
This law DOES not stop a criminal from bringing a foreign spouse to the US, BUT IT DOES presume many people guilty until proven innocent BEFORE THE K1 PROCESS STARTS !!! That is the part I disagree with. I have repeatedly said how adamently I agree with a police check and/or background check for the USC at the time of the K1 filing.

Could you elaborate on this? I'm trying to understand how asking the petitioner some questions about their background is presuming guilt? Are you talking about asking whether the petitioner used a marriage broker or not?

First off, I point you back to the part of my messasges where I explain how I think the police checks are a good idea so that of course I am not talking about the petitioner being asked questsions. When you reach K1 stage you open yourself up to your private life being exposed for the safety of your petitioner and the citizens of the USA who you effect by bringing a spouse to America.

The part I am talking about is where a perfectly law abiding citizen needs to submit criminal background history to obtain someone's contact information. You can say 'those who are innocent need not worry', but that is the only people it effects. Criminals won't use websites like this to find their victims. The unscrouplous websites will just circumvent the law and get away with it. Instead of giving direct contact info they will start charging membership fees and inviting Americans to participate, without really putting any effort into getting them to sign up, thereby becoming legal and not requiring background checks.

Basically the law has done nothing but sour the well-meaning person from looking into international dating. I know people will be put off by that term international dating, but it happens and its legit and it doesn't make someone a pervert to be interested in dating someone from outside the US borders. This law tends to make the public feel that way. (just for the wacko's out there, this is not how I met my fiance so stop that post you are making right now, I just believe in freedoms for everyone)

As far as the Anastasia King case, she knew what she was doing. Her well meaning and naive parents did not. I agree whole-heartedly these women can be vunrable and deserve some protection from predetory sex criminals, but IMBRA does not solve this problem. It is a social problem that cannot change overnight with one mis-guided law. Anastasia King and her husband both broke the law by entering into marriage for the sole reason of Anastasia gaining US residence to go to a western medical school and to obtain US citizenship. When Anastasia 'broke' the contract by refusing Mr. King and deciding she wanted to go out on her own, Mr. King, A DELUSIONAL SICK TWISTED MAN, killed her. My point is, they BOTH BROKE THE LAW WHEN THEY USED A K1 VISA FOR THE SOLE PERPOSE OF HER RECIEVING CITIZENSHIP. If this law had been properly enforced then she would be alive today OR she would have gone to Europe or Australia and RAN THE SAME RISK OR MORE STATISTICALLY SPEAKING of marrying a wierdo murderer.

Speaking of which, your wife is Phillipino. Ask her about how horribly women who try to get out of the phillipines get treated by taiwanese men? Talk about an issue with abuse!! If people continue to make it harder for US citizens to met people abroad, abuse of foreign women may actually rise significantly.

As far as the statistics you quote, nearly 8000 of those were revoked immeditely leaving about 23000 cases over the last 10 years, or 2300 cases a year. How many of those were thrown out in court?? You don't know. Those statistics are not good enough to prove anything. Where are the HARD statistics with the in-depths studies devoted to this issue?

At the end of the day, IMBRA is law, and I am not completely unhappy about it. It is good that police checks will be happening. But the ####### attached to it AND ESPECIALLY the way it was rolled out is just another reminder that my personal freedoms are being erroded, and most people are caught up in the emotions of the issues to realize this. Soon we will be like... Russia!! :lol:
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-20 15:02:00

I watched that show... if it's the one about Anastasia from Kyrgyzstan, I don't know if IMBRA would have helped her.

She married a man and went to Washington State, was unhappy, and returned home. He flew there to convince her and her family that everything was OK. Obviously, it wasn't, and she returned with him anyway. Upon arrival back in Washington, he killed her.

IMBRA would've prevented him from bringing her to the US in the first place, but it wouldn't have stopped her from going back a second time. When women are willing (even pressured by their family) to marry men whom they don't even know from "rich" countries, there's always going to be a chance, IMBRA or no IMBRA, that they will be abused once here.

Knowing that you are going to marry a Russian just like that loser (idle King). One would understand why you are supporting that loser !!!

Mr. King did not marry a Russian woman. You obviously have no idea of anything you speak, so I will ignore you from this point forward Taye.

StevenJinky, I will try to respond to your comments later. I understand where you are coming from and your opinion is certainly valid.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-20 14:28:00

What is in place to protect American women and children from this man? Why aren't we making it a requirement for men to reveal their criminal history before they recieve a fellow Americans contact information? Wouldn't that save Americans?

Bringing someone into this country and then asking the taxpayer to take care of them if the American who brought them here is a criminal is the REASON why. Why is that so hard to comprehend?

Why is it so hard to comprehend that I like the police check, but hate the law?? Obviously you have not read my messages or the law.

This law DOES not stop a criminal from bringing a foreign spouse to the US, BUT IT DOES presume many people guilty until proven innocent BEFORE THE K1 PROCESS STARTS !!! That is the part I disagree with. I have repeatedly said how adamently I agree with a police check and/or background check for the USC at the time of the K1 filing.

I am not associated with IMB's. I have never used a IMB. My wife is not 'mail-order' and will not arrive in a crate. I am not with any of these ultra women hating groups you see on the internet, I am pro-women's rights, and I am not a criminal nor have I ever been. THIS LAW DOES NOT OR DID NOT EFFECT ME IN THE LEAST.

But I know bad legislation when I see it. Just because there is a problem it doesn't mean every law that addresses it is a good law, and a person who opposes a law is not necessarily for the crime, understand?

Edited by Chuckles, 20 June 2006 - 12:48 PM.

ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-20 12:43:00

There is another famous case which is documented on CandleForLove. A chinese women and her daughter were brought to the US and after a few months the women caught her husband molesting her daughter. He was arrested and it turned out he was a convicted child molestor so he will be in jail for life. IMBRA was signed into law to protect a spouse brought to the US from an abusive USC, whether it be husband or an abusive wife.

I'd be curious to know how many women who immigrated to America as foreign brides ended up being victims of abuse and consequently taken care of by the taxpayer

I so badly want to give this a rest, but I can't resist...

Do you believe this number would be any different then non-foreign brides? I highly doubt it.

I've seen that show before, plus I lived in the area near where the crime was commited, so I saw it on the news quite often. At the time I had no knowledge of the K1 process and how that worked, so I was outraged like anyone else. I thought it was a matter of a few papers and wait a few weeks the way things were portrayed. Of course it is not.

What got me was how fake their marriage seemed all along. How was anyone fooled into thinking that was not a sham marriage? And in fairness, Anastasia was using her husband for access to the U of W for her medical training. You could tell she did not want to be close to him. That is not a trait of Kyrgystan women. Ask almaty2004.

I strongly believe IMBRA would not have helped Anastasia. Mr. King could have easily used yahoo personals, adult friend finder, or one of many other internet dating sites to find an American victim. There are also crimes of passion in America angainst Americans, how do you stop these? Not allow people to have passion?

What is in place to protect American women and children from this man? Why aren't we making it a requirement for men to reveal their criminal history before they recieve a fellow Americans contact information? Wouldn't that save Americans?
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-20 11:28:00

I'd be curious to know how many women who immigrated to America as foreign brides ended up being victims of abuse and consequently taken care of by the taxpayer

I so badly want to give this a rest, but I can't resist...

Do you believe this number would be any different then non-foreign brides? I highly doubt it.

I've seen that show before, plus I lived in the area near where the crime was commited, so I saw it on the news quite often. At the time I had no knowledge of the K1 process and how that worked, so I was outraged like anyone else. I thought it was a matter of a few papers and wait a few weeks the way things were portrayed. Of course it is not.

What got me was how fake their marriage seemed all along. How was anyone fooled into thinking that was not a sham marriage? And in fairness, Anastasia was using her husband for access to the U of W for her medical training. You could tell she did not want to be close to him. That is not a trait of Kyrgystan women. Ask almaty2004.

I strongly believe IMBRA would not have helped Anastasia. Mr. King could have easily used yahoo personals, adult friend finder, or one of many other internet dating sites to find an American victim. There are also crimes of passion in America angainst Americans, how do you stop these? Not allow people to have passion?
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-20 11:17:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

I just got this email from my Senator's aid. Hope you like it!!!!!

Mr Gary _____,
I just received a voicemail from California Service Center and they informed me that RFE’s just started being sent out. Hope this information helps.
Tim Sullivan

Office of Senator ####### Durbin

My lawyer also emailed me saying he has started getting RFE's also. Here we go!!!!

Great! I am very happy for you and the people that got stuck in IMBRA and CSC !! Good luck with everything !!
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-21 16:35:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA might suck for us but...
For all its worth, the Violence Against Women act and IMBRA have many great intentions and and we are much better off with them then without them.

However, it is not worth debating the 'ins and outs' and the 'good and the bad' here because for whatever reason, it is a very polarizing issue here. People tend to not read your message, and just see you as good or bad depending on what side you are arguing. I recieved some interesting emails from some wacko's here for arguing the bad points of the law, even though I am for it in the end.

Anyway, my suggestion is to leave this one alone as far as debate goes and just use this site for immigration questions, period.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-28 02:35:00
IMBRA Special TopicsVenting - the Curse of IMBRA

Oh My... That goes beyond stupidity, and it goes way past disrespectful. That is just uncalled for.

Definitely a perfect example of a 1st class chopf##k azzhat if I've ever seen one.


Oh you are so cute when you are angry!!! coochie coo!!!

and you are such a moron all the time.

Why are you still posting?
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-21 02:11:00
IMBRA Special TopicsVenting - the Curse of IMBRA

Oh My... That goes beyond stupidity, and it goes way past disrespectful. That is just uncalled for.

Definitely a perfect example of a 1st class chopf##k azzhat if I've ever seen one.


Oh you are so cute when you are angry!!! coochie coo!!!
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-21 01:50:00
IMBRA Special TopicsVenting - the Curse of IMBRA
Its not a flame war! Posted Image :hehe:

I would not spar with the great almaty2004 !! Posted Image

Edited by Chuckles, 20 June 2006 - 11:20 PM.

ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-20 23:18:00
IMBRA Special TopicsVenting - the Curse of IMBRA

"The curse of IMBRA" has a Star Trek ring to it.

this is going to be cold hearted..but guess what.. IMBRA is the ###### with it...........

His paperwork getting lost is not the law. Its a ###### up system. So yes, that is very cold.

so chucles, why is posted under the curse on imbra...and the system is ###### up for everyone to a certain extent..

I dunno... and I suppose it is. But now we got people whining about the whining, so I thought I would whine about you whining about the whining. If someone wants to whine about my whine about your whine of the whine, then thats fine!

Or we can just not click on subjects we don't like! :lol: Gotta love the internet!

Edited by Chuckles, 20 June 2006 - 09:16 PM.

ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-20 21:15:00
IMBRA Special TopicsVenting - the Curse of IMBRA

"The curse of IMBRA" has a Star Trek ring to it.

this is going to be cold hearted..but guess what.. IMBRA is the ###### with it...........

His paperwork getting lost is not the law. Its a ###### up system. So yes, that is very cold.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-20 20:11:00
IMBRA Special TopicsVenting - the Curse of IMBRA
Having the interview pulled out from under you after everything else certainly adds insult to injury. I really do feel for you situation.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-20 18:53:00
IMBRA Special Topicscancelled 2 K1's
I would certainly have to agree with the other posters...

You have 2 bad experiences where you quickly applied for K1. A pattern has developed (in your case).

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.. Fool me 3 times, well, something along the lines of, take a hard look in the mirror and think of a new approach.
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-09-03 21:45:00
IMBRA Special TopicsSex Offender Applying for K1
QUOTE (akdiver @ Sep 2 2008, 06:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ShadMot @ Jul 10 2008, 03:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When I was 19 years old, I had a 16 year old girlfriend and was charged with having sex with a minor. I know the general public's perception of a sex offender is a child molester or rapist but I am neither. And it bugs me to no end that I somehow ended up being grouped in this category. I was a teenager with a teenage girlfriend that happened to be a little younger than me. I was given a 6 month jail sentence for this. I am 25 years old now and have not committed any crime since nor do I ever plan to. I have met a wonderful woman overseas and wish to be with her but due to the Adam Walsch Act I'm wondering if I would be able to get a K1 Visa. Or if I have any chance to bring her over at all. I really wish to be with this woman but am scared that I might not be able to. Any advice or information would greatly be appreciated.
Were I in charge of the law, you would have been executed. Adults are not supposed to have sex with children. Period.

What if I were 18 years and one day old, and my 'rape victim' was 17 years and 355 days old?
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-09-03 21:48:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan

:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

I'm in Algeria until mid-July, I wonder what I can do... I dont have the money to send it round trip with DHL ($160) for a signature :crying:

Can the form be faxed to you? That would save 1/2 the time and money as you would only be mailing one way. If it has to be the original form I suppose that wouldn't work, but its a thought.

Ok, the questions begin. I met Luz through Yahoo personals. I am guessing that it isn't a MB but I would like to hear that from someone official. I had one previous petition MORE than 2 years ago. If I read that right I don't think I need the wavier. Right?

Are you asking for an opinion, or something 'official' from the government?
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-21 20:34:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan

Thanks so much for sharing, it is truly helpful. I thought they would give more details about the marriage broker definition. It is very broad, and leaves a lot of questions.

I met my fiancee on Yahoo personals, should I check yes or no????

Yahoo personals are not considered a IMB because they welcome everyone, international or domestic to join.

That is just my opinion. Please ask others who have filled out the form (mine was done before IMBRA) and read the descriptions for yourself.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-21 19:49:00
USCIS Service CentersNOA1 wait time from NSC

Hi there! This is my first post. I just filed my I-130 at the NSC. It was recieved on Feb. 7. The check has not yet been cashed, and clearly I have not yet recieved my NOA1. Should I be concerned that the check hasn't been cashed, yet? I see some folks who recieved their NOA1 within 7 - 10 days . . . is there anyone out there who has sent theirs recently in the same boat? Should I try and call to see if it really did get there or if I need to put a stop-payment on the check and re-mail the application? I though this part was supposed to go a little faster! I expected the long wait for the NOA2!! :help:

Thanks for your responses . . .

2/6/06 Overnight FedEx I-130 for spouse
2/7/06 Received at mailing address, per FedEx tracking number
2/23/06 still waiting . . . no response yet . . .

Humm... Fedex does not deliver to Post office boxes. Perhaps they sent it to the physical address and it is sitting in the lobby or something? I dunno, you may want to look into it.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-02-23 21:14:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat is wrong with the NSC???

I just checked the dates for the I-129F's. It hasn't changed again!! Are they all on vacation???!!! :angry:

Those dates do not mean much. It is obvious they are adjucating petitions filed around Jan. 10 if you look at the approvals in the Immigration timeline section. I have stopped paying any attention to the updates.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-03-21 07:18:00
USCIS Service CentersNew CSC post as of 3/20 and still shows 12/31/05 for I-129F!!! ARRGH!
Gratz on NOA2 !!! And yet another example of how the date posted on the USCIS for petitions is BS ;)
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-03-25 06:22:00
USCIS Service CentersUpdates????

Looks like CIS is going to monthly updates now. Monday will be three weeks since last update and the last three showed processing dates of December 31. You would think with technology as it is they could have current realtime updates or at least frequent, accurate, predictable and constant updates for all of us poor people waiting to be with our loved ones would at least feel informed and see some dang progress. Their practices are just down right cruel and unusual punishment...border line torture.

I dunno... I have found the dates they give pretty much useless. The timeline information entered by VJ members is much more helpful :time: I suppose when they update it does feel like something is happening, even if it really isn't.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-04-08 04:04:00
USCIS Service Centersis Nebraska getting faster?

Yeah, they are doing Feb applications now. I hope they get to the March ones soon!!! This is killing me!!!

Can you tell us how you know that NCS is onto the feburary petitions? Last I checked (today) online it said NCS was up to January 3rd applications. Thanks a lot.

Avery and Jenn

Look here

ChucklesMaleRussia2006-04-21 15:12:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS...A Day In The Life

The reality is there are big problems a foot if 1. one center processes in 20 days the next 120 days it shows very poor management. I dealt with the USCG when a new requirement came in to ceritfy all the new casino boat crews-new 10 years ago- so the USCG office in those areas were flooded with thousands of applications they did not shift the work load to the next slowest they spread it around smartly!!!!!!! Some thing appers really wrong with 1. there managment pratcies and 2. The different standards the apply i.e. defferent every time

This is a good point I wanted to bring up as well. It is not necessarily the employees that are broken, its the system and management thereof. And I think this evidence (one center takes 20 days the other 120 days) is about as much proof as you need.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-05-01 06:29:00
USCIS Service CentersWhen to call Service Center
The date for processing at Nebraska changed to Feb. 13 and my NOA1 is dated Feb. 9. Should I call them now? Does it really matter if it is not 30 days past the processing date? Should I expect an answer to what is holding up my petition from them?
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-05-08 23:18:00
USCIS Service CentersANY news out of Nebraska?
I've never been touched :hehe:
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-05-29 10:00:00
USCIS Service CentersANY news out of Nebraska?

It's been 18 days since my last touch actually.

My fiance called the VSC yesterday, they didn't mention anything about the IMBRA or possible delays, all they said is that they're currently processing April 9th and 10th, and that they should get to our case soon enough (since we're April 19th). Of course we all know they approve cases that are after April 9th so I'm not sure what to think of it.

The VSC has a direct number to check on the progress of cases?
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-05-18 10:27:00
USCIS Service CentersANY news out of Nebraska?
Here is a cut and paste of the post in question:

"Here is the response that I received from my congressman, today:

"Thank you for sharing with me your thoughts regarding immigration issues.

The legislation to which you referred, the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005, was not considered in the House of Representatives as a stand-alone bill. Instead, it was included in a much larger bill, the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005, which was approved by the House by a vote of 415-4 on September 28, 2005, and was signed into law on January 5, 2006.

Per your request, I contacted officials at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) service center in Lincoln, Nebraska. The Nebraska service center accepts and processes the applications and petitions from people residing in Minnesota, as well as Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

According to USCIS officials, there has been a slow down in operations at the Nebraska regional service center because of an ongoing reorganization of USCIS field offices. Currently, the USCIS four regional service centers, as the name suggests, process visas and petitions filed in the states within each of the centers’ assigned region. USCIS is restructuring its regional service centers so that each center specializes in certain types of visas and petitions. For example, the Nebraska center processes petitions for alien workers filed across the nation, rather than just in its own service region.

Unfortunately, while USCIS continues its restructuring efforts, we can expect to see more delays. USCIS officials are hopeful that once the reorganization is completed, the service centers will be able to process visas and petitions more quickly and efficiently.

Rest assured that I will continue to monitor the situation."

So far I see no action out of Nebraska since May 4th.... "
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-05-17 23:31:00
USCIS Service CentersANY news out of Nebraska?
Somewhere someone posted that they are reorganizing the service centers. Nebraska will no longer be handling K1 visa apps, according to the post. I do not remember where it was. In the K1 forum somewhere I think.

At any rate, this may be the cause for the stoppage at Nebraska and Vermont. Or not :P I don't know the validity of the post.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-05-17 09:35:00
USCIS Service CentersNebraska- anyone get moved to CSC?
For the record, my case was not moved. My NOA1 is dated Feb. 9 and I have recieved no touches. Perhaps this is only for cases after March. 6.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-01 17:33:00
USCIS Service CentersAverage time?
Even at the best of times the USCIS time schedule cannot be predicted and there is always random cases that take a much longer or shorter time to adjucate for reasons that do not seem obvious. The IMBRA certainly is making things worse for those filing this year.

So, you may know this by now, do not make any concrete plans and just play it by ear. It is the best you can do. Good luck.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-08 08:08:00
USCIS Service CentersVOTE ON Next processing date


Well, I've been lurking around VJ for 6 months and have seen Nebraska dates move 2 months in that time... And because my K1 petition is one of only a handful left there, I am going to say no change for Nebraska!

Cali will move up 1 month to spite me because I was not transferred there! And Vermont will finally get back to its old self and will move up to May 31 !!

:lol: :lol: :thumbs: :whistle:
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-12 00:21:00
USCIS Service CentersHave no education? Become a ADJUDICATIONS OFFICER!!

Point taken. I am sure there are lots of security checks to pass as well. My guess is those security checks take a week like any normal job applicant in the private sector, not the 4-6 months it takes the USCIS to figure it out.

No, actually, they're not any faster. I work for the federal government (in a job that requires the *lowest* level of security check). I started February 22 and the results of my security check were received last week. So that's about 3½ months. The difference is that they let me start work while it was pending.


Edited by Chuckles, 17 June 2006 - 10:37 PM.

ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-17 22:36:00
USCIS Service CentersHave no education? Become a ADJUDICATIONS OFFICER!!

I don't know where you read that job advertisement i've check and transfered me to, on Adjudication Officer these are the requirements:

I'm a bachelor Degree but i don't qualified for adjudication Officer, I wish i can work them for giving a very very nice benefits and salary, vacation as well.


GS-9: You qualify at the GS-9 level if you possess one year of specialized experience that equipped you with the skills needed to perform the job duties. This experience must have been equivalent to at least the GS-7 grade level. Examples include assisting individuals applying for immigration benefits by examining documents for authenticity; researching and analyzing appropriate information; and responding to general inquiries regarding immigration benefits and entitlements.

GS-11: You qualify at the GS-11 level if you possess one year of specialized experience that equipped you with the skills needed to perform the job duties. This experience must have been equivalent to at least the GS-9 grade level. Examples include making final determinations on non-sensitive, routine immigration benefit requests that involve determining applicant credibility, analyzing evidence, and applying statutory requirements, regulations and judicial and administrative precedents.

GS-12: You qualify at the GS-12 level if you possess one year of specialized experience that equipped you with the skills needed to perform the job duties. This experience must have been equivalent to at least the GS-11 grade level. Examples include making final determinations on complex immigration cases involving eligibility for citizenship, suspension of deportation, and immigration benefits; and writing final determinations with legal analysis to support decision.


GS-9: You may substitute a Master s degree or 2 full years of graduate education in any field or a J.D. or L.L.B. degree for experience required at the GS-9 grade level. Such education must have been obtained in an accredited college or university and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to do the work of this position. Check with your school to determine how many credit hours comprise two years of graduate education. If that information is not available, use 36 semester or 54 quarter hours.

GS-11: You may substitute a doctoral degree or three full years of progressively higher-level graduate education leading to such a degree in any field for experience at the GS-11 grade level. Such education must have been obtained in an accredited college or university and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to do the work of this position. Check with your school to determine how many credit hours comprise three years of graduate study. If that information is not available, use 54 semester or 81 quarter hours.

Appropriate combinations of successfully completed post-high school education and experience also may be used to meet the total qualification requirements for the GS-9 and 11 grade levels. (Refer to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection web site at for information on how to combine experience and education.)

You kinda missed the point, but for reference here is a direct copy and paste that looks much diffent then yours.


SALARY RANGE: 63,581.00 - 82,652.00 USD per year OPEN PERIOD: Wednesday, June 07, 2006
to Wednesday, June 21, 2006
SERIES & GRADE: GS-1801-12 POSITION INFORMATION: Full Time Career/Career Conditional
PROMOTION POTENTIAL: 12 DUTY LOCATIONS: 1 vacancy - Columbus Metro area, OH
Status Candidates (Merit Promotion Elig)

This position supports our mission to administer immigration benefits and services such as processing applications for U.S. citizenship, processing asylum and refugee cases, administering the visa program, administering work authorizations and other permits, and providing services for new residents and citizens.


Who May Apply: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ employees who are currently serving on a Career/Career-Conditional appointment.

Organizational Location: This position is located in the Columbus Sub-Office, Columbus, OH.

Relocation Expenses: Relocation expenses will NOT be paid.

Note: One or more positions may be filled using this vacancy announcement.

U.S. Citizenship
Background Security Investigation
Drug Screening
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-12 19:06:00
USCIS Service CentersHave no education? Become a ADJUDICATIONS OFFICER!!


U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) receives between six and eight million applications and petitions every year. As such, USCIS is the largest immigration service in the world. On a daily basis, the 15,000 federal and contract employees of USCIS accomplish the following at our 250 offices worldwide:

?? Conduct 135,000 national security background checks
?? Receive 135,000 visitors to our Internet site (
?? Answer phone inquiries from 82,000 calls to our toll-free customer service phone line
?? Process 30,000 applications for immigrant benefits
?? Answer in-person inquiries from 19,000 visitors to information counters at 92 local offices
?? Issue 7,000 Permanent Resident Cards (green cards)
?? Capture 8,000 sets of fingerprints at 130 Application Support Centers
?? Welcome 2,100 new citizens
?? Welcome 3,500 new permanent residents
?? Welcome nearly 200 refugees from around the world
?? Help American parents adopt nearly 80 foreign-born orphans
?? Grant asylum to 80 individuals already in the United States
?? Naturalize 20 individuals serving in the United States military

It’s not an easy job they probably use forklifts to move around the applications

Makes me even more concerned they have serious managment issues there.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-06 16:45:00
USCIS Service CentersHave no education? Become a ADJUDICATIONS OFFICER!!

They have listings for new posistions on the USCIS web page. One is for adjucations officer. Some things that stood out to me...

SALARY RANGE: 68,192.00 - 88,646.00 USD per year
Education: There is no specialized education requirement for this position.

Thats alot of money to be paid to drag your ### !!! *disclaimer* this is my opinion, you aren't going to change it, don't wanna hear how wonderful a job you think they are doing.

There may be no specialised education required for the position, but there is specialised training required. Most adjudicating officers are sent to a training "college" to learn how to interpret the regulations.

Point taken. I am sure there are lots of security checks to pass as well. My guess is those security checks take a week like any normal job applicant in the private sector, not the 4-6 months it takes the USCIS to figure it out.

Sorry, just annoyed with things today. I spent an hour on hold on the Customer "SERVICE" line, and the people there have no idea what IMBRA is, nor that cases in Nebraska are being transferred to Cali. Why do I know more then their employees by peaking at a public website every now and again? I suspect some real problems with management practices at these service centers.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-05 19:02:00
USCIS Service CentersHave no education? Become a ADJUDICATIONS OFFICER!!
They have listings for new posistions on the USCIS web page. One is for adjucations officer. Some things that stood out to me...

SALARY RANGE: 68,192.00 - 88,646.00 USD per year
Education: There is no specialized education requirement for this position.

Thats alot of money to be paid to drag your ### !!! *disclaimer* this is my opinion, you aren't going to change it, don't wanna hear how wonderful a job you think they are doing.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-05 18:20:00
Got my NOA2 on a saturday too... today! :thumbs: It was not dated for today however. The date of approval is 2 days ago.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-17 15:32:00
USCIS Service CentersEmailed CSC again

Well, I decided to email CSC once again, I am going to bug them to death until they do something with my case or at least give me some kind of answer. Today marks 143 days since NOA1. I got the same response again, except they did change one thing, which did give me a glimpse of hope. They had been telling me not to inquire again for 60 days, now they say not to inquire again for 45. Hey it isn't much, but every little thing at this point helps. They are still stating "security checks", of course. Just wanted to update everybody. Wishing everyone the best of luck.


I am curious about the '30 days past processing date' as it is stated on the processing time page on the USCIS website. Officially, you are not 30 days past the processing date, yet they investigated your case and told you that you were in security checks?

I ask this because they will not do the same for me, and I want to understand if that is true or they just don't feel like it.

Basically all they gave me was a standard answer they give everyone, that they are doing security checks that are required of ALL PETITIONS. So, they really are not investigating anything. They are just saying the same thing over and over. Hope this helps.....


I see... that sucks. It was disappointing to see the dates did not change during the last update either. You are so close to getting past the 30 days and maybe getting a real answer.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-14 18:00:00
USCIS Service CentersEmailed CSC again

Well, I decided to email CSC once again, I am going to bug them to death until they do something with my case or at least give me some kind of answer. Today marks 143 days since NOA1. I got the same response again, except they did change one thing, which did give me a glimpse of hope. They had been telling me not to inquire again for 60 days, now they say not to inquire again for 45. Hey it isn't much, but every little thing at this point helps. They are still stating "security checks", of course. Just wanted to update everybody. Wishing everyone the best of luck.


I am curious about the '30 days past processing date' as it is stated on the processing time page on the USCIS website. Officially, you are not 30 days past the processing date, yet they investigated your case and told you that you were in security checks?

I ask this because they will not do the same for me, and I want to understand if that is true or they just don't feel like it.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-14 14:28:00
USCIS Service CentersTalked with Vermont
There was somoene who recently said they recieved an NOA2 from CSC on a saturday. Not sure if that is proof of anything, but its another circumstance that leads me to believe they work on Saturdays.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-21 02:07:00