Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBank statements, Moscow

I included copies of my last two bank statements, but they did not even bother to look at them. They were more interested in my tax return and the letter of employment which I did not have because I am self employed. And you do not need three years of tax returns, just the most recent one. I also included a lot of other asset info for 401-K and my house which they did not look at also.

I am curious what you prepared for your house. I put it on my I-134 so I should at least be prepared for it to be shown. I was thinking just a couple statements from my mortgage company would suffice. What did you have prepared?
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-07-04 17:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBank statements, Moscow
I was wondering if the consulate in Moscow accepts old fashioned printed bank statements for evidence with the I-134? Or do I need to have a "Statement from an officer of the bank or other financial institution where you have deposits.." like it says in the I-134 instructions?
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-07-04 08:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRecent Moscow Interview Questions for tourist visa??

Awww, come on Neon!!!

I don't know what they ask at the tourist interview, but Neonred is probably right about the line of questions. They're going to try to establish that you have a valid reason to return to Russia (i.e., Family, Job, Home/Property, etc.) and will only be coming to the US for tourism.

I've heard it is very hard for Russians to get tourist visas here (although not impossible, so don't give up!) but provided that you have a good job and own property or something of that nature, you should be OK.

Good luck!!!! And please, keep us posted!

I don’t know what to say … I don’t worry about the documents about the work and bank . I have everything just perfect , I have been to lots of country’s , I travel a lot…. but never been to U,S . so I am just looking for some advice about the interview . what can they ask ?? may be some of your friends in Russia gone thru the same thing …?????

One thing I have heard about tourist visa's for Russians to the USA is that having traveled before to other 'western' countries is a big bonus. They like to see that you obtained a visa and honored it etc.. That is the only information I have unfortunatly.

I wish you luck!!
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-07-10 15:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow bound, soon!

I’m planning to fly to Moscow, departing the USA some time between August 8th and 16th. And I’m anxious to go! :dance:

Anybody traveling during August? Maybe we can chat, in transit…

Also, if anybody needs drugs or a large amount of currency taken over there, just let me know…

Actually, I’m not serious about the drugs. :P

I am travelling back from Europe on the 6th, so I'll miss you, but best of luck !!! Hope you have a great time !!!

P.S. I do not need drugs and currency taken to Moscow, but if you bring some back for me that would be swell !!
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-07-16 18:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPassport problem
I should just let this go - because you guys are right. There are plenty of girls looking for a sucker to latch onto. But that is alot different then liking him, let alone loving him.

That's why I said he needs to think about why he is going to Russia. He should have alot of knowledge of this girl he is going to meet. He should be genuinly interested in her and have gone so far as to check her out. It doesn't seem like he has done his reasearch. He should try to know alot more about where he is going because I can easily see him being left by himself. He need to show an interest in Russia itself, I would think. I went there for vacation with lots of plans. I was prepared if my girl was trying to play me, or if we just didn't click in person. I wanted to see Russia.

Anyway, Cam, I could be wrong about you. Maybe you really have thought things through.

Edited by Chuckles, 16 August 2006 - 03:44 PM.

ChucklesMaleRussia2006-08-16 15:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPassport problem
Cam, I don't know you, I'm just saying that is the impression you are making here on this message board. You might be quite different in person. I hope so.

Good luck in Russia, I hope you take the advice that was given to you in this forum.

Edited by Chuckles, 15 August 2006 - 05:23 PM.

ChucklesMaleRussia2006-08-15 17:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPassport problem
Uh, no. I never met 'guys in track suits' when I have been there, I never tried to. If you think you are a big billy badass and want to take on a few, be my guest. I am sure they will oblige.

I guess you are just trying to be funny, but you sooooo miss the point of what people are trying to tell you. I am amazed at all the good information people are giving you since you seem to just ignore it all anyway. You got to wake up and ask yourself why you are going to Russia. I don't mean to say anything personal, but if the girls here don't like you, they won't like you over there either. Yes, the girls over there are sweet and many have a great attitude tword relationships, but they won't marry any clown who shows up on their doorstep. I really hope you don't act like this with you girl cause you come off as a dork, maybe even semi-retarded.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-08-15 14:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAtlanta as a POE
..or take a direct flight from Frankfurt to Portland International via Lufthansa.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-08-19 21:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRecent Moscow Interview Questions?
I just got an email from the Moscow Embassy (I sent them an email last Wednesday about our case) and they said they have scheduled Olga's interview for September 8 !! Anyway, I am excited about it ! It seems everything is moving very fast now.

Edited by Chuckles, 17 July 2006 - 04:38 AM.

ChucklesMaleRussia2006-07-17 04:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRecent Moscow Interview Questions?
Good luck everyone with upcoming interviews !!! Be sure to spread the love and post what types of questions they ask you as well !!! :thumbs: :lol: :dance:
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-07-09 18:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRecent Moscow Interview Questions?

Slim and Elena, CONGRATULATIONS! Wishing you both smooth sailing the rest of the way! Thanks for your help. Maria's looking at your story and advice. We've gotten her date and she's awaiting the packet.

Great news Larry! Good luck with everything.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-21 20:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedial facilities
My fiancee is going to use MOM as well. One of her best friends (married to doudis, who used to frequent here...) used that clinic and said she was pleased with it.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-08-23 02:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOverseas Cash Flow
Yup, the embassy made a mistake and sent the 'CR-1' packet and not the 'K-1' packet :P The fees are as they always have been... I need to call the embassy and make sure they understand its a K-1 visa though...
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-08-27 09:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOverseas Cash Flow

The website is outdated. The numbers come from the package sent by the embassy.

Is the state's department website also outdated?
I think you might be confusing the cost of the K1 non-immigrant visa with the CR1/IR1 immigrant visa which is $335 + $45 security surcharge.

Perhaps you are right, it seems others have recently paid 100$. That is a relief...
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-08-24 00:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOverseas Cash Flow

Did you know that visa's now cost 360 bucks a pop? In my case I need 2 of them for my fiancee and her daughter. That's 720 dollars right there.

Where you getting these numbers from? Last time I checked you were doing a K1. Which is a non-immigrant visa and according to the US Embassy in Moscow the price is still $100.
"Please pay the application fee ($100 dollars for each applicant) ON THE DAY OF THE INTERVIEW only after an Embassy employee instructs you to do so."

The website is outdated. The numbers come from the package sent by the embassy.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-08-23 18:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOverseas Cash Flow
Yah, the questions slim brings up are worth asking. I don't know if they apply in anyones case here. But, and I think slim knows this, many Russians have no money left over at the end of the month after paying for basic needs. Heck, even I don't have any money left over at the end of the month after paying bills. But, being American, and the realities of our economies, I have access to money. Did you know that visa's now cost 360 bucks a pop? In my case I need 2 of them for my fiancee and her daughter. That's 720 dollars right there. These prices are not 'adjusted' for Russian incomes. My fiancee can live easily for 2 months, and live well, with just that amount of money. So, hence the need for the ATM card...
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-08-23 02:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOverseas Cash Flow
Unfortunatly Russian Citizens and/or Russian Banks cannot use paypal :( Your best bet for Russia is the seperate debit card. It can be in your name and your SO can use it at any ATM with no problems.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-08-14 13:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusgoing to moscow. any suggestions?

other than the i-129, what forms and or documents should we bring to each other to be helpful with the k-1 process? how can i take advantage of this trip in that way. my flight is this thursday sept 7. thanks to everyone for all the information

You should read this guide if you haven't already;page=k1guide it is helpful and gives you all the info you need.

If you follow through with a K1 the most important document to bring is the G-325a form. There are 4 pages (all the same info). Your fiancee will have to fill them all out and sign them all. It is also helpful to collect 2 (or more) passport style photos if you are there, as well as a letter of intent from your fiance to marry you. This must be signed.

Be sure to save all your reciepts, and take lots of pictures together! I wish you luck, and enjoy Moscow!
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-09-02 09:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusgoing to moscow. any suggestions?
Yep, reality bites. It makes no sense to go broke, but when you are old and have one foot in the grave, you aren't going to be thinking about how much money you saved in your life.

1500$ a night though... wow...
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-08-23 02:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusgoing to moscow. any suggestions?
I have been to Moscow a few times. Yes, of course there are ways to survive there on a small budget, but if you really want a nice 'western' style hotel I would suggest the Moscow Best Western. I stayed there for a short time. It is near the Belorusky (sp?) metro station, a bit farther out then some of the other hotels, but it is $150 a night with all the comforts.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-08-17 18:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHelp, I need advice
Sorry, I just need to point out that he said the relationship has lasted 2 years, she has been in the US for about 5 months :P I don't think she has come out of the 'adjustment' period yet.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-08-27 09:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTrip to Kazan

Have you made any travel plans yet Cam?

(And thanks for the welcome back guys!)

Got my plane ticket, hotel reservations, tetanus and dyptheria shots. Already paid for the visa an invitation. Then the post office screwed up my passport. Other than that no plans at all :dance:

I have been to Kazan, it is a nice city. There is lots to do there. There is a casino/nightclub shaped like a pyramid that is very popular. They have a reconstructed Tatar (primary heritage culture there) village with shops and restaurants. You can go see the old Kremlin. Interesting churches there, specifically the islamic church. You can tour it if you wish. There is a shopping district with a nice plaza... Anyway, lots of history, culture etc. Good people. Don't worry about 'gangs' or any of that #######. Just be smart and don't go wandering off by yourself, stay with your girl.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-08-06 21:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview passed
Thanks everyone!! I am very happy, and I am sure we will see you and Marina soon Doug !! :) :) The tentative plan right now is the beginning of November for her to arrive.

As far as the interview, she said they asked mostly "about feelings". The man wanted to know how she felt about me, and about us. He did not asked any specific questions, like my address or questions about relatives (that was suprising for me). After asking about our love for each other and such and having looked at a few pictures, he asked for what proof she had of these 'feelings'. She showed him our letters first and he read some of them. She wanted to show him more pictures and other things, but he said no, it is fine, she had already passed.

I would like to note, she may have caught a break with the CO she got. She said that two other women did not get visas from the other women officers there. So I guess it would be good to hope for the male officer if you are having an interview soon :)

Olga's daughter was there with her. She was not asked any questions. She was a little disappointed because she practiced hard for the interview and did not get asked anything :)

I guess that is about it. I wish everyone else lots of luck!
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-09-10 08:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview passed
Olga passed her interview today :D I am very happy and relieved. I will get more details later.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-09-07 04:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPurchasing plane ticket

I finally ordered the tickets from Expedia, one way from Moscow. POE is Cincinnati. For a fee, I had Expedia mail the tickets to her in Russia. I bought the tickets last Thursday afternoon. She received them this Tuesday, yesterday. They wen USPS Express. I can hardly believe it, but they got there in record time. She will leave on September 12.

Thanks for your help. Have a great evening.

I am curious about this, did you call them or use the website? How did you get them to send it directly to your fiance?
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-08-27 09:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPurchasing plane ticket

I brought her my ticket when I met her in Moscow. We entered the USA together.

This was my original plan way back when... It happens that the interview will take place at a time I cannot afford to miss work, nor afford another ticket (mine) for that matter.

Thanks for the suggestions here, this is helpful.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-08-15 02:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPurchasing plane ticket
How did you guys purchase a plane ticket for your fiancee to fly into the states after she recieves her visa? Can you purchase a ticket online then have her use a e-ticket at the counter, or did you have to send her paper tickets? How does it work in Russia?
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-08-06 00:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarried one year

I stumbled on this whole Russian/American thing by accident too. I wasn't 'looking' for a Russian woman and I certainly wasn't trying to find a homemaker who would stay pregnant in the kitchen. I really do hope Olga finds work she likes, and is as independant as she wants to be. I would gladly stay at home and support her career if it ever took off.

Anyway, I don't think anybody really fits those stereotypes here. The guys looking for 'homemaker slaves' in a Russian wife generally don't make it as far as marriage, or get scammed and slink away. I do get a chuckle reading some of those boards where men who are so tired of American women complaining about this or that. They seem to think they are going to find what they are looking for in Russia. I dunno, I haven't seen it all for sure, but Russian women seem like the least likely to want to be tied down like that :P

Any report on the interview?

On the slave... I I have a cleaning service now and we intend to keep using them...
Anna wants to focus on english, driving, partime work, family etc

Yah, I wrote about the interview here http://www.visajourn...showtopic=30721 If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-09-15 04:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMarried one year
I stumbled on this whole Russian/American thing by accident too. I wasn't 'looking' for a Russian woman and I certainly wasn't trying to find a homemaker who would stay pregnant in the kitchen. I really do hope Olga finds work she likes, and is as independant as she wants to be. I would gladly stay at home and support her career if it ever took off.

Anyway, I don't think anybody really fits those stereotypes here. The guys looking for 'homemaker slaves' in a Russian wife generally don't make it as far as marriage, or get scammed and slink away. I do get a chuckle reading some of those boards where men who are so tired of American women complaining about this or that. They seem to think they are going to find what they are looking for in Russia. I dunno, I haven't seen it all for sure, but Russian women seem like the least likely to want to be tied down like that :P
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-09-15 00:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNVC and their discrimination
My app took a little over a week at the NVC.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-09-25 12:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe Just Under One Year Report
I'm really sorry to hear about your troubles, Russ. I am sure you had no idea it would end up like this. Life is a crapshoot sometimes. Hang in there.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-09-15 00:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow processing times
Congrats to everyone and good luck !!!!
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-08-23 02:17:00
United KingdomMarried!!!
Best Wishes heart.gif
ChantelFemalePhilippines2007-10-22 04:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I hate the weekends!
QUOTE (emt103c @ Oct 11 2008, 11:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (indianheart @ Oct 11 2008, 10:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We can do one thing very soon and that is vote on Nov 4th and make sure we dont put those in office that beleive in bigger government. They want to control everything in our lives (your mention of big brother).
I digress, too much politics going on now blink.gif .
It does seem that behind the scenes there must be some information the embassy has been told to slow the process down, so many AP given recently (or my awareness has made me notice more).
sometimes I think the week end gives me a chance to relax not expecting the phone to ring or looking for emails but in the back of my mind is the fact that the embassy doesnt work. I just hate AP crying.gif

Currently neither of the candidates give a ####### about immigration. . . . or have even an inkling of a solution. . .

My comment had more to do with big government versus smaller government. I dont like socialized government where we have no choices of our own
indianheartFemaleIndia2008-10-11 14:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I hate the weekends!
QUOTE (JULIAFERNO @ Oct 11 2008, 06:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (estadia @ Oct 11 2008, 05:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hate the weekends too mainly cuz i know the likely hood of getting a noa2 is like NONE on the weekends ..........and his family is starting to question what is wrong with her family its taking so long has to be her family cuz its not us.....yup sure adds to the stress of all of this when u can not give a solid reason why its taking so long even to urself ................

We live in America. We are American citizens. There must be something we can do about this...but sadly it seems post 9/11 so many of our civil rights have been stamped out. So many Americans willingly bowed down in the name of "freedom" and "fighting terrorism". The face of this country has changed. Big brother rules our lives, even our love. What can we do about it? unsure.gif

We can do one thing very soon and that is vote on Nov 4th and make sure we dont put those in office that beleive in bigger government. They want to control everything in our lives (your mention of big brother).
I digress, too much politics going on now blink.gif .
It does seem that behind the scenes there must be some information the embassy has been told to slow the process down, so many AP given recently (or my awareness has made me notice more).
sometimes I think the week end gives me a chance to relax not expecting the phone to ring or looking for emails but in the back of my mind is the fact that the embassy doesnt work. I just hate AP crying.gif
indianheartFemaleIndia2008-10-11 09:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I want to finally have a family.
I sometimes think they do this in hopes of people giving up...I know if I was not in this marriage for the long haul I wouldnt have waited past the first week. I think a fraud would just call it quits and be glad they werent in jail, and maybe the embassy's have experience with people that have just given up.
indianheartFemaleIndia2008-10-20 09:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I want to finally have a family.
Thanks Tammy and I will be persistant (I am stuborn) but I am also going in with my eyes wide open and nothing in life is perfect (except for the time I will have with my husband).
indianheartFemaleIndia2008-10-18 10:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I want to finally have a family.
good.gif yes.gif a family of 2 is wonderful too

I have heard nothing from the embassy the last 2 emails (1 month apart) and they still say AP. I dont understand either why they make us wait. I sometimes think the officer has some bias and want to prove something by dragging this out. I have decided when I go to the embassy I will ask to speak with a supervisor because I dont think this officer is being objective in dealing with our case.
386 days since I last saw my husband (I know you got me beat Tammy).
I appreciate all good thoughts and prayers sent my way. I leave Tuesday (10-21) and will finally see my husband again for 3 weeks (I hope and pray I get to bring him home) but we will enjoy the time we have together.
indianheartFemaleIndia2008-10-17 09:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP: 1 year today
How quick is quick? husbands ex got home visit 3 weeks ago
indianheartFemaleIndia2008-09-30 23:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP: 1 year today
I thought they were just waiting for your husbands medical to be redone. what more are they asking for?
indianheartFemaleIndia2008-09-24 20:54:00