K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIncome Question

Hi, I'm just about to file my I-I29F and I've been doing some research. We've hired our lawyer, we've gone through this site making sure we are filing everything correctly, but the income requirements for the later parts of the visa process have me worried.

I am 23 years old, a recent university graduate with a part-time job. I'm seeking full time employment as a teacher, but with the economy as it is now, that's not really in the cards until more jobs open up.

My part time job earns about $10,000 American a year. I also have approximately $10,000 in a Roth IRA. I'm assuming that's not enough?

If it's not, am I able to have my parents sponsor my fiancee?

I did a quick search through the forum for this, but couldn't find a straight answer. Sorry if I didn't look hard enough. Thanks.

First, I'd recommend you check out the I-864P. This provides the income threshold the USC has to meet depending on their household size. Household size consists of you, your fiance and any dependents you filed on your most recent tax return.

If you have no additional dependents, besides yourself and your fiance, the income threshold currently stands at about 18 300 I think. Keep in mind that these are the 2009 guidelines, however. The ones for 2010 are not yet available. As they become available the income thresholds may increase.

You may add your savings as assets to supplement your income, but there's no guarantee a CO will take them into account. From what I understand COs are most interested in earned income.

I'd say the safest option for your situation is to get one of your parents to co sponsor your fiance. If they're able and willing, then there's no reason why you shouldn't them. Their support will only improve the odds for your case getting approved and that's always a good thing.

All the best.

Edited by DTunda, 24 June 2010 - 04:33 PM.

DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 16:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDiabetes type 2
My medical was over in under 10 mins. I was so shocked this was what I paid almost USD 400 for:

Doc tested my stomach to see if I was pregnant (haha ... as if I would be pregnant with my fiance half around the world!), he tested my blood pressure, asked me if I was ever treated for any serious illnesses, listened to my heart and lungs and that was it!

A few days before this meeting I did a blood test, chest X-ray and got two vaccinations at my local public hospital. All together those lasted all of 10 mins.

Don't worry. As Katie&Sifa above said, its just the infectious diseases the embassy is worried about, although it is a good idea to provide evidence that your fiance will be able to care for you in the event you become ill.

All the best at your interview!
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-18 09:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Scandinavians
Hello Scandinavians!

I am an American living in Norway with my Norwegian fiance! Yes... there are very few of you out there trying to immigrate to the U.S. I looking forward to hearing about your stories and experiences through the visa process. We are just in the beginning phases and would love to hear a Norwegain perspective... anyone out there who has the K-1 already??



soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-03-15 10:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1st Noa questions
Ummmmm....... really? That is not good to hear! This is a new process to me as all the reaseach I've done was for filing for an alien relative to immigrate. Our plans had to change after the process from filing from abroad changed.

A little help... please! Have I done something wrong?
soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-02-27 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1st Noa questions
Of course I meant to write I-129F, just wanted to make sure I clarified! We both live in Norway so if the NOA's are sent snail mail, it's going to take longer to get to us than if we were in the states.

Thanks for the information! Do they give you a case number so it can be tracked on-line with the NOA1?

soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-02-27 09:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1st Noa questions
Hi everyone!

This is our first post, I am sure there will be more to come. My Norwegian fiance and I mailed our I-291F packet to the Texas center on Feb. 9th. I tracked the package and it was signed for on the 13th. Just wondering how long it usually takes to hear of the 1st NOA and how we will be informed? Will they send me something in the mail (snail mail or email)?

Thanks so much!

Lauren and Anders!~
soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-02-27 08:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do you know when your file has been "touched"?

Specifically this post:

Thanks for the info. I just received my NOA1 yesterday, would a case number be with this information? It would be great to be able to check online but not sure where i would find our case number.
soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-02-28 09:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do you know when your file has been "touched"?
Ummm... I guess I figured out how to add my timeline :)

It just didn't show in the preview!
soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-02-28 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do you know when your file has been "touched"?

I see that many of you have the wording "touched" on your timelines. Not exactly sure what is meant by this or how to know when your file it "touched". Insight would be great!

Also... I'm not sure how to add my timeline to my posts.


Lauren and Anders!
soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-02-28 09:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmailed I-12F to Texas, NOA1 from California?

I just got online to sign up to receive email updates on our case. I just noticed that our NOA1 had the California address printed on it... we mailed it to the Texas.

Does this mean the California office is processing our file not Texas? I am a little confused!

soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-03-01 06:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 received yesterday in Norway!!

Just wanted to say thanks to those who replied to me yesterday. All the worrying for nothing, our NOA1 was waiting in the mail when we got home. If anyone else is wondering.... you can get NOA's abroad!!

I guess you get used to the waiting game after a while.

soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-02-28 08:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan gov. officials speed up the waiting time?
Thanks for the advice Mary!

I've been so preoccupied with the whole process abroad I haven't done much research on what to do once we get married and are back in the U.S. I guess I should start be looking at the whole picture... not just the immediate!
soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-03-16 07:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan gov. officials speed up the waiting time?
Norway is a beautiful country! The winters are LONG and dark. Last year we were hit with snow in October and it stayed on the ground four five months. Even though I moved from Chicago... a VERY cold city, I had a hard time adjusting to the winter. I think it is the lack of sunlight. The summers are amazing though and worth it if you can make it through the winter.

I know what you mean about wanting to tackle a waiter just to get the check. Norway is a slow moving country (unless you are on skiis!). I've heard the embassy can be slow even though Norway is such a small country. They take a ton of vacation over here... I love it...but that means they office is basically closed for the summer. No one works here in the summer months and I've been told to forget about getting an interivew during this time. I guess all we can do is hope for August!

Thanks again for the info! Would love to visit Cyprus one day!

soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-03-16 06:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan gov. officials speed up the waiting time?
Good thing most politicans don't care about corruption! :lol:

Not sure if they'd be "willing to go to bat" for me. I will ask about the Hill and see what others have to say.
soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-03-16 05:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan gov. officials speed up the waiting time?
Thanks for the info! Sounds like I need to just "wait my turn"...yuck! Jumping in front of the line sounded like much more fun to me! I guess I should wait to make a call if things start running long.

I feel for the people who filed a long time ago and see NOA2's being given from people who applied this month! I can't imagine how hard it would be.

At least I am together with my fiance... we live in Norway. We don't have to spend this time apart like the vast majority of you. However, I have to be back in the U.S. this summer and it sounds like we won't be done with this process by then. However, I have been in touch with the Embassy in Norway and we've started getting all the paperwork together for his interview. The medical is good for one year so we are going to ahead and get all of that done ASAP so we are ready and don't prolong the process. I encourage others to get in touch with their embassy abroad to see if they can do the same! I don't know about t his process in other countries but THINGS TAKE TIME in Norway... I believe this to be the country moto!! I know once all the paperwork gets here... it's going to take FOREVER!

Oh well... good luck and thanks!

Further experience or imput is also nice!
soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-03-16 05:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan gov. officials speed up the waiting time?
Thanks for your input. I am aware of current case processing times but if there is a way that I can speed up the process by making a phone call or two... it seems worth while!

So... is there anyone out there who has done this before? Can it help? I have connections with different politicans but don't want to call in any favors if it's not going to help.

I realize everyone is waiting patiently and wants to get their loved on into the States. Sharing experiences and tips is what this forum is all about!!

Thanks in advance!

soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-03-16 04:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan gov. officials speed up the waiting time?
Hi everyone!

Just wondering if anyone out there has contacted a state respresentative or congressman/women to help speed up the processing time of your application? I've been advised to do this but wasn't really sure if they would be able to do anything.


soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-03-16 03:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to do while waiting for NOA2?
Hello eveyone,

Just like many of you, my fiance and I would like to be as proactive as possible while waiting for our NOA2. I've already been in contact with the Embassy in Norway and requested a list of documents Anders will need for his interview. They sent me a bunch of attachments in the email that help but I am looking for a guide for preparing for the interview much like Vj provided when arranging documents for the petition. Am I looking in the wrong place?

Basically, we would like to have everything ready so that when we get the letter from the Norwegian embassy we can send in our notification of applicant readiness right away.

What are some of you doing to get ready? Anyone know of where I can find a guide of what we will need to have? Also... has anyone booked medical exams prior to getting a NOA2?


soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-03-14 06:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHot Topic... I know!
To be honest... this makes no sense to me! Why would someone who was taking the time, money and energy to immigrate legally and filling for a fiance visa would want to stay illegally in the U.S.?

To me, having filed for this visa shows that you do not intend to stay. For one reason, the interview back home. Doesn't seem logical! Just my view point though.
soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-03-22 09:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHot Topic... I know!
There is always a risk of being turned away when non-residents attempt to enter the U.S as a tourist. :(

It is good news to hear that it doesn't matter where you stand in the K1 process when visiting as a tourist. His country is part of the visa waiver program so perhaps that will help. Do you think it is worth it to pay an extra $800 bucks to enter a small airport like Cincinnati rather than somewhere like NYC or Chicago?? We are thinking it could potentially help...hoping that it could make things easier.

soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-03-22 08:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHot Topic... I know!
So... I've read other threads on visiting the U.S. while your K1 is being processed. I realize it is possible but if someone is having a bad day at the point of entry, your loved one could be denied entry.

BUT.... does it make a difference where you are in the K1 visa process? What if your NOA2 has been issued? The reason I am asking it that my fiance has A VERY IMPORTANT trip planned this summer. We don't know where we will be in the process but need to make this visit happen. There is a possibility we will have our NOA2 at this time but one never know!

Please help! Advice from people who've done this before would be GREAT!

soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-03-22 07:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnybody dream about your Immigration process?
Just wondering if anyone else dreams about your Immigration process? :D

I dreamed last night that I got an email from USCIS requested proof of the level of proficiency of my fiance's French. Well... he doesn't speak French! Anyway... in my dream he did speak French but I couldn't get back on-line to send them the information. I remember being excited that they had been working on our case but was so frustrated because I was unable to get internet access. :D

I got all excited when I woke up to see if our case had been touched luck. :wacko:

Just thought you might have some funny dreams/nightmares to share too!
soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-03-22 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp needed!
Office of the Spokesman
For Immediate Release March 21, 2007

Media Note


As of January 22, 2007, consular offices abroad were instructed to cease accepting certain immigrant visa petitions because consular officers lacked the means to perform the required criminal background checks on American citizen petitioners, as required by the Adam Walsh Act.

Subsequently, the Department of State and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) worked to develop a mechanism whereby USCIS will perform these required “Adam Walsh Act” checks for any petitions accepted abroad by consular officers.

Effective immediately, consular posts abroad will accept petitions for immediate relative immigrant classification from American citizens who are resident in their consular districts, including members of the armed forces, as well as true emergency cases, such as life and death or health and safety, and others determined to be in the national interest.
Examples of family emergency include minor children who would be unexpectedly left without a caretaker. Examples of national interest include facilitating the travel of United States military and other USG direct hire employees assigned overseas who are pending transfer on orders and need to petition for immigrant classification of their spouse and minor children at posts overseas.

To demonstrate residency in a consular district, American Citizen petitioners must be able to show that they have permission to reside in the consular district and that they have been doing so continuously for at least six months before filing the petition. Individuals who are in the country on a temporary status, such as student or tourist, would not be considered to meet the residency standard.

All lawful permanent residents, and American Citizens resident in the United States or with a permanent address in the United States, must file I-130 petitions at the USCIS Service Center having jurisdiction over their place of residence (as indicated on the USCIS website:
soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-03-27 05:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp needed!
So... here is my story.

I live with my fiance in Norway. Orginally, we were going to get married here and file for a I-130 at the American Embassy in Norway. With the passing on the Adam Walsh Act, embassies abroad were no longer able to accept these applications. Well... now they are.

My question is... can we cancle the fiance visa we filed in February?

If so, how do we do this? We would much rather go through the process here since it is supposed to move much faster.

Any advice?
soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-03-27 04:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to cxl a petition?
Hi All,

Not sure if anyone knows the answer to this. My fiance and I decided to marry in Norway and cancel our pending fiance visa. Does anyone know what we should do? I have drafted a letter to mail to USCIS with a copy of our NOA1 but didn't know if this was the right procedure.

I tried to call the help line and couldn't get beyond the menu of options.

soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-04-10 13:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan Fiance Visit On Tourist Visa While Waiting For K-1?
What about your fiance traveling AFTER a NOA2 has been issued? My fiance has a very important trip to the U.S. planned for June. We could potentially have our NOA2 by this time but one never knows!

Advice? Experience?
soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-03-22 07:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresone less petition in front of yours
In order to directly file with the consulate abroad you and your husband/wife must have lived in the country abroad for at least six months. If you met these requirements, you can file directly in the country where you live. You can find more info on the DFC forum. :yes:

Hope this helps.
soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-04-13 12:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresone less petition in front of yours
Hi All,

Just wanted to let you know my fiance and I decided to marry in Norway and go through the immigration process here in Norway. That is one less petition in front of yours!

You'll be happy to know we heard from the embassy today... the day after we mailed the petition... and have an interview scheduled for May 2nd!

Good luck to everyone!
soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-04-13 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRunning Out of Time
I'm just sharing news that I was given from a Congressman's office in Washington and they were aware I was referrring to wedding plans. Like I said, every case is treatly on an individual basis. Different people get different treatment, fair or unfair!
soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-05-03 08:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRunning Out of Time
It is not our place to judge on this site. We are here to support one another! Lots of peple make wedding arragements prior to getting visa approval because of different situations or reasons. That is one reason all cases are treated individually!

I was in contact with a friend I have in Washington and was told that you can have your case expedited if you will suffer "extreme financial loss". If you are having an average American wedding, I bet you've paid thousands in deposits already and have the contracts to prove it.

In my eyes its worth the try! The worst thing they can tell you is no. If your case isn't approved in time, it sounds like you might have to travel to the U.S. and then back after the wedding. Technically you can't sign the paperwork to be 'legally married' but different people have different definitions of marriage. To me, my marriage is when I take vows in front of my family, friends and in the house of God... not when I sign a document with a particular state or country.

What is the most important to you? You can make it work even if it wasn't what you expected.

Good luck! I sympathize with your situation!

UK - California K1 Application, NOA1 received 2/2/07. No further contact.

Well, it is coming up to 30 days now since NOA1.

I hope I pre-empted an RFE by submitting the correctly signed G325A for me with a covering letter marked with my receipt number and contact details.

HOWEVER - We have the wedding all arranged for the 28th July 2007 (booked it, packed it etc), and I really dont think now that it will all come through in time - it seems to me generally to take 90 days to the day for interviews etc which would put us inside of August.

SO - does anybody know if there is an effective way of contacting the consulate. Is it worth telling them this - I have evidence of all of the arrangements? Is there a chance of pulling forward the interview assuming all other things run smoothly?

Otherwise, would I have to leave the USA after the wedding and sit through another 6 months of isolation awaiting a spouses Visa?

Thanks for your help!

YES...this is the part no one spoke to, if you get married, it is no longer a K-1. Then you are changing horses mid stream. Good Luck with the project, just dont come and get married and act like it didnt happen. A few bucks lost on deposits is not a big enough loss to jeportize this.

soon2bmarried!FemaleNorway2007-05-02 16:31:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!

Please tell me you haven't booked a ticket!!

As you probably know, every single applicant goes through AP, it's just that most are completed the same day/the next and never actually get to hear those dreaded words. You might have been put in 'black hole' AP for a number of reasons...and although I sincerely hope that you do get your visa issued in time for you to leave on the 7th, I'd advise you to make alternative plans, just in case. The fact that they didn't keep your passport is not encouraging, as it implies they don't expect to issue a visa soon.

You probably don't know my own history - I was approved after a three minute interview, told I'd get my passport (visa included) in two to three days...116 days later the visa has yet to be issued. Unlike you, I was given the pink slip - I only found out about being in AP almost two weeks later when I called the embassy to ask if my passport had been mislaid.

Wishing you luck, and do keep us posted :)

Good luck to you too, DTunda :)

Thanks treehugger, I think I'm going to need it! :)

I hope your case works out if it hasn't already.
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-18 08:49:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!

OK guys. Quick update on yesterday…

Had a 09:00 appointment. Arrived just after 08:30 and went in to the waiting room. Got called after about 3 hours. The lady had to go collect my files and came back. Then she said ‘Oops, they aren’t all here. Let me go get the others’. Went and got them and she organized them a little bit. And then for a 2nd time ‘Oops, looks like we are missing page 2 of the DS-230 form’, so I handed her a copy. Then there were a few questions like ‘When are you leaving?’, ‘Have you your Police certificate / birth certificate?’, ‘Have you the affadit of support?’, ‘And the supporting documentation?’, etc… Got all that and they made some copies and gave me the originals back. She then told me to go pay the visa fee and come back. Asked a few more questions like military service, married before, etc…

Told all was fine and to go have a seat and I’d be called again later. After about 2½ hours I got called back again. Asked a few more questions… ‘When did we get engaged?’, ‘When was I intending to leave?’ To which I replied ‘July 7th’ and had a response something like ‘That’s quite close…’, ‘Ever been arrested?’.

He then handed me 2 sheets of paper with various questions on them (Parents names, Siblings name, Countries visited in last 10 years, Places of work for the last 10 years (these all sound familiar? ;))and told me to go fill them in and when I was done come straight back to him.

About 30 mins late I brought them all back and was told ‘Thanks... we have a little extra processing to do on your visa. We will give you a call in a week or so to have you send in your passport and get the visa’. At which point he said ‘Here’s a form (see below)… call this number to have the embassy courier pick up your passport after we call. Here’s your passport. It normally takes about a week…

The 'Blue form' had a 'check' in the first box to say that they were missing documents. This was then scribbled out and a new one put in the 'Administrative Processing' box.

I asked if they needed anything more and was told they had all they needed and all was ‘Fine’

So… 5½ hours in the embassy and as wise about approval as I was when I went in. :crying:

Hey I can so sympathise!

Something similar happened to me at my June 9th interview.

Our lawyer submitted the wrong Affidavit of Support for my fiance AND failed to tell us we needed a joint sponsor after we asked him on numerous occasions if my fiance's income for 2009 was enough. So at the interview the CO told me that I needed to submit these documents (I-134 for fiance and I-864 for joint sponsor) before processing can continue. I was SOOOO disappointed.

I had planned the entire month of June around getting my approval on the 9th. I wanted to go work in the UK (where I had been studying for the pass year even though I live in Norway) for the rest of June and July then fly out to the states in August, but this delay has not only flat lined that plan, it has caused me so much wasted time and MONEY!!!

I have to be staying in a hostel (because I gave up my apartment when I went to study in the UK and all my friends have gone on holiday) while my fiance and I try to find someone who is willing to be our co sponsor. We've found many kind hearted family members and friends who want to help but either they don't earn enough for their household size or they haven't yet filed their taxes!!! ARRRRGHHH

This is just horrible and I can relate to how disappointed and frustrated you feel.

At least you're in a slightly better situation than me. I'm sure your case will be approved and your visa issued in no time. Wish I could say the same for myself! :/
DTundaFemaleJamaica2010-06-18 07:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part16)
Wha gwaan fellow yardies.
New kid pan di block.

A lil about me:

Jamdungian barn n raise, but live in Norway. Former Ardennite. Just applied for K-1 to go be with my baby. But I have to admit this whole thing scares the sh!t out of me. I printed out all the guides for every step of the process (from K-1 to unconditional green card) and reading it all gave me a massive headache! If I knew it was this complicated (and expensive!) I'd've had the hubster to be come to Norway instead, not that is it really any easier or cheaper here ... perhaps only a lil.

Anyway, nice to be here. I look forward to going on this journey with all of you! smile.gif

Edited by DTunda, 06 August 2009 - 02:50 PM.

DTundaFemaleJamaica2009-08-06 14:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYaadies, how long did it take to get AOS approved?
QUOTE (*JG* @ Aug 10 2009, 09:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DTunda @ Aug 9 2009, 07:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Blessings to all yaadies and all our other VJ friends!

I'm new to everything: visajourney, US immigration proceedings etc so I need the help and guidance of fellow yaadies (and other VJ friends).

My USC fiance and I are about to file the papers for the K-1 visa. I think our lawyer will send it off either tomorrow or on Tuesday. As soon as it is sent I'll start a time line.

Since that process has started, I'm now looking to the future and trying to prepare for the next level (that's assuming God help us and our K-1 petition does not get denied for any reason! We don't think it will, but you never know!), namely the AOS.

So just a couple of questions:

1) On average how long did it take other jamaican citizens to get their AOS approved and have their conditional GC in hand?

2) How much in fees did you have to pay for the AOS and EAD & AP, if applicable? Doesn't have be exact amount if you can't remember, just roughly.

3) Can you seek all types of employment with EAD? A Norwegian friend of mine who lived in LA could not work as an actress using her EAD. I found this very surprising as I thought the EAD gives you permission to work in ALL fields until you get your GC? Any insights on this particular issue is highly appreciated!

4) For those who are applying to lift conditions, how soon before your conditional GC expired did you apply? One advice I've been given so far is to apply 6 mths before the expiration of your conditional GC. Does anyone else have any opinions on this?

It would be great to get some answers on these questions! I like going into things with my eyes opened. I know there will always be something unexpected turning up, but my fiance and I want to be as prepared as possible. We're also trying to map out the costs for this entire process from start to finish. Thanks in advance for all your help!

PS I'm a jamaican citizen living in Europe. Since there might be circumstances unique to those with a particular citizenship, I'm mainly interested in the stories of Jamaican citizens, but will gladly appreciate the advice, opinions and insights of other nationalities as well! Thks so much! D

1. Applied beginning of August, card dated November 1.

2. Was different then. We paid something like $400 or $500. We didn't apply for AP or EAD. It is different now, so check fees.

3. Not sure. Didn't think it made a difference on anything but jobs that REQUIRE you to be a citizen.

4. For LOC, you absolutely CANNOT apply any sooner then 90 days before it expires. 90 days NOT 3 MONTHS. Once you do apply, you get a letter stating you did apply. It extends everything a full year or until processing complete, whichever comes first.

Thanks! smile.gif
DTundaFemaleJamaica2009-08-13 03:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYaadies, how long did it take to get AOS approved?
QUOTE (NatPatBen @ Aug 9 2009, 03:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I did want to point out that AOS isn't the next thing after filling the I-129F. The next big thing where you'll need a lot of paperwork is the interview.

Possibly you already submitted to the lawyer the files for your interview. I know when my cousin had an attorney, the lady told her to submit everything for the entire process at once, before filing anything. (Of course, some things come later, like the marriage license.)

Hi there, Natpat. I was talking the next step after the whole K-1 process has passed and I'm actually in the US.
My fiance and I have already started to talk about the papers needed for the interview. I know he needs to send me the I-134 Affadit (sp) of Support (is there anything else he needs to send me?). And I know I need to get some docs ready too: Birth certificate, police certificate etc . Speaking of police certificate, will I need a certificate from Jamaica as well as Norway?

And btw, our lawyer has not asked us to submit anything for the interview yet. I mentioned it to him when we spoke on Thursday, but he said there wasn't any need to hurry. However, if I'm gonna need a police certificate from Jamaica I guess I should request for it now and not wait the last minute.

JaEnglishJa, did you have to provide a police report from both JA and England?

Edited by DTunda, 09 August 2009 - 12:01 PM.

DTundaFemaleJamaica2009-08-09 11:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYaadies, how long did it take to get AOS approved?
QUOTE (JaEnglishGirl @ Aug 9 2009, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DTunda @ Aug 9 2009, 07:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Blessings to all yaadies and all our other VJ friends!

I'm new to everything: visajourney, US immigration proceedings etc so I need the help and guidance of fellow yaadies (and other VJ friends).

My USC fiance and I are about to file the papers for the K-1 visa. I think our lawyer will send it off either tomorrow or on Tuesday. As soon as it is sent I'll start a time line.

Since that process has started, I'm now looking to the future and trying to prepare for the next level (that's assuming God help us and our K-1 petition does not get denied for any reason! We don't think it will, but you never know!), namely the AOS.

So just a couple of questions:

1) On average how long did it take other jamaican citizens to get their AOS approved and have their conditional GC in hand?

2) How much in fees did you have to pay for the AOS and EAD & AP, if applicable? Doesn't have be exact amount if you can't remember, just roughly.

3) Can you seek all types of employment with EAD? A Norwegian friend of mine who lived in LA could not work as an actress using her EAD. I found this very surprising as I thought the EAD gives you permission to work in ALL fields until you get your GC? Any insights on this particular issue is highly appreciated!

4) For those who are applying to lift conditions, how soon before your conditional GC expired did you apply? One advice I've been given so far is to apply 6 mths before the expiration of your conditional GC. Does anyone else have any opinions on this?

It would be great to get some answers on these questions! I like going into things with my eyes opened. I know there will always be something unexpected turning up, but my fiance and I want to be as prepared as possible. We're also trying to map out the costs for this entire process from start to finish. Thanks in advance for all your help!

PS I'm a jamaican citizen living in Europe. Since there might be circumstances unique to those with a particular citizenship, I'm mainly interested in the stories of Jamaican citizens, but will gladly appreciate the advice, opinions and insights of other nationalities as well! Thks so much! D

1.I filed AOS in Feb, card in hand in May.

2.The price is set, I think almost $1000 for the whole AOS package which includes both the AP, EAD and GC.
HAd to pay extra for my medical.

3. Think someone is telling porkies. Only job you can't get are ones which specify that you must be a US citizen, usually only government jobs.

Now mek mi fass, we did acks yuh inna di yawdie tread, but yuh neva ansa, is yuh end up a Norway misslady???

Wow, that was fast, JaEnglishGirl! At the time of filing were you a Jamaican or British citizen?

Lol, sarry mi neva see u question di laas time. lol Anyway, mi cum ovayah wid work (hotel industry), then mi realise seh the hotel business is nat fi me so mi go back a school n did a bachelor in Bus. Adm. Now mi do mi masters in int. business. Mi actually suppose to go Bath in septemba fi write mi thesis. Wha bout uself? Where in the US u deh?
DTundaFemaleJamaica2009-08-09 11:49:00