Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCome late January I am off...
I am sure everything will be fine, good luck!
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-01-07 05:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruswanted to introduce myself
Ryan, I think gogal gave you some good advice. You really need to think about proof of meeting and gathering proof of relationship now. It is really something you want to pay attention to. If it is at all possible, meeting again is great advice for lots and lots of reasons. Not only for paperwork, but for peace of mind. I'm sure you want to see your fiance again anyway! :thumbs: If you cannot do Russia, consider another country to meet in. It is unfortunate she cannot come to America before the K1 (usually).

I agree, your place is best. You probably want to 'ease' her into her new life, as culture shock can be tramatic (in some cases, not all I am sure...). You will be her rock. It is nice you have family who cares, but she will likely be a little uncomfortable around them at first, and vice versa.

Good luck with everything!
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-01-23 15:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNVC hold up
It took us 2 weeks. They always say under admin review even if it is normal processing. Do not get too worried, although you have waited more then most.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-12-15 02:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGot Green Card!
Congratulations Larry and Maria, I am truly happy for you guys. You seem like a great couple.
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-01-31 18:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusvisa denied 01-16
I always enjoy the happy ending !!!!
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-02-05 06:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusvisa denied 01-16
I feel bad for you, but was your visa DENIED? Or do you require more proof? There is a huge difference.

I got a feeling you will show the additional evidence, then they will issue the visa.

Good luck to you.
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-01-16 05:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDHL Costs
I did this in September, but I don't remember for sure. I think 50 bucks, but I could be wrong... Yes I know, I am really not that much help!! :blink:
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-02-05 06:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruslanguage problemsd
We seem to have the same problem, my wife needs more confidence using English outside the home. We started ESL classes at the college (not the free ones, she knows English, just needs practice) and found the instruction and the content to be lacking. That was at Portland comm. college btw, NOT recommended if you live in this area.

So we have lots of books and online stuff, plus we are working on finding some volunteer work for her, as well as trying to get her EAD so she can start working and start getting out and communicating with 'strangers' more.
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-01-07 05:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian University (College) degrees
I was wondering what kinds of experiences people may have had with their spouses degrees from Russia. Was it easy to get the 'accreditation' through any of the online services? Did they have to take many courses to achieve an 'American' equivlant degree? What types of degrees do you guys have experience with?

Any help, comments, or suggestions would be appreciated. My wife has a (equivlant) bachelors degree in education and one in music.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-12-05 17:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI am moving to Russia

Well, the decision has been made and the tickets purchased; I am moving to Russia April 14 and staying until October. I will be doing wildlife photography and helping my fiancee with preparations to move to America. I know this is a bit unusual but I want to truely learn about Russia and Russian life so that I may better understand my wife and her children. I have been to Russia five times in the past 7 months to see if this adventure is possible.

Wish me luck or tell me what a fool I am. :no: :help: :devil: :) ;)

Wow... I guess if I had the extra cash and didn't have this stoopid job, I would consider the same thing. That is quite a move though !!

Good Luck !
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-02-18 14:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK-1 Visa approved in Moscow on St. Valentine's Day
Grats! :P
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-02-14 19:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarushealth coverage for fiancee

I don't know, but that's a pretty good question. When my girl gets here we're just going to chance it and go with no insurance for a couple months until we get married and I can add her to my insurance from work.

Yes we're responsible, especially if you give your fiancee an affidavit of support and she gives it to the Consular at her interview.

I was able to add my wife to my insurance after we got married. Get her a SS number before you get married as well.
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-02-15 02:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK2: kids at the interview

Another question (should be easy): proof of her custody of her daughter (she has never been married). I believe, internal passport page with daughter's name and Birth Certificate with mother's name should be sufficient ?

My best guess is - it will suffice. But this is just what my common sense tells me. Hopefully, people with experience will add their 2 cents... :)

My wife had proof of custody paperwork, but was never asked for it. I think you take your chances here. You should try as best you can to get the documents.
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-03-03 10:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK2: kids at the interview
Yes, the child needs to be at the interview with the K1 benificiary at the Moscow Embassy. There is no cut-off age.
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-03-02 05:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice Before She Arrives
My wife is not bored and has lots of friends, so right now alot of my focus is on driving. I'm tired of being the chauffer!!
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-04-09 21:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdvice Before She Arrives
Interesting... Anyway... Some helpful links for those Russians learning to drive in the USA. These manuals may not be from your state, but can really help basic understanding anyway. Even if your wife is a "perfect English reader", seeing it in their native language helps.
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-04-09 08:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow did you meet?

at least it's not an A/W this time! The abuse is coming from somewhere else!!

must be a nice break for ya'll.

I'm sorry, but are you accusing me/other posters on this site of abusing women?????? Or am I mistaken?

No, I believe her contention is that many people who find a partner in Russia do so only because they think American women are are abusive. Everyone has an opinion, C'est la vie, Que sara sara, and all that stuf...

Edited by Chuckles, 17 October 2006 - 02:31 PM.

ChucklesMaleRussia2006-10-17 14:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow did you meet?

Hi all,

I'm just curious if I'm the only one here who didn't meet my husband through a marriage broker/mail order arrangement. I'm also curious if you and your Rissian fiancee had a language barrier.

P.S. Meeting on a normal website (like, James Dean fan club or something like that) doesn't count as a marriage broker.

I can't recall anyone who met with a marriage broker/mail order arrangement who posts regularly here.
ChucklesMaleRussia2006-10-16 01:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChildren leaving Russia.

If she produces a death cert for him and the child is in her intl. passport, there should be no issues whatsoever for custody and subsequent visa issue/departure.

It would be nice if she had that certificate but she only heard through others that he died but she does not even know where he was living, I think back in his home country.

Today she picked up her new international passports, one for her and one for her daughter, so I assume the daughter is not on hers?
In any case, if she has the legal documents showing the fathers rights were terminated (when he was alive) would that be sufficiant to leave Russia?

Yes that would be sufficient. My wife had documents ready for travel to USA and for the custom officers. She was never asked to show them. Not saying you should not have them, just saying it happens...
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-04-20 18:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusComing to America

To each their own.... agreed.

That's why I'm wondering how it is that these American women with fiances from Canada and the UK come onto our thread and throw popcorn at us for having "younger, more attractive wives" when there plenty of women over in the MENA forum with "younger, more attractive husbands" yet no popcorn is spilling over into that thread.


Didn't you realize you were taking advantage of a "young, innocent, impoverished" little "weak" girl who has no idea what is going on? :innocent:
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-04-23 10:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo whom it may consern...
Whatever it was, you both seemed to have worked things out "in your own way". You both probably have some growing up to do, I say that respectfully.

The only thing that really bothers me about your story is the mis-carriage as a result of an injury inflicted upon you. Isn't that considered murder in most states, and in others, isn't it at least a serious felony?
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-05-19 01:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusViolence Against Women Act and me
Having kids is a BIG sacrifice. If you are more interested in money then family, then perhaps it is not for you. Not only do you take a money hit (such as delaying retirement like was suggested) you lose a major portion of your free time. Things like cable and personal vacations are really not an issue since that will all go away. It is for some people and not for others. I would think this is pretty much common knowledge for the reasonably educated person though.
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-05-17 12:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusViolence Against Women Act and me
I would agree, it is probably not time to do anything drastic. Your AR is only coming up on 4 months (yes I know it seems like forever). I don't know how your other K1 went, but I do not think you have run into any 'unusual' delays yet.

As far as the other posts in this thread, everyone is different, no matter what country they are from. However, I do see similarities in all our situations that you would not see with, say, the Canadians and the British people who come here. My wife has managed to find a job and has lots of friends very fast, which is a little unusual compared to others, but it sure has not been an easy transistion, similar to how it has been for all the other women who moved from Russia, or similar cultured countries. She is a money saver and I am a spender, so money has always been an issue with us. She is so used to being careful with money, and never using credit. She can't understand home loans, credit scores, and all that other American garbage. In the end, I think we are both learning alot. I am cutting up my credit cards and ... well maybe I am the only one learning ! She hasn't really changed...

The other problems she will probably get mad at me for mentioning, but she never reads this site :P She couldn't take a ####### for weeks after she came (teehee) so we experimented with lots of constipation medicine. It was the change in diet and sleep obviously. She also had a break out of acne, which she says was unusual for her. She hadn't traveled outside of Europe so it was certainly different for her.

She misses her family (of course). We never had a problem with the phone though. There are so many options for cheap or free calls... Anyway, hope Marc comes back soon and gives an update! I hate when bad things happen here. Maybe they still have a chance to work through things.
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-05-12 01:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusViolence Against Women Act and me
As much as I love the way this thread has changed to something more juicy (racism accusations and money grubbing men), I have to wonder what happened with Marc and Olga?
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-05-11 02:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusViolence Against Women Act and me
Obviously we do not know everything. Sorry to hear about this Marc. It is hard to comment without knowing what else is going on. Just take care and I hope it somehow works out in the end.
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-05-09 11:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing back to Russia
The woman should support him all summer while the man drinks beer and watches t.v. on the couch of course! If she abondons him in this time of need he should find another woman, and fast.
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-02-25 05:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBack To Russia
Your American counterparts need to get out more then. I heard that when I was 8 and maybe 1 quadrillion billion trillion times after that.
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-04-30 11:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBiometrics Exam

My wife received a letter from USCIS regarding her BIOMETRICS exam scheduled for this weekend
What exactly is this exam?
Will my wife need medical documents from her doctor in Russia?

Thanks for your help

Biometrics is nothing more then a photo and fingerprints. The info will be used to search the FBI database to see if your fiance is a "threat" with a record or something.

Bring your appointment letter with you, along with some form of I.D. (fiance). It is mostly painless.
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-06-20 14:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSmooth as Silk
Congrats ! :dance:
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-07-06 09:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAge difference survey
I'm 34, she is 31
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-05-29 10:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOMG I GOT SCAMMED !! And the update
I paid for car insurance. What a scam that is! I think all insurance companies are just scam artists. Anyway, that’s my getting scammed story... on to the update...

Olga and Anya received their green cards about a month ago. My 'journey' was a pretty uneventful one, but I will go over the parts I thought helped, and maybe things I did wrong.

For the K1 packet I followed the directions on VJ to the letter. It is hard to go wrong when you do this. Our petition got stuck in 'limbo' for a while, so I contacted my Congressman after the date on the UCSIS website for processing petitions had passed by 120 days. My petition was approved the day after my congressman (or his representative) contacted USCIS. Coincidence?? You decide...

At the Embassy stage everything went smooth except that they sent the wrong papers to my fiancé (wife). She was able to download the correct papers and take care of it all. Don't count on the government or the Embassy to do things correctly, I guess is the lesson. Always check their work! The interview was with a man and was only about 10 questions. At the time she interviewed they wanted to see love letters, romantic pics, and all that gooshy stuff. They asked questions about love etc... I guess they don't do that anymore. She actually did have a problem at the Embassy. She had forgotten to fill out part of a form, or something, I don't remember. They just told her to fill it out and do the interview later. It was no problem. I seem to hear that alot. Don't worry too much if everything isn't 'perfect'. Go to the interview as scheduled no matter what. Or at least reschedule if you have time.

Coming to America was not a hassle. My fiancé had a letter from her daughter’s biological father stating it was ok for her to travel to the states. She was never asked for this paper by anyone. When she arrived in the US (POE Los Angeles) the customs personal told her to wait in the wrong line 3 times... She finally found the right one. She said the person in front of her did not speak any english, was coming in on a K1 visa, and did not answer the questions very well, but was whisked on through. My fiancé can speak English well, answered all questions perfectly, had her daughter with her, and had lots of pictures (that they actually asked to see) and was held there for like 1/2 hour before they let her in. You never know with these customs people what they are looking for.

Coming to America was not a hassle. My fiance had a letter from her daughters biological father stating it was ok for her to travel to the states. She was never asked for this paper by anyone. When she arrived in the US (POE Los Angeles) the customs personal told her to wait in the wrong line 3 times... She finally found the right one. She said the person in front of her did not speak any english, was coming in on a K1 visa, and did not answer the questions very well, but was wisked on through. My fiance can speak English well, answered all questions perfectly, had her daughter with her, and had lots of pictures (that they actually asked to see) and was held there for like 1/2 hour before they let her in. You never know with these customs people what they are looking for.

When we got home things were fine. My wife is not the type of person to walk around going 'oooooo' and 'ahhhh'. Mostly it was pointing out what things are better in Russia! :P We have visted a member of this board, I don't remember his nickname but he doesn't visit anymore. Doudis or something. His wife and mine are friends. We visited them in Arizona and also went to the Grand Canyon when we were there. She is now pregnant and my wife is visiting her again in a few weeks. I believe she is due in August. If anyone was wondering about them, they are very good and happy with everything.

My wife has taken ESL lessons in several places to brush up on it. She used a school where they train teachers to go abroad and teach english. Since they are students she got the schooling for free. Once she got a job she quit those classes. I suggest looking in craig's list etc. and finding someplace that likes to have bi-lingual folks as a first job. Much easier to get in the door.

Other then that, we have seen and been lots of places here in the Northwest. We are 'active' people and arent' the type to sit and watch TV all day. In that way we are good together. She does all those things mentioned in the 'cultural differences' thread though... Sometimes its cute, other times its not :)

If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask.
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-06-18 14:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend
I guess I can add my opinion and experience to this discussion. What the heck!

I think you take a HUGE risk when you are involved in ANY relationship where this is a large discreprency between your two incomes and/or social standings. It is more obvious with the Russian/American relationships because it is the poorer and socially lower Russians who 'advertise'. They do not see any other way to 'climb the ladder' and plan to use a Foreign man to gain this. In some cases, it’s like, so what, who cares? -Such as when a Foreign man is aware of the intent and they are both using each other. It’s what marriage was based on untill very recently humans came up with this strange notion of 'marrying for love'.

In any case, most men on here need to be cautious and understand this. Don't delude yourself with fairy tale endings and such. These stories should serve as warnings. If you accept the risks and don't mind the consequences, by all means, more power to you, forge ahead. If your spouse lies to you, I say screw her, she deserves everything she gets, but on the same hand, you deserve it too for getting played like that. I know that sounds harsh, but it is life.

Might I get played like that? Sure. Have I searched for warning signs? You bet! It comes with the territory. But we were not that different socially and economically speaking, so it lessened the risk. But I didn't put my head in the sand, (as much as I wanted to!). Yes we are "happy". Yes we still "fight". If we didn't i would be more worried. She could leave after removing conditions. Its life. But on the other hand, I didn't go to Russia with intent to get married. Stuff just happens. But I am not going to sit on the sidelines and watch life go by just because there is a "risk".

Good luck to everyone!
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-07-30 15:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend
Sorry to hear about your situation. All I can say is this too will pass, and things will get better.
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-05-30 15:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPlanning my 3rd trip to Russia since January
My job includes trips to Moscow, Isreal, Ireland, Costa Rica, and Puerto Rico. But when I go it never really feels like a trip or vacation, so I don't count it.
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-08-10 10:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPlanning my 3rd trip to Russia since January
Honestly, I don't know how you guys do it either. You all must be retired or lottery winners :)

Seriously though, I'm jealous of you people getting to travel so much. I am not nearly 'rich' enough, nor could I miss that much work. You are very fortunate people, and I wish you all the best!
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-08-07 20:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFOOD!!!
I eat healthier. I can't go to McDonalds or Wendy's anymore. :no: We have come about halfway as far as the diet is concerned. When my wife first started eating "American" food, she was very picky. She has 'warmed up' to American food now, but not everything. We eat lots more veggies. We very rarely eat beef. I eat more seafoods and stuff. I refuse to eat chicken liver though. The smell makes me sick.

We occasionally have a true "Russian" Dinner, but rarely. Like Borsh or palmeni or something.
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-07-25 15:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCultural Differences

I shared the same exact experience with you, except when it was done I ran out of there so fast I hit my head on the top of the door frame, which was insanely low. I think I heard some laughing mixed with the words "Americanksi" and "durak".

I grew up with steam baths, wasn't really a new thing to me. I like dry saunas more though these days.

I suspect there was no large naked russian man hitting you with a dry tree limb though ;)
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-07-03 17:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCultural Differences

This is going to be the "official" Russia Forum Cultural Awareness thread. Post about little things that are different between U.S./FSU couples. Could be widely-held superstitions, could be something small that you or your S/O do.

Here is another cultural difference for you. Russians like their saunas rough (among other things). While traveling in Russia I was invited to a Russian bath. It was insanely hot and I had the hell beat out me with these tree branch things. A couple of times I wanted to scream but I thought that would appear unmanly. I did feel relaxed afterwards but it was the kind of relaxation one feels after a beating has ended. :P

I shared the same exact experience with you, except when it was done I ran out of there so fast I hit my head on the top of the door frame, which was insanely low. I think I heard some laughing mixed with the words "Americanksi" and "durak".
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-07-02 10:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCultural Differences
Everything American is 'BAD', everything Russian is 'GOOD' :rolleyes: :P
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-06-15 18:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoney transfer from Russia to USA
QUOTE (Blues Fairy @ Sep 10 2007, 02:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (slim @ Sep 10 2007, 02:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You guys are acting like a hundred bucks for a transfer is going to kill you.
Thousands of dollars. If it costs you $100 to gain several thousand, are you really getting a bad deal? I'll put $100 up right now for anyone that wants to send me several thousand.

To WU up to 6K costs almost $300, and I have 15K to send. And it's not my guy who will be "gaining" these 15K but WE, OURSELVES and OUR retirement/ car/ house /whatever.
Yes, the expense is going to kill me and yes, I'd rather avoid it.

I would have to agree, 100 dollars or more is alot of money. It doesn't make you 'gain' anything, you are losing the money anyway you look at it.

The money is for savings anyway, and my wife worked really hard for her money, considering the differences in currency exchange and the difference in average income through the years, and does not want to part with any of it that easily... actually Slim neither should you! Your wife needs to make you think more like a Russian me thinks...
ChucklesMaleRussia2007-09-10 21:35:00