CanadaU Haul
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Oct 15 2007, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ Oct 15 2007, 12:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
U-Hauls in the States are better maintained according to W5, the ones in Canada for the most part are junk.

Any idea why that'd be? For the most, I've noticed that things are usually pretty well kept in Canada. It depends on the person or business, of course, but in general, it seems that way.

W5 or WFive on CTV has an article called "Danger on the road", it is about U-Haul. The reason why they are worse here in Canada is that they are an Arizona based company and all their truck in Canada carry Arizona licence plates making it difficult for the provincial governments to regulate them. Hence low or no maintenance and as such a danger to the operator ad the publc in general. Not all are bad but I would say the majority are to some extent.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-10-15 14:02:00
CanadaU Haul
U-Hauls in the States are better maintained according to W5, the ones in Canada for the most part are junk.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-10-15 12:04:00
CanadaLIZ is living proof that Montreal
Now we have definite proof that Montreal doesn’t visit VJ, if they did they wouldn’t have let Liz get her visa we need her here BIGTIME now and forever.

Liz you have as you can very well see been missed for the short time you were away, Oliver is one hell of a lucky guy and I hope you will be able to come back here to see us and how things are going for the others here. I also hope you have been training someone on excel so we have someone as good as you are to continue with the up dates though I think it will be very hard to fill your shoes soon.

I know that your not gone yet but before I disappear again I do want to thank you very much for everything you have done for everyone and for Sharon and I personally, I will miss you keeping us informed of changes through your e-mails.

kicking.gif kicking.gif Congratulations good.gif good.gif to rose.gif heart.gif you and Oliver heart.gif rose.gif , I hope you are both together very soon and all the best to you both for the future you will be sharing as one.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-02 18:02:00
Congratulation you two, I'm happy that everything went well and the stage freight was for naught. It is funny that everyone goes there with the feeling that they will be interogated and come out of there with a different outlook regarding the people that work there.
Lona, I hope you can make it south with the love of your life not later
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-05 13:45:00
Canada3 more couples going to Montreal, Nov 7th Interviews
Congratulations on getting to the interview, I’ll bet it has been a long time coming for all of you, and you’re all happy that it is almost over, well it will soon be over with and very soon you will all be travelling south for the winter to your new families and new homes and part two of the process. Enjoy Montreal while you’re there, all together if possible.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-05 19:41:00
CanadaAnd Now a Word From The Consulate General In Montreal
QUOTE (trailmix @ Oct 7 2007, 12:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (emt103c @ Oct 7 2007, 09:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (emt103c @ Oct 6 2007, 11:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
At least they respond to your emails!

They never sign mine, just give a vague non-answer and move on with their day mad.gif

Flood the SOBs with e-mails. I've had plenty e-mails that have gone unanswered. Keep bugging them and don't give up. That's what they want!!!

Now I'm flooding them with Senator inquiries in addition to my emails...They didn't even answer my Senator in 30 days!

I was just bragging with the fine signature Operator 6 has. I've probably only sent 5 emails total, this is the only one signed by an operator and for another one I never got an answer (and only received 1 real answer ever - a question about the police certificate )

Anyway, has anyone else written to Mary Marshall - consul general in Montreal?

I wish I had her e-mail address before mailing Washington I would have taken the wind out of her fn sails, specially about the breathalyser system they have and how it is broken.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-10-10 17:31:00
CanadaAttemped break-in last nite
I am glad that everything turn out well for you and the worse that happened was your heart skipped a beat.

It seems like he was looking for a place to crash for the night, he may have bee there before and didn't know it had been rented and probably believed it wasn't since there is no furniture in that specific room. Making a police report would be beneficial to you and your neighbours because it could cause the police to patrol that area more often for a while at least.

As for leaving the door open so the dog can get in and out is ok as long as it opens wide enough for the dog. A good thing to do would be to have a stopper of sorts to stop the door from being opened wider than you want it to be, a broom handle cut to the right length and placed on the glider would only allow the door to be closed but not opened further.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-19 15:39:00
CanadaCan Montreal override Vermont
QUOTE (zyggy @ Nov 26 2007, 05:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No... USCIS is in control of waivers, not the consulate. Unless the consulate can find something else that would render you inadmissible...

Thank you zyggy, that is my kind of biggest concern since there is so much that can be picked at and since I did get a valid I-601 for a 32 year offense and a suspect 212 or 221 for smelling of alcohol at the interview after being sober for the now past 23 years, I am sure they will be taking a very close look at everything else. By the time they do thier thing a of our timed documents will be well out of date. I did ask if I needed new documents and was told we will tell you then what you need to bring.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-26 18:04:00
CanadaCan Montreal override Vermont
QUOTE (Krikit @ Nov 26 2007, 12:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ron, you have so many people pulling for you here on VJ that if well wishes could get you approved, you will be here in no time.

You may have already thought about this, but it will make me feel so much better if I put it in writing.... please don't use mouthwash before your next interview. An awful lot of those products are alcohol-based and make some people smell like they've been drinking. Same goes for cologne. Be careful which product you use because some of them also contain alcohol. I just don't want some fanatic making erroneous assumptions about your lifestyle and ruining this next interview for you. There. I feel better now. Good luck! good.gif

I know that everyone that has followed our progress is as we are waiting for the final result and a quick end to this portion of the process.

The alcohol in any form will not be an issue this time as I have done the tests requested that prove they were wrong in their prior observation. I'm hoping that no other issue jumps up that will warrant another waiver or delay.

Debbie a name that we will most likely never forget was the fanatic I met and hope to not meet again. As if it wasn't bad enough to say what she did to others at the consulate she went as far to write it into our file, which is what the doctor found out when she called a CO to find out why I needed a test for alcohol when in her report alcoholism was not an issue.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-26 15:56:00
CanadaCan Montreal override Vermont
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Nov 26 2007, 11:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My dear friend,

I have absolutely no clue. A good thing to do here would be to PM kitkat and ask her: she is the Queen of Waivers and super helpful.
How are things? How's Sharon? I've been MIA so don't know what's what.
Peace, L.

Been keeping my posting on the low end of the scale lately myself. Both Sharon and I have our days since looking at 2009 as the possible year we get an answer to our efforts. Things are going well with us, we just the some time to vent so we will feel better about waiting.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-26 15:27:00
CanadaCan Montreal override Vermont
QUOTE (IR5FORMUMSIE @ Nov 23 2007, 01:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ Nov 23 2007, 11:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was told that if and when the waiver was accepted or granted whichever at Vermont, there would be a second interview at the Montreal consulate, which leaves me under the impression that even if Vermont says yes: Montreal can still say no.
Does ayone know of this happening to a I-601/212(a) or if it is even a possibility.

I know that getting the waiver passed is not a guarentee to get the visa,

Ron, everyone who's read of your situation has probably had disquieting thoughts at least once. Hang in there baby. good.gif Once Vermont says yes, Montreal is a formality. I heard that from someone at the USCIS regarding a question about waivers. That's orthopraxy, what might happen at MTL is something else, but given the almost Pavlovian behaviour of the average interviewer, the waiver trumps all. It almost makes me think of the travel permits in the movie Casablanca. No questions will be asked, Mr. Laszlo. smile.gif

Thank you for your answer it helps to know that once approved it is a done thing. It is the something else that I fear at this time because I was told there would a second interview and that to me means if you get it (the waiver) you are still ours and we will find some other reason to make your life miserable. I know that it is foolish but still it is something that is on my mind and it is making our relationship suffer as we don't know where we are regarding our future.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-23 14:02:00
CanadaCan Montreal override Vermont
QUOTE (LonaD @ Nov 23 2007, 01:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
your very welcome
I just lookd at the waver forum and found some interesting reading , I hope it helps or maybe you could copy and paste your question there , I saw a lot of people in the same situation as you two , good luck ,

Hi Lona, thanks for the link. I have no problem with border crossing even with what Montreal gave me. I will copy and paste as you suggest. Thanks
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-23 13:31:00
CanadaCan Montreal override Vermont
QUOTE (LonaD @ Nov 23 2007, 11:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
sorry I dont have the answer , but wanted to say hi and tell you both have been in my toughts

Thank you Lona, I'm doing more reading and less writing here these days. Montreal has taken a lot of air out of our sails. The love is still strong but the communication of that love is waning a bit as our conversations turn daily to quelling concerns rather than continuing to build what we have. Love has taken a back seat to the process and we need to bring it back to the front.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-23 12:16:00
CanadaCan Montreal override Vermont
QUOTE (SpiritAlight @ Nov 23 2007, 11:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wish I had some information to share with you.
I am responding because I want you to know that I can feel where you're at and that I am pulling for you too.
The best thing about this site is the support...although it may not be enough.

I hope someone here knows....

My belief tells me that the consulate and USCIS are there to figure out if a marriage is a sham or if it's real.
The border is there to allow only people they feel are not a threat to that country.

Thank you SpiritAlight
I'm sure that someone will come along and have an answer to the question, which was not very well put in the first place. There are great minds and great people here that will see what it is that I am really asking.

Thank you for your support it is truly appreciated and will be even more so as the months pass.

One thing that is not missing here is support and a willingness to help another out, I wish I were in a better frame of mind so I could do the right thing for others as they have done for us.

In our case they were in my opinion half right in their request but totally wrong in the manner it was done, but that is a tale for another day.

For my last trip to the states in September I think I had to be paroled at the border and they no problem with my entering the States and they (the 11 POE officers) were surprised at the reason for my I-601 and 212
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-23 12:04:00
CanadaCan Montreal override Vermont
I was told that if and when the waiver was accepted or granted whichever at Vermont, there would be a second interview at the Montreal consulate, which leaves me under the impression that even if Vermont says yes: Montreal can still say no.
Does ayone know of this happening to a I-601/212(a) or if it is even a possibility.

I know that getting the waiver passed is not a guarentee to get the visa,

Edited by Ron/Sharon, 23 November 2007 - 11:10 AM.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-23 11:06:00
CanadaWe made it
Congratulations on the wedding, there was no wasting time there was there. I do love the "Hey, honey, do you want to get married tonight?" that is priceless.
Glad the move and POE went well for you. Did you sent your letters air mail? At 18 mile apart and with the wind in the right direction those paper planes would have been there in no time.
Have a sweet loving life together and enjoy putting up the tree.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-26 09:32:00
CanadaFinally sending off paperwork today!
Hi Melysa, glad things are going well for the two of you there, Congratulation on the wedding and keep everything moving forward, you're close to the end.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-27 12:11:00
CanadaFuture father-in-law's health is not good
I know that your situation is not like mine, I have a I-601, so I will tell you what I did when Sharon's father passed on. I asked the POE Officer at the airport in Ottawa what was required of me to enter the States, all I was required to have were a passport, the documentation reguarding the I-601 and a letter from Sharon's Father's doctor stating the he had passed on and with all that I would be granted a 14 day pardon to attend the funeral. With the price of airline tickets as they were I decided to take a buss and called the Peace bridge POE and asked them the same as I did at the airport and was told the same thing except they gave me 7 days.
Since everything was prearranged I was not required to carry all the paper work others have mentioned above regarding having ties in Canada.
Their way may be quicker than mine since my way took about 2 hour of filling paperwork at the border to get the documentation required, the peoples above may be quicker I don't know I haven't tried their way, all I will say is that my way guarenteed my passage.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-12 07:22:00
CanadaOK, now it's for real
You got it good all around there girl, great conversation and great news, great hubby and great family. Congratulations
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-30 14:23:00
Canadarcmp criminal records check
My certificate came back with the following and you should be looking for the same, and I would definitely want them to change their reason for the certificate to "US IMMIGRATION" since this will be looked at and if not correct could result in a RFE delays.

1. The following is what the accompanying letter contained:

Dear Sir/Madame:
The attached fingerprint form is being returned to you.
This fingerprint form with our wet seal stamp and dry seal embossment will constitute a police certificate for the purpose of a foreign visa, foreign travel, foreign work permit or immigration.
Your truly.

2. At the bottom of the certificate on the left corner opposite the photo is the following stamp.

This certifies that a search of the national criminal records repository maintained by the Royall Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) concerning the person whose fingerprints, name and date of birth appear above could not be associated to any existing criminal record of conviction which may be disclosed in accordance with Federal Laws.
Dated and signed the officer in charge.

Edited by Ron/Sharon, 06 December 2007 - 12:54 PM.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-12-06 12:52:00
CanadaMilitary records
I sent a letter to the National Archives in Ottawa and asked for the my military records and got back in duplicates both a statement of service and and discharge certificate within 2 weeks.

A contact there would be
Claire Leblanc
ATIP and Personnel Records Division
Services Branch
Library and Archives Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0N4
Telephone: (613) 996-5115 Fax: (613) 995-6274
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-12-13 07:38:00
CanadaPolice Clearance for k-1.. uh oh?
The person doing mine checked of other and inserted the comment U.S. Immigration, I hope the hell this doesn't create a problem. All I needed was my passport and second photo id. Even though the RCMP web site said 120 days and the consulate said 160 days, I di get mine in aprox. 79 days.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-12-13 07:15:00
CanadaWords to live by this month
Hi Lenina, Nothing from Washington, all I have from there is the name of the person who signed for the documents in Sept. With that said I'm not expecting anything soon from those folks who don't have the decency to acknowledge their getting the package with a thank you or sorry nothing to be done here.

SpiritAlight, those words are someone else’s not mine. I couldn’t come up with something like that on my best days. I am glad that everyone seems to enjoy it though.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-12-19 17:34:00
CanadaWords to live by this month
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Dec 19 2007, 01:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nice to hear from you Ron!!!! How are things?

Things are going well for us, we are refilling our sails since Mtl took the wind out of them.
How is life treating Len and Bren these days? Are you settling into the lifestyle you have waited so long for? Lenina I hope you and Bren have a wonderful time over the holidays, take care of each other.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-12-19 14:36:00
CanadaWords to live by this month
1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they're serving rum balls.

2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. It's rare. You can't find it any other time of year but now. So drink up! Who cares that it has 10,000 calories in every sip? It's not as if you're going to turn into an eggnog-alcoholic or something. It's a treat. Enjoy it. Have one for me.

Have two. It's later than you think. It's Christmas!

3. If something comes with gravy, use it. That's the whole point of gravy.

Gravy does not stand alone. Pour it on. Make a volcano out of your mashed potatoes. Fill it with gravy. Eat the volcano. Repeat step #3.

4. As for mashed potatoes, always ask if they're made with skim milk or whole milk. If it's skim, pass. Why bother? It's like buying a sports car with an automatic transmission.

5. Do not have a snack before going to a party in an effort to control your eating. The whole point of going to a Christmas party is to eat other people's food for free. Lots of it. Hello?

6. Under no circumstances should you exercise between now and New Year's.

You can do that in January when you have nothing else to do. This is the time for long naps, which you'll need after circling the buffet table while carrying a 10-pound plate of food and that vat of eggnog.

7. If you come across something really good at a buffet table, like frosted Christmas cookies in the shape and size of Santa, position yourself near them and don't budge. Have as many as you can before becoming the center of attention. They're like a beautiful pair of shoes. If you leave them behind, you're never going to see them again.

8. Same for pies. Apple. Pumpkin. Mincemeat. Have a slice of each. Or if you don't like mincemeat, have two apples and one pumpkin. Always have three. When else do you get to have more than one dessert? Labor Day?

9. Did someone mention fruitcake? Granted, it's loaded with the mandatory celebratory calories, but avoid it at all cost. I mean, have some standards.

10. One final tip: If you don't feel terrible when you leave the party or get up from the table, you haven't been paying attention. Re-read tips; start over, but hurry, January is just around the corner. Remember this motto to live by:

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO - what a ride!"

Have a great holiday season!
Ron and Sharon

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-12-19 11:45:00
CanadaVisiting my BF in US for 3 months?
Not having filed means you are not in their system as a beneficiary of a visa of any kind from a petitioner in this case your fianceé. That makes you a no threat of staying forever in the States visitor. All they need to know is that you want to visit the States and you will be there with a friend or friends enjoying the sites just don't say "boy" friend. You will be travelling as a tourist as many others do. It is once you are in the K visa system that all the questions you fear will be asked and the paperwork will be required. Go and have fun moving to the States is no worse than moving on your own from Vancouver to Toronto
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-01-04 18:05:00
CanadaVisiting my BF in US for 3 months?
Are you and your boyfriend engaged and have you started the K1 process, I don't see anything that would lead me to believe you have started the immigration process. If your boyfriend isn't your fiancée the only problem would be what story to tell that would require you being in the states for 3 months. I'm sure I'm missing something but what.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-01-04 17:02:00
CanadaI didnt get my appointment letter yet!
There is no problem if you don't get the letter by the time you leave for your interview, the guards at the Consulate will confirm your appointment at your arrival. I got my date two days before I was to get there and I never did receive any correspondence (e-mail or letter) from the Consulate regarding the interview. Back in those days it was done by telephone. laughing.gif
If you don't get it just show up with your passport and everything will be fine.
All the best at the interview.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-01-10 07:26:00
CanadaInterview in Less than a week...
You're going to breeze right through everything, no prolem. I'm a K1 so I have no idea of the K3 process so the best thing is follow the directions of your fellow K3ers the ones that have been there. All I can say is I hope you go home soon and the best you at the interview.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-01-18 11:07:00
CanadaCanada Post Lost My Medical
I do hope your Dr. can get another package off to you through a reliable courier without asking for an additional fee other than for the delivery.
I have not used Canada Post since they lost our Christmas presents two boxes and two cards from two different locations three years ago and I will not use them even if it were to send a card. They are not and never will be my favourite corporation.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-02-04 09:57:00
Congratulation,love your twist on the interview. I hope you get your x-rays with no more problems. I'm sure your glad you didnt get Debbie the ####### of Montreal who I'm sure the the girl with the engagement photos got, she is one lady that should not be in the position she is in. For those yet to go through Montreal Debbie is or was the slightly heavyset, caucasian blond woman with as you read above with an attitude when I went through there.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-02-08 07:33:00
CanadaShould Len be considered for Sainthood?
Most definately and a long time due.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-02-06 15:36:00
CanadaAfter reading this..
[quote name='Len_and_Bren' date='Feb 12 2008, 11:55 AM' post='1576219']

My dearest friend!!! I miss you on the boards. And you KNOW we have your back my man. OH! You might want to contact suzie here in VJ - she has access to a radio show that will continue and the topic is our topic. any news from DC???

I have never left, couldn't even if I tried, but I do try and not post often as I tend to dwell on my issue rather than on those of others good or bad. I wish I could be as I was prior to our interview but the interview has changed my train of thought and for now my ability to be writing with total sincerity without seeming false, the consulate has temporarily placed a wall between my mind and my heart. I would love to be congratulating everyone that has been passing through Montreal and Vancouver, and everyone else in the Canada forum for their progress and sympathise with those who are also going through a rough period in the process. Lenina, I do appreciate both you and Bren, you and the many others here who have been a great support to Sharon and I, and with everyone here being so supportive we won't give up or fail and our load is more than halved because the weight is spread far and wide amongst sincere caring souls.

From the ombudsman: We cannot help you as your issue is a legal one. This was regarding a question about Debbie.

As for the package sent to Dr. Gonzalez in August and signed for, there has been no reply, call or correspondence what-so-ever.

SpiritAlight, your question was:
what are "they" afraid of? Well much like yourself I don't know, the I-601 in my view is useless for the simple reason that all the answers they are wanting were in the documents brought to the interview and kept there minus the blood test for an alcohol level. There has to be a reason that escapes us and maybe I will get the answer one day.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-02-12 13:53:00
CanadaAfter reading this..
Thank you eveyone for your comments wishes support and caring for and about us.
when I read that I should record a song the first one to enter my mind is "We shall overcome" and it is still the one I feel is fitting. Politics and politicians are not and never will be logical and will not do what is right unless they benefit personnally. Laws are made to be broken and who best to break them than the ones who made them.
My sole reason for not liking Debbie is that she added to my folder that she smelt alcohol and thought I was drinking before the meeting, ((24 yrs sober)) I am sure that if that was not in my file I would have been south of the border months ago because I beleive that the criminal offense ((32 yrs ago)) would not have been an issue as it seems to have been added as a second thought. As for Amy Winehouse and others if they can get what they want when they want it all the more power to them.

All together now!!!!!

1. We shall overcome
We shall overcome
We shall overcome some day

Oh deep in my heart
I do believe
We shall overcome some day

2. We'll walk hand in hand
We'll walk hand in hand
We'll walk hand in hand some day
3. We shall all be free
We shall all be free
We shall all be free some day

4. We are not afraid
We are not afraid
We are not afraid today

5. We are not alone
We are not alone
We are not alone today

6. The whole wide world around
The whole wide world around
The whole wide world around some day
7. We shall overcome
We shall overcome
We shall overcome some day

Lyrics derived from Charles Tindley's gospel song "I'll Overcome Some Day" (1900), and opening and closing melody from the 19th-century spiritual "No More Auction Block for Me" (a song that dates to before the Civil War). According to Professor Donnell King of Pellissippi State Technical Community College (in Knoxville, Tenn.), "We Shall Overcome" was adapted from these gospel songs by "Guy Carawan, Candy Carawan, and a couple of other people associated with the Highlander Research and Education Center
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-02-12 08:19:00
CanadaWhat is your Astrological Sign?
Leo 27th and Leo 29th 363 days of seperation
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-01-16 17:56:00
CanadaWhat is the age difference between you and your SO?
Sharon and I are the same age one day every year, July 28th.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-02-22 14:19:00
CanadaCan it be that the Dr. wants me for herself

Your post made me smile .. and tonight I can really use it .. you can't help it if the Doc thinks your hot lol!!! :) It really bites that they are delaying you because of this .. grrrr .. this process can drive a person mad! Fingers are crossed for things to start moving along for you and Sharon.

Now THAT solves the mystery..... the doctor has a crush on Sharon.... woooohooooo :wub: - just put out sister and get the results done for crying out loud!!!! ;)
Len, wishing for August .

The doc hasn't seen Sharon, she is jealous of Sharon, I'm the one she wants to make sure is 100% well and flawless.
Affirmations bring confirmations Len, wishing leaves wiggle room and they have had enough of that.
August it is for you and September for me, I still have a few things to do.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-25 09:39:00
CanadaCan it be that the Dr. wants me for herself
[quote name='Lance27' date='Jul 25 2007, 01:17 AM' post='1070442']
Just a big cash grab... they all want your $$$$ :P

I should look into getting me one of those panel physician/civil surgeon jobs :D

Well OHIP is paying for everything now, She got her $300.00 and that is all she will be getting from me.
The best job to have is with the government in the compliments sector, how many people do you think you would deal with there.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-25 09:24:00
CanadaCan it be that the Dr. wants me for herself

Y'all gotta be more positive than that "should" shouldn't be in there cause we's getting August letters and September interviews. Tis a done deal missy.

"Allrighty" then... done deal that we getss interbieu september.... sheesh! when did we became rednecks????? :blink:

We ain't rednecks yet, but it is fun trying to be just for the halibut. I'm going Mid-West and can't remember hearing anything like what I wrote above. I do need to practice saying stool instead of toilet and set instead of sit and many other words, at least it won't be the Franglais (French and English)I speak hear now.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-25 09:06:00
CanadaCan it be that the Dr. wants me for herself
Lynette, your life will soon be filled with smiles and a whole lot of happiness. Right now the world is revolving so quickly that you're not taking time to enjoy this special moment you are living. Once you get to the border and hear welcome to the United States you wll need your seat belt because so much weight will be lifted that you will float away otherwise.
Sorry for the Doc because Sharon found me first an I'm a one gal kind of guy, maye I'll tell the doc where Sharon found me and she go and find her hearts desire.
It was the "B!tch of Montreal" not the doc that caused the delay by removing me from the waiting list in January after I called for information and was told I could not b added until checklist was completed. The doc is just prolonging her part, which at this time is not interferring with anything.
Lynette to keep smiling read the last line at the bottom of your posts, that one sentence always brings me smiles. The only thing that will drive me mad is having given everything up to be with Sharon and get denied and have to bring Sharon here and start here from scratch. Well every day brings us one day closer so everything is moving at its own pace and in Gods own good time will be done.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-07-25 08:36:00