K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespictures
Remember the OP's First POST. Subject..
2009 . 2009 when? No Petition has been Filed yet.
I grew-up in a large family and we Only had One bathroom. So I remember as a child. Shee...t Or get off the Pot! Theres one in line behind you. :rofl:

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-05-30 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespictures

Thank you pushbrk i read into the instructions same as u, as they are not asking for pictures no where in the instructions except for the passport photo of both in the g-325a

so my plan was submit all the required docs per the instructions of the i-129f form and visit and get many pics before interview time and actually be there at the interview with her

LOL Sea-Town. Best Decision you just made. Took alot of Argueing between Members but, This is BEST
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-05-30 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespictures

You are applying what you think of as common sense to what I know from experience is an unreal forecast of future events. Photos together are not even on the checklist of items looked for at "intake" for I-129F petitions. "Intake" at the lockbox facility is what determines whether there will be any NOA1. Note, that petition approval is not a visa and that I suggested they have another visit or two so they have plenty of photos together at interview time. THAT is when photos together are critical. There's nothing wrong with your common sense. It's just applied incorrectly in this instance.

Agreed. But lets put away the I-129F Requirements and Use Common Sense. Are Pictures required. NO. Is it Common Sense "Yes" It's going to be asked for anyway later anyway and also within a 2 year period as well as other proof of being together in that 2 years.
Would'nt you feel better sending Pictures at the Original 129-F Petition instead of of her presenting them at the Interview. Can you Calculate the Stress?
COMMON SENSE Not, My Personal Attitude.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-05-30 13:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespictures

There are a few here that insist that some have gotten NOA2 with 1 or no pics, but I wouldn't suggest it cause then like others have said, it brings up questions, and certainly then you will need to show a lot of good proof to convince the adjucator.

Then at the interview stage they certainly want to see pics.

I mean what comes straight to my mind is that if you met so many times why do you have no pics together, that seems kind of strange. So I imagine the same thought would come up in the adjucators mind.

Theres the Answer. I Agree with LookWhatIFound
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-05-30 12:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespictures

yes she is sending me her passport photo to send in with her g-325a form so i will have what they are asking for and as others have said no where in the instructions does it say to include pictures with the i-129f form it only ask how u meet and have u meet with in the last 2 years which i have done both.

Yes i do plan to go back with in the next few months and will take many pics before the interview, so since there is no metion of pictures in the i-129f should i be safe or should i wait to send it in tell after i have pics


Love is Patience. It would be best to send all at once in one packet.
Ignore all those Members that have all those CUTE Hearts on their Names. They don't care about you. It's the Members that are going through this that need good information but these other Members already have their Brides/Wifes home and just talk BS.
If you can go to the Philippines again that would be great.
You will Find that Members in the K-1 process will better help. Alot of those OLD Members don't help.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-05-30 12:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespictures

And, I posted what I posted because that consensus is simply WRONG. Photos together are not required to get an I-129F petition approved. They are not even mentioned in the I-129F instructions, ANYWHERE and I've seen petitions approved without photos together. At least a passport photo of the petitioner IS required, however. Sure, it's better to include a passport photo of the beneficiary as well as photos together but only if requested in an RFE are photos together "required" for petition approval. From the Philippines, we see such RFE's, well, NEVER, in my experience.

I'm sorry Pushbrk. But, Common Sense overcomes unreal forecasts of the future. So, I disagree with you. No disrespect intended.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-05-30 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespictures
I replied to this 3 hours ago and seen 95% of members agree (as I do) with not even a single picture you will not even receieve a NOA1, however you may receieve the NOA1 because that ONLY means they cashed your Non-Refundable Check. If you Fail to complete the Application for the 129-F in full with the basics. Any Member that tells you that you don't need pictures is a Self-Made Attourney and knows to much for their own good and don't care about you but wanna Act Smart. Well, thats BS. I'm not God, but I'll try and put myself in your shoes after thinking about it for 3 hours "What would I do"?



File the 129-F like it is. No pictures (What other mistakes did you make?)
The NOA1 is only a receipt you paid the fee. So don't get overwhelmed with excitement when that comes. Then, realistic wise, a RFE Comes 5 Months later. Keep in Mind (Important) that you only have a specific time period to Respond to this. So note: That would mean A Early flight to the Philipphines and the Plane ticket will be twice the amount for booking Early, arranging travel to destinations, motel, telling your boss I have to leave without reasonable notice. And there is alot more than that to it. Why do this to yourself and to her.

ONLY ME: My Suggestion if I was in your Shoes and cared to make this work.


File the I129-F like it is: Yes, even with no pictures. Why? Because it takes about 5 months to process anyway. IF and IF YOU DO Get a RFE they Respond in about 30 days or less.
In the MEANTIME you (After sending the 1-129f) You book a cheaper Advanced Flight and have months to plan your trip and get what you need.
I deeply feel your Petition will be denied and just trying to help.
File the 129-F and it gives you a few months to gather what you left out.
I hope other Members can send you a link on what you need while you are in the presense of you fiancee'
You need to go back to the Philipphines. Then submit what is required. Don't forget the Passport Color Copies Cover to Cover on that trip.
Not legal advice. Just me
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-05-30 12:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespictures
I agree with Kish & Gary's reply. Your going back to 2009 and it's 2011. Time is Important. UNLESS you have intentions of going back to the Philipphines and get what is Required (Pictures) I forsee a RFE as well.
Just a thought: Are you sure that someone besides yourself did'nt take a couple of pictures ? (Family member, friend even with a Cell Phone Camera)
After 2 years or maybe almost 2 years this evidence will be hard to get. (pictures)
Phone bills, Boarding Passes to the Philipphines, etc. will not prove you were together.
As you said: I been here a year studying VJ. You know already what the Answer will most likely be.
Good Luck

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-05-30 07:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresexpedite info (help)

we are at vsc. my friends can help with letters but not with support, because the only friend who helped me during these days is a college student same as me and she doesnt have an icome except from her parrents (she's 20). i can get proofs from them regarding the abuses since they have seen the hit marks on me few times as well as my fiance, and now i feel sorry for not taking a document from legal medical center everytime this happened. even if now i tried to get a job it would be impossible for me to work, i get tired from 2 minutes of walking and have to sit down and rest like a 80 years old lady. i wish i could move somewhere else but with no money its impossible. the rent for a room is at least 200$ plus the taxes and all that. and thank you so much for the kind words i was expecting very harsh comments actually

No one wishes to be Harsh upon you.
Your Finance' needs to do something fast.
The Petitioner ONLY has to show Proof of Income and Support you. Even in periods such as you are going through now (though not required it is a Moral Obligation of your Fiance')
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-05-29 14:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresexpedite info (help)

we mailed the petition in march and patiently waited for our noa2 ever since. there were some things that happened lately and we need some help and advice if anyone is kind enough to give us. i've been living with my grandmother and dad since my mom left me when i was 2. 1 week ago everything went crazy, she came to me asking for money for rent and taxes. i dont have a job, im in college, there was no way i could pay her. my fiance gives me money to have for small expenses and i was keeping those in my wallet. the thing that happened after was that they took me all my money and kicked me out in nothing but panties in the middle of the night in the rain. i managed to get in after a while and contact my fiance for help but he couldnt do much from usa. they cut off my electricity and everything else. until 2 days ago ive stayed outside, or visiting a friend to get some food. since i dont have any income exept my fiance's help in the last few months ive been eating every 2-3 days. im 180cm tall and weight 42kg so that explains a lot, i can barely walk to the shop to get something to eat from time to time, im afraid if this continues for 1 more month ill be too weak to get up from bed, no question about traveling.

now is there any way to obtain or at least TRY to get an expedite for our k1? do we have to contact a senator for it? is there any name or link you can give me?

i hope you have the patience to answer to me and not judge us for trying to get an expedite.

thank you

USCIS will Not Accept this 10 times out of 10.
You stated: The Petitioner cannot send money to help me. How is that? (But, the good news is hopefully the Income will Increase and meet Income Levels when your more into the process)
Requesting a Expidite based on your both poor right now is to me, the worst thing you could do as to it will become a record with USCIS. Telling USCIS I'm skinny and can't afford to eat and he can't afford to send money right now is The beginning of the End.
If you ask for a Expedite based on the above. Plese don't.... Never cross a Frozen Lake when you know the ICE is Thin. Good Luck
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-05-29 14:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresservice request before 5 months

Hello, I would like to know if someone has been in the same situation… I called uscis this morning to check the status of my petition ( I received my NOA1 on march 3rd , I know its been less that 5 months but I call them every month just to see if there is different information that the shown in the uscis website), she asked me when was the last time I called so I told her one month ago, and she read the same information that I can see in the website, then she asked me when I received my NOTICE OF ACTION ( At that moment I though she was referring to my NOA 1 but then I though she might be asking me about NOA2 because she also asked me if I received a biometrics appointment) so I told her that I haven't and she asked me again when was the last time I call, and then she said: "since more that 30 days have passed I will go ahead and put a services request for you" and she did it!!! She gave me my service request number and told me to call in 30 days, but now I am worried because according to all the posts that I have been reading in here you can not get a service requests before the 5 months, but why she was able to do that? And when they go ahead and check on my petition they will see that I have been waiting only for 3 months, can they think something bad about this? Anyone ??? Please help !!! let me know what you think about this! I don't want to be "punish" for this I did not ask for a service request I just wanted to know the status of my case and I just got confused!!!!!!!! HELP

My experince is: Its takes a bit of trickory to get a USCIS person live on the phone. They keep a record of everytime you call. Sounds like you had a New USCIS Representitive on the phone and was totally confused.
The USCIS Website is really never updated so we fell tempted to call and that is Normal what we will do.
The Error will show but it is Not your Fault (You did not ask for an Expedite) If in fact the Representitive gave you a Service Request # go with it, however, the USCIS Employee will be subject to repremand when you persist the case.
Will you be punished? No, but, be aware they will look at the case more closely even though there is nothing to worry about.
So. Stop Calling every month and give it time. A service request is when 6 months and 1 day has passed. (Though members will differ on opinions about that so it is not solid Gold)
That Service Request will be looked at and frowned upon by their own Department and not your Fault.
Just wait. If you try and push this Request then, you take your chances. Wish you the best
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 23:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?
Wish you Best Mike.

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 20:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?

With all the love and respect I can muster, please stop. You haven't got a clue. Mike is likely to need to provide an affidavit of support within 90 days, meaning perhaps in a few as 30 days. He needs to be examining all his options and get his ducks in a row. Would you please stop posting about things you only have enough knowledge to speculate about. There are people here trying to help many others. Our time is better spent and we can do more good if we don't have to spend time correcting and responding to well wishing know-nothings like you.

A Realalistic Veiw would be about 3 to 4 months on his Timeline. (To the Interview) Plenty of time to take care of Financials.
What help do you Offer when you use the Op's post to argue with me. I don't wish to argue with you. but, I don't mind saying my peace to you at all!
So, with what you just said. Affidavit of Support within 30 Days or 90 days. Not! No NOA2 is Issued yet. However, I hope he gets it soon.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 19:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?

To many If ands or buts to this. No one knows John. This is going to be up to Mike. The NOA2 is not a Visa for the Petitioner, It is just another stepping Stone in the Process.

LOL. Beneficiary. Go ahead! make fun. but at least I say something. hahahahhhaaha!
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 19:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?

I respectfully disagree. He filed in January and he is in the window of NOA2 being approved. So he is wise to be thinking this through now. Better to have a co-sponsor lined up and not needed than to need one and not have it lined up. In the meantime, I am sure he will be looking for a job and if that comes through then great. Better to be safe than sorry.

To many If ands or buts to this. No one knows John. This is going to be up to Mike. The NOA2 is not a Visa for the Petitioner, It is just another stepping Stone in the Process.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 19:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?

My Fiancee is Philippina living and working in Cayman so she will have her interview at the Jamaican embassy.

Ok change of plans, my boss needed an answer on the offer he proposed by 5pm today and i turned it down, what are my options! God my head Hurts......:bonk:

IM JOBLESS :help:New ideas Please :wacko:

If her Heart is a huge as her beautie. Mike you Lost the best thing that ever happened to you. Fix It!
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 19:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?

OK. You Have BASES COVERED for Previous Years.
Your going to have to follow your heart on this. Alot of posts have recommended. But nothing has SUNK-IN Yet.
My advice is Thin. After 5 years with the same Company and you can't show you $9.00 an hour for the Current Year "Which is what your Fiancee" will need".
Your Last 4 years don't mean to much except: You are capable of making it. But, You asked earlier: What If I made Nothing? Well. Something is wrong with that Picture.
If you want to play games with USCIS and think your the Salesman of the Year with USCIS. Good Luck with that.
You need to Focus Now. What do you want?

None the less Mike. You know I wish you good. Moreover, Your the Man and destiny is in your hands.
Take Control of the Obsticles before they get you first. You know what to do. What-ever that maybe.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 18:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?

Not private to me last 4 years was just shy of $24,000 gross.

OK. You Have BASES COVERED for Previous Years.
Your going to have to follow your heart on this. Alot of posts have recommended. But nothing has SUNK-IN Yet.
My advice is Thin. After 5 years with the same Company and you can't show you $9.00 an hour for the Current Year "Which is what your Fiancee" will need".
Your Last 4 years don't mean to much except: You are capable of making it. But, You asked earlier: What If I made Nothing? Well. Something is wrong with that Picture.
If you want to play games with USCIS and think your the Salesman of the Year with USCIS. Good Luck with that.
You need to Focus Now. What do you want?
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 17:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?

This is Correct!

No Need for a Co-Sponsor. There is time

Get a Job Mike. A well known Member says" No Money No Honey" LOL I always remember that. (Just won't say what Member) But, is True
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 17:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?

Simple. Get a job with sufficient income or use a cosponsor. In the meantime, you can file for unemployment and yes, you'll get it you have qualifying past income. You didn't quit and you were not fired for cause. However, your unemployment benefits are known to be temporary, so not likely to be considered "available" to support you and your fiancee long term.

This is Correct!

Look for work, and have a co-sponsor lined up.

Sorry this is happening to you right now. Good luck.

No Need for a Co-Sponsor. There is time
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?

Then ask nicely. If you don't understand something, just ask. No need to complain.

I would'nt let you -------- my ----------! You are rude and Off Topic for the OP. Your attitude should be focused on the OP's Concern.
Please, instead of focusing on me look at the OP's Post.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 17:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?

My Fiancee is Philippina living and working in Cayman so she will have her interview at the Jamaican embassy.

Ok change of plans, my boss needed an answer on the offer he proposed by 5pm today and i turned it down, what are my options! God my head Hurts......:bonk:

IM JOBLESS :help:New ideas Please :wacko:

Get a Recommendation from your boss and Get a New job. What exactly does 2010 Taxes (Gross Say?) Though, thats private.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 17:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?
Why are we here? To get a "Best As" Answer to a Topic Question.
I Always admit if I can't answer it someone will that has experience in the matter.
VJ is designed for Self-Filers without the Need of an Attourney. (though, not always the Case)
I would like to see when more Experienced Members give a Rational Reason for their Comment instead of a ONE SENTENCE Line which just leaves us beginners no better off than where we started from. GIVE an Explanation for your Advive. Not, Just A One - Line Sentence that don't mean ???? How in the Heck is that Understandable? .
If We had Brains about Immagration we would'nt need to be here.
I would like to see more experinced members give an explaination for a reply than just a Single Sentence.

Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 16:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?

Then you Lied and will never see your Bride

$9.00 an hour X 40 hours a week X 52 = $18,720.00 And the Requirement is $18,318.00 for a Couple of 2. THIS IS A HUGE CHALLEDGE
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 15:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?

So i dont need paystubs? Just an employer letter saying i make the same salary of 24k per year because he said hell still give me that letter even if im not.

Also what if i manage to make $0.00 commissions between now and her interview?

Then you Lied and will never see your Bride
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 15:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?

My current pay stubs going forward will only show $200 per week and i work for a private company who writes my company checks by hand, i dont get a pay stub that shows amount of taxes paid or my YTD earnings. Yes i can show YTD Earning with my bank statements but when i show my current checks are only $200 per week how do i explain that? It would be obvious i am no longer making $24,000 per year?

If i found a new job and made enough to sponsor my Fiancee can i still sponsor her even with lack of work history Ex: only 2 months on the job or will i still need a cosponsor?

Can they deny for financial reasons based on only my cosponsors income even he he makes twice the amount need to qualify because i dont have a job or am not making as much as before?

thank you for your help!

You don't need my advice. You need to listen to members that give you ONE SENTENCE and never explain anything what they said. I'm not giving Advice just know your situation.. Like Mine.
Is It OK to have 2 to Months Paystubs on a New Currant Job? Yes That is Currant Income.
There is More to this story I know. There is more.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 15:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?

May I suggest kindly that if you are not qualified to answer, you read instead of post. That way, you'll learn something. K visas use the I-134. Never heard of an I-184. Perhaps you were thinking of an I-864? Read and learn, ok?

Be Nice. Jesus Forgived. Thats why your here. Let it go.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 13:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?

Hello Tim, Are you sure i dont have to show bank statements, and if hypothetically i dont make any commissions in this new division will my sponsorship be denied? If so i would rather go with a co-sponsor. $200 a week will not meet the minimum poverty level if i had to show my pay stubs.

If i have a co-sponsor my lack of job history shouldnt matter correct? and to be honest i dont see a bright future with this company anymore with sales in a decline i kinda seen this coming.

Also FYI My Fiancee is in Cayman Islands working and will have her interview in Jamaica dont think the co-sponsor thing is an issue there?

Members will argue the fact you don't even need transcripts, some will say you don't have to do this or that.
If she is Coming from Jamaca then: A Jamacan is best to reply than me.
(Funny, she looked Pinay) I'm going Nuts. LOL
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 13:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?

I confirmed my Sisters Husband will Sponsor my Fiancee but what would he need to do, does he have to send tax records, bank statements, and paystubs to my Fiancee when she has her interview scheduled? I think looking for another job is definitely an option i just need opinions and ideas. Also my brother in law makes enough to cover his household of 4 + my fiancee, hes not required to cover me correct?

OK Mike. This is where YOU NEED THE HELP of someone MORE QUALIFIED than me. The I-134, the I-184. ? I won't guess about this if the Co-Sponsor Route is your Choice. I'm Unqualified to answer this.
You will get alot of replies "Trust Me" Be sure and look at opinions objectively and trust what you feel.
My question would be: You started the K-1 alone and need a Possible Co-Sponsor at the Interview. No, don't make sense? They will do a background check on the Co-sponsor to which means HUGE Delays.
Let some Informative suggestions come to you in this matter. I don't know it all Mark.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?

Hi Mike. #1 - You are not required to show a Bank Statement if your last 3 years TRANSCRIPTS are over the Poverty Line. #1- Stay with the Company.. They would not have kept you as an Employee if you did'nt make them Money. #1- Your paystub(s) will reflect your Earnings. #1- Even if you sold Nothing on a Commission basis, the Employer is required to pay : Base Minium Wage . $200.00 a week ... No No No. Hindi! DO NOT Have the Employer write a letter you make the same Salary. It will show.
#2- Same as #1.... Stay with that Company as long as you can see the future is bright and make Current Income Requirements which is about $ 9.50 an hour. The lack of job history will start when you quit your job. I don't know what you do for a living but if they paid you Salary for 5 years you did something right. ARE YOU SURE THE STRESS OF USCIS Has'nt Distracted your Job?
#3- Only if neccesary. Mike you know the Phils don't like to see a Co-Sponsor (but a Immediate Family member maybe accepted)

Power To You. Your a Man.. You have to call the Shots so your Honey gets Approved.
Good Luck.... TIM

Your Human Resources Department could also write. Mike has been Employed with us since ? He is a good Employee and our average sales person in his department makes an average of : $ . We are sure Mark will attain this. I JUST WANNA SEE YOU GET APPROVED.
Selling Ice Cream in Alaska is like selling hot chocolate in the Philipphines. Good Luck Mark
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 13:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?

Im a mess right now and dont know what to do, I am the petitioner my job just informed me they are moving me to a commission based sales position after 5 years of salaried work where i made $24,000 per year or $500 per week to the new structure of $200 per week gross + commission on sales. I am greatly worried that i will not be able to make my annual salary up on the commission part in this new division or even the poverty level for 2 people. I am maybe just months away from my fiancees I-129 F approval and my boss told me he will write any letter i need stating i still make $24,000 per year. I submitted 3 years worth of tax records to support this fact so i want to know what my options are.

#1 Stay with this company and act like i make the same salary. (Not sure if this is an option, do i have to show paystubs and bank statement at visa interview or are my tax records sufficient enough?) If i have to show paystubs she can potentially say im on a commission base and i had a bad couple months?

#2 Find a new job different company(Can i still be the sponsor if i make over the poverty line on a new job?) Or will the lack of history with the new job be a problem?

#3 Try and get my Sister and her Husband to sponsor my Fiancee <-This can be combined with option 1 or 2

Please help, im desperate and not sure what to do at the moment!

Hi Mike. #1 - You are not required to show a Bank Statement if your last 3 years TRANSCRIPTS are over the Poverty Line. #1- Stay with the Company.. They would not have kept you as an Employee if you did'nt make them Money. #1- Your paystub(s) will reflect your Earnings. #1- Even if you sold Nothing on a Commission basis, the Employer is required to pay : Base Minium Wage . $200.00 a week ... No No No. Hindi! DO NOT Have the Employer write a letter you make the same Salary. It will show.
#2- Same as #1.... Stay with that Company as long as you can see the future is bright and make Current Income Requirements which is about $ 9.50 an hour. The lack of job history will start when you quit your job. I don't know what you do for a living but if they paid you Salary for 5 years you did something right. ARE YOU SURE THE STRESS OF USCIS Has'nt Distracted your Job?
#3- Only if neccesary. Mike you know the Phils don't like to see a Co-Sponsor (but a Immediate Family member maybe accepted)

Power To You. Your a Man.. You have to call the Shots so your Honey gets Approved.
Good Luck.... TIM
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-01 13:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSome Few Questions

Reading this: You are APPROVED ! :dance: No, Get ready for the Next Steps. Congrats. :rofl:

Your HARD COPY of the NOA2 should Arrive in about a week USPS.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-02 23:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSome Few Questions

Got some few questions:

1. Once you are approved does it mean that you will not be given an RFE.. I am wondering if there is a case here that they got approved and then they received an RFE? We have not receive the Paper yet, (I only saw 2 days ago from USCIS Case Status Inquiry under Post Decision Activity that our K1 petition has been approved).

2. Do they usually send a notice through email that they approved? Because we havent receive any email concerning this up to this time.

Thank you

Reading this: You are APPROVED ! :dance: No, Get ready for the Next Steps. Congrats. :rofl:
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-02 23:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat happens if K1 visa is denied at Manila CO interview?

What happens if K1 visa is denied at Manila CO interview due to below 125% poverty line? Im 600 short, and i haven't found a second job to fill up the 600 $ shortage. Me and my fiancee are both nurses graduate, but i haven't not pass my exam. :angry: , I haven't gotten any good night sleep worrying about this. huhuhu

Are you $600.00 Short on your Currant Income or $600.00 short on Gross Income for 2010 (Tax Returns) ?
Manila is not likely to accept a Co-Sponsor unless a Immediate Family Member from what I read.
I would hate to loose everything over $600.00.
You will have to reach down inside yourself and find a way.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-03 01:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmployment
It is to late to send to the Embassy. Send to your Fiancee.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-03 14:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmployment

If it were me - I'd redo the I-134 (and include whatever you did before plus the new supporting documents; i.e., pay stubs - letter from employer if they'll issue one). The Embassy may still decide to use the co-sponsor but you never know.

FWIW - not having your current (or any previous) employer on last year's tax return doesn't necessarily make a person who is working now, ineligible to sponsor.

I Agree with Otto that showing proof of Currant Income is important even though the interview is only 3 weeks away it's better than nothing.
Fed-Ex a letter from employer, paystubs, etc. better than nothing.
So I disagree with every post except for the one listed above.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-03 14:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Beneficiary Employment

Hi All,

I read somewhere that a beneficiary can still work with a temporary work permit while waiting for the whole Adjustment of Status to be completed. However, if for example her current employer, which happens to have a branch in the US and in her home country, will opt to keep her, but under the employment of her home country branch, and just work remotely, is that legal? :unsure:

Thanks for any input :star:

I'm not totally sure but what you are talking about is EAD (Employment Authorization Document) best I see it. I believe there is a Fee to be paid and a waiting period as well but less than the AOS. I got confused when you stated Temporay Work Permit.
If you have questions about the legality of her working then don't let her work until you know for sure.
Other Members can imput better than me.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-05-25 06:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures129F denied?

Sorry to hear :( ... Did they say why your petition was denied?

They won't tell. It will be a letter. Thats it. USCIS is Homeland Security (Branch Of)
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-03 15:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures129F denied?

Just wondering if anyone knows of an instance where an I-129F fiance visa petition has been denied by USCIS?

We're one of the unlucky ones waiting since December for an answer to our petition. Would be nice to hear something...

Your question is uncomplete. No need to state reasons or/even if you have been denied. USCIS is Required to give a written explaination for a denial with the 129-F. There are many reasons for a denial LETTER.
There are several options but the Initial K-1 had Red Flags to start with. But, that don't mean a denial.
As always: When a new Member asks questions: They Avoid the reason for denial. I guess thats OK. Something is there and they found it.
I bet they Cashed your Check though. Just a guess.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-03 14:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImmigration service providers

Perhaps I didn't word it well. I'm not looking for a particular company. Just want to know if they are worth the expense or if they provide a service that is necessary. Is it better to do the application for K1 myself or to hire these services. I still am curious what others' experiences are/were before I make a decision.

Only you can make this decision. I found it a bit overwhelming and decided the Attouney Route so as to not take a chance. This is up to you.
Tim/MavMalePhilippines2011-06-04 23:14:00