CanadaMixed emotions these days...
Oh Erin... *HUGS* I'm so sorry this is happening to you all at once. I would definitely suggest taking all the time you can in Canada and spend it with your family and friends there. I know you miss Tim and your 'new home', but remember you have the rest of your life to spend there. It must have been hard to come back so early, especially for such a tragic reason, but time will fly by. I hope that you get a quick interview from Montreal. Hang in there.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-22 13:36:00
CanadaWeight loss support
Thanks for the tips darkchilde. I'm not actually 'dieting' all that much. I was just making healthier choices, tracking my foods. Allowing myself to eat what I wanted, so long as at the end of the day I fell within my alotted amount of calories. I was doing well. I didn't feel deprived, but I wasn't out stuffing my face all the time.

My problem is I just don't care anymore.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-05 22:53:00
CanadaWeight loss support
Diet pop isn't necessarily better than regular pop, due to the lovely additive of aspartame. At least that's why my husband would say. I on the other hand don't care, and think it's at least a step in the right direction. lol :)

That said, the last week for me has not been good. I've been in a bad mood almost the whole week (some of that I will admit is due to it being "friendly reminder that you're a woman" week, and some just due to general crappiness), and have been taking it out on myself. I haven't been tracking my food anymore, and haven't been making smart choices (not drinking all my water, eating chocolate, eating a BIG bowl of mac and cheese, not going for walks etc). Really fell off the bandwagon there.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-05 18:18:00
CanadaWeight loss support
Trust me Rhiann, I know how you feel re: the need for free things. I know you know that. lol I obviously can't afford a gym membership either. I also can't get a library card here, but I could send my husband to get some DVDs if I really wanted to I guess, but I'm not really interested in that. We have a small one bdrm apt, and I'd have to move both the coffee table and the couch in order to have space to do any work outs. So be grateful for your Wii Fit and use it to its full potential! I'd love to have a Wii Fit. And don't get discouraged if you miss a day of working out. It's harder for those of us who aren't used to every day work outs to get motivated. Msg me if you ever want to talk about it or need some motivation :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-02-26 01:19:00
CanadaWeight loss support
Everything in moderation my dears! Just factor the chocolate in to the rest of your day. lol

Also, I had wanted to mention before this thread barfed all over itself... LOL... that spark does have a good report at the end of the day when you're done tracking your food. They'll give you pie charts on where the %s are coming from for fat/carbs/protein, and what the recommended intake is. :) There are also charts that can track several various nutrients, like sodium, calcium, iron... and they give you recommended amount and can tell you if you're getting enough or not, and the benefits of each.
It's neat. :)

btw... i just wanted to add, the worst part of the poutine thing is that there are NO places around here that serve it. :(
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-02-24 20:13:00
CanadaWeight loss support
Don't get discouraged on day to day weight Peach. :) Your weight will fluctuate daily anyways, like Sapphire is saying.

I'm finding spark to be great with tracking all sorts of nutrients. It's neat. Yesterday and the day before I stayed in range for calories. Yesterday, for whatever reason, seemed a lot easier. Mind you, spark allows me up to 1700 calories, according to my weight and goals. Both days my husband and I went for a walk. Not long, about 40 mins, but better than nothing. Burned 185 calories on average for them at least.

I'm also finding I'm eating too much sodium, which I'm not surprised about at all. Sodium is huge in a lot of foods. It really burned me on a canned chicken noodle soup that I had. Also I'm not getting enough iron, and Vitamin D. Also not surprised. lol I'm not really wanting to take any supplements daily or anything, so I'll see what I can do to up those. I actually didn't eat ENOUGH fat yesterday, which I found funny.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-02-23 16:16:00
CanadaWeight loss support

Is there an option to enter your own food? I use Calorie King, and they have t hat option. Most stuff has nutritional info on the back.

I also read today on my Ck that if you guesstimate what you're eating, you're probably eating more, therefore not getting an accurate calorie count.

Yes, there's an option to enter your own food :) My other reply might've gone through as you were typing your post. lol

I wanted to loose a pound a week and started off pretty good, got from 296 down to 274 but then over the holidays gained two pounds. I just weighed today and was 275 so at this rate I will be about 106 by the time I get to my goal weight of 195. UGH :unsure:

2 lbs gained over the holidays isn't bad at all! :) And yeah, it will seem to take a long time, but you've already lost 20 lbs! And a pound a week is great, healthy progress. It'll be worth it! You could have your goal reached within a year and a 1/2. :) Think back to a year and a 1/2 ago and where you were then!
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-02-22 15:24:00
CanadaWeight loss support

I agree, Sparks has really helped me see the whole calorie thing too.
It's a bit hard for me to track because alot of things I eat aren't in the database, so I do alot of guesstimating.
It's super helpful though.

A lot of things I eat aren't in the database either. If they're in packages, I just add the product and put in the nutrional info myself according to the package info.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-02-22 15:12:00
CanadaWeight loss support
I'm honestly finding this Spark thing to be really helpful. Being able to enter the food I'm eating and having it count all the calories for me is a real eye opener. I really felt like I didn't eat much yesterday, but I hit my calorie limit, and that's with having salad for dinner. lol It's interesting.

Of course, I still can't work, so I have the time to do all this.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-02-22 14:25:00
CanadaWeight loss support
I agree with that too darkchilde! It's SO much cheaper eating at home!
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-02-20 18:25:00
CanadaWeight loss support
Huggles, I can relate too. I've never felt 'thin', but I've felt 'healthy'. Until this past year. Now I feel absolutely horrible, and I hate it. I too get stuck with bad eating habits adopted by those I live with. It's a real struggle. My husband is REALLY thin, and just doesn't have the same understanding about weight that I do. He's supportive, but only can be to a certain point.

Stop eating out so much! :P Pack healthier lunches for yourselves, use crock pots for dinner, or go on the Jared Subway diet! LOL Even eating out can present healthier choices! :) But you're right, living closer to work will help a lot
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-02-20 14:30:00
CanadaWeight loss support
Sorry about the double-post. For those of you on I made a visajourney spark group, if you guys want to join. :)

I also wanted to add that I don't actually have a scale at home. lol I'm not sure how I'll be really tracking my weight loss, other than once in a while having access to one at my in-law's place, or just going by how my clothes feel, and how I feel. But I'll be tracking my eating and exercising on spark! :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-02-20 06:38:00
CanadaWeight loss support
Thanks for starting this Peachey! Amusingly enough, earlier this week I was thinking of starting a new weight loss thread too, but haven't been on VJ much lately. I just noticed this thread today.

Here's mah story:

About 4 years ago I lost 50 lbs with Jenny Craig, in a time period of about 6 months... unfortunately since then, I've gained about 70 back. Not Jenny Craig's fault. Just the fault of a lazy-lifestyle with an ex b/f, and getting a job where I sat around all day, and then spending my evenings sitting around at home talking to the now hubby online/phone. lol

So, now I need to lose 80 lbs to be at a "good" BMI (I never did reach my final goal with JC before I stopped and gained it back). I'm the heaviest I've been my entire life, and I definitely feel the unhealthiest. It's horrible. I won't post my weight, because I think personal weight depends on a lot of things (height, body style/frame, muscle mass, etc), but that 80 lbs gives you an idea. I envy those of you who are just after that little 10-20 lbs. I figure this 80lbs will take me about a year and a 1/2, depending on how hard I try at this. I'm turning 30 in October this year (*pout*), and would like the first 40 lbs to be gone by then. That's my 'dream'.

I joined sparkpeople about a year ago as well, and was tracking for a bit, but then got too busy with immigration and moving. However, if so many of you are on it, I might like to use it again. :) It is a great site. Those of you who are on it should post info so we can find each other! My username there is also ashenflowers. Look me up (my profile is currently outdated. lol) I also recently joined It's a website about a pill you can take, but I don't take it. The site itself still has a great weight loss plan that you can sign up for free without doing anything with their pill, and have weekly check ins and some great info. I just started it a few days ago, so haven't really gotten into it, but it seems pretty good.

Via JC, I've more or less learned how to lose the weight, but the problem is the motivation, and support. I have a case of the skinny-hubby too, so unfortunately, while he's supportive, it's just hard because our food needs are extremely different. I hate buying separate food for us, or fresh food that I won't be able to eat by myself before it goes bad... it took some arm twisting to buy fruit at the grocery store today. :( Apparently he doesn't like fruit (?!?!). So there's that. Plus he can eat whatever he wants, and I don't want to deprive him of certain foods, just because they're not what I want to eat. So, I'll try for portion control, and healthy snacky.

Anyways, I just wanted to add a couple things I've learned (which I'm sure you know, but no one's really mentioned yet). A healthy/sustainable weight loss trend is only about 1 lb a week. In the beginning you will probably lose a bit more, but I'd suggest only weighing yourself once a week, and try to weigh yourself in the same clothes each time, and at the same time of day. This will give you a better idea of your actual progress. :) Plus it's more motivating to see 1 or 2 lb losses instead of 0.5 lb, no? lol

In conclusion (lol... I say that, cause this is LONG)... my husband and I are also in financial difficulty at the moment, so I don't have the funds to go to the gym, or to get the "really" healthy stuff like I might want to, but I do have access to nice walking weather and locations, and Dance Dance Revolution. So hopefully those will help.

Thanks for reading. :P
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-02-20 06:21:00
CanadaHappy Canada Day!!!
Make sure you all go see your local fireworks on the 4th! That'll cheer you up from missing Canada Day in Canada ;)

Also, I made these maple cookies for my husband to take to work with him today. lol

But they weren't mapley enough, so I found that one of the comments had a recipe for a maple glaze to go on top, and it was awesome
Maple Glaze:
2 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup maple syrup
about 1/2 teaspoon - 1 teaspoon milk (enough to make the glaze spreadable)

I also added about a 1/2 teaspoon of maple extract (or 'imitation maple flavouring'... lol) to both the cookies and the glaze. :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-01 09:45:00
CanadaHappy Canada Day!!!
Happy Canada Day everyone! I am sad to not be able to go home, but ah well. I will instead trot around downtown (there's a special arts thing that happens in the evening every 1st Thursday of the month, which just happens to be tomorrow!) and will be wearing my Canada shirt!! haha
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-30 23:50:00
Canadabringing dog with you at poe
I crossed at the Ambassador bridge with my cat and hamster. lol The only time it came up was when the border patrol asked me to keep my car window open so they could get in the car, and I told him I was concerned since it was January and COLD. Then he remembered that I give them my keys anyways so didn't need to leave it open after all. :wacko:

They DID ask me specifically about food, and I told them I just brought a little dry food, which I did, and the BP made a face, but let it go. lol I did have her shots all up to date, but no one asked to see the proof. Though again.. it was a cat, not a dog, so a bit different. Either way, I think you'll be fine. :)

Oh, and I wanted to add... I was really concerned about my cat and our 5 day drive across to California! She HATES car rides and being in her carrier, but after day 2 she settled right in and it was totally fine. I was SO proud of her! :luv: So yeah, never underestimate the strength your pets can muster up when they need to deal with things :)

Edited by ashenflowers, 28 June 2010 - 03:37 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-28 15:36:00
Canadaquick question
Good idea, I'm glad you brought this up! I'm also working on my resume. I never thought to add something like that, but you're right. Funny though, I had been wondering if I should put 'London, Ontario', or 'London, Canada', rather than just 'London, ON', in case they don't know what 'ON' means here. Is that bad? lol :innocent:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-12 01:31:00
CanadaMedical Exam, when and where...??

She can have it done in Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver. Since she lives so close, I'd agree with FireKari and say Toronto is probably the best idea. I used the office in Toronto and everyone was very nice :)

The medical can be done anytime after receiving the P3 up until only a few days before the interview. It takes a few days to get the medical results, so it's best not too wait to long, but it's also best not to go too early. The medical is valid for 1 year, and she will want it to be valid when she does her AOS after moving to the US, to avoid having to get another medical done after she arrives.

Unless they just go ahead and LOSE her medical and she has to get one done again anyways.... *cough*
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-12 01:43:00
CanadaK1-Once in the US and married...

Hey guys! I have a question that hopefully some of you can answer... it's pretty straight forward. If I apply for (can't remember what its called, 'advanced parole'?) permission to leave the US before my Green card is issued after my fiance and I get married in the US, how long on average does it take to be approved? I am waiting on my K1 Visa.

The reason for my wanting to leave would be to do a month and a half long contract with the company I worked for that works with the Canadian Forces overseas (no Visa from another country would be issued). It's just a great opportunity but bad timing... would working for a Canadian company while living in the US on a Visa be a conflicting issue?

Thank you!

You're not supposed to work for any company, regardless of its origin, if you arrive in the U.S. on a K1 visa. That's what AOS and EAD are for. I'm sure someone will turn around and disagree with me, but that's the stance I firmly take on this. Why put the EAD system into place if we're just allowed to work? We're not. That's why. Unless I'm wrong, it's my understanding from your post that you will need to leave the U.S. in order to do this job? You will need to get both AP and EAD to do this if it is indeed outside of the U.S. Keep in mind, you'll more than likely have to go to an interview for AOS (unless your case is transferred to CSC, then you might not), and it would be unfortunate for that to conflict with your month and a 1/2 long time away.

Edited by ashenflowers, 13 July 2010 - 06:33 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-13 18:33:00
CanadaNewly Weds and looking for best approach
Just in case you had any doubts, I'd have to say Kathryn is absolutely correct, as are the others who've suggested NOT LEAVING the U.S., applying for AOS, and waiting until you have a green card. You'll have some explaining to do during the process, and don't want anything (i.e. a ban) to make this harder. Also, I'd actually suggest not getting a lawyer. Your case is complicated, but not yet THAT complicated, and quite frankly, all I've ever heard from people with lawyers and this process, is that they make it worse.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-13 22:12:00
CanadaHow to return paid GST to CRA
I had this 'problem' as well. Just moving to the U.S. doesn't automatically make you a non-resident of Canada. There's an extensive questionnaire you can fill out to determine your eligibility and status (if you ever plan to move back to Canada, or have sufficient ties remaining in Canada). Anyways, I haven't yet called to get them to stop giving me GST, cause quite frankly, until EI comes in I need that $... haha So I plan to call them next month and get it sorted out.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-15 14:59:00
Canadapassport photos for embassy??

I had good luck using Shoppers Drug Mart for my photos. They had all of the specifications for US style photos.

Agreed. And from what I recall, they're a wee bit cheaper than Walmart.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-12 23:55:00
CanadaAnother Problem - Support Form
I'd try to get another letter from the bank with her name on it as well. If it's a joint account, that should've been what they automatically did anyways. ugh.

It won't take them 17 days to do that, don't worry. lol :) I don't see why the letter isn't something they can produce immediately if it's requested at the bank in person.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-22 13:38:00
CanadaPOE - What to expect?

I will be crossing with my fiancee and her K1 Visa next month and just want to double check we get everything we are supposed to when we cross.

From what I have read, she will get an I94 which is a piece of paper stapled into her passport and they will also stamp her passport. Is that correct?

I assume we will get pulled into secondary inspection for them to process the visa (Ambassador Bridge if that matters)?



Oh gawd... good luck with that crossing. I crossed there, and not only did they forget to give me the I-94 (I was too distracted and nervous to think to REMIND them how to do their own freaken jobs), but my medical was lost somewhere, and I suspect they had something to do with it since the one processing me just all around seemed very unsure what to do.

Good luck. And yes, you will be pulled into secondary.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-23 15:49:00
CanadaTetanus Clarification and Help Sought

Hi guys. I just got off the phone with the pubic health unit and it looks like I'm too old for them to have records which means blood titers. According to the nurse I spoke to, they do not do Tetanus titers in Ontario. I also know I had a tetanus shot in June 2009 which I will be able to prove. So...

1. Does anybody know a place to get a Tetanus titer in London, ON or Toronto, ON?

2. You should not get a tetanus if you have had one in the past 5 years. Dr. Seiden's web site says you must have had one in the last 4 weeks or something like that. I have also checked the CDA and other links posted here. I can't find any information on whether I will need one or not and what are the consequences of having one.

3. I have also read that you cannot take Aspirin within 6 weeks of the varicella vaccine. I take a daily low dose due to my heart condition. Does anybody know anything about this?

4. And a bonus question ( :) ) that Dr. Seiden's office has not answered for me. Does anybody know if they require extra vaccinations for people with heart disease?

Big thanks for any help any of you can provide.

Ooo... I was from London! I didn't have a family doctor so did everything via walk-in clinics. I went to the clinic on Bradley (I forget what it's called... it's the big one, not far from White Oaks Mall). They were able to do a Varicella Titre for me on site, so I don't see why they can't do the Tetanus one. Also, I DID have to get the Varicella vaccine (2 doses, don't forget), and got them done at the clinic downtown at King/Ridout. I don't remember hearing anything about Aspirin, and I looked for the info papers they gave me at the clinic, but I can't find them. Sorry :(

Do you have any of your vaccination records from childhood? Dr. Seiden's website has a series of 'or' 'or' 'or' qualifications. lol One of them is this (as I know you read, but just wanted to point out):
An initial series of three immunizations, which are normally received in childhood at ages 2, 4 and 6 months and a booster immunization within the last 10 years must be documented.

So, if you're able to prove your tetanus shots from childhood, plus the one from 2009, you should be ok without the titre. Otherwise, like I said, you can go to the clinic on Bradley St. :)

*edit* I just re-read and saw you said they don't do tetanus titres in Ontario? that makes no sense. lol I would call around and get a 2nd opinion on that one

Edited by ashenflowers, 28 July 2010 - 05:53 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-28 17:52:00
CanadaFun News from Home!
LOL Ridgetown!! Omg. Thanks for sharing that Kathryn :) I have relatives in Ridgetown and surrounding area (my grandparents lived in Thamesville until my grandmother passed away)!
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-29 17:18:00
CanadaFun News from Home!

Guelph hosted it's 11th annual Hillside Festival and for the 11th straight year I guess it rained. Not that I've ever been to it or reconize a single band that's ever played, but it's always fun looking the day after the festival to see how bad everyone got soaked...

I have some friends from London who regularly attend that festival. I had meant to go last year and the year before, but could never afford the tickets.

Anyways, yes, they got soaked, and apparently my friend's husband actually nearly drowned. Seriously. Paramedics, oxygen, and a stretcher and all that were involved. Turned out to be not so fun for them this time around. :blink:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-27 12:59:00
CanadaFun News from Home!
Oh, this isn't particularly 'news', but a guy some friends of mine know (I don't know him myself) apparently just won the Elvis impersonator competition in Collingwood at the Elvis Festival this weekend :lol:
He's in the 'non professional concert years' category. haha
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-26 14:25:00
CanadaFun News from Home!
Haha! Dresden!! :dance:

I haven't heard any amusing stories lately, but that sounds like a fun thing to investigate.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-26 13:43:00
CanadaAT&T Nation with Canada Plan
I'm so glad this topic was brought up. I'm wanting to get a cell phone in the next couple of months (still can't afford it right now... even those 'deal' prices, almost make me lose my breakfast).

I'm still unclear though. Verizon, or AT&T? lol What about Sprint?

I am going to be using my phone primarily for calling the hubby if need be, or calling and especially texting to Canada. I like the Skype to Go thing. I'll definitely look into that. But, you guys are saying texting to Canada does not cost extra?

(btw, the roaming thing is no big deal for us, since we're so far away we can only visit once a year at most :( so won't be crossing the border much)

Oh, also p.s. does anyone have experience with Virgin Mobile down here? just curious

Edited by ashenflowers, 21 July 2010 - 02:16 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-21 14:14:00
CanadaMedical Redo for RFE, cause THEY LOST IT
Just to clarify a few things on my own behalf. You can get all the copies of the medical that you want (that said, I COULDN'T make a copy of my original exam from Toronto because it was in a sealed envelope, and no extra copy is given from Dr. Seiden), but it will do you no good. The medical papers they lost were the ones received in Toronto... NOT an I-693 by a U.S. Civil Surgeon here in the states. Not to confuse the two, as they are different forms. Obtaining a copy of the I-693 from a U.S. CS is easy, but in Canada, they are more strict about providing copies for some reason.
Additionally, the RFE specifically states that they required a NEW form I-693 in a sealed envelope. Even if for some reason I had been able to get copies of my original medical on the other forms, it would've been unacceptable to send those in response to the RFE, and it likely would've been rejected. It would really save no hassle on my end.
I don't disagree that copies should always be kept whenever possible (and trust me, I am the type to keep copies of EVERYTHING), but again, copies were not obtainable in this situation, and they would not have helped me in this case anyway.

I haven't decided if I'm going to involve a congressman/senator. I'm really not that kind of person. But I'd be happy to send a complaint to USCIS. lol

I ended up having to go back to the CS office twice today.. once to confirm via TB skin test that I don't have TB (lol), and wait around for a 1/2 hour to get my papers ... then they realized they sealed the envelope and forgot to have me sign something, so then they opened the envelope, I signed, they resealed... I get home and am looking more closely at the envelope while I write up a cover letter to go with everything, and realize that the envelope indeed looks like it'd been tampered with (I thought they'd put it back in a new envelope but they didn't), so I go back to ask them to put it in a new sealed enveloped because I'm paranoid. Have I mentioned the CS office was like 20 mins across town. lol!

So I get to the post office at 5 mins to 5 and my I-693 and RFE response was finally mailed off and should arrive tomorrow! *crosses fingers*
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-04 19:57:00
CanadaMedical Redo for RFE, cause THEY LOST IT

Did you ask them to PAY for the medical redo since it's their problem they lost it?!?!

Let's think about the USCIS for a moment. Do you really think they'd pay for it... :no:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-03 23:18:00
CanadaMedical Redo for RFE, cause THEY LOST IT
Thanks everyone!

As Tick Tock mentioned, they only accept a sealed envelope, as sealed by the Dr./Civil Surgeon. I received no copies from Toronto's office of the original medical (other than my vaccination record and x-ray results), and was not able to make my own copy of course due to the sealed envelope thing (however I will be able to get one from the CS this time). I am pretty diligent at keeping copies of everything, so it really bothers me that the one thing they don't have is the one thing that was not possible for me to make copies of. I have kept EVERYTHING, and have two files full of stupid immigration papers. lol. Even if I had been able to get a copy of my Toronto medical, I would've had to go to a CS to get it transcribed to the I693 anyways, because the RFE specifically requested it on that form this time. So really, it wouldn't have saved much hassle.

cdn_gewels also had their medical lost and redid theirs.. and really, when you have a medical done and turn in the paperwork as required, and they don't end up with it for processing, then it's pretty clear that USCIS lost it at their end. They would NEVER admit that though, and it wouldn't matter to them who's fault it was anyway. I wanted to involve a congressman, but also didn't think it would do much good, and also had only one month to respond. I REALLY did not think that I would get the response I needed within that time frame, and didn't want to jeopardize my application, so I decided it best to just go ahead and get the medical redone without putting up a stink. I can't wait for this to be over. lol

On the plus side, I think it really SHOULD go quickly once they receive the response.

Also, Kimbear, thank you for mentioning about attaching the RFE to the outside of the envelope. :) I'm glad that's what we decided.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-03 14:06:00
CanadaMedical Redo for RFE, cause THEY LOST IT

It does totally blow. I just want to offer my sympathy.

Honestly, this whole process is just so much worse and so much less efficient than any outsider would ever guess.


Thanks. You're so right. All those things I listed are just little things but all together add up to be just being like '#######... did that just happen?'. lol And feeling pretty anxious and not confident about results...

I also got back to the apt and some guy in a pick up truck was blocking my parking spot. :bonk: He wasn't in the truck either... but just as I'd had enough waiting and was about to write a note on his truck he came out and moved it for me. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-02 17:24:00
CanadaMedical Redo for RFE, cause THEY LOST IT
Ok, so as many of you know, I had to get my medical redone because THEY LOST IT. Yes I am angry. lol Anyhoo.... So, I get the RFE paperwork on July 6, call some places, and am able to make an appointment for July 29th. I had to wait 3 wks because the Dr. was going on vacation (another Dr. I called was out for a month, and the others didn't have the vaccine I needed boosted). :angry:
So then July 29th, I'm literally all ready to go except to do my hair and brush my teeth, and the phone rings. They have to reschedule because the Dr. called in sick. :blink: SO, they reschedule for today, Aug 2nd. Have I mentioned my RFE deadline is Aug 12th and the closer that date comes the more I freak out?

Anyhoo, so I go into there today, and:
a) there's no parking so I had to go around the block and park on some side residential street
b) I thought I was going to be late, and I hate that, so I'm freaking out
c) they can't find me in their system (!!)
d) I have to fill out all these irrelevant generic med. clinic forms about things like household income, medical history (I guess that's relevant), if I have insurance (not relevant because it doesn't cover these anyway)
e) they have an outdated I-693 form from February (which I have since checked and is still being accepted so thank god), but I had printed off the July edition of the form, but still had to convince beg the nurse to use the July form.. she had tried to just say it's the same form anyway, and I say 'I realize that but they've updated it so can we use this one' and she asks why and I say 'because they're strict about these things and if they don't accept it I will get deported'... hahah which is an exaggeration, but actually, not entirely an exaggeration... :wacko: ... and I had hurriedly tried to start filling out the I-693 in the waiting room but didn't have a black pen, and forgot that it has to be in black ink so it was in blue, so they wouldn't accept my first page, and used theirs anyways, so I think I have a combination of Feb and July editions of the I693. SIGH
f) the Dr. and I can't decide if the RFE papers should go IN the sealed envelope with the stuff or just stapled on top of the sealed envelope... we decide on stapled on top.
g) I have to get a TB test because the x-ray isn't enough and I don't remember if I've ever had a TB skin test (and no proof anyway), so I can't even get my medical papers returned to me today because...
h) I have to go BACK to the clinic on Wednesday, to confirm that I do not have TB, and if my skin test shows negative or positive, they can then use my x-ray results from Toronto's medical to confirm... THEN I should be able to get the medical results and mail the documents finally... nearly a week after I thought I'd have them, and 3 weeks later than I'd have preferred to have actually had them. And people questioned me for being worried about only have a month to deal with this when that seems like all the time in the world. THIS IS WHY I WORRY!!!
i) my arm got jabbed 3 times... once for blood to be drawn, once for my 2nd chicken pox vaccine dose (which I didn't do in Toronto because the wait interval between doses wasn't long enough, and they just requested a waiver), and once for the TB test thing. :(
j) I want my mommy.

In conclusion, this blows. And does anyone think that just stapling the RFE paperwork to the outside of the sealed envelope is ok? On the RFE it says "RETURN THIS NOTICE ON TOP OF THE REQUESTED INFORMATION LISTED ON THE ATTACHED SHEET". And the attached sheet requires an I-693. Does on top mean like... on top of the I-693, or on top of the sealed envelope?!? ugh.

Edited by ashenflowers, 02 August 2010 - 05:00 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-02 16:57:00
CanadaPOEing soon...

I hope someone sees this because I have another question:

When I got here in April, I found the flavor of tea that I like to drink down in the States (it can be bought down there, too, obviously -- it's from Starbucks) so I bought a whole bunch of it, thinking I'd be done with it by now. Well, I'm not, lol. I've checked the BP website, and I don't see anything about not being able to bring tea across the border, just stuff like meat, dairy, etc. It's all sealed tea (teabags are in sealed packages, I mean), so there'd be no way for them to think that it's something else... I'd just hate to have to get rid of it, because I can't find that specific flavor down there... if that makes sense... LOL.

You'll be fine. I brought a bunch of loose leaf tea with me (didn't even mention it, and they didn't look), and well, we all know loose leaf tea can sometimes look like... uh... something else. :unsure:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-29 11:22:00
CanadaCDN Stocks Question

Hey Folks,

Haven't been here in a while. I was wondering if anyone of you has come across this problem, and what the solution may be.

I have a few CDN stocks and since I'm here in the US now, scotia bank won't keep them for me anymore. Do you kow if there is a brokerage that will keep my CDN stocks as CDN stocks and not convert them to their american equivalent? I have asked questrader, td ameritrade, scottrade, scotia already. They can be canadian or american.

Please help!!


Have all the companies you contacted said they WON'T do it for you? I am surprised TD Ameritrade would've said no. I used to work for them, and I know for a fact that we had clients that traded Canadian stocks (not their U.S. equivalent).
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-03 14:26:00
CanadaYou know you wanna be Canadian!
They're from London!!! :D *hugs Thames River*

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-04 21:29:00
CanadaI just gotta say..
Yaaaaay!!! :dance:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-05 15:58:00
Canadaaos question

In this case, she means AOS in terms of the Affidavit of Support - not the Adjustment of Status :)

Ah yes, that would make sense. I am in the midst of AOS myself (of the status sort) so automatically thought Status, not 'Support' when I read 'aos packet'. lol

Anyhoo... back to OP, lol if you have any proof of his new job, like a contract or confirmation of any sort, I would get what you can and bring that with you as well. I would think there should be no need to get a co-sponsor just for the sake of one month's unemployment if he's got something else lined up already.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-05 23:52:00