CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..
Hello folks! This is also my first post here in a LONG time. I haven't been here in over a year! How bizarre. So many things to update you all about!

Anyways, I can't file for ROC until May 2012, so I've got a ways to go, but I just wanted to pop in and say hi! I'll be keeping track of this thread in the mean time. Nice to see we're heading towards the 'easy' portions of immigration!!

Best of luck to you all, and I look forward to chatting with you again! ;)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2011-11-20 23:32:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Not that I work out, but I have also heard that working out right before you sleep isn't actually helpful to sleeping.

My husband used to have sleeping issues, and he was taking Melatonin? Have you tried that? It has weird side effects apparently, but really, what doesn't.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-09-28 17:03:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Wow. Gotta love that life lesson. 'Yes kids, you can do whatever the hell you want with complete disregard and disrespect for all other people, simply because you should do what makes YOU happy and no one else'.

Seriously world... create breeding standards and testing requirements for humans... JUST DO IT ALREADY.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-09-08 02:29:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Yeah, I'd have definitely pulled a face on that one. lol Hrmmph... does she know the story behind how that came to be YOUR dog?
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-09-07 02:39:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Companies that are hiring

Just saw this link on msn and decided to post it here.

Someone should make an employment thread. It would be great for all people looking for a job to come in, talk about what they're doing, vent, give advice etc.

Happy searching! I'm sure something will come up for all of those looking.

Done: Employment Thread
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-09-02 17:01:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
McDonald's doesn't hire smart people. They know they'll turn into bitter angry employees and blow up the place. Or pee in the fountain drinks.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-09-01 14:08:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Here's my vent. I had a job interview 2 weeks ago, during which they told me about another position they're hiring for. Then they called me to come in the next day to also interview for yet another position. So there were 3 positions available. They seemed interested, and I wrote 3 separate thank you notes to the 3 different people that I met with. They even followed up with me last week to tell me they were conducting final interviews and I'd hear back soon. After some discussion and thoughts I decided to withdraw my interest in one of the positions. It'd be only part time anyways, with 3 weeks straight working 6 days a week EVERY evening from about 6:30-11pm, and EVERY weekend from about 1pm-11pm. Then after those 3 weeks I'd have a month of NO HOURS at all. Then repeat this cycle, with NO HOURS during summertime either. Still, even with the month of October, no less than 4 things I already had scheduled would conflict with the nights/weekends work of that month. Plus, I'm too old to work those ####### hours again. I've done it before, and no more. It's not like this is something that would've led to a valuable career for me.

Long story short, I sent them a nice email to explain that I respectfully withdraw my interest in that position and would like to remain in consideration for the other 2. Well, they've already filled the other 2 now, and were sorry to hear that I decided not to pursue the other one (which makes me feel like they'd have considered me for it). Either way. I'm irritated. The interviews weren't all that great anyway (they didn't conduct them well at all), but that's another story.

So yeah... I've started to think of other ways to make money, and considered being an Avon Lady. Of course, since I just moved all my potential client base of family and friends is in Canada. In order to sell to them out of the country, I'd have to have the order shipped to me, then send it to them. Which is VERY expensive, and slow... so I can't even do that. LAME.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-30 17:33:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
:( Kathryn, I hope you hear good news about Tristan this afternoon and the surgery is a success at removing what ails him. Do you think that contributed to him losing weight too? Maybe not eating as much, since his mouth might've been hurting.

Either way, crossing my fingers that he is just fine. Will hug my kitties extra for him today. :luv:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-27 13:33:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Sorry, I reread my posts and realized that I really didn't explain what happened.
This person saw the tweet, then emailed me and 3 other volunteers a very rudely worded email, with the references to the 6th grade teacher and a grammar lesson, AND saying it was careless, and asked me to delete it and change it. VERY rudely, inappropriately, and really unwarranted. That's what I'm upset about.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-24 03:58:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

LoL, sorry, but I think you're getting a little too upset over twitter. Seriously, it's just twitter, life will go on, and stupidity on teh interwebz will continue.

I'm not upset about twitter. I'm upset about this person's attitude towards people, and the complete lack of respect they have for the work of VOLUNTEERS. I should have explained that further. It wasn't just some random interwebz fight or anything. But I don't want to reveal too much, cause ya never know who's reading public forums.
I'm not angry about twitter. I am angry about this person. There's some extensive back story to this as well, which I won't even get into on here... but let's say it's not the first time this person has offended me or another volunteer with their ignorance and disrespect. They actually make me not want to volunteer with this organization any longer, but I'm too involved now to just leave without putting a large work load on other people.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-24 01:31:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

I just got compared to a 6th grader, because I used 'them' and 'their' on a recent tweet, instead of 'his/her' and 'him/her'. This is by someone else who volunteers at the dog shelter I am with, who does NOT use twitter, or understand twitter, or even know that we've had a twitter account for the shelter (which has been run by me and only me), since MARCH of this year. IT'S F'ING TWITTER. Not to mention I didn't want to specify a gender in that particular tweet (which has since been deleted). Correcting grammar on TWITTER!? Are you kidding me?! And comparing a hardworking, intelligent VOLUNTEER to a 6th grader, because they are using language acceptable on VERY grammatically INCORRECT Twitter in order to fit 140 characters... I don't !#^$#!&%! think so.

I can't believe that just happened.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-23 19:47:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Ours was $21 this month. :lol: And we have the gas turned off right now, so it will be $0 again. :thumbs:

I just wish cable/internet was cheaper. Sigh.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-23 18:01:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

I can't beat this myself, but I know someone who can...

Over the last year I've become good friends with the morning/noon meteorologist from one of the local TV stations. In order to be in to work in time to prepare his forecasts and graphics for the morning shows starting at 5 AM, he has to be out of bed at 2 AM, and is back in bed again around 8-ish at night. :wacko:

Aww see, I can't do that. The same way waking after 8am is a wasted day for some people, going to bed before 11pm seems like a wasted night to me. :lol:

I could never do that job.. or an early morning radio show or anything. I'd be so sad/cranky. LOL

Speaking of various bills, I remembered that we had the hydro electricity bill today, and paid it, and have a teeny amount of money left over. First time since I moved here that I think we can pay the bills and have money left over, AND don't have to ask for help from the inlaws. lol *happy tear*. Oh wait, this is the vent thread... How's about I'm having trouble getting in touch with EI because they're behind on sending me cards, and thus behind on paying me more $. hmmph
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-23 14:36:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

But....We're concerned! Posted Image

lol Thanks :blush:

My neck feels like 99.9% today, so yay for that!! Other than that, no updates, mostly cause it's the weekend. Sigh.

Oh, and since this is the vent thread, can I just complain that I don't like that this world encourages people to be morning people? lol I have a meeting at 8am tomorrow. It's almost 12:30, and I'm just now really feeling like I should go to bed. I always intend to go to bed about 2 hours before I actually do. I've just never been a morning person, and always a night owl for as long as I can remember... I don't like to sleep til noon, but I also don't like waking up before 8am either :P LOL I like the feeling of accomplishing lots of stuff in the morning though. Sigh. I dunno. Either way... phooey to early Monday morning meetings for VOLUNTEER positions. :wacko:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-23 02:24:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Glad your not being scammed with the phony number, I mentioned it only cause I actually knew ppl who have done it.

Hope you keep feeling better.

Yeah I can imagine. :( That would suck. I'd be really pissed. LOL
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-22 22:37:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Can we stop talking about my accident? :P LOL But first.... I do appreciate the concern/stories of similar cases.
My neck actually feels tons better today than yesterday, and I have full range of motion with just slight pain when I turn my head all the way to the right. I haven't had any headaches since an hour or two after the accident (and regularly I get about 2-3 headaches a week anyway... haha!) And now it's 2 days after the accident, so for tomorrow and Monday, time will tell.

Also, we don't have health insurance yet (my husband JUST got signed on with his company 2 wks ago, and the insurance doesn't kick in til Sept 1st), and obviously can't pay out of pocket. However, via our auto insurance we have some minimal medical coverage ($5K), and some uninsured motorist coverage in case the guy doesn't own up, so we can use that to get the car fixed if it even really needs it, and my rates still won't go up (this has been confirmed by two different people with my insurance company) since I was not at fault. We're taking it in for an estimate on Monday. I know we definitely don't have 8K of damages on the car because our car isn't even worth that much. LOL So, with those things in place, and the guy being at fault (also meaning he can't come after me to pay for anything), we can't really get screwed. I also have the contact info for two witnesses at the scene who will back me up. There's no way my insurance will be footing the bill for his damages.

I talked over various scenarios with my insurance company, and they said not to bother filing a report with the police now, cause they won't care. I'll repeat: I did not have a cell, so I couldn't call anyone at the scene anyways. The guy gave me his driver's license and I copied down his home address, so if need be, my insurance company will also be mailing him a letter. Whether it's the most current address or not, who knows, but it showed a level of cooperation on his part anyway. My insurance agent has called him twice, and she says his voicemail machine does say 'Hi this is (his name)'... so unless he sets up fake voicemail too, I think the # is legit. LOL
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-21 21:32:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
My vent is all the Bieber videos taking over this thread :P

Also, apparently we don't have health insurance coverage until September 1st, so I can't go to the dr. about my neck hurting from yesterday. And the stupid dude that hit me hasn't replied to me or my insurance agent yet. Oh joy. This is turning out to be fun. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-20 17:27:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
wow..... First of all I think that was ridiculous. lol 2nd, I wonder if it was fake. Not that they knew she was faking it, but that she (the 3 yr old), just wanted the attention.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-20 14:00:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
You could also try Target or JCPenney for swim trunks Marilyn.

And ugh... Justin Bieber. He's a worse embarrassment to Canada than Celine Dion. Why is is all the crappy 'pop' stars from Canada become internationally famous easily, but the awesome indie rock bands usually don't?
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-20 13:06:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

What is a NOID?

My vent is that at 12:10 this morning, my 80 year old grandpa passed away. </3

:( I'm sorry Kayleigh (F)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-13 13:55:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
One sad thing I've learned in life is that high school drama does not end in high school. :(

I hope that once your work-friend gets over her initial shock and upsettedness (word.) that she'll be more open to talking about it and you can explain that you didn't want her to quit so you kept your mouth shut.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-06 14:46:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Charles, I would say that passive aggressive signs like that will have the opposite effect. I too am amazed at how some people seem to miss the toilet, or fail to flush. But when you put up a sign like that, some people will go out of their way just to piss you off.

Pun intended? :lol:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-03 13:46:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Oh geez... I'm sorry Tick Tock *hugs* (F)
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-08-01 12:45:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
I think I've mentioned the ticket my husband got here in February? It was $280!! Just for supposedly a rolling stop at a stop sign at 11pm when NO ONE WAS AROUND. yeah don't get me started.

Anyways, we have done some medicating on the cats for fleas, but not much progress yet, so we're going to put some more on this weekend, and do more vacuuming and laundry again I expect. :( I can only be glad that Kitty is not as stealthy as Finnegan. It's so weird going from being so used to a cat that NEVER ever goes up on the counter, to one that... uh... well you saw. :P
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-29 17:16:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
So, I successfully did 3 loads of laundry, dishes, watered the plants, and picked up all the leaves from our balcony (we have a tree who's branches have ended up right above our balcony... great for shade, horrible because it has huge leaves that drop on our balcony, so we have to clean it basically every other day). I feel like I should do more housework today, but meh!

Here's my next rant. My cat Finnegan is a brat. (I actually find this hilarious.. IF he didn't still have fleas... he's always trying to get in the cupboards... we've had to install child-locks on some of them... it's gross w/ the flea thing. lol)
See evidence: We also find some of those red grassy things from that basket on the floor, which is how we know he's up there other times as well. We've since moved the basket.
Posted Image
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-29 15:42:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
omg lgg, that sucks :( I'm so sorry. That really seems unfair of them to disqualify you for that. You were trying to be SAFE! I just had my driver's test on Tuesday, and actually it was pretty funny. I remember asking the examiner if he would tell me ahead of time where to go, and he joked that he would unless he zoned out or something and wasn't paying attention (lol!) and if that happens to just keep going and he'd tell us how to get back to where we need to go! People miss turns and get lost all the time. She should've been able to just tell you how to readjust back to where you needed to go. UGH! that bites. :(
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-29 13:38:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Thanks Tick Tock, that's a good idea to ask for a copy. Probably a good thing to have whenever I can get around to looking for an actual regular doctor here too.

Since they're one of the CS offices listed on the USCIS website, I imagine they are familiar with these cases... I would hope (we're in a high-immigrant area), and the lady I spoke with on the phone seemed to understand importance of the deadline at least. It just seems so much longer because I have to wait past the weekend as well. Sigh.

On the plus side, I have more time to do laundry/dishes/other housework today... yay? :blink:
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-29 12:36:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
AAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :girlwerewolf2xn: :girlwerewolf2xn: :diablo: :diablo: :protest: :protest: :ranting: :ranting: :angry: :angry: :dead:

They JUST called after I posted that last msg, to reschedule my exam. The Dr's out sick today. How convenient. They just returned from 2 weeks vacation which I've already been waiting for.

So now I have to go in on Monday instead, but at least should be able to get the paperwork the same day, according to the lady I talked to (when I expressed my anxiety about my upcoming deadline).

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-29 11:18:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
haha... for a second I thought you were going to talk about the people who insist on driving w/ a dog in their lap, cause I know that's one of my pet peeves... ugh.

My vent today is one I've shared before. I am going to get my medical done... AGAIN... today... :angry: Hopefully they know what they're doing. I don't like that these things are all sent in sealed envelopes. I've lost my trust in people in this process knowing what they're doing. Anyways, I'm bringing the I-693 which I printed off myself (there's a new edition dated 7/20/10), and my RFE paper, and my receipt from my medical in T.O. (which I plan to send in, for no other reason except to be like 'YEAH, I DID get the medical done already, you jerks!'), and a copy of my vaccination records, and the results of my x-ray (not the x-ray itself, just the paper saying there's nothing wrong)... so, hopefully they don't need anything else. good f'ing times.

I also have to do several loads of laundry AND an over full amount of dishes (we have no dishwasher), so that'll be fun to look forward to this afternoon. :(
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-29 11:10:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
I remember when I first came to SB I couldn't stand some of the drivers, but now I think I've gotten used to it, and it's not so bad here. London had pretty bad drivers actually. I developed severe road rage in London. :lol: Here, not so much. So that's a good sign I think. haha
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-29 09:23:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

On a positive note---ur a lot luckier than that squirrel!! Hope it all works out for the best!

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-23 20:03:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Thanks Kimbear *hugs* I appreciate that. Honestly.

And thanks Sprail. I suggested that he talk to some people on Monday (everyone important to talk to about it happened to be out of the office this afternoon... UGH... what a way to spend the weekend). I'm just also upset that no one told him he was actually going for a job interview. He didn't prepare, was caught off guard, and didn't interview as well as he could have had he known, so he's not feeling very confident about it. sigh. Seriously, I can't believe this #######. I also had some frustrating personal news this morning that I won't get into cause it's just whiny. .. but yeah.

OH, and then on the way home from getting my husband at work I watched a squirrel get hit by a car (not us, the guy behind us). :( So... that was great.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-23 19:34:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

well i know the last time i dealt with a placement agency, mind you this was in Canada still, they basically took money off your pay, or your employer did as they had to pay the placement agency for getting you hired. This lasted for a specific period of time. Not sure if that is how it works down here.

I'm sure it is here too. He's not getting paid as much right now as he would be by being hired on by the company. Still doesn't explain why they're doing the hiring process this way though. It seems extremely unfair.

Again, I'm seriously upset by this. I thought them telling him over and over that he's doing such a great job, and telling him to make sure he applies for his job, was basically strong hints that he was going to get hired on. That's certainly the impression he was left with, from what I could tell. I know he didn't know that they were interviewing other people and accepting outside resumes. Now it really doesn't seem to be the case that he's an obvious choice.

I'm thinking we'll end up moving back to Canada if he ends up losing this job. We just can NOT deal with both of us being unemployed again. Over 5 months right off the bat when I arrived here was more than enough. We're STILL playing catch up as it is. I know we'll end up both unemployed in Canada too, but I just don't want to deal with this place anymore. I also know I'm hypothetically planning for something that might not happen, but I'm just really angry. I've had enough.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-23 16:09:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

That really does suck, not sure how placement agencies work.
Maybe they have to post the job. I know when I worked in Canada all the positions where advertised internally first and then they posted it for all to apply. The thing was it always went to someone internal.

That's a good point.. I've heard of that happening as well. This one they posted publicly on their website though, before even interviewing him or deciding if he was right for the job, so right off the bat he's in competition with outsiders.

I shouldn't entirely be surprised. The guy he replaced was completely unaware that they were going behind his back to recruit for his position... which I think is why it initially went through a placement agency, but I don't know.

Someone really needs to do something about California's labour laws that allow companies to randomly fire employees without warning or reason.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-23 15:56:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

I believe in some cases----if that company hires him outright--they know owe that placement company $$$$$$$$. So it may be cheaper for them to just hire someone else!

The company has already hired THREE people from the very same placement agency that he went through. So I know that's not the case either. :(
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-23 15:45:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

"Pooled in with all these random stupid people"... :lol:

Maybe they're looking for someone with the most experience and they don't want to overlook any options.

Ya know, I'd maybe buy that if they hadn't already interviewed him when he got the job. The company interviewed him initially as well as the placement agency interviewing him. He GOT the job. He's WORKING the job!! And he's been told repeatedly he's doing awesome at it. So to find someone with the most experience and it NOT be him, is f'ing ridiculous.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-23 15:36:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Does anyone have any experience with getting a job through a placement agency?

My husband is currently going through a placement agency for his job, and was told they're hiring on through the actual company now. Since he's trained, doing a GREAT job (as he's been told by SEVERAL colleagues), and THEY told him to apply for it, I thought that it was just a paperwork formality but apparently not. They've actually posted his job on their website and are accepting applications and interviewing other people off the street. So he's pooled in with all these random stupid ppl who've applied for the job he's doing NOW. The worst part is that the people doing the hiring aren't even the people he works with, who KNOW what a great job he's been doing. They're off somewhere at a different office out of the country! He already had to go through an extensive interview and background check just to get this job in the first place. None of his current HR people warned him that this would be the case either, so he just had a formal interview that he wasn't even prepared for (he thought it was just a casual video conference to discuss things with the other office).

I've never had a job through a placement agency before, and neither has he. Is this process normal? We're both actually really upset by this (hence this being in the vent thread). I still haven't been able to find a job (and still don't have AOS approved, due to their medical issue), so if he becomes unemployed AGAIN, I'm not sure what we'll do at this point....
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-23 15:00:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
How funny... I came on here to make a 'T.G.F.V.J.' post as well.

First of all, to those of you going through such hard times *hugs*. I am so sorry, and send you strength.

As for me, I have a vent related to people who just DON'T GET IT. I use Facebook as a venting ground as well, and today, amongst other ####### that's happened that most of you know 'most' about, I found out something else I have to get from Canada now. So naturally, I bitched about it on FB (in very generic terms as I usually do without detail on there... such as telling someone to never move to the U.S. because it's not worth it.. lol). Anyways... one of my friends made some comment about my negativity, and I about lost it. So instead I ignored her and responded to the people who DIDN'T complain about me complaining. lol

SO... in short. Thanks VJ... for not being b!tches about us needing to b!tch.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-19 18:32:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
It's funny (kind of) that quite a few of us seem to be writing or updating resumes. We should start a 'resume tips' thread. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-12 01:35:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH #$)%(*&@#($%)#&@!)$!&#)$&!#)%*&!#)%(&!#)(*%&!#)($*@#)(*%&#$)%*&$#@!)%&~@)$*^%&!#$)^(&!#$)(^&!#^&!#$^

:girlwerewolf2xn: :cry: :ranting: :( :angry: :huh: :bonk: :wacko: :crying: :wow: :help:

That is all.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2010-07-07 16:34:00