CanadaDreaded MIL visit..

Sorry I have no advice... I got pretty lucky. I get along well with the in laws. We have different opinions but it's not necessarily in a bad way. I have no idea what I would do. I can be honest to a fault and never back down from standing up for what I believe in. If I were in your shoes there would be a pretty good chance MIL and me would become foes and cause problems forever haha. I am not good at biting me tongue when it's personal. Good luck and I hope you can make the best of it!

Actually I do have to add something funny (I find now) to add... when we started planning the wedding details over the summer she kept making suggestions that we obviously weren't interested in. My husband hasn't lived in the same state as his family for years, so he had her speak to me about EVERYTHING. I eventually had to tell her that with our deployments, short time to plan a wedding, move and immigration is a lot to handle and we just need to plan it on our own. No multiple weddings, no churches (they are Christian, I humanist, hubby Atheist) and all sorts of stuff. I offered to pay for her family to come to NY for our wedding to avoid problems. Apparently she didn't this because she told my Husband that I am controlling and he should make sure he knows what he's getting into! I told him to stand up for me but he didn't (he was still in Iraq and I was home at this point) so I emailed her indirectly saying all our plans are based on what her son asked for, and I am merely putting together the details since I was local. I was really insulted at the time and when he returned from Iraq we finally got to talk about it and he explained to her by phone that he ASKED me to make the arrangements based on his requests yada yada. He said she understood but I overheard a family member mention at the wedding that I like to be in control of things haha. At that point I just had to laugh. We got OUR wedding exactly the way we wanted. Both our families tried influencing us and we gave them both the same respectful no. They both still insist on home town receptions so I told them to tell us the time and place after the winter and we'll be there and can repeat our vows. We have no regrets. However when we made a trip to MI to visit them last weekend my MIL showed me the wedding announcement she had me write for the local paper (pretty much just a fill in the blanks). It was a small paragraph with a nice picture, we liked it but she said it's a right of passage for parents there and so she asked if we didn't mind if she could re-write it! Apparently she wanted a full page announcement... after showing us others haha. Never seen a thing like it. We answered her questions and she put together her own article. At the end of the day we are family now and respect one another's needs and wants. Unfortunately you can't say the same about a lot of people.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-12 22:38:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..

Ok... I just received AWEFUL news. My mother in law is flying in on Saturday.. and staying UNTIL NEW YEARS!!! :blink:

This is my first christmas with my family in the US, and this woman is VERY hard to deal with. She is very domineering and opinionated (she told me how to decorate our house when we moved in. When politics come up she tells me to shut up as I am an immigrant and do not know enough to talk about the USA.I dont want to lose my cool in the month that she is going to be here.. thankfully I work in a jewelry store and I will be worked to a frazzle by christmas eve, so hopefully we wont have too many run-ins.

Anybody have any tips on dealing with an over-bearing monster-in-law?

Sorry I have no advice... I got pretty lucky. I get along well with the in laws. We have different opinions but it's not necessarily in a bad way. I have no idea what I would do. I can be honest to a fault and never back down from standing up for what I believe in. If I were in your shoes there would be a pretty good chance MIL and me would become foes and cause problems forever haha. I am not good at biting me tongue when it's personal. Good luck and I hope you can make the best of it!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-12 22:10:00
CanadaMilitary record question
I worked as a civilian with the CF, but I believe all you need is the enlistment records and discharge record....
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-01-26 15:41:00
CanadaWhat in the world!?!
As far as I know you need to pay extra to have your medical results mailed to you, and they would only send it out 48hrs or more after your exam, so you would def not have it on the 16th. When I went mailing was not an option, I (like most people) had to return to Montreal two days later to pick it up. Luckily my interview was 2 days later :)

At the medical they do a blood test, xrays and general exam with the doc.

When is your interview now though? Did it get rebooked or no? Keep in mind your medical result DO expire, so if by some reason you accidentally rescheduled it then you may want to reschedule your medical too.

I did the K1 Visa route and had to pay $350 or something at the interview. Not sure how it is for CR1.

Also - do you have all your documents ready for your interview? There is a LOT you need to bring with you. I am just not sure because you listed what you had to do before the interview and I am used to people listing all their paperwork and docs as well.

Honestly, I think you just really need to call DOS and find out whats going on haha, there are checklists on here to make sure you don't forget anything for your interview as well.

Edited by Tater&Bugger, 07 February 2011 - 12:58 PM.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-02-07 12:54:00
CanadaMarriage , no divorce.
I am more confused as to why they made you hand over your greencard! Did you say you were moving back to Canada?

I agree, calling USCIS is useless. All they do is read of a form explaining whats already written on their website. No one ever tries to really help. Congressman is THE way to go here, this is a unique situation.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-02-07 13:05:00
CanadaPOE question
IF anyone needs a compliance letter you can't get it from the dealership. You need to call the manufacturer (GM, FORD, TOYOTA etc...) and speak with someone. With GM there was a department for this so it was really easy. You fax them a form with car info/credit card info and they send back the compliance form.

When I immigrated my vehicle I TOLD them I was and they still didn't process anything. I had to go back after and re-do that part. If you are not immigrating your vehicle you will be fine, just let them know your intentions. It is illegal to bring your car to the US with sole intentions of selling it so in your case you are good. You cannot register a Canadian car in the US without the US Customs approved paperwork, so I don't think they are overly worried about it.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-02-10 15:55:00
CanadaMontreal Weather

Be careful walking the sidewalks in Montreal. Slippery as HECK! You're going to look like your dancing sometimes!

It's quite possible they will be AFTER the interview :)
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-02-14 13:17:00
CanadaMontreal's DS-156k
You need your P3 before you can do it, so that's probably why.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-02-14 13:16:00
CanadaWaiting on my visa
You are preaching to the choir my friend :)
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-01-19 15:37:00
CanadaGetting license in USA, "direct transfer" - Very helpful tips I learned the hard way
In NY it was easy, just a long line :)... if anyone wants to know for NY here is how it goes;

You need 6 points of ID... DL from your province (valid), copy of Visa or GC, SNN, and anything other 3 thing with your name. I had my passport pic page, credit card and something else... can't remember but it was nothing special. You will fill out a form when you arrive asking for your new address.

Since I had not yet received my GC they needed to confirm my Visa status with Albany and issue me a temporary (1 year) DL based on the assumption my GC will be approved. Once I have my GC I simply show them and get a new NY DL. They took my ON license.

The end :thumbs:

Edit; the border did not properly immigrate my car so I only recently had to go back and do this and will visit the DMV sometime this week if I can find time around my GC interview, or next week. I will post later and let you know how it goes.

Edited by Tater&Bugger, 26 February 2011 - 03:05 PM.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-02-26 15:04:00
CanadaCredit Rating: Canada to the US

If you're military, apply for a Military Star Card. I did that, and I've been in the USA since April and my credit score is 682...for some reason. >_>

Didn't know this. I'll have to go do that. Spoke to one of our banks who told me there is no way for me to build credit in the US unless I find someone to cosign (my husband used to have bad credit and is rebuilding, so not bothering trying to use him as a cosign)... then our USAA bank told us to buy a car and apply for a loan that way LOL... except we have 3 vehicles already, so no thanks. My husband has a star card and was given it ON bad credit so I think I'll swing by the PX tomorrow and see what I can do. I have great credit in Canada so it's no fun not being able to transfer.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-02-27 11:14:00
CanadaAm I in trouble?
I think you'll be fine :)

I haven't "told" Canada either. Service Canada pays me out of country EI, which they know. You don't need to tell the country you are leaving, you just can't try to claim that you still live there and it's benefits when you go back to visit while claiming benefits in the US. As far as I know when you POE it goes on some records. Who gets this record I don't know.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-02-26 14:57:00
CanadaTravel before Plastic Green Card Arrives?
Ya I see no problems either haha. Happy travels!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-01 21:36:00
CanadaHow do I get my Canadian Husband to the US?
I agree with going the Direct Consulate Filling (DCF) route.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-03 13:59:00
CanadaK-1 to CR -1

Your response have been very helpful. I personally don't mind waiting an extra few months to get married but my fiancé had already told everyone on his side about July 30th and making it more difficult to cancel or postpone the wedding as 95% of the guests are out of town/country. Also, because of the risk of him being re-deployed he doesn't want to postpone it any longer. So I am gathering all possible options before making a final decision on the whole process.

Is he in the military? If so request an expedite. We did. It wasn't expedited for the first part through USCIS, but we requested again with Montreal and got an interview about 3 months sooner.

My husband was deployed when we began the process, and request for expedite was based on his leave dates. His boss said to get married on leave (like we had that much flexibility) because of all the training he'd have to do/oversee (he is section chief). ANyways, that's the short story but we explained it all in our cover letter, then again and with more detail in an email to Montreal when I sent them back packet 3. They answered quickly and asked for evidence but all we had were deployment records, his boss told us getting hard copies confirming what will happen when is useless because everything changes. So in that email we explained that we are asked to be flexible by the US Army and by Immigration so we are trying to accomdate both while getting married in between haha. I also explained since I am not working and he is on leave we can attend an interview late minute as well. Two weeks later we got an email telling us our interview was in one week.

Detailed timeline is in my sig.

Edited by Tater&Bugger, 04 March 2011 - 03:58 PM.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-04 15:57:00
CanadaPacket 3
Took me a week from Montreal to Ottawa. I think they note it as 'mailed', when 'mailed' to them means someone dropped it off in the mailroom. Most people it's 1-2 weeks, unless it was left in the wrong spot in the mailroom.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-11 10:40:00
CanadaPacking my car today...
Life changing Road Trip! My drive was only 2 hrs but SO exciting! I get a smile on my face just thinking of the big day.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-21 09:02:00
Canadato become an american citizen or not

The simple version:

CANADA sees you as a CDn and USA citizen, thus dual

USA sees you just as a USA citizen!!

Your free to go and denounce your Cdn citizenship.

I would never become 'unCanadian'... but this 'USA sees you just as a USC'... haha that sounds like denial! Oh well, whatever floats their boat.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-08-04 08:25:00
Canadato become an american citizen or not
I thought you could have dual? My fiance's coworker married a woman who was from Canada and had dual Canadian/Italia status and when she began her process in the US they told her she can only have dual, so would need to give up her Canadian or Italian citizenship, and she gave up the Italian. So she has Canadian/USA dual now, as far as they told my fiance. Is this not possible?
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-08-03 11:59:00
Canadawhat is the next step after marriage by K1 Vias?
You don't need a lawyer unless there are serious complications. See the guidelines for instructions.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-23 16:45:00
CanadaWedding Anniversaires and what to do
The tradition for the first year anniversary is a "paper" gift. You can really get creative without having to spend a lot of money. One couple I know, the husband made "husband certificates" that the wife could cash in anytime during that year! Things like "free back massage", "dishes", "laundry", "win the arguement"... it was cute and she LOVED it. She got him tickets to Cirque de Soleil haha.

My husband and I plan on following the traditional gift giving, so on our anniversary we'll be giving some form of paper gift!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-01 21:41:00
CanadaImmigrating TO Canada
So glad you posted this. In a few years we'll be moving back too.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-12 00:32:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..
HOLY LONG TIME NO SEE PEEPS! Lots of old familiar avatars haha. I was locked out of my account in April 2011 and then had access to my profile but I could not gain access to the forum or other things. I have no idea what was going on and even resetting the password wasn't working. Life got busy and then I just stopped trying, until yesterday I received an email reminder to update my timeline lol. What do you know, it actually let me reset my password this time! So I am back. I can't apply for RoC until December but judging by here nothing has changed. Funny, when I was looking it up online a few months ago on the USCIS website they left no indication it would take so long. It says it should be approved before your card expires and I thought that to be unlikely. My experience with them hasn't let me down in expecting the worst I see :)

I hope everyone is doing well!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2012-05-28 12:02:00
CanadaDifficult, complicated situation

I am no expert, but from what I have read online (my husband and I would like to return to Canada after he is done school as long as he can find a job), the easiest way to return to Canada is to apply while you are living in the US and sponsor them as a spouse, and then move to Canada when that is approved.  That really isn't any help though since you have already moved to Canada.  From what I have read it actually seems quicker to do it while you are living in the US than to do it in Canada.  BUT, it isn't your fault, if the employer said they were going to do the work visa than they should of. Very frustrating!  Hope it works out.

The wait time if filing through the NY office is 18 months and LA office is 26 months. If he were living in Canada then I believe the time is considerably quicker but I haven't checked that in a while.

He was going to school after he got out of the army and while I was pregnant we decided to move back instead if renew my GC (this was a couple months before it expired). So either way I could not just hang out in the US indefinitely with an infant until he could come. He had to start new work so he took a job in MI to be within driving distance until everything would get approved.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2014-06-19 11:23:00
CanadaDifficult, complicated situation
Warlord and Rob & Monika, because my GC was about to expire and I couldn't just stay in the US with a baby and no health insurance. It was commit to removing conditions or coming to Canada. My husband had a job offer in Ottawa and your USC husband can have a Canadian version of a TN visa or work permit while waiting for spousal sponsorship to be approved (confirmed this with CIC). Doing both in the midst of a cross country move with an infant was a lot so we were going to petition once he arrived, but never got around to it because of various reasons. If we were to start now then we are looking at keeping our family appart for two or more years, and we had hoped to expand our family in a couple of years. If we are petitioning me to go back, I am not working full time so I can travel back and forth until then, allowing us to be a family. It's just a shitty situation is all. On top of it we missed our home/family/friend in Phoenix and thus why we are exploring getting me the IR-1 Visa. I know the border patrol agent was not wrong in taking my greencard, I just wished he hadn't. It's to their discretion and he felt me being gone for 3 months and there being a chance we don't move back was too much.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2014-06-19 11:19:00
CanadaDifficult, complicated situation

How long have you been away from the US? If you haven't been away for more than a year then you could still use your GC I think, unless you have officially given it up.
Visitation is subject to the immigration officer at the border. I travelled here during my CR-1 process and was almost deported.

I had to fill out the form Hypnos mentioned and hand in my card. They were jerks about it. The only unpleasant experience I've ever had at the border!

When I was waiting for my K1 visa I had no home in Canada, no job and travelled freely so was hoping it would be so easy again.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2014-06-18 23:56:00
CanadaDifficult, complicated situation
And perhaps showing a flight home would help...
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2014-06-18 23:42:00
CanadaDifficult, complicated situation

Your husband should file an I-130 immediately, seeking an IR-1 visa for you. Upon entry to the US you will automatically be granted a green card.
It will take approximately 12 - 14 months until you receive the visa from the time of application, so really the sooner the better.
You can visit whilst it's processing, but may need to show CBP proof that you need to return to Canada at the end of your authorised stay.

Would showing my current bills, planned doctor appointments etc be sufficient you think? I can't remember, but how long after submitting your packet do they charge your fee?

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2014-06-18 23:41:00
CanadaDifficult, complicated situation
TN is the NAFTA Visa, work permit rather, correct? If so, we were told he is no eligible because his work is hands on. He is a technician for BMW with a degree. We verified with a second lawyer and at the border. In all honesty though, we miss the life we had in Phoenix. Had that agent not had me abandon my GC 6 months ago I wouldn't be in the position. I'm going to call USCIS tomorrow for advice anyways but it's not looking good.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2014-06-18 23:36:00
CanadaDifficult, complicated situation
Ok I was trying to understand the processing times and am confused. Example, if we filed now, then we'd expect to get my GC in August/Sept 2015?
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2014-06-18 23:25:00
CanadaDifficult, complicated situation
This is a long one and I need advice. In 2010 I pursued a fiancé visa with my now husband. By March 2011 I had my PR. In 2012 I got pregnant (yay!) and Feb 2013 we had a beautiful baby girl. We decided we wanted to move our family back to Canada for a few reasons. My husband had a job offer, a lawyer gave us the info for his work permit and we were good to go. I would sponsor him after we settled in. Well, after we bought a house in Canada and sold ours in the US we found out the lawyer messed up and there was no work permit. My husband continued to work and stay with family while I went to Canada with our daughter (we didn't have anywhere to stay in the US but had a house in Canada). My husband was working out a new work permit plan and when we went to the US to visit I was told to abandon my PR since we returned to Canada to live. Done.

Fast forward. My husband's employer in Canada was taking care of his permit. That was winter 2014. We found out this week, June 2014 that head office HR was never working on his permit and didn't tell his employer. They would not get him a permit because it's too complicated but he has a job waiting once he can work.

At this point my daughter and I have been on our own for 10 months and we just want to be a family again. My understanding is I cannot get my PR reinstated and will have to follow with a IR-1 Visa. Is this true? Do I file it directly with the US consulate in Canada? The idea of going through this again is awful but we want to be together and we miss living in Phoenix (where we were before) and are considering going back. Sponsoring him to come here is a very lengthy process and we're not even sold on staying. He is coming to town this weekend so we can plan it out.

We got screwed over by lots of people. It's been an emotional week and any information is greatly appreciated. Unlike last time I don't have as much time to do all my online searching so your input is appreciated. When you're chasing a toddler you don't get much time for anything else!

Also, can I visit my husband in the US as the IR-1 is being processed? What is the current wait time? I know I can find these answers here but if you're replying you may be able to answer me quickly anyways ;)

Thank you and sorry for the lengthy post.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2014-06-18 22:34:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hey guys! Long time now talk. I was excited to see our old thread still hanging out in the top of the ranks. Some of you may not remember me, but I remember you! Life has gotten so ridiculous. I just posted a new thread for advice (insert sad exhausted smiley here). I need help! I'm fighting insomnia due to stress at the moment but will catch up on some of your news tomorrow when I am not trying to sleep. xox
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2014-06-18 23:32:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I agree!

Might have to put August 2010 though...
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-21 08:57:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
It wasn't even the cuteness haha I see cute puppies every day and have no problem saying no. It was just that my husband loved her, she got along well with big ole Hudson, and then our history... couldn't see her going to a stranger.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-17 14:58:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
So sorry Vero! We had an outdoor cat and she would stay outdoors sometimes during the winter. Hopefully Lil'Chicken will come back. Maybe have your mom contact the humane society. If someone found it injured they'd likely notify them.

Speaking of rescues... we decided to adopt LittleFoot aka Lilla. Hudson and Ivory officially have a little sister. She is growing up so fast. It's insane! She only gained .4lbs from 7-8 weeks but she grew some legs. She is less stumpy and can jump now. She gets her stitches out on Tuesday, thank goodness.

Good luck Alaba! At least you have all your answers ready for you ahead of time here haha.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-17 11:52:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Got my GC in the mail - yes, its green!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-14 15:13:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
My husband wants to keep her, and I adore the little thing but the thought of another puppy is scary. Hudson is only 9months, won't be 'grown up' until three years. They'll probably mature around the same time. I also feel horrible because I have to turn my head to dozen of orphaned dogs, and way more cats (we've fostered lots)... and I just feel guilty picking a puppy over other great adult dogs who were in the shelter for months, and the ones that come in to replace them. It's so hard. I think the problem is my attachment to her since I found the injury and was there through it all. I change her bandage daily, medicate her and everything. She is even almost potty and crate trained at 7weeks haha. Her poor paw is SO swollen still and hurts her so much. Her foot shakes when I change the bandage. She doesn't stand on her leg right because of the pain, so I worry it'll grow wrong and that the person won't accept it enough. I don't always agree with our shelters adoption methods. If I knew who was taking her, I'd be pretty comfortable giving her up. I dunno, lots of mixed emotions LOL.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-11 10:47:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Congrats Vero, I have to quote this line "Then, she says "I have seen everything I need, I will let you know if I need further information in the next few weeks". I was like WHAT??????? Aren't you going to say approved or something?" Sounds EXACTLY like my K1 interview. So annoying. Do they not understand the time and emotion invested into this and the difference one word can mean??? I got the same line at the K1 interview, no joke. I was only under the impression I was approved until my USCIS status changed haha.

Nice to have it over with right?

I also don't understand why they are re-using numbers either. Did they really go through that many digits?

On another note, we have a little baby staying with us... baby puppy that is haha. Someone brought a litter in (a guinea pig cage) and after bathing the poop off them, I noticed this one had a huge cut on her paw, like the paw pad was being cut off. I took care of her until surgery, and as the surgery assistant I was there through her spay and held her little leg up as she had her paw put back together. She has stitches and needs to be bandaged, medicated and monitored. What a little trooper though! She is a Lab/Fox Terrier mix they said, but I see no Fox Terrier. She and Hudson get along great so that's nice, I don't have to crate and rotate. They are a terrible twosome causing havoc, but showing each other good things too I guess. She is still up for adoption if anyone is interested ;) Here are some photos for your viewing pleasure.

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Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-11 10:31:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hey, just wondering, are jeans OK at the interview? I doubt I'll get Chris to wear anything else!!!

We both wore jeans. Clean ones, clean shoes and nice top.

Today is Vero's interview... she is probably done right now all excited and laughing at herself about how easy it was haha.

Brenda - I have no idea why we had an interview because we were approved before we arrived. I think they just need to have a certain number of interviews.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-10 10:09:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Aw Vero don't worry! We're all going to laugh at you so much (in a nice way) when you get back and tell us how much you were over worried!

Manda and Chris; just send the thing! HAHAHA. It's way easier than the K1, and you have all the forms already. I would apply for AP anyways, I got mine almost 2 months before and it was nice to have. In case there is an emergency or something.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-03-07 11:41:00