IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan i send in the ds230 while the IV payment is still processesing ?

Thanks bro

Yes! Do it!
We paid on the Friday, I sent the IV package on the Monday, payment status changed to 'PAID' the day the package arrived. However, after 8 days, the NVC still hasn t reviewed it so it doesn't appear on their system yet. So you re good to go :)

ClemjamFemaleFrance2013-05-16 11:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 at National Benefits Center
Thanks! I've been able to have a look at our local office (which would be Salt Lake City) which has pretty grim stats: 1200 apps and only 150 approvals in November!
I am planning on contacting the USCIS to find out whether it is transferred. How long do you think we should wait for that?
ClemjamFemaleFrance2013-02-15 04:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCAT B on visa?
Hello everyone,

We re D-7 until our move to be with my husband and can not wait!
I just realised yesterday that my visa has something more than my children's and states 'Cat B requires USPHS attention at POE'.
I remember the doctor doing my medical saying my endometriosis could potentially put me in a special category.
Do you know what happens at POE?
We have a 4.5 hour layover at PHI, I hope this ll be enough!

Thanks to anyone who'll reply!

ClemjamFemaleFrance2013-08-08 02:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad
1. Country USC resides in: France
2. Is there a USCIS field office in this country / Is DCF still possible? No
3. When did you file the I-130: 2013-02-06
4. How long had you been living abroad: 2,5 years
5. Do you reside in the country legally? Yes
6. What is the reason for your residence: Went to live with my wife
7. Did you list your foreign address on all forms in I-130 package? Yes and No
8. Did you send I-130 package from abroad? no - sent it as soon as USC arrived in the US
9. Did you include evidence of your residence abroad in the I-130 package? yes, lease & french bank account, utilities, we even included some docs to show we resided together in the UK.
10. Did you mention the fact you reside abroad in the cover letter or write a letter describing your current situation and the evolution of your relationship with your spouse (mentioning your residence abroad)? Yes, it appears in the forms, also the address on the cover letter
11. Has your case been "auto-expedited"? How long between NOA1 and NOA2? Now waiting , case still not available online after over a month

I don't know whether ours will be auto expedited as my husband (the USC) lived with us until the day we sent our I130s so he could start his new job there.
We did include joint leases,bank accounts from France and precised in the cover letter that he was living with us up until that date.
It has been 32 days now and still nothing, not even online.... :-/
ClemjamFemaleFrance2013-03-14 10:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdministrative Processing's Completion Time

You must feel so helpless and frustrated. I can't imagine what you're going through. Best of luck to you both.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-04-02 15:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaLikelihood of MENA K-1 rejection?

It is unusual for the Consulate to doubt the motivation of the USC.


I understand. My fiance is very shy and quiet, so he may not make the best impression on the CO. Oh well, I love what Heather (?) said above. I know that he is sincere. I know that I am sincere. I know that we are in love and planning to spend the rest of our lives together. Red flags be damned; the truth should prevail. All I can do is keep a positive attitude at this point. 

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-04-01 20:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaLikelihood of MENA K-1 rejection?

I'm 12 years older, divorced, with kids. Different religions. Met online. Only had about ~3 weeks together face to face. So are there red flags? Yep! Are we in a real relationship and planning to get married? Yep! I'm so excited to go back and see him in two weeks. We're both just agonizing right now being apart. His family loves me and I'm going to stay with his family the whole time, which will be crazy but fun. My kids adore him. If we don't get approved, I'm going to feel like dying because I can't move to Egypt because of my custody situation and I lose alimony as soon as I get remarried, which means he won't be able to support me here, I can't go to him there... it's a horrible scenario to think about. We've agreed that we'll do what it takes and wait, but . . . I just need this to happen right the first time. I can't go into the details of how much he means to me or how much I need him. Impossible to put into words.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-04-01 17:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaLikelihood of MENA K-1 rejection?

Like I said, lots of red flags, lots of concerns for us personally, but I was really just curious about stats and stuff. No big deal. I don't see the sticky you're talking about, but I'll keep looking.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-03-30 16:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaLikelihood of MENA K-1 rejection?

What sticky? I don't see a sticky about rejections at the top of the MENA forum. Is it in a different forum?


Yes, we have some red flags, but we have also submitted a lot of proof of our relationship: letters from all of our parents, letters from friends, proof of wedding plans, etc. etc.


I'm more worried about a rejection because of the sponsor papers. I'm unemployed and using child support, alimony, and rental income to provide proof that I can sponsor him. I also have a lot of "net worth" in the form of home equity and whatnot, but I just don't know what to expect.

Anyway, I was more interested in just a general feeling of what is normal for other people. More from an academic perspective because I'm curious about it.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-03-29 09:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaLikelihood of MENA K-1 rejection?

Hi everyone,


My fiance was getting so worried yesterday. He read on some website that we'd be lucky to get our K-1 petition approved in Cairo. He was told the same thing by somebody at his medical appointment. But I thought the approval rate was actually pretty high for K-1s? It seems like most people who have posted on here have been approved through Cairo in the last few months. Anybody know more about that? Also, what is the process if it does get rejected? We can still submit other proof or petition it somehow, right?


Thanks in advance. 


p.s. No horror stories please--I'm looking for the averages, not the worst case scenarios! We all know the worst case scenarios by heart.


p.p.s. I'm flying to Cairo in the middle of April to be with my sweetheart. I'm SO EXCITED!!

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-03-27 08:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaGift ideas

I'd like to get something nice for my sweetheart since I'll be with him in Egypt on his birthday. I'd also like to get something thoughtful for his mum. Any suggestions from other MENA wives/fiancees?

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-04-02 23:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone Else Married / Engaged To An Egyptian?

Rana, I just want to tell you how much I love your profile photo. It's a perfect picture of love.  (L) I'm glad you posted. My fiance is also in Alexandria. I am so excited to be going to see him in 12 short days! When was the last time you were with your sweetheart?

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-04-02 16:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone Else Married / Engaged To An Egyptian?
I should have said "foreign." Back to the original subject ...
LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-02-05 12:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone Else Married / Engaged To An Egyptian?

Sara   and  HeatherAndRamy?Oh wow, I guess it can?t be that bad if u guys are there.   Sometimes I joke with my husband, asking when he is gonna take me to see the pyramids, and he says ?I dunno, someday.?  And I say, ?Ok so I guess if I wanted to go this summer, I could just go without you?  plane tickets for one person are cheaper anyway smile.png.?  And he says, ?NO, you can?t go there by yourself, the men will bother you.  I have to be with you, its not safe!?  lol. 

LOL! Egyptian men are, indeed, very "charming" with the ladies, and not shy about it. It made my fiance crazy when I visited in October and guys were often flirting with me and trying to get my attention. He needn't have worried since I just tuned it out and didn't notice most of the time, but I'll concur that the concern is valid. In my experience, however, nobody would lay a finger on you in most areas. They're actually very respectful toward foreigners and I got the impression from some of them that they knew terrified of being accused of anything by an American because they'd get in so much trouble. Americans wield a lot of power there, to an extremely unfair degree.

MWWW?I blame our personality types, lol.  We both took that Myers-Briggs personality test.   My type is the INFJ (the rarest one, about 1% of the population, we are very emotional, loving, empathetic and affectionate, they call us ?nature?s Counselors? lol).   Hubby is an ISTJ, they go more by fact and logic, and require TON of personal space.  But our I**J parts work (Introvert and Judging).  So we try to work around the rest as best we can. Also, I?ve heard that Egypt?s divorce rate is climbing.   Hubby was mostly just saying it was his particular family though.  He says he knows several people back home who are divorced, but not in his family...  Both his parents, but particularly his fathers family have VERY strong feelings against it.  Especially his 80-year-old paternal grandfather, who pretty much leads the family.

You're my ideal "better half" apparently, because I'm an ENJF and I've heard that people are usually attracted to their same type in the opposite I/E category. My fiance is definitely an introvert and I am definitely an extrovert. Something about balancing each other out, I guess?

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-01-23 18:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone Else Married / Engaged To An Egyptian?

I agree. I stay away from those groups because the minute someone expresses an opinion that doesn't go along with others it's always a cat fight. many people ask questions and start threads here supposedly wanting honest answers and opinions and when the question is answered with something they don't want to hear the OP becomes defensive. Why ask a question if you can't take or don't want to hear the real truth?

I don't want to go off-topic too much, but this website could use a major overhaul by the administrators in regard to the overall atmosphere. My first experience here was asking for advice about filing my i-129 and got a barrage of unsolicited advice about how he's probably using me to get a visa and will then dump me later. That was completely out of line considering nobody here understands my situation or my relationship. I don't think it's out of line to say things like "it's a really long process and you'll have to be really dedicated" because this forum is about the visa process. But to tell people "Hey I know your fiance's intentions better than you do" isn't helpful at all and shouldn't be tolerated by the moderators, in my opinion.


Anyway, back to the topic at hand: I'm amazed at how diverse Egypt and Egyptians are! I've had two close friends in Egypt since 2003: one from Cairo and one from Kafr el Sheikh.They have a lot of things in common, obviously, but there are cultural differences just based on their communities they were raised in. Then there are people in the Fayoum where my sister does archeology, and my fiance is in Alexandria ... and for all these people, they have strong family and religious values, that "unique" Egyptian sense of humor, etc. but there are huge differences also. So it's probably not fair of any of us here to say "Oh, let me tell you what Egyptians are like!" I'd be offended if somebody judged ME based on what my next-door neighbor was like, much less someone thousands of miles away, you know? But discovering all these cultural differences is one of the things I LOVE about being engaged to an Egyptian man! I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned this here, but my sister is an Egyptologist so I've been fascinated with Egyptian culture since I was in elementary school. smile.png


But on to a more important question for all of you: Ahly or Zamalek? I'm an Ahly girl all the way but my fiance is devoted to Zamalek. Sigh...

Edited by LizzieBee, 23 January 2014 - 06:40 PM.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-01-23 18:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone Else Married / Engaged To An Egyptian?

Would any of you engaged/married to an Egyptian be interested in starting a Facebook group for support and conversation more privately?

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-01-22 13:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone Else Married / Engaged To An Egyptian?

I meant "enlighten me about the misogynistic interpretations" but on second thought, I think we'll just let it slide. This thread was meant as a gathering cry from someone looking for a community of people in a similar set of circumstances, and I don't really want to derail that. I'm sure that I'm not the only one here who gets lectured, warned, and judged by people all the time for being in a relationship with an Arab man and it's nice to find a place where other people can be supportive. I'm sorry if my lighthearted tone struck a nerve. It's very difficult to express tone online and I can assure you that I'm not flippant or ignorant in any way whatsoever about women's rights or human rights in general.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-01-21 15:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone Else Married / Engaged To An Egyptian?

Enlighten me :)

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-01-21 15:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone Else Married / Engaged To An Egyptian?

Family is definitely more central in Egypt so I know divorce is much less common there. They are VERY dedicated and family is the #1 most important thing to every Egyptian I've met so far, and I know quite a few! That's one of the things I love most about Egyptians. I was raised Mormon and Islam is very similar in the lifestyle and how much it values a home life. Divorce definitely happens, but it's also much more of a cultural stigma and negative stereotype than it is in America. Kind of like divorce felt here in the US maybe 75 years ago. Has anybody else noticed that Egypt is about 75 years behind the US in a lot of things--furniture style, feminism, etc.? Ha ha ha... :)

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-01-21 14:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone Else Married / Engaged To An Egyptian?

Our story is on my profile, don't wanna write a book here, lol. 



Just read your story and it made me cry. I'm so happy you found each other and I hope the adjustment of status doesn't cause too many headaches!


I got out of an abusive marriage and met my sweetheart a few months after I'd legally separated. I'm amazed every day at how good he is to me, at his devotion and loyalty, and how kind he can be to me. It's surprising every day after 13 years in a horrible marriage to see that I am lovable and "whole." I was cleaning my kitchen about an hour ago and thinking about how we fight and disagree with each other all the time, but it's never an attack. It's never personal. And it's always followed up with reassurances that we adore each other and are committed to each other. I smiled thinking about how civilly we can "fight" with each other and never harbor bad feelings. It's natural with different cultures, languages, religions, etc. to have a lot of things to work through, but the important thing is that we just keep working at it and never love each other less because of it. Do the rest of you struggle with differences in culture and language? I think it's natural and not a big deal. Every relationship requires a lot of work and commitment. :)

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-01-20 23:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone Else Married / Engaged To An Egyptian?
I'm engaged to a man in Alexandria and awaiting his interview for a K-1 interview sometime this Spring hopefully!
LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-01-20 03:24:00
Middle East and North Africamy visa journey ends, a new life journey begins

Thank you for posting. It really is so painful and difficult. I don't condemn you at all for faltering. Best of luck moving forward.  (L)

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-04-02 15:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaPalestinian K1 Visa

I thought that AP was handled stateside?

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-04-08 20:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaCase status changed

That's the standard message. You don't actually have an interview date. Not sure why the message says that.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-04-19 17:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt Scheduling FYI

Congrats on your interview!  I hope it goes well.

Thanks! We're both totally nervous wrecks and have a month to stress about it!

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-04-29 11:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt Scheduling FYI

FYI, the Cairo embassy is speeding up! My fiance just got his interview date and it is 3.5 months after he submitted all of his forms. He submitted the second week of February and his interview is the last week of May. The wait time was a solid five months in February and they've been working really hard at the embassy to process family visas since then. THANK YOU, CAIRO, FOR MAKING US A PRIORITY!!

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-04-27 15:44:00
Middle East and North Africaamerican embassy in cairo . wired update

What a nightmare. Good luck getting any information from the embassy in Cairo.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-03 23:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould I be concerned?

Awesome, thanks for the reassurance that DHL is very reliable and will get the packet to my fiance. I did provide my e-mail address.


I love your little story! So sweet and cute! I just love my Egyptian man, so I can picture this story hehe! Funny you said he is never awake before you, my fiance was ALWAYS up before me the two times I have traveled to see him lol! In fact, he was so excited I don't think he ever slept :D I stayed with him and his mum and brother for 9 days in March.

My sweetheart doesn't sleep well when he's stressed out, and having me with him in Alex was very relaxing, so he caught up on a lot of sleep, which I encouraged. He works really hard and never sleeps enough. He stayed up late every night to make sure I was cared for and asleep before he went to bed, so it made sense that he always slept later than me!

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-07 12:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould I be concerned?

Thank you very much for your response. I KNEW I should of put an e-mail address for my fiancé but I didn't because he is not so good with the e-mails. The only thing he can do is wait for the snail mail. I just hope they saw his P.O. box address to use and NOT his regular address because everything I mailed to his "flat" he never got!

Yes, but maybe it's a plus for you in this case. DHL is VERY reliable and as you saw in my case, email is more prone to human error. When they are ready to deliver, they will call the phone number provided with the package to arrange a hand delivery. I assume they'll deliver his "packet 3" that way since you didn't provide an email address. Oh, and they sent it (or tried to send it) to MY email address, not his. Did you provide an email address?


(Funny story about DHL: I was staying with my fiance's family in Egypt for two weeks in April. One morning, I was awakened by my fiance bursting into my bedroom and scaring me to death. "Don't worry, I was already awake," I mumbled for some reason, trying to wrack my brains as to why he was actually awake before me because that NEVER happens. He breathlessly said, "I got the interview date. DHL called this morning. I just got the letter now." I sat straight up in bed and was so shocked and overjoyed! I'll never EVER forget that moment. It was so so so lovely that I was with him in Egypt when he got the good news! The funny part is that DHL called and said, "We have a package to deliver. We'll be there in two minutes. Be ready." As if he's always just sitting at home waiting for them or something! Ha ha!)

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-06 22:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould I be concerned?

It took a while to get our Packet 3, but FYI they sent it to the wrong email address from the Cairo Embassy. The only way we knew that was because we had a congressional aide contact the embassy on our behalf.


Keep in mind:


* You will get ZERO information from the people who man the phones. Don't even try.

* You will get ALMOST ZERO information from the people who reply to the emails. Working with the Cairo embassy is like working with a black hole. There is no way to get any information whatsoever. You just have to kind of trust the process, as much as that sucks. 

* It was 24 days between when our stuff left NVC and we received Packet 3.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-05-05 10:36:00
Middle East and North Africapackage at the egyptian embassy now need your help pls



Right now they are scheduling appointments for people who returned this information in September. I would plan for 4.5-5 months after you return all of this information. They said they have a lot of delays because they've been closed so much due to the protests and violence last year. (I'm working with a congressional aide right now and this is the information she gave me from their congressional liaison in Cairo.)

Edited by LizzieBee, 01 February 2014 - 03:14 PM.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-02-01 15:13:00
Middle East and North Africapackage at the egyptian embassy now need your help pls

I wanted to bump this thread because I have some new information about this. My fiance did not receive any packet of information in the mail. It was EMAILED to us and included different things from what was listed above. Only DS-130 (to be completed online) and not the other forms. And it did not request a military service record. Just FYI. smile.png

Edited by LizzieBee, 31 January 2014 - 03:55 AM.

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-01-31 03:54:00
Middle East and North Africapackage at the egyptian embassy now need your help pls

Funny about the German thing! I actually have a lot of Swiss/German blood in me, but DNA testing did conclude that our paternal line originates in "North Africa" around the area of Morocco. So perhaps that's why I'm drawn to Arab men so much! :)


I wrote a letter earlier today to include with Packet 3 explaining how we met, the timeline of our friendship, etc. It's on Google Drive for my writing group to look over and help me with. Could I share that with you, too, and get your input? If so, PM me your email address and whether you'd prefer to read online (via Google Drive) or in a word doc in email. :) I'm trying to ship this information off tomorrow or Thursday at the latest since his uncle is in Virginia right now and that'll save me shipping to Egypt direct!

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-01-14 23:26:00
Middle East and North Africapackage at the egyptian embassy now need your help pls

I have no Egyptian descent...for the last two days our case was "touched" but no approval as of yet.  Lizzie Bee, did you read my consulate review?  If not, or if you want more details, I can PM you.

Yeah, I read through it! Maybe I should have read more carefully...


And, interestingly enough, everyone in America says, "Oh you could pass for Egyptian!" but when I'm in Egypt, everyone talks to me immediately in English. Funny how Americans think "brown hair + brown eyes" = "Must appear Middle Eastern!"

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-01-14 20:45:00
Middle East and North Africapackage at the egyptian embassy now need your help pls

I'm pretty straight-up Caucasian. Does it count if my sister is an Egyptologist? ;)

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-01-14 17:29:00
Middle East and North Africapackage at the egyptian embassy now need your help pls

We submitted proof of an ongoing relationship when I sent in the original petition.  That is actually what created our interview as the officer had read thoroughly through our emails, Facebook messages, etc...and gleaned enough information to ask some tough questions.  Additionally, we sent updates for our proof of ongoing relationship to the Embassy when my fiancé sent his application in.  According to my fiancé, it seemed as though the officer had only read information from the original petition. 


Lizzie Bee, it seems as though our stories are similar though my fiancé was the previously married one.  There were lots of questions about the previous marriage coupled with the timing of our meeting.  He didn't say much about our age difference nor our religious differences.  My fiancé said the questioning was tough but fair.  He said it was very, very personal. 


When we talked in the days preceding the interview, I tried to ask tough questions that were not the most comfortable for him to answer.  We didn't rehearse answers in any way.  I figured he knew what he knew.  However, I tried to ask tough questions, so my fiancé could practice thinking on his feet.  Sometimes the stress of not knowing what you'll be asked or where the questioning is going, can be the biggest frustration.  I just did my best to create that kind of environment for my fiancé, so he could be prepared for those feelings.  He didn't really appreciate it until after the interview was over smile.png.  Then he realized my toughness was actually good preparation.

It's just so nice to talk to somebody who can relate to my current stress!! Ha ha :) Can you give me any examples of the types of questions they asked? I've already practiced grilling my fiance once, but you can bet I'll do it again in the coming months as we wait for our interview!


LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-01-14 16:37:00
Middle East and North Africapackage at the egyptian embassy now need your help pls

you good , but little advises for you.


he should knows every signal details about you, and i know you both officially engaged but he can expect anything from the CO AT the embassy.  as for red flags , you were legal divorced before you were engaged? right ? age difference is not a big of deal . he should keep all the logs , what's up and Skype and etc good prof of ongoing relation  good luck , and by the way you should be working on the i-134 and d160  for him. wish you luck !

Thank you for your encouragement! I recently compiled all of our conversation logs and it was quite a shock!


* WhatsApp (02/2013 until 11/2013) :  496,500 words, 1,275 pages long single spaced

* Facebook: 9,900 words, 87 pages long

* Skype (only the last three months): 267,000 words, 577 pages single spaced, two columns:


That does include our name and the date on every line, so the actual word count on each of those is probably only 25-50% of what is listed, but STILL! If I wanted to print out our conversation logs for the embassy, it would be too heavy to carry. ;)

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-01-13 15:13:00
Middle East and North Africapackage at the egyptian embassy now need your help pls

hi lizziebee ,


how long you divorce before you applied?

are you the female petitioner? or male petitioner?

did you meet his/her family? any party? how you communicate ?


* My divorce was final in May 2013 and we got engaged in October 2013. We had been friends since October 2012, at which point I was already legally separated from my husband awaiting a final judgment.

* I am the female petitioner and 12 years older than my fiance

* Yes, I stayed in his family's flat three or four nights when I visited for our engagement and they all adore me and I adore them. I know several of his aunts and uncle and cousins as well and correspond with them regularly on Facebook

* We talk on WhatsApp while he's at work and on Skype for about three hours every day after he is home. Also I call his cell phone almost every day to talk to him while he's working.

* No, we didn't have an engagement party because my fiance is very shy and private and he hates attention! Also, my trip to see him was kind of spontaneous and there wasn't time to plan anything like that. We do have engagement rings that we both wear on our right hands per Egyptian tradition but I think the receipts for the rings have been lost.

* With my first packet of information, I included signed statements affirming that our relationship is real from his uncle who visited me in America to "check things out" and help me understand their culture, from his employer who I saw every day while I was there, and from two more family friends including a high-ranking police officer in Alexandria. I also included photos of me with his family. My parents have both offered to write letters of support to affirm that our relationship is real as well. 


Any suggestions?

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-01-13 13:06:00
Middle East and North Africapackage at the egyptian embassy now need your help pls

This is very helpful! My fiance's application is en route to Cairo right now and I'm trying frantically to get the I-134 and supporting documents ready to go!


One question: when should we provide proof of an ongoing relationship? Is it considered bad etiquette to include some of those items with this package of information? We have some "red flags" in our relationship (age difference and my divorce, different religions) and I'd like to provide as much proof as possible BEFORE he shows up at the interview!

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-01-13 12:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaSweet mother of airline ticket fares!!!

Prices within the US are outrageous right now, too, because of Spring Break and whatnot. Check for a few weeks later, and check

LizzieBeeNot Telling02014-03-17 16:18:00