PhilippinesMen Your Thoughts On Filipina

That actually causes too much confusion.

This is why I started signing my name at the bottom of my posts. That way pinays quit calling me sis and replying to me in Tagalog.

I married her for her broken English. It's just adorable. And how she irons my shirts, and how she always has a hot cooked meal for me, even when I come home drunk at 2am. And that she's like a little sports car, revving and ready for me to take her for a ride, even if she's been slaving over the hot stove all day. All the hype about these Filipinas is TRUE! She even thinks my rolls of fat and baldness make me look guapo. It was money well spent!

My filipina's broken english is one of the things I'm most attracted to also. If you don't see my name signed on a post, and the post has broken english structure, it's probably my lovely fiancee. However, I do find myself talking with her the same way now sometimes. I hope I don't do that at work too.

When I first visited the Philippines for work, I met several pinays the first few nights. I wasn't looking, but they sure were. Wow, the offers I had. However, I didn't accept a single one. Then one night while at a bar with a live band and with my work mate, he started flirting with this girl that walked by to use the phone next to us. She had a cell phone, so it was just to get his attension, and it worked. Not my type though, too forward and fake for me. A few minutes later, he said let's go sit at this table with those two girls, one being the girl he flirted with, who is my fiancee's cousin, the other was my fiancee. I said hmmm, what girls? Okay. This was certainly not my normal thing. We sat down and he continued flirting with her cousin, so I figured I had to flirt too. It was so loud that I had to yell in her ear. First thing I told her was that she was very beautiful. Never done that before to a girl I don't know. I'm really kind of shy. All that night, I don't think we understood most of what we said to each other. But is was still great. I got enough courage to ask for her phone number. Never done that before either. We were both out of our normal place, not used to bars and flirting. We were both just there because of who we were with. But wow, what fun we had. After the night was done, we said our goodbyes, and first thing the next morning, I was calling her. She was waiting by the phone. We hung out each day until I went back home. What a time I had, like nothing I've ever experienced.

I fell in love with her because she is shy, not forward. She wasn't expecting to jump in bed. She says now that she wanted to, and I certainly did too, but that's not what we were looking for. Ever since we met, I think we have talked almost every day, 2.5 years now. Maybe only missing a few days when I was hunting or something. I have never met a girl like her before. She is so sweet, soft spoken, and caring. I've never seen someone fold my dirtly clothes, or make my bed at a hotel, even when I told her she didn't have to. Laying clothes out for my next day of work, wow, never had that been done before. She is so willing to please. This makes me want to do anything for her, and I certainly would. I love her smile, her laugh, her voice. I love how when we have a disagreement, there is no fighting with yelling and anger. She gets very quiet, basically just shuts down. I'll take that any day over the 40 minute screaming ###### lecture I was used to before. We always make up very soon, both with sorries, caring, and love. No grudges. She is not jealous, trusting me very much. I feel the same for her. I 100% trust her. There's no reason to be jealous. We are both in love with each other and wouldn't even think of being with someone else. I think this is great. Considering the distance we are apart, and the amount of time, this can be a hard thing for some couples. Not us. She doesn't care about having money, spending it, or have material things. She's a hard worker. She's not looking for a visa either, she just wants me, and I want her. She'd be just as happy with me living there. Maybe some day when my kids are grown. I love her daughter, and her family. They are so nice to me. I love how she calls me in the middle of the night, and I do the same to her. Just a quick I love you and back to sleep. We talk maybe 3 or 4 times a day. Not because one expects it, but because we both want to. She is my life, and I am hers. I think I got the best filipina in the world, without even looking for one. If I believed in fate, then this is it.


James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-11 02:25:00
PhilippinesError when scheduling online interview.

I just call the number today, but unfortunatly you have to call during normal business hours (Philippine time) so I will try again this eve. I chose the immigrant visa in the system and I got a bit farther than before cuz it didn't ask for a DS 160 but haven't spoken to a live person cuz i need to call back this eve. Also just a heads up that it appears you must use your landline to call, when I use my cell phone and try to press the button to acess the automated system it wont even reconise the beep.

I used my cell phone. No problem.

Are they open on Saturday? I don't think so. You'll have to wait until Sunday night (US Time) to call them.


Edited by James and Cynthia, 11 March 2011 - 11:58 PM.

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-11 23:56:00
PhilippinesError when scheduling online interview.
So here's what I did. I found this link: http://www.visajourn...nes&cty=Manila. I then called the (214) 571-1600 number here from the US. I had to select immigrant visa in the automated system. The person I talked to didn't understand me at first, so I slowed down my talking and pronunciation. He was very nice (this is why I like filipinos). He asked me my name, email, case number, fiancee and her child's name, passport numbers, payment date, and date of birth. He put me on hold for about one minute and then came back to tell me my case was not in there system yet. He said I couldn't schedule the interview. I asked him how long it might take and he said maybe 7 to 9 more days. I then said very politely that I understood and I thanked him very much for his time. He then continued and said, "May I ask you a few more questions?" I told him sure. He said he would see if he could expidite our case getting entered into the system. (It sure helps to be nice and polite, even when you feel like screaming). He asked for my phone number and then thanked me for the information. I told him thank you and wished him a good day.

I hope this works. Maybe it will be entered into the sytem tomorrow. I'm crossing my fingers.


Edited by James and Cynthia, 11 March 2011 - 04:24 AM.

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-11 04:23:00
PhilippinesError when scheduling online interview.

Hey 1 quick question before we proceed with the online appointment and stuff, have you guys called the USEM and verify there if your CASE is in thier system already????

She went there on Wednesday. She gave them our case number, they looked it up, then gave her the request letter for police clearance that we have been waiting for. Before when we tried this, without case number, they wouldn't do it. I assume that means it's there and in the system. My fiancee says they gave her the NVC letter back very quickly after typing in the case number. After that, she got all of her information from the computer, not our NVC letter.
James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-11 03:07:00
PhilippinesError when scheduling online interview.

hmmm i think you have to check what you missed. You dont just go directly to the "Download my Appointment letter" not unless you have "Set an appointment" ( which is this link http://www.ustraveld...jJzbld MQ1k9A== ). There, you have to enter info of the beneficiary like passport #, Case number which is the MNL#, Bday and some personal info. And after that u click on Proceed button then it will take you to the page where u see the UID number, then after that you click proceed button then the Appointment PDF file( which is password protected) will pop up. YOu can choose to download and print it right away or you can choose to save it in your email.
Now if you missed to write the UID number, you can always check PROFILE, there you see all the beneficiary info together with UID.

So are you saying I should use the first link you gave, or the one you just gave now? Again, if I am suppose to use the first link you gave, then what link should I click on next? Aren't I supposed to create an account somewhere? Where is that link? Why shouldn't I just go to the K-1 appointment scheduling link? Isn't that what I'm doing? Why doesnot the MNL number work? If my case is at USEM, does it still take time to get it in the computer system for online scheduling?

I tried your new link. Nope. Not working. That link takes me to an Application Validation Page. This is what I get when I type in our info:

1.Please check CaseTypeNumber Or Passport Number you have entered.
2.Please check your interview has been already scheduled OR your interview date is future date.
3.Select ‘Exit’ button and contact our help line for further information.

How many numbers should be in her passport number? She told me a number like XX####### (7 numbers). What about the case number? Ours is like MNL2011######. What else could be wrong?


Edited by James and Cynthia, 11 March 2011 - 02:42 AM.

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-11 02:37:00
PhilippinesError when scheduling online interview.

Was your registration successful? You should get a UID number which is 8 digit number for you to key in when u are about to download the letter together with the password and passport number.

I'm sorry. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong when I try what you are saying. I went to the page you said. It is the same page I went to before. I see a link for "Download my appointment letter", but it asks for Passport Number, UID number, and Password. I don't have a UID number. Is there another link on that page I should be clicking on?

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-11 00:46:00
PhilippinesError when scheduling online interview.

Hello!I also got the same error when i tried getting my interview date, but luckily one of the vj member helped me out. Here the link where you can download your letter for the interview.. . Just type in your passport number, UID, and password. Good luck!

I tried this link but it is the same one I went to earlier. The page has a link that says K-Visa Appointment Scheduling. That is what I did before. Is there a different link I should click on?

What is UID number?


Better to call US embassy 1800...atleast u can get schedule..

I think I tried this number before and it would not work for me. The call would not go through. What 1-800 number do you mean? Thanks.


Have the same problem. Called the Call Center also to make appointment but they are saying my case is still not in the system. I was instructed to wait for the USEM Eligibility Letter before I could set up an appointment.

We do not have instruction letter yet either. I read on VJ to tell them you have received the letter, even though you have not. They will then let you schedule the interview. We will try that if all else fails. Thanks.


Did this one too but still the same result. The Call Center said the case should be in the USEM system/database first before we can schedule an appointment. I am more frustrated here than waiting for my NOA2. So close but more waiting .....

I believe our case is at embassy now. My fiancee when to USEM to get request letter for police certificate on Wednesday when they opened back up after the move. She says she gave them the case number from the NVC letter, they looked it up, then gave her the NVC letter back. It seemed the case was already in their system. I don't understand why the case number won't work online.

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-10 23:42:00
PhilippinesError when scheduling online interview.
My fiancee and I are trying to schedule her interview online. I went to the K-Visa Scheduling link, I entered her passport #, MNL case #, date of payment, date of birth, password, and image code. I keep getting the error "Case Type Number not valid." I have tried MNLxxxxxxxxxx and I have tired the number without MNL. Same error both times.

Any suggestions?

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-10 23:10:00
PhilippinesWhat am I doing wrong!!!

Do you have the link to reschedule the interview? I also got April 28 but I would like to schedule sooner if possible. Thanks!

I believe you can go to this site and click on Reschedule Appointment, but haven't tried it. http://www.ustraveld...ppointment.html

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-23 14:29:00
PhilippinesWhat am I doing wrong!!!

Well, I think that there is just something really screwed up with their system. I decided to get up real early and try a re-schedule. There are all sorts of slots open at 3:30 in the morning. She is now scheduled for April 13th @ 0635. That is much better.

Thanks to all who supported me during my stressed out dilemma.


That is even better news. A whole two weeks earlier. That's great. That also makes me feel better about our appointment on the 15th. I was beginning to think the appointment time was a mistake. Good luck on her interview.

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-23 10:58:00
PhilippinesWhat am I doing wrong!!!

Finally got through online and scheduled the only available spot in April. Thank you to who ever opened that spot. I love you man. April 28 @ 0630. Early but who cares at this point. :dance: :dance: :dance:


Great. I'm glad you have it scheduled.

Wow. It went from spots open on April 13th all the way to only April 28th since this morning? Something is weird. Can I ask what the first couple numbers are of your UID number? When I first tried to schedule and exited the site after messing up the child's passport number, the lady on the phone told me UID numbers for them that started with 1005xxxx. However, after talking to her and going to the Schedule an Appointment link, they received different UID numberers on their appointment verification files. This time the numbers start with 5000xxxx. I'm curious what yours starts with.

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-22 23:00:00
PhilippinesWhat am I doing wrong!!!

Nope, did the same thing you did and went through the K-1 appointment schedule link. That warning is on every page where you enter information.


I just posted on my topic about calling there a bit ago. The lady I talked to said the website went through an upgrade last night and is having some problems. She said to ignore the warning. I think they have the warnings wrong and they are having problems with the calendar as you have reported. Wow. I am so glad I scheduled at 2am this morning (5pm manila time). I didn't want to wait another day and figured if my case had arrived, it would be in the system by that time. I finished scheduling at 3am. It must have been right before the upgrade. Maybe that is why I didn't see the warning before. I hope you can schedule soon. Good luck.

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-22 22:02:00
PhilippinesWhat am I doing wrong!!!

Well happy that you could get scheduled. I have called the call center and tried online and all I get is that no slots are available. This is way too much stress for me. I am not sure what is going on because I was logged in last night and was getting the no slots available dialog. Been getting that all day also. Call center was absolutely no help at all. Took me 15 minutes for them to understand how my fiancée's name is spelled. After 30 minutes on the phone it was oh sorry no slots available and no way to tell when more will open. If someone can look at the calendar and let me know if they see openings I will call the call center back. Maybe there is something wrong with my fiancée's account. I just don't know at this point. I am at a loss and will be getting up every 2 hours tonight to try and see if anything is open.


Now I'm worried. Back on my post someone has brought up something about a warning on the appointment scheduling links that they are for SB-1 visas only. It says that my interview appointment won't work for other visas. I didn't see that warning, yet I did what I've read to do and was told to do on the phone. I hope that I didn't make a mistake and now have to change the date. How did you get to the appointment scheduling pages you were on? Did you go the same route as I listed in my post through the K-Visa Appointment Scheduling link? Did you see the warning? I'm wondering if you took a different route than I did. Maybe yours is correct and there is a problem with doing K-1 visa online right now. Maybe I went to the wrong links and that's why it worked, yet I will run into more problems later. I hope not.

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-22 21:35:00
PhilippinesWhat am I doing wrong!!!

I would like to know if ANY k-1 visa applicant has been able to schedule an interview online or by calling the call center in the last 18 hours. I constantly get no slots available online and the call center tells me that all slots are filled at this time, even nothing in April. This is #######. I have been trying to schedule constantly since last night and nothing.


I just scheduled my fiancee's appointment this morning at 3am pacific time. I had some problems because of her daughters passport number not being correct, but after calling the number given above, they told me the correct number and told me to schedule online again. See my recent post about what I had to do. http://www.visajourn...30#entry4557130

When I got to the calendar, I did not have any problems with the calendar going to March. It started out in April just fine. There were about 15 days available in the last have of April with 3 time slots in the morning for each. If they are full now, then wow, that was fast. We selected April 15th even though the 13th and 14th were open as well.

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-22 20:56:00
PhilippinesApplying for Online Interview with K1/K2 Visa

Hi, I hope yours goes well. I had trouble when I applied before they moved. I talked with the scheduling center through chat because I felt they weren't understanding me when I explained. Anyways, the guy gave me a link to where I could schedule. I wasn't sure because everyone else I talked with on the phone said that I couldn't schedule for K1 anymore. I repeatedly asked him to confirm that this was for K1 visa schedule and he assured me that it was. I screenshot the whole conversation and asked for his name. I then called the call center agai and confirmed with them that it was also a K1 schedule and the last thing was that I received an email that it was a K1 interview schedule that I scheduled.

It maybe overkill, but the call center previously told me that if my fiancee went there for the wrong visa appointment then they wouldn't let her in. I had scheduled the first interview using the non-immigrant visa appoinment schedule that's why I needed to change the schedule in the first place.

So, good luck and try to confirm by calling the call center. My fiancee's interview is tomorrow or actually in a few hours, so hopefully they will let her in and she'll be approved.

Thanks for the info. Good luck on her interview.

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-23 14:32:00
PhilippinesApplying for Online Interview with K1/K2 Visa

it gives the same warning on other links in the applying for Immigrant Visa Appointment web page.

Ok. I just talked to them on the phone. The lady said that as long as I went to the Immigrant Visa page and used the Schedule an Appointment link, then I did the right thing. She said that I should ignore the warning on the page that says it is only for SB-1 visas.

This makes me very nervous. I would hate for my fiancee to show up 3 wks from now and find out they won't let her have her interview because it is not for K-1. I asked the lady on the phone how I can confirm this appointment will work for K-1 so that this doesn't happen to my fiancee. She said as long as I scheduled the appointment through the Immigrant Visa site, it should work. Trusting what I've been told is not making me feel very comfortable. I wish there was a way to verify it is correct.

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-22 21:56:00
PhilippinesApplying for Online Interview with K1/K2 Visa

at the bottom of the Application Validation page it says...

Warning! The category you have selected is intended for returning residents/SB-1 visa applicants only. If you do not belong to this category, please do not use this category to schedule an appointment. If you do so, and you are not a returning resident/SB-1 visa applicant, you will not be interviewed, even if you present yourself at the Embassy on the scheduled date. Consequently, you will need to book another appointment under the proper category.

Hmmm. I did not see that warning. I did exactly what I've read from others to do by selecting the K-Visa Appointment Scheduling link. After having problems and leaving the site, I did what they told me to do on the phone. They said to select the Schedule an Appointment link this time since I could get through the other link again. But you are right, the warning is on both of those pages.

Why would they tell me to go there on the phone if that is not correct? Has anyone done it this way and had problems at the interview? Who else has scheduled their interview online lately? How can going to the K-Visa Appointment Scheduling link take you to a page saying it is not for K visas? This makes no sense. I will be so upset if our date won't work because of this.

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-22 21:21:00
PhilippinesApplying for Online Interview with K1/K2 Visa

How did you apply for interview online? The warning on the website says the online scheduling is only for SB-1 visa or something like that. There have been other posts here on VJ about it.

Please let us know, because the warning says that even if you show up, you will not be granted an interview.

I'm not sure what warning you are referring to. There is no reason you can't schedule the K1 visa interview online. In fact, if you want to schedule without waiting for the welcome letter, this is how you have to do it, unless you lie to them on the phone and say you already received the welcome letter even though you have not. I have read many posts on VJ saying how to do this online for K1 visa.

This is what I did:
1. Go to this website:
2. Select the Philippines for the Country pull-down menu.
3. Do not go to the non-immigrant section. Instead, go to the "Immigrant Visas" section and click on "Applying for an Immigration Visa Appointment".
4. From the Immigrant Visa Appointment page, do not click on "Schedule an Appointment". Instead, look further down and click on "K-Visa Appointment Scheduling".
5. From this page, you enter your passport number, case number, payment date, birthdate, and create a password.
6. The next page asks for passport issuance date and experiation date. It also asks for the address to send your passport to after receiving visa. You need to know City, State/Province, and ZIPCODE.
7. After entering the required info, your name goes to a list and your asked if you want to add another applicant. If including a child with K2, select yes.
8. Go through the same process again entering in the information for the child.
9. Here's the tricky part. If something goes wrong and you exit the site but you haven't created the schedule yet, you can't start over again the same way. After the payment date with passport number has been used once, you can't use it again. Instead, you have to go back to the "Applying for an Immigration Visa Appointment" page again. This time you do select the "Schedule an Appointment" link and not the "K-Visa Appointment Scheduling" link. From here, you can re-enter the beneficieries info and add other applicants for the K2 children.
10. After all applicants are entered, you select them all with the check boxes, and select to set an appointment. Make sure all applicants are selected.
11. Now you just select the date you want and the time. It sets all applicants the same.
12. Last, you can download a PDF file for the appointment letters for each applicant.

That's what I did, and it seems to have worked.

I guess the answer to my question about the child going to the interview is a YES??

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-22 20:48:00
PhilippinesApplying for Online Interview with K1/K2 Visa

Does your fiancée and her child have the same interview date?

I selected them together, so they have the same date and time for the interview. Is that what I was supposed to do? Does her daughter go to the interview with her?

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-22 10:29:00
PhilippinesApplying for Online Interview with K1/K2 Visa
Never mind. I had the wrong passport number for her daughter. Appointment now scheduled for April 15th.

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-22 05:25:00
PhilippinesApplying for Online Interview with K1/K2 Visa
I'm trying to schedule for an online interview for my fiancee and her daughter. I got through the intitial part where it asked for my fiancee's passport info and address. It then put her in a list and asked me if I wanted to add another applicant. I thought maybe this is where I give the passport info for her daughter, so I said yes. It then asked me the same info for her daughter with passport number, date of payment, birthdate, and password. When I enter this info along with our case number, it does not accept it. Am I suppose to add my fiancee's daughter as an applicant? Thanks for your help.

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-22 04:32:00
PhilippinesDocument Verification Fee
I received the info for documentation verification from this page and its links: http://www.visajourn...k1-visa-guide/. I guess some of the stuff is out of date now. One less thing to worry about. Thanks.

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-28 21:39:00
PhilippinesDocument Verification Fee
My K1 fiancee is going to pay her Documentation Verification Fee tomorrow. She has a little less than 3 weeks before her interview. I hope that will be soon enough. I believe the fee is 650 pesos. Is that correct? Does she also need to pay for her daughter who will come with her using a K2 visa?

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-28 14:20:00
Philippinesearly vs late filers..what's the difference?

perhaps the National Processing Volumes and Trends page from USCIS may help you with the question you asked.

Based on these statistics, the CSC is still only processing appoximately the same number of I-129F's as they are giving receipts. Unless they start processing more each month, it can be expected that the average waiting time will remain somewhat constant. Currently it is 138 days as shown here: http://www.visajourn...m/content/times

The reason the precessing times went up in the last six months is because the number of completions from CSC fell well below the number of receipts in Aug, Sept, and Oct.

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2011-03-28 00:28:00
PhilippinesPhilippines plane ticket cost
QUOTE (Corbin @ Nov 16 2008, 11:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KandI_usa @ Nov 16 2008, 10:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Corbin @ Nov 17 2008, 10:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, I know this is subjective, but what would be considered a good price for a plane fair to the Philippines? I live in the Midwest area, Michigan to be exact. What Airlines services the Philippines the most?

Hi, we live in Troy MI. When we bought ticket to NWA it cost us around 1400$ roundtrip ( Detroit-Japan-Philippines)...... Ticket price usually depends what month or seasons u will purchase it. Enjoy ur trip in philippines.

That is better than what I was seeing on United Airlines site. I was finding prices of around $2500 round trip. What is considered peak season travel to the Philippines?

The two times I traveled to China I used United.

Hello.. try this website. Looks like they have cheap tickets.
purdy_chrisFemalePhilippines2008-11-17 01:12:00
PhilippinesWhich city and state are you?
hello guys! i'm from Hillsboro-Portland, Oregon
purdy_chrisFemalePhilippines2008-09-14 00:20:00
PhilippinesHow long now?
I just got off the phone with the NVC and they told me my I was approved. I was told by her that in september they would be scheduling interviews for October. So sounds like my wife will get her interview in October at the earliest. My question is that if we do get our interview in October how long usually after that if things go smooth is the Visa in my wifes hands.

all help will be very appreciated

Edited by simpson121919, 20 August 2009 - 02:26 PM.

simpson121919MalePhilippines2009-08-20 14:25:00
PhilippinesApril Filers to the interview
QUOTE (Miguel&Dayeen @ Sep 27 2007, 04:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My Fiancee Got her Medical today and everything went Ok, but she has to go back Tom for the results...anybody else toke it today? Woohoo....Up Next Oct 5 interview!

wow, good that the medical went ok......

Good luck for the up coming interview
ChantelFemalePhilippines2007-09-27 04:21:00
PhilippinesApril Filers to the interview
QUOTE (DeeZee @ Sep 22 2007, 11:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (skyblue06 @ Sep 21 2007, 04:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
the medical went well naman smile.gif

Hi Skyblue06! Glad that your medical went well. How early did you have to go? I'll be taking mine in 3 weeks.

I took my early medical on thursday and friday, I think lesser people on those days and I was there like 6am and I'm done at 9:30am......on the second day, you go early also same time, don't mind them on the scheduled time for vaccination cause its "first come first serve basis".....
took 2 hours at the releasing section yay....

Good luck smile.gif
ChantelFemalePhilippines2007-09-21 22:53:00
PhilippinesApril Filers to the interview
QUOTE (Jen_s21 @ Sep 22 2007, 06:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
thats nice u had ur early exam already, hope it turned well...

nwei, we are still waiting for nvc.. do u have the no. for USCIS for my fiance to call, is it still the same no. u gave me before? talk to u soon faye..


yes this is the number 1 800 375 5283 press 1 2 2 4 2 then enter receipt number then press 1 & 1

the medical went well naman smile.gif
ChantelFemalePhilippines2007-09-21 19:31:00
PhilippinesApril Filers to the interview
Hi Jen, welcome, its been a while since I didn't get online, I took my advance medical Sept 20 & 21.....
talk to you soon smile.gif
ChantelFemalePhilippines2007-09-21 09:38:00
PhilippinesApril Filers to the interview
QUOTE (Forever in Love @ Sep 13 2007, 11:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yehey! Also got my appointment dates today September 13, 2007 kicking.gif

Case Number : MNL2007XXXXXX
Visa Classification : K1
St. Luke's Appointment date : Tuesday, October 30, 2007 (7:00 AM)
Embassy Appointment date : Thursday, November 8, 2007 (7:30 AM)

WOW, good news Forever in Love......Good luck to you

my apology on the ds forms smile.gif changed my mind and I never stop searching until I found the site that shows your explanations, again thank you heart.gif smile.gif
ChantelFemalePhilippines2007-09-13 16:59:00
PhilippinesApril Filers to the interview
QUOTE (jessel chris @ Sep 13 2007, 09:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just got a schedule

Medical on October 30, 2007

Embassy on November 7, 2007

WOW Congratulations kicking.gif .....

good luck to us all
ChantelFemalePhilippines2007-09-13 08:56:00
PhilippinesApril Filers to the interview
QUOTE (jessel chris @ Sep 8 2007, 07:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hey guys my fiance got the NVC letter today and we already have our MNL case number

I was trying to check schedule for medical and interview but when I typed the case number it states that case number not found in appointment list what does it mean??? no appointment yet?? I thought you can sign it in as long as you got your case number

it means no appointment yet, ussually takes months but others are lucky to get it early, I've heard that USE release interview schedule on the middle and end of the month...I got mine a week before USE received our petition...
ChantelFemalePhilippines2007-09-07 18:37:00
PhilippinesApril Filers to the interview
QUOTE (ED*Riza @ Sep 6 2007, 10:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello everybody,

I just received my packet 4 .. I almost did not get it if the person from DHL did not text me last night telling me to call him because of the packet. They said they could not locate my house.. IT has been setting there since august 24..I am still thankful that he called before sending it back to the embassy,,

thats good news Riza, see you there at the interview
ChantelFemalePhilippines2007-09-06 16:18:00
PhilippinesApril Filers to the interview
QUOTE (wioombeen @ Aug 30 2007, 10:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Got our packets today! WOOHOO. My SO will be traveling to Manila on monday where she will pick up her NSO divorce decree, do the CSO seminar and get and early medical and fill out and mail the packet.

So all that should be left is for her to show up to the interview on OCT 5th. Well I need to amil her my affidavit of support, and other supporting documents which worried me as I sent her the NOA2 on Aug3rd Us mail(probably a big mistake) and it still has arrived yet.

I think I'm going to use DHL directly this time. they seem tobe sued in the Philippines a lot so it might be a good idea.

How is everyone else fairing? Been rather quite here.


My fiance will be using Fedex to send all the documents this time, though he always use USPS ever since but took 3 weeks.....this time we need to be sure hehe
Good luck to your girl good.gif
ChantelFemalePhilippines2007-08-31 03:42:00
PhilippinesApril Filers to the interview
QUOTE (BrianElla @ Aug 28 2007, 08:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all.last week (Aug 23) our case was received by the NVC and they assigned us a new case number (MNLxxxxxxxxxx)...So am i correct in assuming they are now on the way to Embassy? unsure.gif
If yes can anyone who has been through this, helpsmilie.gif me with some timelines?
How long from the time NVC completes our case until the Consulate receives it?
How long until i receive a letter from the Embassy with further instructions?
Basically, as I am sure you all know, I just want to know exactly where we stand right now.. I would love to have a better idea of how much longer does it takes...

yes by now I'm sure its on its way to the USE, in most cases petition wont stay there longer than 5 days...mine took 2 days at NVC....arrival to NVC going to USE took a week for me.....and after a week USE received my case they sent out my packet 4 which I just received yesterday....
ChantelFemalePhilippines2007-08-29 14:40:00
PhilippinesApril Filers to the interview
QUOTE (BrianElla @ Aug 25 2007, 08:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hey guys just wanna ask something, how many letters and numbers it consist, on this new case number the NVC gave you?!

10 numbers with 3 letters MNL
ChantelFemalePhilippines2007-08-25 08:02:00
PhilippinesApril Filers to the interview
QUOTE (BrianElla @ Aug 25 2007, 09:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
got my case number today finally! the NVC told us they receive our case just yesterday...thanks to God! innocent.gif

Congrats....just few days apart I'm sure to the interview good.gif
ChantelFemalePhilippines2007-08-24 20:50:00
PhilippinesApril Filers to the interview
QUOTE (wioombeen @ Aug 24 2007, 10:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats on your interview date. HAHA And you squeezed in one day ahead of me eh? AHAH good going. I'ts fun to see those numbers eh?


Well here we are on the home stretch. Even those still stuck at the NVC this is the final hurrah. It's still a scramble getting all the proper documents to your SO and Hoping the Philippines mailing system is kind to you. I was hoping to make it for the interview but unforeseen problems have prevented me from going, but I am sure she will do fine there without me. After all our petition SEKSI KAAYO! haha We are just waiting on the NSO certified annulment decree, but I read in one of skyblues posts that it's not necessarily needed. If we can't have our NSO version in time I hope that is correct.

So my only concerns at this point is mailing the new documents to her that she needs and her getting them on time as my experiences with Philippine post has never been the best haha. Most of the stuff I can mail to her and she cna print but things like the affidavit of support needs to be sent.

So how many Tagolog vs Visayan do we have here? I spent most of my time in the Philippines in Cagayan De Oro/ Iligan area and have learned a bit of Visayan, but i know very little tagolog.


Thanks Wioombeen....I don't know why I got a day ahead of you hehe...
About the Annulment, I have with me my Annotated MC from NSO Vibal Building.....I asked some friends who have undergone same process and they said this is enough proof that someone is legally free......Well I should go to NSO Vibal Building to get a copy of my self to make me feel at ease....I plan to go there on the 1st week of September...
Good luck.....
ChantelFemalePhilippines2007-08-24 16:45:00