 11:39:00
CanadaVisa Denied

Damn this sux big time , I meen how can they find all this stuff when your police certificate come out clear ? and my god all this happend in the 70s
geez how far are they goin back too ? another thing is ( in the 70s I was just a lil lea )
but hey 60 - 70s was flower power I bet everyone experimented with a smoke
I just hope things work out

What I got from the consulate was that this is an indictable offense in the states and therefore further action is required. For the past 17 years I have been working in the federal government for a deputy minister, I would think that having a security clearance and being in my position would have had some weight but obviously not at all.

we all made mistakes in the past nobody is perfect but to hold something that is well over aged and you have been cleard off ,against you when you have proven to be a loyal upright citizen is just wrong ,
I feel for you and sharon and the price is outragous what they charge for the waver , but as long as it will help you guys i realy wish you all the best and keep us up to date , good luck with everything to the both of you , Lona

We can't undo the past so might as well deal with today and the future. One good thing is I didn't get a I-212, that would have doubled the amount due. We will survive this glitch and go on.
Thank you Lona for the wishes and good luck.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-13 11:31:00
CanadaVisa Denied

Truth hurts sometimes :angry:
I can understand that Ron had to tell everything. It's just not right when you do and it comes back to kick you in the butt.
This whole thing is like walking on eggshells, you try to do it the right way, be truthful and then you even have to worry about going for a simple visit.

I screwed up and there is no-one else to blame.

The first day we were too stunned to feel anything at all, then having our hearts cut out was the feeling of the day and then ####### set in. If it weren’t for Sharon’s parents both being alive we wouldn’t even consider any further action with the immigration process.
Right now I’m not sure that I will be able to visit over the Christmas holidays because of the denial, that in my book would be a major bummer.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-13 11:21:00
CanadaVisa Denied

Time for me to shut up before I add another 3 pages here. Thank you all for the support and words that mean so much to both Sharon and I.
I wish everyone an easy passage through the consulate, and to those I have misssed that have gone through, Congratulations nad life a wonderful life together.
Love you all.

Hey! You don't have to shut up - it's your life (and Sharon's) and we're your friends, so vent away amigo. This whole thing is cr@p - I told Bren about it and he is also pizzed off at MTL for having done this to you - you were honest and BOING! they slap you. A-holes. And, as an aside: don't drink today. just today. ;)

As you can see I have had everything moved so to not interfere with the normalcy in MTL Timeline to Interview since it was becoming a bit much, too much about our denial and not enough about other things that should matter more.

Not to worry about my going out and drinking at our engagement Sharon bought some sparkling grape and I took one sip and that was enough for me. I can’t even eat liquorice because to me it tastes like vodka.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-13 11:05:00
CanadaVisa Denied

Damn this sux big time , I meen how can they find all this stuff when your police certificate come out clear ? and my god all this happend in the 70s
geez how far are they goin back too ? another thing is ( in the 70s I was just a lil lea )
but hey 60 - 70s was flower power I bet everyone experimented with a smoke
I just hope things work out

What I got from the consulate was that this is an indictable offense in the states and therefore further action is required. For the past 17 years I have been working in the federal government for a deputy minister, I would think that having a security clearance and being in my position would have had some weight but obviously not at all.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-11 16:01:00
CanadaVisa Denied

Ron & Sharon,
im sorry to hear about the temporary obstacle! that is absurd! i hope it gets resolved soon! do you think contacting your local congressman will help push things through?

We are all rooting for you guys! take care!

The congressman is Sharon's and I think all they could get is a reply that I must go through a review as the consulate has decided so in thi matter.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-11 15:55:00
CanadaVisa Denied

Ron/Sharon, sorry to hear the unexpected obstacle with your visa. Sounds like you will be able to work through this just fine though, and we are all rooting for you!
Out of curiousity, how did they find out about the alcohol consumption 22 years ago? The reason I'm asking is when I was filling out my medical form, there was a spot where I was supposed to check yes or no for drug use, and I had to ask the doc what to check off there (I had tried marijuana a few times as a teenager, but haven't touched it since..ew.)
Anyways, just curious if I might run into the same problem as you. We ended up checking "no", but maybe the doc made a side note somewhere on the medical that I had tried marijuana as a teenager. If there was to be an obstacle because of this at the interview, I'd rather find out sooner than later.
Anyways, best of luck to you! I'm sure this will only be a brief setback, and that you will have your visa in hand in no time:)

Misty 1979, I can't tell you what your Dr. did regarding side note, I know that mine did, I did tick yes in the alcohol problem box but spent a good time telling the doctor that drinkin was a social thing eventhough I did go overboard sometime. Since you checked no that I beleive it the end of that subject and not something you need to both about, remember that my situation is about me, my actions nd responses at the medical. you obviously have done things right and very well.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-11 15:52:00
CanadaVisa Denied

Dammit! Of all the people on here, you have to be the nicest, most considerate in my humble opinion. What you are dealing with is our government in action. If it's some policy somewhere in a stack of official government paperwork that was typed in triplicate back in 1947, they are gonna go by that to CYA. That's all it amounts to. "Cover my A** in case this ever gets reviewed by someone higher up than me. I have a nice cushy job here at the Consulate basically doing nothing, and I sure wouldn't want to lose that!" I hope your fiancee goes to their representatives and Senators about that. Something THAT long ago on a record with nothing thereafter is kind of silly to even consider. I for one would trust ya with MY car. I know nothing is going to make you feel much better at the moment, but you've got a LOT of friends here pulling for a VERY QUICK resolution to this matter, and praying for it!

Keep us informed.

All our love,

Alan & Sharon

Alan & Sharon, Thank you very much for your thoughts and words, my Sharon agrees with you and also thanks you very much, and don't lend me your car, the last time I drove was the time that is causing this I-601 to be. The way I see this is that the consulate has no authority over making decission regarding criminal matters or medical matters, all they can do is say yes to clear cut, straight forward petitions that raise no questions what-so-ever. I beleive the consulate did what they are mandated to do, they are facilitators not adjudicators. Even though I feel as you do in their attempt to cover themselves, I know how the game is played having been a combined and still am a public servant for well over 20 year.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-11 15:43:00
CanadaVisa Denied

wow, i'm really sorry, ron and sharon. i hope you are able to get it resolved quickly.

that really scares me now. can they really keep people out just because they did drugs or alcohol in the past?
what the hell kinda medicals are they doing?? what if a person experimented in their in younger days, but does nothing now but have 2 or 3 beers on the weekend? come on, man, alcohol isn't illegal! does anybody know where i can find rules pertaining to this or what exactly is done and/or looked for during the medical?

Don't get over heated this is about me and my responses to the Dr. You have to remember that they are checking back to the days when you were 16 or 18 I can't remember right now. The question of alcohol came up on the questionnaire at the Dr.s office, I did tell her that I was a heavy drinker, but never drank at home or on Sundays, she did tell me that that could be a problem and grounds for a denial. Thest being asked for is just to prove what I said was true. of the two reasons for the I-601 this is the only one that I find deserving of the requested action.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-11 15:28:00
CanadaVisa Denied

The denial should not have happened as per my thinking but what do I know, I don't make the rules.
The two reason for my denial are: 1. Section 221(g) Need follow-up with medical for alcoholism.
Alcoholism has not been a problem in my life as far as I am concerned. I have been in the past a heavy but not a regular drinker, alcohol was not necessity but a social tool that at times was overdone. I had been alcohol free for the past 22+ years and now I need tests to prove that I am not only alcohol free but drug (no use since 1970) free.
2. Section 212(a)(2)(A)(1) Car theft 24-JUL-1976 in British Columbia. This happened 31 years ago and has been pardoned over 20 years ago. For the record no theft as is was involved, I was loaned the auto but after a accident the owner a friend after being contacted by the police filed auto theft charges to save his butt. I pled guilty as the charge carried a 90 day suspended sentence.
At present I know I must file the I-601 waiver at a cost of $545.00.
Right now I am waiting for a call from the Dr regarding what needs to be done and the cost involved.
At this moment in time I can't beleive this is not a money grab on their part.
As for the interview at Montreal, everything was pleasant and went very well. One this I did that they didn't like very much was I had pre-paid at the Scotia Bank using the Consonidated Cash Plan Deposit - US Treasury - Visa Application Fee. That is not to be used for Immigration, only for visitor visas. They did accept it after a huddle with others, and yes they prefer that the fee be paid in Montreal at the Consulate.

#######?!?!? Alcohol free for more than 20 years and they come up with this cr@p? How come? Where did they get that sh!t from? Does not make sense. What a bunch of a-holes. I am so very sorry Ron (tried to PM you but got bounced message thing or the like). Man, I hope you sort this through soon - I am sure you will. and yup, sounds like a cash cow strategy to me.
Best of wishes, L.

Wouldn't this just drive you to drink, this and being a single parent for the past 10 years. For many years I looked for a good reason to quite drinking completely having the acident seemed to not be enough to quite but enough to cut back. Since 1976 I had cut my drinking down to the point that in 1984 i was drinking on paydays only, when told by my then wife she was prergnant that was all I needed to be alcohol free and have been ever since. The cash cow strategy here is the part of the criminal offense which happened 31 years ago and no further offenses have appeared on my record since.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-11 15:17:00
CanadaVisa Denied

Visa Denied, received a I-601 will fill in details later.

Oh my God Ron, what happened? I hope it can be resolved soon. Let us know.
Thinking of you both, L.

The denial should not have happened as per my thinking but what do I know, I don't make the rules.
The two reason for my denial are: 1. Section 221(g) Need follow-up with medical for alcoholism.
Alcoholism has not been a problem in my life as far as I am concerned. I have been in the past a heavy but not a regular drinker, alcohol was not necessity but a social tool that at times was overdone. I had been alcohol free for the past 22+ years and now I need tests to prove that I am not only alcohol free but drug (no use since 1970) free.
2. Section 212(a)(2)(A)(1) Car theft 24-JUL-1976 in British Columbia. This happened 31 years ago and has been pardoned over 20 years ago. For the record no theft as is was involved, I was loaned the auto but after a accident the owner a friend after being contacted by the police filed auto theft charges to save his butt. I pled guilty as the charge carried a 90 day suspended sentence.
At present I know I must file the I-601 waiver at a cost of $545.00.
Right now I am waiting for a call from the Dr regarding what needs to be done and the cost involved.
At this moment in time I can't beleive this is not a money grab on their part.
As for the interview at Montreal, everything was pleasant and went very well. One this I did that they didn't like very much was I had pre-paid at the Scotia Bank using the Consonidated Cash Plan Deposit - US Treasury - Visa Application Fee. That is not to be used for Immigration, only for visitor visas. They did accept it after a huddle with others, and yes they prefer that the fee be paid in Montreal at the Consulate.

OMFG, you have to be kidding. Can this process get any more asinine? :angry: Please tell me you don't have to go for another interview and wait again. Sorry and hang in there.

I don't beleive that another interview is necessary, once the i_601 is sent to the consulate they will send it to Vermont for a review and returned to Montreal at which time I may be advised that the petition is denied or asked to return to Montreaal to pick up the visa.
This is payback time for having been stupid a long time ago.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-11 15:01:00
CanadaVisa Denied

Visa Denied, received a I-601 will fill in details later.

Oh my God Ron, what happened? I hope it can be resolved soon. Let us know.
Thinking of you both, L.

The denial should not have happened as per my thinking but what do I know, I don't make the rules.
The two reason for my denial are: 1. Section 221(g) Need follow-up with medical for alcoholism.
Alcoholism has not been a problem in my life as far as I am concerned. I have been in the past a heavy but not a regular drinker, alcohol was not necessity but a social tool that at times was overdone. I had been alcohol free for the past 22+ years and now I need tests to prove that I am not only alcohol free but drug (no use since 1970) free.
2. Section 212(a)(2)(A)(1) Car theft 24-JUL-1976 in British Columbia. This happened 31 years ago and has been pardoned over 20 years ago. For the record no theft as is was involved, I was loaned the auto but after a accident the owner a friend after being contacted by the police filed auto theft charges to save his butt. I pled guilty as the charge carried a 90 day suspended sentence.
At present I know I must file the I-601 waiver at a cost of $545.00.
Right now I am waiting for a call from the Dr regarding what needs to be done and the cost involved.
At this moment in time I can't beleive this is not a money grab on their part.
As for the interview at Montreal, everything was pleasant and went very well. One this I did that they didn't like very much was I had pre-paid at the Scotia Bank using the Consonidated Cash Plan Deposit - US Treasury - Visa Application Fee. That is not to be used for Immigration, only for visitor visas. They did accept it after a huddle with others, and yes they prefer that the fee be paid in Montreal at the Consulate.

Sorry to hear Ron. I thought the fee was $265.00 for the I-601, wow $545.00 does sound like a cash grab. I was to tell you about the Scotiabank part but I got back from Montreal and read your post the day of your interview so it was already too late. There was a couple who also paid at Scotiabank on the day of my interview and they gave them a hard time but ultimately accepted the Scotiabank receipt as proof of payment.

Good luck with the waiver.


The new fee is $545.00 for the I-601 and another $545.00 if you have to file a I-212 also. The Scotia bank payment was accepted without anything being said of than I don't think we can accept this, but it was without giving me a hard time, I think Debie the person who put everything together was just thinking out loud. So it is accepted but still better not done in case they do decide at some point to not take it.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-11 14:53:00
CanadaVisa Denied

The denial should not have happened as per my thinking but what do I know, I don't make the rules.
The two reason for my denial are: 1. Section 221(g) Need follow-up with medical for alcoholism.
Alcoholism has not been a problem in my life as far as I am concerned. I have been in the past a heavy but not a regular drinker, alcohol was not necessity but a social tool that at times was overdone. I had been alcohol free for the past 22+ years and now I need tests to prove that I am not only alcohol free but drug (no use since 1970) free.
2. Section 212(a)(2)(A)(1) Car theft 24-JUL-1976 in British Columbia. This happened 31 years ago and has been pardoned over 20 years ago. For the record no theft as is was involved, I was loaned the auto but after a accident the owner a friend after being contacted by the police filed auto theft charges to save his butt. I pled guilty as the charge carried a 90 day suspended sentence.
At present I know I must file the I-601 waiver at a cost of $545.00.
Right now I am waiting for a call from the Dr regarding what needs to be done and the cost involved.
At this moment in time I can't beleive this is not a money grab on their part.
As for the interview at Montreal, everything was pleasant and went very well. One this I did that they didn't like very much was I had pre-paid at the Scotia Bank using the Consonidated Cash Plan Deposit - US Treasury - Visa Application Fee. That is not to be used for Immigration, only for visitor visas. They did accept it after a huddle with others, and yes they prefer that the fee be paid in Montreal at the Consulate.

#######?!?!? Alcohol free for more than 20 years and they come up with this cr@p? How come? Where did they get that sh!t from? Does not make sense. What a bunch of a-holes. I am so very sorry Ron (tried to PM you but got bounced message thing or the like). Man, I hope you sort this through soon - I am sure you will. and yup, sounds like a cash cow strategy to me.
Best of wishes, L.

I called the Dr and she said they have everything they need and further tests are not required and their decission was wrong. It would seem that she has a contact at the embassy and at the consulate and will be contacting them on my behalf, she was not a happy camper. The medical is something that can be done quickly, and I found that to be overboard but not difficult to deal with, the other is more difficult as the denial was based on it being an indictable offense in the States. I can understand the consulates actions, they are are the middle man between me and USCIS, if everything is fine they say ok, if there is something of a serious nature they don't question they pas it to the next level to be dealt with.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-10 12:34:00
CanadaVisa Denied

Visa Denied, received a I-601 will fill in details later.

Oh my God Ron, what happened? I hope it can be resolved soon. Let us know.
Thinking of you both, L.

The denial should not have happened as per my thinking but what do I know, I don't make the rules.
The two reason for my denial are: 1. Section 221(g) Need follow-up with medical for alcoholism.
Alcoholism has not been a problem in my life as far as I am concerned. I have been in the past a heavy but not a regular drinker, alcohol was not necessity but a social tool that at times was overdone. I had been alcohol free for the past 22+ years and now I need tests to prove that I am not only alcohol free but drug (no use since 1970) free.
2. Section 212(a)(2)(A)(1) Car theft 24-JUL-1976 in British Columbia. This happened 31 years ago and has been pardoned over 20 years ago. For the record no theft as is was involved, I was loaned the auto but after a accident the owner a friend after being contacted by the police filed auto theft charges to save his butt. I pled guilty as the charge carried a 90 day suspended sentence.
At present I know I must file the I-601 waiver at a cost of $545.00.
Right now I am waiting for a call from the Dr regarding what needs to be done and the cost involved.
At this moment in time I can't beleive this is not a money grab on their part.
As for the interview at Montreal, everything was pleasant and went very well. One this I did that they didn't like very much was I had pre-paid at the Scotia Bank using the Consonidated Cash Plan Deposit - US Treasury - Visa Application Fee. That is not to be used for Immigration, only for visitor visas. They did accept it after a huddle with others, and yes they prefer that the fee be paid in Montreal at the Consulate.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-10 11:29:00
CanadaVisa Denied
Visa Denied, received a I-601 will fill in details later.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-10 07:34:00
CanadaDue to I-601 are the following required
QUOTE (WaitinToGoHome @ Aug 20 2007, 04:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If the old background check has expired, you will need a new one. If you go through the Commissionaires, they now do digital finger print-back ground checks. They send it to the RCMP and it will be mailed back to you in 2-3 weeks (maybe sooner). I think it only costs $35. Make sure you save yourself and look into this.

Thanks WaitinToGoHome, I think I will go with the name check next time since they have the RCMP one that goes back to the beginning of time, I think all I would need is a check for the past few months if that is possible.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-08-20 16:55:00