CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Aw Vero don't worry! We're all going to laugh at you so much (in a nice way) when you get back and tell us how much you were over worried!

Manda and Chris; just send the thing! HAHAHA. It's way easier than the K1, and you have all the forms already. I would apply for AP anyways, I got mine almost 2 months before and it was nice to have. In case there is an emergency or something.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-07 11:41:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Oh wow, never thought of that!!! Do you dilute it in water before you give it to him? And what do you mean by frito feet? Like cracked?

I add it to his water, but he will drink it straight up too haha. About 2tbsp a day.

Frito feet is just referring to the smell... I find it more like just plain old bad odor but thats what people call it haha. Its just the hormonal smell that excretes from their feet, leaving their mark.

Edited by Tater&Bugger, 06 March 2011 - 04:38 PM.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-06 16:36:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I feed my dog Apple Cider Vinegar and clean his paws with it to stop the smell. Not only does it help the PH balance digestively to eat it, but stops the urine from killing your grass and stops his paws from having "frito feet". Since he matured he has smelly feet. It's like their version of sweat, marks territory and ####### like that. All I know is it stinks so we feed him ACV and clean his paws with it, makes a huge difference.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-04 15:50:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
HAHAHA ya Vero I think you are definitely over analyzing it! Just relax... breathe... haha. I am a control freak with things too but for some reason was not worried about this. They would have stopped us at K1 if it was a problem. This 2nd interview is more just a formality to me if anything.

Brenda, it's not mandatory, but some people like having it to show as proof of relationship if they are under their partner's health insurance.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-04 12:51:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I am not sure what "the conditions" are exactly, because I haven't looked that far into it. I told him when I was there I didn't know what came next because it's so overwhelming I just read it one step at a time, then my husband said he just does what I say haha. So within 90days of your greencard's expiry date you apply to have the conditions removed, and will be issued a 10yr card. I've seen info for it on here... but honestly I am not going to read that for like a year hahaha. I'm taking a break! Not bad though considering it was only March of last year that we had an idea when Justin would be home and began gathering our info... he was in Iraq, I was in the UAE... he mailed his stuff to me in Canada from Iraq, so when I got home in April it was there and filed for our K1. NOA1 date was April 19th! I am really thankful for the expedite we received and the smooth process. Even with the RFE in Nov it wasn't bad at all, I have no right to complain when I see what other people have to go through. We knew in Aug 09 we wanted to get married, but spent the last month and a bit just enjoying one another company before deployment (we thought he'd be gone a year but came back after 9 months)... Oct 09 we researched what was involved and apparently missed a whole step haha! When we got things together in March was when I realized you had to go through USCIS and the consulate for the Visa, when I thought it was just one.

In regards to citizenship you can apply to be naturalized after three years of marriage; is what he said. He said a lot of people don't and just keep renewing their GCs. I haven't looked into it yet but Justin and I already decided we plan on doing this. In a few years we have plans to move back to Ottawa but not forever. We want to be able to come to the US to retire, or come back if we decide we hate winter after living in AZ haha... obviously if I am recognized as a citizen in the US then I won't need to go through this all over again. Mainly though truth is we don't know what the future holds and we don't want to close off any options.

He mentioned absolutely NOTHING about the medical forms that were sent in by the consulate or by me, and we both sent in the same things, if anything I had less because I copied each page of my immunization booklet. So as for that you have nothing to worry about. As for health insurance he knew that my husband was active military so probably assumed I was covered for health insurance. I had my Tricare info and our family insurance benefits just in case, but it never even came up. The folder is exactly as I packed it Wednesday night still haha. I think its case by case.

Now for a job. There were even more posting on the base that I cant apply for because I am Canadian, and one that I could. I don't have the exact right experience but know I could do the job so we'll see. I also learnt that Starbucks is hiring and I promised my husband if I couldn't find something remotely related in my field by the first week of March I'd dip into retail... and Starbucks is my first choice haha. I'll probably stop in myself tomorrow the old fashion way. Tina the Barista... that has a nice ring to it, even for minimum wage right? Haha.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-03 23:41:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Appapapapapapapproved. It was actually kind of a joke Haha so here is how it went down;

The drive to Buffalo was miserable because we were both sick and exhausted. Justin slept ok on his Nyquil but I was still too congested. The morning of I think he got nervous and kept asking me to confirm the year I was born, what day we met etc... We got to the place about 10-15mins before our 9am appointment. We walked about 7mins from our hotel, the Comfort Suites. It was cold out but thank god not snowy or rainy, side walks were dry. So we go in and there were two woman ahead of us at security. Few mins later we go through security, realize I have an apple in my purse that I have to throw out so I do... then afterward we head to the main room to check in. The young man reviews my notice and tells me to go to the 2nd floor, room 201, sign the sign in form and have a seat and wait. I am not sure if any of you remember that we waited all day for our K1 interview, so we were expecting something similar. We get up there and it's empty. I put my stuff down and Justin goes to sign in when this couple speaking a foreign language come out and this young man (prob about my age, 26ish) tells us not to bother and to come in. Without introduction he had our file at the back of his desk. MAN WAS OUR FILE BIG! I had to laugh at it. He introduces himself and we tell him we're both sick so not to mind the sniffles and whinny voices... so he hands us some antibacterial lotion incase we want it haha. He asks us each all the questions on the 325A form... basic, confirms that my husband is active military. Then asks us how long we've known each other. I say "Over 2.5 years, dating almost 2 years". He then asks us how we met and I laugh and say "At a bar. Ya, it does happen!". He asks us the name of the bar and I tell him "Skiffs, it's in Alexandria Bay, NY. We actually held out post wedding reception there". Then he laughs "So wait, you had two receptions for your wedding?"... "yup!". Then we chat a bit about how we got married on an island but wanted everyone off by night fall for safety reasons and thats why we held the "fun party" portion of our wedding at the bar where we met, reserving the floor we met on. He said it sounded pretty cool and asked us the name of the island, I look at Justin because I forgot "Um... Casablanca Mansion on... Cheery Island!". He looks at us and asks if there is any new info since we filed, and I say just the 2010 tax forms. Hand them out of my huge organized pretty yellow file to him. He adds them to our giant pile and asks if 'those' are more pictures. I say yes, pictures from the wedding, honeymoon, different things since we've been married and asks if he wants them. He says no and that he is going to go ahead and approve us. Yippie! He explains I will be issued a 2yr GC and can request to waive the conditions within 90days of its expiry, then will be issued a 10yr GC and can apply for citizenship if we wish to do so after 3yrs of marriage (I asked him to clarify all this because I honestly didn't know what came next after the "approved" haha). We have no more questions, and I ask him if he wants all the papers I was asked to bring in an he goes "Oh no, you've provided WAY more than enough photos here" so I laugh and say "You sure you don't want another 25 pictures, 80 wedding cards and other forms of proof of our relationship?" He laughs and says we're good. ALLL this and I didn't need to bring a SINGLE THING with me! I only opened my folder because I asked to give him more! He congratulates us and I say I'd shake his hand but don't want to share my cold. We say goodbye and drive home...

Guess what time we walked out of the building? 9AM!

The second we step out I ask Justin "They couldn't just call us and ask us that?" and we both laugh at how much it cost to drive to and stay in Buffalo for an interview that the outcome was already decided on. At noon I received an email stating my card was requested for production.

This went way simpler than the K1 interview, and best of all the agent actually said APPROVED! At the K1 she was so vague and I had to ask a million questions haha.

Edited by Tater&Bugger, 03 March 2011 - 01:52 PM.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-03 13:51:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Yes VERY much looking forward to our interview! Annoying though, Justin told his battery when the interview was back when we found out in Jan... they approved the time off. Day before so we can drive 5 hrs to Buffalo, day off obv, and day after because it'll be a Friday. So since we've been gone due to the loss of his grandma (which they were totally understanding of) he gets to work on Monday and they make him work 16hrs... lovely. He had a horrible day. Today he gets to work at 6am, is still there at 830pm and texts me that he has to work CQ (24hrs shift where he is pretty much security in the single soldier barracks, his rank is too high for the job but they keep scheduling him anyways because so many ppl have dumb reasons not to). So now he has to work over night through tomorrow, then we leave and head to Buffalo where he has one night to catch up on lacking 2 days sleep. Doesn't help that I am sick so I kept him up all night the last two nights. He is sweet and comforts me, gets me water bottle after water bottle, medicine etc... so anyways. On top of making him work overnight tonight and into tomorrow, they wanted him in for work Thurs afternoon! The day of our interview!!! He told them it's impossible. Even everything is done in an hour he'd make it back for one hour's worth of work, so they said that is ok and he will just go into work on Fri. #######... so now he has to work Friday. He got a new soldier too so he has to spend his weekend already checking up on him over the weekend. Sheesh, THEY wonder why he didn't re-enlist. They don't seem to understand the GreenCard interview. His new bosses aren't the ones he had when we did the K1 so they don't know me, but they seem to think since I am already here that it is unimportant haha.

All our stuff is ready to go though. It was pretty easy to get together compared to everything else. That or I am just used to it haha. Our only worry is based on my dear Justin's bc. I've been telling him since last spring to get it from his mom (and I've mentioned it to her too) or apply for a new one. He seems to think he has it and that I've already sent it to them (USCIS) but I am sure I haven't because I have no idea what it looks like. So we are being brave and going to the interview sans birth certificate. His passport says his citizenship and place of birth so I am not sure why they need more, plus because he is in the military it is also detailed on his enlistment records. I am a little worried, but not too worried since we got this far without it anyways. As for proof of relationship I have our health insurance policy, bank records, veterinary records showing that we both own our dog (hehe), my military spouse ID stating him as my sponsor, wedding cards and photos. I think that's it anyways... oh and rental agreement.

Anywho... I am just on here because I am bored, what with him being at work and all haha.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-01 21:23:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you know that I mailed off my EAP/AOS this morning, woohoo, soooo happy that's done! And now I wait. Reading your posts keeps me going though, so thank you.

Quick question - I too, will be applying for EI, in fact, applied as soon as I got down here but they've put my file on hold till I'm eligible to work/get my green card. Did that happen to anyone else? Also, did y'all start looking for work prior to receiving you green card? when you received your approval?

When you have a sec., thanks, B

I am collecting EI. Once your EAD is approved they can start paying you. Mine was approved in Jan and I have STILL been trying to find work. I live in a weird area though. Small town, mostly military so any place that is tailored to my description I cannot do because I am not a citizen :(

EI is pretty easy if you've already called. You call them back once you have the EAD card and fax or scan/email a copy to them with your SNN and they send you the reports in the mail. They ask you to keep record of all the jobs you apply for in case they want to see some.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-01 21:11:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
The checklist is annoying like that. It repeats things with different words! Ugh.

Thanks. At least the other grandma is doing well, her getting sick was really not expected.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-02-27 14:39:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Question about the checklist for items to bring to the interview; what are "All documentation establishing your eligibility for permanent residence".

Also, since my medical was done in Aug and I sent a copy of my immunization records and receipt for medical with my AOS, sealed documents were given at K1 interview... I don't need anything else right? Just planning on bringing the immunization records and receipt and DVD I got. I wasn't given anything else from Dr. Seidens.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-02-27 10:34:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
What kind of government shut down??? Geez... hopefully they stick my GC in the mail before that.

Still NO luck with jobs here. This place is dry. Just going to apply for something useless that'll probably ruin any future chances at getting a decent job too haha.

We went to Michigan to visit Justin's grandma's, two were hospitalize (one passed away so we extended our stay). Entering the US through ON/MI Sarnia border was fine, he just reviewed my AP an that was it. Coming back at the same border with the guy that was all wrong last time they send me back in for more processing. They said it's supposed to happen every time, but the helpful guy we saw last time say us and remembered us and said no we don't need to be re-prossed every time like I said... but it was too late, they already started. Finger prints and all haha, they even asked for my EAD which was weird. Funniest part is the woman put the wrong date on everything.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-02-26 13:47:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Tons of good news, and of course more bad news here. Never a dull day in my life! Bad news first, Justin just found out that both of his grandma's were hospitalized over the last week so we need to take a trip to MI and see them. They are both pretty sick and old, so not sure how it's going to go. We know one is getting surgery at the end of this week. We'll probably drive Friday and stay for a week. It'll be cutting it close for our interview so I am getting everything together now in case we end up doing the interview on the way home from MI. Still no job and nothing new in the area for the last week either... in other bad news by 8month old giant puppy keeps stealing my papers and running away with them proudly lol.

In good news we've booked our flights to Phoenix in June to go pick out our new home and got a great deal on the flight ($578 for two people round trip from Syracuse) and a hotel (Holiday Inn Fountain Hills) for $29/night. We'll be driving down in August with the cat, dog and motorcycle in our pickup haha.

Happy Valentine's Day (even though I don't celebrate it).
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-02-14 13:08:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Great review Rose! I think I have most of the same evidence you have... rental agreement, but no bills to my name since my husband makes the money (however we do have a family plan cell account w/ AT&T they don't have a way to add the other members names), a joint bank account, dog's adoption papers haha. We didn't save any Xmas cards (tossed em, I hate holding onto things haha) but have wedding cards and tons of photos. Unlike you though I do have medical insurance through the US Army because of my husband and US military ID stating he is my spouse/sponsor.

I'm not worried at all, because I KNOW our relationship is real haha. Plus, I spoke with a girl here at Fort Drum from Russia who had an AOS interview at the same consulate last month and she said it was way easier than the K1 interview because they are asking more about you and not how much your husband makes haha.

PS I really liked your joke about sharing a cold hahaha.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-02-10 15:30:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Awesome news Rose416! Congrats.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-02-08 17:21:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Like I said, this guy was creepy haha. He was saying all sorts of weird things. He said I have to go to secondary with the paper and have it re-stamped every time I return to the US so it can be re-validated. He lost me at the beginning of our conversation when he just kept repeating nonsense and trying to re-explain things I already knew since I was already living in the US. I have never heard of any card, nor do I expect to ever see one haha.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-02-07 12:34:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Vero you got me all excited about having the same interview date haha. I am actually not worried at all, I keep forgetting its coming! Need to book the hotel room haha. There are no hotels within walking distance it seems... too bad. I'll probably get my stuff together later this week.

On another note, I successfully used my AP to visit Canada this weekend. Justin ended up having to go to work Sat so we left later in the afternoon to attend my friends "At Home Reception", they got married in the DR in Dec. Came back yesterday afternoon. No problems at the border, the guy said it only takes a few mins, but there are a few people inside who work extra slow for no reason so he would try and help me out so we can make it home in time for the superbowl haha. Got inside and got the slow guy haha the officer who we drove up to came inside and was kinda like "sorry!". I also finally immigrated my car at this point. I told them when I crossed the border in Sept and moved I SAID I was immigrating it but they never filed the paperwork. Pretty much I just had to show them my compliance letter, sign a couple forms and thats it. They were really confused because the US doesn't have Chevy Optras haha.I didn't have to even show my ownership - I tell you, 1000 Islands crossing is very laid back! So anyways, about 40mins later all the papers were done. He (slow guy) said I should get my official AP card in about 6 months so need to go to secondary everytime I re-enter the US so they can update my paper... but I was like "Well, my interview is in less than a month so I am really not concerned". He didn't seem to understand anything I said about having my interview. He also told me I'd get the title to my car in 6 months but I was like "DMV already told me the ON ownership papers with your stamped papers is all they need". The guy was really creepy... you know when you talk to someone and its just SO awkward? The first guy who helped us kept coming back to lend him a hand thank god haha.

So that is that. There is a job opening at Fort Drum in the recreation and fitness center that I am way over qualified for, but applied anyways. They have the PERFECT job at another US base in NY (West Point) but it's 5hrs away. I wonder if I'll get a call back on this job though. So far every job I've seen and inquired about in the town nearby have been scams, just "ghost" companies trying to get your personal info to get your credit score, make you pay and all that #######. I just tell them to eff off haha.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-02-07 11:59:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I was on EI before moving to the US so used most of it up.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-02-02 13:02:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Woohoo my EI is finally going to start coming in! Still no luck on finding any kind of job. I did see some entry level postings at Pepsico but it's not exactly what I'm looking for. I might just apply anyways though because it's better than selling jeans to kids. I have until the end of March, then my EI is up.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-01-31 11:51:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I wish my French was useful in the US LOL... I might try to get a job with an airline though. At least there is an airport in Phoenix, unlike where I am now haha.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-01-28 13:22:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I'm thinking of taking spanish classes, especially with the move to AZ I think it can help me find work there. Justin is going to school in AZ though so I should probably do it before because I need to work full time there.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-01-28 13:08:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Ya no one is around these days haha. Once we all have our GC's we'll need to find another way to keep in touch! I won't be coming here that often. Even now that I have my EAD and AP I don't.

If anyone has facebook and wants to keep in touch PM your email address or ask for mine :) Wouldn't want to totally lose my VJ friends!

On another note, anyone familiar with the Phoenix area of AZ? We're moving in Aug, going in June to find a home. Looking for some tips. We're thinking of getting a place in Buckeye or Avondale, not right in Phoenix.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-01-28 11:00:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Guess what?

GREEN CARD INTERVIEW ON MARCH 3! I got the email. Don't know where it will be yet but my husband is already asking for the time off.

I didn't put that on my resume because I think most people don't even know what EAD means haha so I wrote something about having moved here and am legally permitted to work. The application will ask if I am a legal citizen and thats where I plan to enter my work permit details. I've only started looking this week and there is NOTHING, I repeat NOTHING as for jobs in this area. I refuse to work at a restaurant but my back up after the EI is empty is working retail. Might as well get discounts out of it. I called Service Canada on Monday and they still haven't called me back :( you think they would since I owe them $91.

Edited by Tater&Bugger, 26 January 2011 - 01:56 PM.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-01-26 13:55:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Mummm... I don't know, I know that I put dowm on my resume that I'm a EAD card holder. If the employer follows the rule, they should give equal opportunity to everyone... But enh, who are we kidding, I'm sure most employers would rather hire an american before an immigrant, just like we would back in Canada...

Not in my area. Locals are a bunch of trashy uneducated people haha. They love the Canadians.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-01-26 13:51:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I've been looking at jobs a lot lately and notice a LOT of jobs require you to be a US Citizen... I posted my resume on sites anyways clearly stating a I have work permit but not sure if I'll ever hear back.

Anyone else notice this? I can get a job at a restaurant or fast food no problem but anything relate to my field (travel administration) I don't seem to be eligible if its true.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-01-24 11:26:00
CanadaWhen should I worry?

Got it yesterday! :thumbs:

Woot woot
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-07-19 13:38:00
CanadaWhen should I worry?
Man I was hoping for mine any day now but my package from NVC was sent to Montreal only on July 8... so I should expect it by Christmas? :huh:

Edited by Tater&Bugger, 15 July 2010 - 07:53 PM.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-07-15 19:52:00
CanadaHow Long ? Geez!
Ugghhh Montreal... I feel like I am sitting at the edge of a storm I have to pass through, seeing all the havoc and yet entering willingly. After reading all this though I guess I won't be as surprised when I get to that step and start having my own run around.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-06-03 19:54:00
CanadaBirth Certificate
Ironic enough I was looking up the info to call them and they called me! I should have it next week... alright fist pump.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-07-21 17:43:00
CanadaBirth Certificate
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-07-21 07:53:00
CanadaBirth Certificate

Hmmm...thats a long time. I ordered mine online and they have a 15 business day guarantee. I had it in less time then that.

Like always with the government of Canada, I got a letter asking me to reconfirm my mothers maiden name because her parents had a divorce before she was born and her 'father' adopted her when he married her mom, so for some reason when I put her name at birth it always asks me to re-write it and send it back in. I don't know why they always make me say it twice... can't they just check? That was early June. I'll call them this week because I should have it by now.

... and I don't know why they need to make sure it's me because I have the wallet sized one already!

Edited by Tater&Bugger, 20 July 2010 - 10:19 PM.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-07-20 22:18:00
CanadaBirth Certificate

You can get a long form and short form of a birth certificate in Canada. The "short form" is the wallet sized one, with just your name, place & date of birth. You were probably able to use that for your passport and most things up to this point in life.
The "long form" has all the same info, but also lists your birth parents. From my understanding, this is the form we need for the embassy interview and AOS. But, if you are sending your AOS forms in, you have probably gotten past the point of an interview (assuming you are going either K-1 or CR-1 marriage route), and have not been asked for the "long form", so maybe the short form will be sufficient.
You can order both forms online, at least in Nova Scotia. Try googling "birth certificate nova scotia/ontario/whatever your province is" and it should easily come up with the website for ordering it. The long form costs $35 CAD in NS and takes about 10 business days to arrive in the mail.

I hope this helps!
good luck!

I have the short form and applied for the long form back in May and am still waiting for it... they must be behind schedule because last time I ordered my wallet sized one when my wallet was lost it only took 3 weeks.

... oops forgot to add, I'm speaking about Ontario.

Edited by Tater&Bugger, 20 July 2010 - 08:41 AM.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-07-20 08:40:00
CanadaNetflix chooses Canada for its international debut
Love Netflix. Surprised the cable/video giant Rogers wasn't able to stop them forever. Great news.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-07-20 15:40:00
CanadaProof of ties to Canada
Bring what you have and answer truthfully. I have crossed 5 times in the last month and have never had to show them any paperwork... and I have no ties to Canada (I even brought my cat for a visit last time). Just be confident in the fact that you are doing nothing wrong and answer their questions with simple answers and never lie. Having the Visa on the go shows good intentions, so it's on your side.

Good luck and don't worry!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-07-13 15:49:00
Canadaive got a question for yall

I agree with you on some level. But Im sorry most POE are big time a$$holes. Doing their job or not. There is no excuse for discrimination, and being unprofessional. Most of the time POE do more harm then good for their ''Country''. But thanks for the positive feedback :)

I have a harder time just trying to come back to my own country. I find the Canadians most of the time to be more rude and like to pretend I did something bad! I once got asked at the Canadian border if I was bringing home weapons of mass destruction after a weekend in the US. I mean c'mon!

It may just be the border I use... they are always professional at the US booth and it's pretty haha. So if anyone is in Ontario, I recommend the 1000 Islands border crossing.

and on the 'positive' note, I think keeping yourself positive when you go may help as well. The way you feel reflects a lot on how people perceive you.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-07-24 15:33:00
Canadaive got a question for yall
Again - I've travelled to the US 7 times since June 17 (I'm here now). I have no job, no home... absolutely ZERO ties to Canada. I get asked simple questions about our relationship and work I have previously done, but even then not always. I think (and don't take offense friends) most VJers over analyze travelling to the US and it makes it more stressful than it needs to be. Maybe it's easier for me because I'm driving, who knows. I just make to be frank and honest with them. They are regular people just like us. They are not out to get us, they are just doing their job and keeping their country safe. So please stop worrying. Bring some docs to back you up, but don't bring too much because thats even more suspicious. Be yourself and be honest. You are doing nothing wrong and they'll see that!


oh and enjoy your trip!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-07-23 10:28:00
CanadaInterview in MTL!!
This is great news! My fiance is in the military as well (just finished his tour, we waited to start our process) and his superiors have highly recommended I get an interview as soon as possible so I can move and we marry while on block leave to avoid the problems of him leaving for regular out of state training afterwards. Problem is his leave is mid August to mid September and I still haven't received confirmation that Montreal has our I-129F package that was sent to the on July 8. I'll be calling again on Monday and the SECOND we have a case number with Montreal my fiance will be emailing them with our situation.

Congrats! Don't freak out, everything will be fine. You are very lucky.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-07-23 10:19:00
CanadaPacket 3, DS-160
I went back to what I had saved before I submitted my picture, signed and 'confirmed'... it all looked the same only I didn't 'sign' it. I figure it's the same thing no? Should be alright. My paper from Montreal says "2) Form DS-160 - one copy"... so to me it sounds like they want it. They need to be more clear :P
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-07-27 22:52:00
CanadaPacket 3, DS-160
So I filled out this application, have the confirmation... however was I supposed to print off all the pages PRIOR to the confirmation that it asked me to confirm? There is no way to get back to them without doing it all over again from what I can see. Does Montreal only require the confirmation? Or do I need to do it all over again?
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-07-27 22:08:00
CanadaComin Back from Canada
Sounds like he has been overstaying in the US so there is a very good chance he will have problems getting back in... likely will not be allowed. IF when he joined her in the US and didn't have the intention of marrying her they could always get married now and apply for Adjustment of Status. Then when the case is looked in to he will really need to prove that he did not go there under false pretences. The other option, which is the safest but takes the longest is they apply for a K-1 fiance Visa, or get married and apply for a spousal Visa. He will have to wait it out in Canada seeing as they may not let him back in since he's already spent too much time there.

I think applying for AOS can be challenging since he's already overstayed, but not impossible. I am just not sure it's worth the risk of being banned. I recommend they seek the best Visa option for them NOW and apply ASAP... that way when he goes back to Canada there isn't as long to wait, then he can come back legally. the guides on here will tell you the pros and cons of each Visa... or another friendly member will post it for you =)

Best of luck!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-07-27 14:08:00
CanadaEvidence of Domicile

the entire process is a mind game designed to make you freak out and second guess yourself among other things!! :lol:

I am good at resisting mind games. Should be fine... too bad we can't play back. But that would result in a denial... :wacko:
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-07-28 12:34:00