Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Any new news for you yet?

Nothing yet

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-11-01 21:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Hi everyone......just wanted to give a little update on where we are 10 days post denial. First of all, I would not have know what to do without all of your posts, special thanks to are awesome. I have emailed the counsolate everyday and FINALLY got an email Thursday with the SPECIFIC

Glad to help :) I'm really suprised u were able to get an actual reason for the denial too...we just got the generic "you have to wait, we dont have the case, etc". And as for your case "sitting in Casa" from what I know that's not very common for the K1s, so hopefully the Consular Chief will be able to help when u call. And since they were able to give u a reason, then they would have to have the case to look at to be able to give maybe u'll get lucky & catch it in time INSHALLAH!! Just keep on top of them.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-30 21:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Hey I'ld like to know if I can get those Links getting ready for my coming turn wish the best for everybody.thanks in Advance.

This is what I posted when Nicole first got denied:

Ok Nicole...first off BREATH...many of us have been through this...we got our 221(g) in June. 1st thing u need to do is call & email the consulate...find out what they tell u, see if the case has been returned yet. Also u need to contact your senator or congressman. We r working with our Senator. Also, has your fiance sent u a copy of the form they gave him yet? I'm assuming it is a refussal worksheet marked 221(g). If the consulate replies back that your case as been returned to USCIS & give u the diplomatic pouch #, then u can call the pouch tracking # (i believe i posted it on here: Sent Back to USCIS thread (If u can't find it, feel free to msg me) If there is a pouch #, then the case should have left the consulate (according to how they r pouch # is assigned till the case is leaving). If not, call and try to speak with the conular chief, get as many details as u can, go through the questions asked at the interview (everything is asked for a reason). Also, if its still at the consulate you can try sending in a rebuttle letter (after u figure out the reason from the interview questions) & get letters of support from family & friends. Don't let the same with the Senator's office, each office has an individual that handles visa cases...find them & send them all your info. The more u push, the more serious u seem, and hopefully the quicker the case will be reviewed. Are u through CSC or VSC? (i don't remember...sorry) CSC seems to be reviewing the returned K1s now...u can also make sure that they renew the expiration on your case to give it time to be reviewed, etc.

Ok...i'm sure there is more...but i think that will get u started. Let me know if you have any questions. And check out these sites:



Best of luck & stay strong...we r all here to help. And as for someones suggestion to hire a lawyer...i have mixed reviews on that...I did it all myself with the help of my Senator's office. I think most of the info u need should be here, unless u have special circumstances in your case. You can also msg Marc Ellis on here & he will give u pointers regarding your case. You can find him here: http://www.visajourn...service-center/

Monica :)

It has helped ...... thanks for posting the link. :)

So sorry to hear about the denial...we are all here for u.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-30 20:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
we all have to stick together...thanks for the bump Sarah...miss keepin up with everybody

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-30 00:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
here's her post: http://www.visajourn...ed-please-help/
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-20 19:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Was it talked about in another forum?
Can you link it so those who have experienced Casa might be of some help.

Already done :) I gave her the links & all the info i could think of.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-20 19:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

No problem.. I hope you're feeling better and that you get reaffirmed..
As for me, I'm starting with a new company on Monday, and it promises double the work.. But that also means half the sleep, and two 19 hour days every week. If I make it, we'll be in good shape. Unfortunately I can't drink the RedBull anymore, it gives me heart palpitations and makes my panic attacks worse (which are a new thing for me lately, so I'm just learning how to deal with them). So I don't know how I'm going to do it.. Just pray for me. :P


Yeah...u need to take care of yourself!! And I hear ya about the panic attacks...been having those too since I was reminded about the fraud marker & him being banned for life if we don't get reaffirmed...trying to stay positive. And sending prayers your way Sarah...hold in there...hopefully things will get better soon!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-10 19:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Good Luck Monica! :)
Do you know any statistics on cases that get reaffirmed?
How much time do they take to make a decision once you send all of the info back to them?

I have NO CLUE :wacko: :unsure: I haven't heard of many ppl getting NOIDs for the not much to compare to. I'm assuming the review will be done within 30 days. And my Senator's office said to let them know as soon as I mail it in so they can contact that should help.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-08 16:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Glad to hear everything is going smoothly as your end...and prayers r with u guys for the job interview!!

As for us, we r doing good...almost have everything together to send the NOID in...just waiting on some final relationship support letters from friends & then I'll be sending it in. Kinda excited & scared at the same time. I keep reading over the NOID, hoping I covered every point well enough to be reaffirmed.... :wacko: :bonk:

Looks like there is an interview next week...hope everything goes good for you guys & feel free to ask anything here...I think we have a pretty well rounded group here :)

And for everyone else....hope all is going good & thank u soooo much Sarah for all the help!!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-10-07 15:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
NOID received today :) All the reasons were exactly what we thought they would be & all based on misunderstandings & not being asked specific questions & expecting specific answers. Luckily the rebuttle letter I wrote mths ago talked about everything they had concerns about :thumbs: Makes it a little easier....glad there was no suprise reason.

How is everyone else doing??

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-09-27 18:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Another update from CSC to my Senator's office...woohoo!!


This is to inform you that a Notice of Intent to Deny has been sent to was mailed to your constituent on September 20, 2010. Your constituent has 30 days from September 20, 2010 to respond to the NOID.

Now i'm kinda freaking out...where to start, what should I prepare, etc. Or should I just wait for the NOID to find out the exact reason & just cover that reason or cover any possible red flags. I just feel so blessed to have even been reviewed. Wow

Well I hope everything is going good for everyone...been pretty quiet on here lately...where are all the other Morocco ppl??

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-09-22 00:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

wow. That's great news! I hope it goes well. I'm glad you got them to review it. VSC just closed mine. How did you get them to re-open it?

Not sure exactly, but it might have been because of the backwards way it got to CSC. It didn't go through USCIS or NVC went straight from Rome to CSC, and the contact with my Senator has been directly with CSC...I have a feeling that the mess up is what made it happen. Cuz I haven't heard of it happening this quick for anybody else. So I guess i should thank Morocco for sending my case to Looks like I should be getting something in the mail & know something in 30 I better get some evidence together...I wasn't expecting it to get reviewed...was fighting for it, but figured it would just sit like the others & expire. When this is all over (either way) I need to send a HUGE thanks to my Senator's office...I feel truely blessed to have them. I think if all Senator's offices were like ours there would probably not be so many issues, because they know they couldn't slide on things. How is everything going with u? Still going back soon??

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-09-13 16:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

We're doing really great.. plan to get married next week whenever I have a free weekday.. I've plunged right back in to working my butt off "welcome to America!" and Chrif is really adjusting much better.. He's been getting along with my father really well, which had been a concern for both of us, so I'm so happy about that! I'm feeling really good about everything right now.. :) Hope everyone had a happy Eid!


Sounds like things r falling in to place great everythings going good with your Dad. So what r the plans for the wedding??

Anything new with anyone else?? Where is everyone???

As for an update text from USCIS & went to check & saw this:

Post Decision Activity
We reopened this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E) on September 13, 2010, and are now reviewing our earlier decision. We also mailed you a notice describing the next steps in the process. Please follow any instructions on this notice. Our review should be completed within 30 days. We will notify you by mail when we make a decision or if we need something from you. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.

Hope everybody has a great week!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-09-13 15:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Where is everybody?? Been crazy quiet in MENA land :) Well as of thursday our case is at CSC and in review. :dance: Here's the exact info from CSC:


I just received the above file and forwarded it to our adjudications unit for review. I will send you an update when the review is complete. Thank you...."

Hope everybody is doing good & having a good weekend!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-09-11 20:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
hi everybody....anything new going on?? Any interviews coming up?? Any new files or marriages?? :) Hope all os going well with everyone.

Monica :)

Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-09-08 11:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Hello to is everything going for everyone? I hope well..I see not much has been going on lately..I miss hearing from everyone..I know too busy with your hubbies :whistle: just wanted to say hello and hope to hear how everyone is doing..we are doing really well..have been busy baking and cooking like you wouldn't believe..hubby has been keeping himself busy during the Ramadan hours..he slept so much his first week he is doing better..I still find myself going to watch him sleep just really a blessing to have him home.. :star: any upcoming interviews..good luck.. glad to hear everything is going good :) We are still waiting for the case to get back to CSC for review, so nothing too exciting.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-29 20:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread


I am just amazed they found it at this point. My goodness, you are a strong person, I think I would have been in a straight jacket by now! Hopefully they review it in a timely fashion. Thankfully you have been on top of it...keep pushing! We are all pulling for you. :star:


Thanks Jackie. I figure if I'm not on top of it noone else would be. And I needed something to keep my mind busy :whistle:

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-24 12:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
LOL....what would be the fun of having everything go smoothly :rofl:

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-24 12:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Looks like our case got to CSC, but was then sent to be stored...not sure why. So they requested it back, said it would take 2 weeks, and they will review it...not sure if that just means they will glance at it, or actually review the case, so we will see. Senator said beginning of Sept we should hear something. We will see....atleast its

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-24 11:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

You forgot the food poisoning and the 4 bottles of Pepto we've been through.. :P Oh yes, and dealing with Comcast cable and Nextel.. :P :P So I haven't had internet or cable, it's still not turned on.. they said sometime this week. In the meantime, he's asking me why "Let's Make a Deal" isn't on on Saturday.. He's settling in.. :)

Wow...if its not one thing... Glad to hear he's settling in good :) Hope things get better from here. <<HUGS>>

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-22 22:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Wow Monica. That's a lot. It was nice of you to do that!

Any word from Sarah? Hope the move went well and the transition is getting smoother!

LOL...yeah...kept us busy :) And I haven't heard from her...i hope everything is going good for them too. Sure its crazy stressful...getting back to work, moving, culture shock, etc.

Hows everyone else doing?

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-22 01:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Well I've been getting a few requests for the questions that we put together from all the previous interivews (i know there are more). So i thought I'd share with everyone...can't hurt!!

Initial meeting and courtship :

  • When and Where did you meet ?
  • When did your relationship become romantic ?
  • When did you first meet person to person ?
  • Why did you fall in love with her ?
  • When did you propose marriage ?
  • Did you give your fiancee an engagement ring ? Describe it.
  • Why do you marry an American and not a Moroccan ?
  • What the two of you have in common ?
  • What are your plans for your wedding ?

Information about my fiancee’s life :

  • When and Where was your fiancee born ?
  • Where does she live ?
  • What is your fiancee’s cell phone ?
  • What does she do for a living ?
  • How long has your fiancee had this job ?
  • How much does she make ? Who is her supervisor ? What is ur fiancee’s office number ?
  • What does/did she study in school ?
  • Describe your fiancee’s education ?
  • What jobs has she had in the past ?
  • She worked as : From To
  • Month Year Month Year
  • Is your fiancee planning to change careers ?
  • Who is your fiancee’s movie star ? Favorite movie ?
  • What is her favourite book or auther ?
  • Does your fiancee play or watch sports ? Which ones ?
  • What kind of car does your fiancee drive ?
  • What has your fiancee told you about her childhood ?
  • What is one of your fiancee’s long-term goals ?
  • What is one thing your fiancee would like to change about herself ?
  • What is your fiancee frightened of ? ( Any phobias ? )
  • Does your fiancee have any allergies ?
  • Does your fiancee take any medication ?
  • Has your fiancee had surgery ?
  • What is your religion ? What is your fiancee’s religion ?
  • Does your fiancee regularly attend religious services? Tell me more about her beliefs.
  • What religious holidays do you plan to celebrate together, if any ?
  • What type of agreements do you and your fiancee have about religion ?
  • If you have children, what religion do you plan to raise them in or teach them ?
  • How do you think you and your fiancee will discipline and train your children ? Are you in agreement about methods of discipline ?
  • What do you and your fiancee argue about ?
  • When was your most- recent argument ? What was it about ?
  • How do you and your fiancee usually resolve your disagreements ?
  • What would you like to change about your fiancee ?
  • What does your fiancee want to change about you ?
  • How do you and your fiancee communicate ?
  • How often and what time do you call each other by phone ?
  • What do you talk about on the phone ?
  • How often and what time do you chat online ?
  • How often do you and your fiancee exchange email or letters ?
  • When was the last time u talked with ur fiancee ? What was the conversation about ?
  • How would you describe your sex life ?
  • Did u and your fiancee live together or have sexual relationship before ur marriage ?
  • What time does your fiancee typically go to bed at night ?
  • When does your fiancee usually get up in the morning ?
  • Describe ur fiancee’s clothes ( in general ). What type of underwear does she wear ?
  • What does she wear at night ?
  • What type of clothes does your fiancee wear to work ?
  • What does your fiancee wear on the weekend or on days off from work ?
  • Does ur fiancee wear jewellery, perfume, make up, etc.? If so, describe some
  • When was your fiancee’s last menstrual cycle ? What type of feminine hygiene products does she use ?
  • Do you and your fiancee use birth control ?
  • What color is your fiancee’s eyes ?
  • How tall is your fiancee ?
  • What is your spouse’s blood type ?
  • Has your fiancee used other names in the past ?
  • Does your fiancee have any scars or tattoos ?
  • When is your fiancee’s birthday ?
  • Did you get your fiancee a gift for her last birthday ?
  • Did your fiancee give you a gift for your birthday ? What was it ?
  • Does your fiancee have any pets ? If so, what breed, color, names etc.?
  • What do you love most about your fiancee ?
  • What does your fiancee love about you ?
  • What is your fiancee’s favourite food ?
  • What is a food your fiancee doesn’t like ?
  • What is your fiancee’s favourite color ?
  • What are your fiancee’s favourite hobbies or interests ?

Information about my fiancee’s family :

  • Who are your fiancee’s parent ?
  • Where do your fiancee’s parents live ?
  • Describe your fiancee’s house ?
  • Have you met or spoken with them ?
  • How does your fiancee get along with her parents ?
  • Does your fiancee have any brothers and sisters ?
  • Do your fiancee’s family have nieces and nephews ?
  • How does your fiancee’s family feel about you ?
  • How does your family feel about your fiancee ?
  • Why did you use Internet to find a spouse ?

Information about my fiancee’s children :

  • Why did your fiancee’s relationship with her childrens father not work out ?
  • What is the name of your fiancee’s ex-boyfriend/husband ?
  • Who has custody of the children ?
  • Does your fiancee receive child support or alimony ? If yes, how much
  • How old are her children ?
  • When are their birthdays ? Did you get them any gifts ?
  • Where does her children go to school ?
  • What do your fiancee’s children call you ?
  • Whom her children lives with ?
  • Will they live with you and your fiancee ?
  • Will you be a good parent to your fiancee’s children ?
  • Do you plan to have children ?

Miscellaneous questions :

  • Who is the petitioner (know how to spell their full name) ?
  • Do you have family in the U.S. ?
  • When will you leave for the U.S. ?
  • Where will you and your fiancee live after your arrive in the U.S.?
  • What are you plans for works ?
  • How soon do you hope to start working ?
  • If you don’t find a job soon after getting employment authorization, what will you do ?
  • Will you get a U.S. driver’s license ?
  • Will you drive your fiancee’s vehicle or use another vehicle ?
  • Do you plan to apply for U.S. citizenship ?
  • What are your specific plans, if any, for continuing your education ?
  • Tell me more about the town or city where you and your fiancee plan to live ?
  • What do you think you will like most about this city ?
  • What do you think you will like least about this city ?
  • Do u and ur fiancee have a bank account together ? Where ? What kind of account ?
  • Are both of u listed on the account ? (Do u have a bank letter, cancelled checks, etc.?
  • Does your fiancee have credit cards ? If so, approximately how much ?
  • Is your fiancee renting a home or buying one ? What are the monthly payments ?
  • How are you preparing for ur life in the U.S. and with your fiancee and her family ?
  • If your fiancee ever asked you for a divorce, what do you think you would do ?

Ok...whew...and this is not even a full list...and as u will notice it includes question for husbands & fiances, and I know some will change depending on each case. And yes, every question on this list has been asked at a previous interview. Feel free to add if anyone has an to suggest :thumbs: And yes...i know...i have WAAAAY too much down

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-16 02:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-15 16:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Happy Bday Monica. Glad is was a good day for you! :)

thanks...yeah...was nice :) Now i have an empty house for 4 days...don't know what to do with myself...keep music playing so it doesn't feel so empty...funny how when u have kids u hope for those moments of silence & alone time, and then when u get them, u don't know what to do with
Probably cuz it gives me too much time to think...that can be dangerous these days :unsure:

Monica :)

Have watched some very eye opening movies lately:

Guess I have too much time on my hands....But I have been learning a lot :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-15 16:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Hey Monica totally missed your question the other day...sorry. We married during my first visit..I had stayed in Morocco for a month...the reason for our case to be sent back could of been many reasons I thought like..his English was not good at divorce from my ex-husband had finalized five months before we married..we married soon after meeting..there were quit a bit of red flags..when it came time to resend proof of our relationship I sent in a huge box of everything I had collected over the three years of our records.plane tickets.passport stamps.mail with both of our names on it.letters from friends and family talking about our relationship and how they knew about the marriage..I even sent some emails where my sister and I had conversations about things going on in our relationship..arguments even I sent lol...just to prove how real our marriage is..I had to send all I could because they thought I had married him to help him get to the USA..let me tell you when I read that letter from USCIS I about died because I never really knew the reason for our case to be sent back until that morning two years later..anyways second time around during his interview they did it all in Arabic..I was just so happy that they gave him the chance to prove how much he loved me by pouring his heart out to them...that is exactly what he did and now my husband gets to come home to me after so know I am very happy that he has his visa after waiting all that time..but you know things are so different today our relationship took a huge beating..we held on to each other through out this nightmare..there is a lot of time we can not take back ..I am not the same person I was when he married me..I had to struggle alone for so was not easy I am sure for him as well..but they didn't break us by keeping us apart..our love is still strong and now we can begin our lives together..

Thank you so much for sharing!!! And I know what you mean about being different...they cut u off at the knees to see how you will survive, and unfortunately not everyone does. But those who do prove how strong their relationships really are :) I'm so glad everything worked out for you both & I hope the coming refilers (and first timers) get through smoothly!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-15 10:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Hope everybody is having a good weekend...i had a good birthday...just hung out at home with family. Hope there is more good news with the interview this week.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-14 23:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

No it was CR-1 that was returned..and thank you so much everyone..

Do u have any pointers for others that may be filing the CR1 first time around? Did you guys get married the first visit or anything like that? Always helps to learn from others cases...if u don't mind sharing.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-13 13:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

He got the visa!!!!!!! My baby is coming home!!!! After three long years my baby is coming home...I am so excited... :dance: I wanted to come post as soon as I found out which was on Friday August 6th but my laptop was getting fixed and I just got it back today.. :star: I know that many are going through so much with all these denials but hang in there good things come to those who patient and it will happen as it has for us..I never thought this day would come for us after he was denied back in 08..but God is good...

CONGRATS!!! So happy for you guys!!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-12 23:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

First day of Ramadan and we're having trouble. I can see how hard it is for him to adjust to all the daytime activity here, the jet lag, and eating at night with the baby jet lagging too. We really have no choice but to do alot during the day, because we're signing a lease and moving this weekend. Any suggestions on how I could ease things? :( I feel so bad for him, he's so exhausted!


Aww...I'm sorry things are rough with ideas i can think of....all i have are <<HUGS>> Hope things get u guys!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-12 23:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

I don't know yet. Soon. Still financially recovering from my last trip last month. LOL.

Yeah...i hear ya :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-12 16:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Sounds like you have everything covered msheesha...and have given me some ideas for the future :thumbs: So glad he's enjoying it here Sarah...everything will work out!! When are u applying for the CR1 Tracy? Anything new with anybody else?? And Sarah...don't worry...we giving up here!!

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-12 12:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Wow, it seems like Casa is really in a denying mood!

LOL...guess they met their approved quota in July :bonk:

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-11 16:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Hi Monica,
Do you know who had an interview on the 10th? Was it a K1 or CR1?
Monica - Anymore help from your senator? The whole runaround from the consulate
must be frustrating!

Najib & Mir were on Aug 10 with a's the results put on their profile "unfortantly we were not approved. The guy kept telling my husband there was no reason my mother should not have attended and then told us we did not have enough proof from the beginning of our relationship. Trying to find more proof and hopefully try again tomorrow."

abdel_khadija were Aug 11 with a results posted yet.

Becca & Jalal are Aug 17 with a K1.

As for me, Senator still hasn't heard a reply, they are continuing to email them though (since that's all they can do is email). And yes...its VERY frustrating...will work on trying to talk to the Counsular Chief...just reloaded my VIP account :) How are you guys doing msheesha?

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-11 15:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
So whats going on with the interviews this week? Heard the one on Aug 10th was denied :( Hoping they get a quick turn around!! Hows is everybody else doing? Anything new? How was the first day back in the US Sarah??

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-11 14:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Yes...Sarah it supposed to be back in the US this evening :)

And be warned there may be some :ranting: now...just a little frustrated. Just called the embassy to get the invoice # for our diplomatic pouch, since the 2 #s they gave us don't seem to be in the system. The lady talks to me like I'm stupid & says "u must give it time"...yeah we were told to wait a few weeks before calling, which I have....Anyway, I informed her that NO i was not calling NVC & USCIS to get this information. I was calling the actual company that TRACKS the dipolomatic pouches from the embassy to the US....which seemed to suprise her that I could actually have that information...(yes, i know how to Anyway, she got all fumbled & uh, um....well, it miht not have left the embassy yet :idea: u think so...LOL too bad i wasn't recording the conversation!! So...more than likely the case STILL has not left, but we must "give them some time & wait a few more weeks" :protest: If its still there....tell us its still there!!! Stop lying about it...we will find out the truth. SERIOUSLY!!! So, needless to say, we won't stop emailing & faxing them till we find out the case has left Morocco. Think I might follow someones idea and start calling every morning till they let me talk to the Consular Chief. Atleast we r back to 7 hrs difference, but for Ramadan the hours are 1-2pm to call...ugg...could they make it ANY harder for us to call them??? Ok...ranting is everyones week so far? lol

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-10 10:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Please don't freak me out!

No freaking :) Our cases are different....we've been through the K1s already....i think it makes a difference. Seems like most of the refiles after denied K1s ot through smoother the 2nd time around, cuz what they want is for us to prove we are serious...which u did the day your guys got married :thumbs: You guys are an adorable couple...I'm sure you'll be fine!! Just keep breathing ;)

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-09 13:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Yeah...i guess i should have researched more before the time i had heard so many good things about K1, and how expensive CR1 was....u win some, u lose some....atleast newbies with learn from our mistakes :thumbs:

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-08 20:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-08-05 14:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
And how do I CC the consular chief? I don't have the email address. Thank so much msheesha...helps having others ive brain is so scatered these days.

Monica :)
Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-07-31 23:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

If I were you, I'd continue to email the consulate yourself. I would ask if it has in fact left and also ask what specifically they will need to approve another visa request in the future. I would be persistent. They may blow you off and continue to tell you they can't help you, but I do think they respond to persistence. Gracious, humble persistence, but persistence all the same. At least, that's what worked in our case. I would also remind them that you were told on such and such a date that you were told it left Casa but now your senator is being told that it's still there, etc. You can also point out that you were denied the chance to provide further proof of relationship, etc because of the false information you were given by the consulate - either or both the officer/s and the people who answered your email or phone inquiry. I'd cc the consulate chief.
Just some ideas. It seems pretty dishonest that they gave misinformation like that.

I'll give it a try...can't hurt :) What can they do....return our case :rofl: :wacko:

Always+ForeverFemaleMorocco2010-07-31 23:14:00