K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMANILA
They took her Passport, they took the paperwork. No 221g. Next time I hear from you is you are Approved.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-27 23:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion about sponsorship

um... im 18, my fiance is 19 and my mom is 45?

Thats what I thought.... All the Answers were assumptions. It's the begginning of the year. I'm not sure until your licensed but a Certified Nursing Assistant is Only a 9 week Course and take a test and pay a Fee.
A CNA will make more than Poverty LInes by far and be required to work So much Overtime ( Double Shifts) Most are Union and require Double time on Holidays. Being a CNA is not a job everyone wants to do, but the sick and elderly require 24 Hour Care. It is a Good job with a Future.
You just Filed your 129-F and you have lots of time before the interview to show Pay Stubs at that time. (About 7 or 8 Months from now) Your in a good position.. I'm sorry everyone assumed you were an adult but in fact your are (were) a minor.
My indication was when I seen your Time-line. LOL hahaaahhhaaa.
CNA's have a good future (Anything in Healthcare) Be pre-pared to adjust to working 50 Hours or more per week.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-12-31 21:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion about sponsorship

Your co sponsor will have to carry the load for everyone if there is no income, this is not my area of expertise, i did this at 60 not 18, do some research here on sponsorship and find some in your same predicament. Sounds tough to me.

I'm courios of the Age of the OP? There might be well be a reason for no previous Tax returns. So, OP can you say your age. Your look both look young.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-12-31 20:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMet 2 years before filing petition

This is just Correct and the way it is. There is no Loophole. I hope it does pertain to your Petition.

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-02 00:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMet 2 years before filing petition

it's the date when you were last face to face.
IF that date is 2 years + 1 day - please consider to file later, after you return from the future trip.

This is just Correct and the way it is. There is no Loophole. I hope it does pertain to your Petition.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-02 00:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould a beneficiary arrested once in US but no conviction expect delays?
You are worrying to much. Will the Arrest show, yes. I already told you earlier what you need.
Your question about $500.00 on average is for expungement from the record but does not apply to USCIS.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-09-09 20:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould a beneficiary arrested once in US but no conviction expect delays?

My lawyer just informed me that an expungement only comes into play if there was a conviction related to the offense.

Your Lawyer is full of XXXX ! Your Lawyer played a game with you. THINK FOR SECOND. You would never pay $500.00 for a charge and not a Conviction. If you are Convicted of a crime then the option of Expunging the the crime.conviction is there. But LISTEN. USCIS does NOT reconize Expungments what-so-ever.
Expungments are generally for small crimes (misdeameanors) that generally relate to employment background checks, petty theft of a US Citizen and of that nature.
Your Lawyer did tell you half the truth. They relate to Convictions but evaded telling you NOT WHEN IT COMES TO USCIS. You can hide nothing from this tenticle of the US Goverment.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-09-09 18:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould a beneficiary arrested once in US but no conviction expect delays?

Not for Immigration purposes.

Boiler is CORRECT. There is No Expungement of any records for USCIS/Homeland Security. Its a waste of money for immigration purposes.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-09-09 18:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould a beneficiary arrested once in US but no conviction expect delays?

Thanks, can you explain this a little more detail? I read the wiki link, i seen the crimes listed there etc, but what exactly do you mean? did you read the part above the box where it breaks down the crimes, it says an offense or arrested on suspicion of offense?

Obtain a TRUE Certified Copy with a Courthouse Seal and dated / signed by the Court Adminstrator of this event JUST IN CASE. It will show a Non-Conviction. NEVER SUPPLY INFORMATION YOU ARE NOT ASKED FOR but have this with you.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-09-07 23:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould a beneficiary arrested once in US but no conviction expect delays?

If you want a definite answer then you need to ask a question that has a definitive answer.

If you want a definate answer then you need to ask a definitive question.

By the way, I never seen your answer or advice.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-09-07 23:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould a beneficiary arrested once in US but no conviction expect delays?
The beneficairy ? I see no violation with a non-conviction of The Moral Turpitude Laws but getting really close.

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-09-07 22:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould a beneficiary arrested once in US but no conviction expect delays?

Thanks again.. I wasnt at the party, i was referring to them drinking. I was home, minding my own business. they lived on a different floor, and all the way down. No where near me.

@Boiler, do you mean it might slow it down? Affect the process tremendously or? what exactly do you mean thanks...

Oh Please. You got near them somehow in order to get arrested. No ?
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-09-07 22:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould a beneficiary arrested once in US but no conviction expect delays?

It might.

The Word "Might" is another word for "MAYBE" Which is NO freaking answer at all. LOL :rofl: At least I tried. Joking Boiler
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-09-07 22:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould a beneficiary arrested once in US but no conviction expect delays?

Thanks for the response, but what is a charge i mean i know but i dont know, may seem like a silly question but does it stick with you? I was innocent throughout that whole case you know. I dealt with the situation in the best possible manor available to me. I protected my life and the lives of my roomates, without hurting anybody.

The most important question is are you pretty confident it wont affect the process or slow it down?

Thanks again!

Anytime you are Arrested for a charge such as this it will be on your record for life. (Example: Assualt IV and you were not convicted but an arrest still showed) No matter what the outcome it is on the record. This is going to be on your record. It is not a Conviction so it will not affect your USCIS Status. (You were issued no probationary periods and/or Counsuling for this unfortunate event. / thus, your off the hook and proven innocent THIS TIME. Charges Dropped.

Any member is free to tell me I'm wrong. Stay away from drinking parties with questionable people. Good Luck
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-09-07 22:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould a beneficiary arrested once in US but no conviction expect delays?

I was arrested once while in the US, i was attacked by a neighbor and 2 of his friends as they forced entry into my apartment after a night of drinking. To cut a long story short, due to a misunderstanding of whoever called the police, i was arrested for chasing the attackers out of my home with a weapon. Charge was assault with deadly weapon, but keep in mind no one was physically injured, scathed or even scratched or touched. I got bailed out a couple days later, and got a lawyer, the case was dismissed before it went to court. I think it was made apparent to the police what happened, and the guy had a really bad name at the apartment complex. The complex manager had cancer, and she had a nurse who was deaf attend to her sometimes, the same guy attacked both of them on a previous occasion.

My question is should i expect any major delays due to this unfortunate circumstance?

What I see is an Arrest / Criminal Charge and Jail . However, charges were dropped therefore not a Conviction and/or Anger Management etc ordered by the Courts. It may raise an eyebrow but not a big effect on the process. STAY OUT OF TROUBLE.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-09-07 21:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat Happens To Cancelled Petitions?

The federal government does not shred any documents, eveything is put on micro-film,kept current for 7 years. Then they are filed as achived.

That makes Sense... Is this Fact and where did the information come from to make this statement out of my own couriousity.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-03 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat Happens To Cancelled Petitions?

Hi, I sent in a K-1 petition back in May 2010 but a month or so later cancelled it. I received a letter confirming my cancellation from the USCIS. What i'm curious to know is what happens to my petition after it's cancelled? Do they keep it for their records or throw it out?


My best guess and I mean Guess would be: Due to your signed document of cancelation and a letter from USCIS that the Petition is Null and Void. That paperwork will be disguarded and trashed. However, it will be still on the records about a prior 129-F was filed in your name.
If this is about wanting to re-open the case that is not posible, you would have to start again.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-03 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequest for evidence
There is No Answer.. You will have to wait and see what Addition Evidence they are asking for. (RFE)
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-03 19:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReporting visa fraud

Non-sequitur. Not the facts in this case.

Agreed. Though Darnell is highly respected here maybe he overlooked some posts and how this happened in the first place. The OP Cannot be the Petitioner. The beneficiary seems to slick for that and is aware of what she is doing.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-12-29 20:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReporting visa fraud

As for her having my personal info other than DOB, that's a negative, thank God. Yes, I have to admit I do want some retribution though not in the form of money. I'd love to be able to send both sisters home. The depth of the duplicity is what gets me. She had her entire family playing along with her including her kids, which is about the lowest thing I can think of. AS I mentioned early on, her 20 year old sister married a gringo a year ago. Even though he's ugly and in his 50s, it seems to be the real deal, but what do I know? I met them both in Colombia as well as here. We had dinner! In a private conversation with the sister's husband, he told me he knew the woman was for real and I had nothing to worry about. However, he knew the truth all along. I phoned him the other day just to ask why he bullshitted. He laughed at me! These kinds of things make you wanna rip people's thingies off. I know this is not a first time thing. Putting 2 and 2 together, I believe she did or tried to pull a scam on a guy in Chicago. And there were probably others.

I know the fiance's name and that they live in Miami. That's it for now. But I have some other info that might lead to getting a phone number and address.

Can someone advise exactly what department in USCIS to call and how I should approach them?

Just get over it. Members here will be apologitic at first and then reserch and watch what you say. You need to move on.
I don't have an address but heres the phone number.

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-12-29 17:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReporting visa fraud

So if the Visa states someone's name other than you.then i suppose u knew the florida guy all along.
Why didnt u file for her,since u had visited

Exactly. 2008 and never sent a 129-F. Well, women don't wait forever

I don't see how this is an immigration issue at all.

Colombian scammer fishes for guy to send her money. About 99% of men immediate realize that this means a scam, but that 1% is willing to send thousands of dollars via Western Union (2nd. hint with a sledgehammer) to the scammer. This has nothing to do with immigration, but with education and the lack of common sense of a guy who got a few expensive private lessons.

Next time you want to get laid, call a professional or go to a bar and spend a few thousand dollars there on some mighty fine Lady. If you're looking for a wife, step away from the computer.

Hahahhhahaaaa.. Mav will Love that. Now, I will have to explain.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-12-29 17:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReporting visa fraud

Look Closely Gabbi. It is a CONFUSING Subject. I understand what your saying but: Look at the OP's Timeline. There is nothing indicated that a Petiion was ever Filed but the OP States he paid for everything and a Plane Ticket as well, Something is not correct here. You don't send money for a plane ticket much less a VISA FEE. Medical, Cemonar and other related Fees without any mention of the Petitioner... Therefore, the more I read this post the more I 'am wary of it's validity. Whats more, the interview had to be focused on the man from Florida and not the OP. I don't find this post believable no more and spilled milk. I don't believe it. Sorry OP.

Her K-1 Visa described who she was going to Marry and it was'nt you.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-12-29 17:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReporting visa fraud

I've recently learned, and you can check in the family section, that K-1's cannot adjust other than with original petitioner.

Look Closely Gabbi. It is a CONFUSING Subject. I understand what your saying but: Look at the OP's Timeline. There is nothing indicated that a Petiion was ever Filed but the OP States he paid for everything and a Plane Ticket as well, Something is not correct here. You don't send money for a plane ticket much less a VISA FEE. Medical, Cemonar and other related Fees without any mention of the Petitioner... Therefore, the more I read this post the more I 'am wary of it's validity. Whats more, the interview had to be focused on the man from Florida and not the OP. I don't find this post believable no more and spilled milk. I don't believe it. Sorry OP.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-12-29 16:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReporting visa fraud
At Long Last had a good suggestion above.
You know, after reading this post for a time it appears that no matter what you wish some sort of payback. You state: You have all kinds of information, payments, plane tickets fees. Report it to ICE/USCIS Agencies. They may or maynot look into this but I have an Idea they will and look into currant Petitions and Future Petitions for Conduct. I would suggest you do. I would also ask a Moderator to Erase your Timeline in Case of MAYBE a later Petition since this was a Fail Since 2008. I would'nt hold a grudge against that one specific woman/or the Country.
Caring and Love make us blind and don't see things accurately until its to late.
I would report this.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-12-29 15:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReporting visa fraud


Now I think I know what RUB Means: I think? Is it a dating Site? OK. Never knew what RUB meant. Maybe I still don't.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-12-29 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow do i pay the $350 visa fee

I'm confused. Your post indicates how do I pay the Visa Fee. The fee is $340.00 and must be exact. Then you go into Ds Forms.? Can you make a timeline?

I don't remember what the Visa Fee is. I think it is $350.00. ($340.00 was the I-129-F Fee) There is Fee after Fee and it gets hard to remember.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-05 02:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow do i pay the $350 visa fee
:crying: :crying: :crying: I hate all this immigration #######. the more I learn the less I care and just forget on purpose to keep some sort of sanity! :innocent:
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-05 02:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow do i pay the $350 visa fee
I'm confused. Your post indicates how do I pay the Visa Fee. The fee is $340.00 and must be exact. Then you go into Ds Forms.? Can you make a timeline?
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-05 02:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent to Marry
For Clarification: Yes, to Dallas with your 129-F Petition.
You can print out the Form but be sure it's signed and dated in Ink.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-09 03:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about when to get what to speed things up

Hi Guys

Just a quick one, does anyone know when should we start collecting all the stuff required for package 3? I mean here mainly things like: police cert and I134 notarized.

If I get a police cert now and it is valid for a year , would that be sufficient or do they have some sort of a time period when I should get it before the interview?

When it comes to a letter from my fiance's employer and having I 134 notarized, can it be done earlier or should we wait for the letter from the embassy first?


I'm not to sure if a Police Cert is good for 6 months or 1 year.
You have just Filed and have a long ways to go. Keep chat logs (proof of relationship)
The 134 is not needed to be Notorized.
The interview would prefer the latest documents and not old details.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-09 09:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage licence
What you really need is to be sure the requirements are met. (Financials)
Proof of your ongoing relationship and a updated Letter of Intent to Marry.
Hope this helps. Your just nervous about the Interview. I don't blame you.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-10 04:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage licence

Hello VJrians, i just wanna ask the following questions:
1. Is it possible for a petitioner to get a marriage licence without the beneficiary being present?
2. Is it right to present a marriage licence as an evidence of a marriage plan and whats the implications?
3. Is there anyone who has presented a marriage licence in his/her k1 interview?

I assume you never been married before.
Your answer to all 3 questions is NO. A Marridge License requires a signature your married and signed after your Vows.
It does not apply to a K-1 Petition.
Unless times have changed. OMG!
Good Luck on the Interview!

Edited by Tim/Mav, 10 January 2012 - 03:53 AM.

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-10 03:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreturned k1 petition

hello to all , my k1 petition was filed on Dec 2010 and i attended interview at july 2011 . unfortunately consouler sent my case back to USCIS for more review . on August 2011, My fiance received the letter that 4 months are completed and case will be terminated . after so many tries they activated the case and informed us the case will be reviewed again . today we still havent received any news from them! has anyone experienced the same situation ? we are really disaoppointed , we really need some advices.

You do not say why it was Denied, sent back to USCIS for review. How can you get advice if you don't state the reason for this Action?
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-10 05:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMinimum Yearly Salary Question

Great Advise!!!

&& The GI Bill is only used for College and with that comes the BAH, but that's only if you are enrolled in college. so i guess that's a No since is not Taxable, that might only proof you have enough to pay your rent and your college books ETC. That is not a Salary or a Job.

I agree. The money is to used for school/training to find future work. Not Petition a Finacee.
I also think by calling the some idiot from the US Goverment is No means of good advice. Ultimately, it will be up to in your case the Philippine Consulate and I would be worried and terrified submitting Income on a GI Bill.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-13 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMinimum Yearly Salary Question
I can't find the USCIS link but I beleive it said no. I looked it up the other day and never saved it.
Heres another link from VJ:

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-13 09:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMinimum Yearly Salary Question

Additional, it seems questionable. Some say yes, and some say no.
I'm going to go with No.
Hope this link helps.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-13 09:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMinimum Yearly Salary Question
I believe a GI Bill is to used for School and Training purposes and is not counted as Income or qualified employment.
Hope I'm wrong. But I think this is Correct.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-13 09:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeeding advice
OP You say they are in the process of the K-1 Petition. So, did they Actually File yet? In other words, sent in the Petition with no pictures together, no flight boarding passes. Moreover, did they get a NOA1 yet. That is my question. I would think not.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-13 02:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCase closes
If the Case of DV was Dismissed and Closed it is not a Conviction. Also, there is nothing you write or explain on a NOA2.
Update your Time-Line!
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-14 05:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of intent

Where you sent it to in the Dallas Location is fine. :thumbs:

Follow the template instructions and mail with your 129-F to the Dallas address.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2012-01-14 15:28:00