CanadaHelp Downloading Forms
Hey guys,

I am trying to download forms I-131 and G-1145 (for AOS) however VJ and USCIS both state I do not have the right version of Adobe Reader (had no problems with the other forms though). I've tried updating it but either our type of MAC isn't listed or it won't load the page (I've waited 30mins now and have high speed internet).

Does anyone have copies of these they can send me?

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-10-05 12:54:00
CanadaCanadian Thanksgiving
Our dinner went great! It was the first time my husband had tortiere and ragou (spelling?). I am excited to make my very first TG dinner in November but am still kind of annoyed about how far in the season it is. I won't even be into fall by then, it'll be Christmas!

However I am excited to carve a pumpkin this weekend :)
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-10-12 11:34:00
CanadaCanadian Thanksgiving
We're celebrating it with with my mom and some of her friends on the US side. It feels weird though knowing the US Thanksgiving is so far away. I mean, by then I am finished Halloween mode and in Christmas mode pretty much! There is no room for a holiday in there. Fall is over! Thanksgiving is probably my biggest adjustment haha.

Since most of my husbands friends are living in the barracks and their families are so far away though we're throwing a big dinner for all of them at our place in November. So I get the best of both nationalities :)
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-10-07 15:11:00
CanadaPolice Clearance certificate
Depends on where you are. In Ottawa it said it can take months. Which is crazy because it is just a quick check. I got mine same day because I have a family member on the force. I have been told its quicker with the RCMP, but either way I would go ahead and get it now. It's only $15.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-10-13 20:19:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Review!
Ya that was quick! We were #1 in line and were there until 3pm. We did the same as you and arrived before 7. It's really quite pointless and regardless of what letter you get, they know ahead of time when you will be interviewed. Id say to anyone else to arrive at 715/720.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-10-19 14:51:00
CanadaVehicle Letter of Compliance Question...
I wasn't asked this by GM... but I would just put a month/year if I were you. When I entered the US they never asked for my vehicle compliance letter. I think it comes in handy more when you want to register your vehicle, but I could be wrong. They are very easy going at the border where I cross.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-10-19 14:46:00
CanadaAny ideas for Xmas gifts?
I don't have any suggestions but felt the need to add...... CHRISTMAS! :D yaaaa!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-10-22 18:41:00
CanadaIntervie Wait Times?
When you get your P3 the letter will state to expect an interview in 4-6 months... when we applied it took about a month from NOA2 to P3 in hand.

I'm glad you finally got you NOA2!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-10-25 13:50:00
CanadaMy Wife (Canadian Citizen)'s Situation Help & Advice Please!
[quote name='s4837' timestamp='1287795505' post='4250671']

On a side note, I can't stand the thought of not being with her even for just a few days. :( So sad.


Join the long list... there is no quick legal way to do this, and based on the number of rules you've already broken she is going to have to go through the CR1 Visa process and wait it out (see timelines on the link at the blue line above). In the meantime I recommend she go to Canada so at least you can visit her without the extremely long flight.

Be prepared to face a lot of questions about her overstaying in the US, it's not a tough road but I think it can be done. She may want to consider an immigration lawyer depending on how much she has overstayed. I'd try without first though and see if what you can do.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-10-28 17:12:00
CanadaCanadian Driver's License
Hm... everyone HERE told me that I am not yet considered a resident on my Visa and am STILL a Canadian resident until I receive my GC. It's really messed up, I hate getting conflicting info from everyone (not you guys, everyone at any office around here, on post and off). Even when I opened a bank account with my husband they wouldn't let me use my married name because even though I am married, the US does not recognize me as a resident but still by my maiden name as a Canadian resident. Similar thing happened at the SSN office. The only time anyone has taken my married name was when I registered as a spouse on post to receive medical insurance (even then it's only a temporary card until I can provide a SSN in my married name) and where I volunteer. It's a real pain in the butt. I hate inconsistency.

I've had so much trouble getting anything done because no one seems to understand anything. Worst thing is this area is FULL of foreign spouses, but no one does it legally so my situation is weird to them. Now that I have my NOA's from USCIS though I am heading back to the SSN office to get that fixed and once that is done things should start running smoother. If they still argue that I cannot get a SSN in my married name until I have my GC I am asking for a manager of the office because thats just insane. I have been saving mail in my married name to show as proof that I do reside at the address I say I do in case I have any issues getting my license transferred.

Thanks guys!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-10-30 10:59:00
CanadaCanadian Driver's License
I was thinking I could get it done once I have my AP but before I have my GC (expiry date is somewhere around those lines), therefore would still be a Canadian resident. If they inquire I can say reason being in the event my PR in the US was delayed or denied then I would not have lost my license in Canada.

If I get my AP before it expires, which I don't see why I wouldn't then I think I will just do it. I still have the same mailing address in Canada for my bank, car and insurance. I haven't changed the plates since they messed up my SSN, so cannot get the NY license until I can prove my real name, so cannot change my insurance here. Hopefully I don't get the same dumb woman at the SSN office this week and can change it over to my married name. I even have photo ID in my married name and marriage cert and she said no!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-10-29 20:29:00
CanadaCanadian Driver's License
Hey all,

I have a quick question... my Ontario driver's license will expire in early 2011 and I am not sure if I need to have that renewed. My husband and I plan on moving back in about 3-4 years. It is about to be transferred to a NY license, but then can I transfer it to Ontario when we move back or is my best bet to just hope I get my AP in time to have it renewed and just do that. I am just not sure if I can get it renewed once I am a PR in the US.

PS I am really looking forward to going through the Canadian version of this process in a few years haha.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-10-28 17:17:00
Canadavisa denied?
If they said it's approved then it is. They can't 'unapprove' it. Montreal is notorious for taking weeks for some people to get their Visa's in, days for others. Guess it just depends on who's hands it fell in. Booking a ticket a week or two after you had your interview is a risky move. You should always wait until it is in hand before making arrangements. You haven't waited long yet. Give it another week then worry. In the meantime, rebook your ticket to a much later date if you can.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-10-28 13:55:00
CanadaThrowing in the towel with the US immigration
Sounds to me you are making the most sensible and practical decision. I wish you the best!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-10-28 13:57:00
CanadaWhat are the chances of getting visa the day of interview?
When I was there the only people who were able to pick up their Visa's all had made arrangements prior to the interview day. I had to go back and bring my medical docs so was with all the special people who got it the same day and I guess they assumed I wanted it then too. The woman told me I would have to wait for mine in the mail because there is still some processing to do 'afterwards'. By processing I think she means entering all the fine details into the system and actually printing it. So no, unless you make prior arrangements and can prove your only option is getting it on the spot I doubt it.

Also - the people who did get it the same day had valid reasons. One was already living in the US and flew to MTL for the interview and needed it his Visa back right away because of some medical thing with his son (he had been living in the US for 11 yrs), then there was a nun who needed it for a last minute mission trip since the nun who was supposed to go fell ill and the backup couldn't get her papers in time and the third one had a baby with him and didn't speak English, but he mentioned something about the mother being in the US.

Edited by Tater&Bugger, 05 November 2010 - 12:32 PM.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-05 12:32:00
CanadaRFE Received in Mail Today
I know a bunch of us who recently filed our AOS did the same thing. I never received a receipt (personally) with any code on it, just the sealed package from my medical so attached the invoice and my vaccination records and proof of a negative TB test. They did hand me back my xray cdrom too. They are supposed to include your medical results in the sealed package you hand in at POE so it just seems weird that they would RFE. I too would assume they forgot to include it, lost it or overlooked it.

Sounds like someone is starting to figure out who went wrong in your case though, best of luck!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-05 12:40:00
CanadaSome questions on P3
1. Only send what the forms asked. They used to ask for DS 156/K and then asked for both... they are weeding it out. I was only asked for the DS160 like you and was confused too. Other members who got P3 at the same time were asked for both. I only sent back what they asked for... "just do what they say" haha. VJ info is out of date.

2. Book the medical when you want, but most of the time it takes over a month to get an appointment and incase they need more tests it's better to book 1-2 months from now. I booked mine a week after my P3 for 3 weeks out (the EARLIEST I could get) then got my P4 before my medical and the interview was the date of my medical pick up. You pick up the results 2 days after your tests.

3. Yes. But also make sure to include a copy of your bc, pp and anything else proving you were born in the US and staying in the US.

4. Yes. Tax return from the lat 3 years. I believe there is a mention on the form if you don't have it, but if you want things approve quick and smoothly then give them the info. Send copies of everything you state.

5. No.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-14 18:48:00
Canadavisiting canadian they keep information on file
YOU shouldn't be denied visiting Canada as long as you are telling the truth. Do not make up anything in hopes of making it easier. It won't. Your wife has been flagged and they will keep an eye on you for a little while at least I am sure.

Honestly your wife visiting the US with a lot of stuff is suspicious. If she couldn't prove she wasn't returning to Canada it makes sense she was denied.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-17 15:50:00
CanadaAm I going to be eligible for benefits?
The only concern now would be is that you don't pay benefits when taking a leave of absence. So it all depends on your earnings over the last 6 months and then some.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-17 15:03:00
CanadaAm I going to be eligible for benefits?
They look ay how much you have worked and paid EI benefits in the last 6 months and your reason for no longer being employed. If you 'quit' or were rightfully laid off then you won't get anything. All depends on what your ROE says. You can always call and ask but they are very vague by phone.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-17 14:38:00
CanadaTurkey day panic!!!
I am cooking the entire dinner at our house! So excited.

Don't know how many people you have but mashed potatoes and corn are always a must, plus something with green beans. Buns or rolls. Cranberry sauce.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-23 20:08:00
Congrats and welcome to the 2nd stressful chapter. Moving, POE and getting married :).
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-23 19:39:00
CanadaLightning speed Packet 4!
That's awesome. Having a set date is so reassuring.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-27 21:29:00
Canada3rd Wedding anniversary
Congrats :)

It appears I got the RFE as you, but they only sent mine after my biometrics!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-24 19:24:00
CanadaThanksgiving Week
and it's WAY better to have it in OCT like us Canadians do ;) now it's just in the way of Christmas.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-22 15:14:00
CanadaForm DS 160
Doubt it. Not everyone is asked to fill out only the DS160 still I believe... and I think they need to register you into the system or something. Don't bother though, it'll take you maybe an hour at most so there really is no point.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-29 18:13:00
CanadaWHEN will this wait end...waiting for an interview date?!
Skype is the best! When my husband and I were deployed we'd just be logged in permanently so we could just see each other coming and going. We'd be doing our own thing and not even talk for hours, it just felt like we were in the same room. Of course it's not the same but it definitely helps.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-30 19:47:00
CanadaWHEN will this wait end...waiting for an interview date?!
The wait will seem like forever... and more. Then when it's all over and a few weeks have passed you'll feel like 'did all that really happen?'. I know it's annoying to hear but it's so true. Just try to keep yourself busy to help the time pass. Avoiding the internet definitely helps, but is hard haha.

Funny thing is I've spent so much time hoping time to pass quickly (our deployments, waiting for the Visa) that now that we're finally together I need to remind myself to not keep hoping for 'next week' haha. It becomes part of you!

Good luck and hope you get an interview date soon.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-30 07:41:00
CanadaStarting CR-1 process........sigh
Eloped in Santa's village sounds ADORABLE! Hopefully your family won't be too upset.

Keep working on your ties and maybe try to always cross at the same spot/time of day and hopefully they will get to know you. I know that happened to me. I had zero ties to Canada (just finished a contract, no job, living at my parents until Visa was approved), but we weren't married yet. I never had issues though so just be sure to always be honest and straight forward when you cross.

Welcome to the forum - you will find tons of helpful information and people here!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-29 18:11:00
CanadaApproved! Few pieces of advice...
I can't believe they didn't let them take the bag! I had a canvas bag, no pockets. However every other woman had a honking purse. Anything else that was too much the security just held for people. I guess they may have changed the rules.

I also agree with the not arriving so early thing. Big waste of time since they practically preset when you get interviewed. Everyone I read from before got there early and said they got to go first, we got to go first and were interview over 5 hrs later, even though we were first called to a window. They have it mostly planned in advance. I say go 15mins early. No more.

Edited by Tater&Bugger, 30 November 2010 - 07:53 PM.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-11-30 19:52:00
CanadaHolier then thou attitude
I think the majority of people, from everywhere, are just IGNORANT. Yes, some of my own family and friends fall into this category too. Reminds me of the infamous quote; "I don't know why it's called 'common sense' if it's so rare"
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-10-19 14:32:00
CanadaMiracles DO happen....
Congrats - just in time for the holidays.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-12 00:30:00
Canadaanyone in my situation......???
My AOS and AP/EAD are being filed at separate offices. I know several people who got their GC before they heard a thing about their AP/EAD. You're guess is as good as mine... and probably theirs haha.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-13 22:00:00
CanadaChange of Circumstance
You can't get there more quickly... however you will need to pay income tax to both the US and Canada once you move there (I believe). Since you do work in Canada though you can prove ties and visit the US more easily while you wait (the long wait!) for your Visa.

Good luck - the immigration fun has just begun!
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-16 20:32:00
CanadaWedding Details

yeah they did, I put one up the day after I got it. I'm absolutely in love with the dress lol, its crazy. I use to watch Say Yes to the Dress and think the brides on there who cried were silly, but yeah....I totally cried. :blush:

I don't think they have it anymore, I haven't seen reviews on their site in the last month or so... maybe I am doing something wrong lol.

Dress twins... hehehe
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-07-28 21:03:00
CanadaWedding Details
I'm going to David's bridal in Syracuse in a week and a half to look for my dress, and bridesmaids dresses. I love how discounted their stuff is!

Danu - you got a great deal for that dress! It's beautiful and I like the tie at the front, it's flattering. I am going for something for casual, no train or what not... but who knows, maybe after shopping I'll wind up with some crazy princess dress! David's website used to have a place to post your own pics and reviews, you should see if they still have it and put it up. It's so helpful.

Edited by Tater&Bugger, 28 July 2010 - 08:35 PM.

Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-07-28 20:34:00
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2011-01-20 10:36:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..

Maybe she's been reading the NY Times a little too much ? Have you seen their overly snooty wedding announcement page? Makes me want to throw up - it's worse then the Globe and Mail society section.

Ms So and So will be Marrying Mr So and So June ## 2010. Ms graduated Magna cum laude with a horseshow up her a$$ while Mr graduated Summa Cum Laude with his law degree from Yale. They met while on safari in Africa doing humanitarian work while feeding starving children and saving endangered species. The bride promises to continue with her frou frou past times while the husband promises to continue playing golf and making a lot of money as a lawyer. The brides parents are lawyers and the grooms are Doctors. They plan to honeymoon in snootyland before returning to live in La-La Land.

Give me a freaking break

Yes she included our hjgh schools, colleges, and the places we worked (hubby US Army, I was deployed with Canadian Forces currently waiting for my GC in the US) haha. No I don't think she's read the NYtime. This is a small rural town in MI with only a couple thousand people IF that. I think thats the county. I guess they have nothing better to read. I know she means well though and is just proud of her son so I won't literally complain. Its just funny.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-13 21:59:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..

Holy #######! :o I would have been mortified!

Now I want to see your announcement. lol

If I see it I'll totally post a copy! I don't know if ours came out a full page but that's what she wanted. They like descrive the bride's dress in detail, who all was there and where they came from haha. Thank god she didn't include out 70 person guest list hehe.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-13 21:55:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..

Sorry I have no advice... I got pretty lucky. I get along well with the in laws. We have different opinions but it's not necessarily in a bad way. I have no idea what I would do. I can be honest to a fault and never back down from standing up for what I believe in. If I were in your shoes there would be a pretty good chance MIL and me would become foes and cause problems forever haha. I am not good at biting me tongue when it's personal. Good luck and I hope you can make the best of it!

Actually I do have to add something funny (I find now) to add... when we started planning the wedding details over the summer she kept making suggestions that we obviously weren't interested in. My husband hasn't lived in the same state as his family for years, so he had her speak to me about EVERYTHING. I eventually had to tell her that with our deployments, short time to plan a wedding, move and immigration is a lot to handle and we just need to plan it on our own. No multiple weddings, no churches (they are Christian, I humanist, hubby Atheist) and all sorts of stuff. I offered to pay for her family to come to NY for our wedding to avoid problems. Apparently she didn't this because she told my Husband that I am controlling and he should make sure he knows what he's getting into! I told him to stand up for me but he didn't (he was still in Iraq and I was home at this point) so I emailed her indirectly saying all our plans are based on what her son asked for, and I am merely putting together the details since I was local. I was really insulted at the time and when he returned from Iraq we finally got to talk about it and he explained to her by phone that he ASKED me to make the arrangements based on his requests yada yada. He said she understood but I overheard a family member mention at the wedding that I like to be in control of things haha. At that point I just had to laugh. We got OUR wedding exactly the way we wanted. Both our families tried influencing us and we gave them both the same respectful no. They both still insist on home town receptions so I told them to tell us the time and place after the winter and we'll be there and can repeat our vows. We have no regrets. However when we made a trip to MI to visit them last weekend my MIL showed me the wedding announcement she had me write for the local paper (pretty much just a fill in the blanks). It was a small paragraph with a nice picture, we liked it but she said it's a right of passage for parents there and so she asked if we didn't mind if she could re-write it! Apparently she wanted a full page announcement... after showing us others haha. Never seen a thing like it. We answered her questions and she put together her own article. At the end of the day we are family now and respect one another's needs and wants. Unfortunately you can't say the same about a lot of people.
Tater&BuggerFemaleCanada2010-12-12 22:38:00