That's exactly what I'm worried about with my Chicken Pox thing. I'll be the tester and go for it without getting it updated and I-693'd. I'm just sending in my vaccination sheet from the medical, with a short note explaining why, AS INSTRUCTED, I did not send the I-693. lol
I'll keep ya'll posted.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-20 01:19:00
Yeah, my CVS pics are horrible too. Horrible quality as well! Thanks for letting me know. lol I don't get the point of so many pics then. lol oye.
I'll make sure to look pretty on biometrics day ;)

And I feel like I am the only one who didn't have a problem getting my SSN in my married name. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-18 22:38:00
haha! lots of greens indeed! Congrats darkchilde :)

And Kimbear, I got them done at CVS Pharmacy
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-18 20:08:00
Thanks Huggles!! And Rhiann! I needed those examples... lol That helps me feel a lot better :) I really did just need some mores examples to give me a glimmer of hope rather than YOU MUST DO THIS NOOOOWWWW.... so thanks for supporting what I really wanted to hear. ;) LOL An RFE for this is a risk I'm willing to take at this point... it's certainly not something worth complete denial over, and we'll have everything else in order.

On the plus side, I got my passport pics done today, (all 6! lol), and the lady only charged me for one set, instead of 3 sets, plus I got to use a coupon. So I got 6 passport pics for about $7. LOL woot!
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-18 02:07:00
lol Thanks Kimbear :) *hugs*

Today we were going to go out 'downtown' here for St. Patty's, but I wasn't feeling up to it. So we're drinking from a mini Heineken keg with green food colouring. I'm still on the fence about getting this CS business done before sending off AOS, but this has made me stop thinking about it. :thumbs: lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-17 21:01:00

If you need help lifting that can of kerosene... ;)

lol... yeah....

the clinic just called me back and is saying that it's $93 for the vaccine... not $55 like I saw on the CDC website (because that apparently is only for people under age 19, even though it says adult... okaaaay...)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-17 15:11:00
Thanks darkchilde. I made a post about it in the AOS forum,and the reply there was basically I'm guaranteed an RFE if I don't get the 2nd shot. The difference for me is that I had the first shot before my medical in Toronto... 1 shot was fine to pass that for K-1 purposes, but since over one month has passed now, it is sufficient time for me to get the 2nd shot, so I have to get it.

VJ's list of surgeons is only a few of them (I looked at it yesterday, and the closest one on that list is a 2 hour drive away from me... no thanks!). I don't really feel comfortable with dealing with things via fax (mostly because I don't have access to a fax machine anyway).... but that's good to know that they'd do that.

So anyways, I looked on the USCIS website and that's where I found the 4 CS's in my town. One of them "seemed" to know what they were talking about, but they don't have the vaccine at their office.... apparently it's about $55 at the local clinic (i think?), but I can't get it there until Friday I think. THEN I have to go and get the I-693 signed with the CS. On the plus side, I think they can get it done the same day... All this because there was no chicken pox vaccine when I was a kid and I was 'lucky' enough to not get it. yeeeeah....

On top of everything else that's been happening, this is SERIOUSLY just more hassle that makes me want to move home. This really isn't worth it anymore to me... Sigh.

On the other hand, congrats to everyone who's moving along with their AOS. :)

Wish me luck in at least getting it sent before my I-94 expires. :( I only have 2 weeks left... And wish us luck that my husband actually gets a freaken job soon. This blows.

Oh, and wish me luck that I don't go blow up his ex-boss'es house. haha... JK... :blink:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-17 15:01:00
Congrats darkchilde! And thank you (and Joyce and Sam) for the hugs and great advice :)

I posted briefly about the vaccine thing on the AOS forum, and someone there basically guaranteed that I'd get an RFE *pout* I'm going to try to get it done... I have called two CS's in town so far, one is away for 2 weeks (siiiigh), and the other seemed confused and didn't sound like they knew exactly what I meant (well, actually BOTH of the receptionists that answered seemed confused), though it sounds like they could do it. However, they don't have the vaccine at the office, so I still have to go get that done separately.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to explain to people what I need done? lol
Without making separate appointments and talking to 3 different doctors? It's hard to get a price and understanding of what they'll require if they don't know what I mean. I'm talking to the 3rd person, and I worded my question a little differently, and I think she understands... lol we'll see what happens.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-17 12:06:00
UGH... I have another question to add to this. We've having debates on what to include on the previous year's income on the I-864. For 2007 (and all years prior), and part of 2008, my husband lived and worked in Canada (he's dual citizen). Do we put ANY Canadian income on there in question 25? The instructions say to not include tax returns filed with foreign governments... so do we just put 0.00 for his income for 2007, since none of it was US? And for 2008, do we JUST put his US earned income, not the Canadian income from earlier in the year?

Do we then include a letter or something explaining that he DID have income in 2007 and more in 2008, but that it was Canadian? Do we just NOT check off question 25 on the I-864, and just include 2009's tax documents?? I mean, there's a co-sponsor needed anyways, so all of this seems futile.

I'm about ready to rip up all these forms and move back home. I'm getting sick of this. :help:

Should I just make myself my own thread? :lol:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-16 22:41:00

So, here's the ####### that we've dealt with so far just since I moved... which is why, 3 weeks before my I-94 is up, we still haven't filed AOS. You all know this, but I'll just reiterate and bring it all up to speed. I should probably put this in the vent thread... but hey, it's AOS related. :P

1) Husband lost job the day after we arrived here (after a 5 day drive from Canada). His boss had even written us a letter to bring to the K-1 interview to say that my husband would be getting a raise and promotion. But I guess he changed his mind. :blink: I needn't explain the craptasticness this has caused. We now need a co-sponsor, we have no income, hubster had to go on unemployment, we're driving each other nuts since we're together 24/7... LOL etc. etc... Everyone knows losing a job, and having us BOTH not working sucks.

2) POE peeps didn't give me an I-94. :ranting: Had to go into LA (STUPID TRAFFIC, and a 2 hr drive almost) just to get one at the deferred inspection site. On the plus side, I have since helped at least one VJer, that I know of, who was in the same situation.

3) Lost long-form birth certificate. How? I have NO IDEA... So we had to pay $45 to send away for a new one. On the plus side, it arrived today! Barely a week since I submitted the request for it online. I will admit, I'm impressed by that.

So... as if that stuff wasn't ####### enough, I'm finally getting the AOS forms filled out and put together, since we have all we need now... so I thought... and I'm thinking I will be able to send them off next Monday. BUT, I notice on my vaccination sheet that the Varicella (chicken pox) does NOT say 'completed series'. It is a 2-shot process, and I only had time to get the 1st shot before the medical, because there's a one month waiting period between shots. I was also told that I wouldn't need the 2nd shot, and that one shot is good enough. ??? So, on the vaccine sheet it has the date of the first shot, but then it has a check under 'insufficient time interval'....

FINALLY we reach my AOS related question.
Will I get an RFE for this? I know there are some issues with the medicals lately, but I wasn't going to send the I-693, and just send the Vaccination Worksheet. However, now I feel like this chicken pox thing is going to be an issue. In order to get it, I'd have to go get the shot (immunization clinics around here have like, 2 hrs per week... the next one in the area, which is like 30 mins away is on Friday).. and then get an updated vaccination record signed off by a CS... there isn't a CS in my area. The closest is a 2 hr drive away (which is why I wasn't going to bother with the I693 if it's not needed). SO... W.. T.. F.. do I do now. ARGH@$*!&%!%

One of my dear VJ friends suggested sending off AOS as is, and deal with it if I happen to get an RFE down the line.

Suggestions? Thoughts? Bacon?
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-16 22:22:00

For those of us who will be doing aos soon in the next month just an FYI there are new updated i 485 and i 765 on the uscis site..dated february.

and of course..i can't access the site with 3 diff browsers.../sigh

Hey Kimbear, thanks for the info. I don't see anything dated February for the I-485 though? It's still showing the one from December.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-13 00:09:00

Any chance they kept it at your interview? Do you have a photocopy - you can use that (even make a copy of a copy if necessary) for the AOS (I didn't send them an original birth certificate, I know that, because I only have the one and still have it). And, of course, I know you have checked all of the paperwork from the K-1 process, but maybe there is other paperwork you prepared or made copies of and the original is there? Did you renew your passport? Could it be in with your passport or a copy of that application?

Just trying to offer some suggestions to see if any of them help so you don't have to spend another $45 right now . . .

Thanks Kathryn. Unfortunately I can't even find the photocopy that we had made either. I didn't renew my passport because it doesn't expire until 2011. I found 4 or 5 piles of various papers and it's not in any of them. I'm seriously out of ideas. :( They do need the long form one right? I can't just copy my little card? This is stupid. :crying: They've already GOT the information! UUUUGH. I seriously have no idea if they kept a copy at the interview. I know they gave me back the original, but I don't know what was done with the copy (there was so much going on, as you all can sympathize with, that I just don't remember if they kept a copy).
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-04 19:50:00

I had to order a copy of my long form birth certificate (I realized I needed it right before I filed my AOS paperwork). I filled out the form online, and I had it in my hands 5 days later! I was very impressed!

I already ordered a copy last year and spent $35 in order to get it for the K1 interview. That's the one I'm talking about. Which now I can't find. So now I will probably have to order it.. AGAIN. To get another copy I will now have to spend $45 (since it's a 'replacement') which I'm sure people can guess from other things I've mentioned, I just do NOT have the money to spare right now... plus since I'm in the US right now, it will probably take even longer to get here. Siiiiiiiigh....

Anyways... sorry. I will try not to hijack the thread with my complaining. lol Congrats to everyone moving along with AOS nicely!
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-04 17:49:00

Yikes, Valentine's day. Not cool.

As far as I know, Montreal doesn't keep anything. All of the paperwork you sent them, along with your original petition is in that brown envelope you surrendered at the POE. The contents of the envelope eventually get reunited with your AOS paperwork. When we went for our AOS interview here in Denver, the IO had all of our K-1 documents with him, so he could look back and see the medical information, my list of trips to the US, etc. So, If you end up with an interview, the copy of your BC will be there in all the documents, so you can potentially ask the IO to flip back to your K-1 paperwork to find it. When the medical "issue" came up at our interview he looked back at my Montreal documents, read the medical info and moved on.

But, you may be transferred to CSC (no idea what happens there...) or they may issue you an RFE for it. Personally, I would probably file without it and wait for an RFE, you might get lucky. Just a thought!

no no, that's what I meant. Sorry... like does Montreal keep it as in not give it back to me, and send it along with the rest of my stuff instead. I don't even remember what went and what didn't. I know they gave back the original birth certificate, but since it's AWOL, I wasn't sure if there was a photocopy kept instead. But, if you said that they had a copy of it there, that's a good sign.

The problem is, without sending a long form birth certificate with the AOS paperwork, if I get an RFE I'll just have to get a copy of the BC anyways. And seriously... me, get lucky with this process? You've got to be kidding. :P

Thanks though. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-03 18:05:00
Thank Huggles (and the rest of you who replied! :) ) Good to know that they don't really care about traffic citations. Did I mention that he got pulled over on Valentine's Day? That was good times. Needless to say we did NOT spend the rest of the night celebrating the way we probably would have had that not happened... ahem.

So yeah, over all it is a pretty horrible time actually. I'm almost ready to say EFF YOU to all of it and move back home. I'm not kidding. I wish I never moved here now, especially since he lost his job.

On top of all the other stuff (I haven't even given details on the whole story either.. it's just not worth it).. I seem to have misplaced my long form birth certificate. I have found EVERY OTHER PIECE of freaken paper imaginable related to the K-1 visa, but I can't find that. I can't even find the photocopy. Does anyone remember if Montreal keeps a copy of it? And why the hell they need ANOTHER copy to be sent with the stupid AOS? I'm going to have to shell out another $45 to order a replacement, and delay AOS AGAIN if I can't find this thing. I even found the police certificate, which is useless now.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-03 17:44:00
Well... given the situation, we had to talk to my father in law about paying the AOS fee for us. Some of you know my situation, some don't. That's fine either way. Just know that we ran into some tough times and have had to get some help paying for AOS fees and with support documents now. and I'm not happy to have to say that.

Anyhoo... we will probably be filing AOS next week. I'm a little worried now because my husband has had to start receiving unemployment benefits, and he also got pulled over last month and cited for not fully stopping at a stop sign (it was dark, NO ONE was there, and he basically just made a rolling stop I guess.... but that's another $300 down the tubes, plus it goes on his record now). So I'm a little concerned about those two things causing some issues for us. :(

All I can say in a nutshell is that things have been crapola. And I can't wait until this AOS shiat is over. and I haven't even started filling out the forms yet. Sigh.

Also, a heads up because I probably won't be reading though dozens of pages of AOS info here, so I might have some redundant questions for you guys. My apologizes in advance! lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-03-03 00:02:00
Canada2010 Tax thread - For Canada and the U.S.
hmm... so after reading this thread, I'm just wanting to clarify for me what is or isn't relevant at this point. I'm more confused, and probably don't have to be. My situation is similar to Danu. I actually lived in Canada for all of 2009 (I arrived in the U.S. Jan 3rd, 2010). So, for my 2009 taxes I just file them normally, yes? I could do it online, print, then mail it, I suppose. Would I be able to get my refund in USD sent to my U.S. address, or will they send it in Canadian funds and I'd have to deposit it? I still have my Canadian bank account. Could I just get it direct deposited into there still, and cash it out later? Do I have to file anything for the U.S. at all? I don't see why I would, but who knows. My T4 is going to have my parents' Canadian address on it (according to my employer). Is that going to mess things up if the addresses don't match?

We were married Jan 20th, does my husband file married or single? I would've thought single, since his taxes are for 2009, and he was single for all of 2009, but now I'm not so sure.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-02-08 03:43:00
Canada2010 Tax thread - For Canada and the U.S.
That's how I feel about the E.I. and AOS threads, to be honest.. they're just long and cumbersome. lol
Either way, thanks for making this thread... I have no answers or questions yet, just wanted to say that. :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-01-30 03:57:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (Sam and Ben @ Oct 20 2009, 02:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Oct 20 2009, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok now he's calling back the original number (the 202-663-1225)
*head desk* he's driving me insane!! LOL

(congrats bogartnoir!!!)

QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Oct 20 2009, 02:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok now he's calling back the original number (the 202-663-1225)
*head desk* he's driving me insane!! LOL

(congrats bogartnoir!!!)

OMFG OMFG NOVEMBER 20TH!!!11!1!!11 NOVEMBER 20TH!!! omfg

Heeeey, we're interview buddies!

YAY!!! biggrin.gif

omg, why did i find this out at work!?!?? I'm going to vomit/pee my pants/get in trouble/have a heart attack

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-10-20 13:08:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
ok now he's calling back the original number (the 202-663-1225)
*head desk* he's driving me insane!! LOL

(congrats bogartnoir!!!)

QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Oct 20 2009, 02:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok now he's calling back the original number (the 202-663-1225)
*head desk* he's driving me insane!! LOL

(congrats bogartnoir!!!)

OMFG OMFG NOVEMBER 20TH!!!11!1!!11 NOVEMBER 20TH!!! omfg
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-10-20 13:03:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Oct 20 2009, 01:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Oct 20 2009, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Varba @ Oct 20 2009, 01:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Oct 20 2009, 01:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Oct 20 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my fiance just tried calling (from the US) and was given 1-202-663-1541 to call???
what is this

Can someone please help me. This is really frustrating. My fiancé keeps being given a message to call a different number.

Which number is he calling?

he's callling the 202-663-1225 and it's telling him to call the one i posted above

Is he hitting 1 and then 0 before listening to the message? That will connect him to an operator.

yes.. he's trying option 1 then 0... i dunno what he's doing... apparently this is something he's incapable of. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-10-20 12:54:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (Varba @ Oct 20 2009, 01:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Oct 20 2009, 01:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Oct 20 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my fiance just tried calling (from the US) and was given 1-202-663-1541 to call???
what is this

Can someone please help me. This is really frustrating. My fiancé keeps being given a message to call a different number.

Which number is he calling?

he's callling the 202-663-1225 and it's telling him to call the one i posted above
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-10-20 12:50:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Oct 20 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my fiance just tried calling (from the US) and was given 1-202-663-1541 to call???
what is this

Can someone please help me. This is really frustrating. My fiancé keeps being given a message to call a different number.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-10-20 12:47:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
my fiance just tried calling (from the US) and was given 1-202-663-1541 to call???
what is this
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-10-20 12:39:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
How long is the average 'hold' time? Just wondering cause i'll have to call long distance from my cell sad.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-10-20 12:13:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (ScooterMac @ Oct 20 2009, 12:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Oct 20 2009, 12:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ScooterMac @ Oct 20 2009, 12:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Oct 20 2009, 12:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OMG you guys!! OMG!! This is fantastic news!! Congratulations to everyone! This is such a great b-day present for me to hear you all getting interviews!! LOL YAY!!!

Did you try calling today yet?

I'm at work... I can't really... It was hard enough getting through this thread. I might try anyways from my cell (who cares if i get in trouble), but I don't have the number handy. Can someone please post it for me? thanks!

option 1
option 0

You'd have to have your MTL number as well....

Thank you!
I have my MTL handy from an email, thank god. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-10-20 11:59:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
QUOTE (ScooterMac @ Oct 20 2009, 12:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Oct 20 2009, 12:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OMG you guys!! OMG!! This is fantastic news!! Congratulations to everyone! This is such a great b-day present for me to hear you all getting interviews!! LOL YAY!!!

Did you try calling today yet?

I'm at work... I can't really... It was hard enough getting through this thread. I might try anyways from my cell (who cares if i get in trouble), but I don't have the number handy. Can someone please post it for me? thanks!

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-10-20 11:52:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
OMG you guys!! OMG!! This is fantastic news!! Congratulations to everyone! This is such a great b-day present for me to hear you all getting interviews!! LOL YAY!!!
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-10-20 11:41:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Congrats dutchmatt!!!! Hopefully it is indeed a good sign smile.gif

(btw, I read this update a little out of order, and was totally confused... a lot happened on here today. LOL)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-10-19 20:15:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Rhiann @ Sep 23 2009, 07:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, after some thinking and talking to a friend in the US and showing her the dress I want and stuff, I think I've decided to go ahead with a ceremony in May.
Even if my parents don't come.

I don't care if the ceremony's only like 10 people big, I dont care if I dont have professional photography.
I want to just find some secluded bit of beach and just do a small ceremony for friends.
I think it'd even be funny to do some vows that aren't very traditional, since we're not into tradition and I would want to make it fun.

I feel I wouldn't be happy with a normal ceremony. I want something so simple that I dont even spend 1000 dollars on it.

Who cares what my parents think. They can come down for the signing, but sorry mom, I'm having a ceremony in May whether you come or not tongue.gif
Even if I have to pay for it all.

Good idea smile.gif It will be nice to have your parents there, but HEY, if they want to be there for the signing so badly, then they'll be there for the part that 'they' think is important. You should do this for yourself anyways. It sounds like a really fun idea. Can I come? wink.gif LOL jk
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-09-23 18:48:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Rhiann @ Sep 22 2009, 08:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, the steps down to the beach are pretty.
The beach itself is very nice. I'm sure you'll have a nice wedding there.

Thanks smile.gif I think it will be nice. I really like the steps, but they're always wet (slippery!), and rotting a bit at the bottom. Even though it's just our parents, and the officiant, I'm worried about someone falling. I kind of want them to act as my 'aisle' though. LOL
But if worse comes to worse, then there is a 2nd set of better maintained stairs about a 15 min walk away... but they're in a busy park, which is awkward, cause I don't want attention... and then we have to walk a ways to get to a good place away from random strangers sad.gif I just kind of want to be able to go on the beach and be right where I need to be. LOL
I think I'll bring my parents for a test run if we have a couple of days in town before the wedding. Then they can try them out and see how scary it is laughing.gif

LOL JillA, my parents, and my fiance's mom don't drink, so we're ok! I might sneak one in though, but we'll make sure we're back up to the top of the stairs before anything crazy.

And thankfully Kritkit, we're not overly clumbsy, but both our mom's have issues with their ankles. wacko.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-09-22 19:15:00
CanadaWedding Details
We really should start up a weightloss thread again. lol I think there are a lot of tips that could be shared! I learned a lot when I went through my weightloss years ago (I did it with Jenny Craig), which I think makes it that much more frustrating for me. I KNOW what I should and shouldn't be doing basically, but just can't do it anymore. I need more motivation, which is just weird, but true. I would work out at home, if I lived alone, but I don't, and I would get embarrassed if my roommates where home while I was working out. lol (stupid, I know)

In other news (wedding related even! lol)... I have realized that I don't think I told you guys where we decided to have our ceremony.
It's at a little secluded beach in Santa Barbara. Not a lot of people, which I really like... but there are some scary slippery steps that we have to walk down to get there... d'oh.
I took tons of pics when we went, but I'll only share a couple... lol It was weird, cause when we first checked it out it was PERFECT, but the 2nd time we went it wasn't as nice.... lol sad.gif

This is my fiance on the beach (it was high tide).

And these are 1/2 of the scary steps. lol

Edited by ashenflowers, 22 September 2009 - 06:57 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-09-22 18:57:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Peachey @ Sep 21 2009, 11:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Another word I don't like "diet". Why would you want to do something that has the word die in it?? tongue.gif

I work in an office all day and just sit on my butt working on the computer. I found going for a walk on lunch for 20-25 minutes really helped. That, along with eating around 1300-1500 calories/ day I lost 5 lbs in a month. I then gained it all back when my fiance came to visit. We have a bad habit of eating desert when we are together.

But I've resolved to be good, exercise 4x/week at the gym (you can substitute with power walks, or even work out tapes!). My trainer at the gym said I should eat foods that are low on the GI scale, I'm going to start that this week too.

I also use DDR for exercise smile.gif

oh right... sorry... I don't mean 'diet', I mean 'lifestyle change'... wink.gif LOL
I don't really get a lunch break... we work on really tight deadlines so I usually eat at my desk (bad, I know). So that's not helpful. Then I don't really have a life, so I end up spending most time after work at home, sitting more. sigh

But thanks guys... for the nice comments smile.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-09-21 22:39:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Danu @ Sep 21 2009, 10:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Sep 21 2009, 10:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm also 230 lbs, and I'm sorry to say, am not ok with being Fat, and yes, I think I'm fat, and I'm not just saying that. I'm the heaviest I've been in my ENTIRE life, and it's really frustrating to think that I'll be this heavy for my WEDDDING! Of all times in life to be the largest ever, this is the WORST. My fiancé doesn't care, which is nice, but I'm not happy with it. I know I will look at pics from the day and be disappointed in myself. I lost 50 lbs about 2-3 years ago, and gained back 70 since then!!! I can't afford a gym, I can't even afford healthy food really, and don't have anyone around here to work out with or encourage me to work out. It's soooo frustrating. sad.gif My dress is a f'ing size 20. I've NEVER worn a 20 in my entire life...

*hugs* I'm in the same boat, but thankfully I have a year to work off some of this. It is definately frusterating but its so much worse when someone else is also putting you down...its hard enough when you are hard on yourself but to have someone belittling definately sucks. That said, if I got married at this weight I'd still be ok with it. My cousin lost a bunch of weight (almost 90 lbs) before her wedding and she was miserable and like a shell of herself. Shes managed to put about 120lbs back on so now shes heavier than every. I definately want to lose weight with me and my long term goals in mind rather than my wedding date. If that means I'm skinnier after my wedding than during it, I'm so good with that.

Oh I definitely need it for my long term wellbeing too. I find myself not able to walk/run/move as well as I was able to before. When it starts getting like that, then I get scared. I had working in an office where I just SIT ALL DAY... sad.gif Ultimately I'd like to lose 70 lbs to be at an 'ideal' weight. But before the wedding if I could lose 30 I'd be happy. But that won't happen unless I go hardcore dieting for 4-5 months... so maybe 20? lol I guess I just don't want to still be 'the heaviest I've ever been' on my wedding day. wacko.gif
I'm lucky to not really have anyone belittling me... I just have other larger friends, beautiful in their own way, who are also overweight and belittle themselves. But none of them seem to want to do anything about it!??! sigh.

Peachy, encouragement would be nice. I joined but haven't really kept up with it. lol It's an online weightloss thing. They have workout plans and meal plans and what not. Looks really good, and I started with it briefly, but again fell off the wagon. lol Maybe we should restart that weightloss thread here. lol I need to be held accountable for my actions or inaction!
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-09-21 21:58:00
CanadaWedding Details
I'm also 230 lbs, and I'm sorry to say, am not ok with being Fat, and yes, I think I'm fat, and I'm not just saying that. I'm the heaviest I've been in my ENTIRE life, and it's really frustrating to think that I'll be this heavy for my WEDDDING! Of all times in life to be the largest ever, this is the WORST. My fiancé doesn't care, which is nice, but I'm not happy with it. I know I will look at pics from the day and be disappointed in myself. I lost 50 lbs about 2-3 years ago, and gained back 70 since then!!! I can't afford a gym, I can't even afford healthy food really, and don't have anyone around here to work out with or encourage me to work out. It's soooo frustrating. sad.gif My dress is a f'ing size 20. I've NEVER worn a 20 in my entire life...
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-09-21 21:44:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Rhiann @ Sep 20 2009, 09:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My mom was pestering me again about this wedding thing.
She keeps saying it's wrong to have the signing and the ceremony in different dates, and that I should have a January wedding, and blah blah blah and the whole "Are you sure you want to get a wedding dress in that weight" ####### again.

I'm about ready to give up.
I don't think I'll be having a ceremony anymore.

Can I call your mom and tell her to shut up? Man! She needs to get over herself, and let YOU have YOUR wedding the way you want. She's just going to have to deal with it. In a year's time it won't even matter. Really. Once it's all over. Do what you need to do for yourself. As for the weight comments, that's ridiculously RUDE and insulting. I do NOT understand when mother's say things like that to their daughters. Don't they know?! Rhiann, I am certain you will look beautiful in any dress you choose. Seriously. I have not seen an ugly bride yet. Large or small. Ever. Everyone is beautiful. Except the ones with too many tattoos tongue.gif lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-09-20 21:53:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Krikit @ Sep 20 2009, 10:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Sep 19 2009, 12:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Marilyn. @ Sep 19 2009, 04:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was searching for photographers on Craigslist for a friend of mine and I found a bunch that were under 1000..

Ya know, it's funny. I never think of Craigslist, because Kijiji is more common in our area instead. I just had a quick look for less than 15 mins on Craigslist, and found a TON of photographers. The photographer thing was becoming a big stress on me, but I think I'll find my solution here! Thanks for the idea wink.gif

Also, if there is a university or community college in your area with a photography program, it's a good idea to check there. A lot of profs and techs have businesses on the side, and there are also a lot of students with HUGE talent. Just another avenue for you. smile.gif

Yeah, we've been looking into those a bit too, but I'm not entirely sure how to go about asking for that without being in the area myself. I will try to email them I guess. There's a college, and a university, and a school of photography... lol I'm pretty sure SOMEONE there will be capable and appreciate the opportunity to build their portfolio.

Edited by ashenflowers, 20 September 2009 - 03:42 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-09-20 15:41:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Marilyn. @ Sep 19 2009, 01:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
the ones I found on Craigslist seemed pretty professional.. they usually had links to their website and a lot of them had some pretty good pictures..

Yeah, I've been browsing the ones with websites, and there are some decent ones. So long as I can see a portfolio, then I know what I'm getting into. Since all we want it someone there for 2 hours tops, just to take pictures of us and the ceremony so our friends/family back home can see it, then I don't see the purpose of dropping $1000+. We don't want any editing, or keepsake books or anything. We can do all of that ourselves (and I personally WANT to do all the editing myself). Just pictures taken for 2 hours or so, unedited images on CD... done. There's NO WAY ANYONE deserves $1,000 for that, as far as I'm concerned. laughing.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-09-19 18:21:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Marilyn. @ Sep 19 2009, 04:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was searching for photographers on Craigslist for a friend of mine and I found a bunch that were under 1000..

Ya know, it's funny. I never think of Craigslist, because Kijiji is more common in our area instead. I just had a quick look for less than 15 mins on Craigslist, and found a TON of photographers. The photographer thing was becoming a big stress on me, but I think I'll find my solution here! Thanks for the idea wink.gif

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-09-19 11:40:00
CanadaWedding Details
I think that's rude of her Peachey... I ran into some issues with money discussions as well, when we were originally planning to have a reception next year, and money was tiiiiiight. My fiance's parents are from the 'traditional' frame of mine where the bride's family pays for the reception... He was offering to pay for our ceremony 100%, but uh... on the beach, with us and 4 guests? That's hardly breaking the bank... I didn't even ask him to contribute to that. and not to downtalk my family, but his makes way more money than mine, guaranteed. His parents wouldn't give me an amount that they were willing to contribute until they heard what my parents were willing to contribute, as if that was some factor in what he was willing to give us. My parents are going through some really hard financial times right now, and just had to give up the house they've been living in for over 20 years, sooooo, I didn't really think that was fair... Some traditions really REALLY need to be brought into the 21st century...
Personally I think it should be based more on who's got more disposable income available to contribute.
Long story short, we decided to put off the 'reception' for a year.... sigh.
well, until one of my friends magically remembered that her parents have a great back yard that they might be willing to contribute in exchange for some gardening work LOL So the reception might be back on? I don't f'ing know... LOL
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-09-17 19:39:00