Africa: Sub-SaharanSKYPE Evidence - How do I show it?

Maybe I missed the "how to" access the skype evidence. If someone could please state exactly how you can get screen shots? Thank you.

Screen shots of any window can be taken by pressing Alt-PrtScrn, then you can paste the image into Paint, Word, and many other software programs. This is what I did with a random selection of screenshots from my skype history, maybe 8 pictures.

James and CynthiaMalePhilippines2012-06-22 12:17:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview Question
I am planning on being with my Love the day of his interview. Not sure if it helps or not but when he is approved,(yes i am thinking positive) I want to be there to celebrate with him! This is a long road of waiting and I would also hate for a little thing like me not being there affect something. :)

Good luck!
CarolAnn&EddyFemaleCanada2012-05-18 10:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPaperwork help in Havana ?
I’d suggest he scan, and email you packet 3 from a hotel or something, and then you can fill everything out since you will have to provide him with a bunch of other information as well at some point before the interview. I just felt more comfortable doing this to be sure everything would be consistent with the original I-129F petition. That would be my main concern, not their integrity, because I'm sure he'd be right there with the person filling it out.

That being said, my fiancé did use a person outside the Cuban immigration office to help fill out her passport application form for a few CUC, as it was very confusing for both of us, and everything turned out well with that service.
Beau & DignaMaleCuba2011-07-06 22:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCuban Medical process help!

How did you schedule the medical appointment,Beau and Digna?

Does my fiance have to bring anything to schedule it or to the medical appointment itself? I am so worried he won't have his in time for the interview. Please let me know how his appointment goes, okay?

Here's a link to the approved medical facilities for the exam, we also had this list included in the "Packet 3" we received from the US Interests Section in Cuba:

My fiance physically went to the hospitals in Havana and Guantanamo to schedule the exams...I'm not sure there would be much success scheduling by calling. They want to see the list of hospitals (in the link above), and the letter with the case number indicating you have a visa interview scheduled (In Packet 3 also). My fiance didn't have either of these when scheduling, but showing up in person got the appointments scheduled, and in plenty of time before the interview (I hope...ja ja). It seems there is quite a backlog in Havana, but Guantanamo was easy to schedule, and fast for the appointment. I was in Guantanamo mid-August for our son's medical exam, and we didn't need to bring anything more than what I mentioned above. Although not required until AOS here in the US, we did obtain vaccination records in advance, and it's one less thing to worry about as I'm sure your fiance has almost if not all of them already.

Aside from all the usual waiting...the exam was a piece of cake. They only drew blood, and took chest X-rays...the physician never even saw our son. we actually got through the door, and out of there rather quickly by Cuba standards, but we did bump into a nurse in the family who helped us out a lot.

I'm hoping my fiance gets her results rapidly as well...The appointment is September 13, and our interview is October 24. I know you are worried about the timing (as am I...a little with the backlog in Havana), but I don't think that's reason for visa denial at the interview. I think the worst that could happen would be a slight delay until the medical results are complete.

Best wishes to you two...I know we're ALL "over-worried". Let me know if I can help out more, but I'm just as confused/worried about other things that some of us on our Cuba portal don't seem to be worried about much. Soon for us both...we'll be there for the interview the same week. Take care.

Beau and Digna
Beau & DignaMaleCuba2011-09-01 02:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCuban Medical process help!

Hi. We went through this back in June. In packet 3 there is a list of hospitals. They are located in various provinces so I don't suspect your fiance will need to travel to Havana. The hospital my fiance went to was actually in his municipality. We paid $100CUC to get an appointment and results more quickly...if I remember correctly within two weeks. I would schedule quickly as those appointments seem hard to come by. The $400CUC, not $450CUC is due when you go for the Carta Blanca ($150 CUC ). I would say have it available 2 weeks (estimated wait for visa) after your interview. Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions. Best wishes.

I'm so confused...We just had the medical exam for my fiance's son in Guantanamo, and they told us we pay for it at the US Interests Section at the time of the interview. You're saying we pay Cuba directly when we go for the Carta Blanca after the interview? I think we'll bring the money for the medcal exams to the interview just in case. Nothing ever seems consistent with this process in Cuba. My fiances medical is scheduled for September in Havana, so we'll see if we get the same payment information there. This is good information to know, but it would seem like they'd want the medical money in advance of the interview as incentive to pay in the event one was denied a visa.
Beau & DignaMaleCuba2011-08-31 23:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCuba - servicio social, salida definida vs indefinida

My primary question is about the salida definida vs indefinida .

We were told by the unkind folks at AMINT that a Cuban leaving Cuba with a K1 Visa could ONLY leave on the salida definida. The main propblem with that is that the Cuban then essentially relinquishes all rights to property, medical care or any of the other limited "rights" that Cubans have. We want to live in Cuba part time so losing those rights are quite significant.

Anybody have some insight on what's true about that?

My now wife arrived in the USA with a Salida Indefinida, and I know several others that have gone that route with a PVE. I'm not sure if it's possible though if one "owes" Cuba for education, or military duty though. We haven't yet been able to change status to PSI yet though, now that we are married...The Cuban Interests Section in Washington isn't very responsive to this change, but I know it's possible. I think most Cubans leave with SD though, because it's easier and/or they aren't aware of the rights they'll be losing. Keep trying, and good luck...sometimes tactful propinas can help. I've posted a few things about SD vs. SI in the past that may be helpful for some, but it was a while ago and I don't recall all the details at the moment...Try a search, or I can try and look them up later.
Beau & DignaMaleCuba2012-07-10 08:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPacket 3 for K-1 Visa (Cuba)
The packet 3 my fiancé picked up in Havana has the following:

1 copy - I-156K (Rev. 03-1998) (English on Front, Spanish on Back)
1 copy – DS-230 Parts I and II (Rev. 07-2004) (In Spanish)
2 copies – DS-156 (Rev. 2-2003) (In Spanish)
2 copies – DS-157 (Rev. 1-2002) (In Spanish)
There is a checklist of documents to gather (Police, Birth Certificate, Medical, Etc.)

There is a list indicating the approved hospitals for the medical.

Here’s the kicker…There’s also a cover letter that says this letter needs to be presented at the time of the interview,and it also requests this letter on the document checklist. My fiancé was asked for this letter, when booking the medical appointment, but was eventually able to schedule without it.

If you have K-2 children involved, the packet will contain everything listed above except the I-156K, for each child as well. Also don’t forget to provide the I-134…It’s listed on the documents checklist. You will also need to fill out both copies of DS-156 and DS-157 for each beneficiary. I don’t see a way to attach a document to VJ or I’d go ahead and do it…Sorry, I hope you understand, but I’m pretty protective of my personal email, and don’t want to send it from there 100 times over the next year…ja ja. Hope this helps.

It’s surprising how outdated the documents are in the packet…I’m not sure if we should go ahead, and fill out the forms they gave us by hand, or download more recent documents to type up on the computer.

Oh, and it doesn’t seem that anything needs to be turned in before the interview day.
Beau & DignaMaleCuba2011-07-19 22:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedical Exam in Moscow
I use coupons when I go grocery shopping. But I don't go on and on about it on the immigration message boards.

I'm bored at work and trying to was trying to liven things up a bit, devil.gif its getting so PC in here... and Mox's message gave me a good laugh, I had to follow up on it.
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-04-08 12:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedical Exam in Moscow
QUOTE (eekee @ Apr 8 2008, 10:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Should they go into debt to satisfy their wives' every whim?

QUOTE (Chuckles @ Apr 8 2008, 11:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Slim and Sat, you are cheap bastards, get over yourselves, and admit it. I am sure your wives would agree.

No, but they come to boards, and call people out all the time, which by the way is refreashing sometimes !!! They know how to call a "duck a duck".

HOWEVER, when someone calls them a "duck" they insist they are a "goose" !!


Don't explain it... Don't rationalize it... it makes you look stupid.

And I really don't care what their wives get or don't get, or how many whims they satisfy, but I have seen Sat's wife come to these boards and complain about his cheapness, and slim tells everyone outright his wife thinks he is cheap. So hence my comment... get over yourselves cheap skates!
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-04-08 11:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedical Exam in Moscow
QUOTE (mox @ Apr 8 2008, 10:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He's probably gonna rent a limousine and sip wine while cruising through the streets of Moscow. And occasionally he'll have the driver pull over so his wife can catch up. wink.gif

Awesome line.

Slim and Sat, you are cheap bastards, get over yourselves, and admit it. I am sure your wives would agree.
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-04-08 10:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedical Exam in Moscow
Mine/our experience at MOM in 2006 was fine as well.
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-04-06 15:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusanyone else having trouble receiving sms from megafone mobile in moscow?
QUOTE (mox @ Apr 6 2008, 01:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (seanconneryii @ Apr 6 2008, 10:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I still remember angry grown men getting in fights in the long gas lines back during one of those mysterious gas shortages we had almost 3 decades ago.

The "50 years until the s**t hit's the fan" scenario is being discussed a lot lately around global warming worst case. If we fight over who gets their tank filled next, think how we'll behave when the food chain breaks down and the power grid craps out.

Just recently Ted Turner was quoted as saying in 50 years we all become cannibals due to global warming. I don't care much for Ted but maybe he's not too nutty to see the dark possibilities. And things we be very bad way before we start digesting each other.

When the streets go dirty and mean, the soft white collar males aren't going to have a clue, and by then we'll all have our guns taken away by socialist-progressive government agencies (like the San Francisco and DC city governments) so we can neither hunt the little remaining game there is or protect our homes and families when the roaming hoard of crazed people decides we're their next barbecue selection.

And if the Al Queida forces have it their way, things could get nasty out on the streets a lot sooner.

So we better enjoy all the techno goodies while we can...and maybe stash some food, water and guns under the buy us a few extra weeks before the end.

Every generation has its doomsday scenario. It was the "red scare" in the 50's and 60's, it was nuclear holocaust in the 70's and 80's, it was terrorism in the 90's (nuclear terrorism, specifically) and 00's (back to plain 'ol driving airplanes into buildings), and now it looks like the energy shortage will be the new scare. And while I certainly am completely on board with global warming as a reality, and that the world's oil supply is in much worse shape than anyone is telling us, I see cannibals and Al Queda running amok in the streets about as likely as muppets running amok in the streets. (for starters, oil is what funds Al Queda. Without oil there is no Al Queda.) I see the government taking our guns even more unlikely, because no President, not even Hillary, would be stupid enough to basically force this country into civil war. Hell, even if we lived in bizarro universe and Ralph Nader tried to take your guns away, congress would not only stop it, but probably impeach.

I would go with your first instinct...Ted Turner really is a nut. smile.gif

Muppets running amok throught the streets, now that truly is a horrific doomsday scenario.
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-04-06 16:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStar Wars and the Russian revolution?
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-04-18 18:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestion
Except for the items in the original petition, we got all our papers back, if memory serves me correctly.

I suppose they can keep whatever they want, if they decide to.
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-04-17 19:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDo you remember me?
Sorry slim, I will take you off my mailing list.
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-04-23 20:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGood luck to May interviewees
Congrats to those that are finished, and good luck to those about to be inteviewed (although I don't any luck is needed). But, this got me wondering, where is mox? Isn't his interview coming up soon? I miss his posts!
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-04-28 19:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
I still can't help wondering what happened to mox. He stopped posting so suddenly, and his wife's interview was today.
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-05-08 13:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
I've met a few American women who felt the man should carry everything too. That doesn't seem that odd to me, no matter what culture.

As far as my own family, I always try to do all the lifting and carrying... but my Russian wife and daughter do help...
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-04-30 16:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
I think everyone on this thread is over-analyzing a tad bit. Your opinions and ideas are well thought out Carolyn, and I apologize if it seems I singled you out.

However, in my opinion, you just cannot predict these things. I am amazed how people meet and still manage to have sucessful relationships. You are right about Indian couples with the family support and all helping them out. Still... you can talk about it and theorize about what it takes to have a strong relationship until you are blue in the face, but ultimatly you don't know what is in peoples hearts and minds.
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-04-08 01:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
... and then there are millions upon millions of people who have never met their spouse before marriage, such as is common in India, and very many of those marriages work out just fine.

Its not worth predicting or worrying about other peoples 'relationship worthiness'. Just get on with life and let other people be.
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-04-08 00:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia girls are amazing!
QUOTE (mox @ Apr 2 2008, 10:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (eekee @ Apr 2 2008, 08:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
True, but I'd never date a Russian one either. laughing.gif

Minor detail! biggrin.gif

QUOTE (eekee @ Apr 2 2008, 08:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Now, those Pitcairn ladies, on the other hand...

They have the softest, most orange skin in the world. Once you've had the orange skin, there's just no going back.

Careful with those Pitcairn ladies mox, they are just looking for a green card! I know inbred women like them are hawt and all... but just watch yourself buddy!
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-04-02 10:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHas anybody seen
As odd as it may seem, I have met, and otherwise have had contact with VJ people in this REAL WORLD you speak of. Including mox's fiance, hence, the concern.

QUOTE (Kazan @ May 13 2008, 09:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, I let him know folks were concerned too. smile.gif

I feel the same, I am so sick of conversations without real contact.

QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ May 13 2008, 09:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Satellite @ May 13 2008, 09:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ May 13 2008, 09:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I always worry about people if I see them 'disappear'.
QUOTE (Kazan @ May 13 2008, 06:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mox is okay, but do not expect to see him around much, if at all.
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ May 13 2008, 06:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He is doing well.
Just had a trip to visit his kids in Denver and he's working a lot.
It's good to hear the man finally found a life outside of this virtual world. Good for him. One should never worry someone disappears from VJ; it just means he or she is "living" for a chance rather than wasting hours upon hours here.

I can't wait for the day when I don't need a computer or a phone to communicate with my fiance.

ChucklesMaleRussia2008-05-13 22:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHas anybody seen
Yep, I noticed that too. Seems odd that he wouldn't even peek in here, and he never said anything about leaving. He seemed like a 'techie' that is never a few steps away from a computer. My wife had been talking with his fiance, and I had some questions for him, but I can't get a hold of him...
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-05-13 11:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDS-230 and supporting docs for IR visa
I know you are looking for someone who has done an IR or CR specifically... but... the moscow embassy didn't have any issues with us sending in the copy and bringing originals to the interview (that I believe they never looked at).
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-05-18 23:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNOA2
I cannot believe your Russian fiance is letting you plan a wedding without the visa !! Don't you know you are gonna jinx it ?!! Seriously though, October may be a bit soon, my advice is to not plan the wedding until she arrives. I know, that doesn't give you much time to do anything "good", but thats the nature of the beast.

There are a few things you can read in the Russia Forum guide at the top of the board here that are not covered by the general VJ guides. You will want to work on getting your police certificate as soon as possible. It may not be that hard, but then again, it might be hard. It seems about 50/50 here. Personally, getting my wife's certificate wasn't that hard. There is a website to look at once you get NVC where your interview date will be listed. There is more Russian specific stuff, just read it.

The best guide for list of documents can be found on the Moscow embassy website, if memory serves me correctly. I followed the guides here pretty exactly, as well as reading the embassy site to be was sure I covered everything they wanted there. Maybe someone who has done it more recently could add to that.

Begin collecting everything now. Start filling it out now. I would wait untill you have an interview scheduled before you actually date things.

The whole process is easier then it seems, however, at this juncture you will be busy. Just make sure you 'dot your i's' and 'cross your t's', and don't procrastinate.
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-05-19 18:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusmedical records
QUOTE (sashagrin @ May 27 2008, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

im now in Moscow waiting for the interview and i want to call and get the appointment for the medical from the Far East, and my mom sent me my veeery old medical record with all the vaccinations that i had by DHL. But this is not a problem. The problem is that i just read that the document should include a doctor's signature and the stamp..OMG, i dont even remember if there is a signature and the stamp..but for god's sake, its my medical history document, u can see that it's old and u think i'll have a problem???? if it will, i just dont know what to do........

Whatever you do, do not cancel the interview. If there is a problem at the medical, get done whatever you can, then go do your interview. If I understand this right, it may mean you just need to get more vaccinations before you leave, and it will cost you some more money. Since you are from the far east you probobly do not have many options as far as coming back, so you might have to extend your stay while you figure it out.

I hope the document works for you... you never know!
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-05-27 19:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUS Citizenship
My understanding is that while neither country supports dual-citizenship, you can still do it. Does anyone with experience or a better understanding agree with this?
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-05-27 12:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAmerican wants to marry a Russian Fiancee
Maybe someone can help you here, I don't know.

HOWEVER, you should ask this question in the Ukraine forum (europe and eurasia) as Russia is a completely different country then Ukraine, with most likely different circumstances concerning this sort of thing.
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-05-08 23:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat the ....
QUOTE (slim @ May 26 2008, 06:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So we're back to square one.

How do I get a person who is unmotivated to get and keep a job to go to (and somehow pay for) school? How is there free school out there in California, by the way?

And for some reason, I don't think having a degree of some sort is going to help our situation. I just don't see how someone can make it through school and then a higher-level job if they can't make it through simply sustaining an easy middle-class life. It's not like it's really difficult to get up and go to work for eight hours a day. To ask a person who's not capable of doing that to go to school as well is asking too much.

She's starting English classes next month (finally) and when I suggested she find a job more suited to her hours (like going to school for 3 1/2 hours during the day and then working six to eight hours in the evening) she flipped. Absolutely bonkers! How could I expect her to work so hard for the things she wants? I'm the one that should be working harder to pay for them, not her. That's a husband's job.

Am I just going to have to be patient until she realizes that either she's going to be happy with what we have or she's going to have to adapt her expectations to a more realistic plan?

That is quite the conundrum, what is your education level?

Tell her she needs to support you for a few years while you get whatever the next step is for you so you can be the sole provider. She can support you by paying some bills while you work and go to school. I assume you have some money coming from the military for school?
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-05-26 18:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNever Received Packet 3 from Moscow
QUOTE (Kazan @ Jun 1 2008, 02:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiancée only had to state her name. As long is her name is the list of appointments for the day, you should be fine.

Same. The paper wasn't necessary.
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-06-01 19:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinal Interview Date
But it was Vinny's wife who really won the case. Since Sat's wife is the 'plaintiff', I do not see how it can work out like it did for Ralph Machio. Good luck though.
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-06-04 18:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFavorite Pictures in Russia
these are funny too... no, I did not take these pictures.

Attached Files

ChucklesMaleRussia2008-02-16 18:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFavorite Pictures in Russia
Nice !!!

I'll just add to that another picture of a 'hot' Russian woman!

Attached Files

ChucklesMaleRussia2008-02-15 17:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFavorite Pictures in Russia
I agree with the quality over quantity thing for sure! But with the problems your wife is having, you need to expand. And also you are at that age, slim, where I found myself finding older people "aren't that bad" and shed my drinking buddies for friends that where interested in more then how much trouble we could get into on a friday night.

Anyway, I was the one who kinda dropped the downer about how the RW/AM couples we met here in Portland kinda sucked. Let me say that in some cases, both were aware that they were using each other, and they were fine with it. Not our kinda people, but it is their life, they can do what they want. Also, I don't see us as materalistic people, and lots of the RW/AM we ran into were. But there were a few that we found that we really related to and have very good relationships with, so it is worth keeping out there and meeting people (RW/AM) !!

In the about 2 and a half years I have read this forum, I would say the ratio of people "I don't like" or "scammers" to real, good, honest type people, that might get along with, is about 1 in 10, and the ratio I met in real life is about 8 in 10. Sure, people can be alot different then their online persona when you meet them in person, but maybe the 'bad' folks just don't hang out, or frequent this forum. Or maybe I am just sucking up to you guys smile.gif nah!

Oh... and here is a picture.

Attached Files

ChucklesMaleRussia2008-02-15 15:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFavorite Pictures in Russia
QUOTE (Buck and Natalia @ Feb 13 2008, 03:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Now none of this pre-arrival plug-in advice helps Slim much. His wife is already here and already feels isolated whether by personal choice or outside circumstances. Nevertheless, here is my border-line malpractice relationship advice:

1. Get her english up to conversational level if it is not there already.

This was VERY important for us. Olga was good with english in my opinion, but was really shy about her accent. As cute as you may think it is, it may bother her. Also, ESL classes (upper level) are cheap and another chance to meet people.
QUOTE (Buck and Natalia @ Feb 13 2008, 03:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
2. She does not like your friends? If they are mostly beer drinking buddies, then it is probably time to expand your frienship circle to include more couples.

A very good point here. You are married now !!! Grow up !! smile.gif
QUOTE (Buck and Natalia @ Feb 13 2008, 03:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
4. Once you figure out what is really going on (See Step 3), then it's time to step up and host things at your home. I can relate if this is outside your comfort level. I was a litigation attorney for 15 years. Many people find me intimidating. My basic personality can not really be described as warm and fuzzy. I am not a social guy and relating to others, especially new people, is something of a chore for me. Anyway, that is my problem and I need to get past it.

More good advice. I know its tough... the rewards can be worth it though.
QUOTE (Buck and Natalia @ Feb 13 2008, 03:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
5. She is bored and lonely when you are putting in the long work hours? DANGER DANGER WILL ROBINSON. KG Sodie had some good advice here. Do more things, even very simple things, together.
6. Never underestimate the power of simple gestures to a Russian woman..... or any woman for that matter. Most Russian women like being presented with flowers. Every couple of weeks or so, buy a small $7 - $10 boquet at your local supermarket. Tell her frequently that you love her and that she is a "smoking-hot" babe. From your past posts, it sounds like she truly blossomed as a woman during the interim when you first met her and when she came to you in the USA. She got lots and lots of male attention it sounds like. Give her lots of compliments. Lay it on thick. What might seem a "bit much" to an american woman probably just barely scratches the surface with her.

All very good advice... I think we all know this, but putting it into practice is hard sometimes. Anyway, good luck with everything.
QUOTE (Buck and Natalia @ Feb 13 2008, 03:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK...... that's probably more than enough for now. wink.gif

Good Luck good.gif


ChucklesMaleRussia2008-02-13 22:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFavorite Pictures in Russia
QUOTE (groovlstk @ Feb 13 2008, 01:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My experience has been similar to Slim's, although in the last few months my wife has opened up to two couple friends of ours (both Russian couples) and now almost every week we make plans to hang out with them. It took a long time before she was able to trust them enough to get close, however. During her first year here, we spent every moment (outside of work) together except for a single evening when she went to see a Broadway play with the wives of the aforementioned couple. And it wasn't easy, I think I got about 100 text messages from her while we were apart. And please don't get the impression that my wife's a wallflower. She takes the subway to work every day, doesn't hesitate to stand up for herself, has many friends in her native Moscow, and enjoys a rich professional life.

I'm not complaining as we genuinely love each other's company, but if you're a very social person accustomed to contemporary western relationships (wherein it's not odd for a woman and man to have their own exclusive social circles) I'm sure it can be exhausting.

From my experience, there are two factors at work in this phenomenon:

1) Sorry to say it, but it's not easy to find decent Russian woman/Western man couples in the US. Every female my wife met who came here on a K1 instantly grilled her about our income, cars, home, etc. They clearly had no love for their (often much) older husbands and were in it for the upscale lifestyle. Many of these women were shockingly frank about the lovers they took to fulfill their sexual needs, and my wife wanted nothing to do w/them.

Also, I'll never forget the first parties we went to at Russian homes. Always there were several unattached Russian men who hovered about, my wife explained later that they expected our marriage to be a sham and were hoping she'd be looking for a relationship on the side. wacko.gif I'm sure most of you who've gotten as far as the K1 stage know that there will be plenty of American people who will be very skeptical about your relationship when she arrives. Be prepared for local Russians to share the same skepticism, only they won't be sympathetic to you.

2) Your own friends may accept her instantly but more likely they'll be skeptical about her and decide to wait and see. While my friends weren't cold to her, they were obviously waiting to see if she genuinely loved me before warming up.

Anyway, my advice would be to abandon your expectations for her in regards to friends, never pressure her and be prepared to abandon any friends who don't accept her.

My experiences followed this somewhat closely. Most Russian woman/Western man couples where as he described. Which, I suppose, doesn't sound good since that is the situation everyone here is in. I like to think you guys are ok... but from experience most where not geniune (married for the green card), and yes, more interested in your cars and what you have. We did sift through and meet a few good ones though !!!

I never when to any 'fancy Russian' parties, and I do not live anything remotely considered an upscale lifestyle, so I didn't meet the Russin men wandering around looking for a little from these women. Sounds interesting though!!

Probably good advice not pressure her and to be prepared to abandon friends that don't accept her. Fortunatly, I only had to do that in one situation. Just keep getting out there and meet people. Eventually it happens.
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-02-13 22:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFavorite Pictures in Russia
You sure are open with your messages, slim. That is nice for people to see and learn about 'Russians in America'. We have some similar 'problems', but me and my wife are just a tad bit older, and I think you are right, it makes a lot of difference. I am not rich, and we both work, but she understands that part. Her quality of life was pretty good in Russia too, I suppose. Decent job, savings in the bank, owned an apartment etc.

The things that didn't work out for us were the food and the bills. She eats almost anything now, but trying to find food 'just like' in Russia was actually a big deal for the first year. You can't take a Russian woman and give her a hamburger and expect her to grin and eat it. I couldn't even give her a nice Chicken vinagrette and have her eat it. It was a big pain in the a$$, but she acclimated eventually. After that, it was her understanding the bills. I am not rich, but I have a decent enough job. So, she couldn't understand how my bills could come close to being the same as my income. That was a sticky point for us, because she is such a scrooge! (I mean saver...) It took a while for her to understand credit, and what things cost (Such as utilities and insurance) in America.

So I guess if you can learn anything from me, look for some good Russian stores or restaraunts in advance, and explain all your finances in fine detail first.
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-02-11 11:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFavorite Pictures in Russia
HAHAHA... good post.

I don't have time to really go over it (at work). Of course, you really don't understand Satellite, so I'll let him speak for himself, if he wants.

But other then that, it would be a good wake up call to most people in other forums, but I think most people in here have been married a while, or are well into their relationship. They already understand what you say (for the most part). Maybe you mis-interpret what people are trying to convey here. Yes, that guy who wrote to post about crying over the diamond ring DID know that it was about getting married, and not about diamonds. Almost all of us have been to Russia (or we wouldn't be in this forum) and know excatly how much jewelry women wear in Russia, and what kinds.

And I do walk alone at night in my city, which you will be coming to soon smile.gif
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-02-05 18:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFavorite Pictures in Russia
My wife likes to make sure I make my payments on time. I actually try to hide the monthly bills smile.gif That being said, she is very good with money. You would think she was Jewish or something. (ok I didn't say that!!! I'm waiting for the PC police now...)
ChucklesMaleRussia2008-02-01 13:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFavorite Pictures in Russia
I can sum up the night I tried to teach my wife pool, in the bar, in one phrase I repeated over and over...

ChucklesMaleRussia2008-01-28 22:37:00