Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

If I were you, I'd continue to email the consulate yourself. I would ask if it has in fact left and also ask what specifically they will need to approve another visa request in the future. I would be persistent. They may blow you off and continue to tell you they can't help you, but I do think they respond to persistence. Gracious, humble persistence, but persistence all the same. At least, that's what worked in our case. I would also remind them that you were told on such and such a date that you were told it left Casa but now your senator is being told that it's still there, etc. You can also point out that you were denied the chance to provide further proof of relationship, etc because of the false information you were given by the consulate - either or both the officer/s and the people who answered your email or phone inquiry. I'd cc the consulate chief.
Just some ideas. It seems pretty dishonest that they gave misinformation like that.

I'll give it a try...can't hurt :) What can they do....return our case :rofl: :wacko:

Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-07-31 23:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
I'm not sure if I asked this before, I'm getting old and forgetful, sorry! unsure.gif But, what exactly is the thought behind toenail polish and praying? What really is the harm in having it on? My hubby says it's cause the water during Wudu doesn't touch your actual toenail and it has to. But if your toes are clean when it's put on, wouldn't that be ok? I'm guessing it's not in hadith cause they didn't have polish back then, right? I'd really love it to be ok to wear it and be ok to pray too. whistling.gif blush.gif I'm guessing I'm stuck with un-cute toes??
Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2009-02-25 18:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
My hubby does the silent thing and he knows I hate it. I'd rather talk things out and move on. But he likes to stew and make me sweat.

I'm glad it's not a religion thing cause I have a hard time giving silent treatment and this is something I would fail at miserably. MEN!

Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2009-02-20 15:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
Does anyone know if the silent treatment is part of Islam, or is that just culture?
Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2009-02-20 09:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Aymsgirl @ Feb 7 2009, 01:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (taj'samericanwife @ Feb 7 2009, 03:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Salam so this is MENA huh? everyones all like MENA this and that in the IR1/cr1 forums and im like, what the heck is that? anyway i am married to a muslim man but i am not muslim..."yet". i love my husband very much and one of the things i love about him is how good of a person he is and he says because of islam. you see i was a very bad girl before i met him, had a very troublesome past...rebellious, flunking, partying, you name it. and when i met him i told myself it would almost be too good to be true to keep this man in my life because he so "pure" and i was "dirty". but he loved me, and i thank everyday for his love and patience. he does not force me to convert but it comes up alot. i plan to visit him in the next 2 -3 months and he said, it would be nice if i converted when i see him again. i dont eat pork anymore too...maybe because everytime i was with him for the 4 years we have been together i felt really disrespectful if i ordered anything that had pork in it that when i was not eating with him, i still felt disrespect when i eat pork.

i want to convert...for a long time i have wanted to. i am just finding it in my heart for the right time. i mean i have grown up catholic for 25 years and its not so eays forgetting jesus, am i right? i say to my husband everyday, "i just have to feel that thunder strike my heart then i will convert...GOD has to make me totally feel it so i know this is really for me too..."
and when i do become muslim i want to become a good muslim, do my prayers, give to charity and most of all be respectful and contnue to live a dignified life...

Take your time keep studying and listen to your heart. You can only convert for you and it sounds like you are on the right path to learn that or not. We are here if you have any questions.


Don't forget Jesus, just search for the truth. This was my issue as well. Keep reading and asking questions.
Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2009-02-07 23:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (UmmSqueakster @ Jan 30 2009, 09:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ahmed N Tina @ Jan 30 2009, 11:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (UmmSqueakster @ Jan 30 2009, 09:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ahmed N Tina @ Jan 30 2009, 10:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Jen, your knowledge astounds me every time I read something you post. My hat is totally off to you!

blush.gif It's all the fault of high school debate. I learned how research research research as a debater. But really, what I know is nothing in the grand scheme of things. I'm just a student at the beginning of the path.

If you are at the beginning, I don't even have my big toe in the door yet! The way you put your info is really helpful and understandable for folks like me who are trying to learn and sometimes just don't get it. Just appreciating you girl!! good.gif

Hey, just keep walking through that door. The sahaba had 23 years to learn Islam from the Prophet (saws), so there's no reason why we shouldn't also have time to learn too.

QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Jan 30 2009, 11:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you know what is interesting i asked my moroccan husband if he is Maliki he doens't know... hummmmmmm

People these days affiliate less with the traditional madhabs of their areas, due in part to the influence of the la-madhab movement out of Saudi Arabia. Petro dollars buy a lot of influence.

From my understanding the timeline is within three days but I am not certain as to the why???? Perhaps that is what was done with the Propeht (pbuh)?

Everything in Islam is because that's the way the Prophet (saws) did it laughing.gif

QUOTE (childress_london @ Jan 30 2009, 11:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for your help. Maybe I should use the "call a Muslim" number. LOL. Have you heard of it?

1-800-why islam? They're sunni based, and I'm not sure if they'd have shia info, but it wouldn't hurt to ask smile.gif Shiachat probably has some knowledgable people who'd be happy to answer shia questions.

I'm walkin sister! biggrin.gif Albeit slowly, I'll get there one day.
Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2009-01-31 01:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (UmmSqueakster @ Jan 30 2009, 09:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ahmed N Tina @ Jan 30 2009, 10:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Jen, your knowledge astounds me every time I read something you post. My hat is totally off to you!

blush.gif It's all the fault of high school debate. I learned how research research research as a debater. But really, what I know is nothing in the grand scheme of things. I'm just a student at the beginning of the path.

If you are at the beginning, I don't even have my big toe in the door yet! The way you put your info is really helpful and understandable for folks like me who are trying to learn and sometimes just don't get it. Just appreciating you girl!! good.gif
Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2009-01-30 12:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
Jen, your knowledge astounds me every time I read something you post. My hat is totally off to you!
Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2009-01-30 11:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
Thank you Tasha! I would love to hear your story!

I hope you feel better soon! rose.gif
Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2008-10-15 09:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
Thank you Staashi and Turia!

Staashi - That is so how I want to feel it. Right down to my bones and hear the singing from my soul.

Turia - Congratulations on finding your way! good.gif I want to find that peace, truly.

Religion and spirituality are such important steps and I want to be sure I took the right one. I was just talking with my hubby and he was explaining some of the washing and praying and a few other things and wow, it seems like a lot of work. He says eventually you get used to it and it's not a big deal.

I'm going to start harrassing the Mosque again to see if they can get me in some classes, as well as check out the sites HLM and Rahma gave.

Thank you all again for your input and suggestions!! It always helps to know I'm not alone. rose.gif
Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2008-10-14 17:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
Thank you HLM and Rahma! I will check both sites. You are both very kind to respond to my issue and I'm grateful of the support and help! Rahma, I will probably be using that PM. If I start to bug you with it though, tell me!

I know it's probably wrong to say, but sometimes I tell Ahmed I wish God would just come down and say "Tina, this is the direction I want you to go". I'd drop everyting and go. But like Ahmed says, why would He do that for you when everyone else has to figure it out themselves. He's right. There's just a lot of soul searching and trying to figure things out that I haven't before. I hate to admit I've never been "in to" my religion, it was more of a process I went through. I want to feel my religion and my God in my life, and know exactly what it is and why and believe it more than anything else. I want to be excited about what I believe. Just have to figure out what that is. blush.gif

There are so many things I love about Islam and the Muslim people, I know it's a community and family I would love to be in. I just have to know that I'm doing it because I believe it and feel it, and that it's nothing to do with my husband.

Thank you again!! rose.gif rose.gif
Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2008-10-14 15:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Nawal @ Oct 14 2008, 11:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Staashi @ Oct 14 2008, 10:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Follow your heart Tina. You'll find the right path to take. I believe that God has a lot of room in heaven for all of us - Catholic ones like me, too. wink.gif



Thanks to both of you rose.gif rose.gif

It does help to hear positive and supportive things instead of the other stuff. I appreciate you taking the time!! I'd send a hug smiley, if I could find one smile.gif
Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2008-10-14 13:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Nawal @ Oct 14 2008, 10:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TinaMsea @ Oct 14 2008, 10:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've been thinking to add to this thread, but am brinking on the fear of I'm disturbing or say something wrong. So that's my disclaimer smile.gif

I have been looking into Islam for the last two years (since Ahmed isn't here yet, I have a lot of time on my hands). I admit when i first started reading about it, it wasn't with the right frame of mind. As time has passed and I've learned more I've actually been able to relate with it and see the good and the beautiful of it. I'm always so touched and in awe of the devotion Muslims have to their faith and, generally, how they actually follow it. This is one of the things that drew me to my husband. I wanted a man who actually lived what he claimed to believe.

Here is my dilemma. I have been raised to believe that Salvation only comes through accepting Jesus sacrifice on the cross and to deny that is sure hellfire and damnation. I know that Islam believes that Jesus was a very good man and prophet, but that's it. I'm having a very hard time finding the bridge to cross over.

Also added is my family, who are all freaked out that I will convert and have made lectures and sermons part of their weekly conversations with me. Making sure I know and understand that I'll go to hell if I convert, while my husband tells me I will if I don't. (My personal opinion is that there will be many different faiths in Heaven, which my "religion" doesn't believe)

Maybe I should read this whole thread, but 72 pages is sort of daunting. I know some of you have converted and I am wondering how, if you had to, did you work this out? My husband says I already pretty much live a Muslim life anyway (minus the 5 pillars) and it wouldn't really be a change in my daily life. But it would be a huge change in my heart and soul. I don't know if I'm looking for confirmation, approval, explanation or an excuse. I just know I'm looking and don't know where to turn.

Have you ever thought about visiting a local mosque? At our mosque here we have classes for non-muslims that offer information on Islam as well as a chance to meet people and ask questions.

Just a thought... rose.gif

I converted over 11 years ago before meeting my hubby. I was raised in a Catholic family and my mother ended up leaving the Catholic church for a Pentacotal one. She was a born again Christian which I'm sure if she was alive she'd tell me the same as your family and would have many sermons to share w/ me. I adored my mother and she was my best friend but she did not sway my choice it was in my heart. My father on the other hand, is more open minded and seems to embrace my choice. However, I think its easier for him as we have family on his side that are Muslim. To each his own...rose.gif

I have actually tried the Mosque. I was able to sit down with one guy over there in February for about 2 hours and he was very kind while I asked him question after question. They offered to help set me up with some people to talk to and find out about any classes available, but that was the last I heard. I've emailed them numerous times and I get nothing. I have a friend who goes to the same Mosque and has offered to help me find people to talk to, but we haven't been able to hook up lately.

I try to explain my issue to my husband, but he doesn't quite understand, never having been Christian. I was born and raised Seventh Day Adventist and, even though my family wasn't strict about it, it's still ingrained

I am currently reading Muhammad - a biography of the Prophet by Karen Armstrong. I took it this morning to the car dealer to read while I waited and was shocked that tears came to my eyes as I read. Maybe I'm putting too much into it, but I know I felt something.

Thank you Annie for your response and suggestion. rose.gif I will try to reach the Mosque again.
Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2008-10-14 12:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
I've been thinking to add to this thread, but am brinking on the fear of disturbing or say something wrong. So that's my disclaimer smile.gif

I have been looking into Islam for the last two years (since Ahmed isn't here yet, I have a lot of time on my hands). I admit when i first started reading about it, it wasn't with the right frame of mind. As time has passed and I've learned more I've actually been able to relate with it and see the good and the beautiful of it. I'm always so touched and in awe of the devotion Muslims have to their faith and, generally, how they actually follow it. This is one of the things that drew me to my husband. I wanted a man who actually lived what he claimed to believe.

Here is my dilemma. I have been raised to believe that Salvation only comes through accepting Jesus sacrifice on the cross and to deny that is sure hellfire and damnation. I know that Islam believes that Jesus was a very good man and prophet, but that's it. I'm having a very hard time finding the bridge to cross over.

Also added is my family, who are all freaked out that I will convert and have made lectures and sermons part of their weekly conversations with me. Making sure I know and understand that I'll go to hell if I convert, while my husband tells me I will if I don't. (My personal opinion is that there will be many different faiths in Heaven, which my "religion" doesn't believe)

Maybe I should read this whole thread, but 72 pages is sort of daunting. I know some of you have converted and I am wondering how, if you had to, did you work this out? My husband says I already pretty much live a Muslim life anyway (minus the 5 pillars) and it wouldn't really be a change in my daily life. But it would be a huge change in my heart and soul. I don't know if I'm looking for confirmation, approval, explanation or an excuse. I just know I'm looking and don't know where to turn.

Edited by TinaMsea, 14 October 2008 - 12:25 PM.

Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2008-10-14 12:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaStuck in Administrative Processing after approval
I completely understand, believe me. I hope you will have your answers soon. If I can do anything else to help, just pm me.
Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2009-02-03 23:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaStuck in Administrative Processing after approval
His name probably did get a hit, if it is a common name, it's very typical. This doesn't mean he did something wrong, it just means his name is similar to someone elses that may have. It probably won't help you feel better to know that Wa DC (the FBI) name checks have been back logged, although they are currently trying to catch up on this back log. This is the last part of the checks before they get his visa to him.

My husband had his interview (granted, we are CR1, not K1) in June 08 and they sent us to Wa DC in August. From August to January they told us we were in mandatory AP and that was it. It's really hard to not get any information and be left hanging, but that's what they do best. You can contact your Senator or Congressman and have them check too, but Cairo more than likely won't tell them anything either. At least they'll know it's getting Gov attention.

Something that's helped me is watching the DHL tracking number which they should have given your SO. It will show you when the package has been scanned in Cairo at the embassy (don't confuse the scans with it actually being shipped). At least it helps me to know it's being worked on. I also call DOS every week to see if they have an update.

I'm sure someone else will have some better info to give you and will correct me if I was wrong, but that's what I know from my own experience.

Good luck!
Ahmed N TinaFemaleEgypt2009-02-03 12:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow come lots of MENA members don't have Pics posted
OMG! I brag about My Mavylyn. It is true that people can Copy and Paste Pictures and put them anywhere they wish. That would be a rotten thing to do but it is True someone or more people could do this. ( I wonder if their caught doing this is a Violation of VJ ?) I'm proud of my Finacee' and would hope this would not happen. Maybe Members don't post Pictures because of this. I never gave it much thought before. Thanks for the Post. Maybe I should delete Our Profile. Tim
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-03-02 13:48:00
Middle East and North Africahelp plzzzzzzzz (K-1 but 'married' - Morocco)

Is your marriage legal? Signed papers with government? Or just spiritual marriage? You said you were approved already with NOA2?

These are good questions... Best Answered by a Morocco Member. My understanding is an Engagement Celebration is OK but not a Spritual Event but unsure of Morocco's Culture. So now I'm at a loss as well.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-16 07:05:00
Middle East and North Africahelp plzzzzzzzz (K-1 but 'married' - Morocco)

thanks for help Iam trying to say that's we are married but we applay for K1, and it's late to change the statut of the Visa because it's approvad (poste decision I think it's NOA2) it's possible to change it now I mean we will not have to start over again, Iam thinking to go with K1 and if we got it to marry again in US is it possible. please I need help Iam so confused what to do

Then that would be considered FRAUD and the posibility of a 10 year ban on her Visa ever happening. Your idea will not work. In addition VJ is a Public Forum and whatever you write here USCIS can see if they want. Cancel the petition NOW and follow advice.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-16 06:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
Kenza, I let my husband drive my car down a country road about a week after we got here, and he was doing fiiiine until i told him to pull into the middle lane to turn into a driveway and he just pulled through and turned in front of a bunch of oncoming traffic blink.gif freaked me out, so no more driving yet, though he can since he has an egyptian license and translation. we tried to get him an Oregon driver's permit the week after he got here because in Oregon you don't have to have a SSN if you are ineligible for one, but they are "still verifying his immigrant status" now almost 3 weeks later, and say it will probably be another 45 days until they are finished. ooookay.
amysaidFemaleEgypt2009-10-09 18:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
QUOTE (Aya&John @ Sep 17 2009, 06:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Beth, glad things with your visa are going right now. star_smile.gif

Sharifah, inshaAllah your hubby will have his interview soon and you two are going to be reunited again in no time. rose.gif

Childress, Congrats on your hubby's visa. kicking.gif kicking.gif

Sandra and Andrea, praying that you get NOA2's very soon. rose.gif rose.gif

I have a question ladies... When filling our I-129F I wrote my physical address and wrote a note of my mailing address (a mail box in PO office on which I receive all my mail) which we attached in our K1 packet. A few days after NOA1 I read that the embassy does not deliver visa packet or passports to mail boxes... So I called the embassy to make sure, after waiting on the phone for 20 minutes a lady finally answered and told me "it's not of our concern to where you receive the visa packets, we just need a physical address. You can check that with DHL and see how they can help you." So, I called DHL and they said they only deliver passports unsure.gif So I said don't you deliver packet 3 and 4 too?! And the guy said: "No, our contract with the embassy is that we only deliver passports. But you always can request to have your visa packets sent via DHL. And, unfortunately, we don't deliver to mail boxes because there might be additional fees and in that case you cannot receive the packet until you pay"...! They also said that 'I can always pick 'my stuff' up at any DHL office' So, that is very confusing....!!

I was planning on emailing the embassy once we get our NOA2 and NVC case number and remind them of the address where I like the visa packets to be sent to... Now that we got NOA2, I'm not sure what to do or what to start with... How can I fix that with DHL... I really am not sure what to do first? It's not an option now to receive any visa mail to my physical address, it would be a big problem and our visa could get stopped... Any ideas? Has any of you had this situation with DHL?

Aya, in our experience with the embassy and DHL, they did deliver packet 3 & 4, but they delivered them postage due. so i'm guessing that's why they don't send them to PO Boxes, because they would have no way of being paid. But as far as the address, maybe you could have them send it to a friend or family's address? we had an address issue (hubby used his sister's address across the street from his, because his address was confusing) and the embassy said they didn't care where they sent it, and that "we will find you wherever you are"... hahah. uhm? Ok. Anyway I would send an email to the consulate giving them a physical address (non-PO Box) and see if you can update your address via letter or something.
amysaidFemaleEgypt2009-09-17 09:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
QUOTE (Sandrila @ Sep 15 2009, 06:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations Betsy and Aya!!!!

Aya, good to see you, wishing you the best of luck!

Amysaid...arent' you heading back to the states with your hubby??

Yes, Sandrila! Two more days, thank god. I am ready for some PacNW weather. smile.gif
amysaidFemaleEgypt2009-09-15 09:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
QUOTE (Aya&John @ Sep 15 2009, 06:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you ladies!! We are excited! biggrin.gif

Congratulations Betsy!! So happy for you kicking.gif kicking.gif

Now, what should we do and what we should get prepared until NOA2 arrives in mail? What should John send me and what can prepare here in Cairo? We already have a list of things, but we like to get your advice on what to prepare. star_smile.gif

i would definitely have him start preparing the documents for sponsorship. the bank letters, job letters, tax forms, etc. That stuff held us up for a month after we received NOA2, I don't know if it would've made a difference in the long run, but the wasted time was frustrating. smile.gif
amysaidFemaleEgypt2009-09-15 08:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
Congrats Betsy and Aya! So happy for you both! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
amysaidFemaleEgypt2009-09-15 08:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA December 2010 Chat


Funny to see all the men from Egypt wanting German Shepards

that is funny! my husband wants a german shephard, too. i wonder what it is about them that is so appealing to Egyptian men? I told him i don't see the point in having a dog when it has to spend all its life outside, though, since he wouldn't allow it to come indoors. :)
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-12-31 22:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA December 2010 Chat
with all these people going to egy soon, anyone wanna bring me back some halawa? the cosmetic kind, not the kind you eat ;)
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-12-27 00:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA December 2010 Chat
Hard to believe it's December, the fall and summer flew by for me. We just filed our AOS papers today, and our second anniversary is in a couple weeks. we're praying that the process goes smoothly with no RFEs for our financial stuff. It's been rough in our neck of the woods lately, being Muslims and living in a state where a supposed Muslim was plotting an attack on a public event... and then the mosque I go to was firebombed (a retaliation for the previous mentioned plotting, I guess) and now it's to the point where I can't go shopping without worrying about whether I need to be keeping an eye on everyone around me, after being harassed with my kids while shopping today.
amysaidFemaleEgypt2010-12-02 05:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaAOS time frames?
Bah, can't find the old AOS post, so this will do. We filed for AOS a month ago and haven't heard anything about biometrics yet. I am hoping it's just delayed due to the holidays, but a tiny part of me is trying to freak out, since my husband's K3 visa expires in six months. I know you can file an extension on it if you are in the middle of AOS, and you can renew the EAD and everything, but ugh... I just want to be done with it already!
amysaidFemaleEgypt2011-01-05 05:27:00

AOS fees went up to over 1400. Better check the site for price!

1400? on the USCIS website it says:
Filing Fee :
$985. (Add $85 biometric fee for a total of $1070, where applicable. See the form instructions for payment details.)
Special Instructions :

Notes on fees: You may combine the $985 filing fee and $85 biometric fee into one payment of $1070. Checks must be made payable to Department of Homeland Security or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Am I missing something? That's for the I-485. (Hoping I'm not, cause that's all we sent!)
amysaidFemaleEgypt2011-01-11 22:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaLocation of Egyptian Peeps
We're in Oregon :)
amysaidFemaleEgypt2011-01-26 17:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat makes your marriage successful?
The same thing that makes any marriage work... only to a greater degree. Patience, taking a deep breath and/or thinking before you speak, caring for one another. Trying to have an understanding of the stress and issues they are having, moving to a new environment and being away from their families/friends. Encouragement. Helping them find things they enjoy doing here in the US.
amysaidFemaleEgypt2011-01-30 01:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaWanted: Egypt Buddy/Mentor
I went through the K3 visa process with my husband in 2009, would be willing to chat/help with whatever I can. Obviously your experience won't be the same as mine, since K3 visas are obsolete now, but I am here to lend support!
amysaidFemaleEgypt2011-02-02 03:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow did you learn Arabic?
I learned a lot from afternoons cooking with my SIL. Now I end up learning from listening to my husband talk in Arabic to our daughter. He speaks to her in Arabic only, so I have picked things up. I'm sure as she gets older and they begin to have their own language it will be much more important ffor me to learn it. I have learned enough Arabic for prayers, greetings, etc. But not nearly enough.
amysaidFemaleEgypt2011-02-11 04:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow did you learn Arabic?
Amr Diab songs. So far all I know is "habibi" :)

Mostly kidding...
amysaidFemaleEgypt2011-02-10 02:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeaving for Cairo in 3 days
If I could go to Egypt tomorrow, I would. You will be fine, enjoy the time with your loved one!
amysaidFemaleEgypt2011-02-15 03:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly thread for Febuary
Olivia... I was wondering what had happened to you! I looked for you on FB and VJ and couldn't find you. I'm glad you're both doing well, despite whatever it was you had to go through. Please keep in touch!
amysaidFemaleEgypt2011-03-01 04:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly thread for Febuary
Trying not to get bogged down by AOS stuff. We applied in early December, got biometrics done and have been sitting pretty since then. Our local office is backlogged six months, which is making me nervous. Ahmed's I94 and EAD expire in September, so if we haven't heard anything by June then we have to file for an extension of the I94 and a renewal for the EAD. I am just praying that we are finished before then! A friend of my husband's adjusted from a K1 a little while ago at the same office and they were finished in three months from start yo finish. All of the K1 filers in my December AOS group seem to be flying right along, too, so it seems like the k3 is taking longer for some reason. :( it doesn't help that I haven't been able to find a job, which makes me more focused on this ####### :)
amysaidFemaleEgypt2011-02-23 02:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly thread for Febuary
A UK immigration official put his Pakistani wife on the no-fly list when she went home for a visit because he didn't want to be with her anymore... #######? http://www.reuters.c...856829920110202

Immigration Officer Put Wife On Terrorist List To Get Rid Of Her

By Jetpacker at The Jetpacker

Wed Feb 2, 2011 10:30am EST

If you thought breaking up with someone via text message was harsh, wait until you hear about this.

There’s a story coming out of the United Kingdom about an immigration officer who put his wife on the terrorist list to get rid of her.

The guy was so sick and tired of his wife that when she flew back to Pakistan to visit her family, he covertly added her name to the Border Control’s list of suspected terrorists.

When she tried to return home to the UK, she was shocked to find that she wasn’t allowed to board the plane, and security refused to tell her why.

So the wife remained stuck in Pakistan… for THREE YEARS.

That’s right, it wasn’t until three years later that the truth finally came out during an interview for a promotion in which the husband was questioned about his wife being a terrorist.

That’s when he confessed to putting her on the No-Fly list to get rid of her. He was subsequently fired for gross misconduct and the wife was allowed to return to the UK to give him a good beating.

amysaidFemaleEgypt2011-02-04 19:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow come lots of MENA members don't have Pics posted
Interesting... I had no idea. Guess I missed that drama. Someone PM me about it? Maybe I need to take down the pics I have up here.
amysaidFemaleEgypt2011-03-02 00:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread for March 2011
Ugh, sorry for the double post, phone is weird and I can't edit from here!

Anyway, I told him this will lessen his prep time, no combing and re-combing, moisturizing, etc. The man used to take twice as long as it took me to get myself and two kids ready!
amysaidFemaleEgypt2011-03-03 07:02:00