K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f Proof of Having Met. Is this enough?
Congratulations on the approval, now on to the next step with you.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-10-28 18:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresState Department Visa Office Operating Hours
QUOTE (MasikAndKisya @ Dec 13 2007, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ Dec 13 2007, 08:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm sure they closed that department down a long time ago, I sent them a heavy package (over a pound) in September and the the only confirmation I have that they did receive it is the signature of the person in the mail room.

Okay, I can't help but make light of the situation at this point : ) Maybe it was your over a pound package? I mean that with the best humor : )

Maybe they think it's fruit cake and they're waiting for the holidays before opening it Damn!!!!

Edited by Ron/Sharon, 13 December 2007 - 12:37 PM.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-12-13 12:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresState Department Visa Office Operating Hours
I'm sure they closed that department down a long time ago, I sent them a heavy package (over a pound) in September and the the only confirmation I have that they did receive it is the signature of the person in the mail room.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-12-13 08:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhone calls
We talk 3 time every day for an average of between 2500 and 3000 minutes per month, thanks to Bell Canada's under $30.00 Canada to USA calling plan. Much like Laura and Nick we talk about everything under the sun, we also have our tv programs that we watch together.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-03-31 06:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresg325a form questions
QUOTE (csmith1216 @ Apr 29 2008, 06:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i think i made a big mistake! i downloaded the form g325a ,had my fiancee sign the copy but she signed only 1 page. will that be ok or will can i make copies of that form to make the 4 needed. will it be ok to have all forms read...(1) ident. on the bottom left hand corner......

Check the very last line on each page at the left corner, there you will see that
page 1. Ident
page 2. Rec Br
page 3. C
page 4. Consulate

Each page is the same as the other except for that remark at the left on the bottom of thje page. therefore each page must be signed as copys of the first page will just add confusion as things progress.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-04-29 06:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat happens if we don't get the K-1 in time???
We planned to marry in July of 2007, we filed in September 2006 the interview was August of 2007, this is August of 2009 and we still are waiting for the visa with no end in sight. So you never know what is going to happen or when, now we don't plan anything that involves dealing with the Government of the US of A. Stock up on Tums and Kleenex and hopefully you will never need to use them.
Plan for your future but don't plan the wedding just yet.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-08-27 06:01:00
QUOTE (ChuckandRhean @ Sep 24 2009, 06:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>


A4 will be the perfect size to use as it used for: [/size][size="2"]letters, magazines, forms, catalogs, laser printer and copying machine output
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-09-24 05:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to Cancel or Withdraw K-1 Petition?
QUOTE (selma&elvir @ Oct 23 2009, 10:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MJhawk @ Oct 23 2009, 12:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hate when this happens, all of us are waiting for our visa to be approved and "NOW" she decides not to follow through. Note to everyone make sure you are willing to spend the rest of your lives together BEFORE you file for a K1 visa. This is very upsetting to me. Someone elses petition could have been approved and actually want to get married.

I agree with you, we are adults and we should take reasponsabilitys fou ours decisions and behaviors, I cannt wait to see my husband again and have interview and be together

Once you people have a timeline like ours then and only then maybe you can write what you did but only out of frustration, check it out 1130 days ago today we applied and where is our visa, Montreal sitting someone's desk.
Don't ###### until you earned that right

Edited by Ron/Sharon, 23 October 2009 - 10:50 AM.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-10-23 10:49:00
CanadaThe Vent
I know now why I posted here, the people are the best there is, so much love, passion, compassion and knowledge that make everything easier for us to handle what comes our way.

Len and Bren

You are always there with just the right words Sharon, said to thank everyone because it is nice for me to have some other than just her to talk to so I don't feel as if I am burdening her, which she I am not doing

My ailment just happened at the wrong time for Sharon since she just now barely recovering from her own illness and this the last thing she needs on top of everything else. Just knowing that there are so many to be counted on for support and letting me bend their ear from time to time is something that is irreplaceable to us.

Thank you very much for the support and the prayers, they are appreciated and much more.



Everyone here has been eloquent in their posts and it is inspiring and comforting to know that even though unknown to others they can have such comfort, love and passion, compassion and everything wonderful to share with us.

I think we have all dealt with the same thing here we may spent more time at it than other as far as the journey ours as your long and frustrating yet sharon and know that the last 605 day were well worth what the next ??? days well bring us. We have been lucky to have been together last September even though the circumstance was not the best then. I know very well that there are broad shoulders here this is not the first time nor I fear will it the last time that we have been carried by many through a difficult time and was just as much appreciated then as it is now by the older members that know and younger members as yourself who may not know the whole story but still are willing to be by our side with much love and support. Sharon is here with me, we are always together just not physically, our hugs are the same as those we get from you and other here which make life more pleasant than it would be. Giving my phone number would be a good idea if there was time but as it is the time spent at home is spent talk with Sharon which handsfree allows us to do as we do other thing until it is time to say goodnight. All this support and attention is quit overwhelming and appreciated and a bit difficult to reply to properly without getting lost and missing something or someone.

Thank you very much for the offer, words and the time spent replying to my post, it is truly appreciated.



Sharon and I both appreciate what everyone is expressing regarding us and our present situation, you can't imagine the feelings of being care about by others and having such a huge as you wrote support team willing to hug us with the support that you do. Sharon is getting better but having trouble sleeping and getting her energy level back where it should be, her being able to work a few hour is good for her as she get tired very quickly and need as much rest as possible. As for me today pain is back big time and until Tuesday no medication is allowed until we know what happened. This journey has drained both of us and the only pleasure we have is our time on the telephone morning, noon and at night when we watch our programs together. Thanks for the offer of the phone number but I think it would be better to write than talk since any free time I have is spent with my sweetheart.

I do hope that all is going well for you



Right now all I would like is being in Dodge City Kansas, but since I am here walking is the best thing for me to do for both my health and easing this pain.



Len and Bren

I know that we are always welcome here and it is appreciated more than you will ever know. When thing get rough or tough being here the best thing in the world, and right now there no other place I would rather be. Funny thing is that taking of myself in what got me into this predicament in the first place, doing the right thing isn't always the right thing to do I guess.

Thanks a lot



On Friday I had a minor operation and it on that day that I stopped using the aspirin as the doctor ordered because I would taking the Oxycodone for pain, there was no mention of stopping either the Zyban or the Crestor. The Ozycodone was to be take one or two pills every 4 hours if necessary and I took one at 6 pm then at midnight being unable to sleep I took 2 pills and was out like a light for the next 6 hours. Other than high cholesterol I have no medical problems or history as such other than broken bones, family history I'm not so sure of. I do think that whatever the problem was it is fixing itself as I am now in the 7th day since everything started starting to feel more like my old self, better vision, better breathing, the mind is able concentrate and the slurring is minimal and my writing is back to where I can read what I wrote. The pain is back but I rather have it than the prior feelings, I will see new doctor on Tuesday as mine is on holidays and see what they think might have happened. The oxycodone even though they did their job very well relieving the pain were returned to the pharmacy with a thank you but no thanks because of the side effects.


Edited by Ron/Sharon, 16 May 2008 - 11:32 AM.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-16 11:27:00
CanadaThe Vent
The only med I stopped taking was aspirin and that would not have caused a stroke. The doc thinks that if wasn’t a stroke it may have been an interaction between Zyban and Oxycodone a narcotic pain killer. Yet the symptoms were those of a stroke which the pharmacist said could not be caused by the meds yet the symptoms are still to a point problematic 6 days later. The Zyban I had been taking for a month and the oxycodone I only took at 6 pm and again 6 hour later and not again.

Thanks to all of for the concerns, thought and support for the two of us, it is truely appreciated. Sorry to drop you like this I will try and have a better reply tommorrow.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-15 17:00:00
CanadaThe Vent
Didn't want to start a new topic and didn't know where would be the best place here or in off topic, I hope is fine.
Just a wee bit pissed off

We aren't near to being done and my sweetheart is now working less than half days after spending over 20 days on stress related leave which has been a long time coming.

My doctor thinks I may have had a stroke or bad reaction to my medications, the pharmacist says that the medication should not cause stoke symptoms so now we're waiting for test result. What sucks is that neither one of us can be with the other for support and comfort we what and need.
P.S. I truely enjoy reading everything being posted, just unable to write competent replies. Sorry, I don't know how you folks keep shining so brightly but I love it and you all.
Gotta go before I start crying, bye

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-05-15 13:24:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (IR5FORMUMSIE @ Apr 16 2008, 06:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm glad that you haven't let your relationship be defined by the aribtrary whims of some mindless beareaucrat whose dream in life is to be a breathalyzer. ranting33va.gif When Pop was in AP, I wasn't that worried because he doesn't worry that much about these things. These wasn't a sense of immediacy, "it'll come" was his refrain. With you I always felt bad about the whole thing. The fact that you had the decency to share your feelings during these very short days and long nights certainly was not lost on me. As a human being I couldn't help but be moved and now feel honoured to revel in the dawn of this time of providence, this time of mercy, this age of Fortunate Ron. Fortune favours the prepared mind and you are most certainly prepared. Please post when you feel the need, we will always pay homage to your silent dignity and unwavering resolve by reading them with the same. heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif

Thank you very much, at this time I find difficult to be wordly suppotive to others for fear of turning something good for them into a me, me, me thing and take away for them nad their time. I find it better to read, feel thier joy and thier sadness and not inject what I might concider insensitive because of our present position or my frame of mind.
I am definately not trying to be insensitive towards others by not being supportive on VJ, but I am definately trying to be cautious to the point of being overly so. Words are just words until as you did above put your heart and thought into them.
Thank you is not and never will be enough to express what Sharon and I wish we could say to everyone here that in thier own way have supported us.
You all have our love and our silent support
Ron and Sharon
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-04-17 14:52:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (IR5FORMUMSIE @ Apr 16 2008, 02:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just to add to what my Sister has already posted (we tend to think alike). As time has passed and one beneficiary after another has been approved and moved on, there was always a thought in the back of my mind, what about poor Ron stuck in purgatory. What about poor Ron? His poor wife and her family, how are they holding up under the strain. Will he even get justice? I am cautiously optimistic but I think it is fair to say, today is the day when poor Ron starts to become fortunate Ron. Congratulations hardly seems appropriate under the circumstances. But I'll proffer it anyways. Con-f*ckin-gratulations. good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif It won't be too long before you'll say, IV at last, IV at last, Thank God Almighty, IV at last. good.gif (with apologies to MLK)

Thanks IR5formumsie, thank you for the congratulation that was fantastic. What was given to us was definately needed and got here at the right time, it was needed by both of us. We didn't lose faith or hope, they haven't broken us just bent us a bit, but as the willow we go the way the winds blow but remain rooted in our love for each other.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-04-16 16:08:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Apr 16 2008, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Freaking fantastic dear dear friends!!!! kicking.gif
Bren and I think of you often, and keep you in our prayers!!! Seems like a good thing this notification. Please don't abandon us, you are most loved in here!!!

How's Sharon's family? Do tell.

Hi Len and Bren, the news is the best we have had in a long time and it arrived when needed, thank you both for the prayers, as you can see they brought good results. It seems that Sharon's mother has taken a turn for the better and may be around for longer than previously thought. Sharon yesterday was ordered to take a 14 day leave from work, this past year has been hard on her in so many ways that it is a wonder she didn't pack up and disappear. I'm doing fine and could be better if my dr. would just leave me alone. I'm not leaving here at all, this is home, but I will continue to post when there is something to say about our journey. I am not yet ready to post as I have in the past, too many mixed emotions still loose.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-04-16 15:38:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (liz_legend @ Apr 16 2008, 12:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does that mean you get a new interview at montreal?????

Cuz I can move you up the list!! =)

Hi Liz, thank you for asking, we don’t yet have a date just acknowledgement of their getting our application. At this moment all is left in the hands of God and USCIS as to whether there is a second interview at Montreal.

I’m not sure if moving us up would be necessary right now, perhaps at a later date if we are advised we have been approved. Right now I think the list is a list of approvals which is giving good vibes to those who check it, why cast a shadow on everything by resurrecting the past.

In one way we are redoing the process, from initial application to interview it took 11 months. Now that Montreal has finally forwarded our application and documentation to Vermont, the 8 to 12 months or 12 to 18 months waiting period starts effective April 7th since that is when they received what they required.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-04-16 12:29:00
CanadaThe Vent
Thank you Kriket and you also Laura and Nick, This is the best news we have had since last August, that is before the interview.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-04-16 11:05:00
CanadaThe Vent
We are finally confirmed to be at VSC for the ajudication of our I601, we got the I-797C NOA yesterday in the mail. It would seem that it had been sitting in Montreal for the past few months as VSC states it received the application on April 7th. It doesn't say much or anything of interest but it does give us a new receipt number which should allow us to follow our progress over the coming months. I think this notice is a confirmation that they have been paid as the only notation is: Notice Type: Receipt Notice - Fee Previously Collected. This doesn't mention the ???212()()() so my guess is that my test results came back clean leaving them not a leg to stand on. This notice would make our official countdown date start on April 8, 2008.

Y'all have a good day now.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2008-04-16 06:36:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Nov 7 2007, 02:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ Nov 7 2007, 12:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Our lives always sux until we see someone worse off than we are. We are the centre of the universe for someone, but not for everyone, keep smiling everything will fall into place (eventually).

WHAT??? I am NOT the centre of the universe???????? crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif
You are MEAN Ron crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif

good.gif L.

Sweetheart never forget that you are the centre of a universe, Bren's universe.

I have never been called MEAN before or maybe I just didn't hear it being said. As they say call me anything you like but late for lunch.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-07 18:42:00
CanadaThe Vent
Our lives always sux until we see someone worse off than we are. We are the centre of the universe for someone, but not for everyone, keep smiling everything will fall into place (eventually).
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2007-11-07 13:53:00
CanadaA Stunning Senior moment
QUOTE (trailmix @ Mar 6 2009, 10:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think this is an unusual thread. We just agree and comments.

good.gif yes.gif
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-03-06 15:12:00
CanadaA Stunning Senior moment

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-03-05 15:52:00
CanadaOnce upon a time
If you knew this was going to happen y'all would have voted for john or hillary, then gain maybe you knew and chose the lesser of eveils.

Krikit, SonoranSongbird: Sharon and I are doing fine, missed a tornado yesterday by 5 miles, much to close for comfort.

MrsCat: I thought that part of Michigan would be a lot warmer than that at this time of the year. Hugs to your MIL.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-04-30 06:48:00
CanadaOnce upon a time
It was said that there would be a black president when pigs flew, well today is the 100 day of a black president and swine flu.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-04-29 21:06:00
CanadaMedical Exam - Dr Seiden in Toronto
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jun 18 2009, 12:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ron/Sharon @ Jun 18 2009, 11:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Damn, I was there too, bald, beard, glasses and cane, I was the one with the X-Ray folder and ever present Pepsi.


Ron! Does this mean you're making headway again?

Yes some, we had a change of plans again, We are much closer to the end timewise but still feel the last sting from Montreal and now anticipating some other glitch. The last three years have taken thier toll on us.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-06-18 12:10:00
CanadaMedical Exam - Dr Seiden in Toronto
Damn, I was there too, bald, beard, glasses and cane, I was the one with the X-Ray folder and ever present Pepsi. I think I was wearing my blue cap with Wichita and a tornado on the front. I left Ottawa and 00:30 and arrived in TO at about 06:00 and walked from the buss station and stopped for breakfast at MacDonald a few steps from the doctor office and was there a few minutes past 07:00. I do remember the two “German” woman with the baby, the man with his son and a couple sitting together, if everyone wasn’t changing chairs every time they had to go out I would probably remember who everyone was by where they sat.

That being my second medical, the last one was done 2 years ago in Ottawa at the Riverside Hospital. This last one did not compare, I was prepared to be sitting and filling out a 4 page background questionnaire as the first time but that never happened. The medical in Ottawa was complete from top to bottom and everything in between, I don't believe this time I got my money's worth and it was more expensive this time around. I did the two vials of blood, did the x-ray thing twice. Everything went well until the very end. Doctor Malcolm wanted more information for my family doctors regarding mental health and addictions to be faxed to TO. The 20 minutes it would take to get and send the information turned into 14 days as the day I dropped off the request my doctor have to leave, her father had just passed and she to go south for the funeral. I did call the Seiden Centre and they now have the information and I should be hearing from them regarding any further information required or whether they are sending me what I need to continue the process.

Best wishes to everyone, hope your trip through USCIS ends on a positive note.


Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-06-18 10:57:00
CanadaHow much will this all cost?
QUOTE (minnew @ Jul 15 2009, 08:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (joe_robin66 @ Jul 15 2009, 06:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiance and I are officially engaged as of two weeks ago and we are ready to get the ball rolling! We are laying out our finances and trying to figure out how much the visa alone will cost us. I already know that the I-129 is $455 and the AOS is $1010 as of today, and I do realize that these can change the longer we wait to start. But what I'm trying to find out is are there any other fees in between the I-129 and the AOS? I thought I saw something for the medical exam once but now I can't find anything on it, and are there fees associated with any of the forms sent directly from USCIS?

Thanks for your help!!

There are costs for the interview as well as associated costs with gathering documents needed.
Medical- depends which area of the country you live, but in Vancouver- $350
Visa fee- $131
Passport photos-ranges ($30)
Police certificate (in SK)- $30
Birth certificate (in SK)- $25
Travel to interview & medical- (seat sale)- $250
3 days in Vancouver & missed work (Thankfully had family to stay with that lived in Vancouver metro)
Acquiring Canadian passport- (mine was about to expires) $80
Photocopying & other misc. $50
Tdap booster for medical (if you haven't had one in 10 years)-$80

Moving expenses- depends of course on your location and means of moving your belongings-Upack, Uhaul, PODS-starting around $1500?
Unemployment between POE to the USA, wedding, filing AOS, receiving EAD and acquiring a job int he USA- 2-4 months?? based on personal circumstances, when you move, get married, when AOS is filed, and current EAD processing times (EAD's are being processed quickly at the moment)

Removing Conditions on PR 2 years after conditional GC- $545??

To sum it up, its very costly, around $3000 or so, but so worth it in the end!!

One thing no-one has mentioned is that if there is a requirement for a waiver the price goes up, our waiver is over the $1000.00 mark and don't know if that is the end yet.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-07-17 08:37:00
CanadaPassport & DS-156 Question
You are also going to need a photo for the DS-160 so when getting your passport photos get one on a cd also for downloading
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-07-23 11:04:00
CanadaCan I send a courier to the Montreal Consulate with my paperwork?
QUOTE (domegirl1978 @ Jul 23 2009, 03:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Confirmed by the Consulate through an email to me stating:

Yes you may send it by courier . Please remember to use your case number when contacting this office.

So I am definitely sending it by courier to this address:

General Montréal
Location 1155 rue St-Alexandré
Montréal, Québec
H3B 1Z1
for courier deliveries

And I'm sending them a short letter inside stating my case number so nothing gets lost or tied up with issues. Maybe I'll even include the front page of my packet 3 just as an extra precaution.

THANKS RON/SHARON for letting me know about this. I really appreciate it.

United States Consulate General
1155 rue St-Alexandré
Montréal, Québec
H3B 1Z1

Remember to track the package and get a signature which will be on the tracking site and printable for your file.

You're welcome
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-07-23 15:39:00
CanadaCan I send a courier to the Montreal Consulate with my paperwork?
QUOTE (Kimbear @ Jul 23 2009, 04:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you for pointing that other link to us Ron/Sharon. It seems the govt websites can never say the same thing on half of them lol. smile.gif

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-07-23 15:31:00
CanadaCan I send a courier to the Montreal Consulate with my paperwork?
QUOTE (Kimbear @ Jul 23 2009, 11:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

maybe i'm misreading but it says no courrier delivers? i'd email them to be safe and ask...

Try this one, you will have to scroll down a bit. You will see in the box on the right two addresses the fisrt is locationand at the end it is written for courier service or something like that, and the second address is for mail.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-07-23 10:43:00
CanadaCan I send a courier to the Montreal Consulate with my paperwork?
QUOTE (domegirl1978 @ Jul 23 2009, 11:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So Ron/Sharon, you had no problems sending your checklist and DS-230 to that address you provided for me?
If thats the case then maybe I WILL send it by courier. Please let me know.

Thanks very much!

Anything and everything I send and have sent to Montreal was send through UPS and I have never had anything returned. Always ask for an e-mail confirmation with the signature and track your delivery.
All the best to you
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-07-23 10:36:00
CanadaCan I send a courier to the Montreal Consulate with my paperwork?
I have a long standing distrust of Canada Post and always courier.

General Montréal

Location 1155 rue St-Alexandré
Montréal, Québec
H3B 1Z1
for courier deliveries

Mail Post Office Box 65
Postal Station Desjardins
Montréal, Québec
H5B 1G1

Edited by Ron/Sharon, 23 July 2009 - 09:25 AM.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-07-23 09:23:00
CanadaFrom a friend in Ontario . . .
I'm about ready to go out a buy a flippin wetsuit. I' also about ready to kick some butt if I hear it's 85 so nice and cool, I'm not sure we made it above 60 yet.
Here in Ottawa it will warm up when parliament gets back to work, it will be like living in Arizona.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-07-29 16:34:00
CanadaMontreal case updates
QUOTE (*Len* @ Jul 31 2009, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Brother Ron,

Good to see you around here smile.gif

MTL cases cannot be checked in the website. WAC and EAC can yes.gif

Thanks Len, it really sucks. I hope this AP will be quicker than the last
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-08-04 07:49:00
CanadaMontreal case updates
QUOTE (Inky @ Jul 31 2009, 05:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
USCIS doesnt accept mtl case numbers, I dont think, since you get a new number when you get sent to the consulate and since you arent dealing with USCIS anymore and you are with the consulate its more likely that you would get better information from emailing them, if its very urgent you could try calling them but their page on VJ states that they dont take phone inquires only email ones. I hope you can get everything sorted out quickly.

We have been in contact through e-mails, there is nothing urgent right now sinc the last of thier requsts was signed for this morning. I was sure there was a way to track with the MTL but it have been the WAC and EAC that me confused.
Thank you very much
PS. There is nothing to add to the time line as yet.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-07-31 16:53:00
CanadaMontreal case updates
QUOTE (Inky @ Jul 31 2009, 04:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Montreal doesnt accept calls for case updates and they dont have any online case check, thats USCIS that has online case check but this is the Montreal email - you have to have your MTL case number for them to do a check for your case and it has to be in the subject line of the email.

your timeline hasn't been updated since 2007, might want to update that if you can. If that is correct tho 2007 is a long time to be waiting without word from MTL or contacting MTL wholy cow!

I was sure that Montreal had a site for checking our progress with the MTL number, will g to the uscis site then.
I've been through Montreal and then Vermont and now am back at Montreal, sent them thier last requested form yesterday. I think it is seeking approval from Vermont to approve the visa.
Thanks very much, I was definately looking in the wrong place.
I will check the timelime it should be up to date
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-07-31 15:36:00
CanadaMontreal case updates
Been away from Montreal for so long I can't remember how to get case updates. I have searched the consulate web sites which I am sure was where the search could be done but with thier updating of thier site I'm totally lost.


Edited by Ron/Sharon, 31 July 2009 - 01:40 PM.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-07-31 13:40:00
CanadaCanada Post Problems
If Canada Post wanted to they could have your package to you in no time. I don't remerber what day it was but lets say a Monday. On Monday early afternoon I asked about a form they wanted me to fill which was not available on-line, they said they would send right away and obviously did because even though it was sent regular delivery it was in my mailbox at 10:30 the next morning.
The other story is where are my 2 Christmas presents and 3 cards mailed in 2004.

Hope you get your package soon.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-08-11 09:21:00
Canadahow do you know if you've "passed" the medical?
When I had my medical the doctor said "everything is fine, you're good to go" of course I did ask how things were looking.
Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-09-01 06:27:00
CanadaGot a call from Montreal
Thank you everyone for your wonderful thoughts and comments. Yes it was a tearful day yesterday, as Sharon said She didn't know whether to laugh or cry so she did both, as for me well I'm still to numb and it will only sink in when I have everything in my hands, this could still be a trick of theirs they did pull one last July when they asked for the DS-221.

As many of you know this for us was a long voyage and the last two years were the worse, the waiver took 12 months and it was approved and there was a 5 month break because of many family difficulties on both sides and in that time we both became ill and both were operated on, Sharon was out of work for almost 5 month I had a stroke and then fractured my hip and was out for 2 months. We were in AP for 755 day then luck was on our side we moved from AP to AR and were there for less time than we thought we would, only 34 days of a usual 4 to 8 week period.

As for the immediate future, Sharon will still be visiting but not for the labour day weekend but the week after for a longer stay so she can meet some of my family which I never gave her the opportunity before as I always went to Kansas and she never came here. I am going to continue working here for the next few months and leave on December 3. There is no date for the wedding yet but it will be in 2010 in Manitou Springs Colorado.

The game isn't over yet just the first round, but the rest will be much easier to take since we will be together.

Ron/SharonMaleCanada2009-09-02 10:39:00