IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresService Center assignment
Hi all,

I am just starting on this journey and I'm sure it will be a ride we'll never forget. I got my NOA1 in the mail and went to the USCIS web site to check on our progress and I noticed that it had been sent to the California Service Center which made me wonder why. I live in Florida and it would seem there would be many centers closer that would make more sense. Does anybody have any idea on how and why they select the service center your case is assigned to? Also is this a good thing or is can I expect it to take longer than if it went to Vermont?


Tom & Jialian
ChinaQuest52MaleChina2009-07-28 18:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImmigration did not collect the package

HeatDeath had excellent advice. Also you could make an infopass appointment to see what needs to be done if the CBP doesn't answer your quesitons.

Good luck

Ok, I'm sure they are not open until Monday so I'll call first thing Monday morning.

Edited by ChinaQuest52, 08 May 2010 - 02:29 PM.

ChinaQuest52MaleChina2010-05-08 14:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImmigration did not collect the package
My just arrived and the immigration officer did not look at her package from the Consulate. She tried to tell them she had the package in her computer bag but the officer said she was done and called the next person in line. She came in through LA and flew to Orlando where I met her. I'm not exactly sure where to start with this problem. Any ideas or phone numbers would be appreciated.
ChinaQuest52MaleChina2010-05-08 14:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresimmigration visa interview

My husband has his interview on the 20th of May and I'm just worried about the supporting documents he needs to take with him...we have everything from the checklist (DS-2001):
our Birth Certificates
Marriage Certificates
Affidavit of Support
Medical exam
Police Certificates for the United Kingdom

I feel like this is not enough?
I read somewhere that we should take things to show our marriage is legit... like to take bank statements, bills and things with both our names on it, pictures...
Should we take extra documents??? I've read somewhere to take bank statements, rental agreements (for our home), docs that support our marriage is bonafide...I'm sure it will be better to over prepare, right? Did anyone else take more documents than what was ticked off the checklist?

Also because I (the usc) have been living in the UK for almost 5 years I'm worried about my 'domicile' I have been applying for jobs (in the us) and i have emails i can print off that confirm my application....shall he take these?
I also have a couple of emails replying to enquiries about apartments we're interested in...we'll these be any good? I have copies of my 1040's and 2555EZ'...I have papers to show that I have applied for a Texas teaching certificate and been approved (still waiting for actual certificate to be mailed) will this be enough to show that i want to 're establish US domicile'?
....looks like this may be an issue and i'm worried now...
we rent so we cant show anything there... my UK residendcy visa is not in my new US u think that'll count for anything?
What about employment? They know I'm going to leave...shall I ask for some kind of letter?
we cant put the cars up for sell yet...
I've got 2 shipment qoutes (to move our things)!?

what do you think?

OH! and one more thing
i read somewhere that the spouse (me) doesnt have to go (to the interview) BUT can if they want to BUT then i read somewhere else that only my husband can go.... surely as i am the petitioner I need to be there????

thanks to anyone who takes their time to reply! x

WOW! I can't comment on the domicile question but the ideas of bringing extra things to the interview is a good idea. My wife had her interview in mid April and while she was not asked to produce additional documentation as to the validity of our marriage many others were. I think it is better to have supporting evidence that you don't need than to go and not have anything to add weight to you case.
ChinaQuest52MaleChina2010-05-08 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresa hypothetical question which could make or break a love story. please read
My fiancee is 46 and I am 36, but it's obvious to anyone that meets us that we are a couple. In fact people always ask us things like when we are going to get married. Why am I saying all this? I can only imagine that the interviewer saw something that wasn't quite right with your friends relationship. They are trained to spot unusual things, and age is only one factor. Coupled with your friends overly nervous demeanor probably triggered red flags.

In summary if you are telling the truth you don't have much to worry about. IMO it is a lot easier to tell the truth and be yourself, especially if you go well prepared with evidence. Good luck!!
Cruise77MaleColombia2010-09-26 19:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs an immigration lawyer a good idea?
This is perhaps one of the most debated topics on the VisaJourney forums, to hire or not to hire an attorney. But after reading the comments on this thread, I figured it was time to throw my 2 cents into the ring.

For me this one is a no brainer, hire an attorney!! Although the visa journey and immigration process MAY seem fairly straight forward and easy (not saying in some cases it probably is), there are just too many things that could possibly go wrong. Some are obvious and we read about them here on the forums. But having a competent and experienced attorney is the only way to insure you are going about it the best possible way. The right attorney will put you in the best position for approval.

In my mind there are so many variables involved, how could you risk not hiring an attorney? For instance would you sign a big business deal worth six figures without a competent attorney? Would you buy a house without one? I wouldn't, so why should one of the most important events of you and your fiance(e)s lives not be given the same importance and treatment. Marrying someone from a foreign country is a huge step and a big emotional and financial investment (several thousand dollars in most cases). Taking how big an event and the huge investment you are making into account, spending $1,500-2,000 on an attorney is well worth it.

Another point I would like to make is the proper attorney not only fills sends and collects paperwork (which is a very important thing in itself as one mistake could disqualify you), but they will advise you. Advise you on how to go about the whole process in general. Advice on how to answer interview questions would be one example and just the tip of the iceberg. And no one here has even mentioned what happens after getting married and the adjustment process. An attorney will advise you on things you can do to ease that process as well.

I myself am not an attorney, nor have I gone through the visa process. My Fiancee, along with her 3 kids, are just embarking on this long Journey. Personally I am not going to take the chance of not having the best legal advice and someone to represent us from start to finish. They are just too important to me to take such a big risk.

Edited by Cruise77, 02 December 2010 - 12:05 AM.

Cruise77MaleColombia2010-12-02 00:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes petitioner have to use full name?

Look, I know in USA people only use first and last name. EXCUSE me for being confuse about it because he is a US citizen.

Ok, I understand the question more clearly now. It is true in the USA for the most part we use only our fathers last name. But if his paperwork has his fathers and mothers last name, use them both on the application. Que tengan mucho suerte!!
Cruise77MaleColombia2010-12-02 00:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresParental Sabotage
Congratulations on making it this far. Being in a relationship for as long as you have is a great accomplishment. However your post does point out there are obviously a few things that you need to work out with yourself, your fiance and your parents. R

It is imperative that you separate what is best for you and your fiance, from what your parents think is best. It concerns me that you are worried enough about what your parents might do to sabotage your application, that you posted it here in the forums. But it is even more concerning that your parents would be so controlling to tell a grown 28 year old what "god's will" is to support their logic. Since you are the one that is going to be living with and marrying your fiance, not your parents, you need to be sure about what you are doing independently of what your parents or anyone else thinks.

If I was in your shoes I would do three things. First as others have already pointed out, tell your parents thanks for the advice but that YOU and YOUR fiance will be making the decision. Let them know in a firm but polite way to butt out. Second get far away from their influence long enough so you can sort things out in your own heart and mind. Take the time to sort out in your own mind independently what direction you should be going.

Third I would prepare your fiance for a rough reception. Touch bases with him and let him know that no matter what your parents say, that you support him 100%. There is nothing worse than living in a foreign country with meddling in-laws. I know from experience it is very disconcerting. You need to be your own couple standing on their own, living a good distance away from them. This may mean another state if it needs be.

I really hope the best for you. Happy New Year!!

Edited by Cruise77, 02 January 2011 - 01:41 AM.

Cruise77MaleColombia2011-01-02 01:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied, Devastated, Please HELP!!!

They told me that I would receive a letter later on the mail. They also gave my fiancee a small yellow paper with different choices and the one checked says that the case would be sent back to USCIS. My finace told me that they were given that same paper to everyone (denied or approved) just that they check different according to the results.

Well if it's getting sent back get a lawyer NOW. You've already gone too long without getting proper legal advise, even when you suspected something was very wrong beforehand. I'm sorry this has happened to you and wish you the very best moving forward.

Best Wishes....
Cruise77MaleColombia2010-12-02 00:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdo it all over again

You would be commiting visa fraud.  Entering the US on a tourist visa with the obvious intent of staying would hurt your chances of getting a visa in the future.  I would take this as an advantage and save up some Euros in Belgium.  When your fiance gets a job, then work out the visa bit.

Cruise77MaleColombia2013-10-14 17:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused about visitation rules
Yeah... I mean when he's finally moved over here permanently. Someone keeps telling me he's going to have trouble finding a job because companies need some sort of contract to hire foreigners... even if they have a green card and a ssn.

Not too sure where she's getting her info. I wanted to check up on it just in case =/
Becca615FemaleEngland2007-10-30 12:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused about visitation rules
Thanks for all the info here!

I've been hearing that whenever he does get here and goes to find a job... certain places won't hire him because hes not a U.S. citizen. If he has his permanent residence and his social security number do companies (even retail places like Best Buy or RadioShack just to start out) have restrictions for that?
Becca615FemaleEngland2007-10-28 14:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused about visitation rules
I see that the CR-1 visa is much cheaper to apply for... but that he wouldn't be allowed to visit while it processes.

Would I be allowed to visit him in the UK instead?
Becca615FemaleEngland2007-10-25 18:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused about visitation rules
My Fiance and I became engaged mid-October while I was visiting him in the UK. We've been discussing visa options for a good while now, but still aren't sure which one to pursue.

He's planning to visit in February, but we're wondering if the choice of visa could affect his visit. If I apply for a K-1 now, will he still be able to visit and stay for the 90 days? If we try for a K-3 and get married while he visits, would he have to leave as soon as the application was filed?

Thanks for the advice!
Becca615FemaleEngland2007-10-25 17:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSilly questions regarding i-129F form
Thanks everyone! =)
Becca615FemaleEngland2007-12-05 11:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSilly questions regarding i-129F form
So far I seem to only be scratching the surface of this process... but we gotta start somewhere, right? =)

silly question #1: If something on the application doesn't apply to us... do we leave it blank? Should we put N/A? Does it even matter? =/ (example - question #9 on the form asks for "names of prior spouses" ... but neither of us have been married before.)

silly question #2: Question #10 says "My citizenship was acquired through" and I'll be checking "Birth in the U.S." ... riiiight below that it says "give number of certificate, date and place it was issued" - that's my birth certificate info... right? What is a certificate of citizenship? Does that even apply to me?

silly question #3: Question 8b. says "A# (if any)" ... what IS that? =/

silly question #4: My full first name is Rebecca. Not many people call me Rebecca (besides, maybe, the Grandparents). Should I put my more common name (Becca) in "Other names used" (question 7)?

silly question #5: Question 18 says "Has your fiance met and seen you within the two-year period immediately receding the filing of this petition?" and then in the little paragraph below that... it says "describe the circumstances under which you met." Do i describe the times we met in the last two years.... or when we first met in person four years ago? Should I include the two years before that where we were email pen-pals?

Digressing - Have any of you looked through a guide titled Fiance & Marriage Visas: A Couple's Guide to U.S. Immigration by Ilona M. Bray? Is it worthy of the $35 I'd be spending on it? I was thinking a book on this stuff might be handy for all the little things we might get confused (and overly worried) about =)
Becca615FemaleEngland2007-12-05 00:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan we file while he's visiting?
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Apr 4 2008, 06:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would think so, but he has to return to the UK to wait for interview and the like.

Yea... we kinda figured that part. I'm paranoid that the "visa police" are going to show up at my door and scold us or something =/

Thanks =)
Becca615FemaleEngland2008-04-04 17:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan we file while he's visiting?
My fiance is visiting next Friday for three weeks. I haven't mailed the visa application yet.

Is it okay to mail them while he's here?
Becca615FemaleEngland2008-04-04 17:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEveryone loves silly questions =)
I'm sure I already know the answer to this... but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask anyway.

I just moved to a new apartment on May 1st and I'm still changing the address to about 5 billion things. I've finally gotten everything done and checked and checked again for my visa petition and reaaaally wanted to mail it tomorrow.

But my new checks haven't arrived yet.

Should I stop being impatient and just wait for my checks, or can I just cross out my old address on my other checks and write in my new one? I know I can get a money order but I'd really like to be able to see when they've put my payment through.

Thanks =)
Becca615FemaleEngland2008-05-19 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEasy Question.
QUOTE (Damian&Kelly @ May 20 2008, 03:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
if your fiance is in the Uk then its London England

Many thank-yous, my dear =)
Becca615FemaleEngland2008-05-20 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEasy Question.
I looked at that lol. He's not Australian =P

So how do I figure out which embassy in England he would send this supposed "visa application" to?
Becca615FemaleEngland2008-05-20 14:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEasy Question.
Forgot something on the I-129F.

Question 20. Your fiancé(e) will apply for a visa abroad at the American embassy or consulate at:

NOTE: (Designation of a U.S. embassy or consulate outside the country of your fiancé(e)'s last residence does not guarantee
acceptance for processing by that foreign post. Acceptance is at the discretion of the designated embassy or consulate.)

Where can I find this info?
Becca615FemaleEngland2008-05-20 14:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTrack of cases transfered to CSC in November 2008
I got home from work and found a letter from USCIS... My application has been transferred to CSC...

Please add me to the spreadsheet. I really hope this is a good thing............... wacko.gif

kelvin_omar25MaleColombia2008-11-13 19:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay 2008 Filers
QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Jan 24 2009, 09:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my Husband is home and fell asleep on the couch I feel like i am in a dream i can't stop staring at him like making sure it's for real.


I wish you you two the very best!!! May you have a very HAPPY life together!!!

kelvin_omar25MaleColombia2009-01-25 13:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay 2008 Filers
QUOTE (Aman @ Jan 4 2009, 09:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh Thats great....I am going to call them tonight, R ( My hubby) paid the AOS fee online on Friday, but its still not showing as paid...Just want to check to be sure:)


Check the online payment website today, most likely it will appear as paid today... I paid my IV fee bill online and it appeared as PAID the next day.

QUOTE (kelvin_omar25 @ Jan 5 2009, 06:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Aman @ Jan 4 2009, 09:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh Thats great....I am going to call them tonight, R ( My hubby) paid the AOS fee online on Friday, but its still not showing as paid...Just want to check to be sure:)


Check the online payment website today, most likely it will appear as paid today... I paid my IV fee bill online and it appeared as PAID the next day.

Well it also depends I think at what time he paid... At least when I paid online it was at 8 am... So if he paid too late in the day it may take till tommorrow to update...
kelvin_omar25MaleColombia2009-01-05 08:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay 2008 Filers
QUOTE (Aman @ Dec 30 2008, 12:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kelvin_omar25 @ Dec 29 2008, 07:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Aman @ Dec 28 2008, 10:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How long does it take NVC to genrate Choice of agent...its been one week,.....I know counting the holidays and all...But still....The wait is getting on my nerves

Hey Aman

My case was received on Dec. 17 and the Choice of Agent and the AOS Fee Bill were created on Dec. 22

Just so you will have an idea.... But consider that they did not work on Thursday and Friday... They do not work this thursday either....

But dont worry this wait will be MUCH less...


Thanks Kevin

I am just sticking to keeping my hands off the phone ....I will call them them on Wednesday some time around 10 in the night. I just pray that they would have genratted the DS-3032 by then unsure.gif

I just want a Feb/March interview,

If we are able to complete our case by Jan 10 th, will NVC manage to fit us in.....Any clue....?????

I think that if you finish your NVC process before Jan 15 you will get an interview for Feb.... and if you finish NVC after Jan 15 you will get an interview for March....

I just paid my IV bill online.... And saw that the AOS bill appears as PAID.... but am not able to print the cover sheet online for the AOS.... I imagine its because I paid by mail and not online... This morning I called NVC and the AVR said that they received the DS-3032....

Don't let one day pass without calling NVC... this way you can be prepared to send any documents or payments...


kelvin_omar25MaleColombia2008-12-30 08:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay 2008 Filers
QUOTE (Aman @ Dec 28 2008, 10:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How long does it take NVC to genrate Choice of agent...its been one week,.....I know counting the holidays and all...But still....The wait is getting on my nerves

Hey Aman

My case was received on Dec. 17 and the Choice of Agent and the AOS Fee Bill were created on Dec. 22

Just so you will have an idea.... But consider that they did not work on Thursday and Friday... They do not work this thursday either....

But dont worry this wait will be MUCH less...

kelvin_omar25MaleColombia2008-12-29 08:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay 2008 Filers
HELLO My fellow May Filers...

I was finally approved on Dec 12. My wife and I are sooo happy...

Just wanted to share our happy news with you all. I want to thank everybody that has helped in s many different ways. Thanks to ALL!!!

To the rest of our fellow May filers that have not been approved yet, DONT LOOSE HOPE... Your approval will be soon to come... GOD IS GOOD!!!

kelvin_omar25MaleColombia2008-12-15 11:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay 2008 Filers

I hope your hubby has a very smooth interview... I wish the very best for you and your husband... Hopefully you guys can be together for the upcoming holidays.

kelvin_omar25MaleColombia2008-12-10 08:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay 2008 Filers
QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Nov 25 2008, 10:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think soon this thread can be closed .... not until all may filers are done though what do you guys think?

DONT CLOSE IT YET!!!! I JUST GOT TOUCHED YESTERDAY AND THIS MORNING!!!! AND FINALLY USCIS UPDATED MY APPLICATION ONLINE. I recieved an email from CHRIS this morning... I was so excited!!! But when I opened it, it was stating about the transfer mad.gif . I received the letter on the 12 of Nov.

I pray to GOD to help us all through this journey.

kelvin_omar25MaleColombia2008-11-26 10:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay 2008 Filers
QUOTE (thirdsjen @ Nov 17 2008, 06:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
VISA APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!

you guys!!! i can't stop smiling and crying!!! he said it was pretty simple.. they asked a bunch of questions that we already went over.. i will go into detail in the Philippines thread since it will be beneficial to them there.. all in all, it took about 3 1/2 hours from the time he went inside the embassy until he paid for the visa delivery fee...


but guess what? he doesn't want to leave until Dec 8 BECAUSE, he wants to watch the DE LA HOYA vs PACQUIAO fight with his friends on the 7th in the Philippines! boxing is more important than seeing me! hahaha! but i'll grant him that last request but i am aiming for a Dec 8 flight.. i hope his visa arrives way before that!

KAHM!!! how is life? have you adjusted yet? the jet lag sucks the most..

COGRATULATIONS JEN!!!! kicking.gif I am really happy for you and your husband. I hope he gets his visa soon. May God bless you, your baby and your husband. Hope you have a HAPPY life together!!!

kelvin_omar25MaleColombia2008-11-18 08:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay 2008 Filers
Hey guys!!!

Guess what? I just got home from work and found a letter from USCIS... My application has been transferred to CSC...

I really hope this is a good thing............... How much time do you think will pass before an approval?

kelvin_omar25MaleColombia2008-11-13 19:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay 2008 Filers
I am getting so desperate........ this process is SOOOO unfair... its been almost 6 months since I sent my application and not even 1 touch. WOW!!!

I am losing hope... There has been hardly no action by CSC and VSC in almost 3 weeks now.


Sorry... but it is TOOOOOOO HARD... My wife and I are soooo desperate.

kelvin_omar25MaleColombia2008-10-22 09:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay 2008 Filers

Just wanted to wish you a WONDERFUL time with your hubby... Have fun and DONT worry about nothing else other than being happy together... Make the MOST out these days you two are together... i hope the wedding you were helping to plan goes very well...

Have a safe trip back home... and I wish you a very smooth journey through NVC....

You are so close to being with your hubby FOREVER....

I have faith in GOD that VSC will approve us May Filers very soon......

kelvin_omar25MaleColombia2008-08-11 05:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay 2008 Filers

Congratulations!!! I am very happy for all my fellow VJr's... I really hope your journey is very smooth from here on... The worst part is over... But I have to confess that I wish VSC starts catching up with CSC... I pray to GOD that our applications at VSC get approved soon as well...

kelvin_omar25MaleColombia2008-08-11 05:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay 2008 Filers
QUOTE (thirdsjen @ Jul 25 2008, 08:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
thank you!!!!, kelvin_omar! i'm still trying to process it in my head.. it's like all of a sudden i don't know what to do next even though i have prepared everything ahead of time.. haha!

i wish VSC will move just as fast as CSC...

I really hope VSC starts to move on... I was surprised when I saw your post that you had a touch... I sent my I-130 the same day you did... 04-30-08... If my application was at CSC maybe my approval would be very soon as well...

Sometimes it is SO hard all this wait... It is frustrating to know that VSC is so backed up... I pray to God that VSC starts approving soon... and catch up with CSC...

You should look at LOTOS NVC Guide... This has step by step of what you should do after approval...


I wish you the very best... Within aprox 3 or 4 months time you will be with your hubby. I imagine you are SO HAPPY....

kelvin_omar25MaleColombia2008-07-25 11:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay 2008 Filers
QUOTE (thirdsjen @ Jul 25 2008, 07:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
WE GOT APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif

that's tears of joy!!! oh my gosh!!! i don't even know what the USCIS website says but last i checked yesterday afternoon, it said PENDING!!! they were just playing with me! then this morning, when i got home, there was the letter from USCIS.. and i knew it had to be my NOA2!!!!

you guys!!!!! i'm soo happy!!!!!!!!!

that touch was THE TOUCH OF ALL TOUCHES!!!!!!!!! and it was on our 7 month wedding anniversary too!!!!!

Thank you, Lord!!!!

kelvin_omar25MaleColombia2008-07-25 11:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay 2008 Filers
QUOTE (mindmaster @ Jun 5 2008, 06:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (cmnb @ Jun 5 2008, 05:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi guys,

i think i have made a tiny mistake on my form I-130. i dont know if this is a tiny mistake or a blunder. on question 17, i listed none instead of writing my name as the husband. do you think that would cause an issue?

i am worried :-(

Question 17 (Information about your alien relative (continued)) if you are the petitioner (husband) than you should put your wife name here and not yours. In my opinion if you put your name here then i think the beneficiary name on NOA1 would be your and not your wife. I mentioned it my earlier post about this typo on a vj sample I-130. Some people have mentioned that the beneficiary name on NOA1 were reversed. I think it is due to the fact that they followed vj sample I-130.

I was about to make this mistake too but upon a close scrutiny I read "Information about your alien relative (continued) several times to clear my reasoning that it is about beneficiary and not about the petitioner information.

My advise is to give 15 days for NOA1 to arrive and see who the beneficiary is. And stop worrying it does not solve any things. Keep yourself calm and explore your options.

Sorry to hear about your case.


I believe you are wrong. It clearly states : 17. List husband/wife and all children of your relative.

Or else, Since the PETITIONER is the one filling out this form, That question is asking for the husband/wife and all children of the relative of the petitioner.

So in conclusion, here you should put the petitioners name as wife or husband and all children of the beneficiary.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
kelvin_omar25MaleColombia2008-06-06 06:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay 2008 Filers
QUOTE (thirdsjen @ May 27 2008, 04:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kelvin_omar25 @ May 27 2008, 05:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (thirdsjen @ May 27 2008, 12:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

isn't this forum great? i wish i had known about it before i sent in my I-130. could've presented it more clearly. hope nothing was missing! this is what i get from doing everything myself.. but oh well.. what is done is done..

hey S_AL.. added you already.. have a great day!







hmm.. i don't know.. i would just wait and see. calling USCIS won't do any good, I think. I saw a poster there said that she didn't include the 4 months she was in the states and she was approved. sorry, Kelvin.. this is when "inexperience" comes in on our part. if they do send an RFE, just be prepared. Might delay it couple of weeks but nothing significant if that was your only mistake. I don't even want to review mine for fear I made retarded mistakes.. I am just going to wait for any kind of mail from them



kelvin_omar25MaleColombia2008-05-27 19:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay 2008 Filers
QUOTE (thirdsjen @ May 27 2008, 12:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

isn't this forum great? i wish i had known about it before i sent in my I-130. could've presented it more clearly. hope nothing was missing! this is what i get from doing everything myself.. but oh well.. what is done is done..

hey S_AL.. added you already.. have a great day!






kelvin_omar25MaleColombia2008-05-27 19:09:00