CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Sent mine off today!! I'm sad I don't have any Canada postcards left cause really, that's still home to me. But, this is my new home... for now. lol

Posted Image
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-14 20:17:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
lol Awesome J! :D

K, everyone I sent out the info for July! I meant to send it a little earlier, but long weekend and all I got really busy! It's still the 5th here though. ;)

Happy Postcarding! :star:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-06 00:37:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

so could I join for this month? we are going to Oregon so I probably can find some cool postcards to send... oops that doesn't fit with the theme though...

Yes, absolutely! Yay more postcarders :D haha, yeah I guess it wouldn't match the theme, but that's ok! :thumbs:

If you could email your mailing address and birthday to vjpostcards@ that'd be awesome. Thanks Marilyn!
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-30 23:42:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
You guys keep rushing me! hahah jk... Here was my plan... 1) confirm everyone who wants to participate... 2) do the draw... 3) send all the info... 4) announce the theme and post the June list. Just so you don't think I was slacking ;) I was just waiting until July to post the theme and such.

Anyways, I certainly don't mind going ahead and doing it now. So, that said... here's what I had thought about for the theme for July.

Since July holds both Canada Day and Independence Day, I thought we could have a theme about where you live or where you're from. Most postcards are locally based anyways so this isn't really a stretch, but maybe trying to find one of your specific city, or if you feel adventurous, try to get one from Canada, if you've already moved away... Or, if you print your own postcards, maybe do one of your favourite spot at home, or your yard, or whatever you feel comfortable with... Or maybe you could just write a little something about what you've learned or loved about where you live (or lived). Anyway, I guess you could call the theme 'Home'... and interpret that however you wish.

What do you think? :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-30 17:14:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Thanks sdw and kizza!! :dance:

I won't be posting the May list because I had to make quite a few last minute changes by hand, and didn't update my computer list. D'oh.. :( I was going to post the June list after I notified everyone about July's info, but since you asked here you go! :)

Sender .... Receiver
Ant+D+BabyA .. JLovesA
ashenflowers .. Canadiandggal
Canadiandggal .. coraliesolms
CdnMN .. OBX
Chickaflick .. ashenflowers
Christi and Ian .. Ant+D+BabyA
Colleens .. CdnMN
coraliesolms .. Chickaflick
JLovesA .. Colleens
Kathryn41 .. tHund3r
lilacvioletiris .. Christi and Ian
OBX .. lilacvioletiris
Pauley .. Kathryn41
tHund3r .. Pauley

Oh, and I just remembered that SupportGeek joined after I did the draw, and I had him send one to someone who hadn't received one in May, and sent him one myself so he'd get a June one too. lol :thumbs:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-29 16:20:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

Ant, I'll participate but I need to change the address "on file" haha. I am moving on the 21st.

Thanks J! Could you email it to ? :thumbs:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-28 16:02:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
LOL Ant, that's funny! Glad the exchange is multi-functional and helping weight loss! ;)

And Canadiandggal, I'm so glad you got the card, and glad you liked it! I scanned the cards I sent, but don't remember what went to who :lol:

Anyway, to everyone: Now is the time to let me know of you can NOT participate in July's exchange! I'll hopefully be doing the draw by the end of the week (July is on THURSDAY! OMG). A few people bowed out over time, and for some, I'm not sure if they're ready to come back into things yet, or if they're still out. :( I'm keeping you out until I hear otherwise, just in case.

This is the MASTER list of everyone who's shown interest in the exchange now, or in the past. I put *s beside the ones that I know for sure DO want to (based on June's draw), and will be included in July. Please correct me if I'm wrong. lol I am posting this for my own benefit as much as yours. :lol:

* Ant+D+BabyA
* ashenflowers
* Canadiandggal
* CdnMN
* Chickaflick
* Christi and Ian
* Colleens
* coraliesolms
Dan and Ali
* JLovesA
* Kathryn41
* lilacvioletiris
* Pauley
* SupportGeek

(btw, is it just me or is it hilarious and awesome that so many usernames seem to start with C? Yay Canada!)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-28 15:46:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

My postcard for June went in the mail Saturday morning. :)

ooooo... just in time! lol!

All June postcards should be in the mail now!!! Otherwise the receiver might not get it until July (depending on distance). Can't wait to see some more pics in here! :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-22 13:57:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Yay tHun3r!! you're welcome :)

And yes kizza, I'll put you in for July! :) I will PM you what I need to know..

And thanks for the pics Pauley. What a cool card! Btw, I've noticed those white bar stickers on the front peel off really nicely. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-16 15:23:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
lol, actually no! It's not extra birthday cards. :star: I'd go broke (even more than now!) if I sent extra cards for everyone's birthday. lol That said, there are a couple of ppl with June birthdays. :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-14 19:06:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Yay! A successful June card passage! :)

And no worries JlovesA... I'll be posting that list at the end of the month anyway.

I sent out my cards on Saturday, so hopefully they start arriving this week :) (I sent more than one, the receivers will see I have them scanned, and will post them once they start arriving. :) Though I don't remember which ones I sent to who. LOL
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-14 12:16:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

I don't send my postcards out anonymously - and I think it would be really cool to get one from Nunavit! :D

That's a good point. I hope everyone's signing their VJ (or real) names on the cards, so everyone knows where and who they're from! That's part of the fun, no? :D And thanks for the tip on finding cards! Hopefully that helps some of us :) I'm getting sick of going to the postcard stands around here and seeing the same ones over and over. lol I don't remember which ones I've sent where.

That's a great card OBX :) I have chosen which of my cards I deem the most 'summery', but I'll have mine out in the mail tomorrow!
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-08 23:06:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

Ooh I can't wait to send mine. Unfortunately, whoever receives it will know right off the bat it's me because of the post office stamp! I don't think there are any other Nunavummiut on the forums. B-) That and it'll likely be a card with something Inuit/Nunavut on it.

HAHA! At first I read this as 'Ooh I can't send mine'.... and was like nooooooooooo!!!!!!! haha *phew* Show us what a Nunavut summer looks like! :D

And SupportGeek.. got the email. lol Thank you :D You're not a meanie. lol

Yay postcards! Go June Go! :) What a great thing to do to take the edge off paying the bills Ant... lol That's a good point
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-05 01:59:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

Can I play? :P

lol yes. Would you like to? PM me your address (or email <-- email preferred) and I will get you going :) You can still join June. Unless you were just joking. In which case, you're a meanie. :hehe:

And yes Ant, thanks for trying w/ the list. lol But I figured since I already have a complete one, I might as well just post it at the end of the month.

And yeah, I will promise to send out the draw and info before the 5th of every month, if we can all promise to send our cards out by the 20th :lol:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-04 20:15:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
K guys, I did the draw for June, but it's 3:30am, and I have to go to sleep. LOL I will send out the info to all of you tomorrow! :star:

This is who I ended up having for June's draw. Hope that's right. lol If I missed anyone, please let me know asap! I can still fit you in even after I send out the info to everyone (I has plan...)! :)

6.Christi and Ian
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-04 05:32:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Sorry for the double post... I just checked and a few people I had originally listed for June actually aren't participating and I forgot to cross them off. I will post the updated June list when I've contacted everyone with their info. lol Sorry. As of right now I have 16 people participating for June. Not 19.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-02 21:56:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Here is April's List as I drew it (as is saved on my computer anyway...)

Sender - Receiver
Ant+D+BabyA - sdw
ashenflowers - tHund3r
Canadiandggal - OBX
CdnMN - Y&E
Christi and Ian - CdnMN
Colleens - Dan and Ali
coraliesolms - ashenflowers
Dan and Ali - lgg
Hugglebuggles - coraliesolms
Kathryn41 - Colleens
Kayla*Mathew - Pauley
lgg - lilacvioletiris
lilacvioletiris - Kathryn41
OBX - Ant+D+BabyA
Pauley - Hugglebuggles
sdw - steflovesbran
steflovesbran - Kayla*Mathew
tHund3r - Canadiandggal
Y&E - Christi and Ian

I had to do some rearranging on May's list at the last minute so what I have is not the most updated so I won't post it, in case it causes confusion.

I will start posting the exchange list prior to the following month's draw if everyone wants to see it... It will be easier for everyone I think, and less cluttery than all of us trying to update and repost the list individually. Thanks for trying though. lol :thumbs:

I am waiting to hear back from someone before I can do June's draw. If I don't hear by end of tomorrow, I will do it then without them I guess.

Let's put the monthly deadline at the 20th of the month. If you can't send your postcard by then, you MUST let me know, and like I've said, more importantly let the person you're supposed to send it to know via PM. It's really difficult and time consuming for me to try to keep track of who has or hasn't got theirs, and who was supposed to send it, and why they didn't, or when they did... etc. I don't want to sound hissy about it, but this is becoming harder for me than it needs to be. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-02 21:36:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Ant, that's a good idea in theory, but I'll be honest... I don't want people to be required to check in and report and put specific deadlines on every step. This should just be a simple, easy and fun exchange without a lot of structure. You get a name, you send a card, you receive a card. Bam! Done! I figure the general idea is that cards should be sent so they are received by the end of that month. It takes about a week for a postcard to travel, so keep that in mind. It is unfair that a few people haven't received their card, and some cards have been sent late. But the first few months people have to get into the swing of things, and most importantly find cards! Also, I don't want to point fingers and single out any of the late-senders. lol

If you can't participate or send your card late, contact me or more importantly, contact the person you're supposed to send your card to. For the most part, people have been doing exactly that, so it's ok! However, if anyone has NOT yet received a postcard for May (or April!) please PM me! We all want everyone to get the cards that they're entitled to! If you're wondering the status of your card at the end of the month, feel free to PM the intended receiver.

That said I DID receive my May postcard. Thank you Colleens :star: It IS very fun receiving postcards, and hearing about everyone's cards and how excited they are to get them. If we all remember how great that feeling is, then I'm sure this exchange idea will go wonderfully. :)

June is fast approaching. Now is the time to let me know if you can't participate in June. I dunno the theme this time. hmm.. How about summer? Nice and generic, and June is when summer officially arrives. Woo hoo! Only one theme (for either the message or the card image), and remember, it's optional!

Here's who I have for June (there are also 4 others who couldn't participate in May... I have left them off for June as well because I don't know if they can do it again yet.. pls let me know!). I am going off an old-ish list though, so some of you may not want to participate anymore? I don't know.. sorry. :wacko:

Thanks everyone :)

7.Christi and Ian
10.Dan and Ali

Edited by ashenflowers, 30 May 2010 - 02:24 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-05-30 14:24:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

I don't know if you've sent any postcards recently, but recently I sent a postcard for my wife to one of her sister in Thailand.

There is NO LONGER any cost savings for sending a post card, it costs the same as an ordinary letter.

The postal service wized up and closed up the cash-flow leakage.Posted Image

Actually, this is not entirely true. In the U.S. you can send a postcard WITHIN THE U.S. for only 28 cents, rather than the 44 cents of a regular standard letter.
Postcards to Canada and to elsewhere Internationally require the appropriate standard stamps similar to a regular letter.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-05-28 13:27:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
LOL how fun!! :star: Yay Rose City. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-05-17 20:01:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

Huggles I knew you would!!

When we were back last weekend I sent my husband out to the mall to look for Welland postcards while I was at an appointment. After a bit of a run-around he ended up at city hall in the mayor's office...I lived there over 20 years and never got invited into the mayor's office....where they gave him a small collection of free historical postcards! I'm pretty sure the recipient of the card will appreciate it's origin. :)

LOL wow! That's fantastic! haha
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-05-16 12:55:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I'm sorry LGG. :( I PM'd you about it.
I also didn't receive my April postcard either (though the person sending it has contacted me about it and said they tried again, but.. yah still nothing. lol).

It'd be great if everyone could update when they receive a card, so we all know. :) This isn't really a 'secret' exchange or anything, so it won't burst any bubbles by telling us!

Also, just a reminder if anyone feels they can't participate any particular month for any reason, just let me know! No pressure.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-05-14 17:08:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Loving the updates! I sent mine out on Tuesday. :) It's very flowery! I'll post a pic once my receiver gets it :star:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-05-13 20:21:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

Thanks Ashenflowers,

I've got my new name and the postcard will go out early this week :)! Do we have a 'theme' or a word to use for May?

Yes, May's theme is 'flowers'. Either word or image. :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-05-09 23:52:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Hey everyone!
I sent out all the info for May. I originally had it so that no one is sending to the same person they sent to in April, but I had to make some last minute changes, so not sure that's still the case. lol Sorry. However, amusingly there are two sets of people who end up swapping with each other. I won't tell who they are. ;)

Also, a reminder, if you can, to anyone who moves... please give me your new address. I realized about one person moving and msged them, but I'm sure I missed someone. I'll try to keep track, but if you think about it let me know (though I know there's enough to think about with POE, so no worries.. lol).

Woot! Thanks everyone!
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-05-09 00:09:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Sorry... I've been busy this week. I've done the draw already, but it's actually quite time consuming to msg everyone separately to tell them who they have, so I just haven't had a chance yet. If anyone needs their recipient info before the end of tomorrow (Friday), please let me know. Otherwise it might have to wait until Saturday. Thanks for understanding!

JlovesA: sorry, but I didn't realize you needed it right away, and like I said, I just haven't had time to send the info yet. :wacko: If you want, I can still send you info for someone. Up to you! Just let me know, asap. :)

If anyone else ever has a case like that where they need the info before a certain date in order to participate in the draw for that month, please PM me and let me know ahead of time. :)

For those interested, here's who I have participating this month:
5.Christi and Ian
8.Dan and Ali
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-05-07 01:10:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

I'm still in too!

I bought a batch of cards (once I finally found somewhere to buy them!) unfortunately none with flowers on them. :bonk: Back to the search!

LOL well you can always just write something flowery on the back, or put a flower sticker, or draw a flower. lol (F)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-05-04 21:59:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I think it's just too confusing to try to track who sent what to who. lol Though it's kind of fun to know. I have a list somewhere but I can't find it now (I could always go through my emails and msgs if anyone really wants to see a full list of who sent what to who where when why... lol). Either way, everyone please feel free to tell us all when you get your cards. :) Msg me if you want me to explain how to post a pic on VJ.

Everyone is automatically signed up for the May draw unless they have told me that they only want to participate once or twice.

If everyone is ready I can do the draw for May tomorrow! :thumbs:

I was thinking May's theme could be flowers. April showers bring May Flowers... Mayflower, Mother's day.. etc etc.

So there ya go. May = Flowers. lol I'm also thinking we could just have one theme over all, and you can either send a postcard with the theme on it as a pic, or write something about it on the back. I'm realizing it's a bit too hard for people to find postcards at all, let alone ones with themes. lol :)

I have to double check as there are a couple of new people who've shown interest, but I'm not sure I have all the info.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-05-03 15:53:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

Welcomez! :D

Incidentally, the note I put on there about Rochester's shortest snow season ever is now no longer true. Rochester had no snow measurable snow at all in November '09, March '10 and the first few weeks of April '10, and we'd thought we had a new city record, until we got .2" of snow Tuesday morning. Our record 90-day snow season just got lengthened to 148, and is now substantially less interesting. :P

LOL that's hilarious. Darn .2" ruining it. pfft.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-04-30 11:47:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
awww... Yay Kathryn and lilacvioletiris! :)

Anyone who hasn't sent their cards yet needs to get a movin'! lol :bonk: I think I'm going to do May's draw next Monday the 3rd (yes, May is coming fast! oye!).
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-04-27 01:20:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

Great to see that you are all sending and receiving your VJ postcards..:thumbs:

Ashen and Everyone-
How are we going to reveal as to who sent what? Should we do it all at once, as soon as everyone gets their cards?
Also, are we going to be posting the image of our postcards (the front part only for privacy reasons, like you did with your Santa Barbara card) here on VJ, so that we can all see the postcards in the 'VJ postcard collection'? And if so, how about if we set up an online photo album of the postcards, so that it is easily accessible for everyone with a link (no need to go through various post message pages, it is easier to find, and it takes up less room on VJ itself). For example, setting up a password protected private album (only available to VJ postcard participants) on flickr, photobucket, or whatever else that can host images, and post the front of our postcards there.....
Ashen...You can be in charge of the album, since this is your postcard project, and you know how to upload photos online...
What do you all think? Just an idea...


Do whatever you want in terms of when to reveal the pics! :) There are no rules on that. If you want to post immediately when you get one, go for it! It's kind of exciting :)

The other question is who posts the pic, the sender, or the receiver? We'd have to agree on that, so the same post card doesn't get uploaded twice, and people don't have to upload a pic of both the card they sent AND the one they received. Less work is more fun! lol Personally, I think it might be fun for the SENDER to post the pics of the cards they send. Then it's like a little game to see what you get in your mailbox... :lol:

I thought about the online album before, but to be honest, I didn't think anyone would want to bother with uploading pics to it, and checking it and everything. I guess if everyone can just respond here to let me know if you want me to set up an album, and if you'd be willing to upload pics to it. Is everyone familiar with Flickr, and how to use it? That'd be my preferred album host if we did set this up.

Again, this would totally be optional. No one is obligated to post a pic of their postcards. It's just for fun, and if you want to :) Also... like I said, I don't want to make too much work for everyone. Including myself :lol:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-04-18 00:08:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

Ok off to the mailbox!

First time trying to post a photo..let's see if it works. Didn't work. How do I get a photo into my post?? :bonk:

hmm.. that depends, why didn't it work? You could try putting a card-paper backing on it to make it sturdier, or just put it in an envelope. :)

EDIT: aahhh hahahah I just realized I read your reply wrong... dur. I thought you meant you were trying to mail (i.e. post) an actual photo and they wouldn't accept it. :whistle: LOL

And no worries if you don't use the theme or can't find it. I'm surprised (and saddened) at how hard it is to find postcards sometimes! I have a little bit of trouble, and I live in a touristy town! lol I did find a couple of hotspots though :)

Edited by ashenflowers, 14 April 2010 - 01:42 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-04-14 13:41:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

Yeah, I thought I would find some at a dollar store here but after I checked 3 and none of them had postcards I decided to check elsewhere. Neither Walmarts nor Target and none of the drugstores I checked had them either :(. I know when I am not looking for them, I see them everywhere!

Try bookstores or hallmark card type stores. They might have a few. :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-04-13 18:23:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

Totally want in on this!!

Hurray! I'll add you in for May's draw. I'll PM you :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-04-13 01:49:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Hey everyone!
This is the post card I sent out. It was put in the mail a couple of days ago :) Who's it for?! oooo.... I'll never tellll.. :innocent:

Posted Image
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-04-12 23:45:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
LOL! Yes, that's Kitty and she has all the secrets! muah ahhaha

Thanks for the reminder Ant! I meant to post an updated list.

April Participants
Christi and Ian
Dan and Ali

There's actually 19!! This is seriously way more than I imagined. Thanks everybody!!! :luv:

As for photos, I uploaded mine to facebook, but you could also use flickr or something like that. In the post editor there will be a thing near the top by the emoticons/links to insert an image. You basically need to get the link of the image. To do so in Firefox you can right-click the image and 'copy image location'... then paste that as the image URL. In I.E. it's something like 'copy shortcut' or you can find the link in the properties of the image. If that makes sense.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-04-07 00:20:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Ok guys! *phew* I did the draw with the help of my cat, as I mentioned.
See below:

And I've contacted everyone with the info of who you got. My apologies that some of you I accidentally emailed from my personal email instead of the VJ Postcard email. sigh. Let me know if you don't get anything from me. Some of you I emailed, and some of you I PM'd, based on your preferences. I think if we could try to have them sent by the 15th (next Thursday), that'd be awesome. :thumbs: That'll give it about 2 weeks to get out and hopefully arrive before the month ends.

If you want to do the theme, a reminder that April is Earth (landscapes/nature/etc) in honour of Earth Day, and try to include the word sun. :)


Also, if anyone wants to post a photo of what they get that'd be great! Just remember to only show the FRONT of the post card. NO addresses on here please. :)

Now... GO POSTAL.. bwah haha... :dance:

Posted Image

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-04-06 22:32:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

Im totally up for this!! What are the rules, who do I give my addy to?

Just answer this! Email me at if you want :) There aren't really any rules specifically. There's a theme, but it's completely optional, and if you don't want your full name used, and think your mail man will recognize just a first or just a last name that's fine, just let me know what you want it addressed to. There will be a random draw once a month, and I will PM or email everyone to let them know who they'll be sending their postcard to that month (it'll be a different person each month). :)

Also, I should add, for everyone... do NOT share any of the addresses I give you. I know that's obvious, but just wanted to say it. Addresses are ONLY to be used for this postcard exchange. If there's a 'rule' that'd be it. lol

* Are you willing to send postcards to both Canada AND the U.S. (and possibly elsewhere if other VJers get involved as well)?
* How long do you want to participate in this? Once a month until it dies off, or would you prefer to only send one or two postcards? Please be specific.
* When is your birthday? I'll let the sender know during the draw of the month of your birthday, and maybe you'll get a 'special' card!? ;)
* Do you prefer to be contacted via email or VJ PM? Please PM me your email address if you prefer that.
* Please PM or email me your mailing address. If you will be moving soon, please PM the one that would be current for the month of April. I will let everyone know ahead of time when the next random postcard draw is (likely around the 1st of the month), and future address changes can be made any time.

* Please know that I will give your address to NO ONE except the person(s) randomly selected to send a postcard to you. These 'guidelines' and method of play may change at any time. I am not held responsible for any postcards that you receive that you don't like. :P
* Please let me know if you have any suggestions!
* P.S.: Yay!
* P.P.S.: DON'T post your address in this thread. PLEASE only PM me or EMAIL your addresses to me. Thanks! :thumbs:

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-04-06 02:18:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Hi everyone!
Just letting you know I'm waiting to hear back from a few people to confirm their interest and get their info (I have PMed them, just waiting for a reply), then I'll be doing a draw! It might not happen until tomorrow morning. Get excited! ;)

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-04-05 22:20:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
We're still getting mail addressed to the former resident of our apartment... his name was Cornelius Dirk Kop. I'm not kidding. I couldn't make up a better fake name if I tried. :lol:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-04-02 01:01:00