CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (JillA @ Jul 9 2009, 07:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Jul 9 2009, 07:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Have you thought about putting together your own playlist, and having a trustworthy friend take care of it for you?

Just throwing that out there... I think that's what I'm going to do, but then again I have some friends who have DJed before, and I know they would totally be able to handle it properly. lol .... then again we're also not really going for the typical reception either, but we ARE still having dancing and what not smile.gif

I don't think I would do that.... I want professional equipment, speakers, etc. and I wouldn't have nearly enough music to last 4 hours.... I wouldn't trust any of my friends to be my DJ laughing.gif

You could still rent the equipment anyways and have it run off a computer. It'd probably be cheaper. But yeah, if you wouldn't trust your friends to do it, i'd go with a professional.. laughing.gif

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-07-09 21:31:00
CanadaWedding Details
Have you thought about putting together your own playlist, and having a trustworthy friend take care of it for you?

Just throwing that out there... I think that's what I'm going to do, but then again I have some friends who have DJed before, and I know they would totally be able to handle it properly. lol .... then again we're also not really going for the typical reception either, but we ARE still having dancing and what not smile.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-07-09 18:16:00
CanadaWedding Details
oohhh I like the idea of money for the honeymoon laughing.gif

As for shoes, go for comfort! I'd like to wear heels, but my fiance is about the same height as me (he claims he's an inch taller, but whatever.. LOL), and I'm one of those weirdos who wants to appear shorter than her man, so I'll be in flats (or very slight kitten heel or something)... I blame Disney. yes.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-07-06 18:37:00
CanadaWedding Details
hahaha it's ok TimandJoyce.. I knew what you meant, but still found it funny wink.gif lol I kinda hate the clanking forks for kissing... We're not having a regular sit down dinner type thing anyways, so I don't know if that would be possible!

And I have to say... those dollar dances would totally not work with loonies tongue.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-07-05 19:56:00
CanadaWedding Details
I'd never heard of dollar dances either, but I LOVE the idea of dollar kisses!! laughing.gif Kinda prostitutey though, if you think about it.... blink.gif

I am soooo super glad both my parents and my future in laws aren't sticklers for tradition! Cause we are noooot tradition. lol

I'd be really sad to get a bunch of (basically) useless stuff from my wedding... sad.gif Return it anyways! Who's going to know!? Will they come visit you often and expect to see it? That's the only reason I'd suggest keeping it. lol A co-worker of mine got a cat-lamp for a wedding gift... I kid you not... the lamp looked like a cat. It has set the bar for crappy gifts... "At least it's not a cat-lamp!" laughing.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-07-05 11:00:00
CanadaWedding Details
I haven't flat out said 'no bridal shower', but since I'll be in the USA for a few months leading up to when we're coming back to have our friends/family celebration wedding thing, then there won't really be a good time to do it. Unless there's a party before I move, but I've already been pretty clear with trying to purge most of my belongings to make the move easier, so I doubt anyone would throw me a party, knowing I want to get RID of stuff, not get MORE stuff... I also kind of didn't want a Bachelorette party, but a girl friend of mine has already piped up and told me I'm having one.. lol oh dear.

We're not doing a registry. It will be really difficult and costly just to have to move everything from here to California, plus we won't be able to do returns if we need to, etc... so we're going to do something different, either ask for no gifts, or cash, or maybe specify certain items that we really want that people can pool together to buy us... i.e. a GOOD camera, computer, honeymoon spending $... stuff like that. I already inherited a set of dishes from my grandmother, and my fiance and I will have been living together for a few months (and technically already married for a few months) before we get to celebrate with everyone, so we'll have had an opportunity to gather necessary items.
..... I really never expected my 'wedding' to end up like this... LOL

And I just want to toss this in... girls... if your colours don't match... WHO CARES?!?! lol Seriously... no one will care, no one will notice, and it's not what important!! I'm sure you know that, but it just makes me sad to see people caught up in that stuff... it really really doesn't matter! Not that I'm one to talk, because I obsess with matching things, but you know what I mean tongue.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-07-03 21:58:00
CanadaWedding Details
I'm lucky enough to have a cousin with a decent photography business... she just started a year ago, but is pretty good, and by the time our wedding rolls around she'll have another year of experience... so we're saving tons of money that way, and will still end up with great photos! smile.gif I also have an aunt who used to do cakes, so I think i'll ask her to do ours! Yay for connections! lol is my cousin's business, if anyone wants to look. If you're in the Southwestern Ontario region, look her up! lol
Our budget is going to be very small, so we're saving money wherever possible, while still allowing ourselves some splurges on things that will matter in the long run.

I really like the idea of the photo booth that's not really a photo booth. smile.gif I'm hoping with the disposables, when I ask them to take a group shot of the table that I can get some wacky stuff like that... Knowing our family and friends, I think it's a guarantee. laughing.gif

I don't know if we're going to do an album... I like the idea of a book... there are some websites online that allow you to put books together like those that were mentioned, so I think I might end up doing that myself, and perhaps taking the top 10-20 photos, printing them off and putting them together in a collage to hang on our wall or something.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-06-28 20:50:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (minnew @ Jun 27 2009, 11:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thats a really good idea to give the $$ to charity!!

As far as the disposable camera thing..we are not doing it, only because my fiance hates the idea. He thinks its tacky, I don't mind the idea myself, but we will have our photographer there for the first two hours of the reception, which will hopefully include the cake cutting, first dance..etc. I will tell you this, when I was a kid and I attended a wedding, they had disposable cameras on the table, we did take pictures of the bride and all that jazz, took some pictures of my family....what did I do....I took the camera home with me instead of leaving it on the round table or at the gift table...whoops!! As long as you have instructions for what pics you want AND to leave the camera on the table you might be ok...unless you get a kid like me...hahaha!

LOL Yeah, don't worry, we'll have a plan to get all the cameras back for sure... or at least the a way to get the pics if that happens... I'll be pissed if someone just takes them home.. I'll be calling ma and pa to mail me the camera since we'll be going back to the US afterwards! LOL

I was just reading that it isn't really digital.. it is like a regular disposable.. just when you develop the pictures you get them on a CD too

Yeah... maybe it wasn't Kodak, cause I saw something different when I was looking at them a couple weeks ago... can't find it now.. it's lost in one of those late night internet surfing randoms... lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-06-28 01:51:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (TimandJoyce @ Jun 27 2009, 10:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Jun 27 2009, 07:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
On another note... has anyone done the disposable camera thing? Where you put a camera on each table or something and allow guests to use them, then you gather the cameras at the end of the night and get them developed... I really want to do this, but am not sure the most economical way to get them 'developed'... we don't really want all the pictures on film and printed, so want to do digital disposables (which Kodak has apparently) so we can just upload them to our computers... I was also wanting to put a list at each table, of 10 specific things during the night that I want people to take pictures of... i.e. 'cake cutting' 'first dance' 'favourite flowers' 'favourite guest' 'favourite outfit' 'group shot of everyone at the table'.. etc. I just think it'd be awesome to have a collection of photos of the night from different view points. Often I think we don't end up seeing everyone else's photos from gatherings like this (though facebook certainly helps in that regard). Plus it'll give our photographer a break and allow her to focus on some creativity.

Ashenflowers!! What a great idea! I haven't heard about the digital throwaways, but even the other kind wouldn't be so bad. Depending on the tables, I'd just get one or two and let people go for it! Another great one, would be to let children take pictures. I used to work in a photo lab, and remember developing a camera that a young child had. The pictures where great! From a child's point of view. I'm going to ask Tim if he's heard of the ones Kodak does. Maybe just mix them a bit.

Thanks! This is my most exciting idea so far laughing.gif I'm having a hard time convincing the hubby to be though.. he loves the idea, but just wants to buy memory cards and have people use their own cameras and turn in the cards?? I think that would be way too hard to coordinate, as different cameras take different cards, and what if someone doesn't have a camera, then t hey can't participate, and we want different people at each table to take turns taking the pics, so then they'd have to either lend our their camera, or switch the card all night, and they're small so it'd be easy to lose.. etc etc etc... ugh. Try convincing him that tongue.gif LOL Anyways... I'd love whatever information you could give! The child's perspective is a great idea! We'll have a few children as guests, so will have to make sure they have an opportunity to contribute to that smile.gif

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-06-27 22:45:00
CanadaWedding Details
We're somewhat forgoing wedding favours. I haven't thought through the entire thing in detail as to how we'll present it exactly, because we have a year to go... lol but we have decided that we're going to take the amount of money we probably would've spent on favours (i.e. $2-3 per person or so), and pick 2 charities and donate the equivalent amount to each charity instead. We're going to do an animal rescue charity, and a charity that does work supporting families and nature reconstruction for areas affected by the wildfires in Santa Barbara. We'll probably have a little card detailing such for each person to take with them. So, I guess the card will be the memento. Maybe they'll carry it around in their wallets laughing.gif

On another note... has anyone done the disposable camera thing? Where you put a camera on each table or something and allow guests to use them, then you gather the cameras at the end of the night and get them developed... I really want to do this, but am not sure the most economical way to get them 'developed'... we don't really want all the pictures on film and printed, so want to do digital disposables (which Kodak has apparently) so we can just upload them to our computers... I was also wanting to put a list at each table, of 10 specific things during the night that I want people to take pictures of... i.e. 'cake cutting' 'first dance' 'favourite flowers' 'favourite guest' 'favourite outfit' 'group shot of everyone at the table'.. etc. I just think it'd be awesome to have a collection of photos of the night from different view points. Often I think we don't end up seeing everyone else's photos from gatherings like this (though facebook certainly helps in that regard). Plus it'll give our photographer a break and allow her to focus on some creativity.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-06-27 21:44:00
CanadaWedding Details
I have a bit of a dilemma with the bridal party issue actually... I'm glad you guys brought it up. lol
My groom-to-be is an only child, so we don't have the siblings to be able to ask from his family... on my side, I only have a brother, and he and his family (along with my young niece and nephew... there goes my automatic ring bearer/flower girl ARGH!) are moving to CAMBODIA this summer, and likely won't be attending our wedding at all. sad.gif
Also, I don't actually have a "best" friend, but my fiance and I have a lot of mutual friends... I am hesitant to even ask one of them though, because it will probably cause some drama (one of the friends doesn't approve of the relationship, even though she's good ""friends"" with both my fiance and myself, and she'd probably be upset.. and has caused alot (A LOT... repeat... A LOT) of drama about us already... i.e. bursting into tears at our surprise engagement announcement at a party, anyone?...)

To be honest, since our legal wedding will include our parents, and they will be the legal witnesses for the wedding, I don't know if I want a bridal party AT ALL for the other ceremony and reception that we have later... not even best man and maid of honour really... it's sad, but I don't feel like I'm close enough to anyone in my life to want to ask them to do something that important with me... :\

The other problem is that I won't even be in Canada at all between the legal wedding and our fun/party thing 6 months later... so I can't even really plan stuff WITH any bridal party anyways!

Edited by ashenflowers, 15 June 2009 - 07:08 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-06-15 19:06:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (bluegreen @ Jun 12 2009, 10:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Jun 9 2009, 04:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry... I really should've clarified. By wedding 'planner', I meant like.. day planner... booklet... thing. Not a wedding planner PERSON.. I'm not wasting money to hire a 'planner'... I'm just looking for a good book to be able to write stuff down. LOL And/or a good wedding planning website... i.e. or something

My bad... I wasn't able to explain that earlier, cause I can't do VJ at work. But thanks for your tips!!
I am sort of looking forward to planning this, but also REALLY don't want anything fancy... I don't really have anyone I can co-plan this with, which makes me kinda sad sad.gif I mean, I guess my mom, but even so, she lives an hour and a 1/2 away, which isn't FAR, but far enough to make it difficult to do things together with her. Oh well. There's of course my fiance, but he's farrrr.... And doesn't get why we'd need to come up with any decisions right now since our reception with family/friends isn't until next summer. lol

Theknot does have a really good checklist/tracker tool. I have found that site a bit traditional for my taste, but to each their own. Sites I have loved for planning are: (I blog there a lot. Some ideas are too wacky for me, but it has given me the confidence to just go for what I want even if it doesn't for the "wedding" mold". Also it is a nice group of women who are very supportive. There is an Offbeat Bride book, too). (the kvetch forum; the rest of the site is defunct),, for tons of photo inspiration.

Thanks so much for the links!!! I will definitely have a look biggrin.gif

And Jill, that's an interesting article on David's Bridal smile.gif Thanks for posting that!

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-06-12 17:40:00
CanadaWedding Details
YAY!! Congrats!! You look so different without your red nose laughing.gif

Adorable dress! Congrats again... enjoy your honeymoon!! biggrin.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-06-10 17:43:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (minnew @ Jun 9 2009, 10:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's all coming together! Went for a floral consultation tonight for a lady who does preserved floral bouquets, they look so real and fresh I was so suprised!! And the price was definitely right!! Now to find room for them in my car when I move! wacko.gif Or maybe my parents can bring them...Sending out Save the Date emails tomorrow! Booking the photographer and DJ tomorrow! Exactly 4 months be the wedding! Also my parents wedding anniversary tomorrow!! I am just so biggrin.gif kicking.gif Invitations next.... kicking.gif

Woo hoo! Congrats on knocking some things off the 'to do' list! wink.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-06-09 21:36:00
CanadaWedding Details
Thanks for adding me/us to the wedding list July smile.gif

And thanks for theknot recommendations! I did come across that site when I was looking for a host for our wedding website, but ya know, they all look the same after a while. lol So it's nice to have direct recommendations smile.gif I will check it out!

Question for those of you doing 2 'ceremonies' even if one is just a civil one. Do you plan to 'dress' up for the civil ceremony? I am still trying to decide what I want to do. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-06-09 20:32:00
CanadaWedding Details
Sorry... I really should've clarified. By wedding 'planner', I meant like.. day planner... booklet... thing. Not a wedding planner PERSON.. I'm not wasting money to hire a 'planner'... I'm just looking for a good book to be able to write stuff down. LOL And/or a good wedding planning website... i.e. or something

My bad... I wasn't able to explain that earlier, cause I can't do VJ at work. But thanks for your tips!!
I am sort of looking forward to planning this, but also REALLY don't want anything fancy... I don't really have anyone I can co-plan this with, which makes me kinda sad sad.gif I mean, I guess my mom, but even so, she lives an hour and a 1/2 away, which isn't FAR, but far enough to make it difficult to do things together with her. Oh well. There's of course my fiance, but he's farrrr.... And doesn't get why we'd need to come up with any decisions right now since our reception with family/friends isn't until next summer. lol

Edited by ashenflowers, 09 June 2009 - 04:06 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-06-09 16:05:00
CanadaWedding Details
I'm not even sure how it's going to work with me walking down an 'aisle'. We haven't entirely decided how formal we're going to make our bigger celebration. We're not sure if we want to have another ceremony or not... The legal ceremony in the U.S. will be us and our parents, and I think at that point I'll have my dad walk my down the aisle. I'm his only daughter, and I think he'd be sad to miss the opportunity.

I have a niece and nephew... both really young (niece is just over a month old, and nephew is 2 and a 1/2), which I thought would be neat if they could be ring bearer and flower girl, but I don't think they will be at our big family celebration as they are moving to Cambodia later this year and probably won't be back for the wedding. I wasn't able to attend my brother's wedding (my only sibling too), and now it looks like he won't be able to attend mine... great.. huh.gif

Sorry, went off a bit... lol

Has anyone found a good wedding planner that ISN'T all about "traditional" weddings? I like to keep notes/lists, because my memory is HORRIBLE, but I haven't found anything suitable to my tastes. I want something that will give me interesting off-beat, creative tips... but I don't really want a planner that says 'you have to do it this way!' sad.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-06-08 22:25:00
CanadaWedding Details
You missed me! Though I know I blabbered on a bit in there so that's ok. We are NOT getting married in a church..

I'm confused on the difference between these two:
~ We can put "Celebration" for the church (or place of worship) or ceremonial wedding that is/is not the legal marriage date.
~ We can put "Church" for the church (or place of worship) or "Ceremonial" for the wedding that is/is not legal, but the formal celebration.

I guess for us:
January 10, 2010 OR February 20, 2010 - Civil/Legal wedding
July 10, 2010 - Ceremonial Celebration laughing.gif

of course the above dates depend on the speed (or lack) of processing sad.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-06-08 17:23:00
CanadaWedding Details
ooo... forgot to mention, we're hoping to have our 'Canadian wedding ceremony' (lol.. we're calling it our Re-Wedding) on July 10, 2010. Hopefully the paperwork falls in line for that to happen... Also 'hoping' that the paperwork will be done in time for a January 10, 2010 civil ceremony in the US, with February 20, 2010 as a backup date. *crossing fingers*
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-06-07 21:04:00
CanadaWedding Details
LOL Huggle, a couple years ago we made a friend of mine dress up like that for her bachelorette party. We did a bar crawl and in one of the bars we walked past a group of girls, and overheard one of them say to the other "I'd totally make you dress like that" HAHAH
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-06-05 20:43:00
CanadaWedding Details
LOL! That's a good point Sapphire... the best of both worlds! smile.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-05-13 22:28:00
CanadaWedding Details
I think one of my main concerns with doing all of them at once is the cost.. sad.gif I don't even know how we're going to pay for immigration as it is without asking for help, and I really hate that.

Anyways... Since a lot of you are doing weddings in Toronto, I'm guessing you're doing the little legal thing in the US prior to that. What's everyone got planned for those? Just the two of you? Very low key?
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-05-13 17:58:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (hapycloud @ May 13 2009, 05:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well lets see my wedding details are pretty well iorned out. It's been giving me something to do while all this process has been going on.

I have the church, priest and reception site booked. I have purchased and hanging in my closet is my wedding dress, veil, headpiece, corset bra...tee hee...and my maid of honors dress.

I have picked out the invitations (but have not ordered yet because I am waiting on the reception food selection which I am picking out this weekend) I have all the flowers for bridal party and reception picked out.

This weekend my fiance and his mother are coming into town (I told him to bring all his visa papers so he doesn't have a problem getting in to the states, I have been the one mostly visiting him cause i am afraid he wont be able to get "in the door") Anyways hopefully since his mother will be with him and what not and she can say she is here to help plan the wedding he will be alright. So this weekends plan is cake tasting at 2 bakeries, food tasting at the reception place, tux fitting and what not, going to pick out the wedding rings and wedding registry.

After this all I need to do is set the invitations to order with the correct food on the reception cards. Get the limo and DJ and I am done.

I have to say planning this wedding while awaiting for this immigration process has been the best thing LOL. kicking.gif good.gif

I'm glad I am NOT planning a wedding the same time as this. I have enough going on. lol Though it sounds like you're the USC? I don't know if that makes it easier, cause it seems once the petition is sent off most of the rest of the work is done by the beneficiary. So yes, I guess you needed something to do... haha

Congrats on getting a lot of the big planning out of the way though! Sounds like you're making good progress smile.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-05-13 16:33:00
CanadaWedding Details
Wow! Good luck Catherine! Congrats smile.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-05-13 14:14:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

Great idea, Ashenflowers! :thumbs:

Count me in too....:)

Just send me a PM, with more info about this, and I'll take it from there...;)

I agree, it is more fun to get mail from other VJers than it is to get bills, junk mail, and USCIS stuff!
I love snail-mail! Lol..And it sure would give me a reason to walk/bike to my mailbox (that is a mile away)!

Ok...A few questions I would like to ask though:
1) How often will we be sending postcards?
2) How many people are we supposed to send postcards to? One person? Everyone that is participating?
3) Is it just postcards that we are sending only? Or are we sending other things too?
4) Who is keeping the 'master list' of addresses/contact info? Ashenflowers, or someone else? Are we also exchanging e-mail addresses and/or other contact info too? (umm..I need to know who has my address and/or other contact info..for security reasons...)
5) Is this only for VJers who are Canadians, or are other VJers welcomed too?

I like this idea...VJ pen pals! I especially like the postcard idea too, since it is low-cost and easy to do! :yes:

Looking forward to sending and getting VJ postcards! Keep me updated about this new 'VJ postcard project' too!


Thanks for the Qs Ant. It's awesome to hear people are interested! I'll give it some thought to see how we could do this as the safest way possible for everyone. Here's some answers off the top of my head though:

1) I was thinking once a month or so, but there's no max really! ;) Enough to keep it fun and engaging, but not too much to overwhelm ppl with busy lives. Does everyone think that sounds reasonable?
2) I haven't decided on this yet... it all depends on how people feel about having their address shared with a bunch of people. Need to think on this.
3) I thought for cost purposes we could just do postcards. It's a dying art really!
4) Since it was my idea, I will take the responsibility of keeping the master list. As long as everyone is ok with that. :) I don't thinking email addresses or any other contact info would be necessary to share. Mailing address only.
5) I kind of like the idea of keeping it just for VJers who participate in the Canada forum... to be honest.

K.... going through and answering those questions gave me some ideas. :lol: How about we kinda do it in a secret santaish way? I will gather a master list of people who are interested... and every month I will do a random draw, and we will each get a new person to send our postcard to! I will notify everyone via PM or email (whatever method you prefer) each month or two (or however long this ends up carrying on for), who to send your postcard to that month! That way everyone gets to share with different people, but there isn't just a long list of addresses going out to everyone. Well, over time I suppose the address would get passed to everyone who is participating, but it would strictly be amongst the participants only.

You could even put in a max of the amount of times you want to do this. Opt out any time ;) lol If you only want to send one postcard, then I'd only include you once, and your address will only go out to one person!

Is everyone comfortable with that? Or do we think there's a better way?
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-30 00:54:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I thought it might be kinda fun to do a postcard exchange. I'm not sure how we could construct it... whether we do like a Secret Santa thingie, or more like a free-for-all and we can privately collect addresses and send a bunch all out to whoever. Or we could do like a VJ booklet/journal, and each of us keeps it for one week then forwards it on to the next person.... etc.

Anyways, I just thought something like this might be kinda fun, and wanted to see if anyone else was interested. :) Getting mail that's not bills is fun! lol

Let me know if you're interested, and we'll get something going! (and if this has been done before, my apologies, but I couldn't find anything recent)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-29 15:28:00
CanadaWedding Details
aww, I missed Peachey's post the first time around. Thanks :) *hugs* And *hugs* to you CDAgirlMI... and everyone else. I'm feeling a little better now. Thanks for the tip re: the tulips darkchilde. I'll see if I can find some. I'd prefer them over roses... I just happen to have a coupon.. LOL

Back 'home' in Canada, I had people I knew who could do cake, flowers, photos, hair/makeup... all that good stuff... but no one here. Sigh. Er... well.. excluding the cake I guess. Though yes, it's getting worked out bit by bit.

Thanks everyone, for your help and kind words. :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-01-13 18:55:00
CanadaWedding Details

^^ And just as a tip, I made my own bouquet for my civil wedding and I looked up How-to videos on on how to make the bouquet and it turned out pretty nice.

You might want to add in a Hydrangea or two to fill up any empty space. And, get yourself some wide ribbon and floral tape at Michael's - it's nto that expensive really. It's super easy to diy!

Good idea :) On YouTube AND re: the ribbon @ Michael's. I'll look into that! Thank you
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-01-13 16:54:00
CanadaWedding Details
Oh, i'm not the type that worries about my wedding day being perfect at all, and I don't think I've had a 'dream' in my head about it, other than knowing I don't want it in church cause I've been to far too many church weddings.... lol But yeah, I was a bit down about not even getting basic things. You're right though Sapphire, that flowers wilt, and the beach isn't going anywhere. lol And Arabella, you're totally right about the parents. :)
Thanks everyone, I will get over it. And Carla, as I mentioned in our PMs, thanks again for the offer. *hugs*

Good news today though... well... and bad news, but oh well. Bad news is that it's supposed to rain here ALL next week. I mean Mon-Fri. lol I know there was a bit of a rain discussion earlier, and it's good luck and all, but basically since we have to find a new location anyways, we'll be a bit more particular about where we choose to go now. I'm sure there's a nice sheltered area in a park somewhere. I dunno... Sigh. I think we'll find something though. Hopefully tomorrow we'll have a chance to tour around and look.

Good news is that my future father in law's secretary has offered to make us a cake... for free! OMFG! Apparently Dan knew this, but NEVER mentioned it to me! His mom told me just now though, thankfully. Literally I found out as I was typing this post... LOL So that's awesome. She only needs 2-3 days notice, so I'm going to get a list of what kinds of cakes she does tonight, and hopefully can pick from there. :D

I also discovered that I could get a dozen roses at the local grocery store here for $4.99. lol And found a really cute idea online of flowers with pine in them.
Posted Image

I live surrouuuunded by pines, and have extremely easy access to go and cut some.... LOL So I might make something similar to that pic.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-01-13 16:38:00
CanadaWedding Details
So... we've had to cancel our photographer. We need the money now that my fiance has no job. I won't be getting my hair/makeup/nails done now either (though I can do some of that at home myself, but I'm not really the type that does that much, so it definitely won't look very nice)... My mom and my finace's mom don't wear much make up or do anything with their hair normally either, so it's not like they can do it for me. :(
We also aren't getting a cake now, or any extras. I don't even know what's going on about flowers now. My fiance doesn't have an outfit yet, but he'll probably just wear a button up top and khakis. I have my dress at least.... and realized that it's on the cover of the Fall/Winter 2009 Weddingbells magazine!!!?? How awesome! haha.... so via that, I was able to find exactly what dress it is, and get a pic. Of course, I'm no where near that skinny, so add about 80 lbs to your imagination... and mine doesn't sit that nice at the bottom, since I got it cut the same length all around, and that one looks longer in the back (something I regret agreeing to now, but whatever).

I also found out yesterday that my finace's mom has decided that she WON'T actually be able to climb down the steps needed to get to the beach that we wanted to have the ceremony at. So... now, exactly one week away, we have to find a new location. Yeah... yeah it's good times here. We haven't even written our vows yet, and I have not met our officiant (my fiance knows him), and have no idea how the ceremony is going to go. We also don't know where we're going for dinner. There are only 6 of us.... but still.

I'm kind of regretting asking my parents to come here for the wedding, and really just wish we could've done it as only the two of us at the courthouse or something.

Oh, edited to add that I also haven't found any shoes or sandals to wear either, and trust me, I've been looking. Can't buy online of course. Getting a bit frustrated by that. Might have to go the barefoot route, which I wanted to avoid. Sigh.

Anyways, here's my dress.

Posted Image

Edited by ashenflowers, 13 January 2010 - 11:02 AM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-01-13 10:59:00
CanadaWedding Details
Wow, so handing out 15 invitations to her, would be like 'here, please have almost 1/2 of the attendees be people we don't care about at all, who don't care about us, who we don't even know or have even MET'... I mean, it's not like it's 15 out of 200 people, it's 15 out of less than 50. That's stupid. ugh... I hate weddings. No one is ever happy.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-12-11 18:34:00
CanadaWedding Details
I think that's incredibly out of line for HIS parents to expect to get random invitations and invite people that neither the bride nor the groom know, when it's YOUR parents that are paying.

I'm glad I'm keeping ours to just us an our parents. I didn't even want to open the can or worms of inviting 'some' other people, so we cut it. And, I really really think we're not having that 2nd reception in Canada at all. It's going to be hugely ridiculous, we can't afford it, and quite frankly it won't be worth the trouble. I'd rather go visit brother and his family in Cambodia (and I think I'd have to choose between the two).

What's your wedding guest list up to now Rhiann? I thought you guys were keeping it smallish too. lol

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-12-11 18:24:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Malrothien @ Dec 7 2009, 12:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm glad you had a good time, Ashen. Did you have to get a condom from some random guy? laughing.gif

Well, it WAS on the list.... we asked at least 5 guys, and NONE of them had any! Couldn't believe it. So, I failed on that one... but hey, I tried! laughing.gif

I feel lucky that I had this party. My friends were really excited about it, but worried I was going to be pissed off about the list or not have any fun. HAH! I showed them! hahah

Dan doesn't really have any guy friends in California... I mean, there's a couple but I don't know how close he is to them. I don't think he'll have an opportunity to have a bachelor party, and i'm kinda sad about that. He's really glad I got to have a party though, and I think was excited for me, which was funny. I think I might try to create something for him while he's here for a couple of days... not sure.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-12-07 13:31:00
CanadaWedding Details
hahah It was pretty hilarious!
To be fair, we ended up on a mini road trip, and the place we went to was 2 hours out of town, so had that been factored in, we might've made it home for 4-430 instead of 6... haha

My friends gave me a list of stuff to do. I think they were surprised at what I was able to accomplish, but most of it was relatively harmless after a few courage beverages... hahaha

I had to carry around an inflatable peni$ most of the night (I won't post a pic... haha).

The bar had a really cool DJ... hahah

(and no, I'm not flashing gang signs... haha I'm just mocking being cool... cause really, you can only be so cool dressed like that... although a ton of people apparently loved me there... lol it was pretty neat!)

Edited by ashenflowers, 06 December 2009 - 11:58 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-12-06 23:55:00
CanadaWedding Details

So, last night my friends threw me a Bachelorette Party. blink.gif Let's just say I got home at 6am, and ... uh.. yeah.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-12-06 15:52:00
CanadaWedding Details
I'm kind of anti-Walmart, but I know what you're both getting wink.gif
Every Sunday there's an arts and crafts fair in Santa Barbara, so maybe I'll browse there and see what I can find biggrin.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-12-05 13:43:00
CanadaWedding Details
Sooo... due to the awesomeness (or not so much) of my future husband, we might not have wedding rings in time for our ceremony. Anyone have any suggestions for alternate, temporary rings? We'd still like to exchange something, but just in case we don't have those, I'm wondering what else we could use. There's the ever popular ring pop, or twist ties... neither of those seem right for us though. any ideas?
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-12-05 01:17:00
CanadaWedding Details
Sam, when I get home I'll msg you on FB, and we'll chat. wink.gif It seems like you and I are having similar dilemmas. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-12-03 11:12:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Sam and Ben @ Dec 3 2009, 08:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Danu @ Dec 3 2009, 01:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think I'm applying for it shortly after getting down there but if I dont have it for the civil I will be getting married without it. I don't really care if I have it or not before I get married.

Sam what you're thinking of is certain SSN offices telling people they are no longer eligible because their status changes once they get married. There is a link somewhere for the rule from the SSN office that says we can get it no problem, but they will probably issue it to you in your maiden name due to the fact you will probably not have any other things in your married name at that point.

Aaaah, yes, that was it. I couldn't remember.

Ben and I felt lucky to have learned that we actually knew an officiant... but I've been thinking about that a little lately.

I mean, if we want to make it as casual as simply signing the paper, snapping a few pictures and going on our way, fine... But do we? Do I? This is going to be our only wedding, I know it. We casually tossed around the idea of doing something bigger later, but I know that won't ever happen so I'm banking on the fact that it won't. So then, would it be the end of the world to pay someone a little bit to have them do it up right?

I don't need a big to-do... and I don't need to have twenty people there or anything like that. But it feels like it should still be made into a moment...

And considering that there are brides out there arguing with their hunny for that extra 5k to be spent... I feel silly talking about a couple hundred. And I don't know why.

I am only in the US for 2 weeks before we get married, so I'm leery about applying for SSN right away. I'll look into it further though, or might pick your brain later Danu. lol wink.gif

Sam, as for the big 'to do' or not, Dan and I are having the same dilemma. It really doesn't take a lot to make the day a little extra special though. your idea of taking some photos in that garden area sounds lovely smile.gif
What do you mean byt paying someone a little bit to have them do it up right? you mean like a wedding package or something?

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-12-03 10:04:00
CanadaWedding Details
yay! I'm not next! LOL

Also, is anyone else (state laws allowing it) getting married without applying for SSN first?
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-12-02 22:32:00