Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
we've found the white cheese (and the white cheese with green pepper flavoring... barf) at a halal store in Portland, but it's $5-6 per cube. Still cheaper than $18, Olivia! It is shelf-stable, so if you wanted me to I could pack some up in a flat rate box and send it to you :) We like the white cheese with tomato/olive oil/mint/cumin, I could eat that all day if it weren't so salty. Ahmed loves him some cream cheese, but he's ok with pretty much any other kind of cheese, too. I had a harder time with cheese when I was in Egypt, because I love cheddar cheese, and all we could find was not very tasty, even the imported kind. I ended up using processed cheese for omelets and stuff. Yech.

I think Ahmed's been disappointed in my cooking lately, with the baby taking up so much of my time I have a hard time finding when to make anything. Last night I made pasta with ground beef spaghetti sauce and he just looked at it and said he wasn't hungry, then went to work (he works graveyard.) I feel bad, but c'mon, if I'd known he wasn't going to eat I wouldn't have bothered to make anything. Abigail and myself are perfectly happy with PB&J and yogurt for dinner :P

When I was in school full time, he used to fend for himself and make himself and Abigail food... I'd come home to them eating lamb and rice, or liver and rice, or chicken and rice... and salad, of course. :)
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-07-27 14:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA pregnancy/baby/parenting thread
wow, had to go hunting to find this thread!

Just wanted to introduce the latest MENA baby, Dahlia, born July 4th 2010. Because, y'know, I'm a patriot. :P

Attached File  Dahlia portrait.jpg   14.03KB   21 downloadsAttached File  Dahlia wedding.jpg   43.99KB   13 downloads
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-07-27 02:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA pregnancy/baby/parenting thread
Trying to summon up the energy to clean something... almost 39 weeks with the newest MENA addition. Have decided that the burst of energy that's supposed to come with nesting is a myth :P
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-06-12 13:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA pregnancy/baby/parenting thread

regardless of anything, it would be up to parents to determine when they feel would be the best time for their child to learn how to do this, because individual experiences can vary widely. it was never an issue at all in our home with my older child. i only said something because it's disingenuous to tell people that 3 year olds or their parents have any religious obligation to clean up their 3 year old any certain way after toileting. it's an individual preference at that point in time, nothing more.

I wasn't telling anyone to do or not do anything. The question I answered originally was asking how to teach their potty-trained child to use a sprayer to clean themselves.
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-05-26 16:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA pregnancy/baby/parenting thread

my understanding was that it was a requirement to wash up in that manner to be in the proper state for prayers. my potty training 2 year old is not praying yet. though she does come over and sit with us when we're praying sometimes, whether she's wearing a diaper, a brand new pullup or whatever. :rolleyes:

Right, it is a requirement for prayer, but since it will be a habit that they have to get used to when they are praying, it's a lot more effective to begin that habit when they are learning their toileting habits to begin with. That way you don't have to break a bad habit later (like using toilet paper.) After over a year of using a sprayer in our house, my six year old still prefers TP because that's what she used when she began toileting independently. With our future kids, we'll just plan to teach them how to use the sprayer from the get-go. :)
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-05-25 21:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA pregnancy/baby/parenting thread

Good to know. Just trying to think of how some Bedouin in the middle of the desert does this though? :unsure:

There are some substitutions that can be made if no water is available... like clean sand or dirt. Ouch :D

Which reminds me of what my grandmother said after meeting my husband: "I didn't know he would have such a good sense of humor! You know, being from the desert and all." Ummmm. :blink:

Edited by amysaid, 25 May 2010 - 01:18 PM.

amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-05-25 13:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA pregnancy/baby/parenting thread

Jenn - that picture is awesome!!!

About the bidet - we use it in Argentina, but you at least need to be able to sit on it and control the flow of the water. The bidet at my in-laws' is one of those separate toilet looking things. I can just imagine Enzo getting into the bathroom and playing with it all winter long when he's down there. Someday, I will make sure that my hubby teaches him how to use it and clean himself. I don't understand though why one would be teaching a very young child to use this? Is it common for little girls to use one? Is it required by Islamic law? I can see teaching a 6-year old to use one, they understand certain things - but a two-year old...that's asking for trouble (can see the water spraying everywhere now). ;)

It is required Islamically that you clean yourself with running water after using the toilet... When we were in Egypt, my husband's niece had just been potty trained and whenever she used the toilet, someone just went into the bathroom when she was done to turn the sprayer on for her to clean her up, similar to the way someone would assist a kid here in wiping, or whatnot. At least it gets them used to the concept of using water after toileting.
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-05-25 13:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA pregnancy/baby/parenting thread

I guess everyone is busy with theor little ones, I had to really look good for this 7!! Anyways, I am curious about potty training, I hope some of you have experience with this....

Malak is completely trained (except I don't trust her at night and put her in a pull up), anyway, my husband wants me to train her to clean herself with the bidet...however, I need to learn to use it first (well, first we need to install one). Is there any pointers anyone can give me to help her learn to do this, you can PM me if you would rather (it may be a few days before I respond though). But I want her to know how to do this to make hubby happy.

Hope all your little ones are doing well...they are all growing like weeds and soooooo adorable, every single one of them!!! I can't believe my littlest one will be a year old in less than 2 months! Time flies for real! B-)

Thanks ladies!

I guess it would depend on which kind you ended up buying. The built-in bidets like they have in MENA countries can be a little tricky because for little kids, they may not be able to reach the handle to turn the water on. The one I ended up buying here in the US is attached to the water source under the toilet, and has a handle (hand-held bidet) which was a LOT easier for my daughter to use. We just make sure to have small individual towels by the toilet to dry off with, and we made a big deal about how she had HER OWN towel that was just for her, and that she is supposed to use it after she cleans herself, stuff like that. Not sure how old your daughter is, but she'll probably just need some assistance for the first few days/weeks, until she gets the hang of it.
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-05-25 00:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA pregnancy/baby/parenting thread
there has been some controversy regarding soy milk and soy formula, also, due to the phytoestrogens in soy (some women take soy during menopause, to replace the estrogen lacking in their bodies) and due to potentially goitrogenic properties of soy... meaning, it could potentially damage your thyroid, with long-term, primary use (as with infant formula).

that being said, i had a very pukey baby/kid, too. she had to have lactose-free until she was about two, then she was able to tolerate it without throwing up, but she still gets really gassy from any kind of cow milk products, and she's six now.
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-02-25 15:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA pregnancy/baby/parenting thread

Its time for round 2 tasha....We are currently TTC....Everyone else needs to get crackin!!!!

some of us are working on it! 22 weeks now :)
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-02-18 01:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA pregnancy/baby/parenting thread
with my first child, i lost 25lbs the first trimester, then slowly gained it back over the course of my pregnancy, ending up at about the same weight at delivery as i as pre-pregnancy. so far with this pregnancy i've lost 15lbs and seem to have stabilized at the moment, at 18 weeks. we'll see how the rest goes :)
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-01-21 22:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA pregnancy/baby/parenting thread
Love this thread! Hope it sticks around. :) My name is Amy also, I have one six-year-old little girl named Abigail, and I'm four months pregnant with my first baby with my husband. I think it will be interesting seeing how he adapts to life with a newborn. He doesn't have much experience with such *new* babies, but a lot of experience with older babies and older kids, so I think he will learn and adjust well. He is also concerned about making sure our child knows how to speak and write Arabic, and we are still wrestling about how to go about that when the time comes. He's afraid the kid will be confused, but I have read lots of studies to the contrary... We are both Muslim, so we haven't had any issues on that front, although if we end up with a boy, there may be some trouble, because I am sooo opposed to circumcision, and yet I know it's required of Muslims. Still makes me sad, though. Praying for a girl ;)
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-01-11 23:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaAOS transfered to Cali??
In the AOS paperwork, it says that the only case in which you may have your GC approved without an interview is if your case is transferred to the California service center for processing. So maybe it means no interview.
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-08-07 01:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan
Here on the west coast of the US, the moon was not sighted tonight (Tuesday) so Ramadan will not begin on Wednesday as expected (and as it started in other parts of the world), but will start on Thursday instead.
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-08-11 01:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa Interview Results
Sorry about the delay...we didn't have internet access and then I wanted to get all of the questions organized...I'm so glad Hicham has such a great memory :) So here we go.

He got in line outside the embassy at 7:45am. They entered at 8am and immediately after entering the embassy, he went to a window where he paid the fees, a woman took papers from the packet, his passport & 2 pics (he had to get new pics done because the size was wrong, they are not the same as the Moroccan passport pics), and was asked to wait till called. After 1 hr a Moroccan woman (window 6) called him & took the translated documents and asked general questions (Have u been married before? Etc) in regards to the original application (which she had with her), including his phone number, and returned the Chest xray paperwork. Told to sit & wait to be called again (he sat quietly, not really talking to anyone), and (he was the last one interviewed)after 45 mins was called by a young (early 30s, white, dark blonde hair) man, they greeted each other: “Hi, How r u?” etc. then began asking questions:

What do u have in your bag? (He had a bag of all of the evidence)

Where did u meet your fiancé?

When did u meet your fiancé?

Who sent the first msg?

What did u like in her profile?

How long before u became interested in each other(beyond friends)? 3 months….4 months from first msg sent

Why was she subscribed on a muslim site, since she is not muslim? I don’t know, she has many muslim friends

Has she converted? No

When did u meet in person?

How long did her visit last?

Has she visited you a 2nd time?


What is the usual holiday from work? A month

And she’s been here 3 months? What about her job? Do u find this normal? She has been there from 2008, they filed her position until she returns from Morocco. She didn’t bring her daughter the 1st visit, and brought her the 2nd time so she could get to know me better and my family, since she will be my daughter, etc.

Did u ask her about this? Yes, she will be my wife, no problem for her to be with me all that time, and she said she would return to her position when she returns home.

How old is her daughter?

Does she get child support?

Does your fiancé have any financial problems? No

When did she finish high school? 1999

When did she get her CNA license? 2008

What did she do during all that time? Many different kinds of work (gave details about different jobs I’ve had)

What does she like to do in her spare time; hobbies, etc? She like the environment, animals, and music

Environment? What about it? Not polluting, living green, etc (gave details he knew)

Does she have any pets? No

Why? She likes animals? Her mom does. (gave details of hers)

What do u like most about your fiancé? Least?

Can you talk a little bit about her studies. (He gave exact details)

How does she pay for school? Some sort of aid, maybe money from the government, I’m not sure how the system works there.

What are you and your wife’s plans for the future? (He reminded him that I am not his wife yet) I plan to apply for work at the Defense Language Institute, move, etc, etc

What is your fiancé’s opinion about what the American soldiers do in Iraq? What is your opinion?

How come u r an English teacher & will teach Arabic?

When do u intend to go to the US? With me in june

Why do you love each other?

When do u intend to get married? (he gave date & place)

Gave him a form and said: “Write your fiancé’s name, and sign in the signature place.”

The interviewer then returned his passport and said, “Your visa is not refused. I need time to read the conversations you gave me, and we will call you after a few weeks. Go prepare for your next interview.”

Hicham left the embassy at about 1pm.

According to what he saw, there were 5 men K1 interviews that day, 3 were flat out denied, 1 approved, and ours which was a maybe. The 3 K3 women were all approved. He said that the ones were denied seemed very obvious, one was at the window next to him and did not know answers to basic questions; i.e. date of birth, when did your fiancé visit u, etc. One thing I know for sure is they know everything u sent in the original application, so your fiancé better know it to. They asked a few specific questions about things we discussed last yr to see if he remembered, which he did :) And when he would say, "When she returns home..." he would ask, from where, and Hicham had to repeat that I was here. And he'd ask, "Since when?" He answered all questions assuming the interviewer knew nothing....which I think helps, since you cover all the bases that way. Hope this helps others & any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Hicham was not given anything except his passport back :( and the chest x-ray paperwork. We are feeling optomistic, so we will see :)

Thanks to everyone for your support and all adivce is greatly appreciated!! And I will update as I get more info....btw, when should I email to check on the status? or should i call, or just wait? I'm not very patient they know when the wedding is planned for and when my daughter & I leave & that he is hoping to return with INSHALLAH!!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-05-20 10:23:00
Middle East and North Africa2nd interview in Casa??
My daughter & I made it back to the US safe & sound....going to sleep now & hoping to get a wake up call from Hicham with good news!!! The joys of an 8 hr time Hope all is going well for everyone!! Have a great week!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-14 03:23:00
Middle East and North Africa2nd interview in Casa??
Well, I head back to the US tomorrow & this afternoon the embassy called :dance: They asked him to bring his passport & come Monday at 3pm, and to tell them to let him through to speak to the Counsular....not sure what that means. He said they are supposed to let him in the back (not just where they do the interviews at the windows)...Anyone have any experience with this??? Why would they have him come in the back?? So glad we got a call before we left...makes me feel a little better...they didn't call & say denied & they did say bring the passport...still haven't said approved, and bring your passport so we can get u your visa...i know...never happens that way, but i can dream :) So it will be a weekend full of wondering again...atleast i will be busy with flights...and by the time i wake up on Monday Inshallah Hicham will have some good news!!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-11 15:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaOutcome of those who re-filed petitions from Morocco
i just started a poll in regards to minds think alike i guess :)

Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-15 12:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage in Morocco
Thank u sooo much for sharing this information...will be VERY helpful to many of the "tired of waiting" or "denied for no reason" Moroccan ppl :) We just started the waiting, so I can still hold out for a little while...I hope :) I'm not very patient Hoping contacting our congressman will help. I guess a question that I have been wondering about...if its in AP, that's different than being sent back for review right??? I thought I knew a lot about all of this stuff...guess not :no: lol

Thanks again everybody who has been sharing all of their experience...makes this processes slightly more tolerable. But as I always say...if you can get through this process with your should be able to get through anything!!! Best of luck to all!! Inshallah for some quick approvals!!!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-09 20:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaCase left Casa
I figure life is to short to stress over the stuff I have no control over. Helps that Hicham is so strong & supportive & positive himself :luv:

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-19 21:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaCase left Casa


I'm so sorry about all your pain and disappointment. I can't imagine how you would be feeling after Casa given you hope and ripped it away from you. Stay positive and keep your chin up, everything will work out in the end! (F)


Thank u Aya. I figure everything happens for a reason, so we will do whatever it takes keep on fighting!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-19 21:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaCase left Casa
yeah...i don't want Hicham to miss anymore time seeing my daughter grow than he has to. So we will move on with the next step asap. Marriage seems to look like the easiest & quickest option, since California won't be reviewing the K1.

Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-19 20:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaCase left Casa

We filed the I-130 without withdrawing the denied K1. It worked out okay for us. Before the I-130 interview, we got the letter back that the K-1 was inactive/expired/whatever the right terminology is.
So, for us, it wasn't a problem. We followed an attorney's advice - good, bad, or indifferent, I'm not sure how it works out for everyone. I could be wrong, but it seems like a crapshoot. There was someone on here who talked to the DOS and was told the case was being re-affirmed and sent back to CASA for another interview and processing. But, it turned out to be an error, and it wasn't re-affirmed at all. I don't know the % of returned cases that are re-affirmed and sent back to the consulate. I don't think high at all.

I don't think so either...I know our case will expire before it gets anywhere near the I guess I will just send a rebuttle letter with the I130 & keep my fingers crossed :) About all we can u said..its a crapshoot...depends on who's handling, what kinda day, etc.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-18 13:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaCase left Casa
Ok...been researching what to do in regards to the K1 case before filing CR1. I have attached below some info I've found from other posters along the way. It looks like you need to be sure to find out the reason for the original denial & prove it wrong before any on the visa CR1 or otherwise has a chance. Hope this helps others going through what we are.

If the K1 was denied at the consulate, but USCIS has not made a decision yet, then the petition is not yet dead. Filing an I-130 may not necessarily kill it, either. Apparently, there are people who've received NOID's on a returned K1 petition, and ignored them because they'd already filed a CR1 petition. Failure to respond to the NOID caused a P6C finding against the beneficiary (material misrepresentation). When they showed up for their CR1 interview they were told they were inadmissible due to the finding of fraud, their visa was denied, and they had to try to get a hardship waiver to overcome it.

The new CSC tactic described in the pinned topic by Marc Ellis could also conceivably be applied to a CR1 petition filed after a K1 petition was returned to USCIS. In those cases, CSC even SAID the K1 petition was dead, and still used it as a basis for a NOID on a subsequently filed petition.

There's certainly no danger in filing a CR1 petition after a K1 visa has been denied at the consulate. There may, however, be danger in presuming a K1 petition is dead. If you get a NOID then you must respond to it, even if it's for the original K1 petition. If you don't then you're inviting USCIS to conclude that the CO's accusation was true.

Assuming the visa was not denied for an inadmissibility, the most common reason for a consulate to use when denying a visa is "sham relationship for the purpose of evading immigration law". This constitutes an accusation by the CO that the beneficiary is lying about their relationship. The accusation is a time bomb. According to Marc, it sits in the beneficiary's file as a "P6C marker", referring to INA section 212, paragraph 6C, which deals with misrepresentation.

At the point that USCIS receives the petition from the consulate, the accusation is just that - an accusation. Whether it becomes anything else depends on what USCIS decides to do with it. If they reaffirm the approval of the petition, then they are discarding the accusation, essentially saying they don't buy the CO's argument. CSC had a habit of just letting the petition approval expire so they wouldn't have to deal with adjudicating the CO's accusation. Lately, they've been resurrecting those expired petitions and using the CO's denial as a basis for a NOID on the second petition, actually quoting the CO's reason for denying the first visa as a basis for the NOID on the second petition.

However it happens, if you get a NOID and don't respond to it, or if you respond and USCIS isn't satisfied and either denies the second petition or revokes the approval of the first petition, then the P6C marker becomes a "finding of fact" - the beneficiary is guilty of material misrepresentation - an inadmissibility that requires a waiver. A response of "no contest", "No intention to pursue", or anything else that does not rebut the CO's accusation will still result in the finding of fact being entered. Withdrawing the petition after the NOID is issued would have the same effect as not rebutting the NOID.

If the NOID is issued against the second petition, then you must successfully rebut the NOID in order to save the petition. If the NOID is issued against the first petition, then you still must rebut, but after the petition is reaffirmed it will either be administratively closed because the petitioner is now married to the beneficiary, or the petitioner can simply withdraw the petition and USCIS will close it. The point is that when that first petition dies it must be either because USCIS just let it expire, or because they reaffirmed it and then administratively closed it. If it dies because USCIS revoked the approval, then the beneficiary is facing some problems at the second interview.

I don't know of any sure fire way to force that first petition to go away. It dies when USCIS decides that it dies. Once a petition has been returned, if the petitioner wishes to continue to pursue the relationship, I think they should be prepared to respond with evidence in case they end up getting a NOID.

In these situations, when filing an I-130 prior to hearing from USCIS about the I-129F, I suggest including an I-129F withdrawal letter with the I-130 filing. I've seen it work just fine in a California case.

If you are serious to going and getting married, and file the I-130 -
then send of a letter to USCIS and US Embassy to WITHDRAW THE I-129F PETITION, on or about the same day that you file for the I-130. This will clear up any silliness that might linger ..

Whats everyones opinion on all of this info...most of it seems recently posted. Anyone have any experience with a K1 denial coming back to get u with a refile or CR1??


Monica :)

Edited by HichaMonica, 18 June 2010 - 01:41 PM.

Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-18 13:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaCase left Casa

(F) Sorry that it was too late. Do you know when you'll be able to head back to get married? That is so frustrating, since you just came back from a long trip out there. Had you heard about this at his initial interview you may have had time to get married while you were still there. :angry:

Exactly...we are still trying to work out all the details, but it will be soon...we wanna get the CR1 started daughter is not understanding why he can't be here...and i don't know how to explain it do she will understand :(

Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-18 11:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaCase left Casa
Hello to all that have been following our case & thank u for all of your great advice & support. Called the embassy this morning & they restated that our case left 6/14, which I knew wasn't possible since Hicham's appt was at So I called DOS & they said it left 6/16 :( So it looks like I was a day late sending my rebuttle to others that get in this situation (Inshallah none of u will!!) take action ASAP!!! I thought we'd atleast have till the end of the week to fight back...guess not. So from what I understand California just lets the cases expire...and ours will be expired before it gets back to the US we will be on to the CR1 path, unless anyone knows of any other options that I haven't found yet?! Hope everybody has a good day & we start hearing some approvals with the upcoming interviews!!!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-18 10:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaShort Cut through NVC for I130
Thought this might help others.


Anything that can speed up the process can't hurt!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-22 21:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaUp date #2
INSHALLAH its good news & u get to hear APPROVED soon!!!! So exciting!!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-23 11:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaI864
Revised Requirements for Form I-864 Processing
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-24 01:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaI864
This is probably a stupid question, but i want to be sure. My future brother-in-law said he would be a co-sponsor if needed...i was told it wouldn't be a good idea for the I134 through the Casa embassy....but what about the I864??? I'm looking for a good enough job to cover everything, but I'm not sure how they will take it being new income, etc.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-23 02:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaI864
thanks Vanessa...i wish u & your husband the best of luck on your upcoming interview

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-23 02:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaI864
So are the requirements the same for the I864 the same for all embassies?? Do they focus mainly on your current income or the last 3 yrs of taxes?? In other words...if your tax returns show that you didn't meet the poverty line, but your current job shows that you meet it, will they be ok with that? Thanks for any pointers & help. And does it matter if the job is new?


Monica :)

P.S. Posted here since it seems like Casa has rules of their own :yes:

Edited by HichaMonica, 23 June 2010 - 12:49 AM.

Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-23 00:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaUPDATE on Casa Interview

I see things in Casablanca have not changed a lot in 5 years. It's not surprising due to what I have seen over time.

I was reading your interview synopsis and basically agree with what others posted previously. It really does seem they think you are being paid by the family to marry him for immigration reasons. They see you on a Muslim dating site, but you are not Muslim or reverted. You gave up your work position for a period of time to go there and you have a child to support. He has a brother in the States who could have arranged this. I am not saying I believe this, but it really seems to be what they were hinting at.

Anyway, I hope you get through!

Yeah...i can see how they may see that also...but like u said...doesn't mean its true. I've paid my way every time I've gone & covered my part in things for me & my definitely not being paid off for immigration reasons :) lol Guess we will just keep fighting & try to prove them wrong...about all we can do.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-26 22:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaUPDATE on Casa Interview
The only reason they gave him was him calling me his lasting love too early...which i think was just a soft way of trying to get him to respond & prove them wrong...its not a strong enough excuse by no means. One thing I've learned from getting more details from Hicham...they were light on his refusal...i believe they wanted him to just step up and prove them wrong. Hicham thought that if they said no, then there is no way to change their minds...he knows now that is wrong, but I think all of u with up coming interviews need to be sure to prepare your SO for the chance of denial also...have them ask why...when they tell u, explain why their reason is wrong & then ask if there is any other reason why, etc. Don't stop trying to prove your case until they change their mind or kick u out...LOL Talking & expressing true facts can't hurt you...let them know your true case...don't give in to them & just say you will just move on to the next step...they WANT you to stand up and fight (not physically) for your relationship. Ok...i'm done with my I just don't want anyone else to have the same thing happen to them. I regret not preparing better for a possible denial...we were too sure when they called & said bring your passport...NEVER be sure of anything...hope for the best, but ALWAYS plan for the worst!!!! Best of luck to everybody!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-17 11:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaUPDATE on Casa Interview some new infor from Hicham last night...i think things r slowly coming back as he calms down from the shock of the refusal....anyway, he said that they gave him back all of the original evidence that I sent with the 129F at the very this normal? I would think that if it was going back to the US to be reviewed, they would need that evidence, right?? Also, I sent the email explaining in detail every matter that I found through the questions they asked & mentioned at the refusal appt with 11 pics (its the lowest i could get it down to with 3 mths of Have been trying to call to confirm that they received it...they machine keeps answering saying call betwen IS!!! :angry: Gonna keep trying & let me know what u guys think about the evidence coming back to us.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-17 09:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaUPDATE on Casa Interview
Well, here is something i didn't senator's office just emailed me to update me, she said they can NOT call them, but she emailed them and is awaiting a reply....very interesting...hmm

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-16 16:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaUPDATE on Casa Interview

If it was me, I'd go with one long, rather than break it up.

thats what i started thinking...cuz it might get annoying if i break it up...don't wanna piss them off :whistle: Now i have to go through the 60 pics i filtered down to & pick out the best ones...always easier said then done :) Thanks msheesha for all the help!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-16 15:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaUPDATE on Casa Interview

I just looked and couldn't find her old posts either.

Maybe look at the questions they asked, what they said their concerns were, what they asked him about as being "strange" and address them point by point.

got a page long letter wrote up...have some friends editing it...wondering, how many pics should i send with it? Figured I should send some of our 3 mths there since they didn't look at them at the interview. Other question...should i send one long email or divide it up?? Thanks.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-16 14:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaUPDATE on Casa Interview

Yes, even if they said that.

Does martiniolive still have her posts up about what she did to fight her case being sent back? She full-on bombarded them, somehow got thru the consulate chief, etc, etc, etc.
Did you check her profile for past posts?

I know i sent her a PM, but couldn't find any of the old posts. So by bombarding u mean what exactly....calling & emailing everyday?? I'm really not good at this kinda stuff so any pointers on what i should (and shouldn't) say would be greatly apprecaited.

Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-16 13:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaUPDATE on Casa Interview

I don't know the answer to that. Sorry.

Have you thought of sending a letter (via email and/or fax) to the consulate addressing any issues/concerns you think they might have? A woman I know said she wrote a rebuttal letter and the denial was reversed. Just a thought...

Evenif they said that it was sent to USCIS on June 14th??
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-16 13:09:00