CanadaK1/K3/H-2B/E3/DCF... WTF. Help please.
oh... p.s. if no one's noticed yet, I'm horrible at making decisions tongue.gif LOL And am also stubborn. laughing.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-04-08 10:22:00
CanadaK1/K3/H-2B/E3/DCF... WTF. Help please.
QUOTE (thetreble @ Apr 8 2009, 10:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I'm glad you are getting our points, Ashen. Many people come here that ask questions but don't like to hear the answers to them. Also, most people want to do it the "easy" way.

As I said before, I visited the US, got engaged, married, filed AOS. But again, that was NOT easy. I sat on my ####### for 11 months throughout the whole process because there are certain stipulations.

Any ways, the most important thing to know is that so many think life will get magically better or change for them once they move. And usually, it's the exact opposite so that is why so many of us are just trying to slow down your thought process. It doesn't seem you've even been dating for an overly long time to so can I ask how old you are? It's not a judgment, I am just curious to know. Just don't rush this process, just like you wouldn't rush into getting married. It's a really big deal.

Aye, we do feel like we are rushing a bit as is, and wish there was a way where we could do things like a 'normal' relationship, but I don't think anyone on this board has had that 'normal' experience.... lol So you understand. smile.gif

I am 28, and my b/f is 32. We have thought, and hummed and hawwed about whether we should get married in this situation, because you're right, we really HAVEN'T been dating all that long... but ultimately we love each other, get along great in person and in conversation (i.e., internet/phone while apart). I know we could make it work, and would commit to making it work (which is... well... a commited marriage. lol). I've had two other 'serious' relationships in the past, and can't help but compare (though I know we should never compare with the past), and am very confident that I'd be happy with him the rest of my life.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-04-08 10:12:00
CanadaK1/K3/H-2B/E3/DCF... WTF. Help please.
QUOTE (Krikit @ Apr 8 2009, 10:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Apr 8 2009, 10:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Honestly though, your comment is the first I've really heard that I actually could just visit there for the last 2-3 months of processing and come back for the interview.

Ahem! *points downward*


QUOTE (Krikit @ Apr 7 2009, 10:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You are not prevented from entering the US while waiting for your visa to be processed.

Visitation FAQ's

CBP FAQ - Canadian Visitors

LOL!! yes yes... but I for some reason wasn't putting together the possibility of staying there for longer than a couple weeks. blush.gif I think it was one of those things where I thought 'pssh, noooo that seems to easy'.. and well, yes they could easily turn me away, but I'd be no worse off than I was before really. lol

Edited by ashenflowers, 08 April 2009 - 09:23 AM.

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-04-08 09:19:00
CanadaK1/K3/H-2B/E3/DCF... WTF. Help please.
QUOTE (Krikit @ Apr 8 2009, 10:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Apr 8 2009, 09:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh I know... I'm fully aware that I will end up unemployed for a few months, and will feel very isolated having moved away from friends and family (aside from my b/fs parents who also live in California). My b/f did the same thing last year before we met, as he used to live in Canada as well. But I think the difference is that we'll be through "most" of this stupid process by then, and that really takes a lot of worry out of it. And I've actually been WANTING to move away from here for a number of years. I'm not naive enough to think that it will be puppies and rainbows right away when I get there. lol The b/f and I have already discussed what sorts of things I could do to entertain myself and prevent myself from going I think that's part of why I wouldn't want to be stuck at my parents house, because having to go through that in Canada AND after I move will be frustrating.

I'm not looking for pity, by any means, I'm just wanting to talk about my situation I guess and get an understanding of things. I know all of you have been through a lot to get through this process, so it's probably annoying to hear from someone like me. I too find it frustrating to know that there ARE people who go against everything and just move on a whim and stay there illegally (I personally know 2 people who've done it that way, and it's annoying.. lol... oh, my b/f is not one of them btw... haha he's perfectly legal wink.gif ).

"Being aware of it" vs "living with the reality of it" are poles apart. Let's bookmark this page. I'd love to hear how it's going for you about six months into immigration. I'm hoping my words don't sound harsh. It's hard to convey empathy and understanding on a message board. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just.....

Oh forget it. There are some things which you just have to experience for yourself. laughing.gif

LOL!! No worries Krikit... I know what you're trying to say, and I appreciate it. It's one of those things that someone would probably think 'I really wish someone had warned me about this', so I appreciate your warnings. wink.gif Message board discussions can be tough, and even reading my own responses over i'm like.. 'oh god, I must sound like such an idiot'. lol

I'm really glad to have found this forum though. At least I have someone to share my experiences with who have some idea of what I'm talking about. star_smile.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-04-08 09:10:00
CanadaK1/K3/H-2B/E3/DCF... WTF. Help please.
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Apr 8 2009, 09:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I mean this in the nicest way, but I honestly think you are glossing over the options we are giving you because you don't like our answers. You need to be realistic about timelines if you want to immigrate there legally and long term.

Realistically a H2B visa is likely impossible to attain. With no higher education and special skills a work visa is pretty much impossible for almost any one of us. Even if by some stroke of luck you were able to get a work visa... it would only be temporary and may cause you problems down the road. Not all work visas allow for someone to get a greencard and stay long term. There are a lot of things you're not taking into consideration. with a work visa.

Your intentions are very clear in this post. You want to immigrate there to live there for the long term. You need to realize that you have some really great options that will get you there permanently in less than a year. That is a pretty amazing option if you ask me.

If you have to leave wherever you are living in August, like thetreble said, you don't HAVE to go home. Sublease an appartment, stay with a friend, keep you current apartment month to month? There are options. Heck you could even go visit your bf for 2-3 months at the end while you are waiting, as long as it doesn't go over the 6 month visitor allowance - no one is stopping you as long as you get through the border with some ties to Canada. You could just come back for the interview. All we're trying to say is that living at home, isolated or not, will not be the end of the world. Especially if it's only for a few months.

And, regardless of how often you get see eachother, when there is an end in sight it's amazing how fast the time goes.

I've already realized the work visa is not a possibility now, so that's out. lol And yes, I know I am glossing over the answers because I am not hearing what I 'want' to... I AM taking in all of the information though, and it is helping me filter through what I need to do, and what I can or can't realisitcally expect, so, even if it's not what I want to hear, it's still helpful to me. smile.gif Whether it's giving me hope, or just giving me a realistic outlook. I'm not sure if you saw my reply explaining why i'd likely be moving with my parents, but I won't repeat. I know I'm being a bit dramatic about that situation, but unfortunately my frustration is just coming out in here. lol

Honestly though, your comment is the first I've really heard that I actually could just visit there for the last 2-3 months of processing and come back for the interview. That's kind of what I DID want to hear LOL! I mean, I've realized that I could go to visit, but never realized that it would be possible to go that long while waiting for processing I guess, because to me, that feels like 'moving'. That was a bit of a 'duh' moment, but I was having a hard time figuring out if that's something i'd actually be 'allowed' to do... but yeah, if I am allowed to go there to 'visit', I can't see why I couldn't for the last little bit. Ok, ok, I did it again. I pounced on something I wanted to hear... lol tongue.gif

ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-04-08 09:03:00
CanadaK1/K3/H-2B/E3/DCF... WTF. Help please.
QUOTE (thetreble @ Apr 8 2009, 08:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krikit @ Apr 8 2009, 08:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Apr 8 2009, 08:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I feel that I should clarify that my issue with moving to my parents isn't so much the 'living with parents issue', as I do actually like my parents... lol but, it's the having to move away from friends and lose my job, and live in a very isolated situation for a few months (my parents live an hour and a 1/2 away from where I currently live, in a very small town). That's the part that bothers me, as it won't be a good experience, and I will have NO money as I'll be unemployed (there's no way I'd find a job in that area on a good day, let alone with everyone losing their jobs around here lately). Yes yes, that sounds whiny.... lol.. but I just know that being thrown into an unemployed/isolated situation in the midst of this experience, and STILL without my man, will be difficult to deal with.

Sadly, the reasons you give, above, are exactly the situation you will find yourself in when you immigrate. I know you can't appreciate that now - prior to moving - but you will when you get here. Maybe take a look at the Moving to America threads to give you an idea. It's a hard road to take.

Thank you, Krikit. That was the exact same response I was going to give Ashen after her post.

Ashen, many of us are under the assumption that once we move to be with our significant others, it will be SO amazing. And while it is no doubt great to live with them finally, many of us found it COMPLETELY isolating. What do you do all day while he is at work and you really have no where to go? There is only so much that can occupy you until you can start to feel a bit useless. It can be so lonely doing everything on your own.

Plus, why do you have to live with your parents? I'm not understanding it here. You don't have to move in with your parents if you don't want to and can support yourself as you are right now.

The only reason I moved in with my parents is because I had no other place to go and it was a good option for saving money. But it wasn't super necessary.

It goes beyond the rules and red tape of immigration. My emotional state was completely rocked that I even fought with my husband several times a weak. Various times I threatened to move home, packed a suit case, brought it to my car and just cried in it for hours. California is a long way from Ontario and I get the comfort of seeing my friends and family quite a few times a year since I only live in New Jersey. But I'm under the assumption that once you move, your visits may be infrequent. Just be careful in your decision making process. It's not the immigration process that is always the hardest to deal with, some times it's the part that comes afterward that can become a personal hell.

I replied to Kirkit as well already... but to explain your question, and my situation: I would actually have to move to my parents house if the 'delay' is longer than a couple months because in September there are already people lined up to move into the place that I live currently. I can't actually afford to support myself on my own if I move somewhere in this city temporarily, which is why the solution would likely be to move to my parents house. I am currently working out other options, but that is most likely, as I too would have no where else to go... right now I live with 2 roommates, which is the only way I can afford to be here as it is. It will be very hard to find someone else who would be willing to support me for a couple of months.
Also, my parents are moving out of Canada next year as well, and my brother is moving out of Canada with his family in August. My entire family happens to be moving out of here (other than aunts/uncles and what not)... so I would really have nothing to move back to here, and nothing to come back to visit. I've already spent a lot of time thinking this through and crying over the situation, and I know it's not over.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-04-08 08:15:00
CanadaK1/K3/H-2B/E3/DCF... WTF. Help please.
QUOTE (Krikit @ Apr 8 2009, 08:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Apr 8 2009, 08:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I feel that I should clarify that my issue with moving to my parents isn't so much the 'living with parents issue', as I do actually like my parents... lol but, it's the having to move away from friends and lose my job, and live in a very isolated situation for a few months (my parents live an hour and a 1/2 away from where I currently live, in a very small town). That's the part that bothers me, as it won't be a good experience, and I will have NO money as I'll be unemployed (there's no way I'd find a job in that area on a good day, let alone with everyone losing their jobs around here lately). Yes yes, that sounds whiny.... lol.. but I just know that being thrown into an unemployed/isolated situation in the midst of this experience, and STILL without my man, will be difficult to deal with.

Sadly, the reasons you give, above, are exactly the situation you will find yourself in when you immigrate. I know you can't appreciate that now - prior to moving - but you will when you get here. Maybe take a look at the Moving to America threads to give you an idea. It's a hard road to take.

Oh I know... I'm fully aware that I will end up unemployed for a few months, and will feel very isolated having moved away from friends and family (aside from my b/fs parents who also live in California). My b/f did the same thing last year before we met, as he used to live in Canada as well. But I think the difference is that we'll be through "most" of this stupid process by then, and that really takes a lot of worry out of it. And I've actually been WANTING to move away from here for a number of years. I'm not naive enough to think that it will be puppies and rainbows right away when I get there. lol The b/f and I have already discussed what sorts of things I could do to entertain myself and prevent myself from going I think that's part of why I wouldn't want to be stuck at my parents house, because having to go through that in Canada AND after I move will be frustrating.

I'm not looking for pity, by any means, I'm just wanting to talk about my situation I guess and get an understanding of things. I know all of you have been through a lot to get through this process, so it's probably annoying to hear from someone like me. I too find it frustrating to know that there ARE people who go against everything and just move on a whim and stay there illegally (I personally know 2 people who've done it that way, and it's annoying.. lol... oh, my b/f is not one of them btw... haha he's perfectly legal wink.gif).
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-04-08 08:03:00
CanadaK1/K3/H-2B/E3/DCF... WTF. Help please.
Thanks for your responses! smile.gif I know I won't be able to get a work visa now, so that's out of the question sadly, but it's good to know that it's not a wise idea anyways, and something to avoid. wacko.gif

I feel that I should clarify that my issue with moving to my parents isn't so much the 'living with parents issue', as I do actually like my parents... lol but, it's the having to move away from friends and lose my job, and live in a very isolated situation for a few months (my parents live an hour and a 1/2 away from where I currently live, in a very small town). That's the part that bothers me, as it won't be a good experience, and I will have NO money as I'll be unemployed (there's no way I'd find a job in that area on a good day, let alone with everyone losing their jobs around here lately). Yes yes, that sounds whiny.... lol.. but I just know that being thrown into an unemployed/isolated situation in the midst of this experience, and STILL without my man, will be difficult to deal with.

Danu - Are they really processing the petitions in 30-60 days?? I mean, according to your timeline yes, but that seems unbelieveable! LOL The information I was finding online said they were taking 6 months. I realize that's likely just an 'average', but that is the timeline we were basing everything on. Waiting until October is a little more doable than waiting til December/January (I know it's just a matter of a few months, but still). Funny that we're both going Ontario -> California. I know they're both highly populated, so the chances aren't THAT slim, but still, kinda neat wink.gif
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-04-08 07:00:00
CanadaK1/K3/H-2B/E3/DCF... WTF. Help please.
QUOTE (trailmix @ Apr 7 2009, 07:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey we have a place right here if you want to vent! laughing.gif Canada forum vent thread

Oh and i'm surprised you said there was conflicting info in our responses - I don't see that smile.gif

Anyhoo, H2B is out of the question for now - it has been capped already for the 2nd half of fiscal year 2009.

WASHINGTON—U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced today that it has
received a sufficient number of petitions to reach the congressionally mandated H-2B cap for the second
half of Fiscal Year 2009 (FY2009). USCIS is hereby notifying the public that Jan. 7, 2009 was the “final
receipt date” for new H-2B worker petitions requesting employment start dates prior to October 1, 2009.
The “final receipt date” is the date on which USCIS determines that it has received enough cap-subject
petitions to reach the limit of 33,000 H-2B workers for the second half of FY2009. link

Well, the only 'conflict' I really felt was whether or not I could do the work visa initially. But you definitely answered that.... lol! Thanks
Otherwise it was good smile.gif Well, not 'good', but very helpful.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-04-07 18:45:00
CanadaK1/K3/H-2B/E3/DCF... WTF. Help please.
Thanks everyone for your responses and your welcomes. smile.gif If I replied directly to all of them you'd go nuts with the amount of stuff I have to say, and I would likely end up just ranting about my personal situation (such as moving to live with my parents temporarily might not seem like the end of the world on the surface, but in doing just that I would lose my job, move away from all my friends, and go back to living in a stupid town of 4000 with nothing to do, no friends, no job, no money... hmm.. sounds a bit like what would happen if I moved to the US without being able to work anyway... lol).

But I do appreciate all your willingness to help, and would like to touch on a few details for anyone else who might read this. I felt there was some conflicting information in the responses from you all, but I'm not surprised, given the ridiculous depth of the visa process.

We have been looking into this since January, and ideally the petition for the K-1 should've been filed ASAP (i.e. February at the latest) but it was not... I will not place blame or point fingers as to why that didn't happen yet, but that part is out of my hands. Anyway, we've read a lot of info on various websites, and it's all becoming a bit of a blur. But, I do remember that there is a subcategory of work visa that applies for people who do not have any specific skills or qualifications. It's a bit of a catch all, for anyone who wants to get a work visa, though only a certain number are issued each year I guess. Seems a bit strange, but it's out there (or rather, "here" is where i found some info http://travel.state....types_1271.html lol.. specifically the H-2B visa). That would be the one I would be attempting to get, but feel a bit concerned about doing so now.

My b/f works for a very small company (4 employees), and I was able to meet his boss on my last visit. I know that doesn't make a difference, but it just makes it all the more frustrating to know that there are people that want to help me, but can't. Though I do understand that he would have to prove why no one else could really do the job he'd be offering to me, and that'd be unlikely.

We are also looking into the possibility of my b/f moving back to Canada in the mean time, and file for everything up here together. But then HE'D have to give up HIS job, and his boss is offering to give him the business when he retires in a few years, so that seems like a stupid move to make him lose that opportunity.

I almost wish I could just go there on a whim as a vistor and pretend I didn't know what I was doing... Unfortunately researching and doing things properly seems to work AGAINST people. Go figure. huh.gif

Reading some people's time lines here, I know a lot of you have gone through huge gaps in between your visits. My b/f and I are in the midst of a 4 month gap, which by comparison to a year or something isn't bad, but still sucks... and I have no clue when I'll get to see him again after this next visit. So, if I might say, for those of you who are done this stupid process and are WITH your significant others, count yourselves to be the lucky ones, and I'm glad your hard work paid off for you. I can't wait to join you, in that regard.
To us who are still apart from our loved ones, well, I'll search around this forum and find a spot where I can rant/whine about that with you. lol... if there isn't one, I'll blog about it or something.. LOL

haha great... for saying that I didn't want to reply to everything I more or less did anyways, or at least went on a long winded reply. Whoops.

Thanks again though everyone. Hopefully next time we can discuss a more positive sounding topic. lol
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-04-07 17:44:00
CanadaK1/K3/H-2B/E3/DCF... WTF. Help please.
Hi everyone,
I assure I did look around this forum, as well as the canuckabroad website before posting here. I did find some bit and pieces of great information here and there, however as each situation is different I still have confusion surrounding what to do and what I could 'get away with'. I'd love some direct help if anyone is willing to help me and answer a question they've already been asked 100 times probably.

Here's some info (I tried to look through and bold the questions/important parts afterward, if you want to ignore the rest):

My b/f (fiancé) is a dual citizen of Canada and the US. He actually used to live in the same city as me, but we didn't know each other at the time (ain't life cruel?)... He moved to California in April of 2008. We met in August of 2008 when he came up to visit some mutual friends. We officially started 'dating' in October when he returned to visit me, and I went to visit him in January for 2 weeks. I'm going to try to move to California in August of this year so we can be together (that's the dream anyways). In the mean time, he's coming here to visit again in May.

I am Canadian, living in Ontario. I do have a 2 year college diploma, but from what I've seen I'd really only qualify for a H2-B or E3 work visa. I don't have any special 'skills' and am not a 'professional' (I don't even work in the same industry as what my diploma is for anymore). His boss would be willing to sponsor me for a work visa from my understanding though.

Option 1)
We ARE willing to get married/elope/whatever to move the process along if necessary. I know this is sketchy, but is it actually FEASIBLE for me to go there in August without visa, then we get married, and apply for AOS/EAD/Advance Parole (re-entry permit) at that point? I'm waiting for a chorus of 'no, you'll be banned/denied'... but surely, people have done this under the whole 'Canadians can go there up to 6 months without visa' deal.
We ARE getting married out of love... we just want to be together so might have to expedite the inevitable. Going the route of the K-1 visa or even K-3 would take 10 months to a year probably before I could go there, and lets face it... we all know long distance relationships suck, and we don't want to be apart anymore. To add to the frustration, I won't have anywhere to live in Canada come September unless I move back in with my parents... (which I'd really rather not because I'd lose my job in Canada anyways as they don't live in the same city as me) sigh.

Option 2)
If I go to the US under the aforementioned sponsored work visa, could I then apply for AOS immediately and start the ball on permanent resident if we still got married right away? Or would you recommend waiting for a month or two then applying for permanent status... or would that just not work anyways? I kind of feel like this is a bit 'safer', because at least I'd be entering with a visa at least, instead of on the basis of being a 'visitor'... I don't know.

Option 3)
Since he is dual citizen, what's this DCF business? Will that really speed things along? Could we apply for that when he's in Canada next month? Does he really have to be LIVING in Canada for us to do that? It seems so much faster...

I should add... I know it seems simple to say 'why doesn't he just move back to Canada while you file a K1 or K3', but that's really a last resort. He sacrificed a lot to leave his life in Canada to move there, and really likes California (HELLO it's California! lol). He also has a good job that he doesn't want to have to leave behind. I, on the other hand, hate my job, am not really attached to where I am right now and really need a change... so that's why I'm the one that would be moving instead of him.

If Canadians can enter the US for 6 months without a visa, why do they prevent us from entering while waiting for visas and things to process? I'm not going to work illegally in the US... I just want to be with my future husband... It's not our fault their dumb system takes so long to get things processed...

Also, If I end up not being able to work for a few months upon my arrival in the US (depending on how we decide to apply), would I still be able to volunteer? I'd be bored out of my skull and would be interested in helping the local zoo or animal shelter to keep 'busy', but am not sure if that'd be allowed legally. Would I be able to take any classes, like 'free' ones at local community centres or something as well?

Sorry for that long winded, loaded question. lol Based on YOUR experiences, and what I posted about my situation, what do you think my best options are?
Thanks in advance for your input, help, or sympathies.
ashenflowersFemaleCanada2009-04-07 07:04:00