Middle East and North AfricaSweet mother of airline ticket fares!!!

Prices within the US are outrageous right now, too, because of Spring Break and whatnot. Check for a few weeks later, and check

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-03-17 16:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions About NVC processing times for those in Egypt

I am only 3 weeks in from the NVC saying our case was complete (April 18). Sent in a request for an expedite due to my mother being in the hospital.

I did question the representative on the phone and that is 20 WORKING days, not Sunday through Saturday scheduling.
Praying for an expedite approval because I truly need the help at this point.

I hope you get your expedite, however I see almost no chance the Cairo embassy will approve it, even if NVC does. I sent in an expedite request because I was going to LOSE MY HOUSE (and significant portion of my income because it's an income property). My son was on suicide watch and my depression was so bad I could hardly get out of bed. They had no problems whatsoever in not even considering me for an expedite. Good luck to you, but I'd suggest you make alternate arrangements for extra help.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-11 14:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions About NVC processing times for those in Egypt

I'm not sure about NVC thing, but you can look at timelines and filter for the Cairo embassy and then sort by whatever column is most helpful, then scan through timelines. I do that sometimes ... like all the time. 


The wait time at the Cairo embassy for an immigration/family interview is about 3.5-4 months now I think. Good luck to you.


Here's the timeline thing that I have bookmarked for K-1 visas:




You can do the same thing for your type, I'm sure.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-08 19:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan K1 approval?


There's nothing snarky about it. Facts are facts. Egyptians aren't free to up sticks and travel where they'd like to go for work or pleasure and your guy is no different.


Oh, and if that K1 is denied, he'll still be going through the Cairo embassy because he lives in Egypt.

Of course. I meant he'd probably accept the job offer he had in England or something like that--meaning he would no longer live in Egypt. I know we can't choose another embassy at whim. If we could, we would have done so a long time ago! :)

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-17 00:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan K1 approval?

I assume that those who asked did so rhetorically given the snarky tone from others. Simple answer: my fiance had a job offer in England and has a friend in Qatar that might have been able to help us. If his K1 is denied and we have to file post-marriage, I doubt we'll do so from the Cairo embassy. They are a nightmare to work with, an absolute information black hole, and super backed up because of the political problems. I miss my sweetheart and I'd do anything to get him here with me ASAP.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-10 19:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan K1 approval?

Hey, just wanted to add my two cents. I'm awaiting a K-1 interview at the Cairo embassy for my fiance right now, so my advice isn't necessarily applicable, but take from it what you will!


First off, congratulations and I wish you two the best. My courtship with my fiance was pretty unconventional by American standards, but I found a real gem and I am so grateful for all the crazy circumstances that finally brought us together. I hope it turns out the same for you two!


Second, this might sound really crazy, but if I could go back and start the process over again, I'd see if my fiance could move to another country because Egypt is just so slow. If we get denied after his interview, I think that's what we will have to do before we re-file/get married and file that way. If the Moroccan embassy is really that difficult and you really decide you want to be together, I'd at least consider it. I know it's extreme, but he's about to have total upheaval in his life anyway so "extreme" is soon going to be par for the course.


Third, read as much as you can and become a real detective about this process. Ask questions, read stuff, etc. Don't get scared away because of all the horror stories and negative feedback, but take everything and learn from it. Sounds like you are doing that already. Best of luck to you!

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-04-30 22:29:00
Middle East and North Africaname change after marriage?

I am saying if we got married outside the US, and I wanted to change it for example when I came back. My fiance's third last name is Grace and I totally love it.....4th one is Faragallah and honestly, I teach small children so having them stumble around with that one would end in me being called Ms. F which I just can't handle as a teacher, LOL. 



Then I'd suggest you choose whichever name you like, but try to make sure that you fill out his immigration paperwork with that as his legal last name when you file your petition. Attach a letter explaining his full name and how you prefer it in the documents maybe? I really don't think there is a "right" answer on this, but someone advised us to use the last name on his passport, which happens to be Moustafa even though his family identifies more with his third name, Elsayed. I realized later that that advice wasn't important and I wish I'd just gone with Elsayed from the beginning.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-15 21:20:00
Middle East and North Africaname change after marriage?

What is the legal name in USA after immigration? Whatever is the last name... use that. However, I'm totally NOT doing that. My fiance is **** Ali Moustafa and I will NOT have Moustafa as my last name. Ugh... "Hey, isn't that from the Lion King?" *face palm* I think we'll do a legal name change for him when we can and then I'll change mine to match his. Ali is nice.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-15 18:12:00
Middle East and North Africaleaving for Amman in the morning

So sorry to hear this. Any chance your Aspie will change his mind? I have a son with Asperger's as well and I can sometimes get him to change his mind if I calm his fears and talk him through things.


I totally relate to feeling like you're "damned if you do" and "damned if you don't." I feel that way all the time with my fiance. If I'm with him, I'm not with my kids. If I'm with my kids, I'm not with him. I always feel like my heart is broken into two pieces and I can never really put it back together into one whole.


I hope you figure things out for the best... and remember, whatever you decide, you are an amazing mother AND an amazing wife because you're so thoughtful and considerate of everybody's feelings in a hard situation.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-17 00:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaPhone call before interview?

Thanks, everyone. He's feeling a little more at ease from your replies. Did anybody else (or their fiance) have a nervous breakdown before the interview?  :clock:

Edited by LizzieBee, 22 May 2014 - 03:39 PM.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-22 15:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaPhone call before interview?

My fiance's interview is one week from today. He received a phone call from somebody this morning speaking quickly in English and he didn't catch everything they said. But it was very short and they asked him to confirm they were talking to Mr ****** and then asked hey do you speak english? And he said yes. And they said something about not needing a translator then. Then they hung up. He has no idea who it was, but our guess is that it must have been the embassy. Anybody else get a phone call like this a week before their interview? He's so stressed that he might have missed some vital information!

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-22 14:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaRenew medical?

Thank you! I feel like I've been living in a nightmare for months and woke up this morning in a wonderful dream. (Although I've been with the man of my dreams the whole time, so I can't complain too much...)  (L)

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-29 20:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaRenew medical?

And now it says ISSUED ... I'm having a heart attack here, but a VERY GOOD ONE! <3

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-29 07:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaRenew medical?

Wow! Congratulations! Screw the interviewer, you got what you wanted. :) Good job, for all your hard work and patience! So does that mean your CEAC status says "ready"? No renewing of the TB test?

Yep, it says ready. I just got off the phone with my fiance and I can't believe how rude the interviewer was with him. Worse than I ever expected! I guess I'll have fun writing my embassy review tomorrow morning! Thanks for the support. They told him he'll have to travel in June so his medical doesn't expire. That sounds like a good plan to me!

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-29 02:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaRenew medical?

APPROVED!!!! NO AP!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT. He said the interviewer yelled at him, accused him of lying, even accused him of lying about his profession which is ridiculous because he had his law degree certificate with him! I'm so proud of him for staying calm. I can't believe he will be with me soon. SO HAPPY.

Edited by LizzieBee, 29 May 2014 - 01:21 AM.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-29 01:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaRenew medical?

Well, he's in the embassy right now and I can't stop my heart from racing! He was there an hour early and was 4th or 5th in line. His uncle sent me a photo of him walking into the embassy and it's the most precious thing I've ever seen. I checked the CEAC website and his case has already been touched today, so he's probably paid his fees. I'M DYING!!! It's 8:30 am in Cairo.... I wonder how many hours until I hear something!

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-29 00:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaRenew medical?

He tried to redo the TB only, but the doctor told him he had to redo the entire physical and not just part of it. She said it was up to him and we decided to wait and see what happens at the interview. His physical was done the beginning of February, so it's been almost four months but he's planning to hop a plane as soon as he has his visa in hand. So hopefully the embassy won't require a new one. We'll see. One thing I know about this process is: I KNOW NOTHING! :)

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-25 16:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaRenew medical?

Hi again all! Sorry for so many questions this week.


I've read a lot of reviews that said the CO requested a renewed TB test. It supposedly doesn't expire for six months I believe? Or five months? but it seems like they request a new one before that anyway. My fiance called the doctor to see if he could renew it beforehand, and she said he'd have to do the entire physical for about $300. I told him to wait, but I just want to hear other people's stories. Did they ask you to renew your physical? If so, how long had it been? Advice wanted, please! We want to get him here before Ramadan if possible (starting June 28th) so we're trying to do anything we can to make this go smoothly.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-24 06:38:00
Middle East and North Africai need help please and i type in arabic because i only speck english very will (merged)

From Google Translate:


My brothers, sisters:

A lot of talk .... But the bottom line : I say God, I divided the chosen including me .
I am married to an American , I love her because she lost everything for me .... but they feel some pain for more than 6 months and I Okhaddha from a hospital to another ... each one who signs .. I sold everything I had ... Dhardt of my work because I I miss you so much ..... yesterday Okhaddtha to a doctor in Meknes, after the disclosure gave me a message said to me, Go to this Professor Varabat off ... Xtrat car and heading to him .. and after the disclosure shocked me ... and that God showered my tears and I tell you my brothers .. he told me that the wife had cancer and you must go to Omrakh hurry because all the drugs that Okhaddtha did not work and this type of cancer has a cure only abroad .... Imagine my order did not cry in my life, even with all of Bucky was here ....
My question is :
I am receiving my wife to go with them, so I'm in Rafqatha especially as it deteriorated mental disbanded after hearing the news .. Is it possible to get it? Vena to all the medical reports ? Kmaanha and no one Vea in America?
Fedona advised me were called with
Peace be upon you

I gather his American wife has cancer and needs to travel home for treatment, and is looking for advice about whether or not he can travel with her?

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-07 18:26:00
Middle East and North Africa4 Months and still no Interview date? Is this Normal?

That would be normal for the Egypt embassy. NVC does not schedule the appointments. You have to wait for the Black Hole (aka embassy) to notify you. I thought Egypt was a special case as far as the wait time goes, but maybe that one is bad, too? Have you checked out similar timelines here to see if that wait time is normal?



Edited by LizzieBee, 25 May 2014 - 10:07 PM.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-25 22:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaA question From Egypt!!

Thanks for the answer and i hope your interview will be scheduled far i don't know what to do yet!! but i think the best way is talking and decide together..

Talking and deciding together is definitely the right first step to take. :)

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-04-07 16:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaA question From Egypt!!

I can only wish you luck. I'm engaged to a man in Alexandria right now and we're waiting for his interview to be scheduled. I can only tell you that this process is incredibly painful and difficult. Being in a long-distance relationship with such different cultures is overwhelming. She is used to having a lot of freedom as an American woman, and you will probably expect her to isolate herself from all male acquaintances and many social situations after engagement or marriage. That isolation is okay when you have your sweetheart by your side, but when you're not together, it's just a huge stress on both of you. At least that's my experience. I wasn't prepared for how many sacrifices I would have to make to help my Muslim sweetheart feel comfortable--it's a difference of cultures that you need to discuss with your sweetheart in depth before you move forward. Talk about expectations. Talk about your Plan B if your visa is refused. Talk about how you'll find time to be together while you're waiting. Can she travel to see you? Can you travel to some other country to spend time together there?


As far as the actual visa process, I believe your visa wait will take longer if you're already married. If you go the K-1 route, you run the risk of being denied and then having to start over with the other. However, you also run that risk if you're married also. There are no guarantees. How do you do with massive uncertainty? This process is stressful. Very. Stressful. The more you can accept that, the better your chance of success. Whatever you choose to do, I am happy you found love and I hope you two can make it work. Real love is a beautiful thing and worth fighting for.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-04-07 12:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaStats -- Cairo Embassy

Yeah, 865 - 500 = 365. So NVC created our file on the 365th day of 2014, which is the last day of the year, December 31st. :)

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-06-16 09:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaStats -- Cairo Embassy

I'm so sorry, elchelle. That is horrible. You must be so frustrated to hear stories like mine where the visa status was changed to "issued" within a few hours of the interview and in his hand after four days. I wish it was like that for everybody. I have no idea why we had such good luck. I think part of it is maybe that my fiance has a very simple, clean past: no past travel, no history of any sort really other than living with his family, going to college, and having jobs. So maybe when they ran background checks and everything, it was all very straightforward? I don't know! Really best of luck to you. It makes me sick for you to imagine how hard that must be.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-06-03 10:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaStats -- Cairo Embassy

Wow.... I hate numbers and I could NEVER have done what you just did. But thank you! Very interesting information. I would have killed for stuff like that when I was still waiting for the interview. Slightly creepy, yes, but brilliant! :P


Ramy started plugging random numbers close to ours into the CEAC and checking their statuses when he was waiting for his interview. I thought he was crazy, but it looks like he was on to something!


Too bad there isn't a way to access historical records to look at trends and break it down in different ways. The embassies would never have the time or budget to do stuff like that, but if only they would release more records, there would be plenty of VJers ready to do it in their free time while they are waitS

So true! I hope that somebody like me stumbles on this information later and finds it comforting.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-29 01:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaStats -- Cairo Embassy

Some might say I'm crazy. Some might say I'm OCD. But I'm really just going crazy trying to distract myself because my sweetheart's interview is in under 24 hours! Augh!  :clock:


SO ... I check the VJ timelines all the time to see if I can get a handle on how quickly things happen at the Cairo Embassy. I'm always frustrated by the very small sample size. But then today I realized I have ALL OF THE MONTH'S interview results at my fingertips through the CEAC website. The Cairo embassy lists all the case numbers for the interviews for the month. There is nothing "stalkerish" about going through those case numbers because there is ZERO personal information attached to them, so I copied and pasted into a spreadsheet and sorted by date.


I plugged in every single CRO YEAR DAY XXX case number for May so far. (Case numbers are, for example, CRO2014865001 meaning: CRO = Cairo, 2014 = the year, 865 = subtract 500 to get the day of the year so this would be December 31st (which obviously hasn't happened yet in 2014...), and then the last three digits are the number that was created for that embassy on that date.) I disregarded the other format case numbers because I want to compare simple apples to apples. I wish they still listed the visa type on there, but, alas, they stopped doing that last month.


It took me a couple hours to go through the 220 case numbers that have had interviews this month so far and met the requirements above. The results were really very surprising and I wanted to share them here for the sake of others like me that just love information and statistics and a brainy approach to a process that seems so arbitrary! Here are some highlights of what I found. Tell me if you want more details and I'll figure it out or put my results on a Google Drive Spreadsheet for others to look at.


(1) Apparently, NOBODY was denied. :joy:  The only statuses I saw were "Ready," "Administrative Processing," and "Issued." I did a little research and "ready" seems to be a GOOD sign after the interview. It appears to be cases that are done with processing and are waiting to have the actual visa printed. Feel free to correct me if anybody has more info.


(2) Some days, about 15-20% go into AP. Other days, it's closer to 50%. Different employees? Or just the way the dice was rolled that day as far as paperwork needed, etc? Who knows. But remember I'm looking only at the CURRENT STATUS--some of those cases were undoubtedly AP at first and now say issued. So I'd have to follow the cases every day and check them again to really know.


(3) They print the visas FAST if they aren't in AP. Like FAST fast. For example, I saw 12 cases today. Of those 12, 5 are currently in AP, 2 are "ready," and 5 have already been issued the same day! Of yesterday's 13 interview, 2 are in AP, 1 is "ready," and 10 are already issued.


In comparison, the most recent seven cases listed here on VJ had wait times of 4 days, 5 days, about two months, about 5 weeks, about 3 weeks... something like that. It's definitely possible that the statistics here are skewed because people who have PROBLEMS with their visas are more prone to coming to the website to seek advice. People with smooth sailing just keep on sailing past.


(4) If you go back to the first interview date of the month, there were 11 cases. 10 have been issued now (3 wk + 2 days later) and only one is still in AP. The one in AP has a case creation date of 2010, so likely that's a case that's been plagued with problems for a long time for one reason or another. So we'll consider that a statistical outlier. ;) However, if we look at one day later, there are again 11 cases but four are still in AP.


Anyway, there is a little more data that can be analyzed there but it's 11:30 pm and I already feel like a freak for digging this deep. However, if anybody wants more info, just let me know. If you love numbers like me, please reply and tell me I'm not a total freak. ;)

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-28 00:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust A Note

So happy for all of you as my fiance and I go through pure HELL!!! lol I know you guys have already endured this. I am SO looking forward to feeling what you all feel right now. I just want to start our lives together!!

Every day is eternity, but the months will fly by.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-06-22 21:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust A Note

Thanks to everyone here who helped me.


He's been here for almost four days and HE WAS WORTH EVERY MINUTE OF THE WAIT! I'm so happy. The kids are so happy. Everything is perfect.


So for those of you still waiting: IT'S WORTH IT! Don't give up.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-06-09 18:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Cairo

If the consulate officer told my fiancé at the interview that there was "no problem issuing the visa" and we are in "final review" (which is apparently the hell after the AP hell), is it safe to assume we have been approved and it's just a matter of time? Or are we still where we started... having no idea if we will be denied?

I'm sure you're okay. This process is maddening.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-06-03 16:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Cairo

Good luck to you. Keep us updated.  (L)

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-04-01 20:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaThis is torture

We got lucky in everything in reality. Total wait time from file to visa in hand: 7.5 months

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-06-22 21:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaThis is torture

It is Hell for two reasons lol We miss each other and I can't get anything done because he wants to be on Skype EVERY chance I am awake or not working otherwise he gets sad and upset ahhhhhhhhhh lol I just want him HEREEEE for the love of God. I can't wait to feel what you do, to forget how bad this wait is. hehe Thank you!

YES! One of the really hard things about long-distance relationships is that you want to be together on Skype, which means you have to be TOTALLY INACTIVE in order to be together. You can't go out together or play together or anything else. You're forced into total physical inactivity to be with the person you love. That's SUPER HARD!

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-06-16 09:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaThis is torture

Waiting on Cairo Embassy is torture especially when you see how fast Phillipines interviews are schedule. BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Thank you :cry:

Yes. Working with the Cairo Embassy is a nightmare. They are good at what they do, but they are overworked and understaffed from what I can tell. Waiting for our interview was hell. There's now way around it. My fiance has been here about 10 days now and we called his family on Skype for the first time yesterday. (Of course we stay in touch other ways every day!) When we heard the sound of Skype trying to connect the call, we both looked at each other in horror. That sound is absolutely traumatizing now. Good luck to you because this process is just torture. You'll survive and you'll forget how bad it was, but that doesn't make it easier right now!  :crying:

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-06-15 10:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat was it like to see him for the first time?

Because of langue and culture differences I wont say we never argue I wont say that we will never argue after he is in the USA but I will say that both of us work hard to resolve any issue that comes up and at the end of the day both of us value the love that we have found I could not ask for a better husband than Moody is  :wub:




So sweet and I can relate only too well. I feel exactly the same way about my Egyptian sweetheart.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-26 00:52:00
Middle East and North Africahow do you recieve packet 4?do they send it by mail or email?

Emailing them does exactly nothing. The people who answer emails are like a call center where they answer basic questions but rarely tell you anything useful.


My husband (then fiance) received word of his interview via a DHL delivery five weeks before his interview. They seem to schedule all of them the last week of the month, notify everybody via DHL, and then update the website. So it's unlikely that you'll have an interview in July if you haven't received the letter yet.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-07-05 23:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for help please - Egypt

Keep in mind that if there is anything missing at the interview, they will tell her what they need then and await those materials before the visa is issued. But having the interview is the most important thing--the torture is over! Can I ask when your petition was approved through NVC?

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-07-27 15:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan Mubarack!

Ramadan kareem. My husband arrived exactly one month ago today and we're working out all the adjustments for his first Ramadan away from his Egyptian family. So far, we're actually enjoying it a lot even though I'm not Muslim. :)

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-07-05 23:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaGetting family here


Okay, thank you. I just need to learn to ignore the nasty ones and take the nice advice!

Report the nasty ones and they'll be removed immediately by the moderators. The more we report things, the sooner this website will become a place that is open for real conversation instead of judgment. I've had to do that a lot here but it's already getting better.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-08-16 13:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaDenials in Cairo

You can try my trick of copying/pasting the case numbers from the currently posted interview schedule on the embassy website (after the interview date) to see how many get denied/issued/AP. It should reassure you somewhat.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-08-26 02:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaCairo Embassy Interview Waiting Times

Above poster was talking about me. :) We submitted the first week of February and his interview was the end of May. About 3.5 months. It's frustrating and disappointing to wait that long, but if you can come to terms with it, you'll enjoy the wait a lot more. Good luck to you.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-08-29 15:04:00