CanadaAbandonment of Petition
QUOTE (IR5FORMUMSIE @ Jun 28 2008, 01:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ Jun 27 2008, 08:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There are a few questions I would like to ask, and I ask a few of the people in the know who are willing to share their knowledge to do so.
  • Who should be advised when withdrawing our visa petition?
  • Do you have an address where the cancellation should be sent? In case it is different from Montreal or Vermont.
  • After the cancellation would there be a time when admittance to the USA would be denied.
  • If possible, how long after cancellation of the petition will travel to the USA be permitted?
  • How long approximately would it take for the cancellation request to be processed?
We are not abandoning each other; that is not the purpose of the withdrawal of our petition, we are abandoning the process. We have little to no confidence in the American government making a decision on our behalf within the time it will take to have the Canadian government to process our petition from beginning to end.

Thank you


Ron, I just wanted to add that after the ####### you've had to deal with I'm glad that you've moved on to what is right for your relationship with Sharon. I'm torn between telling you to scuttle the ship or fighting on. If you withdraw your application I don't think it will change your admissibilty if you didn't have any problems before. You've put so much effort into this venture I think that you should continue on with US immigration and simultaneously pursue Canadian immigration as vigourously as possible. The decision is yours but once you get the approval in the US, you could always choose which country to call home. Whatever decision you make will be the right one I'm sure. good.gif heart.gif

The fight is over, we had no clue as to when it would be over one month or thirteen months from now when we could be together. This way we can apply for her to be here and she can live here and return there when it is necessary and if everything goes well she could have her permanent residency as soon as six months from now if this take longer the bonus is they we will be married and living together not apart. To have stayed with the process to go to the States I would have had to redo the medical,the criminal ground check, hotel, interview and the trip to Montreal & back. The need to cancel the process was to be able to enter the States ASAP so we have smooth sailing when the time to moves comes.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-06-30 10:42:00
CanadaAbandonment of Petition
QUOTE (Necrotica @ Jun 28 2008, 01:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm so sorry that you've had to go through so much hell with this visa process, Ron. I hope everything turns out well for you in the end. rose.gif

Our hell was and is no worse than yours, in fact what we went through was less than you both have been through, I hope it will all come together for you very soon.
If Sharon hadn't been so sick and gone so much in the past year and needing me there this would not have been so bad, her needing me and my wanting to be there with her to make things better for her and not being able are what made this so difficult.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-06-30 09:23:00
CanadaAbandonment of Petition
QUOTE (SonoranSongbird @ Jun 27 2008, 03:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
America's loss and Canada's gain. Wherever it is, I hope you will be together very soon.

The truth is that America's loss is in fact my gain, and a gain that has been a long time coming.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-06-30 09:05:00
CanadaAbandonment of Petition
QUOTE (VJ Troll @ Jun 27 2008, 09:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The easiest way is to just abandon it from your end. Move on with your life and don't respond to any further inquiries from USCIS.

If you want to do it 'right', you should notify the service center or consulate or district office that is currently reviewing your petition/application.

Thank you VJ Troll, We will do it the right way so they have no reason to complicate our life in the future, we are currently in St Albans.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-06-27 09:56:00
CanadaAbandonment of Petition
There are a few questions I would like to ask, and I ask a few of the people in the know who are willing to share their knowledge to do so.
  • Who should be advised when withdrawing our visa petition?
  • Do you have an address where the cancellation should be sent? In case it is different from Montreal or Vermont.
  • After the cancellation would there be a time when admittance to the USA would be denied.
  • If possible, how long after cancellation of the petition will travel to the USA be permitted?
  • How long approximately would it take for the cancellation request to be processed?
We are not abandoning each other; that is not the purpose of the withdrawal of our petition, we are abandoning the process. We have little to no confidence in the American government making a decision on our behalf within the time it will take to have the Canadian government to process our petition from beginning to end.

Thank you

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-06-27 08:44:00
CanadaLost in the Mail
They were just testing you. I am glad that you have good news, now let them do the right thing and your papers to where they should be. Welcome to the cue.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-10-17 11:27:00
Canadakeep in canada forum
The withdrawl of our petition it seems has not been received or has been redirected and lost in the shuffle nop-one knows of its existance. Sharon is not here due to 4 months of illnesses which have affected both of us and placed a damper on our progressing along immigration lines in one side or the other of the border. We are hoping that we will be ready to bring Sharon here soon, she will retire in March and if nothing positive comes from Vermont by then they will have made the decission for us.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-08-28 15:09:00
CanadaGod Bless Canada
God bless Canada and its elderly ladies. You gotta love this one!! It happened in a Metro station in Montreal.

There were protesters on the concourse handing out pamphlets on the evils
of Canada. I politely declined to take one. An elderly woman was behind
me getting off the escalator and a young (20-ish) female protester offered
her a pamphlet, which she politely declined. The young protester put her
hand on the woman's shoulder as a gesture of friendship and in a very soft
voice said, 'Lady, don't you care about the children of Iraq?
The elderly woman looked up at her and said, 'Honey, my father died in
France during World War II, I lost my husband in Korea and a grandson in
Afghanistan. All three died so you could have the right to stand here and
bad mouth our country. If you touch me again, I'll stick this umbrella up
your ### and then I'll open it.'

God Bless Canada

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-09-29 09:56:00
CanadaKeeping in touch
I'm back fultime, at work that is. There are many posts here that need to be replied to and I will reply to each one but it may take some time before they are all answered since I still have to work at getting things back up and running with USCIS and Canada and take the one that comes through first.
We do thank everyone for their support it does help much more than you can ever know.
Thank you all very much.
Ron and Sharon
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-09-29 06:16:00
CanadaKeeping in touch
For us things are getting better. Sharon has returned to work 3 days ago and is finding it rough as because she has been off for so long (4 months) they (Walmart) have placed her on the 12 hour overnight shift, it is one of the things Walmart does to its female employees to teach them a lesson for taking so much time off.
I am doing better, can get around without crutches or cane and should be back at work in the next ten day. Am waiting for the results of the heart monitoring tests to see what that doctor has to say, I'm sure that everything is fine just need to stay on my meds.

I haven't read much here yet, but I am hoping and praying for everyone so your voyage through this maze is quick and as painless as possible. Keep your eyes on tomorrow as it is a new day and can be the one that brings you the news you have been waiting for.
In a way God has granted me one of my wishes, what is now a long time ago I wished that I would see all the couples that were here before us leave before us and I think that there are less than a handful remaining that are still with the program perhaps when they have had their turn it will be ours.
Sharon and I wish to add our love to that which God has for you all.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-09-15 12:02:00
CanadaKeeping in touch
Keeping it short.

Sharon was completing her 3 month stress related leave when she was hit with another problem, surgery, just this past Thursday. I am still dealing with the heart institute re: my now confirmed stroke and a week ago this past Monday fell and fractured my hip. At this rate we are going we will be dead before we are able to be together.

I hope everyone is suffering as little as possible and your love for each other strong enough to sustain you through these trials and tribulations, remember that your level of pleasures in the future are based on your level of pains in the present.

Love you each and everyone
see you in about a month
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-08-12 11:55:00
CanadaMedical in Ottawa
The following two doctors were panel phycians in Ottawa, but as Trailmix stated there seem to be only 4 for the entire country now. The new list is as of October 2008

Dr. Maureen Stewart 302-1919 Riverside Drive, Ottawa 613-523-8998
Dr. Lorne Weiner 75 Albert St., Ottawa 613-238-5963

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-11-17 09:47:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Just a word of caution, if you're expecting your appointment in the near future, keep calling. I amoung a few others have never to this day never received our appointment letters. we learned of our dates by calling often. I had less than a two day notice having called on August 7th and found out the appointment was on the 9th.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-11-21 06:50:00
CanadaAny one talking about the almost political crises in Canada?
In Option 2: The group of three have decided that Stephan Dion would be the Prime Minister in a coalition if the Governor General decides to go that route. He Stephan Dion said he will still leave his post in May regardless of the decision made.

At this moment Harper is kissing ### to keep his party in power until they can bring in a new budget in January.

Right now the only one’s fearing they may lose their job are the drivers for the ministers and deputy ministers.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-12-02 13:47:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
This is not by any stretch of the mind a vent but for Sharon and I a celebration for the simple reason that she will be shortly returning to work day, the overnight shift was taking its toll on both of us to the point of thinking that this is all too much and we were falling apart when in fact we are both too tired to really appreciate each other as we should be doing. The day shift will allow Sharon to do the things she want to do with time to spare and I will begin sleeping straight through the nights again since there will no longer be getting up at 3 a.m. to Call Sharon during her 2 a.m. lunch break. This news is almost as good as hearing that Montreal is cancelling the 212(a) and 221(g) I got.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-09 07:33:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Krikit @ Oct 30 2007, 06:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
WHAT WAS I THINKING?!!!!! You guys are AWESOME!!!

*gets grip on self*
*pulls self up by bootstraps*
*develops thicker skin*
*is thankful for what she has*
*gets bar of chocolate*
*pours glass of wine*

There. I've given myself a good talking to and have pulled myself together. Thank you SO MUCH for the hugs and the messages. They really mean a lot to me. You guys really are the best. heart.gif

rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif

Don't devlope a thicker skin that would take away who and what you are a good and wonderful person. People have better ways of dealing with their emotions. You are loved and lovable and developing a thicker skin isn't a Canadian caracteristic to my thinking. If you do need to develop something make it a broader smile.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-01 18:13:00
CanadaNow what????

Thank you, it is awesome. Now that we have the approval from Vermont we aren’t accepting that as the final decision we still have to go through Montreal and that is where this mess started with Debbie. I am hoping that my medical turns out good. We are taking time to think everything out but the States is looking like the place we will be living since in a very few months we will both be retired. As I wrote a while back it isn’t where we are just who we are with.


Thank you, for Canada Sharon can come here and live here during the whole process but it would be longer than if she were to stay in the states to do the process. The inland process is a year plus and outland is a year minus. The waiver I believe is valid for 5 years then another would have to be applied for. Anywhere as long as we were together and there was a log cabin and mountains.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-02-18 12:33:00
CanadaNow what????

Thank you! As for what to do next only Sharon and I will have to decide that and we will. I hope you are already State side.


Thanks, I hope your Naturalization is going well for you.


We are hoping for a speedy end also, this was in fact over 6 years in the making even tough we only filed just over 2 years ago.

I hope you see an end to your USCIS trip very soon.


As you read further you will see that the (what next) is in our hand only, for us it is decision time.


You would have to say wow since my past post most likely dwelt on negatives because of the stress. This is the greatest news since we were informed that we had an interview even though the interview was in 2 days. Sharon has moved but within Kansas, the Canadian petition is being done outland because that way everything would/will be light-years quicker than her being here.


Thank you, and now on to the next project what that may be.


Thank you also, in this process this was the biggest hurdle we have encountered and I wish no-one ever had to go through such a draining experience. We are talking about what’s best considering all the factors. The only thing better will be hearing I do.


I read your “Looking for Support! or Not” post and am sorry that I didn’t support you, I was more afraid of screwing up, my mind and heart wanted to but I still lack trust in my ability to put words together properly. Thank you very much for being there for Sharon and I as always. The day I saw coming was one tat brought a denial with it, the reason for that is we never sent a letter of hardship just a plain and simple 4 paragraph single sheet of paper, the paragraphs were, 1. my past 2. Sharon’s past 3. Where we are today 4. Where we want to be in the future. As you said Sharon is elated beyond words.


If that was their best shot we will be able to handle anything else they have in store if we go that route, being together will make every load easier to carry.


Sitting and spinning are the right words for what was going on. For now we are keeping both going until a decision is made one way or another by us or for us. Sometimes the money is not a factor when you get what you really, really want.


You have a good point about sticking with Canada for now, we will have to think and talk about it taking in everything we have to consider.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-02-18 11:55:00
CanadaNow what????
The what next here is what do we do now? Cancel the Canadian petition and continue with this one or stick with the Canadian one which is still faster and easier to get. I'm not there yet, still have to deal with Montreal and another medical and having had 2 operations and a stroke in the past few months can place a damper on everything. Still x number of hoops to go through.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-02-17 15:18:00
CanadaNow what????
Didn't expect the approval this quckly and in fact didn't expect a approval at all.


The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: EAC08********


Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On February 17, 2009, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I601 APPLICATION TO WAIVE EXCLUDABILITY. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-02-17 13:17:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ May 21 2008, 07:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cassie @ May 20 2008, 07:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ May 20 2008, 04:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Today the doctor said I have to go to the heart institute for testing, she has no idea what happened and is sure that it wasn't the medication, but does think it was a stroke, everyone at work is now worried and the boss is thinking of getting other to keep an eye on me and call me at work since I send the last 2 hours alone, damn there goes my nap time. crying.gif

Speaking as someone who has had a stroke -- go get testing done! This may have been a TIA or a small stroke -- usually these go undiagnosed and untreated, and you may suffer a bigger one later on. I don't want to scare you, but just want to gently nudge you in the direction of getting checked out and starting preventative treatment if needed. Oh and familiarize yourself and your co-workers with the warning signs of stroke so that you can be prepared. I hope something else is causing your symptoms, but obey your doctor just to make sure. smile.gif

I agree with Cassie, please check it out Ron. You are blessed that so many people love and care about you!

Thanks, I will be doing everything I am told, the hardest part will be to stop smoking since they took the Zyban away and will not issue any other Sessation aides.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-21 07:11:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Cassie @ May 20 2008, 08:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ May 20 2008, 04:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Today the doctor said I have to go to the heart institute for testing, she has no idea what happened and is sure that it wasn't the medication, but does think it was a stroke, everyone at work is now worried and the boss is thinking of getting other to keep an eye on me and call me at work since I send the last 2 hours alone, damn there goes my nap time. crying.gif

Speaking as someone who has had a stroke -- go get testing done! This may have been a TIA or a small stroke -- usually these go undiagnosed and untreated, and you may suffer a bigger one later on. I don't want to scare you, but just want to gently nudge you in the direction of getting checked out and starting preventative treatment if needed. Oh and familiarize yourself and your co-workers with the warning signs of stroke so that you can be prepared. I hope something else is causing your symptoms, but obey your doctor just to make sure. smile.gif

Thank you for caring enough to nudge me in the right direction. It is still hard to know what happened, 2 doctors and nurse practioner are confused by the symptoms, I have had 2 of the TIA symptom and the symptoms for a drug mismatch wouldn't have lasted 8 days.
I have every intension of of the tests done as soon as an appointment can be set up, which should be in the next fe days. I think is has something to do with the operation I had the day before the the symptoms and my new diet, maybe it the pizza and pepsi that my body is missing and craving.
My co-workers are well aware of my possible condition and are checking on my frequently during the day and call me when I am alone and they have gove home. My neighbours have been advised and make sure they talk to me when we meet. I am well taken care of.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-21 07:06:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (autumnchik @ May 20 2008, 07:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ron and Sharon,

Just saw your posts now. Everyone else has said things much more eloquently than I can right now, so just wanted to add that much love is going out to you!!!

Thank you very much, it is true that many wonderful things has been said by many supportive members. It does the heart good to come here empty and leave filled with the warmth of all the love sent my way for Sharon and myself.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-21 06:46:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (liz_legend @ May 20 2008, 06:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
aww that means people love you at work too!

They are good people except they for the past year claim they are the reason our petition hasn't gone through biggrin.gif they just won't let me go quietly.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-21 06:41:00
CanadaThe Vent
Today the doctor said I have to go to the heart institute for testing, she has no idea what happened and is sure that it wasn't the medication, but does think it was a stroke, everyone at work is now worried and the boss is thinking of getting other to keep an eye on me and call me at work since I send the last 2 hours alone, damn there goes my nap time. crying.gif
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-20 16:52:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Leafgal @ May 20 2008, 07:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ron very sorry to hear about Sharon's plight and her bout with Shingles. I fell bad for her as my hubby get them as well and in fact is thinking he is about to have a bout with them in the next week or so and I just feel so bad for him when he does since there is nothing I can do but watch him be in pain (he of course is a man, no offense, but he won't go to the doctor anymore) he just likes to suffer through it. Luckily it only seems to last a few weeks usually but terrible to watch. I hope Sharon gets to feeling better soon, best to you both.

Thank you very much, Sharon is new suffering the side effects and hopefully they won't last too long. Tell your husband if caught at the right time they don't need to last more than a week with the proper medication. I two years ago felt something wrong and it was the beginning of shingles and I took 7 pills and they were gone. If he want to spend $300.00 there is a pill that will cure he in one day. I opted for the lesser expensive meds at 170.00 for the 7 pills.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-20 16:44:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ May 20 2008, 07:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So sorry that Sharon is having health issues now. I know that during our process Gene had a case of shingles as well. Very painful! The Dr. said it was of course the virus, however was probably brought on by stress. Don't we know about THAT eh? Tell Sharon that we send our love and best wishes for a full recovery. We're thinking of her, and you...not being down here for her, and hoping and praying that this damn process is over soon!!!! Love and hugs Ron for you both. rose.gif heart.gif

Thank you Carla, Sharon will get through this but it will take time. What she is now suffering are the side effects and they are what is causing weakness

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-20 16:24:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (IR5FORMUMSIE @ May 19 2008, 03:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ May 19 2008, 10:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yesterday at work Sharon wasn't feeling well at all (tired to point of collapsing) after being there 2 hour, she waited for a replacement and then went to the hospital emergency to get checked out and was told it would take as much as 3 month to recover from her illness, this is not good as all it does is add more stress in her life and it is stress that she is trying to recover from. Right now she on her way to her doctor since she (doctor) was called by the hospital yesterday and told to see the doctor first thing this morning.

I know everyone well wish well and a speedy recovery, that is what I will tell her on your behalf. Thank you for tolerating my latest post as they are not the most pleasant reading material available.

Always thinking of you and loving you very much even if not said often enough. heart.gif rose.gif


Ron, I just read this post and I know how stressful your situation has been for both you and Sharon but I can't think of some palliative cliche or banal pleasantry that will provide succour. My eloquent fellow VJers have posted much of what I am feeling. The only thing that strikes me is the power and depth of your love for each other, as Shakespeare once wrote,
Love isan ever-fixed mark That looks on tempests and is never shaken.

I don't mean to engage in a course of sophistry or clever wordplay and I hope that you take no offence but in a backhanded way your maladies are the manifestation of your love for each other. This crucible of tragedy is forging an ever stronger bond that few people will ever experience. We are all grateful to have been given the opportunity to observe it first-hand, albeit all of us wish that it had come under more felicitous circumstances. As you have already pointed out, this is the nadir, there is only up and it will get better. You have had your health problems recently and now Sharon has had hers and you are on the cusp of great and joyous changes, you've steeled yourselves to the insults of the fates and nothing more can affect you. good.gif The strength of the bonds of your love are not altered by calumnious insult. Your posts are never intolerable, they are the very parable of ineffable affection. We all share your longing in our collective hearts and yours will be in our daily supplications for peace and strength to you and Sharon. heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif

The quality of mercy is not strained, it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven and the weather forecast calls for rain. heart.gif good.gif

Dear Mumsie, How does one do justice to what you have written? I have tried but am not able to say anything but a heart felt thank you.
Ron andSharon
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-20 16:18:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (liz_legend @ May 19 2008, 02:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm really sorry you guys are going through more than just a "rough patch" at this point..
I hope you both find yourselves together no matter when that is..

Liz, Everything has a price, this may be ours for a better future together. Once we have everything out of the way " rough patch" we definitely will have a smooth as silk future. I figure that soon our paperwork falls on someone's desk who will as the last CBP agent I met say "#######" and not be afraid to re-act and to act in our favour.
Love and Hugs
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-20 06:04:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (trailmix @ May 19 2008, 12:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ron i'm truly sorry to hear of these issues that you and Sharon are now dealing with in addition to what you already have to deal with.

I'm wishing you both health and happiness soon!

Thank you trailmix,
We have hit a low point and with the proper help we will pull through and carry on. This does not minimize our love for each other it fortifies our resolve to be together regardless of whether it is a stone in our shoes or a rock on the road. We are one of many who have travelled and will travel this path to the where our hearts will have no more longing.
I hope you are well and are enjoying your new life.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-19 12:22:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ May 19 2008, 12:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ May 19 2008, 08:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yesterday at work Sharon wasn't feeling well at all (tired to point of collapsing) after being there 2 hour, she waited for a replacement and then went to the hospital emergency to get checked out and was told it would take as much as 3 month to recover from her illness, this is not good as all it does is add more stress in her life and it is stress that she is trying to recover from. Right now she on her way to her doctor since she (doctor) was called by the hospital yesterday and told to see the doctor first thing this morning.

I know everyone well wish well and a speedy recovery, that is what I will tell her on your behalf. Thank you for tolerating my latest post as they are not the most pleasant reading material available.

Always thinking of you and loving you very much even if not said often enough. heart.gif rose.gif


Oh dear. Don't know what to say Ron. Please please tell that girl that she is much too loved by you and all of us VJ freaks. I always have you both in my prayers. Sweetheart, she should perhaps (pardon my intrusion and unrequested advise) go drop by a psychiatrist office? Perhaps something to help ease the pain (emotional) and stress will help - both therapy and medications. I know this first hand my dear friend, and it kept me alive through the hardest of times.

We love you both. Len and Bren.

Len and Bren, thank you very much for thinking of us especially Sharon at this time, she is in need of prayers at this time, none are ever too few. Sharon’s doctor is an angel and she is helping Sharon both physically and mentally, but our concern at the moment is her physical well being. What I didn’t say was she has a few weeks ago had a terrible case of Shingle that has drawn every bit of strength she had and this is what the present problem is, no matter what she does it is too much. The shingles are pretty much healed, but the doctor yesterday said it can take up to 3 month before she is herself and well enough to function as she has in the past. She returned to work as her doctor suggested working half days for the first week, but even at that she has not been able to do the half days but 2 to 3 hours only. The advice may have been un-requested but it truly is appreciated and would have been requested if only I weren’t so closely involved, and the intrusion is very welcome from someone as yourself who know what it is we are going through.

Thank you for the comfort of your words and the advice you offer us none is wasted.

Thank you and thank Bren you are always in our hearts and thoughts

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-19 12:09:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ May 19 2008, 12:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ May 19 2008, 11:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yesterday at work Sharon wasn't feeling well at all (tired to point of collapsing) after being there 2 hour, she waited for a replacement and then went to the hospital emergency to get checked out and was told it would take as much as 3 month to recover from her illness, this is not good as all it does is add more stress in her life and it is stress that she is trying to recover from. Right now she on her way to her doctor since she (doctor) was called by the hospital yesterday and told to see the doctor first thing this morning.

I know everyone well wish well and a speedy recovery, that is what I will tell her on your behalf. Thank you for tolerating my latest post as they are not the most pleasant reading material available.

Always thinking of you and loving you very much even if not said often enough. heart.gif rose.gif


OH MY! ohmy.gif
Ron....I'm so sorry to hear of Sharon's illness!!!
I hope she gets the rest and healing she needs!!!!
I'm thinking of you both rose.gif
Stay strong

Thank you Laura, I hope you have a very happy birthday and many more.
Thank you for the kind words I will pass them on to Sharon, She also will appreciate them.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-19 11:34:00
CanadaThe Vent
Yesterday at work Sharon wasn't feeling well at all (tired to point of collapsing) after being there 2 hour, she waited for a replacement and then went to the hospital emergency to get checked out and was told it would take as much as 3 month to recover from her illness, this is not good as all it does is add more stress in her life and it is stress that she is trying to recover from. Right now she on her way to her doctor since she (doctor) was called by the hospital yesterday and told to see the doctor first thing this morning.

I know everyone well wish well and a speedy recovery, that is what I will tell her on your behalf. Thank you for tolerating my latest post as they are not the most pleasant reading material available.

Always thinking of you and loving you very much even if not said often enough. heart.gif rose.gif

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-19 10:56:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (IR5FORMUMSIE @ May 16 2008, 03:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ May 16 2008, 12:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Carla
Things aren't as perfect as they can be right now, pain and no pills, now that sucks big time. I also hope that the tests show the meds were incompatible so I can at least get something less strong until I return to the other meds if possible. A bad reaction right now would be good news so lets hope that is the problem and nothing else. How can those hugs not be felt there are so many that they would warm the coldest heart, thank you for sent what was and is need, I don't know what Sharon would say if she knew I was hugging someone other than her but I do she would appreciate someone caring enough to do so in her absence. I feel disruptive at times when I post because like when I posted a day or two ago there was a theme going and interrupting a flow is not my favourite thing to do but this time it felt necessary to relieve the build-up. I'll spend the weekend taking care of Sharon and she will take care of me.


I love you and everyone else here, and I hope everything is going as well as possible for everyone during the journey.

[size="3"]Take care of yourself and each other


Class will out itself and you Sir are true class. good.gif

All I can say is thank you and I hope I can live up to your words.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-16 16:26:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Krikit @ May 16 2008, 04:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So sorry to hear of your medical issues, Ron. Hope you are feeling better, soon, and that 2008 turns out to be your best year yet. ((((((BIG HUGS)))))))

Thank Krikit, The reason I was taking the meds will be healed in two to three weeks, the result of taking the meds should be cleared up in the next week hopefully without further follow-ups necessary. We are also hoping 2008 the early part will be ours, not all of it we only need a few minute but the choise of timing is in the hands of God and the USCIS team and I hope they can come together and negotiate in our favour soon.

It is nice hearing from you I hope all is well
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-16 16:23:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Levi_Heather @ May 16 2008, 03:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ May 16 2008, 12:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Levi_Heather @ May 16 2008, 12:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Was going to complain about my computer but after reading the recent posts seems pretty trivial now whistling.gif

The topic is my dear and problems with your computer may be fixed with the help of someone here. there is nothing so trivial it can't or shouldn't be shared.
I how your problem fixes itself.


Thank you. Got it fixed!! I read the latest posts and will be thinking of you and wishing the best to the both of you.

Glad it's working as it should. and thanks for the wishes.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-16 14:42:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Levi_Heather @ May 16 2008, 12:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Was going to complain about my computer but after reading the recent posts seems pretty trivial now whistling.gif

The topic is my dear and problems with your computer may be fixed with the help of someone here. there is nothing so trivial it can't or shouldn't be shared.
I how your problem fixes itself.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-16 12:19:00
CanadaThe Vent
Hi Carla
Things aren’t as perfect as they can be right now, pain and no pills, now that sucks big time. I also hope that the tests show the meds were incompatible so I can at least get something less strong until I return to the other meds if possible. A bad reaction right now would be good news so lets hope that is the problem and nothing else. How can those hugs not be felt there are so many that they would warm the coldest heart, thank you for sent what was and is need, I don’t know what Sharon would say if she knew I was hugging someone other than her but I do she would appreciate someone caring enough to do so in her absence. I feel disruptive at times when I post because like when I posted a day or two ago there was a theme going and interrupting a flow is not my favourite thing to do but this time it felt necessary to relieve the build-up. I’ll spend the weekend taking care of Sharon and she will take care of me.

I love you and everyone else here, and I hope everything is going as well as possible for everyone during the journey.

Take care of yourself and each other

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-16 12:14:00
CanadaU.S.A. quickly becoming just a place to visit
QUOTE (SpiritAlight @ Mar 19 2008, 12:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Thank you everyone it is such a good feeling to know that so many wonderful people who have their own lives to live and hoops to jump through have taken time to support us in the way each one of you have. I hope that soon we will be able to do and give to you what you are doing and giving to us.

I hope you realize that tonight I will be reading all these pages to Sharon and she will cry, Shame on you. Love you all very much, have a quick and pleasant journey.


Hee, hee.
Yup shame on us.
And, obviously, we all love you two/too.

Thank you for all your beautiful and heartfelt replies.


I think the replies would have been better if answered individually, if I were counting the posts they would be doubled but I rather be sure that everyone gets acknowledgment whether in a single post or a community one, I do hope no-one has been offended or left out, there were so many to reply to. I know that I didn't thank everyone personally and that is a misstep on my part because in my heart everyone is thanked many times over for taking the time to be a part of our journey with love, caring and support even when I haven't been supportive lately because I was to wrapped up in our side of what is going on. I can tell you that I don't read everything posted in the Canada forum there is way to much and not enough time, there were things that I would have like to reply to but was and still am afraid to inject our trip into someone else post, I did do that in the past and didn't like it so now I am trying to be more cautious and sensitive towards others and not take from them by hijacking.

Love each and everyone and I learn daily from each and everyone through the question and answers and back and forth bantering.
You folk bring smiles to our faces and tears to our eyes, never know whether to love you or love you death.

SpiritAlight, Thank you vrey much

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-03-19 12:37:00
CanadaU.S.A. quickly becoming just a place to visit
QUOTE (Lona.C. @ Mar 19 2008, 11:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Ron and Sharon
I just saw your post now ( havent been here much lately ) I want to wish you both the best and hope the CIC will be quicker , best of luck with everything . will be thinking of you both

Hello Lona, I have been missing your posts, I hope everything is well with you and Tony, I’m glad that you 2 have a short break now before continuing to the next step. Thank you for the wishes, we are thinking of CIC but that wouldn’t happen until Sharon is free of her obligations to her mother, which is why we are looking at CIC and still with USCIS. The good thing about CIC if we go that route is having Sharon here during the process which for a K1 is the opposite n the States. Will be praying for you and wishing you a speedy journey through the next process.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-03-19 11:29:00