Middle East and North AfricaJFK POE
Congrats....u must be freaking out excited right now :dance: Btw, I also heard someone talking about the JFK stamp for work & that they were able to use it. Anybody know about that for the K1s??

Hope all is going good with everyone.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-09-28 14:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp with NOID
Thanks i just have to try to remember everything...i wish i was the one in the relationship with the good memory :whistle:

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-09-29 00:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp with NOID now its time to make sure I cover every little detail so they have NO way of agreeing with the refusal. So here is what I have put together so far:

  • Rebuttle Letter
  • The 1st email from each of us (that we didn't have before)
  • Support Letter from Mom
  • Yahoo Archieves
  • Inbox & Sent box of emails between us (just showing to/from, date & subject)
  • should i include copies of passports & 2nd trip tickets??
  • 13 pages (totaling about 85 pics) labelled

Any other ideas? I feel like I'm missing something...also, is there any suggestions on how to show him having an "emotional connection" besides pics?? I'm trying to decide if I should include in actual conversations or emails, since they seemed to cause problems before with too much info given. :bonk: :wacko: :whistle:

Just wanna get it all in...seems like most of the issues were misunderstandings or too general of questions searching for specific answers....note to others: Go in and speak from the heart, don't think so much, and relax :)

Thanks everybody!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-09-28 15:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaCrossing Border from Morrocco to Spain
a friend did that & said she barely got back in....we used easyjet & spent the weekend in Madrid

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-09 22:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaDeath in the family
I'm so sorry for your loss!! (F) (F)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-18 00:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread

Bumping this for Nicole.


How is everyone doing?? Anything new with anyone?? We are just waiting on the NOID review...fingers crossed!!

Hope everything is going good...or atleast getting better with everyone.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-20 12:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
yeah...i feel really blessed. They have been on top of it from the moment i told them about it.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-24 14:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread

Still have not heard anything :0/ The plan still is to legally marry in Morocco and file the CR-1.... Insha'allah this will all happen around November

Sorry to hear about not hearing anything. Hope everything goes smoothly with the wedding & CR1!!! I guess our case was sent to storage & had to be requested to be brought out & we will see...not holding my breath.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-24 11:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread

I am planning to go back sometime in october or november..... It is very frustrating :0( We just want to be able to start our lives together.... Our's was sent back pretty quick from what I can tell..... I did hear that the vermont center will still work with you after your app has expired.... Insha'allah that will happen for us..... I too hope all goes well for everyone here and I pray we are all reunited with our loved ones soon.....

My birthday is in november.... It would be awesome to get some great news for my birthday :0)

How is everything going with you guys? Anything new? Hope things work out without having to refile!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-22 11:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
They seem to be able to use any reason they want to deny K1s...because they expire so fast & don't get reviewed. And I hope u hear good news soon Meghan & Ally. I know its a crazy rough ride.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-22 11:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread

My fiance is in Fes. He had his interview April 26,2010. Our application was sent back for further review. Contacted the Senator not much help there. Was told it could take 120 days or more form the date (july 12) which the service center (vermont) received it before we hear anything but by then the application will have expired. Was told I should gather all my evidence, get all my friends and family and his friends and family to write statesments and send it all to the service center along with a rebuttle letter. I aslo was told just go back and marry there and File the CR-1..... The whole process is nuts...... His sister and brother went through the same process with no problems but they both married nonmuslim white americans ( sisters hubby converted just to marry her, but doesn't practice) and he only knew her for a couple of months.... We decided to go with both suggestions Hopefully the first will work and we won't have to spend the money for me to go back ( I have already been twice in the last 10 months)

Hi :) Sorry to hear about the mess & I am also hoping the bombarding of support letters will work. But our case still hasn't left Morocco after nearly 2 mths, so we are bombarding them there :) I think Vermont still sometimes reviews the cases even if they have INSHALLAH that happens for you guys!!! I'm in the same boat of the "what do i do now??" Don't want to plan a trip over & then the case be reopened or the clock ticks on :clock: So looks like your 120 days will fall about mid-November...when were you thinking about going back to get married (if need be)?? And I know how frustrating it is to see everyone else seem to get through so smoothly, while we don't...very annoying. But I just keep saying...everything for a reason & as long as we are together that's all that matters!! Best of luck to everyone!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-06 02:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread

I can't believe it is STILL there. Wow. I don't know what I would do in that case. I know you and your Congress-person have been in contact already. I don't know what else you could possibly do.
March isn't all that far off. You will be together soon. He seems very nice, too. :) Nabil and I will try to make it to your wedding.

Thanks Tracy...I'm so glad everything finally worked out for you guys. Hopefully the rest goes smoothly!!! Would be great to have u guys there!! guess we should pick a date, but i still don't know what will happen with the K1 yet since it hasn't left Casa. :wacko:

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-03 16:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
Our case is STILL in Morocco, so we figuring we would keep trying to fight it...maybe we will get lucky & they will reopen it. I know...i'm dreaming, but can't hurt to try. What can they do? Send the case back? :bonk: :rofl:

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-03 12:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
Talk about timing :) Atleast you don't have to deal with the NOIR/NOID...congrats on the marriage!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-03 12:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
They are considering adding AP/Returned Cases tracking to the timelines now :thumbs:

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-07-20 12:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
Check this idea out: http://www.visajourn...or-ap-refusals/

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-07-18 05:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread

Did you read this?....
Section 214(d) of the Act states that CIS shall approve the Form I-129F when a petitioner submits
evidence to establish that helshe and the beneficiary have met within the two-year period immediately
the filing of the Form I-129F, have a bonafide intention to marry and are legally able and willing to
marry within 90 days of the beneficiary's arrival in the United States. In denying the instant petition,
the director appears to have imposed an additional requirement on the petitioner - establishing the
genuineness of her relationship to the beneficiary. However, no such requirement exists for the
approval of a Form I-129F, and the AAO finds the director to have erred in imposing it. While section
214(d) of the Act stipulates that the petitioner must establish that she and the beneficiary have a
bonafide intention to marry, this language is not synonymous with a requirement that the petitioner
establish the closeness of their relationship. The AAO has found nothing in the record to indicate the
petitioner and beneficiary do not intend to marry within 90 days of the beneficiary's arrival in the
United States.
In reaching its decision, the AAO notes the concerns expressed by the consular officer and,
subsequently, the director regarding presenting sufficient evidence of a credible relationship between
the petitioner and the beneficiary. However, as noted above, section 2 14(d) of the Act requires only that
the petitioner establish that the petitioner and the beneficiary have previously met in person within two
See Footnote No. 1
years before the date of filing the petition, have a bona fide intention to marry, and are legally able and
actually willing to conclude a valid marriage in the United States within a period of ninety days after the
alien's arrival. As discussed above, the filing date of the instant petition is September 21,2007, and thus
the petitioner and the beneficiary were required to have met between November 21, 2005 and
November 21,2007. The evidence of record reflects that ths meeting requirement has been met. The
record reflects no previous marriages for either the petitioner or the beneficiary, and contains an
affidavit signed by the petitioner and the beneficiary affirming and declaring their intent to marry within
90 days of the beneficiary's arrival to the United States. Accordingly, the reservations expressed by the
consular officer and the director are not probative for the purposes of these proceedings.
The director's denial of the instant petition is based on the petitioner's failure to establish a bonafide
fiancCe relationshp with the beneficiary. As the director erred in imposing such a requirement on the
petitioner, the AAO finds the petitioner to have overcome the basis for the director's denial of the
instant petition. Accordingly, the AAO will sustain the petitioner's appeal and withdraw the director's
denial of the petition.
The burden of proof in these proceedings rests solely with the petitioner. Section 291 of the Act, 8
U.S.C. 1361. The petitioner has sustained that burden.
ORDER: The appeal is sustained. The denial is withdrawn. The petition is approved we thought...they denied us with no grounds for it...i think the problem is that it usually takes years to even get to that point of finding out anything :bonk:

Malika :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-07-06 12:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
One more:

USCIS Results of I-129Fs returned to USCIS

Malika :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-07-05 17:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
Another interesting link: USCIS Fraud Referral Sheet

Malika :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-07-05 17:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread

Does this mean we all have a bad marker in our file now? I know there have been a lot of successful re-filers.

Ok...from what i understand (i may be wrong) the bad marker only gets put on the case if it is actually denied through USCIS or your ignore any NOIR/NOID u receive. From what i have long as u reply to anything u receive in regards to the case, then you should be i said....i may be wrong...i'm hoping some ppl who have been through this recently will be able to shed some light on this.

Malika :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-07-04 01:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
yeah..i agree...i wonder if there is anything all of us can do if we call got together...hmm imagine all of the K1s & I130s involved in this....its has to be 100s maybe 1000s, and then their families that are also affected.

Malika :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-07-03 14:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
Was just scanning around & came across this site describing the Tran V Napolitano.....i read through the case just now, and this article seems to give an easy to understand view of what it had to say. Hoping this gets through quickly, cuz from the sounds of this K1 has no chance :crying:

Consular returns of K1s Lawsuit Atleast if this the future we will have a chance to rebuttle BEFORE it leaves the embassy....imagine that :bonk:

Well hope everybody has a great 4th of July...atleast all the fireworks should help us get our minds off of the waiting for a few moments ;)

Malika :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-07-03 03:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread

i had my interview at american embassy in cairo at 06-03-2010 about my fiance k1 visa , so i wounder why the cairo counselor refuse my fiancee visa and even after they stamp it , also after he told us we got approved at the interview ?
i just need to know what the reason for that after we call the embassy 4 times and they said its already approved , and we waiting for the dhl to send it to my fiancee home , and after that we got the passport had the visa in it but over the visa there was a stamp say cancled without prejudice , what that suppose to mean ?
and also it had a letter said , that the embassy dont convienced about our relationship , and they send our case back to usa , what that mean ?
also the passport had a pink paper said iv , what that mean ???
what they need else after all they see at the interview and i visit him 4 times and had a real relationship , and we answer all the quiz right at the interview .
what i have to do now
im here in egypt , did i have to embassy again to see whats going on , and why that happened , i dont mind really just wanna do any thing to dont loose my love of my life
if the counselor need to cancel it why he dont tell us in the beginning , why he let us happy for 1 mounth , even i was arrange for our trip back to states together and then stap us in the back ?????

any help will be appreciated

I'm so sorry to hear about that happening to you about torture. I haven't heard of that happening, but hopefully someone else will know more. Did they give u a refusal worksheet or anything like that?? What exactly did the paper say?

Malika :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-07-01 13:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
ok the spreadsheet working...check it out in my signature...will get together the questionnaire for everyone to add their info....let me know if u have any info u wanna add, etc :)

Malika :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-07-01 13:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
To track a returned petition/application with a pouch number, you can contact the Diplomatic Pouch Service in Washington:
•Diplomatic Pouch Service: 202-663-1588

I just called & the guy was really nice :) Still hasn't arrived in their system yet though....atleast it gives me someone else to annoy :lol:

Looks like so far we have:

(4) 1st petition K1.......(2) Married & CR1, (1) Refile K1, (1) Waiting
(1) 1st Petition CR1....waiting 10 mths (is that right illnevergetthis??)

Still trying to get the spreadsheet working...hopefully soon so we can get better details for everyone

Malika :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-07-01 12:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
well...i made a spreadsheet & tried the googledocs....won't load the spreadsheet :(
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-07-01 00:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
awesome...i haven't gotten to that point thanks for the help
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-30 18:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
thinking about trying to put together a chart together so we can all keep track of where everyone is...any ideas of what i should include would be get. To Start with:

When you met:
How many & how long visits before filing the 1st petition:
If you started with K1 or CR1:
1st petition interview date:
Date returned to USCIS for review, specify if for AP review or refusal (denial) review
What you have done since (i.e. waiting, refile K1, marry & CR1)
Specify when u refiled K1, or got married & filed CR1 (date for each)
If filed 2nd petition, how long after case returned to USCIS
Specify where u r in the process for 2nd petition

Any other ideas...let me know

Malika :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-30 18:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
that's what i was thinking....we all need to stick together :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-30 18:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
ok...just called USCIS & they said that the case should be reviewed in 120 days from date it left embassy...hear from others that is a laugh, but it can't hurt to try :) Better than

Malika :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-30 13:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
Thought it might be good to have a place to go to see what everyone is doing....we are still waiting for our case to get back to USCIS. Keep getting told to go get married...told by senator's office that CSC is supposed to review the case if it arrives unexpired. Feels like being pulled in both directions. How is everyone else doing???

Malika :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-06-30 12:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage in Morocco...
Hope this help: I know a lot of ppl have gone through this recently...and from the sounds of it, time depends on what town he's from, the ppl u know, etc.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-18 00:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaHe never says sorry...

Did they get your case back yet?

No word from CSC yet...hopefully we will hear this week.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-09-07 21:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaHe never says sorry...
Agreed doodle. Sometimes it is hard to picture yourself in their shoes. I was fortunate enough to be able to stay in Morocco with my daughter for nearly 4 months this year, but it was by no means easy. And no matter how much u think u know about a place & its culture...its always different when u get there. I think many ppl have this "tv" view of the US, and are shocked to find out that its not really like that. And the fact that I'm sure most of our SOs were still living in the same place as they have lived their whole lives, and then no where near anything like it...that would be rough for anyone. Even for me being in another place was hard, and I have lots of experience living in different places. But it takes lots of time & patience. Like others said...figure out what he likes & try to find ways for him to do it. Do he have any friends in the US he can call, etc? Like someone else mentioned...the "cafe" meetings are very habitual for them. That was one of the things my fiance asked me....Are there cafes i can go & hang out at? And we live in the country, so the closest is a few miles away....this seemed very weird to him. Also...many are used to walking everywhere...this may also be something difficult for them to grow accustomed to....along with the stores being different....they can't just buy anything off the shelf...the meat is (mostly) not halal & who knows what has pork in it anymore. And also their independence is greatly changed too...if they can't drive or walk anywhere they lose something major they r used to...walking out the door whenever they want & going where they want. That was a HUGE problem for me in Morocco...i couldn't just go when i wanted to. Another thing that might help is getting him a cell phone...I've also seen that some of the new ones have GPS built in to them, so u can type in your destination & mode of transportation & go. This could GREATLY increase their independence & they can depend on themselves...which is big for anyone :) Sorry...i just keep I hope things start getting better soon. Oh..and I liked the idea someone posted about the "ignoring when mad" that must be a Moroccan thing in some places, cuz mine does it I will have to give that a try in return...problem is I can't stay mad at him longer than an Hope everybody is having a good week, and last few days of Ramadan.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-09-07 13:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Yeah...the NOID is the notice of intent to deny :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-01 16:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0'm a little behind...tried to catch up on reading everything, but my head started

So I guess I will just say HI to everyone. Hope everything is going good out there in MENA land. Welcome to lovely October :)

Noticed most of the ppl on here r past the "trying to get to the US" part...and now just tryin to

We are in the "NOID" hoping to get it all together & sent in this next week. :wacko:

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-01 03:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaAOS APPROVED!
Congraats! So happy for u guys...and definitely great to hear some good news :dance: :dance:

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-11-02 21:05:00
I'd contact your congressman or senators...that's how we've gotten our case moving...and it shows u're serious. Best of luck.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-11-08 23:56:00
Middle East and North Africamy interview the october 13 2010 at Casablanca

Good post, Caybee. :thumbs:

I have a question about NOID's. Has anyone here ever responded to a NOID and lost? I'm confused because it seems like people want to get the NOID rather than just letting the file expire, so USCIS will provide more specific reasons for the consulate's denial and give the petitioner an opportunity to plead their case, but isn't the risk of a fraud marker and ban great if USCIS issues the NOID? I've looked through the pinned topic, which is full of helpful information BTW, and I'm still not clear on that part...on how easy it is (for a prepared, diligent person) to successfully rebut the NOID.

Good luck to all the couples who are going through this right now!

I know what u're saying...we wish for the NOID & then fear the denial. I am in the process of waiting for our NOID results (should have them by the end of the month). And I have been researching as much as I can able what happens either way, and the pc6 marker is very scary (something i try not to think about). The other problem is there aren't many ppl that get the K1 NOIDs, which makes it more difficult to compare & see the odds, but I did find a section on the USCIS website that shows the previous denied NOIDs and the main reasons were for: not replying in time, not completing the required or requested forms, and not meeting during the 2yrs prior (that is required)...I found none that were properly responded to that got denied. I'm holding on to the hopes that these are accurate to all NOIDs, since it is all i have been able to find. It would really help if there was a way to list this information in the timelines, so it is searchable, so we can get an idea, which I believe we have mentioned to moderators before. I think the problem is that most that get denied r so spread out everywhere in different forums that it's hard to get the information together, because the NOIDs are accross the board no matter what consulate they come from once they get in the US...the only differences are how each Service Center handles the denied cases. Sorry if i'm rambling :) I know there are many new denials out of Morocco recently & I know there are many around or before mine that already received expiration notices. Let me know if you have any questions.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-11-08 23:43:00
Middle East and North Africamy interview the october 13 2010 at Casablanca

Hi again, I received a letter from the embassy today saying my husbands visa is not denied, that it has been sent back to USCIS for further review. Does anyone know what this means?
thanks, sweetcitywife

They told me the same thing with our K1. According to what I found out, the consulate can deny giving the visa, but not the application. The form my fiance received was a Refusal Worksheet. So the only way for the application to be denied is for the consulate to return it with a recommendation to revoke the original approval, thus denying the application. In other words, both USCIS & the consulate have to "deny" the application for it to be denied. Hope that makes sense.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-11-02 20:48:00