Canadaaos question

In this case, she means AOS in terms of the Affidavit of Support - not the Adjustment of Status :)

Ah yes, that would make sense. I am in the midst of AOS myself (of the status sort) so automatically thought Status, not 'Support' when I read 'aos packet'. lol

Anyhoo... back to OP, lol if you have any proof of his new job, like a contract or confirmation of any sort, I would get what you can and bring that with you as well. I would think there should be no need to get a co-sponsor just for the sake of one month's unemployment if he's got something else lined up already.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-05 23:52:00
Canadaaos question
I'm confused... your profile says you're on a CR-1 visa? What are you needing AOS for?
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-05 23:28:00
CanadaEI Fax number?

Hmmm...did you scan your EAD?

Yes, I scanned the front and back, as well as my marriage certificate (to show the name difference). I will PM you the email address. :thumbs:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-11 15:34:00
CanadaEI Fax number?

Just looked through the EI pinned post...anyone happen to know the EI fax number where I can send my EAD to?

Thanks :)

I don't have the fax #, but I have the email address if you want that... ?
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-11 15:11:00
CanadaI was denied...
Congrats :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-09 14:06:00
CanadaForgot birth certificate at the consulate!
You need it for AOS. Hopefully they'll send it back with your file!
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-09 19:04:00
CanadaNews coverage re: immigration bothering you too?
Ya know how when you give blood, or vote, or things like that you get a sticker? I think everyone who gets a green card/citizenship should get a bumper sticker to put on their car to flaunt their status, then they wouldn't have to prove it when they're pulled over. :thumbs: lol

(only slightly sarcastic)

Also, I agree with the previous statements that employers should be more punished more for hiring illegals. I can't remember how many different people told me I should find a job that paid cash under the table when we were so financially burdened while I waited for EAD (since my husband had also lost his job and neither of us was working for over 5 months). Umm... no? I was here legally, but could not yet work legally... so I didn't want to a) contribute to the illegal workers problem or b) run the risk of being caught and jeopardizing everything. To me it was immoral AND illegal, and it really bothered me that SEVERAL people on both sides of the border told me I should just do it anyway.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-06 13:45:00
CanadaNews coverage re: immigration bothering you too?
Frankly for us, immigration DID break our banks, and I am sick of people back home wondering WHY we spent so much money on it, and WHY it took so long to get everything processed, and WHY we didn't just move and marry like most apparently think we can. What bothers me is that people don't understand the legal process, and think that you CAN just move over here and stay and it's legal. It's NOT. And I also hate that there's this underlying assumption that just because you're an immigrant then you must be here illegally. That's not the case either.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-05 20:04:00
Canadaphone number

................ just kidding. :blink:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-16 18:41:00
CanadaHow did you meet?
Well, my story is kind of funny, kind of frustrating. lol!

My husband is actually from London, Ontario. He is American through his dual citizen parents (who were just Americans when he was born). Anyways, his parents moved to California in 2000 because his dad transferred there for work... but my hubby stayed in London. In early 2008, he decided he'd had enough of London and moved to California as well. A few months later he came to London to visit some friends, and it turns out we had quite the number of mutual friends (people I'd just recently started hanging out with prior to him leaving... I had heard one of my friends talking about her friend Dan quite frequently but never met him). We finally met at several events happening in town while he was there (the fringe festival was going on so we were out at shows a few times, and also at the bar and a party, and had opportunities to talk there). I had actually just broken up with my boyfriend of 2+ years, and was looking forward to being single for a while. Go figure. After Dan went back to California after his visit I sent him a Facebook message to tell him how it was nice to meet him, etc... he wrote back, and we carried on from there. lol

So yeah, long story short, we lived in the same city for almost 8 years, and didn't meet until after he moved away. SIIIIGH. :bonk:

Edited by ashenflowers, 05 August 2010 - 11:48 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-05 23:47:00
Canadahas anyone traded in a g-2 license
I would also add that it varies state to state, most definitely. I would contact your local DMV. They probably don't even know what a G2 is. They'll just see that you have a foreign driver's license. I (in California), had to take a written test and full road test as well, and I had a full G license (and had had it for about 11 years... it didn't matter).
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-16 00:40:00
CanadaPOE Ambassador Bridge

Usually 1-94 costs $6 unless they forget to charge you. The only person I've heard of that didn't get an I-94 is Ashenflowers, and she POE'd at an airport. EAD stamp means nothing for K1s. Your social security card will still say you don't have work authorization.

Not true. I POE'd at the Ambassador Bridge, then we drove across the country. The only reason I had to go into L.A. to get the I-94 issued properly was because it was the closest office to do so.

For those who don't know, I did NOT get an I-94 when I crossed at the bridge. PAIN IN THE !#$*&!$!... so make sure you ask them for it. They need to learn that K-1s MUST HAVE the I-94!

They didn't care about my cat or hamster either, and didn't move much in our vehicle (and we had it STUFFED... lol). Most people were nice, if a little clueless, except one idiot guy. I wrote a lengthy thread about it on here, but I don't think I transposed it to the review section. I should probably do that. lol

Edited by ashenflowers, 19 August 2010 - 01:40 AM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-19 01:39:00
CanadaApply for SSN right away or wait after married?
Have you checked on how long it will take to you to receive a marriage certificate after you're married? If it's only a few days, I'd suggest waiting until you receive it and applying under your new married name. I personally had no problems getting an SSN in my married name when I applied (I waited until after I changed my name obviously, but we were married only about 2 and a 1/2 weeks after POE).

However, if it's much longer than a few days to get the marriage certificate, Huggles is right. There might not be enough time left on your I-94 for them to issue you the SSN.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-19 01:45:00
CanadaAny suggestions re: we received ltr of rej. back

Yes, we were thinking the same thing............ still wondering though about the check, I say 'send back'...Eric's not sure.... hmmmm

I'd take it to your bank and see what they suggest
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-19 01:40:00
CanadaAddress Changes POE upcoming...
Are you importing your car? That will answer what to do with the address change. If you're importing it, you'd likely have to change the vehicle's registration, but I wouldn't bother changing the address on your Ontario license IF you're able to still receive mail at some address in Canada. Otherwise, for me I've just changed my address w/ my license, to my parents address in Canada (because if anything is sent in the mail there, I will receive it). lol

In California you WILL have to do another written AND road test, and they may or may not make you surrender your Ontario license or do something to it. For me, they just punched a hole in it and gave it back (weird), and for others they did nothing with it, and for others they put a sticker on it. It depends on your office. The DMV website is pretty helpful with preparation materials for your tests though. You can also pick up a driver's handbook to study, if you wish. There are some subtle differences in local driving laws (plus converting everything, like speed limits from KMs to miles is always funky). The website also lets you see the wait times at your local offices for non-appointment visits. You can make an appointment for the written test, or just walk in... but you must call or visit and make an appointment for the road test. The easiest thing to do is just make the appt for the road test after you finish the written one. :)

I would suggest going to get your license immediately after you receive EAD. That's technically the proof needed that you are 'living' in CA. The license will expire when your EAD expires though, so once you get your GC you might want to go back to the DMV to show that to them and see if they'd extend the expiry date (I'm not at that stage yet, so I dunno what happens with that).
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-20 12:26:00
CanadaFiled my AOS TODAY
Agreed. Use caution when working 'unpaid'. Especially if it's a job you will later get paid for doing.

I agree about volunteering though. I've been doing it since a month or two after I arrived, and it's led me to a lot of great people and opportunities. :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-23 14:40:00
CanadaName change

I was wondering about this too. I had it in my mind there was this magical government office you had to go to to change your name:) Wait a minute what if you're dropping your previous last name? Do you need to go to an office then?

No. The way I see it, is that the U.S. basically has no record of you anyways, in either name, so you're not changing anything since there's nothing to change. You're establishing yourself fresh under your husband's last name. Getting the SSN and applying for the AOS in the married name is key. It helps everything else fall into place under the married name. :) It's strange, because no one here knows of me under my maiden name. Talk about a new life!

Edited by ashenflowers, 22 August 2010 - 10:42 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-22 22:41:00
CanadaJust a quick question...
Yay Canada!!! Have fun :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-25 12:39:00
CanadaHas anyone processed a K-1 visa at the Windsor/Detroit tunnel?
Funny, because you're right. I do hear more people doing POE via the bridge than the tunnel. I'm not sure why that is. Sorry, that wasn't helpful. Just an observation. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-19 13:14:00
CanadaEnter the US first then apply for change of status?
On the plus side, with DCF you're together with your spouse for a lot longer than many people are when they're going through the process, even if you have to be apart briefly in the end. :thumbs:

Edited by ashenflowers, 27 August 2010 - 10:31 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-27 22:31:00
CanadaThanks guys =)
Good luck!!! :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-30 17:22:00
CanadaProcess to import a vehicle from Canada to the US
Just wanted to add, the SSN seems to be a hot topic of debate and discussion, and like most things in this process, it all depends. I personally would recommend getting your SSN in your married name, NOT maiden name, and not having to worry about changing it later. I had absolutely no problems getting my SSN in my married name. I did so about 4 weeks after POE I think, and brought my marriage certificate with me.

You are right though, that you need to get it well before the I-94 expires!

Also, for anyone else who comes across this, make sure you check your own state's information regarding obtaining a driver's license. It very likely will be different. For some reason that process is something with methods that vary widely from state to state.

Thanks for the info re: the registration and import of vehicles. I have a car in Canada still that my parents are now using since I moved. We've discussed them driving it down here for me to be able to have again, but I'm not sure it's worth it! lol Just out of curiousity, what kind of car did you have? I'm wondering how hard it is to meet these compliance regulations...
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-01 12:19:00
CanadaAny good recipe suggestions?
I also really like :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-09-01 19:39:00
CanadaWill I Ever Get A Break?
ugh... I HATE that so many people are being given the runaround on so many different areas with this process. It's driving me nuts. I hope you're able to get this sorted out soon Rhiann!
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-12 01:42:00
CanadaIs it just me, or is this kind of overwhelming?
We had nothing abnormal about our case either... Just sayin'. Other than my husband's jerkface of a boss fired him when I arrived here so we had to get a co-signer.

Either way, like people said, just keep separate piles for each thing, and it's easier to break it down.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-09-08 21:19:00
CanadaAOS Pending - Applying to College
So, I figured I'd consider going back to school, and am applying online as we speak... however, I'm not sure what to put as my fuzzy grey area current status of AOS pending (because of course, there's no option for that, as it kind of falls under 'other'). They say to put your status as of 8/23/10. By the way things seem to be going, by then I really should have my AOS approved (if not, then omg, I'll be however as we all know, there are no guarantees. So I'm not sure if I should just put 'other' and have status as 'K-1' visa. But I'm not technically that now either as both my visa and my I-94 are now expired.

The reason it's a concern is that since I've been living in the u.s. for less than a year, if I put K-1 then this college might classify me as an international student and I would have to pay tuition of about 5-6 times that of a 'local' student. yikes. Also, I'm not K-1 anymore anyway... but if I put status as 'other' it doesn't let me enter my A#. SIGH. :bonk:

Any ideas? I don't want to lie, but honestly the way the system is set up, I have to. lol I'm just not sure what to put.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-05-25 04:13:00
CanadaChange my name or not??
Interesting topic... and I'll just add my 2 cents. :)

All my life my name (maiden) was one that was made fun of. It's extremely rare, and my first name isn't common either. It's a word that's a common English word, but just a slight different spelling. To be honest, EVERY time I would tell anyone what my last name was for any reason, even in my adult life, they would pause and say '.... Really!?....' and I'd have to sigh and say yes. lol Some people would say 'wow that's cool!', and I suppose it was, but I didn't like it. I don't think anyone in the U.S. or Canada had my name combination actually (there's a website you can check). I love both my parents, but subconsciously I have always known I'd take the name of my husband. Not even because of the making fun of it, but because that's just tradition. Ya know? My mom took my dad's last name, and her mom before her, and hers before her, and my father's mom took her husband's last name, and her mother before her.. and my sister-in-law took our crazy last name when she married my brother.. etc... Speaking of which, I really like my mother and grandmother's maiden names and would take one of those if I could, but oh well. :lol:

I don't find it disrespectful to either party one way or the other. Personally, I don't like hyphenated names (talk about confusion? those are even more so...). Also, I think the amount of paperwork involved is a poor reason to make a decision like this... and unless you're a feminist and thinks it's degrading to women to change your name (excuse me whilst I roll my eyes), why wouldn't you? It doesn't make you any less of a woman to take your husband's name. However if you are a professional who has published or has any career or body of work under your maiden name, like Kathryn mentioned, that's a bit different. Though like others have mentioned the diploma has nothing to do with it really.

My new last name is also very rare (I also think that no one has this name combination still), but it's easier to understand, pronounce and spell. Unfortunately it's one of those names that's also a first name, and a female first name at that, so I actually had someone call me by my last name instead of my first name once. Sigh!!! So each name has it's issues. lol That said, I've had ex boyfriends who've had really whacky last names, and I've still always felt if I were to marry them I'd take their last name. Still, I am grateful I ended up marrying the one with an 'easy' last name. LOL

On a side note, both my husband and I now have exactly the same initials for our first, last, AND middle name... so that's actually kind of fun. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-05-25 11:58:00
CanadaNew fees- ouch!
From what I've seen, adjusting status will not change. Only the initial visas. I'm sorry they went up so much. :(
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-01 14:38:00
CanadaAOS question portal!
Not that you really need another list, but here's my itemized cover letter. It just shows that basically everyone's situation is different, and you need to show documentation supporting whatever your individual situation may be. My case was transferred to CSC and after exactly 2 months since my NOA1 I have yet to receive an RFE *crosses fingers* So far so good. See below for another letter I included about the vaccination thing:


Attn: FBAS
131 South Dearborn - 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60603-5517

March 22, 2010
Nature of the submission: I-485 - Immediate Relative (Spouse) Family Based Adjustment of Status Application

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed my Form I-485, Immediate Relative (Spouse) Family Based Adjustment of Status Application, and supporting documents as follows:
- G-1145 – Form for E-notification of Application/Petition Acceptance (Notification for ALL following Applications)
- Payment in the amount of $1,010.00 payable to U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- I-485 - Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, signed & dated March 22, 2010
- Copy of birth certificate
- Copy of K1 visa in passport (with front and back copies of I-94)
- Photocopy of USA entry stamp dated January 3, 2010 (stamped on visa page, and on I-94)
- 2 passport photos taken on March 17, 2010, with name and A# written on reverse. Attached in ziploc bag with copy of receipt from purchase of passport photos, showing date taken
- Photocopy of passport biographical details page
- Copy of Vaccination Documentation, completed by Panel Physician
- Letter of Explanation with Vaccination Documentation Medical Worksheet
- G-325A - Biographic Information
o Appendix “A” for G-325A, Applicant's residence, last 5 years
- Copy of I-797 - Notice of Action, Approval of K1 petition, dated August 3, 2009
- Copy of marriage certificate, showing date of marriage (January 20, 2010), and name change of applicant
- Copy of Form I-94 -Arrival/Departure record (front and back) (This is included on the pages showing copies of K-1 Visa)

- I-864 - Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the Act, completed by (my USC spouse)
o Copy of Sponsor's Birth Certificate
o Copy of biographical data page of Sponsor's U.S. Passport
o Copy of Unemployment Claim income, for 2010
o Copy of Roth IRA statement
o Copy of Form W2, and Federal tax return documentation for 2009 tax year
o Copy of Form W-2 and Federal Tax Return for 2008 tax year
o Copy of Canadian T4 Tax slip, showing Canadian income received for 2008 tax year
o Copy of Canadian T-4 Tax slip for 2007 tax year
o Copy of Record of Employment from Canadian job
(Please note, 3 years of tax returns have been included to show sponsor's ability to consistently hold employment and earn income, even though he is currently unemployed)

The following items for Joint Sponsor's Form I-864 are included in a separate envelope:
- I-864 - Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the Act, completed by (my father-in-law) – Joint Sponsor
o Cover Letter/Letter of Explanation from Joint Sponsor
o Copy of Joint Sponsor's Birth Certificate
o Copy of Joint Sponsor's passport biographical details page
o Copy of Federal Income Tax Return, W-2, 1099s, and Canadian Pension Income for 2009 tax year for Joint Sponsor

Please also find enclosed my form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, category ( c )(9), and supporting documentation as follows:
- Photocopy of passport biographical details page
- Copy of K1 visa in passport (with front and back copies of I-94)
- Copy of Form I-94 -Arrival/Departure record (front and back) (This is included on the pages showing copies of K-1 Visa)
- 2 passport photos taken on March 17, 2010, with name and A# written on reverse. Attached in ziploc bag with copy of receipt from purchase of passport photos, showing date taken
- Copy of marriage certificate, showing date of marriage (January 20, 2010), and name change of applicant
- Copy of birth certificate

Please also find enclosed my Form I-131, Application for Travel Document (Advanced Parole), and supporting documentation as follows:
- Photocopy of passport biographical details page, with photo identification
- Copy of birth certificate
- Copy of K1 visa in passport (with front and back copies of I-94)
- Copy of Form I-94 -Arrival/Departure record (front and back) (This is included on the pages showing copies of K-1 Visa)
- Form I-131 Supplement, Part 7 – Circumstances of Travel
- 2 passport photos taken on March 17, 2010, with name and A# written on reverse. Attached in ziploc bag with copy of receipt from purchase of passport photos, showing date taken
- Copy of marriage certificate, showing date of marriage (January 20, 2010), and name change of applicant

Copies of documents submitted are exact photocopies of unaltered documents and I understand that I may be required to submit original documents to an Immigration or Consular officer at a later date.




Also, I did not get my vaccination sheet thingie from a Civil Surgeon. I submitted this letter with my name and A# at the top (it's funny, I don't even remember doing this, but there it was on my computer and listed on the cover letter, so I must have. LOL):

Re: Initial Evidence of Vaccination Documentation and Medical Examination for Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status

To Whom It May Convern,

Please note: as per General Instructions for Initial Evidence, Part 8. on Page 4 of Instructions for I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status as follows:

“8. Fiancé(e)s

If you are a K-1 fiancé(e) or K-2 dependant who had a medical examination within the past year as required for the nonimmigrant fiancé(e) visa, you only need to submit a vaccination supplement, not the entire medical report. You may include the vaccination supplement with your Form I-485.”

I am submitting only the vaccination supplement since I have completed a medical examination within the past year as required for the nonimmigrant fiancée visa. The medical exam was completed November 4, 2009 as indicated on the Vaccination Documentation.

Thank you
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-02 15:02:00
CanadaAnimal Crossing (for the DS)
What GEEK said (appropriately... har har). You need to change your settings to WEP. I had to do that too. It's still protected, and secure w/ password and all... just a different type ? I dunno why, but yeah.

And I LOLed when you said you cleaned the town huggles... haha I was like 'aww, she didn't have to tidy up for me'. :lol:

As for pets across the border, if anyone happens to still be curious.. LOL I'll assume like anything else it's up to the officer at POE, but I brought a cat AND a hamster across without any problems. I had my cat's vaccination records up to date and they didn't even ask about it. The guy actually joked about having a cat and hamster without having any issues between them. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-02 21:43:00
CanadaAnimal Crossing (for the DS)
You're leaving me hanging guys... *pout*
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-02 15:06:00
CanadaAnimal Crossing (for the DS)

I don't play but I came here thinking this was about bringing pets into the USA. Hahaha, oops!

:lol: !!! I didn't even think of that.. haha. There is a thread somewhere about bringing pets across though...
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-01 23:53:00
CanadaAnimal Crossing (for the DS)
I thought about putting this just in the off topic thread here, but meh! Hope no one minds I made a new thread.

I finally started playing Animal Crossing: Wild World on the DS a few days ago, and am already getting bored without being able to visit anyone else's towns. The first time I played last year or the year before, whenever, I couldn't get the wifi to work properly, but now I got it! :thumbs:

Do any of you play the game, and if so, can we swap friend codes?? :star:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-01 14:15:00
CanadaMoving: Who do I notify?
One note about credit cards and letting them expire. Make sure if you just let them go that you won't be hit with 'annual fees' before the expiration date. Some cards have those, and it's easy to forget. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-03 20:35:00
CanadaMoving: Who do I notify?
Well, everyone's situation is different I guess. Keep an eye on your mailbox for a month or two before your planned move, and look at who's sending you mail. You might get mail from a college you attended 10 yrs ago, or from some club you forgot you joined, or things like that. Things that aren't on the top of most 'change of address' lists, but they send you mail nonetheless.

Also, don't forget friends and family ;) LOL
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-03 20:33:00
CanadaHow & When to pay departure tax once u leave Canada
WHUT? Like paying back my well earned GST, and getting pounded on 25% tax on my already-delayed EI isn't bad enough? :bonk:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-04 20:01:00
Canadacars from canada to us

since the car is old and probably does not comply with all US standards, we would like to know if he can drive it when he gets in at the POE without having to import it, so only to use it for a few months? Anyone knows anything? :crying:

What do you plan to do after the 'few months' of using it? Are you just going to dump it and get a new one... return it to Canada... or attempt to sell?
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-06 00:01:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Yep, I'd be dead too, definitely. Har har. We're between the San Andreas fault and the ocean, just like most of the population in the state (you can see here: ). But that's ok, because Danu and I have a plan involving escape boats... right Danu? :lol:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-08 13:58:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Sprail, I agree with everyone that agreed with you! You did the right thing and shouldn't feel like a b1tch! That's a good point about holding on to the memories. It's good to distinguish the difference between a true friendship,and a memory of a friendship. I have a few ppl on FB I could probably delete for memories sake, but lucky for me they're not asking to move in :lol:

Huggles, I'd be careful about calling the humane society. Simply because if he's a little skiddish, he might be hard to adopt, and thus won't last long.... ifyouknowwhatImean. :blink: I'd look around the area for some no-kill shelters. (I found which seems good.. they're in Denver). They'll keep him at the shelter for as long as is needed, and will focus more time and energy on making him a friendly, approachable, adoptable cat. It sounds like a super cute cat (fluffy, calico? awesome!), and just needs some human interaction. How does the cat look health-wise? Is it scrawny looking, or normal, plump, healthy? Is the fur matted and icky or no? You could potentially post signs nearby saying you found a cat. Or like Geek said, seriously just leave it alone and it'll probably go away eventually (especially if you don't feed it!). My parents had a cat that hung around their house and even slept on their porch, and a day or two later it was gone. lol

Oh, and a couple months ago we had a cat that hung around our apartment. I fed him some bacon out our patio door... haha But then Kitty chase him away and I haven't seen him in a while. :(

Edited by ashenflowers, 05 June 2010 - 01:26 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-05 13:24:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois're making me crave cookies. Where do you live? I want some of these delicious cookies :D

I'm in a somewhat similar situation...with my pregnancy cravings, I ordered some Purdys Hedgehog chocolates! And as we all know, those are kind of pricey. So I ordered 2 boxes of 40 and I needed 2 day shipping because well, it's Texas...they melt. :/ They're almost ALL gone. My husband eats like 5 in one sitting...:(

You need a 'pregnancy craving shelf' in the cupboard, where it's HANDS OFF for hubby. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-04 15:07:00