K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho in their right mind would sign the I-864????
With your post the replies have indicated to you:
There is doubt: Without signing the appropriate forms of support there is No way she is coming here. (Everyone must adhere to Policy of USCIS)
Every Sponsor must sign these support forms. If your planning a divorce before you even marry then just marry a USC and divorce. The Screw will be just as the same. (Inky's reply) (Map's reply so to say)
You have 90 days to marry and/or think it over and send her back. WOW. So with that attitude then have a Round trip ticket for her.
Why go this far in the process and start asking questions because now you say I NEVER UNDERSTANDED My obligations to the immigrant? It's not much different than marrying a USC and a divorce.
What might be in your best interest is to write a certified letter to USCIS and withdraw your Petition until you sort your doubts. I see no happyness with questions in your mind until you find in your heart the answers.
With the replies you recieved back from Members I will assume you will CONTINUE with your Petiion as SO, Every Sponsor signs the Paperwork.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-16 13:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFor an extension do you need packet 3 completed??

When requesting an extension do you really need packet 3 completed this is the reason I need a 4 month extension to finish it up I sent a e-mail to sydney consulate requesting an extension this is their reply:

Your I-129F petition will have expired by the time you attend your final visa interview. To revalidate your petition, please have your U.S. citizen fiancé provide you a letter, requesting that your petition be extended to a further 4 months from the approval date of the I-129F petition. This letter must be dated and signed by your fiancé.
The letter from your U.S. citizen fiancé(e) should state their intention to still marry you within 90 days of your arrival into the U.S. with the K-1 visa and that you both are still free to marry.
You should send this letter with the required Packet 3 documents.
When you have obtained all of the documents required for your case, complete and mail all of your documents (do not fax or scan) with DSL-1076 to advise the U.S. Consulate General in Sydney that you are ready for your final visa.
Within 30 days of receiving the packet 3 required documents, a confirmation email will be sent to you (known as "Packet 4") regarding the scheduled time and date of the final visa interview. Please be aware, final visa interviews are scheduled for Tuesday mornings only. You will be scheduled for the first available date.

anyone have any experience just sending in the letter requesting the extension by itself??thanks

I'm not sure how Astralia works about extentions since I'm going through the Philippines. But, they have 2 qoates in common. Free to Marry and intention of Marrying in 90 days. Why they asked for additional paperwork I don't know. If you e-mailed them before the exspire date of your NOA2 then they should grant it. But, there are no guarantees. I have done the same thing. I would e-mail the Embassy and see if you extention is granted.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-16 22:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F

Just wondering if there is anywhere online that may warn you that you have an RFE?

Yes, there is this outdated USCIS website that is never accurate.....
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-20 03:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of Financial Support?????
If you are the Benificiary, your income, bank statements are meaningless. The Petitioners (USC) income only will count. Hopefully he meets or exceeds the the guildlines for the Income Requirements.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-20 15:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f

My fiance forgot to
make a copy of documents that was sent 1st to USCIS for when he filed our K-1 visa.Some says its important to have all the copies incase USCIS lost or won't return it, My question, is that will be needed for the interview?In that case I don't have it what am i going to do? :(

Chill out...! You have no Timeline but if you received your NOA1 your on your way. That means the Documents (And your Cashed Check) met the needs and basic requirements for USCIS.
Yes, it would be nice to have Copies but, your past that now. Keep proof of an Ongoing Relationship and best of luck on the NOA2.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-22 01:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa time line

Hey filled a package for my fiance a k-1. Igot a letter that my application was in review. I got the letter back in june 23 2011. I havent recieved anything else from them since. What should i do

I'm alittle confused by your Post here. (You have no timeline) Are you saying you have not recieved the NOA1 yet ?
I have never heard of a Application/Petition under Review for a NOA1 or NOA2. RFE's Yes. but please be more clear.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-23 00:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresoriginal or scanned copies

hi everyone..

should we send original copies of the letters or scanned copies would do?

Depends on the type of Documents you wish to send.
Make a list and post it and Members can tell what should be Original and signed and what is OK to Scan and send. :whistle:
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-23 00:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequesting Originals

You'll need an updated letter of intent to marry, dated close to the time of the interview, with an origsinal signature for the Consulate.

If you're not attending the interview, send this document to her prior along with the I-134 and all associated financial docs you'll need to provide for her interview.

Good luck

I STRONGLY AGREE with this Reply. I don't care what Country your benificiary is in. It is a Letter of Intent. The word INTENT has only one meaning. So, what is the Intent. Make a new one for his/hers interview along with other Documents. For a member to not suggest updated information is a mistake. No, you maynot find it in the Guildlines. It is Common Sense. I agree the Petitioner should supply a New Letter of Intent. Intentions a year ago or so maynot be the same and the Counsulate in any any Country will admire this. COMMON SENSE
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-23 21:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDifference of Age

Come on people give western cowboy a break here!! We all know from experience that 99% of the girls from the Philippines say "Age makes no difference and age is just a Number"
Do not put it all on the man here. Maybe she is sincere and he is also. However they need to show very good evidence of a real relationship and I would suggest more than 1 trip be made to the Phils to visit her and her family prior to the Embassy interview and have plenty of good evidences proving an ongoing real relationship. Also affidavits of approval would help from the parents stating their approval. :idea:

Is this a Grandpa to Grandpa Conversation between you and Cowboy? This Link is for you .
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-24 09:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDifference of Age

As one who's just completed the interview with his fiancee in Manila, age isn't an issue as long as both parties are over the age of consent.

Ray, Can my Father who is 60 take your daughters 21 year olds hand in Marridge. OH WAIT A MINUTE. I DON"T HAVE TO ASK YOU. THEIR CONSENTING ADULTS. There is nothing wrong with this picture at all.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-24 08:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDifference of Age
Maybe Adoption is Best. OP, your are looking for grants from members for an approval. You will find in the real world as well your behavior is not normal. Yes, some members will tell you thats just great! Oh Please. If it was normal then why at 60 years old did not you find a 21 year old American Girl and meet her parents?
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-24 06:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDifference of Age

I don't see anything wrong with that. She is 21, she is mature, you love her and she loves you; that's what matters. Some people might not like the idea, based on their own personal believes and cultures, but who cares. They don't pay your rent nor put food on your table; they have no right to judge you. It's your life, marry her, be happy and make her happy. Good luck :thumbs:

Have you ever seen a 21 year old Pinay. The enviorment is poor and she is not mature. She has'nt even started life.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-24 03:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDifference of Age

I just filed the K-1 VISA documents. My fiancée and I have an age difference. I am 60 and she is 21. She is from the Philippines. I have her parents consent and never been happier. All documents are in order. I am very concerned that age will be a factor in the interview. Please comment!

This sets a record for age difference I've ever seen. I'm an OLD FART at 50 and my Finacee' is 33. I've seen more vaste age differences. You say the Parents agree and Documents in order meaning: You make the money to purchase a 21 year old.
How is this going to function in American Society? Americans are sick hunting for a child Overseas. This is WRONG. And YOU KNOW IT. As I said: Just where should a line be drawn about Americans going Overseas and take advantage of these young ladies.
I hope for your Approval of your Petition and get exactly what you asked for. I don't mean to be Negative but this is to much for me to handle. Let her go and find another closer to your age. That would mean you care about her.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-24 02:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDifference of Age

I thought you already made thread asked about this?Posted Image. Have you read all replies from VJ members?


OMG! Yes he did make a thread. But he never stated the age difference. Now says he's 60 and she is 21 years old. Well, I won't judge but he will need the parents permission. My personal opinion is not countable but where do you draw the line?
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-24 02:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDifference of Age
The Important thing to see through the clouds here is: A woman is Not a Piece of Property in which you think you own. They have a mind and know right from wrong. Age difference may or maynot be an Issue. Giving a relationship your best foot forward matters.
We all know that "Other People" interpet their own ideals upon you and your relationship. If it is Negative, turn your back. You made an Obligation based upon your heart and stay by it.
USC's: Remember the commitment you made. You will loose friends but see they were not friends anyway. Corruption and Jeliousey will play a role. You will find other friends that accept your relationship.
Even Family members say their part but, that is not important.
So, age difference or not: You only live once.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-23 02:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDifference of Age
The Age Gap has always made me feel uncomfortable. Mav's 33 and I'm almost 50.
But, I realize. Thats who I talk to everyday. The age thing still bothers me but I know I love her. I think I'm a sick Pervert sometimes. :help: :rofl:
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-23 01:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of single and free to marry documents for K1 Visa

does the letter of intent have to be notorized? i am the petitioner BTW... and new to this process. Thanks

No. Your 129-F is an initial Petition and NO documents need be Notorized.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-23 20:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of single and free to marry documents for K1 Visa

I assume YOU are the beneficiary (non USC). Depending on what country you are from will indicate where you need to obtain a certificate of being single.

As far as police records, you must obtain official records from anyplace that you lived since the age of 16.

IF you are the petitioner (USC), then YOU don't need to obtain these records (other than divorce records if applicable).

In either event, you really should do some studying about this process before you begin. Start by reading the K-1 guide posted on this site.

Its been awile since filing the 129-F but this post is non-sense. What you are asking here is Covered in the 325-A Forms signed in ink and dated by the Petitioner/Beneficiary separately with your Petition. Nothing is required to be Notorized for the 129-F. The 325-A asked these questions. Be sure and include your "Letters of Intent" stating you are free to Marry signed in Ink and dated. (no copies/scaned, etc.) USCIS will do their own background check based on the Information supplied including a Birth Cert for each party. (Petitioner/Beneficiary)
If both parties have No Criminal Convictions they need not list them on the 325-A Form for each party.
Did I forget something. ? It's been awhile.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-23 19:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa pics

Ok, I know the pics are supposed t be 2x2, wrote on the back with pencil or black felt tip pen. Two of them for each person. Ben sent me his about a month ago and when they finally got to me they were the Australian size >.< so we tried again with the right size and these finally got to me today, but they are both in one strip, should I cut them out? The pic itself is the right size, its just both are joined together in a card sort of thing. Is it ok to leave them or should I cut them out?

Cut them out. No reason to write on them. Its a small detail, but USCIS does ask for this. If I remember correctly, attach in a sealed plastic small bag to your 129-F ... The Pictures are necessary. I just cant remember if attached to the 129-F ? I think this is Corrrect. I don't recall the pictures Passport Style being attached for each separate 325-A Forms. I think attach to the 129-F. Do not send anything until another Member(s) confirms this. This is an Original 129-F Petition is'nt it? ( 2 Passport Style Pictures of each of you)
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-24 22:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Please Help.

Do you cross by foot or car? Pull over to INM instituto nacional de migracion and ask for a tourist visa, you have to pay around 260 pesos and they will stamp your passport and give you a visa

I always get mine before flying out of tijuana

I sense there is more to this Drama than the OP Stated: Meaning: There might be more Complications than posted. Just my Thought. I course I hope not.
Seems odd a simple thing is not and advice not really needed.
VJ Members (new ones tend to ask advice and sway away from truth. We seen it before over and over again. Just me....)
If the OP was serious then the Alternative is a INFO-PASS Appointment ..... He responds to no advice.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-11 01:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Please Help.
I'm sorry. You ask questions and others gave you advice but still, you ask for more. They cannot help. This is your own doing. Take the advice from members and do what you think is best. I would suggest you look at the replies and really read them.
A RFE is positive/and/orNegative depending on how YOU HANDLE IT. Get a Attourney if its that bad. SOUNDS SIMPLE. GET REAL
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-11 00:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy first K1 application, Her second

Thanks for the advice, to make a long story short, she found out that he was cheating on her for a while and needless to say she decided to go back... having said that, do you still recommend the K1?

Thats a personal choice for you 2. If she went through this process before she is well aware of the steps. Just seems odd a man would go through all the steps in the process and cheat and she leaves before EVEN 90 Days. I find that hard to swallow.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-13 05:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy first K1 application, Her second
It will show on previous USCIS records but I don't see a big issue if she never overstayed. The Consular may bring this up but that was 7 years ago. I would go with the K-1 and see if she butt-tails and runs on you to before getting married.
Seven years gives a person time to grow and make better decisions. Just be sure:
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-13 05:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresputting ssn @ risk???
Honestly, Is this question for real ? Whats a Birth Certificate supplied with your Petition. Passport Documents.
Think of a Social Security Number as WHEN YOU WERE BORN YOU ALREADY LOST YOUR IDENTITY When they printed your feet, toes and fingerprints.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-13 05:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa denied, USCIS received it after 1 month

Hello Tim,

Thank you for the suggestion. Me and my fiance want to get married here in the philippines that is why we want to stop the k1 application. We already have a lawyer, we already told him that we want to stop the K1 process. But we havent heard anything from him yet. I was wondering if we can withdraw the petition and write a formal letter to the USCIS since we have no plan to continue the process because we will be getting married here in the philippines.

Thank you again Tim/Mav!! :) and Goodluck for your on going process.

Oh my. You know thw Answer to this. Write a letter and Cancel. No attourney needed for that. E-mail the Embassey and follow-up with a signed letter. Then fire the attourney. Unless you enjoy this #######.
You know this:
I don't know the circumstances but saddened by this. Godspeed....
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-14 08:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa denied, USCIS received it after 1 month
I'm very sorry to even see this. You guys look so happy.
I don't know what I'm saying: Looking at the replies and I'm sure you have already done this but you need an Attourney. If your going to go blind and get married and can afford to do that then you can afford an Attourney. Seems you gave up because the system forced you too.
I don't think canceling a Currant Petition is any help because its still there and recorded. YOU HAVE TO FIGHT THIS. I don't know what lawyers have told you. I'm so sorry.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-14 02:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresManila folks and scheduling the interview

call the US Embassy and make a schedule as long as u already paid the visa fee, u can also schedule ur interview online they will give u choices when do u want to have it :thumbs: Good Luck & God Bless :yes:


I have read: Not saying correct but was a topic recently. You Only need your MNL#. Picture ID to take a medical and the Fee. No Visa Fee yet needed to be paid.
Here goes that topic again. The replies were from Members who been there done that.
I read those posts and it seems the medical can be taken with just a MNL# and the Fees and proper ID
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-14 03:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit of Support

No.. Its actually 100% poverty line for i-134 and 125% poverty line for i-864 when adjusting status...

I have to disagree with this since the Petitioner is in school and not military. It will be 125% of the poverty line and not 100%. Members confuse what is needed and what they think . Say Jay is correct. Just me!
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-09-13 02:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance(e) Letter of Intent
Been Awhile.. That would be in your 129-F Petition.
Would,nt that go to Dallas Texas? ?????????????????????????????? See what other members say. I think you might be mailing to the wrong address and the letter on intent should be in the Original Petition.?
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-15 03:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 timing question?
From the I-129f filing to entry is country dependant. But I-129f to US Service Center approval is averaging about 4.7 months. Another 2-3 months for the medical, interview, etc. after US Service Center approval sounds about right.

So 7.5 months might be a good bench march. Some will be faster. Some will be slower.

Edited by mapletree, 25 October 2011 - 01:09 PM.

mapletreeMalePhilippines2011-10-25 13:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa for reconciled ex gf
Meet the requirements and don't lie. If they ask how you met, be honest. If they ask about the breakup, be honest. Both of you.
mapletreeMalePhilippines2011-10-25 12:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGet married before the fiancee visa apporved
Remember - She will need to submit a Certificate of No Marriage Record (CENOMAR). So you can't really do it on the sly.

And if you lie on anything in the process, they can boot you. They may not deny the visa because you have an arrest or the like, but they will deny it for lying about the arrest. This is contrary to Philippine culture and a cause for many troubles when you have Am-Phil interactions.

Edited by mapletree, 24 October 2011 - 06:24 PM.

mapletreeMalePhilippines2011-10-24 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Stats
I completely understand that data set.

We are in a process where we feel like we have no control and the best we can do is to try and understand it as much as possible. It is a maze. You are lost only as long as you do not understand the maze. Trying to understand the maze by collecting data points helps.

I have friends that work in immigration law. They know this stuff cold and see trends with larger data sets. When I tell them my timeline, (134 days and counting from NOA1) they tell me, “relax.”

Keep up the analysis.
mapletreeMalePhilippines2011-11-03 13:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures119 days..
134 days from NOA1. Cal. Svc. Center. Phils is country.

By my estimation I am just now entering the window of early reciept, but it could be another 60 days.
mapletreeMalePhilippines2011-11-03 13:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCal. Svs. Center - NOA1 June 22; NOA2 Nov. 1 - 132 days

Congrats on your NOA2 ! you did a good job. My Fiance also did organize all his paper works and supporting papers. He mentioned that it was very pleasant and easy to check for the Screener. I think that helped a lot plus prayer. We got our NOA2 only 98 days from NOA1. We actually didn't expect it. I got my visa now but still wish I could stay longer here as I have so many important things to do yet. Anyway, that's how it is. Good luck on the rest of your journey ! :) and God bless !

I notice you have almost 5 months from NOA2 to Interview. Can I ask for the reason for delay? I would like to move this along as quickly as possible, and maybe even have my fiancée here by Christmas.
mapletreeMalePhilippines2011-11-04 17:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCal. Svs. Center - NOA1 June 22; NOA2 Nov. 1 - 132 days
Data points in the timeline, but:

June 16, 2011 - Mailed I-129F to Cal. Svc. Center
June 22, 2011 - NOA1 date
Nov. 01, 2011 - NOA2 date
Fiancee Country: Phils

When I submitted my I-129F, I included a cover letter and a tabbed index of all documents, 2-hole top punched and secured.

My index had a caption and read:

1. I-129F (Copy)
2. G-325A - **Name**
3. G-325A - **Fiancé Name**
4. Passport - **Name** - Complete Copy
5. Photos of us together - 2 Photos
6. Declaration of **Fiancé Name** - Mutual Intent and G-325A authentication.
7. Declaration of **Name** - Mutual Intent and document authentication.
8. Divorce Decree of **Name**
9. ID / Passport Photos (With Extra Copies)

** The I-129F was seperate in the packet, but another copy was in the collection of tabbed documents.

- - -

My declaration of intent read as follows:

I, **Name**, Petitioner in this matter, declare as follows:
1. I am a citizen of the United States of America, born in **City**, **State**.
2. I have prepared this declaration and the enclosed documents for the purpose of securing a K-1 Fiancée visa for **Fiancé Name** with the good faith intent of marrying **Fiancé Name** within 90 days of her arrival in the United States of America.
3. The enclosed documents and attachments, including the enclosed I-129F Petition and G-325A forms for bibliographic information for myself and **Fiancé Name** are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
4. I have met **Fiancé Name** in person within the last two years. The enclosed photographs, (tab 5) are photos taken of myself and **Fiancé Name** within the last two years.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of **State** and The United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.

Dated this 16th day of June, 2011 in **City**, **State**.


- - -

My Fiancee's declaration read:

** Name & DOB **

United States Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Dear Sir or Madam:

I, **Fiancé Name**, do hereby state and declare that I am of age and legally able and willing to marry, **Name** and intend to do so within 90 days of my arrival into the United States using the K-1 visa.

I further declare the provided G-325A bibliographic form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of The United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.

Dated this ____ day of June, 2011 in _____________, Philippines.

**Fiancé Name**

- - - -

Documents, wherever possible carried captions which included the name of the petitioner (me), DOB of petitioner, and name of the alien fiancée and DOB of alien fiancée.

My approach and mentality in all of this was simple: These are reviewed by overworked govenment employees. I wanted my I-129F to be clean, simple and EASY to read. The declaration should be straight forward. No fluff. Nothing hidden.

Maybe it will not work for everyone, but this is what I did.

Best of luck to you all.
mapletreeMalePhilippines2011-11-04 15:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIt's my petition! >.<
I would say more important than all the receipts and plane tickets would be a couple of of photos together and your declaration they were taken within the last two years. I did not send anything resembling receipts or plane tickets and my application went through fine.
mapletreeMalePhilippines2011-11-05 07:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Help....
I have an NOA2 date of Nov. 1 also. I was told to wait 20 days by USCIS. Other people that have been through this process have told me to wait at least 8 days before calling in to check.
mapletreeMalePhilippines2011-11-05 09:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresso worried now :(
I am not aware of a requirement for a CENOMAR with the I-129F. I know it is needed at the interview, but where is it required for the I-129F?

mapletreeMalePhilippines2011-11-03 12:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresso worried now :(
You do not have to wait to get it back. Just assumble and send in with the right amount.
mapletreeMalePhilippines2011-11-03 12:34:00