CanadaUgh, I need a rant...

Lights, what's that? (in bold)


Sorry to learn your offer fell through.  The next buyer is on their way..... :)!!!


Sorry, I didn't see this quoted until now! Krikit explained it better than I could've. My lawyer and accountants (both dual) advised me that I was in the clear for not having to pay taxes on my primary residence. I understand in internally, but not sure how to explain it out loud. I also have a power of attorney for signatures. 


Boo to that Lights!! I'm hoping it goes soon! I know your pain.


Thank you! I live on the West side of Vancouver... borderline Kits area. It's not downtown but it's close to the beach. It shouldn't take much longer to go, so I'm not worried :) On to the next!!! This buy was a bit of a pain as well... very unrealistic and low-balled offer another listing in my building. So, I can't dwell on them. :) 




The person you spoke with at CRA didn't quite get it right.  Capital gains do not apply if the property was your principal residence prior to emmigration.  Your lawyer will request a Certificate of Compliance from Revenue Canada because you will be deemed a non-resident when you leave the country prior to the closing date. RC will do an audit then either send a letter requesting payment of back taxes or forward the Certificate of Compliance.  There will be no taxes paid on the sale of the home if it was your principal residence at time of sale. Therefore, there is no disclosure of the sale required on your taxes and no taxes payable on capital gains.


So here is what will happen:

  • You sign the contract on the sale of the house.
  • You go to your lawyer, explain the situation, he/she will explain the process, then request a Certificate of Compliance from Revenue Canada.
  • Revenue Canada will revue your taxes and either send a letter of compliance or submit a letter of taxes owing.
  • 30% of the purchase price is withheld in escrow until the lawyer receives an all-clear letter from Revenue Canada. Any outstanding amounts payable will be deducted from those funds prior to RC issuing the release document.
  • You go back to your lawyer, sign the closing documents, and give them the keys to the house.
  • You move to the US.
  • The house closes and the lawyer receives the payment. He/she pays off what's outstanding, takes their cut, then sends you the rest.
Note:  It could be 25%, and not 30%, of the purchase price which is held in escrow.  I am fuzzy on the exact percentage at the moment.  The Certificate of Compliance process takes about two weeks.



You explained it better than I could've :)

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-06-17 11:58:00
CanadaUgh, I need a rant...

I actually switched to monthly insurance payments for home and auto as I had them calculate what I would pay that way versus what would be refunded if I paid for the whole year then cancelled.



I also sold my home and called CRA to see if I had to stick around for the possession date tax-wise, and they said yes, as that's when the money changes hands and if I became a non-resident of Canada I'd have the capital gains taxes.  So I have to wait a couple weeks after my interview... which is ok, I'll finish the final packing and details during that time.


The costs of flying all over this country for the appointments is another expense that makes me crazy!  Everyone I talk to is stunned that there aren't more medical locations, and that everyone doing a CR1/IR1 has to fly/go to Montreal.  I'm currently here in BC for the medical (from Calgary), but at least get to visit friends and family for a few days.


My biggest hit in finances will be with the exchange rate.  But I'll leave the vast majority of my money here in my Canadian account and slowly milk it south as the rates allow... I'm sure hoping for some improvements soon!


Thank goodness I'm a freak and don't own a cellphone/ have that contract to worry about :blink:


These things are all to be balanced by the fact that it is my/our decision to move to the US, knowing such consequences are a part of it all... doesn't make the losses any easier to swallow some days.  All in all, being back with the man I love soon is the most important part. 


Hmm, I don't know if it's different with CR1 or K1, but I was told by my accountant that I would have 183 to sell after I move to the US without having to pay capital gains etc. But then again, I'm not making any money off my condo, so not sure if that was a factor. I'm thinking because I'm a K1 visa holder, I'm not considered a permanent resident or a greencard holder until I file AOS. So that means from the time I move to when I file AOS and become a permanent resident, that I would still have the option within 90 days to come back to Canada (which of course won't happen). Whereas a CR1 filer is a non-resident after they move because you have permanent residency after POE? 


Argh... had an offer and then it fell through. Now back to square one. 

Edited by Lights, 13 June 2014 - 12:44 PM.

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-06-13 12:41:00
CanadaUgh, I need a rant...


I feel your pain!  I am hoping to sell my condo before I do my move, and had intended to pay off the balance of my car loan with the sale proceeds.  If I can't sell it in the meantime, I might have to settle with renting it out.  I really really did not want to have to resort to that.  If my condo doesn't sell, I'll also be looking at selling my car to pay off the balance of the loan (I have had it for 3 years now with a 5 year loan, so hopefully I can sell it for an amount that at least covers the balance of the loan).  Already tried asking TD if I could take my car with me, and was told absolutely not. :no:


I never thought of checking with my cell phone carrier to see what it would cost to break my contract, hopefully it isn't $500.00 though!


I have come to expect that moving is going to be pretty costly, but I still maintain that it's worth it to be with the one I love.


I'm not sure what province you're in, but some provinces require you to hire a property management group, should you be an "out of country" landlord. It could get very costly (taxes, maintenance, insurance etc.) that you may be losing when renting.


I spoke with my accountant and was told I have 183 (around that - I don't have his exactly email in front of me for exact days) days to sell my home post-move without having to pay capital gains and losses. I don't know if it would be worth it for you to rent for a short period, if your intentions are to ultimately sell. If you rent it out, even for a short period of time, you'll have to pay taxes on it versus if you kept it vacant (and sell before the alloted time), it would be considered your primary residence and you won't be subject to cap gains.


My house will be vacant (my family will check on it daily - my father is a realtor as well) when I move. I'm prepared to pay for the mortgage for the 6 months, though I don't think it will sit on the market for that long... praying that Vancouver real estate picks up again! 

Edited by Lights, 10 June 2014 - 01:25 PM.

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-06-10 13:22:00
CanadaUgh, I need a rant...

This move is financially killing me!!! Lost money on the house. Will lose money on the car. (Can't take it with me - still owe on it, I've only had it two years. Bright side I may be able to get a refund on my warranty - there's a nice clause about if you're leaving the country... And doesn't say you have to bring your car with you mwahahaha. Yeah warranties will transfer if you sell person to person but not if you're selling back to the dealership. Hiss.

Anyway. The real anger. So I call up bell.
They want almost $500 since I'm canceling early. Granted it was a three year contract over a year and a half ago (so the crtc three years don't apply doesn't apply to me...) but holy #######. Gonna call them back today hopefully talk to someone else and escalate to a manager if I must. They used to forgive the canceling fees if it was cause you were moving out of their service area. (And it used to be only $200!)

C'mon put me even more in the red. I dare you world. Who needs money to do a move from Alberta to Cali?


I feel your pain! I'm moving from BC to Cali and have to give up my home and car as well. Luckily for me, my parents have decided to take my car since they are in the market for another one. I will be having the same issue with Rogers. I'm losing money on the house... and I am also moving before it officially closes. We also just bought a house in Cali, need to buy a car when I arrive first week, and all the AOS fee's within the first 2 weeks. It's going to be pretty damn expensive! But... it's worth it! :)


I can't wait to look back in a few years and be thankful we're past that stage. 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-06-10 13:14:00
CanadaInterview Soon Woot

Seriously? You had to install TPMS to import?


...good god I'm happy I'm selling mine now...I have a serious hate on for many false lights.


Course, being in san diego you won't have the seasonal issue lol.  You're playing it close in all honesty Weston.  I mean, mine took less than a week to get to the calgary loomis from vancouver - but you never know...


We had interviews days from one another and mine took 2 weeks to get from Vancouver to Richmond. So, it's hard to say. 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-06-24 16:12:00
CanadaCanada Consulate - MTR or VAC?

CEAC is sometimes convinced that only montreal exists.  Don't worry about it just yet...if your case says VAC it's likely in vancouver. 


You can send them an email at


They're pretty good at getting back to you - next business day or the day after.


Make sure you state your case number, full name, DOB and fiance's name so they have all important information.




When I booked my interview it said Montreal as well, but my case number started with VAC. The interview was in Vancouver, but for whatever reason it just said Montreal online. 


I also noticed that their forms or info sheets were out of date. On the 'checklist' it says to have money ready to pay for the fee's, but we actually paid them before booking the interview. They really should update it though. I did found the people in the Vancouver office are very nice, even via email. They are speedy. Sometimes only taking a few hours to respond. 

Edited by Lights, 25 June 2014 - 01:40 PM.

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-06-25 13:38:00
CanadaBringing money over

You can transfer it at any time.  It's easier to do it electronically.  If you cross the border with a wad of cash over $10k then you have to fill out paperwork.  If its done electronically, the bank reports it.


Perfect! thank you. I wasn't sure if I had to bring my money over at POE or if I can do it at a later date, when I get set up. 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-06-25 12:55:00
CanadaBringing money over

Do I need to bring in cash, disclose it, and then deposit it into my new account with my husband? Or can I do my POE and transfer the funds to our account a week and a bit later?



LightsNot TellingCanada2014-06-25 11:03:00
CanadaHealth Insurance from POE to AOS

Thanks everyone for your insight. I thought I write an update for this, in case it's helpful for someone else. 


We did our insurance papers the week after I arrived and were married. It was really easy through his employers. I still haven't gotten my SSN yet, but will do so next week. My husbands employers and their insurance company has an SSN exception form we were able to fill out (coverage under spousal), so that was super easy. I can give them my SSN once I receive it. When we filed for insurance, I was backdated to the day we were married. So even if I got travel insurance for that week or two, the insurance itself would've covered anything that happened during that period. 


It was pretty simple and straight forward and one less thing to worry about now! GL everyone! :)


LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-14 15:42:00
CanadaHealth Insurance from POE to AOS

Thanks, Everyone! I will definitely ask my hubby-to-be if just entering on a K1 can get me added, or if we will have to wait until our marriage is official with certificate in hand. 


I am a but of a worry-wart, so I tend to like insurance. If we can get added as soon as we have the marriage certificate, it would only be a week or so. But, I'm concerned of insurance companies and if they take long or find issues, etc and it becomes this one month+ wait to be added on his insurance. 



LightsNot TellingCanada2014-06-18 16:41:00
CanadaHealth Insurance from POE to AOS

I'll be doing my POE next week (whoa, did I just say that?!) and I'm interested to know what others have done during the time of POE to getting married and being added on their spouses health insurance. My fiance has spoke to his HR department and they are well aware that he will be adding me as soon as we're legally married. We will be married the day after my POE but will likely have to wait a few days to a week to get our marriage certificate. During that week or two, should I be getting travel insurance? Just in case? 



LightsNot TellingCanada2014-06-17 15:20:00
CanadaShipping few boxes

Fed-ex or UPS since it's such a small amount?


I had 30 boxes when I moved and I hired a moving company to do it. They were great... door to door service. They picked up my things on Wednesday and I did my POE on Saturday. We did our wedding weekend and by Tuesday I had all my things. The moving company took care of all the customs paperwork etc and I had no issues at all. 




LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-16 16:21:00
CanadaK-1 Visa Interview Alone. What Should we expect? Tips?



get there early, expect to wait, and follow the guides on what to bring and what NOT to bring.



Yes - read up on what not to bring. I didn't bring my cellphone or purse because they don't allow that. I literally brought my paperwork and a book to pass the time... 


Also, you can't go too early. They won't let you in more than 15 minutes in advance of your "appointment". In Vancouver, the average time from when you get in and out is about one and a half hours, I believe. 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-17 13:39:00
CanadaK-1 Visa Interview Alone. What Should we expect? Tips?

Just chiming in as I had my K1 interview not too long ago in Vancouver. I was approved on the spot. 


It really is a piece of cake. They asked me very standard questions about our relationship. They didn't ask "trick" questions or anything remotely to that. If you couldn't answer some of these questions (How many siblings does your SO have? Have you met his family? What does he/she do for a living), then it would be very obvious that you don't know your partner. 


My #1 tip for anyone who has asked me about the process or the interview is BE ORGANIZED. It will help immensely. When you get into your interview, the security will ask you for your interview confirmation. Then you will be taken to the appropriate rooms. Someone will come and ask for documents, while you wait for the actual agent to do an interview. Having all the documents in hand and well organized will help you through this process. There is a check-list in the forums and in the guides about what to bring. 


Make sure you do your medical before your interview. Leave a day or two in between so that you can get the sealed report from the panel physician in time for your interview. 


If you have a clean record and haven't done drugs, etc. It's very easy. There may be some hiccups if your fiance has previous mental health issues or has substance abuse. This may require more time and testing. 


The process is very expensive. You pay for your petition, your medical, your interview etc. Once you do your POE, you will also have AOS which is $1070. 


Good luck! 


LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-16 16:18:00
CanadaGetting let go (EI inquiry)

No. You just need a specific amount of hours. Which I'm sure you have! Apply for your claim, worst case they say 'no', and you appeal it, and you will most likely win!


Thank you so much! Yes, I've worked the required amount of hours. 


Thanks again for all the positive notes, everyone. 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-29 10:33:00
CanadaGetting let go (EI inquiry)

Well here is my journey with EI


As a hotel cook you have your seasons.  Once winter hits, it's so slow, I just take the lay off.  So, with being laid off, you have to wait a week before you can apply for EI or, you can apply during that week if you know you're getting laid off. Then you have a two week waiting period with EI and then your claim starts, and you start filing your hours, etc. (So about three weeks before a payment, I'd say.


I filed for mat/parental back in April... They orginally denied me because of hours but I appealed.  I've called back, god knows how many times in the past three weeks.  I was approved, and then I wasn't and now, I am. I don't think I'll see a payment until august but, on the plus side, it's all retro and, I'll get a nice pay day. On the down side, I don't think I'll be able get unemployment after that but, I'll try and see if I can.


Wow, what a pain! But at least you get the retro payments! 


I'll definitely be persistent. I'm just not sure if I have a case. But leaving after my visa was issued, hopefully will have some barring. 


I worked a straight 40 hours a week for the last 10 years. I was in the corporate world, so there wasn't seasonal work. Not sure if that changes anything. 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-28 23:29:00
CanadaGetting let go (EI inquiry)

Thank you! I hope you're all right... 


I have made copies and are ready to send them. Especially if they'll allow me to at least get EI when my EAD is approved. I'm hoping that I can get it sooner, but if they deny me for being terminated at least I hope they would consider my move to be with my spouse. I had a pretty rough weekend and trying not to kick myself about just quitting when I could have. But, you live and learn. 


I did receive my biometrics for AOS appointment letter on Friday so I'm going to try and do a walk-in today. 


Does anyone know how long it takes for service canada to get back to you on a claim? I've never had to file this before... it was very weird when I was filling out the questions because it asked if I was terminated for being late, not wanting to do work, theft, drugs, etc. And none of the multiple choice answers applied to me. 


Edited by Lights, 28 July 2014 - 11:16 AM.

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-28 11:16:00
CanadaGetting let go (EI inquiry)

I understand being thrown under the bus.  I've worked too many jobs where the bosses do that and it makes work about as much fun as being hit with rocks.  I own up to what I've done wrong and just expect others to do the same. 


I am with you on that one! I've made mistakes in my career and have always owned up to it, especially shielding my team so they don't take the hit for my mistakes. There are some people though... who are cowards. 


Do you think there will be issues with me filing another claim for moving with my spouse? If this one doesn't get approved? I thought that because I was terminated that I couldn't use my visa/US entry as a reason. 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-25 15:10:00
CanadaGetting let go (EI inquiry)

Oh well then you'll be fine


Obviously you moved to be with your fiancé no matter what they put on the form.  


I honestly don't think you'll have an issue. 


Thank you! That gives me some peace of mind. 


In the end, I can't believe some people could be SO unprofessional. My team is in utter shock because up until this, I was one of his "stars". Oh well. You live and learn that most people will throw you under the bus to save themselves. I definitely outed him to HR, which I think he thought I was too nice to do. But what a load of crazy... he tells them I'm going on leave but will be back... in CANADA. What a nut. 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-25 14:50:00
CanadaGetting let go (EI inquiry)

Oh that sucks.


I'm glad HR is taking action against all this wishy washy stuff from your boss.  It's extremely unprofessional.  I was annoyed with my work when I left Canada because I had specifically requested that my ROE say I was quitting due to relocation of spouse and they just put "quit" but I didn't have a single issue with EI when they realized I had moved to the USA.  Was your last day of work before or after you received the visa?


It sucks big-time. I'm going to wait for what they say about my claim... and if it's denied, I hope that I can call them and explain the situation. 


I was still working after receiving my visa. I didn't do my POE for another 2 months.

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-25 14:44:00
CanadaGetting let go (EI inquiry)

Just make sure that your employer puts the correct reason for the employment ending on the ROE that they submit to Service Canada - 


Sounds like you are good to go! 


Here's some stressful turn of events... So my boss sent a few emails to colleagues that implied it sound like I quit. I actually had a colleague reach out to me and wished me luck because she thought I had found another position and was moving on.


When my boss terminated my employment, he said it was restructuring of the department team. I wish I had recorded the call, but I did take notes. A lot of them. He offered to write me a letter of reference because he didn't think I did anything wrong but with market changes and such, he needed to restructure responsibilities within the team. He mentioned that it was not personal nor was it performance related but purely market and business circumstances. 


When I had my call with HR, they said it was performance related... Which I said that was not what I was told. HR unfortunately can only record what my boss tells them is the reasoning. I will receive a small severance. My company does not pay extra. Ever. And when someone is let go because of performance, severance is usually never paid. They also put up a fight over expense reports that were filed before someone quit (there were a few complaints filed about that from previous employees). So, it didn't make sense that they would treat me nicer (giving a severance/letter of recommendation) when I supposedly did something 'wrong'. 


After some digging, it looks as though he approved me to go on leave and return as a US employee (without proper go-ahead from HR, which I thought he did). From HR, they did not know I had already moved to the US and this is why I am taking a leave (until EAD is approved). I believe that while I was on vacation, he tried to put it through to HR and legal and they denied me moving into the US office for whatever reasons (over capacity or no work available). So when I got off vacation and prior to me going on leave, I was terminated. He told me one thing, he told my colleagues another, and now he's telling HR a completely different story. I spoke with HR in length yesterday and although they cannot change my ROE (they did not put down a reason, just that I was dismissed, but if they called to verify, they have to say what my boss reported to them). They said that they understand the issues that this has caused and are following up on disciplinary action for my boss not following protocol. But I guess, in the end, I'm hooped?


I filed for EI today. The answers did not match any of the reasons I was dismissed (such as being late, absent, or refused to do work). I hope that because I haven't ever filed EI in the past and have been working for the last 10+ years non-stop that I will get some sort of benefits. But I do feel very gutted... I am very happy my AOS is in process and I hope to get the letter for biometrics in shortly so I can try and do a walk-in. 


=( The kicker is, I told HR that I explicitly had a conversation with my boss of either voluntarily quitting or getting put on leave. I wanted to be put on leave so at least I would have a job guaranteed for when I had my EAD. My boss did not want me to quit... said he needed me. And now this happened. I feel that if I had quit instead that I would have been eligible or have a better chance now with all this mess. 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-25 14:33:00
CanadaGetting let go (EI inquiry)

Nope being laid off is the best way to get EI actually. Normally being fired for just cause or quitting makes you ineligible for EI. This is why we say to quit because you're relocating for family so that you're still eligible for EI.


Thank you thank you thank you! You have no idea how much you've ease my anxiety... 


I know you can never trust people with your career and goals, but I definitely did not expect getting laid off just as I was entering un-paid leave. 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-24 10:06:00
CanadaGetting let go (EI inquiry)

You can contact Service Canada and inquire if you are eligible for EI due to being laid off because of restructuring vs actually being terminated due to you doing something wrong.  IMHO you were laid off, not really fired.  


Thank you. I will certainly do that. I was definitely not terminated due to doing something wrong. My VP wants to help me "land on my feet" and give me glowing references. The reason he gave me was because he was making internal changes and restructuring. 


I'm just concerned that I will have difficulty getting EI for being laid off, instead of voluntarily quitting (to follow my spouse), while already in the US. 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-24 09:48:00
CanadaGetting let go (EI inquiry)

Sorry for the second post... but after research, I realized that I want to voluntarily quit so that I can say that I quit to be with my spouse? As my role being redundant and me already being in the US could cause issues? 


The details given for my termination was company and department restructuring and not to do with unwillingness to work or performance. Not sure where to go from this point. 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-23 18:17:00
CanadaGetting let go (EI inquiry)

Curious to know if anyone has been in this situation...


I had my POE about 3 weeks ago. Prior to that, I was going on unpaid leave for my company. I ended up taking my vacation time for the last 2 weeks because I wanted to get paid and have a bit of buffer money while I transitioned. I got off vacation and was suppose to start my un-paid leave when my VP changed his mind and ended up terminating my employment. 


Does EI work differently now that I am technically terminated? I wasn't going to apply for it after EAD/AP because I would have my job and have other companies interested in me (and are based in the US versus in Canada). 


Thanks for any input. 


LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-23 15:52:00
CanadaCrossing border with K1

The k1 visa is stamped in your passport... should they see it, then chances are you have to activate it. It's a one-time entry visa. I get what you mean by not needing a special visitors visa to enter the US as a Canadian, but not sure whether you can ask them to not use your visa for this particular visit. I'm guessing that they won't allow it, because how would they trace your time in the US? If you have other visits, you can only stay up to 184 (I believe is the number of days, or six months) each year. If you have the visa, they will likely want to process is so they can log your stay in the US and not have you be out of status. Maybe others can chime in, if they haven't used their visa. 


I was approved on my K1 and my next visa I activated my visa and moved. 


LightsNot TellingCanada2014-08-08 16:06:00
CanadaAnyone here a U.S. Petitioner trying to bring fiance from Canada?

Although I'm the beneficiary, my hubby is frequently on this forum too. 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-24 12:46:00
CanadaGetting a california DL

I'm just...going to wait for the ead I think. Still have the Alberta license...

Need to get one of those "driving in Cali for dummies" books lol.


The handbook is online. :) It is very simple... you will pass with flying colours! 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-08-05 11:32:00
CanadaGetting a california DL

Congrats!  I was glad I had scheduled an appointment as well, I was in and out pretty quick while everyone else had to wait.  I was also glad it was open book, I guess if you've had a license before they give you the book to do it here in Utah!  

I have my road test on Tuesday...I am not looking forward to it!  I went to the DMV a couple times to practice parallel parking in the little spot they have with the cones..I swear it is as small as they could possibly make it!  Good thing our car is small!  So I am worried about screwing up with that. I am pretty sure I have to do a 3 point turn as well...never had to do that at home either..seems easy enough.  Hope I pass so I can forget about it.  


What?! You were able to do an open book test?! That's cool! They didn't do that in California. 


I'm not sure when I should schedule my road test. My visa expires end of September, so my permit is only good until then. The nice lady said I could get the tests out of the way, but they'll likely only give me a paper permit and not send me the card since my expiration date is within 60 days. I'm hoping my EAD and AP is approved soon so that I can do the test when I have the approval and they can just send the card with the new expiration. 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-08-01 19:50:00
CanadaGetting a california DL

San Diego county here ;)

Good luck, let me know how it goes!!! I don't know if there even is a point to the Cali dl yet for me...we're getting hitched next month and realistically there will be some lapsed time there I'm pretty is government after all...for the aos to go through. But I'll be asking some questions and doing some general harassment when we go to smog "my" car...see what they need from me.


Whoops! Sorry for the lack of updates :D Went back to this thread and realized I didn't let you know how it went. 


Tip 1 - ALWAYS schedule an appointment. It really boggles my mind the amount of people waiting in line with no appointment. It took me about an hour or so from start to finish. Those who don't have an appointment end up waiting 2 hours or so on top! 


I get in and there was rarely a line for appointments. I finished my paperwork and took my number. Within less than 5 minutes, I was called to a window. They took all my paperwork and info and gave me another form. I stood in line again to get my photos taken. Then I stood in line again to do the written exam. The written exam is all electronic now. It was pretty straight forward, however like others have said the wording is all tricky. They ask similar questions to those in the sample tests in the handbook and online test, but a bit differently. 


All in all it wasn't so bad. I finished my written portion and now im off to do my road test. I was told that I could do my road test in a few weeks since my EAD and AP should be approved (crossing fingers) then. I have a permit right now... so hopefully I get it all done by end of Sept. I did my biometrics on Monday... so holding my breath. 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-08-01 13:03:00
CanadaGetting a california DL

10 year Vancouver driver turned San Diego County road test taker here :)


I had to take both, for the written test I just looked at their sample tests on the DMV website and then watched a cpl ppl on youtube show their tests. It was pretty simple with the exception to the CA rules we don't have in Canada, stuff like the blue, white, red, etc paint on the curbs for parking, and other CA rules, otherwise pretty simple. Road test was basic too, but of course I was nervous for both, LOL! I just moved here in April and they told me they used to not require Canadians to do the road test as well, but they changed it. DARN! 


The true nightmare is registering your car and getting plates, lol. They couldn't comprehend that my title could be on the same page as my insurance *gasp* 


Good luck! :)


I'm so nervous about that!! The actual road test, I'm OK with. I had a rental car here on many of my trips, so I am use to actually driving. The written part scares me... My husband says it's always harder when you already have your license because you know by doing but like you said, the wording can be tricky. I am doing a lot of the test ones that they have online.

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-14 15:39:00
CanadaGetting a california DL

I'm going through the same thing except in Utah, I need to get a Utah licence asap because my husband's insurance won't add me until I have a Utah one.  I've been putting it off...the thought of having to take another road test stresses me out.  I have had my licence for almost 8 years and a spotless record as well.  My brother who lives in Utah as well just got a Utah licence a couple months ago and had to take a written test and a road test, but I know every state is different.  I haven't asked him if it was a full road test though.  Hopefully not!  I never had to do parallel parking in my road test back home and I would probably fail if I had to now!  We have plans to at least get the written one done next Wednesday when my husband is off (probably wouldn't look good if I showed up driving myself!).  I wish we could just trade in our Canada licence and they would give us a state one!


Aw, that's a bummer! I was added onto my husband's insurance with no problems. They just advised me to get it changed ASAP so that I can get the current state license on file. My appointment is next Wednesday too. Wishing you luck!! 


Parallel parking is ok for me. Living in Vancouver, there's a lot of that and I drove an SUV. This time, I drive a bigger truck. So I hope they don't make it do it either. I haven't practiced in this car! haha


I got my license at the Long Beach, CA DMV. I did not have a license from Canada at the time so I did have to take the written test - I'm not sure if you would have to take it considering you have a valid license. The driving test was simple. It took about 15 minutes - drive on busy street, drive in housing tract, drive in school zone, reverse 50 feet along a curb, drive back to DMV and park. Nothing to worry about!


The only problem I had with the DMV was when it came to renewing my license. They mailed me some paperwork to send back to them, which I did with plenty of time to spare. I never heard anything and eventually called a few weeks before it expired and they claim they never received it. I just had to go into the DMV and renew in person, which wasn't bad aside for the wait (no appointments available!)



I'm just nervous that I can remember all the rules when I'm on the road but when it comes to taking the written test, I'll fall blank! I set up an appointment first, but not a drivers test. I hope that should be OK. Long Beach isn't too far from me. I am in Orange County!

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-09 12:28:00
CanadaGetting a california DL

I have an appointment with the DMV next week and I just want to be prepared. I've read different things on different threads... some say they didn't have to do a road test, others say they did. Some said they didn't have to do a written test but had to do a road test etc. Some road tests are just going around the block and reversing in a straight line. I'm just trying to get an idea of what to expect, as a Canadian driver. I know that it may be different for other people in other parts of the world, where driving is much much different. 


I have had my license for 10 years with a spotless record (not sure if that counts for anything). From what I've read, it's really up to the agent and their discretion whether to put you through additional testing. 


I know I will get my license until my 1-94 expires and once it does, I'll have to go back with an approved EAD to get my license renewed. We are filing our AOS tomorrow. We were married last week. 


Thanks for your insights! 


LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-08 12:50:00
CanadaCanada Immigration and K1 Guide for Vancouver

Update: Finally did my POE almost 2 weeks ago and am now married! Just sent in our AOS today. :)


LightsNot TellingCanada2014-07-09 15:08:00
CanadaCanada Immigration and K1 Guide for Vancouver


Yeah I know i read somewhere the Medical is valid for 6motnhs just like the passport photos, but I know I emailed Dr Cheema and they wouldnt let me book an appointment until I had interview date, so I dunno seems contradicting to me, Why can't i get it done now as I know ill my interview is less then 6 motnhs away


Well I look forward to my correspondence with the embassy


You will have to forward them the interview confirmation first. I'm guessing they're trying to just follow the process and not do too many medicals too ahead of time.


Without your packet 3 and without completing the online form, you're still a few steps away from actually being able to book the interview. Once you get packet 3 and fill out that DS form, they'll release packet 4. Packet 4 essentially just tells you how to book the interview... I knew packet 4 was on the way, but I didn't wait for it. Once I emailed the confirmation from the online form and the Vancouver Embassy confirmed receipt, I just went onto the website, registered and paid my fee's and secured my interview date. I got packet 4 about 2 or 3 days after I had my interview date. 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-04-21 13:08:00
CanadaCanada Immigration and K1 Guide for Vancouver



Ok thanks I will email them, I need to get the confirmation code from NOA2 ? fiancee is mailing me the package from that now


How does that work with medical if you get bumped up?   its good to know I can bump it up, i assume there is a place on the website to check looking forward to moving this along faster!


There is a separate website, I don't have the link on the top my head but if you scroll back a page or few, it's on here somewhere. You can login and check. For me, I was able to bump my appointment up by a month and a bit. My first appointment was beginning of June. When I emailed Dr. Cheema for an interview, I requested one in April because I wanted to get it out of the way and I was told that Dr. Cheema would be away for 2 weeks in May. I was already planning on getting an earlier interview, should one popped up. The medical office was very easy to work with and nice and they obliged with my request and gave me an medical date in April (I did mine about a 10 days ago). The day after I confirmed my medical, an earlier interview opened up. Instead of June, my interview was now end of April. So I was only 2ish weeks apart for interview and medical.



Although it's preferred, it's not necessary to have your medical and interview days apart. It is definitely ideal. But with Dr. Cheema being away and my interview being that day without option to get it even closer, it's the best I could do. Your visa will be valid 6 months from your medical date, not your interview date, so I see why it's preferred. When I bumped my interview date up, I wasn't sure if I needed to notify the medical office... but I did anyways. It didn't make a difference. 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-04-21 12:55:00
CanadaCanada Immigration and K1 Guide for Vancouver

Whats interview dates like too book? Im just waiting for my packet 3 and wondering what the rules are do they only have a set amount per day? trying to plan when Ill be driving across the border like early june or end of july timeline?




If you're waiting for packet 3, that means you haven't done the online form (DS-160, I believe). Once you do that, you then forward the confirmation over to the embassy. Then they will release packet 4 to you and the online link where you can then schedule your interview. When I scheduled mine in March, my first interview date was in June. I checked every day until I was able to bump it up to the end of April. My interview is next week. My POE will be in June/July as well. 


If NVC just notified you that they have sent over your info to the embassy, you could email Vancouver to see if they received it and hope they send you the packet 3 instructions via email. 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-04-21 12:22:00
CanadaCanada Immigration and K1 Guide for Vancouver

Email. If you phone you get a voice message telling you to do so.

They're pretty good at getting back to you. Usually next business day. Just say hey need a us visa medical, my consulate interview is booked on this day, are there any appointments available two days earlier (since results are ready next business day after four)


Thank you! you were right, they got back to me pretty quickly. I have my medical in mid April and was able to change my interview to end of April. A few days ago, there were only appointments in May and June. My medical and interview are about a week and a half apart. My original interview date was on my bday as well but I rather do it earlier.

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-03-27 10:17:00
CanadaCanada Immigration and K1 Guide for Vancouver

Yeah it was an email "please find attached your k visa packet #4, instructions on how to schedule interview and medical exam"

You'll need that letter from them (that they sent me electronically) at some point so if they take their sweet time getting it to you ask for an electronic copy.


I was able to secure a interview for early June. Do you know if Dr. Cheema prefers to set appointments via email or phone? 

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-03-25 17:48:00
CanadaCanada Immigration and K1 Guide for Vancouver

They didn't email it to you? Of course all they email is thanks we got your packet three now you can book here's links lol.

Heads up for booking: dr cheema is away middle to end of may, so book your consular appointment accordingly.


Thank you! I was planning for mid/end of June. so hopefully I can book right away before it gets too full. 


I sent in my confirmation for D160 form and Checklist and got an email saying thanks and they're in the process of mailing me packet 4. I haven't gotten it yet... so if it just says "thanks and here's how you book" I think I'll just book it now so I can try and get the times I want. :)

LightsNot TellingCanada2014-03-25 16:52:00