IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdenied cause of skin problem?

hello every one..just wanted to know if any one can be denied cause of having skin problem?
like skin allergy or skin fungus..something like that..

thanks advance for all reply..:)

You won't be denied for a skin allergy, hives, pimples, etc. I would suggest a diagnosis from a local doctor before your interview/medical appointment. Best Wishes
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-08-24 02:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresForeign divorce and validity

$ 1,500.00 to get a Divorce and states could take months and thats only if both parties agree to disolve the previous marridge. Can you spell SCAM. Get Consultation from a Attourney and properly Divorce and then proceed with your Marridge. You won't stand a chance without a true Divorce Decree. I highly doubt can attach a Seal and date to the document. I would also think as a Legal Contract there is No Guarantees. See a Attourney and don't play games. The wedding in October will have to wait because the date is unrealalistic. Sorry, just my thoughts but good luck tp you.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-08-25 12:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPossible Interview Question

thanks for replying... Well my husband wants to make everything ok before bringing me and our son to the US. most likely financially.

You just answered your own question. No member could answer it. Only You and your Husband would know.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-08-26 14:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPost visa interview questions here

where did you get married?
how you met your wife?
where did you meet your wife?

Answer every question Truthfully. It's that simple. Where you got married? Don't matter..... How you met?..... Don't matter.......Where did you meet?...... Don't Matter.....
Proof of a solid relationship is what they look for. ( And Financial requirements of the Petitioner)

What do your spouse like to do on their time off?
What is the name of the company your spouse works for?
How much do they bring in a month?
How do you communicate?
Who was present at the wedding?
What is your spouses address?

Many more questions. Every interviewing officer will ask different questions. They will go through the file and ask according to what they see and feel so try to know as much as possible.

Good Luck.

Yes, very important. Know your Spouse.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-07-22 01:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about showing assets
Not to be Negitive. More information is needed.
Everything in the post relates to Grandma's Assets and Income and you stated her SSI is below level. You indicated she has a Ton of Money. What is a Ton of Money?
You made no mention of the USC's (husbands income) which as Magical stated will have to be supplied.
I don't want to sound negitive.
Don't confuse what is an Asset as to what is not. We don't know what you mean by that.
If the Husband is working (even though below poverty line) that is good for your case approval With a qualified Sponsor. I, myself am dealing with this rough economy.
Adding information for other members could be to your favor with your questions.

Edited by Tim/Mav, 27 August 2011 - 11:42 AM.

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-08-27 11:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurestaxes-income

...they will what?

"Yes they will" "They will what" :help:

If you had 0 income for 2010 from wages for attending school that is understandable. If your currently working and can show Currant Income and proof that is in your favor.
Rental Income is only countable if you can show you pay taxes on it. (That generally requires a tax return and now way around it) So you would have Tax Returns.
Your savings Account is countable as an Asset but limited to 33.34% of its value in cash if I'm correct.
A 2008 Tax Return will have little bearing as a means of current support but maybe a good idea to include.
I know this ain't much to add but sounded better than "Yes they will" & "They will what"?
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-09-11 01:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy income is from unemployment benefits and stock trading

I dont have any W2s this year and my income was from stock trading and unemployment benefits. Should I attach for 1099's with it or are those not required?

Your Unemployment Benefits are Taxable therefore you did recieve a statement, whether you Filed for 2010 was your choice. If you paid in you could show a refund depending upon you personal circumstances and a Return is mandatory if you recieved over a approx. of $5000.00. Annual for 2010.
Stock trading is a different story and also requires a separate balance sheet showing losses or gains and requires a return of the investor to write off or show a profit or loss and pay taxes either long or short term as income. If you failed to File a 2010 return (2011 is not due yet) Then there is a problem.
Please understand I'm unemployed myself but I don't think it will help my petition. Stock trading is risky and not really for the unemployed. Your Petition would be helpful to to include : Filing a 2010 return, show Assets both personal and in your investment Portfolio if this applies. AND CURRANT INCOME.
Hopefully, your past the requirements for 2011. If your Unemployed and have no tax returns then your screwed unless I'm talking to Donald Trump.
Unemployment Benefits will not cut the cakebut a plentiful Portfolia will but not so many people have that.
Your post was kinda short so I did the best I could.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-09-14 12:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview HELP!!!

Okay, so I may be incorrect with that part - But I still stand by my request to correct it - if you searched timelines, she would come up in Armenia, not Jamaica -

Thats Odd. Our Service Center is California. My timeline says Armenia? (Where the hell is Armenia ?)
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-09-18 02:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview HELP!!!


My case has recently been completed 9/12/11. Is there anyway to expedite an interview date? Our 1st anniversary is 10/10, we are hoping we can spend it together. Am I hoping for a miracle? :blush:


Congrats on the approval. If you waited this long you can wait some more but it will all be worth it later.
Expedite would require a Hardship/Extreme Condition. Even if you had one I don't see you being together for your First Anniversary at this late stage in the Process. (Even an Expedite requires time) An Anniversary will not qualify. Hang in there.
HAPPY FIRST.... Tim/Mav :dance:
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-09-17 06:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresG325-A

Ok I will be very honset in this post. in 2009 i may have broken in somewhere. I was never caught and there was never a warrant out for my arrrest. i was able to countinue my life and get a job and pass backgrouund checks with no problem. however i have never had to submitt my fingerprints. Now with the the G325-A from i will have to.

My question is Do they check only if you have been arrested with your prints or do they check it against every unknow prints in the system? it was a local crime so if the prints were saved in the sytem its on a local data base. i know its a little strange but i just need to know? by the way im the petioner. and iwas also able to ge a passport and a work visa out of the coountry with no problem. THanks!

What have you been reading? The 325-A does not ask for fingerprints.
The 129-F demands you show CONVICTIONS for crimes. Arrests without a Convictions need not be listed on the 129-F. You have the 129-F and 325-A confused. If you commited a Crime then you need to state so and provide Documentation from the Courts.
Fingerprints are not required for either the 129-F or the 325-A but, you must tell the truth as the Petitioner in this case.
Fingerprints are already in the record and will show CONVICTIONS of Crimes and/or Arrests.
If you have Convictions, then you need to worry. (If really depends on what the Crime was but a Crime is a Crime)
File your Petition TRUTHFULLY and stop Skating around a subject. Convicted or Not? Thats the question.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-03 03:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat are the restrictions on the petitioner.......

It is my understanding IMBRA only applies to fiance petitions, not to spousal visas. OP is going for a spousal visa. I freely admit I am not an expert in IMBRA though!

I admit I'm Not an Expert on Anything. But, there has to be alittle Common Sense here is my thought.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-05 09:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat are the restrictions on the petitioner.......

If the convictions are for drugs only (ie NOT Adam Walsh), and as your wife knows, there is no problem, you seem to have a lot of evidence. You may want to try and visit once more during the process and/ or being there at the interview if you can.

PS: large font and no paragraphs makes your post difficult to read!

Just me. I terribly disagree. IMBRA states 3 Convictions or more for Drug Convictions. Your wife knowing would not make a difference. As I stated above: Proof of treatment and documented.
Evidence of going to Marry Someone in another Country is not a Right to Enter the US because you have a MAGIC JACK and keep in Touch.
We are talking a CONVICTED FELON here. Even One Drug charge/conviction is bad but 3? Whats more to this story.
The Petitioner should have considered these past Convictions before Marrying.
Evidence of being Married and Proof of an Ongoing relationship with a NOA1 in your pocket.
You will fall short when they investigate your case unless you provide what the need. Even then, I wish you luck.
Penguin, I like you but how could you say 3 Convictions for Drugs will not Matter?
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-05 07:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat are the restrictions on the petitioner.......
Just my thoughts and not being a judge about anything, but gives the OP things to consider.
You have bigger issues here than proving a ongoing relationship.
You have been Convicted 3 times and a Felon. I'm not sure why you brought up the Adam Walsh Act unless one of those Convictions applies to you.
3 or more drug charges with conviction means your screwed and can ask for a Waivor showing treatment, good moral charactor and rehabilitated.
Proof of a relationship after your NOA1 a week ago is meaningless and only means they cashed your check.
You should have supplied with your Petition Court Records, Treatment in Certified/Stamped Originals. For each of the Charges and Convictions.
You are in over your head with your Petition and suggest help from an Attorney with your Waivor.
Key word: If it applies. 3 or more Convictions for Drugs.
Key word: Adam Walsh applies to Spousal Abuse/Children related Convictions.
If you did not supply this information above: Your NOA2 will NEVER HAPPEN.....A RFE or Flat Denial could be the result.
This is not Gold Advice and not to be meant as Advice.
Good luck.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-04 23:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresgetting worried =/ any advice or honest opinions would be helpful
Id be depressed to if a Notary was handling my Case. OMG! Is'nt that kinda like rubbing Honey on your skin and hunting bears with a bowie knife. :devil: I really see no advantage from this person. However, if they have gone through the process advice may help.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-12 19:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEXPEDITE US EMBASSY INTERVIEW

Fellow VJ, How do we go about expediting an earlier interview with US Embassy here in Manila.


In General: A Expedite would require a Medical Emergency/Hardship. You would have to be more clear if this pertains to your Case.
Your Timeline indicates NVC has your Petition. Have they Issued a MNLXXXXXXXX number yet to you. After NVC recieves your Petition the wait is about 3 to 5 weeks for this and transfered to the Philippines.
Once you have your MNL # you can pay fee's schedule a Medical and Interview.
Unless you have a good reason for an expedite then just wait it out. I don't think it will be much faster but I'm not sure of your reason for a Request for Expedite.
Have you an MNL# Yet? Have you taken your Medical Exams Yet ? Questions???? Then maybe others will add.
These are my basic questions for your post. (So you can get better answers) Good Luck ! Tim
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-17 20:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMORE FEES?
In the begining: I never heard of USCIS. I never knew what a Form 129-F was. I only knew I proposed to her. Then, I realized I must go to the Philippines. (Oh, that was cheap) All the ####### I went though and very exspensive. I NEVER MEANT TO BUY A BRIDE BUT THATS HOW USCIS HANDLES IT.
There is Fee after Fee after Fee. There is no such thing as coupons and buy one get one free. I myself never realized how the costs add up. You have to expose you whole life. WOW. Crazy. But USCIS is a Department of Homeland Security and they require money. What was innocent proposing to a person overseas turned into purchasing a Spouse. If you married a USC to USC they both could be felons/drug users and no questions asked. But since Overseas, PAY PAY PAY. Thats why they call them mail order brides when that was never your intention but thats what happens. There are Most lickly more hidden Fees to come. Depends on the Country I guess. But, that is what we do.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-10-18 19:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Interview Result - Passed :-))
:dance: Congrats. Took alot of work to get there.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-07-25 00:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWAITING FOR NOA 2
Congrats on the NOA1. There is NOTHING you can do until your NOA2 Approval and go from there. IN THE MEAN TIME. Keep proof a strong relationship between now and later for the interview.
Some Members might suggest an expedite but I don't think so. Though I know it's a hard Country.
I wish you best! Solid proof of your Marridge is most important now. (Communication)
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-11 07:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUnusual Income Issue_Please advise

Hello Everyone at VS

Me and my fiancée are discussing to marry soon and are considering the CR-1 process for visa. We are both very stressed because of my current income situation. I can easily support her but this visa process seems somewhat unforgiving if things are out of the ordinary.

I have been self employed in the housing/construction industry my entire life. Since the recent failure of the housing market my company has since dissolved and I am now unemployed. Currently considering starting a new business. My assets are considerable and everything I have is actually paid for. I have income from investments that will continue for many years of my life. That income is variable and as of last year it dropped to its lowest which ws slightly below the poverty line to 17k. My accountant says I can re-file last years return easily and legally adjust this but I do not know if it will throw up a red flag and cause issues for the visa process. So not sure if I should re-file.

So although I can easily support her I am not sure I can qualify by given standards. Also I was told by an attorney that if I have liquid assets/cash that can meet or exceed 5x the 125% poverty level that there will be no problem in qualifying. I can easily do this without question but I don't know if the attorney is correct. As far as other assets I own a home and I own properties in 2 states as well as several antique cars that are of extreme value. I owe no money to anyone for anything.

So my friends can any of you offer some sound advise to help us on this journey? Are we stressing for no reason or is this a really bad situation in regards to the visa? Any and all advise would be appreciated.

Thank You

No advice intended. This is what I see.... You have not started the process yet. Last years Taxable Income was $17.000.00. (Adjusting that Income is a Red Flag to take less deductions to show a higher gross profit which is taxable) You state: I have No Job. USCIS will look at currant income for 2011 and much more so since you have'nt filed yet, you will be looking at 2011 taxes and Currant Income for 2012 for her interview.
Liquid Assets are considered saleable in a year time frame I assume. Vehicles you own other than just one are a countable asset. Your properties are a asset as well. However, don't go by appraisals but to liquidfy if needed and their ACV (Actual Cash Value)
I might be wrong but I think your Attouney was wrong in stating 5 x 125% in liquid assets . I think its 3 x 125%.
You will need Registered Appraisals on your Personal Property and show Currant Income. Again, I might be wrong. Thats why were here.
File your Petition. It requires basic things, you have'nt even married yet.
I'm sure alot of replies will come back to you. Remember, they will look at currant income and use your assets as much as posible.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-10 19:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support Questions

Hello Everyone,

I have a couple questions regarding the Affidavit of Support. My husband and I were married in Dec. 2010 and i have lived here in Egypt since Nov 2010. I called to make my appointment when the 6 months were up in May...the soonest appointment was Sept. The embassy is only letting you file here in Cairo if you made your appoitment before Aug 15th..otherwise you have to file with the Chicago Lockbox..which i'm sure most of you know. Anyways, we went to our appointment recently and after being asked a few questions the lady said our I-130 was approved. She said in a few weeks my husband will get the package from DHL. Can somebody please tell us what exactly is in the package and exactly how this process works. Also, we will be using a cosponsor which is a member of my family in the US. Will the embassy send her the form to fill out and she sends it back to them or does she have to fill it and send it to me here? And my last question is do they go by what she made on her 2010 taxes or on her current income? I'm hoping somebody can help me out with these questions...Thanks in advance!!

I missed the question! Forgive me. Any Member will tell you I don't read well.

I'm looking at your last few sentences and seem important. I'd wish another member to answer this.
I don't think the Embassey is going to send you anything. ( The 864) I think what they will be looking for is a 864 from the Co-Sponsor, tax records and currant income as well as yours.
I'm not well educated on these matters so another member should be able to answer.
You will get an answer from someone that knows what there talking about. :bonk:

Edited by Tim/Mav, 10 September 2011 - 07:40 PM.

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-09-10 19:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support Questions

So do they want adjusted gross income or Gross income?

Gross Before taxes.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-09-10 19:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support Questions
Trying to calculate your Current Gross Income and what to write on the Forms can be confusing.
Some would say 52 weeks X Your weekly Gross Income to amount to a total.
Some would say 2080 Hours X your Hourly wage to a total.
It is a mistake to times you weekly Gross X 4 weeks per month X 12 months due to as the above post mentioned; There are months when you receive 5 Paydays.

Another problem is some people work part-time and cannot use these figures or may have 2 part-time jobs.


I found a Link that I will share with you.


This takes into account months that have 5 paydays and is converted annually. It also computes part-time and full -time and overtime.
But remember, your paperwork and Pay-Stubs are more important when Proof is submitted.

Hope this helps.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-09-10 18:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI need help

Hi everyone tomorrow its 4months 10days of got NOA1 and still not get any answer yet :crying: idont know what to do its more that 2yrs and 6months of married my wife did call senator last week and senator called USCIS and told him our case is good but we still waiting its so verry hard plz if there is someone can help or give me advice????!!!!
Thank you

Yes, here is what I think you need to swallow. 5 months is just an estimate.
After 5 months/31 days or 6 months you can ask for a Sevice Request to pull your File. If you have'nt recieved a RFE you should be fine.
Your Senator is going to tell you your in Normal Guildlines until 6 months with no RFE.
What does your Senator know about Immigration? Well, who knows.
As long as your waiting and their not asking for anything, thats good news. I know. That wait is a pain.....
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-14 02:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-134: Notarized or Not for Mumbai Consulate??
To my Knowledge: Nothing requires a Notary .
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-13 22:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshelp plzzz

hello there i have a question but i dont knw where i start
my wife she is the us citizen she fill my i130 from 2 months and half and we dnt have the noa2 yet
so now she hav a medical case and she wants to request an expedite to speed the procress so what should i tell her to do and wich pappers to bring?
and we need to change our lawyer from there cause we found a good lawyer and he is ready to request our expedite thanks

Read Penguins Post very well. Of Course a money hungry Attorney will tell you what you want to hear.
I have seen so many reasons for expedites and some get approved. You don't need an Attourney for an expedite but what she briefly explained. (Penguins)
Will it speed up the process? Maybe or just the same as regular filing.
Whatever the Medical condition I hope all is fine.
Think... If you request an expedite to USCIS back it up by getting your /// overseas to take care of you Finacee'.
Good Luck

Edited by Tim/Mav, 16 November 2011 - 07:14 AM.

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-16 07:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 Question...
That is alittle odd. Looking at my NOA1 it is listed. (Country of Birth)
That information was supplied in your 325-A application with your Petition so it seems Not a Worry. However, it is odd still. The NOA1 would have not been issued if there were question about the Original Petition.
Surely, his 325 listed this information.
Contacting USCIS about the NOA1 TYPO may help for peice of mind since you are not Ammending the Petition and wish clarification.
I think they have the information or would have never accepted or cashed your check.
I to would clarify.
His Birth Certificate was in the 129-F Application. His Country is listed there

Edited by Tim/Mav, 09 November 2011 - 04:53 PM.

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-09 16:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about filling G-325A form

Hello everyone,

My husband is filing I-130 for me. I have a question about filling in the G-325 A, Bio Info.
Is it correct that I shouldn't leave gaps in time when I fill out the "Applicant's employment last five years"?
Because I'm a housewife now, and I was a student for a year in the last five years. If I have to write "Student" as occupation, Do I need to write the name of my school?
Also, when you write the address of employer, do you write the full address?
Because I'm originally from Hong Kong. And addresses in HK can be quite long. Can I just just write "the name of employer, Hong Kong" instead?

Thank you very much for your help.


Leave No Gaps in what you have been in the last 5 years to fill out the Form Correctly. If in School write attending school and give the dates. If employed give the employer's name. There is little room to write on these forms so make a separate paper and Label it as: Attachment to 325. Give addresses best you can and all the dates for the last 5 years. Sounds picky I know but send that way. EVERYTHING you did for the last 5 years even if a Housewife, Then write Housewife and give the dates. You will need a extra paper but label it as Attachment to 325-A and sign and date it just as the Original 325-A. State everything for the last 5 years. The Attachment requires No Notary, Just sign and date it.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-22 12:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdont know what to do

Request for Evidence

Request For Evidence (RFE), is a formal response from USCIS, issued when insufficient or suspicious data is found in a pending petition for an immigration benefit. RFE and petition processing is a fairly volatile area in the US Immigration Law, and changes there occur almost yearly.

Based upon the response from the attorney or the petitioner USCIS subsequently makes a decision to adjudicate or deny the petition.

RFE's are typically issued for questions regarding:

lack of supporting documents
clerical error(s) on the filed petition
windows in legal stay in the country
information that may be lacking from the petition that is needed to adjudicate the case, including an Affidavit attesting to the bona fide nature of the relationship.
marriage/birth certificates and English translations
evidence of Eligibility (I-797, Notice of Pending/Approved I-130/I-129F, Evidence of Nationality, etc.)
I-693, Medical Exam/Supplemental I-693, Vaccinations

RFE does not contest lack of payment, or missing forms.

RFE Tips

All initial evidence should be submitted at the time of filing. If the initial review finds that initial evidence is missing, the USCIS will generally issue a request for evidence (RFE) for the missing documentation.

Adjudication of ancillary benefit applications (such as I-765 and I-131 applications) may be delayed if all initial evidence in support of the principal application is not submitted at the time of filing.

Applicants should submit the response to the RFE (with the original request) as quickly as possible to the office issuing the request. Do NOT send the response to the Chicago Lockbox!

Always return the entire original request for evidence (color copy) with the complete response to the request for evidence. DO NOT mail portions of the original request for evidence separately. Make a photocopy of the original request for evidence for your files. Returning the original RFE will make the response easier to identify in the incoming mail and get the response filed with the file as quickly as possible so that the processing of the case can continue.

OH BS. I do not even see a legal reasoning for this. If the Petition was accepted and a NOA1 granted that only means your check was cashed and supportive documents were accepted, howevr, they can ask questions later and a RFE before issuing a NOA2. So. I don't know everything but the above makes it sound like a prison camp
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-14 00:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdont know what to do

yes were married, just new here so many things i really dont understand, whats RFE, yes he mail checks. thanks for your time :)

Young Lady, Maam. You ask anything you want here. No Promises its correct but we answer to almost anything. HUGS
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-14 00:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdont know what to do
If my above statement is incorrect. Then it is NORMAL for you to be waiting for your NOA2 and interview. TAKES TIME
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-14 00:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdont know what to do

:unsure: my husband and i dont know what to do now.. the first time my hubby sent my petition to the USCIS it back cos lots of error in answering like writing dates. and then he files again almost 3-4 months of waiting we dont here nothing yet. cant wait to be with him :( :help: :help: :help:

Please, First of all make a Timeline to better understand.
You used the word "Married" So CR-1 I assume.
Did they Cash his Check for your Petition? Did you get a RFE which will go to him and not you.? Did He respond?
Lots of un-answered questions here. Would you agree. Please add more details and better answers will come.
Sounds like your application was not rejected but asked for clarification. If he Never Realized USCIS never CASHED his Check 4 Months later. He needs help to apply.....

Edited by Tim/Mav, 14 November 2011 - 12:14 AM.

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-14 00:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescalling uscis

hello there my mother in law in usa yesterday she called the uscis office in california but she didnt talk to any one only the machines
any1 have idea how to talk to some employees there in personne thanks?

USCIS Field Offices do not Answer phone calls. You and you only would have to make a Info-Pass Appointment. Not your Mother-in-Law.

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-12-06 03:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBringing my husband from overseas - Newbie
Thanks for your honesty. You will have to show Support before even worrying about all this other Legal Jargin.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-12-08 09:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBringing my husband from overseas - Newbie
The very first question ANY member would ask is: Do you as the Petitioner meet the the Income Requirements ?
Just to help us understand.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-12-08 09:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs expediting due to pregnancy possible?
All of the above answers are correct. You would need a good medical reason signed by your doctor. Dropping your dime and pregnant is not a reason for expedite.
Think of the good though the wait is there.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-11-18 13:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSpouse visa or Fiance
There is a Posibility of him showing treatment and the help of an Attourney. That could be a long process. May or Maynot be sufficient due to nature of the crime. My advice would be to gather all the information and go see a Attourney that may cost you $ 200.00 for one hour. Don't pick any Attouney. One that specializes on Waviors.
Your case is past advice from us. I understand children are involved and yourselves.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-12-13 17:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSpouse visa or Fiance

Ignore Tim/Mav. You are the only person to be judging your husband's character and his fitness to be part of your family - not strangers on the Internet. If you want to pursue this, the next step would be to follow Darnell's advice or talk to a lawyer.

Character: Well, lets do a few lines and see how that changes in minutes.
Fitness as a Father: I never caught my dad doing Cocaine and get deported. As a Child would think: "MOM" Whats Cocaine? Where is Daddy ?
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-12-13 17:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSpouse visa or Fiance
Lets be real. You knew he was doing the drug and got caught by Authorities.. Generally, there is a Co-Dependant . Humme" Who would that be? People act different on Drugs and Cocaine is a severly mind altering drug and lasts a short period of time. So, other drugs such as Crank, Mary-Jane etc. Are just as simple to get.
A good husband and father does not leave the house and his family to buy drugs. They knew exactly where to buy it and the costs and risks.
If you want to be with your Husband. Move to Mexico.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-12-13 16:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSpouse visa or Fiance
Well, He's Gone. That is a fact for Cocaine and Deported and banned. You can get a blood sucking Attorney and I still see No Avail.
Move to Mexico and subject the children to drug use. Think about that. I suggest. Move on. You have the Children and Cocaine is a Felony. 1 Gram or less is a Felony.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-12-13 16:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of No impediment needed for visa interview???
Were Courious ? What is her Country. They all have diffrent Laws and Requirements. (Such as: After Filing, a waiting period)
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-12-17 18:57:00