CanadaEmployment Help
Hi. Lots of people (me included) are looking for new jobs in our new homes after finally receiving EAD. It's not fun. It's bled into the Vent thread (obviously!), so as suggested, here's its own topic. :) I figured I might as well start it since as some of you know, for the first 5 and a 1/2 months after I moved here, both my husband AND myself were unemployed because he lost his job the day after I got here. Yeah, that was fun. Not.

Anyway, I digress... Please share anything you want about the fun trials and tribulations of job hunting. Interview tips/stories, who's hiring where, did you get a job (let us congratulate you), how are you conducting your job search (online? door to door? etc), and so on... Please be kind, and realize that this is often one of the most difficult things about moving to a new place. We're all in different financial positions (some are more desperate for a job than others!), so keep that in mind too. :)

Aaaannnnnd go (and good luck!). :thumbs:

(p.s... this is NOT an 'Employment Insurance' help thread. We already have one of those!)

Edited by ashenflowers, 02 September 2010 - 05:00 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-09-02 16:56:00
CanadaWhat are you watching?
I was also wondering when I was going to start this thread what people are also watching for MOVIES. What movies are you looking forward to, or what did you just see that you highly recommend? No spoilers!!

I recommend Inception!!! And also have heard good things about Despicable Me, but haven't seen it yet. I'm also curious to see The Expendables, as I just think it's hilarious who they've managed to get together in that movie. lol

I don't watch a lot of TV, but right now am netflixing Dexter and Bones, and love them both. I was also a HUGE Lost fan, and I like Glee and The Vampire Diaries. When I remember when they're on I'll watch Mythbusters and Dirty Jobs. :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-07 22:50:00
CanadaWhat are you watching?

I saw this idea in the reading thread and thought it was a good idea so I stole it :lol:

As for me what don't I watch :lol: I am not terribly found of reality shows although there are a few I do watch :whistle: or those teen shows...

at the moment I am watching, Drop Dead Diva, Bethenny getting married, Warehouse 13, Psych, America's Got Talent, In Plain Sight, Lie to Me, the Good Guys, MasterChef, White Collar, Haven, Top Chef, Hell's Kitchen, Work of Art... and a few others...

aww... that was my idea. :bonk: I was going to start it but haven't had a chance. That said, I'm about to head back out again, so I'll come back with what I'm watching later. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-06 18:27:00
CanadaDenied at POE
Omg, this is horrible. I'm so sorry sad.gif I'm really scared now, and know I'll be having a heart attack at POE... lol

Best of luck to you, and I too really hope this gets resolved for you quickly. I can't even imagine what I would do if that happened sad.gif I don't even want to think about it.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-12-01 17:07:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
I'd like to get a tattoo and somehow combine the maple leaf with something Californian too. I think it's a great idea magenta. :thumbs:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-25 20:23:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

I've heard there's a Trader Joe's around here - but a 40 minute drive doesn't make it too convenient. I don't think we could afford to shop there, either, so I guess it's good to not have it nearby. I'd just feel more frustrated.

AHA! You know the commercial! I cringe every time I see it. I also miss those San Danielle Moradella commercials. They have no Kinder Surprise eggs here - #######!?

I love Trader Joe's. Surprisingly we've noticed it's not really more expensive than a regular grocery store. It's actually one thing I would miss if I were to go back to Canada. Go figure.

I forgot about Kinder Surprise Eggs (used to have a shoebox full of the 'surprises'). Now I am sad. :(
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-05 16:14:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

I wanted to quote this, because while the obvious differences factored into my feelings, this was also a factor in why I wasnt comfortable, Toronto and area are in general, pretty darn conservative, the attitudes, the thinking, its all very different from what I came from in the lower mainland, I could never adjust, the whole environment already changed me, I felt, for lack of a better term... poisoned.
I felt like I was angry all the time, stressed for no reason, and I had no real idea why.
I had changed for the poorer enough because of where I was, if I had fully integrated, I dont think I would have been me at all anymore.

This is how I am feeling here, except I generally know why. It's at a point already after only 7 months that my husband doesn't believe when I'm mad at him I'm actually mad at HIM sometimes. lol He always just thinks I'm mad at everything else and taking it out on him, which isn't always the case. But, if it's bad enough to make him feel that way, then it's bad enough.

Edited by ashenflowers, 04 August 2010 - 01:15 AM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-04 01:14:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

I should probably caveat that most of my references to "Ontario" really were focussed on the GTA only, although some parts do carry into the rest of the province, like the weather, and traffic hehe.
Im positive that most of the bad stuff was a result of being where I was, at times it seemed to me Toronto and the area were trying to match the stereotypes of the worst things you only hear about US cities.

I will admit, I was completely shocked at how diffrent the 2 provinces were, i was unprepared, and it put me in an awful spot. Never in a million years would I have felt so much like I was alone and unsupported while still in Canada :(

hahah yeah the weather and traffic in Ontario is poop all around (but still traffic is extra nasty in T.O... I have friends from elsewhere in Ontario who refuse to drive in Toronto. lol)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-03 16:35:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
I am sad to hear you had such a bad time in Ontario :( I don't disagree with everything (and there's only so much I can say about BC because I haven't even been there), but I would have to say the GTA is definitely a different ball of wax than the rest of Ontario. I would hesitate to say it's the best province, but there are some beautiful places if you drive out a bit. lol

It's interesting that Canada and the U.S. are so huge that different areas can have such drastic differences.

Edited by ashenflowers, 03 August 2010 - 03:54 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-03 15:53:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

Yep! OBX and I are both from Welland.

And I went to Brock in St. Catharines :)

My husband went to Brock!

the neck bones connected to the shoulder bone
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-01 12:47:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

And I lived in St. Catharines for 7 years before moving to Chatham :yes: .

And I lived 25 mins from Chatham before moving to London! :lol:

the hip bone's connected to the leg bone... :whistle:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-31 22:26:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
I don't think stereotypes or judgments of any kind belong in this conversation. However, it does have to do with cultural adjustments, which can be difficult, as we've established. I do agree with you that the same difficulties are faced when going in the opposite direction though (TO Canada, rather than from). I know no less than 3 people in my immediate social circle in Canada who immigrated there from the U.S., all because of spouses (and another who has attempted both sides of the border with her husband, but that's another story), and they too have had to struggle with the adjustments of moving from their families to a new country.

All I can say is I still envy those of you within a day's drive of your 'home' in Canada. Not to discredit anyone's hardships, but I personally feel that it is even more difficult for those of us who know that we can not even visit home if we wanted/needed to because it is so far. There is no way for a simple long-weekend trip home for me. And I mean, I just watched a Christmas episode of a TV show and broke down because I know I won't be spending Christmas with my family this year. And it's July! lol

I can't imagine what the adjustment is like for people from countries overseas, who's distances are even farther, and cultures vary even more significantly. I have a brother, sister in law, niece and nephew all living in Cambodia right now, and no clue of when I will see them next. So actually, I suppose I do sort of know what that is like... but still. It makes me sad how large this world still is some times...
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-30 17:35:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
The wonderful thing about this thread, if there can be something wonderful about this topic, is finding that so many of us feel the same. We're all facing somewhat similar feelings and struggles. It feels very uniting.
*hugs all around*
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-29 13:55:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
Oh Galateia, we have so much in common it scared me. Our circumstances are slightly different of course, no one is the same... I won't get into long details at the moment, but the similarities astounded me.

Your post(s) made me so sad, and almost in tears for you, for me, and for every other person who's gone through what we've gone through (especially women, who are always struggling with the family vs. career battle more so than men). I can understand how you feel. I also went to school for theatre, believe it or not. My 'dream' was to be a lighting designer or set designer. I'm not kidding (when I read about you wanting to be a theatre designer I almost lost I had to give that dream up in 2003. I went to school and graduated with the 12-15 hr days at school like you described, so I really understand what you're up against... fighting for a career in theatre is nothing like any other career path I've come across so far, except elsewhere in the entertainment business. I wasn't able to work a job during school, so that in itself was hard financially, and shortly after graduating, I had to take on full time jobs in other fields to just sustain LIFE, and had to pass on theatre opportunities and over time it extended to not really being in theatre at all. It was heartbreaking to see the local university here advertising a position in their theatre arts department and realizing I was no longer qualified. I look at my resume now and I want to rip it up and pretend like I don't even have one, because every job on there has NOTHING to do with any of my interests or career 'goals'.

Anyways, that's just basics of my theatre related stuff, but even though I have only been in the U.S. for just over 6 months, believe me when I say I understand the remaining hardships you are encountering. For me though, these feelings of despair didn't even start when I moved to the U.S.... as they had been around for a while already. Silly me thought moving to the U.S. might trigger some positive change, but it was quite, quite the opposite (all beginning with my husband losing his job the very day after I arrived in California.... it took him 5+ months to find a job, all while I couldn't work either... if you can at all imagine what THAT was like on top of everything else). I'm turning 30 in October, and for some reason, 30 really DOES feel like 90. It's like any life that has or has not started by 30 is just done for. I don't know why that is. I know it's NOT true, but it's hard to feel otherwise.

I am no therapist, I don't know how much I could help, but please if you ever feel the need to talk, msg me or email me dangerpronedaphne @

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-28 17:42:00
CanadaFinally going to Canada!
Jealous! :(

Have fun though!
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-09-28 16:58:00
CanadaHEINZ ketchup!!

"It's really hard for me to eat without salt. I think it's infringing on our rights."

oh for god's sake... I HATE when people pull this line. f'ing whiners. Add yer own d@mn salt. They have the right to change the recipe!!! @$%O*&@$!)%
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-05-15 15:25:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
awww... you guys.... :blush:

Thank you. I appreciate that. (L)
:star: :star: :star:

Wait... I'm not in this thread *whoosh*
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-27 22:29:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
All the contact information is now in the gmail account for the exchange. Once all of the new coordinators are chosen, please PM me, and let me know who to give the password to. That is all that would need to be done for the 'transfer'. Thank you.
I have nothing further to say on this topic. I won't be checking this thread again.

Edited by ashenflowers, 24 August 2010 - 02:14 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-24 14:13:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

And on a totally different topic...I mailed my postcard today from busy downtown Toronto. So if you receive a postcard with a scene of Toronto on's from me!

hahah that's more like :ot2: LOL
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-20 15:45:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
First of all: August's List

Sender......... Receiver
* Ant+D+BabyA .....* Christi and Ian
* ashenflowers .....* Colleens
* Canadiandggal .....* Chickaflick
* Chickaflick .....* Canadiandggal
* Christi and Ian .....* coraliesolms
* Colleens .....* JLovesA
* coraliesolms .....* Kathryn41
* JLovesA .....* Kayla*Mathew
* Kathryn41 .....* kizza
* Kayla*Mathew .....* lilacvioletiris
* kizza .....* OBX
* lilacvioletiris .....* Pauley
* OBX .....* sdw
* Pauley .....* SupportGeek
* sdw .....* Ant+D+BabyA
* SupportGeek .....* ashenflowers

Second, I'd say the list is pretty current actually. It changes monthly. That said, for September: I am out, Chickaflick has said they can't participate in Sept. and Kayleigh+Kyle is in. See? Changes already. :lol:

Other than that, I really think that aside from me asking everyone individually to tell me if they are or aren't in (and frankly, I have done that via this thread, and when I send the draw results monthly) there's not much I can do to keep it more current. If someone wants to email all the other people who've participated in the past and see if they want back in, go ahead (see list below). lol But I figure if people want back in badly enough, they'd say so.

Also, who are all these people who have dropped out specifically because of not getting their postcard?? I know of ONE person who said that... and they were actually someone was only interested in participating for one month anyways, so that's not really why they dropped out.

Below is the 'main' list of everyone who's participated in the past (including a couple who mentioned interest but I didn't hear anything further from thme when I contacted them individually). As you can see, it's already been 'cleaned up' quite extensively. It's not like the current draw list is horribly outdated and in desperate need of cleaning up, like is being implied. Because I DO assume, and I think it's quite fair to assume, that unless someone specifically tells me they don't want to participate for a certain month or at all any more that they are in for the next. That is the exact point of asking if people want to participate ONGOING. They know it's a monthly, recurring draw. It was everyone's responsibility to inform me (and going forward the new 'team') if they choose to not participate any more. As said, the monthly email of the draw results is a reminder as well, in case they forget they didn't want in. I like to think people have been very good at informing me if they want out of the exchange.

Full list:

Christi and Ian
Dan and Ali

I don't want to say much more on this topic, other than I need to know who to send the contact information to. I also find it amusing that I was somewhat ridiculed for not having time to add extra responsibilities with enforcing the guidelines, but now a team of 2-3 people is going to be required to run this exchange. :blink: Does that tell anyone anything? Just putting that point out there....
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-20 12:53:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Ok, not to digress too much, but I just got back into this thread today, and there's a lot to read since my last post this morning. First I can say LMAO @ Flames, and @ Kayleigh+Kyle: Sorry I didn't have you in the list Kayleigh, but I have you in my contact sheet. My bad, but you're not forgotten!

Anyhoo... I was in a car accident this morning (I'm fine, fender bender) so I'm like... uh.. yeah.. It's been a busy day. LOL So I will respond asap to whatever I see in here that I need to address, but asap might mean tomorrow. Just a heads up. lol

(edited to add: you might see my posting elsewhere on VJ tonight, but it'd just be mindless dribble that doesn't require a lot of thought. I want to be able to really read and process what's going on with the exchange and reply properly, and right now my brain is a little mushy... haha.. which is also why I might wait til tomorrow)

Edited by ashenflowers, 19 August 2010 - 07:49 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-19 19:47:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Thanks for your responses everyone.

I have several meetings today for an animal shelter I volunteer with, so I will not be on the computer much (if anyone expects immediate replies to any questions).

This is the most recent exchange list based on August's draw.

1.* Ant+D+BabyA
2.* Canadiandggal
3.* Christi and Ian
4.* Colleens
5.* coraliesolms
6.* JLovesA
7.* Kathryn41
8.* Kayla*Mathew
9.* kizza
10.* lilacvioletiris
11.* OBX
12.* Pauley
13.* sdw
14.* SupportGeek

There is also Chickaflick, but she has stated that she is unable to participate in September's draw, so the new 'leader' may want to coordinate with her to see if she is ok to come back in going forward. I could also provide the main list of all past participants if you wish, in case anyone wants to follow up to see if people would like to rejoin.

If whoever decides to take this over could please email vjpostcards @, I will be able to get them set up with that email address, and make sure the contact information for the participants is made available to them.

One thing I'd like to note is that this all seems started under the assumption that just one or two people are responsible for all the missing cards thus far. I personally do not think that is the case (at least not by someone who just decided not to send the card on purpose), so perhaps that should be researched by someone who is concerned about this before conclusions are drawn.

Good luck with the exchange going forward. :thumbs:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-19 09:53:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
First let me say that guidelines ARE a good idea to SOME extent. Such as everything we've already mentioned previously in this thread. Where to send the info, who to contact if you don't get a card (the SENDER first), what the theme is, try to send the card by the 20th of the month, etc. The difficulty and consumption of time comes with enforcement of said guidelines, and where to post said guidelines so they are always available (in this thread they will be and have been lost in the mix... I could start a postcard exchange website or something I suppose, but why??). I truly didn't think that something so simple as a postcard exchange amongst a SMALL group of people needed heavy guidelines. The postcrossing website is a different type of exchange, and runs on a different system, and includes literally THOUSANDS of people, in countries all over the world, with software in place to electronically track every card on the website... so of course there is more responsibility required with their guidelines, and they can not compare to this. We have currently 16 people on a self-maintained exchange with no software backing it up. Anyone feel like writing some computer code to support our exchange? I didn't think so.

Second, I don't have time for enforcement of this because I would like to focus on getting a job (I had an interview yesterday AND this afternoon which I just returned from, and would rather have spent my mind-power focusing on that rather than this... I was separately offered a part time position yesterday, so I'm sorry if my priorities are clearly on more important things), also.. taking some night classes this fall, and continuing other personal projects, like a family recipe book, hobbies, several blogs, and heck, spending time with my husband, and keeping in touch with friends/family back home. We ALL have lives. I appreciate you acknowledging that, and realizing that I would need help in this. That said, if you are so interested in these guidelines, why don't you have the time to enforce them? You are so passionate about making sure people send the cards, why can't you be the one to track them down?

Third, I'd sincerely appreciate feedback from the rest of the postcard exchange members. I have not heard whether other people feel it necessary to have such extensive guidelines on a very tiny exchange. I do think this is something that other people deserve a voice on as well.

Lastly... again, I will not be an enforcer, and I will not personally follow the path of every single card to make sure it reaches it's destination. That is NOT why I started this, and NOT what I am interested in spending my time on. I just wanted a simple, casual postcard exchange, and it does not appear that way anymore.

Also lastly lastly.. lol I am still no longer interested in participating in the exchange. If everyone else would like to, I will do whatever I can to transfer it over to a new leader to help it continue, because just me dropping out shouldn't mean that the exchange is over for everyone.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-18 17:07:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
a) There was a month where I DIDN'T receive a card actually. I wasn't insulted. It happens.

b) I DO care when people don't get cards, but that said, YOU don't seem to care about my time. To find out who hasn't not received cards and who didn't send them so far would actually require a lot of work. Sifting through MANY pages of this thread, finding out who happened to report a missing card, if it was just late, matching it with the list (which is constantly changing), seeing if there's a pattern. MICRO MANAGING everything with rules and guidelines, and threats to kick them out of the exchange, and like Marilyn said, making it a chore, not just for ME, but for all the participants. Does that sound fun? Does being PRESSURED sound fun? This is a casual thing, not a work house. What about all the LATE cards? What happens if someone is late? Are they out? Or if the mail takes longer than expected? Would you want that kind of pressure?

c) I was insulted by you attacking my supposed lack of leadership and responsibility qualities. You don't know me Ant. Just because I don't want to devote hours of my time to tracking every single exchange, doesn't mean I don't care, and am not responsible. IT'S A POSTCARD EXCHANGE. Everyone KNOWS that it's not just a giveaway. That has to be spelled out in some list of guidelines, and dutifully tracked by the exchange 'leader'? Really?

d) Every month I post the list of who got who in the draw. If other people are that upset about not getting cards then they have the information they need to track down the sender and ask what happened. It is SELF MANAGED. I'm not a baby-sitter.

e) You seem to be the only one that thinks every single exchange needs to be tracked and if a pattern arises that someone needs to be kicked out. For THAT reason, I think YOU should be the one to track everything. Everyone else seems to be doing well with this exchange, even if a few cards are lost in the shuffle. I think we're all mature enough to be able to handle one postcard not arriving on time.

f) I am no longer interested in participating in this exchange. Sorry everyone. I know most of you had fun with it, so if someone else wants to continue with it and track every single exchange, go ahead. I will send you the contact info of the current list. It will no longer be fun for me. I am out.

I did not start this exchange to have to hold everyone accountable and MICRO MANAGE. We are all ADULTS. This is not rocket science.

If anyone wishes to continue sending postcards not through this exchange, I suggest checking out
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-18 14:17:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Quite frankly, I'm a little insulted by your reply Ant, so I will delay a full reply until I'm less irritated.

That said, if anyone else has a huge issue with people sending cards (or not, rather), and if you feel there is a need to micro-manage the exchange, please feel free to email me: vjpostcards @
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-18 12:58:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I am not going to be an enforcer. If someone else wants to implement a 3-strikes rule, that's fine, but I won't do it. It IS supposed to be a fun exchange, and I'm sorry some people have not sent cards, or more specifically that some people have not received cards... but to have to track down every single exchange, and 'out' the one not sending (if there even IS one person not sending), well, no, I'm not interested in that.

and Kayleigh, I received your email early this morning. Thank you. :thumbs:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-15 15:07:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

How can I get in on this? And what are the general rules? This is quite a long thread and I didn't want to read 20+ pages to figure out how this may have evolved. It sounds fun though!

Can you email me at ? :) Just need your name, mailing address, birthday, and tell me if you are willing to go for just one month or ongoing until the exchange dies (lol), and if you're ok with sending anywhere in the US/Canada. I will email you once a month with the name/address of the person you are to send the card to.
There aren't really any rules except SEND THE CARD you're supposed to, and be nice. lol A theme will be posted every month (or check my sig), but is completely optional. :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-14 22:52:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
If it's in the Sarnia area, I expect the body of water is Lake Huron/the St. Clair River, but JLovesA can verify. :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-11 13:55:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
July 11 is also Free Slurpee Day at 7-11! :)

Also... my postcard will go out tomorrow. :thumbs: lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-10 17:56:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
For September's draw I will also ask everyone to verify their own addresses for me, just to make sure I do have everything correct and updated. I'm surprised about all the ones getting lost in the mail. :(

That's neat that you ordered them online Canadiandggal :) What website did you use?
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-04 19:59:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

I still haven't heard if my July postcard made it to it's destination. It should have a while ago. I also have not received my July card.

Looking forward to August's postcard.

Have you tried PMing the sender/receiver of your July cards?
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-04 13:35:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

Ok done. August's theme is 'Vacations/Tourism', however you want to interpret that.

p.s. as most should know I have sent out all the information for August now. Please let me know if you want to be in the draw and didn't get an email from me.
These are the August participants (it's not too late if you want to join in):
1. * Ant+D+BabyA
2. * ashenflowers
3. * Canadiandggal
4. * Chickaflick
5. * Christi and Ian
6. * Colleens
7. * coraliesolms
8. * JLovesA
9. * Kathryn41
10. * Kayla*Mathew
11. * kizza
12. * lilacvioletiris
13. * OBX
14. * Pauley
15. * sdw
16. * SupportGeek
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-03 23:21:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I'm doing the draw today. Patieeeeence. :P

I haven't thought of a theme. Any suggestions?
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-03 14:16:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
This thread cracks me up some times.

I'm hoping to do August's draw next Monday/Tuesday, just a head's up. The list is the same as July's except I will be adding Kayla*Mathew back in :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-30 17:38:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

Well, I didn't get a June postcard at all, and still no July one either. =(
Hopefully I will get one this week! *fingeres crossed*

I know your July one is on its way. I sent it myself :P lol It went out last Monday I think (or the previous Saturday?), so I'm not surprised you don't have it yet. It's going from California to Alberta, and sending stuff from here to Ontario can take up to a week and a 1/2 (sometimes 2 wks if mail is slow). You should definitely have your July card by the end of this week :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-26 14:20:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

I'm still waiting but hey it's only mid-July. :)

Not really, there's only a week left in the month. lol But yes, I expect many people who haven't received cards yet will end up with theirs next week. :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-23 19:13:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Hey everyone, in case you're curious. Here's July's exchange list. Start hounding those ppl if you don't get a card ;) LOL

Sender .............. Receiver

1.* Ant+D+BabyA.....ashenflowers
2.* ashenflowers.....Chickaflick
3.* Canadiandggal.....Marilyn
4.* CdnMN......Colleens
5.* Chickaflick.....coraliesolms
6.* Christi and Ian.....lilacvioletiris
7.* Colleens.....sdw
8.* coraliesolms.....Pauley
9.* JLovesA.....Ant+D+BabyA
10.* Kathryn41.....Canadiandggal
11.* kizza.....Karthryn41
12.* lilacvioletiris.....OBX
13.* Marilyn.....SupportGeek
14.* OBX.....CdnMN
15.* Pauley.....Christi and Ian
16.* sdw.....JLovesA
17.* SupportGeek.....kizza
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-23 15:53:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Ack, I keep forgetting to say I got my postcard a few days ago. Hurray! Thanks Ant!!! I LOVE YOUR YARD!!! I see now what you mean by having to ride your bicycle so far to the mail box! :lol:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-22 13:39:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

We're all moved and settled and actually have our own address so I'd love to get on this for next month. Sounds like a lot of fun.

woo hoo! Congrats on a successful move :)

Can you email your mailing address and birthday to vjpostcards@ Thanks :star:

Also, are you wanting to go just for next month, or for future draws going forward too?
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-17 22:40:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Sent mine off today!! I'm sad I don't have any Canada postcards left cause really, that's still home to me. But, this is my new home... for now. lol

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ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-14 20:17:00