Thanks everyone!
I'm kinda wishing this wasn't all happening at the same time though. lol I can't truly bask in the glory of an approved AOS because I have this job interview to freak out about... lol... and I can't fully prepare for the job interview because I also have a sort of important meeting today about a future project I'll be working on for a local animal shelter that I volunteer with, so I have to prepare for that at the same time. gah!! I haven't been to a job interview in 3 years... and I'm pretty sure I'll be asked to produce examples from jobs that I haven't worked at in that 3 years too (my mom recent job isn't really relevant, but all my previous ones were). I have a bad memory :( So I'm trying to remember and/or make up relevant stories. :lol: Maybe I should put this in the 'off topic' thread. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-17 11:08:00

WOO Congratulations. Help me get a job now :P

haha, I don't have a job. Just an interview. No jinxing! :P lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-16 19:03:00
Soooooooooooo............... Basically this afternoon has resulted in a lot of OMG OMG OMGGGGGGG OH MY GODDD.......... HOLY #######.... OMG............ *repeat*. :crying:

First off, I have a job interview tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!! (more on that later)

SECONDLY... I got this in my email today:


Your Case Status: Card/ Document Production

On August 16, 2010, we ordered production of your new card.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-16 18:47:00
Thanks Kayla. I hope they work on your case quickly!

Other people have had worse things happen with their cases than what's happened to me. I've just had several small-mediumish things, and one big thing (the hubby losing his job). I'm just getting sick of it. And I'm in a super grumpy mood today, so should probably not even post on VJ at all. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-12 14:56:00
Well, it's officially been a week since they received my RFE response, and no updates. No touches on my AOS case since the 6th, when I expect they updated the website. So much for them being 'quick' on this one. :angry: Not that a week is a long time, but ya know.. that whole thing of seeing other people get faster responses. Sigh.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-12 14:03:00
I agree with the others. :) Definitely give them a call, or if it's not far, just go and try an early walk-in this week or next. You deserve it after already waiting so long!! And yes, they just go by the appointment time, not first come first serve.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-09 14:05:00

omg-you were talking about *that* medical package being lost..! I was talking about the DS-3025. bah!

It makes me want to swear up a storm just reading that...grrr.

LOL! yeah... that one :crying: Both cdn_gewels and I (and others of course), had to go and get an entirely new complete medical exam done here in the U.S.

(edited cause I can't type)

Edited by ashenflowers, 06 August 2010 - 02:15 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-06 14:13:00

I can't believe they lost the whole damn thing.

I'm curious: did you label every page w. your name/alien number etc....? I'd think doing that would sorta safeguard from any "loss" per se. Then again, I trust nothing on that end of things :lol:

No. A reminder that the medical from Canada is in a SEALED ENVELOPE, which I have NO access to, and turn over at POE. There is no way to label every page in case of loss, and no way to make copies (and copies are unacceptable anyway).

I just need to reiterate because I am getting the assumption a lot that it was because of my negligence that this happened... but NO... it is in NO WAY MY FAULT that THEY lost my medical along the way. lol It was misplaced somewhere between the Detroit Ambassador Bridge POE, and being transferred to the CSC. No clue who lost it.

They also lost cdn_gewel's medical too... so, sadly it happens more frequently than I find acceptable. :(
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-06 13:53:00

that's exactly why I think they assume the paperwork should be "fast" and/or "easy"--it's based on their border experience :lol:

That said, I sent that additional vaccination stuff-we'll see how it works out.

Oh, that reminds me I also meant to say that no, I did not send in the vaccination supplement. But my RFE was for the ENTIRE medical that they lost, not just that. It wouldn't have made a difference in my case whether or not I sent it in, so I'm kinda glad I didn't bother at the time. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-06 13:20:00
Sorry for double post, but I decided to check USCIS' site after posting, and lo and behold, I got a touch today. Almost freaked out, but I'm still on the RFE stage and it just says the general:

"On August 5, 2010, we received your response to our request for evidence. This case is being processed at our CALIFORNIA SERVICE CENTER location. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283. We will notify you by mail when we make a decision or if we need something from you. You should expect to receive a written decision or written update within 60 days of the date we received your response unless fingerprint processing or an interview are standard parts of case processing and have not yet been completed, in which case you can use the processing time information on our website to estimate when this case will be done. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283."

But hey, I know for sure they got it now. :thumbs: Reading it over makes me realize the sentence about moving is in there twice... hahaha I love finding errors like that.

(edited typo)

Edited by ashenflowers, 06 August 2010 - 12:42 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-06 12:42:00

got RFE. :(

I know it's not the end of the world or even a terrible thing(at least it means they were working on it!), but it's still a horrible, sinking feeling.

I can't even imagine what it would be for. I had everything they ask for. I pay a lot of attention to this kind of stuff. :bonk:

.... If they lost your medical, I am going to freak out. :angry:

Wow. I keep telling my friends and family that no, it's not "easy" for Canadians to get their paperwork down here-it is, based on what I see in the other forums on here, almost an even bigger pain in the a$$. *argh*

Chicago got my AOS/EAD/AP on July 22nd... and I'm hoping to have my AP to go back home for a visit October 8th or so... After checking everything here, I, uh, feel kinda discouraged.

re: the RFE's: did any of you guys do the vaccination supplement (i.e. Form I-693)? Curious to see if sending that in, along with the medical done for the K-1, was helpful or not....

I know right?!?! People have no idea what it's like to get paperwork here. We're treated just the same as every country. There isn't any special pass for Canadians (except when just visiting).

Well I can certainly understand the pins and needles. If all they needed was the medical, (and you already know that was good) I would think everything else should be smooth sailing or you may have gotten an RFE along with the medical one. (my RFE was for two reasons)

I sure hope you hear GREAT news in the next couple weeks, if not sooner! :)

Thanks :) That helps, to know they won't need anything else... in theory. I'll definitely update with news when I get it!
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-06 12:34:00

Oh my goodness Kimbear!! You and Ashen..and I think a couple of others..have been put through the ringer with this!! What is going on in the offices?? Sheesh!! I hope you get your appt. soon! did the medical and all that go?

Thanks for asking Joyce :) It... went. LOL I started a separate thread to rant about it... haha In the end though, I finally got to mail in my RFE yesterday afternoon, and according to tracking info they received it today. So now it's back to being on pins and needles checking USCIS every day to find out if they accept it and approve me.. or... not. :wacko:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-05 15:57:00
*hugs* Kimbear
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-05 14:12:00

We got the email notifications today. BUT, I put the receipt number in to try and add it and says it's not found. So no idea. At least I know they have it and are moving things around.

Yay email!! :thumbs: Sometimes it can take a day or two (or three) to get the receipt numbers to pull something up in the system. It's all good.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-03 03:02:00

It was received on the 26th. I don't have a receipt number for this packet, just the original K1 application stuff. Do I have to wait for them to send me the first letter to get that?

If you didn't sign up for email updates then yes, you'll have to wait for the first NOA from them, which will have your receipt # on it. It shouldn't take too long, maybe this week or next. If they have only had it for a week I'm not surprised you haven't heard yet. Don't worry. :)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-02 23:33:00
*hugs to Kimbear and Colleens*
We're all stuck in limbo! Doesn't it feel that way? I hope by the end of the year things look awesome for all of us.

I started a new thread to talk about my medical, cause I had to blabber on about it. lol It was $191 :'( I think mostly because of the 2nd vaccine dose I ended up getting while I was there, which itself was $86.

look2me40, you can sign up for updates online here: https://egov.uscis.g.../jsps/login.jsp To get updates you'll need your receipt #s. Did you send in the form to get email updates? When did they receive it according to fedex?
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-02 17:06:00
Sigh... So I'm off to do my medical again today. Let's hope I just didn't jinx myself and they don't call again at the last minute to reschedule. :angry: Bye Bye $200 (or thereabouts. I never did get a direct quote of the cost).
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-02 12:48:00

I received my greencard in the mail today! Ahh, what a great feeling!

Wow that was quick! I'm still waiting to go to my medical. :( Stupid doctors on vacation...
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-23 19:36:00
I'm still angry they LOST MY MEDICAL. But that's nothing new...
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-21 16:32:00

I successfully got a Florida driver's license today! I was holding my breath the whole time at the wicket. I was just waiting for the man to tell me something wasn't working out...

Now I have the joy of registering my car.... hundreds of dollars!

I hear that. I had to go earlier this month to take my written test, and California requires us to have another driven test as well, which I get to do next Tuesday. While I'm at the DMV for that, I have to also go and register our car in our names (it's currently in my hubby's dad's name). Good times. Not. The best is that this car was supposed to be transferred to him before I even moved here! Now it's my problem! great.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-19 18:35:00

At least the AoS is much easier and faster than the Visa process. :thumbs:

Unless the dumba$$es LOSE your medical and give you an RFE and you have to do it all over again. Or your husband loses your job when you arrive in the US and you have to get a co-signer. Or the stupid POE forgets to give you an I-94. Oh what? Oh no, I'm not bitter... why do you ask?
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-15 15:02:00

Sorry for the late reply back Ashen, I must have missed this last time I looked!

I explained the situation to Medisys in Montreal, and without any hesitation, the representative basically replied, "No, we can't do that." I didn't really ask why, especially because I figured that would be their answer anyway.

Thinking back to my POE, I did have a newbie officer, so I wonder if my medical fell through the cracks because of that. I guess I'll never know.

When you do get the results, if you can, send your reply "Express." It'll be there by 3 pm the next day. It cost $18 for me. My RFE got there yesterday and I received an e-mail today stating that they received my reply and my case is back to "processing." I think you'll be just fine with your timeline.


Thanks cdn_gewels.... I wish I could have had an appointment earlier. :( But the Dr. is going on vacation for 2 weeks, and another Dr. in a different office is on vacation for 1 month... uuuuugh... I haven't been able to get in touch with Dr. Seiden's office in Toronto (we've been playing phone tag for 2 days). But, I don't think it will make much difference, as the cost of them sending me another medical will probably be more than what I'd save by not getting the medical again... if that makes sense. lol Basically, it won't be cost effective or faster anyways.
Thanks for the encouragement. You can bet I'll be sending that stupid thing Express w/ a tracking #. lol I'm guessing the fact that I had a newbie-looking POE officer doing my case could also have been why my medical fell through. I'm considering writing a complaint letter to my POE station, but not sure it will do any good.

Also, can I selfishly say I'm glad this happened to you cause now I don't have to be the only one going through THEM messing up our files while watching everyone else breeze through in approvals. :lol: Thanks for taking one for the team!

so two touches in two days on my aos....still says initial review, and still no biometrics apt. wonder what they are doing to it.

quick question, when you get xfered to CSC, what happens with your EAD? does it get transfered too or does it stay?

No, I believe EAD stays put.

Edited by ashenflowers, 14 July 2010 - 08:15 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-14 20:14:00
Just realized I had a touch on my AOS on July 10th. What's the point? Are they poking around in there to make sure they've STILL lost my medical? geez... :angry:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-12 04:40:00
oh man... I haven't been on VJ in a couple days, and wow. cdn_gewels, I can NOT believe what is happening with the medicals for us. What a HORRIBLE (and unacceptable as far as I'm concerned) thing for them to LOSE something like this.

What did the Dr in Montreal say as an explanation as to why they couldn't send you a copy of the medical? I'm glad you were able to find a place that will do one for you. I can't get mine done until July 29th. :( I can't remember if I explained that here or not... but anyways, it's the best I could do... I'm a little stressed, because I only have until August 12 to deal with this, so that's cutting it close. They said it only takes about 2 days to get the results though, so that's good. I'm crossing my fingers for us.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-12 01:36:00

Ah Ashen! That's such a pain, wow. I was reading a story in the AOS forum a couple months back where this happened to someone and they contacted their congressman. After they got their congressman involved, the medical was magically found. I tried to go back and find the link but I haven't had any luck. Perhaps getting your congressman involved would help you out? I'm not really sure. I think If it was me I'd just go get a new medical done to avoid wasting weeks playing games with people who may or may not help. Just be very careful who you decide to go see... When I was trying to get my I-693 transcribed I had one doctor tell me it was going to cost $800.00 to have a complete medical done. Unfortunately a lot of civil surgeons seem like they just want to rip you off. Sorry you're having a hard time! Just think, once you cross this last hurdle you are USCIS free for 2 years! :)

Thanks Huggles. I called a place in town today on the CS list, and they said about $200 for the entire medical. So that's not too bad. I hope they understand what I'm asking for. They sound like they did though. lol I thought about calling the congressman, but am worried that they won't be able to do anything in time. Since I only have a month to handle it, time feels precious. I can NOT believe the hurdles we have to go through. I mean, this process is full of regular hurdles in itself, but adding extra ones like we've had (and some others have had) are just ridonkulous.

siiiiiiiiiiiigh :(
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-07 21:54:00
Thanks guys... I AM getting really tired of all this ####### happening to us. It's all really making me question over and over whether moving here was the right thing to do or not, but now I feel it's much too late to go back. I just wish I had more time to deal with my RFE, because I'm not sure how much a new medical will cost, or how quickly I'll be able to make an appointment. I don't even know if it's worth it to try to get in touch with my POE in Detroit to see if they somehow 'forgot' to forward it on and still have it. I don't trust anyone in this process anymore, and will probably just suck it up and pay to do it all over again.

I just want this to go away, and am really biting my tongue about things because I don't want to say certain things on a public forum in case 'big brother' is watching. LOL

AandB, I'm sure you'll be ok with not having an SSN on the forms, since as you mentioned it does say 'if any'. I'm not sure why they really ask for it anyways, since it doesn't seem to affect anything. But who knows. It really doesn't take that long to get the SSN in the mail though, if you're willing to wait a week or two to send of AOS.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-07 13:30:00

Well, to be fair... getting the medical done in TO wasn't a complete waste, as you wouldn't have been approved for the visa without it.

You suck. :P lol

And yes, Peachy, I've emailed them to ask if I can get another copy mailed to me (or mailed to my parents who will then mail it to me, as that's probably cheaper). I expect to have to pay for it of course. Sigh... If I don't get a response in 2 days I'll try calling.

Also, I've decided if I can't get a copy I'll just have to get another complete medical done without wasting time trying to track down my original. Though of course, I still don't even know how I'll pay for it. They only gave me until August 12 to deal with this, which is a lot less than the 90 or so days that I've seen most people get for handling RFEs.

I'm freaken irritated. Nothing like doing something AND PAYING to do something properly only to have them fu©k it up anyways. AGAIN.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-06 19:31:00

well... this is fun. I received my RFE info today. Seems like they lost MY ENTIRE F'ING MEDICAL. "All USCIS records relating to you have been reviewed. The U.S. Department of State medical forms DS-2053, DS-3024, DS-3025, and DS-3026 are not in any of those records".

SO very glad my trip to Toronto, and an overnight hotel stay to get my medical were a complete waste of time.

Can I just move back home? Cause seriously, this is ridiculous. Not only do they misprint my Visa in my passport (anyone remember that? good times)... and they do not give me an I-94 at the POE (also fun.. had to drive in LA for that one)... but now this.

Oh, and lest we forget the $300 to get it in the first place.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-06 17:27:00
well... this is fun. I received my RFE info today. Seems like they lost MY ENTIRE F'ING MEDICAL. "All USCIS records relating to you have been reviewed. The U.S. Department of State medical forms DS-2053, DS-3024, DS-3025, and DS-3026 are not in any of those records".

SO very glad my trip to Toronto, and an overnight hotel stay to get my medical were a complete waste of time.

Can I just move back home? Cause seriously, this is ridiculous. Not only do they misprint my Visa in my passport (anyone remember that? good times)... and they do not give me an I-94 at the POE (also fun.. had to drive in LA for that one)... but now this.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-06 17:20:00

What did you get the RFE for? I'm trying to get everything ready for the AOS and i want everything to be in order so i can avoid the RFE.. So you didn't get one for the medical, even if you didn't get it transcribed? That's good!

You can prepare all you want. Doesn't mean you won't get an RFE. I prepared, and I got one. I had a very extensive, and thorough AOS package, aside from not getting the vaccination transcription. It all just depends on the situation. Just because someone gets an RFE, doesn't mean they didn't try to prepare and have everything in order.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-03 13:29:00

You didn't get chicken pox as a kid?

weirdo :P

lol nope, I didn't. I feel left out :(
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-01 22:41:00

My insurance didn't cover my transcription... I doubt yours will either. But you never know.

Oh no, it's not that... it will probably cover the (stupidly expensive and unnecessary 2nd shot of) Chicken Pox vaccine. And more importantly, we actually have income now, so it might be easier to pay for it, even if it doesn't.

Edited by ashenflowers, 01 July 2010 - 06:39 PM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-01 18:35:00

I did get the vaccinations transcribed by a CS, specifically to avoid an RFE! I wonder if I forgot to check a box or something! I was so ####### about the whole application! lol. I'll keep you updated!

lol that's funny. I hope it's just some little minor thing. On the plus side, it means they looked at our cases! woot! lol

I did not get mine transcribed, mostly because I didn't have health insurance, and both my husband and I were unemployed at the time so we couldn't really afford to pay for it (I also might need to get one more shot for chicken pox so that adds to the expense), and it was just not that easy for us to go to a CS at the time. Now, thankfully my husband has a job, and we should be getting health insurance through that in the next week or so, so it'll be much easier. If the RFE is any other reason, I'll be really confused. LOL
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-01 12:07:00

Got an email today from USCIS about an RFE for my AOS. Any ideas as to how long it will take for the actual paper to come in the mail? I am so curious as to what it is about.... bummer!

Funny, so did I today. Except it's not funny, and I'm pissed off. I bet it's for the medical because I can't think of anything else that was missing, and I'm pretty particular about these things (in my case anyways... did you get your vaccinations transcribed by a CS?). Let's keep tabs on it and see how we both do. lol Good luck :thumbs:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-01 11:58:00

Thanks Ashen...
We are getting married in Hawaii, so I think we can pick up our marriage certificate right there. I already suggested we can call to find out for sure. I planned on taking the whole pack with us ready to mail so when we have the certificate we could mail it from Hawaii. Still though, we are debating on changing the date. But then again, who knows when my interview in MTL will be. UGH!!!! So frustrating!!!!

It IS frustrating, but in the end it always seems to work out :thumbs: I hope it does in the lowest stressful possible way for you. lol :)

Oh, and btw if Montreal's got your P3 already, I would think November would be plenty of time for them!... but again, ya never know. lol

Edited by ashenflowers, 01 July 2010 - 09:49 AM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-01 09:48:00

Just to fill you guys in...I spoke to the USCIS office today because my case was transferred to CSC 3 months ago and they basically told me now the wait is 6 months, not 3.

Great, so I won't bother about the fact that they haven't even touched my case since May 4th, and I'm approaching 3 months (tomorrow) since my NOA1. Thank god for EAD, cause otherwise I'd just be sitting around being pissed off :P lol Gotta love ppl after you getting approved before you. Not that that will ever change, but gotta love even more when it happens AND they increase the estimated wait time.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-01 09:30:00

Hi all! :)
I am not yet at the stage of the game as you all are, as I'm still waiting for my interview for my K1. But, I have a question on AP...How long of a timeline is it from sending in AOS is it for when I'm allowed to travel? The reason I'm asking is that our wedding date is supposed to be Dec. 11th & we have a trip booked on April 7th 2011. Does that give me enough time to get my AP or should we change our wedding date for a day in Nov?

Eek... for me that's cutting it a bit close, because if you think about it, you won't be sending AP/AOS until you can get a copy of the marriage certificate... how long does it take for you to get one where you're at? Keep in mind holidays are around there, so they may (or may not!) delay things by a week or two, depending on how long they take off for vacation. lol

Either way, it's still barely 3 months by the time you get an NOA1. As Huggles said, 'generally' they're processed in 2-3 months, but doesn't mean it can't take longer. I'm the type of person that likes to do things 'just in case' though, cause ya never know. So if it were ME, and I wasn't overly sentimental about being married in December, and had flexibility, I'd probably want to make my wedding a little earlier so I had more time.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-01 09:27:00
If it makes you feel any better Peach, I'm still waiting too. Not as long as you have, but no touches even on mine since May 4th (after biometrics). Sigh! But like Sapphire said, it's not so bad as long as you have AP and EAD already. Actually, I've even forgotten to check into the USCIS website every day :lol:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-28 16:15:00
LOL Sam! Congrats on best-crossing-ever!

I forgot to mention here that I also received my EAD! Got it on Saturday. HURRAY! :dance:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-14 11:52:00
lol! That's like Sam's experience, getting her green card the day before she was leaving to go back for a visit! Congrats :) Glad that makes everything a lot easier now! lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-06-11 21:43:00