Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWe met 1yr ago Today!!!
Way to go Doug !!! :thumbs: :dance:
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-04-16 14:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTickets for the ol' lady

did that to me and I had BIG problems getting my tickets changed the last time I went to Russia (Volgograd via Moscow)!! :angry: Aeroflot said it was Delta's problem. Delta said it was Aeroflot's problem.

Next time, I'm booking them separately! Much less hassle for me. YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary)

If you can, just avoid Aeroflot entirely. Galina missed her flight (road to airport closed due to snowstorm). She was still at the airport well before her flight left (several hours). "Sorry, buy another ticket." "Not our problem." "No refund for cancelled flight."

DME is a better airport, and no Aeroflot, and the train goes straight there for $3 in 30 minutes.

Perhaps this is all true, but I had a good experience with Aeroflot leaving Moscow. I bought the ticket well beforehand through travelocity. The only real problem I had was the less then helpful Aeroflot ticket agents who did not want to explain to me where my gate was. Typical Russian service there.

The flight was very nice and relaxing. LAX was easy to get through and I have heard it is a good POE for K1 visa holders.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-04-25 02:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusex-husband's permission for child to leave the country?

jaylen_brit is correct in saying that this what US Immigration NEEDS. It doesn't really matter what the law in your fiance's country states. The US Govt. wants to ensure that the K1 Visa holder has the legal right to take a child to reside in the US.

You contridict yourself fairly badly here... You state it doesn't matter what the law is in the fiance's country and then say the US government wants to ensure the Visa holder has the legal right to take the child. They have to have legal rights in their country.

So yah, this really has everything to do with Russia's laws and nothing to do with anywhere else.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-03-03 19:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPrenuptial Agreements II CautionNot for the Idealistic)

I would like to get peoples ideas on prenuptial agreements with foriegn spouses. Has anyone discussed this with their fiancee? Also, is it such a crazy idea?

I don't think its a crazy idea at all. Do what feels right for you. I suppose all situations can be different.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-02-24 03:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAge of Majority in Russia
Please clarify. Obviously you do not mean your wife has a 20 year old daughter with joint custody. Also, what is age of majority?
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-05-20 00:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus1st NOA2 since May, I think...


I hope you don't mind me putting this here...

It seems that you and Olga have received the first NOA2 of anyone since May. That's great news. You were due.

No NOA2's have gone to K-3 petitioners in over a month. Hopefully, our time is coming soon.

Best wishes!

Thanks Andrew, and good luck to you, I hope you see your NOA2 soon!
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-18 10:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Granted
Allright Slim !! I was wondering what had happened with your interview. I am glad everything went smooth and she will be arriving the visa soon.

ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-15 16:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Granted
Congrats. Thanks for sharing.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-02 20:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview August 14
Congrats on getting your interview, and good luck with it all!
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-26 21:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThings we already suspected.
Regardless of all factors, Moscow sure is expensive :lol: I find it amazing how Russians can actually afford to live there. I understand they must make larger salaries then those outside Moscow, but still...
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-26 21:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWHEN I GET MY NOA2???

:help: i cant wait when i get my noa2 .,
because after the have approved it i will feel calm,
it irritates me that there is still february 15, :wacko:
My feance has called the centre but they dont give anything new ...
Anybody knows what USCIS ussues ,i mean what kind of crime background petitioner needs to fill in?
thank you...

If your NOA1 date is Feb. 15 there is no need for any special criminal background check for the petitioner. Here is a bulletin put out by the USCIS concerning what security checks are completed:

I am not suprised the call center does not help. They will do nothing until your case because 30 days overdue, according to the USCIS webpage 'processing on' times. You can find those here https://egov.immigra...jsps/ptimes.jsp . If I were you, I would talk to your fiance and have him/her contact his congressman concerning your case. You are likely past the max processing times.

Edited by Chuckles, 27 June 2006 - 06:59 AM.

ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-27 06:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian/American vacation spot
I'll be in Frankfurt on the 22nd... almost there with ya, but not quite, heh.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-07-04 17:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian/American vacation spot
I arranged for my flight through Orbitz. Olya has made arrangments with a travel agency in Russia for her flight, the hotel, and tours. It is cheaper for her to book her flight and arrange for tours in Russia.

However, I do not feel we saved much if anything at all on the hotel, so if I did it again I would arrange my flight and hotel with Orbitz, travelocity, or one of those travel websites, then have Olya book her flight and any tours in Russia.

We are meeting at the Barcelona airport ,and yes, traveling to Costa Brava for the hotel and tours. We are going to be there from July 22-Aug 5. I can't wait !!!
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-30 23:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian/American vacation spot
Ok, but US citizens do not have to have a visa of any kind for connecting flights in SVO that I am sure of. By all means contact your airline/travel agent or whatever to confirm.

It seems strange that the only country I have heard of now where this is an issue for US citizens with connecting flights in the USA of all places... but all these travel laws and visa laws do not necessarily seem to make sense.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-19 18:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian/American vacation spot

To get back on topic I have a question about possibly having my fiance put together a vacation package out of Moscow.

If she finds a package and it is out of Moscow and I fly into moscow just to catch another flight with her to continue on to our destination will I need a Russian Tourist Visa???


You do not need a visa for connecting flights in any international airport. This is as true of SVO (Sherametavo) as well. You can meet with your fiancee on the other side of the security and passport checks in the international wing. If you have to travel between airports, or go to a different wing of the airport, I am not sure what the procedure is.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-19 14:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian/American vacation spot

Fine, Hostel was a good movie that made eastern european women look like a bunch of low moral whores. Sorry I'm not interested. What if I came into the Vietnam forum and suggested you watch 'Full Metal Jacket' cause they sucky sucky you 5 dollah? You find that funny? Me love you long time?

No, no. That's not a good analogy and those lines have been overplayed by 2 live crew, so it's not quite as funny as it could be.

It would be better if I said I was looking for a place to visit and you came to the forum saying you "had just watched 'Full Metal Jacket' and you hear the girls in Saigon are very friendly towards foreigners " or something like that.

That wouldn't quite work though because the question is where could my wife and I visit in South East Asia, and obviously I'm not looking for hookers if I'm with my wife- so it might be better if you said you "had just watched 'Full Metal Jacket' and it looks like Hue' would be a fun place to visit", or something like that.

But your comment is funny because you think I am looking for hookers in addition to MY wife?

I don't know, I have alot more respect for Vietamese women then to make a degrading joke out of them.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-09 19:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian/American vacation spot

C'mon, Chief. That was funny!

Explain how it is funny?

Well, according to this website Types of Humor which lists the types of humor, that statement could be defined as funny by being one of these types of humor:

Anecdotes any interesting event, either having to do with a celebrity or something smaller, that helps the humorist make a point. Anecdotes are great for the speaker and writer

Blue Humor not appropriate for the public speaker. Humor based on easily offensive subjects like making love, body parts, and bodily functions

Bull a humorous statement that is based on an outrageous contradiction. Ex: "The best people have never had kids."

Satire wit that is critical humor. Satire is sarcasm that makes fun of something.

Wisecrack any clever remark about a particular person or thing. Wisecracks are quick wordplays about a person.

Wit humor, irony, sarcasm, satire, repartee. Wit is funny because of the sudden sharpness and quick perception. Wit can bite. Verbal wit is a type of humor known as Wordplay.

or possibly even

Repartee includes clever replies and retorts. The most common form is the insult.

Dalegg, you are just trying to be an ###. Ha Ha?

Well, since my attempt at being a comedian failed, I've got to try to be something don't I?

Fine, Hostel was a good movie that made eastern european women look like a bunch of low moral whores. Sorry I'm not interested. What if I came into the Vietnam forum and suggested you watch 'Full Metal Jacket' cause they sucky sucky you 5 dollah? You find that funny? Me love you long time?

Thanks for the suggestions! Egypt was one of my first thoughts but my fiancee is a little leary of travelling there because of recent bombings and tourists being killed (namely Russian ones). Spain and the Czech Rep. are two possibilities, as well as Jamaica.

My husband worked in Sharm and there were tons and tons of Russian tourists there at the time. Most of those killed were the Egyptian employees. Sharm is beaaaaaaautiful and if you can convince her to go, it is well worth the trip.

Has anyone flown with NWA on an international/intercontinental flight? If so, how was it? I can get a lower fare from them, but if the flights are uncomfortable with bad service I'd rather spend a few more bucks.

I've flown Northwest on several occasions. They always go through Europe and usually you switch planes in Amsterdam. The trips over to Europe are nothing to write home about, but if you get a connecting flight on their partner airline KLA, it is luuuuuuuuuxery. I'm talkin individual tvs with 100s of movie/programs to chose from.

Thank you for the recomendations! Maybe I will look for another flight, it is such a long, boring flight from the west coast to Europe. It is always a good idea (IMO) to take a comfortable flight even if it costs a few more bucks.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-09 19:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian/American vacation spot

C'mon, Chief. That was funny!

Explain how it is funny?

Well, according to this website Types of Humor which lists the types of humor, that statement could be defined as funny by being one of these types of humor:

Anecdotes any interesting event, either having to do with a celebrity or something smaller, that helps the humorist make a point. Anecdotes are great for the speaker and writer

Blue Humor not appropriate for the public speaker. Humor based on easily offensive subjects like making love, body parts, and bodily functions

Bull a humorous statement that is based on an outrageous contradiction. Ex: "The best people have never had kids."

Satire wit that is critical humor. Satire is sarcasm that makes fun of something.

Wisecrack any clever remark about a particular person or thing. Wisecracks are quick wordplays about a person.

Wit humor, irony, sarcasm, satire, repartee. Wit is funny because of the sudden sharpness and quick perception. Wit can bite. Verbal wit is a type of humor known as Wordplay.

or possibly even

Repartee includes clever replies and retorts. The most common form is the insult.

Dalegg, you are just trying to be an ###. Ha Ha?
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-09 18:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian/American vacation spot
Has anyone flown with NWA on an international/intercontinental flight? If so, how was it? I can get a lower fare from them, but if the flights are uncomfortable with bad service I'd rather spend a few more bucks.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-09 11:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian/American vacation spot

C'mon, Chief. That was funny!

Explain how it is funny?
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-09 10:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian/American vacation spot

I saw this movie "Hostel" and Slovkia looks like a great place to visit.

Get lost.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-08 23:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian/American vacation spot
Technically I have no actions available to me. I can call the USCIS service center, but they will just tell me what I already know. It has been close to 120 days without a touch, and I really have no recourse until the processing dates on the USCIS site become 30 days past my NOA1. Right now they are 11 days past, and who knows when they will change now that K1's have been removed from Nebraska. Incidently, mine stayed at Nebraska.

So, I have a sneaking suspicion my paperwork was misplaced. I plan on calling the USCIS as soon as it goes 30 days past to see if they will start an investigation. Soon after that I will write my congressman, explain my situation, and sign a waiver for his office to investigate. Frankly I hope I get an RFE, a touch, or an approval before then because I really don't want to go down that road.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-04 18:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian/American vacation spot
I hope you have a great time in Croatia zhenik !! We almost chose that country to meet and I think it would have been a solid choice. We decided on Spain near Barcelona. I thank everyone again for their suggestions in this thread.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-05-27 06:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian/American vacation spot
Thanks for the suggestions! Egypt was one of my first thoughts but my fiancee is a little leary of travelling there because of recent bombings and tourists being killed (namely Russian ones). Spain and the Czech Rep. are two possibilities, as well as Jamaica.

Has anyone visited Jamaica with there Russian Fiance/wife?
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-05-07 17:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian/American vacation spot
So it appears my K1 visa app is going to be delayed for whatever reason, who knows? Anyway, I have vacation time soon and I do not see us having an interview within that time frame, so me and my honey have talked about meeting somewhere for vacation.

My question is, where have you guys visited with your Russian fiance before the K1 outside of Russia? What are some good spots and suggestions that we both will not have problems with obtaining travel visas?
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-05-05 18:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInternational Banking
Yes I see that satellite, and I think trying to use Citibank in order to do both deposits and withdraws, without the limitations of an ATM, is a great idea, as you responded originally.

Edited by Chuckles, 07 June 2006 - 06:43 PM.

ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-07 18:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInternational Banking
I have never tried deposits, but I do not see why it would not work. Try it with a lower sum of money just for kicks.

Also, the debit card is what I use to send funds to my fiancee as well. I use US Bank, but as stated, I think any bank will work.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-06 21:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRe-visiting Russia

My first trip to Russia was from Jan 19 to Feb 7 of this year on a single entry tourist visa. Now I would like to plan a second trip in mid-May, largely for the purpose of having a non-legal ceremony at a church in my fiancee's home town so we can involve her family and friends. This should be 90 days (but just barely) if that matters.

Should I just apply for a second tourist visa the same way I applied for the first one? Is there anything I need to know? Am I worrying for nothing?


Yes, this should be mostly strait forward, just apply and register the same as you did before.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-03-06 15:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAP what the hell for? Dont change name!!!!

If the folks here on the Russia forum had to "struggle" through the visa process the way those from the UK/Canada do.... I don't know how we'd make it. I mean gosh, it must be hard to go three whole months without seeing your S/O. And all the "hassles" to travel back and forth, the six month visitor visas, man... it's gotta be hard. I feel sorry for those guys.

I guess I'll just keep my Canadian 2 cents to myself then huh? I didn't realize that offering help to other forums was verboten because I come from an "easier" country (since it took me a year to get my visa and it's been a year since I've been here and still no green card to cross the border I feel like it's really easy for me! Especially when I have relatives who are older and ill.) :thumbs: But then again, like the people who chose a mate from a more "difficult" country I make my choices and live with the way things happen.

I'm not taking back the good wishes to Nick and Nat though. For whatever they're worth. :yes:

I don't think that comment was aimed at you in particular. I don't think anyone really 'choses' a mate from a diffucult country. I doubt anyone would intentionally make themselves go through the issues associated with Russian travel and bearuocricy.

Anyway... Good luck Nick' n 'Nat !!!!!
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-07-09 18:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNVC processing
I am lucky enough to be seeing my SO very soon as we will be vacationing together in Spain. I plan on taking all documents with me and hand delivering them :P That way there will be no dealing with the Russian post...

But very good advice and will use that if I forget something !! I am sure it will come in handy.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-07-10 15:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNVC processing
Our case has made it through processing at the NVC as of July 7 !! :dance:

That is a total of 22 days from the NOA2 date, so it appears the NVC is flowing 'normally' despite any new IMBRA regs.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-07-10 13:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNVC processing

I am curious how long it takes (generally) for a K1 petition to clear the NVC and make it to the Moscow consulate. How long did you guys wait for? Also, do they notify you when they recieve and send it?

Our timeline is not the best to be compared to as file was lost (misplaced) for 85 days making total days from NOA2 to "receivied by consulate" 94 days. :wacko:

Ah wow... another story about one of the immigration services that just makes you go humm.... Anyway, Congrats on your marriage and soon to be new baby. I wish you the best of luck with your next journey.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-26 21:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNVC processing
It seems Larry and Maria did about the same as most others in terms of time from NOA2 to interview date, and their case was sent to the NVC post IMBRA too, so perhaps it is not having a major impact there.

Thanks everyone for the replies!
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-25 08:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNVC processing
Ok then, it appears NVC will not be effected by IMBRA. Thanks!
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-20 18:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNVC processing

I got notice from NVC about two weeks after NOA II, it took about 3 weeks for the Moscow embassy site to udate with our case number on it. Then, the interview was about 6 weeks after that. All in all, it was about 3 months from NOA II. (This was pre-IMBRA, I think now it's taking around 6 months.)

Oh! I didn't realize IMBRA had an effect on NVC processing. Thanks for the info.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-19 22:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNVC processing
I am curious how long it takes (generally) for a K1 petition to clear the NVC and make it to the Moscow consulate. How long did you guys wait for? Also, do they notify you when they recieve and send it?
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-18 22:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK3 Embassy Process
ooo a touch !! :thumbs: I hope it means something for you! Good luck!
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-06-29 10:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Visa
Chances are very, very, very slim a single woman from Russia can obtain a tourist visa for USA or Canada. You are better off to assume no.

If you want to meet somewhere other then Russia consider any of the European Schengen visa countries. She will have an easier time obtaining a visa for them, although it is still difficult for Russian Citizens. The only 'easy' places I have heard of for Russian citizens and American citizens to visit together are Egypt, Turkey, and Ukraine. There are probably a few more, but take more word for it, it is a small list.

I know people have recieved tourist visa's... I am not saying it is impossible... just improbable.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-07-20 16:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBank statements, Moscow
Thanks very much for all the advice on this thread !!! :thumbs:
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-07-09 18:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBank statements, Moscow

I included copies of my last two bank statements, but they did not even bother to look at them. They were more interested in my tax return and the letter of employment which I did not have because I am self employed. And you do not need three years of tax returns, just the most recent one. I also included a lot of other asset info for 401-K and my house which they did not look at also.

I am curious what you prepared for your house. I put it on my I-134 so I should at least be prepared for it to be shown. I was thinking just a couple statements from my mortgage company would suffice. What did you have prepared?
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-07-04 17:43:00