Middle East and North Africamy interview the october 13 2010 at Casablanca

Hi again, I received a letter from the embassy today saying my husbands visa is not denied, that it has been sent back to USCIS for further review. Does anyone know what this means?
thanks, sweetcitywife

They told me the same thing with our K1. According to what I found out, the consulate can deny giving the visa, but not the application. The form my fiance received was a Refusal Worksheet. So the only way for the application to be denied is for the consulate to return it with a recommendation to revoke the original approval, thus denying the application. In other words, both USCIS & the consulate have to "deny" the application for it to be denied. Hope that makes sense.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-11-02 20:48:00
Middle East and North Africamy interview the october 13 2010 at Casablanca

Just a word of advice....BE WELL are dealing with Casablanca. You don't want to be another statistic on the denied list :whistle: been there done that :)

Haven't we all :) And many of us felt the same way you r about there being no way they will deny us...and we were wrong, so that is why we are telling you all of this. You may not be worried or nervous now....neither was my fiance...until you step in front of the person who is in control of your life...then things change. So best of luck & we all can't wait to hear (hopefully) some good news.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-08 15:49:00
Middle East and North Africamy interview the october 13 2010 at Casablanca
also look at the "hoping not to get denied" topic here on MENA...there r lots that have been through recently & tons of info out there. You should have copies of passport showing entrance & exit for each trip, so that should cover not having the plane tickets. Also looking at the Morocco consulate reviews could be helpful...most ppl that review list the main questions & issues that come up during their interviews. The biggest pointer I can give you is to stay calm & speak from the heart. From the sounds of it, the more you know about your fiance the better, so in other words the more you talk about what you know the better. This was a mistake we fiance didn't expand enough, so they believed he knew nothing about me. But it is a fine also don't want to give too much information either that could bring up issues they weren't originally concerned about (another of our provided too much evidence). Also, be sure to know the information sent in the original application by your fiance...this is all of the info they have about your relationship, so they know everything from it & it is what they base their first impressions & questions on.

Hope this helps...I'm sure there is more i could expand on, but that's all that is coming to me at the moment...feel free to ask if u have any questions & best of luck!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-07 15:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Military Service
Wish I had some advice...but I do have a <<HUG>> I hope u guys get things figured out soon. Best of luck to u both.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-11-02 20:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaNOW I CAN SAY MONDAY IS MY LUCKY DAY
congrats!! awesome to see the approvals coming out of Casa :dance:

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-09-28 14:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaThose who lived in Morocco or who are living in Morocco.

I didn't realize this is the same person who is unsure about her situation with her fiance and that he is behaving badly. In that case I think I know enough details of the story to be able to say: please do not subject your young son to this situation! Don't even put yourself through it! Stop this madness now. It would be very honorable for you to admit its not right for the sake of your child and break up before you move all the way there to find out things you already know and are concerned about. This is not a stable or suitable environment for a child.

Yes. I seriously hope that monica will not be defending subjecting a child to this #######. Unbelievable is right.

For starters, I never once was defending her and her situation. I just said not to judge before having all of the details & was mentioning that all cases are not the same...we now have all the details & I 110% agree that this man is a scammer. I have been on both sides & know...A Moroccan/Muslim man should NEVER feel comfortable asking for money & all of those things from her like that. As my fiance has told me many money is mine & he has no right to any of it. I feel for the OP...I know she must be so confused right now, but atleast you are finding this out now (before you get there). I know it's hard to hear what everyone is saying, so what you need to do is try to step back & see the situation from an outsiders point of view. You have already mentioned every red flag in the book for a scammer & if he is getting mad at you now over will just get worse here, because he will be the type that views the US as a place where "miracles can happen & everything is perfect". If you need someone to talk to feel free to msg me...I have been on both sides, so I definitely know where you are at right now. Best of luck & remember that we are all here for you (even if it doesn't seem that way sometimes) & we all want what's best for you. And as for Tiff...I would NEVER say to put a child in anything but the best situation for them. And please reread my posts...I never said SHE should go...I just said that (in the right situation) its a great experience for children...hope i've clarified my point.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-11-09 14:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaThose who lived in Morocco or who are living in Morocco.

undoubtedly, not all step parent/parent remarriage situations are created equally. a lot of children reap a lot of benefits from that kind of situation, in others it creates even more misery.

more often than not though, this particular forum has provided more "#######, i gotta just shake my head" moments than "wow, that person's really got their shite together and is really looking out for their kids' best interests" moments, at least in my opinion.
i know i for one would have a whole lot more of a clue about what my kiddo's educational situation was gonna be loooong before i had a set moving date, and have all of the specific details hammered out well in advance. i'd know the answer from the school itself that i had personally visited and discussed all kinds of things in a whole lot of detail with someone actually employed by the school rather than looking for pricing feedback from random strangers on an immigration website. but that's just me projecting "what's in the best interest of someone else's child". you'll have to excuse me for seeing a huge credibility gap with someone who is moving overseas in a little over a month, but doesn't even have a clue what her child's education there is going to cost.

I see your point...and I agree to most of it...I was sure of everything pertaining to school, etc for my daughter before I went & would not have done it any other way. The thing that bothers me with tiffmal's response is that there is an assumsion about the relatioship between the child's birth u said, not all relationships are the same, yes some r from divorce, some r from dating couples, etc. But just because a child is born does not mean the father was ever involved with that child besides conception, so judging the situation on that aspect without the info is hard for me to do. But as u said...not all cases are the same...each has its own story. And its sometimes hard to have an openmind with all of the sketchy situations that do get brought up on VJ. So I guess all we can really do is answer questions the best we can & hope for the best for the ones involved.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-11-09 03:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaThose who lived in Morocco or who are living in Morocco.

Oh ok. Now I understand why you are defending her. I never said I had all the facts. Im stating my opinion just like you are. Sorry you don't like mine. Im sure there's a lot to the story but either way I think the child should come first. Call me old school but when a child comes into the picture I generally don't think dating or remarrying is the best idea for the kid.

I agree that each is open to express their opinions...i just try to wait to give mine with all of the information about the situation first, that's why I wouldn't tell her either way. And saying a person shouldn't get in to a relationship because they have a child (in my opinion) is forcing something on a child that they probably would not choose. Most children want both parents in their lives, and it doesn't always need to be biological either for them to be happy children.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-11-09 01:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaThose who lived in Morocco or who are living in Morocco.

This move probably isn't geared towards new cultural experiences. The Mom is probably moving him there so that she can be with her man. If the child has a biological Dad, then the child is being taken from seeing his Dad. If the child has grandparents or friends, the child is being removed from that as well. The child has no choice because he is six years old. I personally don't think that moving a kid for the sake of the Mom's international love is right. The interest of the child should come first, not the interest of the Mom's love life. Just my opinion. ;)

Just like Sarah do u know what the situation is. My daughter wanted to go & stay & didn't want to come back...and you have no way of knowing if the biological father is (or ever has been) around. So get the details before you judge ppl and critisize someone by ASSUMING you know what's going on. Have you ever thought it would be a good thing for her child to see them together & happy?

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-11-09 00:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaThose who lived in Morocco or who are living in Morocco.

IF the kid is being relocated from the US to Morocco, then I'm not sure what else I need to know about the situation? Maybe I misunderstood, as I said before.


And I guess I don't see the issue with introducing a child to other cultures and ways of life. And she already said he would be staying in what is the issue?

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-11-09 00:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaThose who lived in Morocco or who are living in Morocco.

I hope that you aren't seriously moving a six year old child from the US to Morocco because you are in love. You wouldn't really do that to a kid, would you? Maybe I misunderstood the posting.

Isn't that a bold statement without knowing the situation??

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-11-08 23:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaThose who lived in Morocco or who are living in Morocco.
Yeah...from what I found the American schools are very expensive. I'm not sure about the french schools either, but any specialized schools seem to be more expensive. Best of luck. My daughter luckily got to go to my fiance's brother's school for the 3 mths we were there for I'm not sure what the actual price would have been. I can ask my fiance to find out though.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-18 00:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Occupation of Western Sahara
my head is
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-21 13:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Occupation of Western Sahara

If the Moroccan government wasnt cutting fishing deals, oil deals and phosphate deals with Europe and taking all their resources and money, they would have the support they needed and the money they needed to self govern...

So in other words, leave them alone & let them figure it out themselves? :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-20 19:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Occupation of Western Sahara

The saddest part of this debate for me is that the people (Sahrawi) are being propped up and "supported" by the Polisario who don't want them to be free either. Their ultimate goal is to have control over that region. Algeria supports the Polisario because it would give them access to the Atlantic Ocean. If tomorrow Morocco gave up possession of the Western Sahara it would be a huge vaccum, because there is no infastructure, no sense of governance or even much industry. They would rely heavily on the outside countries. Without a doubt Algeria would step in and be a new colonial master in the region.

For starters, I'm still learning about all of this...most of what I know is what I've been told. But how can they have an infastructure & sense of governance as u put it if they haven't had the indepependence to do so? And don't many new or struggling countries "rely heavily on outside countries"?
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-20 12:36:00
Middle East and North Africavisa approuved I'm not surprised

thread reopened with the following observations:
for the op (that's you, yassinerabat11) - i strongly suggest you consider the advice offered by the members in here about the timeliness of visa delivery from interview to in hand. many of them have been in the same boat you are in, and they are not offering you their opinions on this subject to play games with you.
other readers that this may apply to - don't namecall with troll and bait.

:thumbs: Thanks charles. I think that's why so many are getting frustrated, cuz they have been in that position, and it feels like the OP asks for advice and then says they don't want it. Many of us have had the run around & know that unless the visa is IN HAND...there is no guarantee in MENA land (or many others). Best of luck to everybody. That's all I'll say for now :innocent:

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-15 03:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaDead fiancées

That's what they all say ;)

Knew I shouldn't have put my 2cents

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-11-03 14:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaDead fiancées
I haven't heard this fiance wasn't in a serious relationship before me either. Also think everyone needs to calm down a bit...she was just asking if it was true or not.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-11-02 21:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA making one upset....

Sorry for my absent. The reason I asked that question is because if things do not go his way I am the one who gets the backlash. I felt like he wasn't being honest with me. How does one who is a teacher go through his salary and he also has a part time job. He has no responsiblities for anybody, not his parents or siblings. It's just him. And he asked to pay his rent this month, and I just totally flat out said no.

I was spending money like crazy to get ready for this move internationally. Getting documentation together. I felt like he was adding more stress by making these crazy request of getting all these things in America for him, when he knows money is tight. I mean every month we go over line by line about bills and finances.

So with him getting attitude because I said no, then his temper is flying out through the roof. He is so upset. Won't answer my calls. He only calls to say where is my money?! This is not the first time he has done this.

The first time he did this was when I was going through a lot of stress and he asked me to pay for his divorce from his wife.(they had been seperated for 1.5-2 years at the time.) And he gave me such a crazy amount. And he said oh divorces are expensive here in Morocco. I said really? Costing more than an American divorce. He said oh the rest was going to be spent on our wedding. WHAT THE WHAT?!

When we end the first time that should have been it. However, his mother and best friend kept talking to me to see this 'change' and if i am honest with myself i never saw it. Nevertheless, it's always about give me give me give me. I spent over 75.00USD to call him, because he says he doesn't want the magicjack or vonage in his home. Phone cards are better. And he needs the new iPod touch for his brother cause he's wanting to start a rapping career. And he needs the iPhone 4. I don't even have an iPhone 4.

And he says this is because by giving him these things plus paying the rent to help better himself for our arrival.(<<<THE DUMBEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD.)

it's all about money for him. i can't take it. and his best friend actually said i'm in the wrong, because i'm not doing more for him?!

So needless to say we are not speaking at the moment. I need to calm down and regroup. I just can't afford him!!!!! He's needs a wealthy woman, and I am not it.

I replied in your "living in morocco" topic.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-11-09 14:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA making one upset....

The OP never returned to clarify about this temper. Telling her to leave the guy and we don't know the extent of his temper is a bit premature. I have a temper, I think everyone has some sort of a temper. We all get angry, right? I would hate for someone to give up on me because I was in a pissy mood one day. However, we don't yet know how bad this "temper" is. It's sad that many people in this board will automatically say, "dump him" without really knowing what's going on.

Was thinking the same thing :thumbs:
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-11-02 12:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA making one upset....


I hope this finds everyone okay. I'm just wondering, has of the women that are engaged or married to their MENA men can upset you with their tempers to where you just want to withdrawal the petition?


I will tell u from my won't be easy at first...I knew my fiance for over a year before I spent nearly 4 mths there with my daughter...and it still wasn't easy. But if you really love someone, then all of the hard stuff is worth it...makes all the good times seem just that much better :) And (as u said) things are moving quickly...this whole process is stressful whether u're together in person during it or not. I think most couples going through the visa process (atleast once) wonder "is all of this worth it?", and that is a decision u have to make yourself. And truthfully...I wouldn't jump in to a marriage as soon as u get there...take your time (since it seems like u plan on living there for awhile anyway) & let u & your son get used to being over there & with him & make sure that its exactly what you want & thought it would be. And as others have need to spend a lot more time in person together before getting anywhere near filing, or it is a HUGE red flag to Casa. In my opinion, they only really count the time spent together BEFORE the application was sent...I know they will find out about any other visits after the application, but they usually have a good idea of what they are going to do before the interview based on the application given. I wish u the best of luck in your journey & hope everything works out for you guys. And feel free to msg me if u ever have any questions. I just noticed u have posted for DCF...from what i understand (someone correct me if i'm wrong) u need to have residency for 6 mths, but that doesn't mean u have to be married for 6 mths...depending on connections & the city, u MIGHT be able to get residency before getting married.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-30 21:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2

Time for alot of things........oh I seriously don't know where to start!

I was at the grocery store last weekend and I picked up a box of Lipton tea bags....I started to shake and hyperventilate! It hit me that he would be DRINKING that tea!

J (F)

Awwww...I am ao happy for you both :) Its crazy how the little things mean so much when it involves the one you love :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-01-13 12:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2

my timeline ~~~ uh..lets go with the 23rd (ticket in hand tomorrow..inshAllah)

Aweesome...CONGRATS!!! :dance:
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-01-11 23:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2

waiting....waiting....waiting......tick tock goes the clock

J (F)

the dreaded waiting...wish the clock could tick a little I'm still wondering if it's a good thing that i can check the status of our cas i can't stay of the site...watched pot never boils though right? Atleast we all have eachother to babble with...since i know my family doesn't want to hear another word about Hicham..
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-01-06 16:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
Happy New Year!! Hope everybody has a great 2010
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-01-01 22:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
Well it's officially now...I'm parting of the waiting group of K1 ppl smile.gif Put the box in the mail today...whew...what a relief to finally not have it here anymore....I was thinking way too much about what to put in, what not to, it's not up to me anymore...guess that's not really a good thing either, but...better then looking at the same papers a million I'll update as I get new info...hoping for quick, but ready for te long haul. I saw someone last year that sent theirs in on the same date and got a visa in May...ok..I know...I'm dreaming, but it can't Ok...I'm gonna shut up now...I'm just so excited to finally being getting this process started!! And now I can focus on getting my daughter & I packed for the trip back to Morocco...will be much easier to get through this process with him, then sitting here thinking to much...And probably annoying everyone with all of my babbling. LOL Hope everyone is having a great holidays!!

Monica rose.gif
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2009-12-29 02:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
Ok...First off, hi everybody...I'm just beginning the visa process & most of my questions have probably been answered 100's of times, but I can't seem to find So...I'm getting all the papers together for the K1 visa and am good with everything, much proof of the meeting and relationship should i send?? I've read that you can't send too much to Casa, so should I just send the 300+ pages of conversations (edited of course), plus around 60 pics of the 2 weeks i was there, proposal & engagement party?? Also, I am going to return to morocco to be with Hicham the 1st of march with my daughter & we are staying till end of August, or till he gets the visa, which ever comes sooner smile.gif So will that affect things, since I won't techincally have a set income?? I've read that Casa doesn't even ask for theAffidavit of Support...what's everyones opinion on that? Thanks for the help & any pointers u may have for a newbie smile.gif And just an fyi, I'll be mailing the application out asap...still getting some proof together & copies done...but by the 1st at the latest.

Thanks again,
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2009-12-23 03:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
Hi to all! Good to read and catch up. Hope everyone has a great holiday season! Good luck to those still waiting and yahoo for those who aren't!

Jackie, so happy to see your wait is finally coming to an end!

Lisa, Hi and hugs back atchya babe!

I'll check in again when I can. smile.gif
Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2009-12-19 17:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
Said he likes it, didn't say he always gets what he likes or wants wink.gif Some of us have had our hubbies with us a little less time than others and are still working out the kinks. Everything in due time.
Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2009-12-05 20:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
9:30? Lucky you! wink.gif My hubby likes me to be home before dark, what ever time that is. Granted, can't do that now that it's dark before I leave work. Amazing how I made it 38 years without him and survived!

Hi to all! Think of you often and hope everyone is getting their wishes, what ever they may be! Jackie, you're wait is finally coming to an end, I'm sooooo happy for you!
Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2009-12-05 20:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
Same great help with the same great group! rose.gif

I am rarely here any more, but this thread was such a huge help when I was. I miss you guys!

I hope all is well and everyone will have their SO's soon, if not already! Mine has been here 7 months now and the time is just flying. Keep up the faith, it does all come to a close eventually. smile.gif
Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2009-10-20 15:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaScared out of my mind.

Not really - if you use turbotax they can be downloaded in an instant. That is what happened to us at the USEM in Buenos Aires - we went down to the internet cafe and printed the last 4 tax returns off that morning and returned that afternoon. It is a fantastic resource. :thumbs:

Well, that is assuming that everyone files their taxes online, which many people still do not. But hopefully the OP's co-sponsor does. Our co-sponsor did not, so we had to wait for the tax transcripts, which took about two weeks.
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-05-25 12:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaScared out of my mind.

Yes I am sure this is what they are asking from him it's on the 221g. I know sounds crazy but that is what they are requesting. Thanks

That is a pretty ridiculous request, if they want all that stuff in less than a week. It takes at least a couple weeks just to get tax transcripts, unless your co-sponsor happens to have a copy of their last 3 years of tax returns!
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-05-25 00:13:00
Middle East and North Africawednesday is our interview in cairo!
good luck! i hope all goes well, and look forward to hearing about your experience. :)
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-06-21 01:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoan-day
Moanday... definitely appropriate here. I spent all day whining and moaning about still being pregnant :P Fortunately it hasn't gotten hot here in Oregon yet, it was in the 70s today, which was plenty warm for me at this point. it does seem weird to not have had any real sun yet this summer, though!
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-06-22 01:17:00
Middle East and North Africaquestion about bank statement ,, have interview wednesday help!
pretty sure we didn't include our co-sponsor's bank statements at all.
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-06-22 01:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaGUESS WHO GOT APPROVED!!!!! CAIRO EGYPT
glad to hear it went well!
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-06-24 18:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe visa has been issued !!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats! Alhamdulilah, I'm so happy for you and Trina! Let us know when you figure out your travel plans :)
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-05-31 20:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday

Amy I think that would really make Waleed happy! Posted Image How much is a flat rate box from here to there anyways?

I think they are 8.50 or something like that. pretty reasonable, when packed full of imported cheese! you could probably fit six or so packages of it in a box. so 6 packages for 38.50, assuming each package cost $5. :) better than sixteen bucks each! Let me know if you want to arrange for us to pick you up some, we're probably going to be heading up to the Halal store sometime in the next week or two to pick up some things before Ramadan.

Edited by amysaid, 30 July 2010 - 03:37 AM.

amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-07-30 03:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
we've found the white cheese (and the white cheese with green pepper flavoring... barf) at a halal store in Portland, but it's $5-6 per cube. Still cheaper than $18, Olivia! It is shelf-stable, so if you wanted me to I could pack some up in a flat rate box and send it to you :) We like the white cheese with tomato/olive oil/mint/cumin, I could eat that all day if it weren't so salty. Ahmed loves him some cream cheese, but he's ok with pretty much any other kind of cheese, too. I had a harder time with cheese when I was in Egypt, because I love cheddar cheese, and all we could find was not very tasty, even the imported kind. I ended up using processed cheese for omelets and stuff. Yech.

I think Ahmed's been disappointed in my cooking lately, with the baby taking up so much of my time I have a hard time finding when to make anything. Last night I made pasta with ground beef spaghetti sauce and he just looked at it and said he wasn't hungry, then went to work (he works graveyard.) I feel bad, but c'mon, if I'd known he wasn't going to eat I wouldn't have bothered to make anything. Abigail and myself are perfectly happy with PB&J and yogurt for dinner :P

When I was in school full time, he used to fend for himself and make himself and Abigail food... I'd come home to them eating lamb and rice, or liver and rice, or chicken and rice... and salad, of course. :)
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-07-27 14:06:00