Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-797C, NOA
Last week we received my I-797C, Notice of Action. It's the letter that extends my condition green card for one year. So is it safe to say that we won't need to send in more evidence?? We just been assuming that we'd have to, but this letter has be hoping otherwise. Was our evidence sufficient then?
cdngrlFemaleCanada2009-06-24 22:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGot my biometrics letter!
Thank you! That was great information. And my local support center is opened on Saturday, so I'm going to try to get an earlier appointment.
cdngrlFemaleCanada2009-07-06 22:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGot my biometrics letter!
I received my Biometrics notification today. My appointment is July 27, 2009.
Does my husband have to attend as well, or just me (the green card holder)?
Also, does this mean that we submitted enough evidence? If so, that's wonderful!
Anything else I should know?
cdngrlFemaleCanada2009-07-06 19:08:00
CanadaEntered the US from Canada while K-1 pending
I used to when I was younger, but I've gotten rather impatient in my old age and just eat 'em by the handful biggrin.gif
RebaFemale02008-02-17 16:28:00
CanadaEntered the US from Canada while K-1 pending
QUOTE (Crikey! @ Feb 17 2008, 02:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Reba @ Feb 17 2008, 11:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Then he asked me if I had any candy for him (it was the day after Halloween) and when I said he could have some of my Smarties I'd just bought at duty free, he said "enjoy your stay" and off I went to my gate. I never went to secondary.

But the important question is..... did he take the Smarties? laughing.gif

Thankfully no! I like my Smarties! ;)
RebaFemale02008-02-17 16:17:00
CanadaEntered the US from Canada while K-1 pending
They know how often and for how long you visit the US. If you visit often, or stay for long periods, they will become suspicious. If you're ever dragged into secondary, that'll be recorded and will come up every time you cross at later dates.

I used to travel to the US fairly frequently for work, and the company I worked for had an unwritten policy to tell their employees to lie at the border until such time that employee was denied entry, and then, and only then, would they get that employee a proper visa. I was going over every other week for a week or 2 at a time, and finally when I was on my way for yet another trip (this time to a customer site!) they finally got fed up with me and denied me entry. The company had to get me a visa.

HOWEVER, on subsequent trips to the US when I was coming for personal reasons only ie: to visit my boyfriend/fiance/husband, I was allowed entry. Only after being dragged into secondary so they could rifle thru my things to make sure I didn't have any business materials with me. I used to deliberately carry stuff with me that in no way could ever be construed as to be business related. Unless one was employed in the sex trade! whistling.gif

After I was laid off from that job, and the visa I had was no longer valid, I came across for an extended holiday and stayed 5 months. My return ticket was dated for 3 months, but I changed it not long after I got here. At that time the border official asked me the purpose of my trip, and how long I'd be staying. I said "extended vacation to spend the winter with my husband" He asked how I intended to finance this extended vacation and I said "I was recently laid off from my job and was given a rather generous severance package". Then he asked me if I had any candy for him (it was the day after Halloween) and when I said he could have some of my Smarties I'd just bought at duty free, he said "enjoy your stay" and off I went to my gate. I never went to secondary.
RebaFemale02008-02-17 11:44:00
CanadaCanadian/American Flag
Hi Atlantis :D
RebaFemale02006-10-04 06:43:00
CanadaCanadian/American Flag
that's the flag I mentioned before, bought at dollar stores pretty much anywhere in Canada. Sharon and Zen found them in Montreal and suburbs, my Mum found them in Ajax, Ontario, and someone else has found them out in BC (can't remember who that was). I'm sure you'll find them somewhere. Most likely around the time of July 1st and July 4th holidays, but maybe at other times as well. Have a look around.
RebaFemale02006-10-02 18:29:00
CanadaCanadian/American Flag
I have about half a dozen of them. Not available in the US, but can be found in some dollar stores in Canada in the summer time before our national holidays in July. Sharon and Zen found a bunch in Montreal, and then about a year later my Mum found some in a dollar store in Ajax I think it was.

They're not full size flags tho, just the size mentioned above, like you can put on your car window. They're novelty flags, and go against all flag flying etiquette of not just the US but also Canada and any other country who has a flag. But :P we can wave them if we want. ;)

Proper flag etiquette is that the flag of the country where you are (in my case for the moment would be US) is the largest, and/or on the highest pole. Flags of other countries should be smaller, or and/or on a shorter pole, or on the same pole as host country, but below. Flags should be raised at dawn, and lowered at dusk, and *never* flown during bad weather. This goes for state/provincial flags, as well as country flags.

Flags should be retired and replaced when they start to show wear or get torn. Flags should also not be flown upside down, this is the signal that you've been attacked and invaded. So unless you've been attacked and invaded, your flag should always be upright. For those unfamiliar, (like the colour guard in Atlanta :P ) the Canadian maple leaf should be flown all points UP.

If you Must hang a Canadian flag vertically or use it as a curtain on a window, it should be displayed thusly:
Posted Image

If you wish to hang the US flag vertically, it should be displayed thusly:
Posted Image
RebaFemale02006-10-01 09:16:00
CanadaPOE question
if you're going from Ontario to Oklahoma, and you're flying, your POE will be the Toronto airport, when you go thru Customs & Immigration there. You just fill in an I-94, hand over your package that they gave you at the consulate, and your passport and whatnot, and they take your picture and fingerprints and they stamp you and you're on your way. Took me all of maybe 5 minutes, if that. Depends what terminal you go thru tho I think.
RebaFemale02006-03-01 23:26:00
CanadaCanadian/American Flag

I have this exact one. I bought it in the By Ward Market in Ottawa. If you happen to be from around here or know where that is. :whistle:

Nope....I'm in Brantford Ontario. :(

Did you try emailing to ask them if they have it or if they have it or if they make it? They are just outside of Elora.

Edited by Leafgal, 02 October 2006 - 05:53 PM.

LeafgalFemaleCanada2006-10-02 17:52:00
CanadaCanadian/American Flag
This place says they make them, I don't see them on the site but you can email them.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2006-10-01 19:14:00
CanadaWhere are Immigration Interviews Done?
ALL CR1/IR1s are done in Montreal. K1s (fiance) are done in either Montreal of Vancouver. If you are a K1 and leave in eastern Canada you go to Montreal, western you go to Vancouver. Sorry, you'll have to fly out to Montreal to make your interview.
pocherosFemaleCanada2013-01-13 14:09:00
CanadaJob in Canada
As Saylin already said- all they care about is the USC's and/or joint sponsor's income.
pocherosFemaleCanada2013-01-22 14:53:00
Canada1040 plus W2? or tax transcripts? for K1 visa interview
I submitted tax returns (1040s) with W2s (plus photocopies of W2s as they will want copies) and had no issues. Tax transcripts are also acceptable. It's up to you. Tax transcripts might be easier if the USC is self-employed.
pocherosFemaleCanada2013-01-22 19:26:00
Canadapregnant... what are my options?

uhhhh no no i feel bad for you now.
clearly something was miscommunicated to your husband and now you.
seeing a doctor is NOT confusing O_O

Locating a doctor that's in network, determining if there's hidden fees at the doctor's office, figuring out what your insurance will and will not cover, etc. is what I was referring to. It's a hassle that usually involves calling multiple staff workers who aren't much more informed and also make mistakes because they are overworked and underpaid. Recently a hospital that is likely getting shut down in Las Vegas and has also been sued multiple times for fraud and medical negligence tried to wrangle a couple thousand dollars out of me that I didn't owe, it took almost 6 months to resolve but that didn't keep them from trying to ding my credit. I would never have to deal with this bullcrap in Canada, though. How is this not confusing when in Ontario all I had to was flash my OHIP card at a secretary? Coming from a socialized healthcare system to American healthcare is very disorienting. You don't need to feel bad for me. :| This is getting off topic though.

Edited by pocheros, 24 January 2013 - 11:29 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2013-01-24 23:20:00
Canadapregnant... what are my options?

Yes I know they are conservative down there. My husband is one of them since he's from Alabama (hello bible belt!) One of the things he does love about Canada is the socialized health care. Maybe not the way we have to achieve it, but to be frank and honest, the health care system down there confuses me darn near to death.

I hear you! Once my hubby got sick while we were still long-distance and I told him he should go to the doctor, and he said "But I don't know how to go to the doctor!" This seemed funny to me, but now that I'm here I actually understand what he meant :S
pocherosFemaleCanada2013-01-24 21:05:00
Canadapregnant... what are my options?

Omg you were mean! Lol. When I was born, after 18 hours of labour my brother promptly said "send her back, I want a brother!" I was also born the day after him so my mother was in labour for his entire 8th birthday. I can say he's never felt I was much of a birthday present. Lol

What baffles me is the high rate of teen moms in the USA. It's so damn expensive to be pregnant and give birth that you would think the parents would rather pay for condoms or birth control (preferably both) than the cost of their teen daughter to be pregnant and raise a child. Somewhere 2+2 isn't equalling 4 in someone's mind. Rofl!!

Except there is that weird puritan streak in the US, especially the south, where kids are taught abstinence and nothing else, and their parents are evangelicals. Big wonder they get pregnant when they don't even have a basic understanding of their own bodies. It's really sad. Then there are also additional barriers to obtaining abortions, and hormonal birth control is expensive to obtain without insurance. I recently paid $200 to visit a doctor to get a two-month prescription for hormonal birth control. I'm lucky we could afford it but it's still ludicrous. I feel bad for teenagers deprived of proper education and healthcare.

Most of these problems go away with socialized healthcare and proper sex education, but that would upset the die hard american conservatives. Also I don't mean to say all southern americans are die hard conservatives, but they certainly have more of a presence in the US than they do in Canada.

Edited by pocheros, 24 January 2013 - 07:01 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2013-01-24 18:58:00
CanadaPacket 3 Questions.

6. For DS-156, there are a bunch of questions that don't apply to the K1. For example, the date my fiance intends to arrive in the U.S. The VJ example form leaves this space blank; is that what other folks did? I heard we aren't supposed to leave any spaces blank. This same issue goes for the Spouse name/DOB spaces.

You provide a date "if known" (says so on the form.) So you can leave it blank, or you can put something like "when visa is approved." Like the example form shows, you put NONE for spouse name and leave spouse DOB blank. This form isn't used just for K1s so that's why there are questions like that.

Check PAGE 6 of this PDF of packet 4 for a checklist of things to bring to the interview: http://photos.state....t4-montreal.pdf Don't mix this up with PAGE 5 which is for CR1/IR1s. Also not everything on that checklist will necessarily apply to you, e.g. marriage and divorce certificates are only if one of you has been divorced, military records only if there was military service, etc.

Edited by pocheros, 27 January 2013 - 05:51 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2013-01-27 17:47:00
CanadaPacket 3 Questions.

Once again, thanks to everyone on VJ for the help so far. At this point, our K1 petition has been approved, left NVC, and is on its way to Montreal. We have a case #, but Montreal hasn't received the petition yet and consequently Packet 3 hasn't been sent out yet either.

We're working on getting everything together for Packet 3, however I am super confused about this entire phase of the process. I did look at the helpful sticky at the top of this forum, but I feel as though Packet 3 information was sort of glazed over (and that's been my experience searching anywhere on the internet for guidance about this stuff).

I'm sure we'll have more questions later, but here are my main ones so far:

1. This one is simple curiousity: When/if folks actually get Packet 3 in the physical mail, what does it really look like? Is it just a printout of the checklist, or are there instructions and other information as well?

It's just a letter telling you to go online to get the packet 3 forms basically. Nothing special but you'll want to hold on to either Packet 3 or Packet 4 for the medical exam as they need evidence that you've been assigned a case number.

2. These are the forms I understand we need to send in: DS-230 (Part 1 only), DS-156 (two copies), DS-156K, and DS-160 (just the confirmation receipt). Then we also send the checklist, two passport-style photos, and a copy of his passport bio page. Is this correct? There aren't any fee payments we need to send with Packet 3, are there?

Correct. No fees payments. If you are only a permanent resident of Canada and not a citizen you also need to send evidence that you are a PR.

3. For the checklist, should we put a check next to every single item, even if certain things don't apply (like divorce certificates, etc.), or do we only check what applies to us?

Only what applies to you. I personally didn't check anything off I just signed it and dated it and MTL accepted it. :lol:

4. For the passport-style photos, should we put his full name and A# on the back (or any other info)? The directions don't say anything about this. For the I-129F, I had written the full names on the back because it was required.

It couldn't hurt to do so, I think I wrote my name on the back. I -think- pencil is preferred.

5. The DS-156 and the DS-160 (from my understanding) both have barcodes associated with them. Are we allowed to complete these forms and generate the barcode at any time, or do we need to wait until Packet 3 has actually been sent out? I don't want to mess anything up in their system (as I mentioned, we do have a MTL case #; Montreal just hasn't actually gotten our peition yet).

You do not need to wait to receive packet 3 in the mail before filling it out, it only needs to be "logged." You can find out if it's logged by calling the Department of State. I don't think it messes anything up in their system but you should wait until it's logged before filling it out in case MTL wants an RFE or something weird (unlikely.) You can fill out the forms and send them to MTL before you receive Packet 3; in fact it's not unusual for Packet 3 and Packet 4 to be very slow in the mail so you save yourself a lot of time by just calling DoS. Same for scheduling an interview; DoS simply needs to confirm that Packet 4 is logged and you can go ahead and book it.

6. For DS-156, there are a bunch of questions that don't apply to the K1. For example, the date my fiance intends to arrive in the U.S. The VJ example form leaves this space blank; is that what other folks did? I heard we aren't supposed to leave any spaces blank. This same issue goes for the Spouse name/DOB spaces.

7. The DS-156K mentions that we need to attach a bunch of documents - birth certificate, etc. I think I read that we don't actually need to send those in with Packet 3; is this correct?

You do not send these in with Packet 3, correct. Just the forms, photos, and photocopy of the passport. You bring the other documents to the interview.

8. For DS-230: my fiance went to college, but had to stop halfway through and did not get a degree. Should we list the college anyway under "educational institutions" and put something like "Not Completed" under Degree/Diploma?

That sounds good to me.

And finally, jumping ahead a bit to the interview. I am so confused about which "original documents" he needs to bring from the I-129F petition. At first, I thought it was just originals of the evidence (like tickets, receipts, etc.). But then a couple of places I read that I need to actually send my fiance MY original birth certificate (a copy of which was sent with the I-129F), which he will be asked for at the interview. I'm worrying like crazy about this, though it seems weird that I would have to send him something like that... I mean, what if I need my birth certificate for something in the meantime? Does anyone have any experience with this?

I -think- once upon a time MTL requested the USC's birth certificate but that is no longer common for K1s. I brought my husband's original birth certificate to the interview but they did not ask to see it (my consulate review is in my sig.) However, MTL can technically request to see anything they want. You can probably get away with not bringing it but other VJers will have more input on this. If the circumstances surrounding your citizenship looked odd/questionable then I'd probably send him your original birth certificate just to be safe.

Thanks in advance!

Answer to the other questions pending when I look up some things... Sorry if the pronouns are mixed up; I gather you're the USC.

Edited by pocheros, 27 January 2013 - 05:42 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2013-01-27 17:35:00
CanadaInterview in Montreal January 22, 2013
pocherosFemaleCanada2013-01-22 15:05:00
CanadaFunny picture
Posted Image

I think I found our perfect wedding cake :lol:
pocherosFemaleCanada2013-01-25 16:42:00
Canadapacket 3 instructions

Hi EmilyS! You do not need to send in any documents - just the checklist. The documents are just brought to the interview. I'm not sure I understand the other part of your question - which packet are you referring to? Packet 3 is just a checklist and if you are sending it to the Vancouver Consulate, you can just fax it in. If it's Montreal, I'm not sure what the process is. Hope this helps!

If the OP filled out their profile correctly they are an IR1/CR1, which has a different process than K1s (and, AFAIK they don't get a packet 3?) Also all IR1/CR1s go to Montreal.

Edited by pocheros, 30 January 2013 - 08:16 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2013-01-30 20:15:00
CanadaAOS approved!
Thanks for the congratulations everyone! My green card arrived in the mail today. Way faster than I thought it'd be!

Something neat is that the USCIS case status tracker will post a USPS tracking number once they mail out your card, so I knew it'd arrive today.

Edited by pocheros, 31 January 2013 - 09:30 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2013-01-31 21:29:00
CanadaAOS approved!

what a relief, eh........... now you have a break until ROC! Enjoy!!

My daughter filed her AOS, EAD & AP, mid Nov, had her biometrics mid-Dec and now haven't heard a peep.....not even about the EAD/AP....... when others in our timeline are getting notifications and their card :unsure:

Did you ever get your EAD (I see you filed for it) or did they go straight to interview? Her AOS show "testing & interview" stage, so maybe she'll just go straight to that sooner. Her case was tranferred to NBC and she has a MSC#

Any thoughts? Congrats again!! :thumbs:

Hi, I got my EAD on January 11th. No idea about your daughter's case, sorry :/ What does the USCIS site say testing & interview is? (I can't access the description for it anymore) I think it means that an interview is going to be scheduled soon? Good luck, I hope your daughter gets an update soon. I seem to be lucky with getting appointments & approvals fairly quickly.
pocherosFemaleCanada2013-01-24 16:40:00
CanadaAOS approved!
Had my AOS interview yesterday and I was "recommended" for approval and told to expect my green card in 3-4 weeks! Yahoo! The interview was a breeze, even faster and easier than the one in Montreal. My review is here: http://www.visajourn...php?entry=11348

Thanks to everyone on VJ for their help. I couldn't have done it without you <3
pocherosFemaleCanada2013-01-24 15:18:00
CanadaDocument translations by competent (?) translator
I got my french birth certificate translated by a member of the ATIO (as La Souris mentioned). Specifically, I went to The Centre For Education and Training in Missisauga (TCET has a few offices around Ontario) and a certified translator translated my birth certificate for $84. They also provided a Commissioner of Oath who also certified the translation on top of the ATIO seal. It took them 3 weeks I think, and they were very professional. Make sure to keep extra copies of the translation as you will need them for AOS and such.

Edited by pocheros, 04 February 2013 - 08:53 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2013-02-04 20:52:00
CanadaQuestions... need clarification...

For the SS number.

I dont know what threads youre looking at. Youre a K1. Youre a woman. You need to get a SS number in your maiden name first. The way it works is pretty simple. Theres an immigration computer. SS checks your info with that immigration computer. When you arrive in the US your info is put into that computer by I really dont know who (Im guessing whomever it is that took your brown K1 packet at the border).

Scenario 1- applying in your maiden name
So here you are, you go to SS. You tell them Id like to apply for a SS number. Heres my application, my passport showing Im a K1. (As a K1 they'll only issue you a number if your K1 is valid and has more then 2 weeks remaining on it- so if you wait until your K1 is close to expiring theyre going to turn you away, but youre no where close to expiring you just got here) They say great, let me punch you into the SS computer. Then they punch you into the computer to check if your name has been cleared through the immigration computer. The immigration computer will have your name as it is with USCIS - your maiden name/the name on your passport. IF the immigration computer has been updated and your name has been cleared- its a go. Your SS card will be issued in your maiden name. If the immigration computer has not been updated yet because they are slow, SS will tell you to come back in a few days/a week and try again. Its no big deal. Come back every few days. Eventually it will be updated and youll get your card.

Scenario 2- trying to apply in your married name.

Same as above except you fill out the form with your married name and they punch your married name into the immigration computer. Your married name is not going to be cleared by the immigration computer. Your married name will not exist with USCIS until you notify USCIS that you are married and USCIS changes it. This does not happen until you file for AOS and something is issued in your married name like EAD/AP or your GC. Once you have one of those things you can take that back with your marriage certificate to a SS office and have them change your SS card from your maiden name to your married name.

many people dont apply in their maiden names and then try to go and apply in their married names and cant because they just filed for AOS, the computers not updated yet and their K1s are expired by that point. They get frustrated and feel like theres conflicting information. Theres not.

You have multiple limited windows of opportunities to obtain your SS number. Your first one is to do it on the K1 with your maiden name.

This is right EXCEPT it's not the K1 visa that SSA officers look at- it's your I-94, which is only valid for 90 days after POE. (I'm guessing this is what you meant but just to prevent any further confusion...) I believe you have to apply for your SSN in your maiden name first and then update it to your married name as a K1 but I'm not sure. I kept everything in my maiden name because it's simply so I dunno. There is a link in my signature to my SSN application tips... SSA officers tend to be finicky and uninformed about who's eligible to receive an SSN.

Edited by pocheros, 30 January 2013 - 06:59 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2013-01-30 18:55:00
CanadaApprox. time from NOA2 to interview
Vancouver is faster than Montreal so it's possible you'll get your interview shortly. Lucky you :) Good luck!

Edited by pocheros, 05 February 2013 - 05:58 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2013-02-05 17:58:00
CanadaProblems, Advice, and Stories on Border Crossing
Ugh, sorry to hear you had such awful experiences :( I have also crossed through Detroit and been given a hard time. They are jerks there.
pocherosFemaleCanada2013-02-03 15:58:00
Canadathank you everyone, approved finally =)
pocherosFemaleCanada2013-02-05 17:59:00
CanadaMontreal interview dates
Maybe you could try e-mailing them? (They don't really do anything over the phone.) Make sure to include your case # in the subject line and explain the situation, but don't make the e-mail too lengthy. Keep it brief and to the point.

Edited by pocheros, 01 February 2013 - 02:50 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2013-02-01 14:50:00
CanadaProabably a rather random question

Hey All!

So I want to send my hubby some of my kitchen uquipment. Much of it has been gifts his family has sent me over the past year or so for birthday and Christmas and since I live at home with my father who has a fully-equipped kitchen, it is just hiding away in packing boxes or my closet. Since we have an apartment of our own now where he lives and I would like to have my preferred arsenal of tools when I visit since he is rather clueless about buying kitchen tools. I have been contemplating sending a few boxes over the next few months (about $100 worth of stuff each time), but I am reticent to incur massive amounts of charges in postage. Does anyone know of more cost-efficient ways to get my stuff there? I can carry a bunch of my stuff in my suitcase on my upcoming visit, but things like a hand-mixers and a small food processor does not seem feasible, unless I check a second suitcase (which at $25 is certainly an option) and risk damage in-flight.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated :)


I simply used UPS for some small-medium boxes that I couldn't bring with me on the plane. So far I've mailed two boxes and it cost $150 for both. (I have 6 more that I plan on getting someone to mail for me.) Not sure how much they weighed but I think it was somewhere around 30-40lbs (I believe the max weight they allow for regular shipments is 66 lbs.) UPS has a calculator on their website where you enter the dimensions and weight of your package and it gives you and estimate. I'm not sure if there are any cheaper alternatives for shipping things, sorry. I decided to ship my items because it was cheaper than replacing them.

Edited by pocheros, 06 February 2013 - 03:57 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2013-02-06 15:55:00
CanadaCan I fill out P3 forms before P3 logged at MTL?

I'm not asking if I can mail P3 with it's being logged...I know I need to wait for that lol.

My question is whether I can fill out forms (especially online forms) before it's logged, since that would mean the date on it would be posted as prior. I already have my MTL case number from NVC. (so basically, I'm wanting to have everything prepared, printed and ready to mail right out...but without being penalized for a pre-mature date on docs).


You can fill them out except the DS-160 (that's the one that you fill out on a website instead of a pdf). They won't penalize you so long as the information you provide is accurate and complete.
pocherosFemaleCanada2013-02-07 00:50:00
CanadaFiancee entering Canada to get married

You might want to read his posts again, pocheros.

Noreaga, bring evidence of your life in Korea.... lease, employment, etc. You should be fine.

Whoops, you're right. Reading comprehension fail. >_> lol.
pocherosFemaleCanada2013-02-07 16:38:00
CanadaFiancee entering Canada to get married

Hi guys,

Thanks for the advice ! It's scary to think that my fiancee could be turned away just because she is coming to Canada to get married ! I'm trying to advise her on what to say when she enters but was quite unsure.

Now, if we were to take a trip to somewhere in the States after we got married, would there be any issues with that ? We'd like to do a bit of a mini-honeymoon and want to ensure that there wouldn't be any issues.

Thanks !

I'm not sure about territories of the US but within the US itself there shouldn't be an issue, however make sure she brings her passport with a valid I-94 and her visa attached inside it and a copy of your marriage certificate should you need to provide evidence that she is legally residing in the US. (It's a good idea to order multiple copies of your marriage certificate, btw. The visa + valid I-94 + marriage certificate combined prove her status. If the I-94 is expired then I would also bring NOAs from AOS filing.) I don't specifically know any situations where this issue would arise traveling within the US (although traveling on certain highways in the southern US with immigration checks does come to mind), but so long as ICE is anywhere inside an airport I would make sure to have these documents on hand, just in case.

Edited by pocheros, 07 February 2013 - 04:11 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2013-02-07 16:09:00
CanadaFiancee entering Canada to get married
Just a heads up it can take a long time to receive marriage certificates in Ontario.
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-12-25 00:38:00
CanadaVaccination Result / Do not open letter???
Usually, you receive a sealed envelope that you do not open and bring with you on the day of the interview. Has anyone else had their medical sent directly to Montreal? When I went to Dr. Seiden's they gave me the envelope and the immunization sheet.

Anyways, the "blanket waiver" box is fine and that's what the majority of applicants have checked off, myself included.
pocherosFemaleCanada2013-02-19 23:27:00
CanadaTD canceling my Visa becase moving to the US?
Well, I logged into easyweb today and my bank account is still active, but my credit card account has vanished. The TD guy said it would still appear, just be inactive, so I could make payments to it online. But it's not there, ugh. Gotta call them again.
pocherosFemaleCanada2013-02-21 14:52:00
CanadaTD canceling my Visa becase moving to the US?
Though the posts weren't directed at me personally- I would list a Canadian address if I could, but I am not in touch with anyone in Canada who's address I could use, otherwise I would. :/ I'm a little worried now. I wish the reps on the TD help line were better informed because they give me different answers.

It's just strange because I went to a branch right before moving and told the lady straight up I was moving to the US, changed my address and everything- I've been receiving paper statements from them- and NOW it's a problem? ugh.

Edited by pocheros, 20 February 2013 - 05:09 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2013-02-20 17:05:00