CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Too bad Marilyn, hope u feel better soon.

Week off from work, so driving up to RI and chill at the inlaws summer house. Do some yard work, watch hockey and drink beer,lol

Wow, sucks to be you Flames lol. Have a great time.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-23 19:27:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

We went to the courthouse this afternoon and got married Posted Image We had really wanted to wait to do one more formal wedding, but with the need of medical insurance with the little one on the way, this was the best option. It will allow me to apply for AOS now as soon as I get a SSN. We are still doing a formal wedding in July....I just have to try to be careful or else my dress will not fit in 3 months time!!! Thank god for it being lace up in the back with panels.... Posted Image

Congrats - nothing wrong with doing the courthouse thing to make sure you have the health care, we did the same, got married right away so I would have health care (I know us silly Canadians who think we need health care lol). Congrats, and congrats on the little one too. And I am sure you will look wonderful in the dress no matter what.

so I finally heard back from the lady I work for today after I sent her the email yesterday.... in the email she seems upset because I didn't give them much notice but in the email she sent me yesterday morning she asked if I thought I would be able to work up until the surgery .. Posted Image

she also said if she thought I would be returning after my surgery... I am not sure if I should or not.. it isn't really fair for them to find temporary care for about 2 months and then have me come back...

and I kind of would really would like to find a job that is closer ...

I have no freaking idea what to do... I really don't want to deal with this right now though.. I have other stuff on my mind...

I do know that the last few months have been challenging for them with me not being very reliable...

I think you should let that job go and while you are recovering you can see what is local for you. Everything happens for a reason and maybe this will get you a better job and closer to home. Good luck with the surgery, been there done that the year we were going through the K-1 process. The worst was the eating, but this too will pass. I hope you get surgery soon so you can feel better soon.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-22 18:36:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

ok so like..been married a week now. YAY. but for the last two days, all i wanna do is bake cookies. o.O lol.

Ok, well did you need our addresses so you can send us those nice fresh baked cookies lol.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-19 19:24:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I may not be drop dead gorgeous or a hot tamale... but I am comfortable in my own skin. They are not, and it shows through their comments and how much they focus on things like weight and looks. That's their misery though. I gained 40 pounds since I have lived here... so what. I'm happy.

I gained 35 after coming down so you know you are not alone.

I have always been worried about my family. That is why, I NEVER introduced women I was dating to them. My mother tends to talk way too much about the absolute most embarassing things of my childhood. I literally had to hide home videos when I brought my prom date to my parents house for pictures.

I was really worried over nothing. Posted Image My family already likes my wife more than me. But then again, that's not much of a surprise. Posted Image

OMG my cousin said to me before we got married that he (my husband) was in and I was out lol.

Oh yaaa...

** the flyers.

Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image yes yes yes lol

Heyyy guys!

I got a job! Posted Image

Congrats Huggles, hope you love the job.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-17 10:44:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

the doctor's appointment went ok I guess.. I spent almost 2 hours waiting in the waiting room but when I finally got called back I only was there for maybe 10 minutes if that... The doctor basically said , " if you have gallstones we remove the gallbladder" ... the way he said it it sounded like there were no other options

so I guess they are going to schedule me for surgery in the next couple of weeks.. :S he said you are in the hospital for about a day and then you need a couple of weeks for recovery....

I don't think my kidney infection is getting better Posted Image it still bothers me... I have about 6 or 7 more days of antibiotics left though.. I see my doctor on Friday so I will tell him about it then..

Marilyn I agree it is usually done laprascopic (or however it is spelled lol). I had it done about 6 months before I moved down south and it was not to bad, and at least I could eat food again. So here is to you getting surgery quickly and a speedy recovery. Posted Image
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-07 16:44:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Kathryn it is bad here in Virginia as well, but not as bad as Atlanta. My porch and everything on it is covered in yellow dust, it is incredible. It is supposed to rain so hoping that will get rid of a lot of the pollen in the air.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-07 16:36:00
Canada2010 NHL playoffs
I only watched the last 7 minutes, but man that was unbelievable, whoo hoo. Talk about an upset for sure, wow.

Yes thanks Huggles for going for Washington lol.

LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-28 20:58:00
Canada2010 NHL playoffs

I was just thinking about that last night! Apparently whenever I cheer for a team I doom them. Maybe this is why the Leaf's have played so poorly for so many years? Posted Image

I'm watching the Montreal/Washington game right now and trying my best to just keep my mouth shut Posted Image

Ok, so Go Bruins!! Posted Image

Ok Huggle, step away from the Montreal game please lol Posted Image

I guess Flames is off watching the game looking for his next Leafs comment lol.

LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-28 19:47:00
Canada2010 NHL playoffs

Much like the Leafs--he doesn't make play off appearances!! lol

That was harsh and mean..... Posted Image
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-27 16:21:00
Canada2010 NHL playoffs
Didn't see the Montreal game but WHOO HOOO.

I found a huge 40 fl. ounce of Molson ICE at the RI liquor board store,lol Whats up with RI?? can't buy beer at the grocery store, who do they think they are Canada?????? lol

Yes well they are closer, come on back to VA and it won't be a problem lol.

God I hate flyers fans.

I have to come into work to hear heckling every single day.

And they're such idiots!!

Yes they are as bad as the Sens fans lol.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-27 12:01:00
Canada2010 NHL playoffs

Loungo looked sharp last night. He made a stellar save I think in the 2nd period. Part of it was fluke, but ya got to be good to be flukey! lol He hasn't looked consistently sharp in a long time!! Even in the gold medal game he looked shakey!!

I like the pens, just because of crosby and Fleury! Fleury has been great and weak at the same time! Crosby has been stellar for the most part.

great games on tonight, mtl/caps and chicago/nashville!! get the beer a chillin

Ok, the only thing I could find was Labatts Blue, so it is in the fridge chillin...... Go Habs.....
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-26 15:21:00
Canada2010 NHL playoffs

I'm happy the Pens beat the Sens. I hate the Sens.. and yes leafs fan here too so you'd never catch me cheering on Ottawa.

I'm in Flyers territory, it really sucks. I hate the Flyers. All the fans here are like rabid dogs... its insane.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Although at this point I am still hoping for Montreal if not I may have to jump to the Caps (like that is hard considering they finished 1st overall lol)
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-25 12:34:00
Canada2010 NHL playoffs

Yeah, my husband and I probably spend way to much money going to games. We're thinking about just buying season tickets next year, it would probably be worth it... but I still can't get over the price tag.

But we're totally on the same page with the Sens!! No way!

Ok now your my new best friend lol. Nothing wrong with spending money doing something you both like to do, unfortunately the closest arena for me is 3 hours away for the Capitals, so not any chance on that for us.

Edited by Leafgal, 20 April 2010 - 07:43 AM.

LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-20 07:43:00
Canada2010 NHL playoffs
Well since my team didn't make the playoffs AGAIN this year, and my second favorite team (The Flames) didn't make it this year, then I am forced to my next team GO HABS......

Posted Image! Ohhhh wow. Quote of the day? Possibly?

Go AVS!!

It's already shaping up to be a wild series, but I'm banking on another Sharks playoff choke.

The husband and I have tickets to game 4 on Tuesday, I'm pretty excited! Posted Image

Ok who invited you here anyways lol, just kidding, not fair you have tickets thats all lol.

SENATORS! We are the underdogs this year. After last year not making the playoffs for the first time in 11 years we're back and the new team has plenty of skill and #######, giving Sid a run for his money. We seem to always match up against the Penguins... and both times we did in the last 3 years one of the two made it to the finals... looks on this forum that no one is paying attention to our series but it's been really high intensity, great hockey. Going to the game tomorrow here in Ottawa, taking pics at our usual tailgating spot in 12C (gross!). I'm also cheering for RedWings in the West cause that's my man's team. I am against the Habs in my playoff pool but for the Canucks =). So far all the series in the NHL are pretty evenly matched up. Nice typical Canadian playoffs, it's what I like to see. Should be interesting till the end.

I too am also a hard core football fan... NY Giants are my team =)

Sorry just can never ever go for the Sens, even if they ended up being the last Canadian team in lol.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-19 19:33:00
CanadaUhaul and other moving suggestions

We didn't have a car to pull, but we rented a Uhaul truck and drove it from Southern ON to Virginia (about 500 + miles) and it cost us $550-650 (sorry don;t remember exactly) plus the end probably about $800 in total to move an etire latge 2 bedroom apartment which contained a lot of stuff! This was 2 years ago

Mine was the same about 800 with gas from Southern Ontario to Southern VA. I got 500 miles free, maybe U-Haul isn't doing that anymore. I did call around to a lot of companies, (not ABF though) and it was so much more expensive for everyone else because they didn't do 1 way. Good luck, hope you do find something cheaper. What about her driving her car and not hauling it, does that make much of a difference.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-24 14:33:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Congrats to all of you including those waiting, I am sure it will be soon for you too. Remember to celebrate the great news as you get it. Posted Image
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-22 14:42:00
CanadaReceived welcome letter and SSN
One more step completed, congratulations.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-18 08:52:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Kitty looks like my one cat, a cutie for sure.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-07 16:45:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
All I can say is yeah for Mimico lol
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-01 11:46:00
CanadaRemoving Conditions
Well it's my turn to start all of this ####### again. I didn't read the whole thread blush.gif

DIAL UP mad.gif only in Arkansas!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TinkerFemaleCanada2009-12-13 21:34:00
CanadaFinally Home!
Hi Everyone!

Just thought I'd give you a quick little update. I am finally home in Florida! I crossed over at the Thousand Islands, ON on Monday, February 15th. I called the POE weeks before and was told the best time to cross would be Mon-Fri between 8-4. I imported my car, so the officer I spoke with over the phone said that this would be the time I would have the most experienced officers.

We arrived at the border at 8:35 AM. I told the officer at the booth I was activating my K-1. I was then told to park to the right and head into secondary. My father and I were the only ones there at the time. I was called up to the counter in minutes and gave the officer my passport and packet. He was a newbie so a more senior agent was guiding him through. At one point, there were 4 officers checking over everything. They asked me simple questions like our wedding date, my fiance's address...

I was also importing my 2006 Kia. Another officer was working on that paperwork. He said that there would be an import charge, but I then told him that I had called back in December, spoken with an officer and was told that I would not be charged as I was on a K-1, even though my car was Korean. I had the date, time and officer's name from my call. The officer said he would look into it.... worked on his computer for a while, then never charged me and put "0" for charges on my paperwork for the car.

Once the car stuff was over, I sat for a bit and was then called back up to the counter where I was given back my passport with the I-94 inside. The officer called it my "meat and potatoes." He said that if I had any issues that I could contact Customs at the Orlando International Airport. He also confirmed that I knew what to do after I was married, etc.... and that was it.

We were there for an hour and then headed back onto the road. They never went through my car and never asked for my inventory list, even after I advised them that I had one.

The drive was long... 2200 kms.... but it was such an awesome feeling pulling up in front of the condo and walking in to greet my anxious fiance!
cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2010-02-18 10:04:00
I'm so glad to hear that it all went smoothly for you too! I was a little nervous as we approached the border too but felt so relieved when we got to continue on. :)
cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2010-02-18 16:54:00
CanadaOttawa airport
Hey there!

I used to live in Ottawa, and used to work at the airport too! I got to know the US Customs Officers as I worked with them everyday. They are very polite and professional. I got to know some of them well and they were always so happy to hear of the progress with my K-1 Visa. I never had an issue crossing through, even when I got an officer I hadn't gotten to know yet. On a professional level, they were always so helpful with our passengers.
cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2010-03-17 09:01:00
I have dual citizenship with Canada and Italy. My Italian passport expired back in 2006! On the DS-230 I did mention Italy in that box. They never questioned me about it or anything. I brought along my expired Italian passport to the interview, but they never asked for it. That was my experience.
cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2010-05-15 11:00:00
CanadaBirth certificate in french ... Notarized???
I have a french birth certificate also. I had to get it translated years ago for Disney when I moved to Florida for a contract back in 2004. I actually went to see a notary that translated it for me. One person. All done. Any chance you can find someone that can do it all?
cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2010-05-15 11:05:00
CanadaEathquake in Ottawa
My Dad called me today to let me know about it. He works in downtown Ottawa. His building was evacuated. My sister works at a school and though the kids told her it was definitely an earthquake, she told them to settle down as she thought it was just some construction outside. Ha!

Edited by cdn_gewels, 23 June 2010 - 10:03 PM.

cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2010-06-23 22:02:00
CanadaBargain Shopping Forum
These are my favourites....

I've been saving A LOT of money because of these sites!

Edited by cdn_gewels, 10 June 2010 - 08:56 AM.

cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2010-06-10 08:55:00
CanadaDriving Abstract, Renewing CDN License and Other Legalities
QUOTE (Sam and Ben @ Nov 13 2009, 09:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Got my response this morning as well:

Dear Ms. X:

Thank you for your recent inquiry.

In order to apply for a Florida license, you would need to show your passport, K1 visa, marriage license and the I797 (notice of action) receipt for the I485 application. You are not required to have a ss # at this time. If you are not employed, you may drive on your Caniadian license.

We hope this information will assist you.

Along with that, I did go and renew my Ontario DL yesterday. They gave me a two-year renewal for $30. I wasn't given a choice for this (though I was happy for it, definitely), I was just told that, when there are many people with expiring licenses at the same time, they only do two year renewals.

Sounds odd, but certainly didn't bother me in the least.

So now I'm headed to check out the AOS thread to figure out whenabouts I'll get my NOA. smile.gif

Sam - I just read through my e-mail to the DMV and realized that I said 2009 in my dates. ("Moving in February 2009 and getting married in April 2009".) Things change as of January 2010, but I figure the person who wrote back to me probably figured I meant 2010 instead of 2009 as we're in November. Did you state anything about 2010 in your e-mail?
cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2009-11-13 13:40:00
CanadaDriving Abstract, Renewing CDN License and Other Legalities
Got a reply from the Florida DMV:

Once you have filed your I-485 application to adjust your status, you may report to any driver license office with your passport, Canadian license, marriage certificate and the I797 (notice of action) receipt to apply for a Florida license. You will also need to present proof of your address. The license will only be valid for one year. We hope this information will assist you.

If I get married in mid-April, and apply for AOS within a few days, do you guys think I'll have my NOA for AOS before July 10th? I'm going to do some timeline research, but feel free to share your thoughts!
cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2009-11-13 08:24:00
CanadaDriving Abstract, Renewing CDN License and Other Legalities
I'm interested in the answer too! My Ontario DL expires in July 2010... I'm only moving down to FL in February and getting married in April!

I actually found a "contact us" option on the official Florida site. I wrote all the details of my situation (similar to yours Sam) so hopefully I'll hear an official reply back soon! I wrote yesterday and they say it takes 2 days to get a reply back.
cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2009-11-10 08:58:00
CanadaLong Form Birth certificate question...
I recieved my long form birth certificate from Ontairo as well and it looks like, what you are
describing as well. So that is a relief that it is the right one. :)
s&c1FemaleCanada2010-09-24 21:01:00
CanadaQuestion About Car Seat Laws in Canada

That's an unfair and unprovoked attack. Not nice.

I agree!! I am pretty sure they wanted a Canadians input on the matter... Ignore the unwanted rude comments.
s&c1FemaleCanada2010-12-15 21:32:00
CanadaDHL or Xpresspost for MTL consulate
I really hope that this DHL thing(no other option) doesn't go through until very far off future. For I will have to
drive 4 hrs to get it and then 4 hrs back!!! Not cool!! :angry:
I won't even get my interview until early summer (I HOPE) LOL
s&c1FemaleCanada2010-10-22 17:26:00
CanadaK-1 March Interviews !!!
Well I'm packing up now. I've checked and rechecked all my documents. Printed out the last photo and email from Kevin. I even put one in of him in uniform... hehe. Tomorrow I get on a train and friday is my interview. Wish me luck. Particularly considering Kevin already booked the place where we will be getting married. As long as everything is all done and over with and my visa is in hand by May 14th I'll be happy. Hopefully sooner of course. I'll post a consulate review as soon as I can on Friday for all of you having interviews in the next couple weeks.

usmcwifeFemaleCanada2010-03-17 14:33:00
CanadaK-1 March Interviews !!!
I just called and looks like i'm scheduled for March 19th! wahoo! Is anyone else scheduled then?
usmcwifeFemaleCanada2010-01-26 09:22:00
CanadaK1 administrative review
well that's not too bad... that means i'm hopefully only 1 - 3 weeks away.

I can't understand why montreal is always so backlogged. I wonder if it's a staffing issue or something. You'd hope that with backlogs going on for this long that something would have been done about it by now.
usmcwifeFemaleCanada2010-05-12 17:55:00
CanadaK1 administrative review
Hi everyone.

I'm wondering if anyone else was denied at their interview because of missing documents. I was missing a police certificate and sent it in on April 20th. I keep calling DOS, but so far there have been no changes to my case. Is anyone in a similar situation or have recently received their visa and can tell me how long it took them. I'm getting so frustrated. The consular officer said it would take 2-4 weeks after they received it but he didn't really say if 'receiving' it meant getting it from canada post or from when they actually open it. We are hoping to get married on the July 2nd. I wonder if we will be able to.
usmcwifeFemaleCanada2010-05-12 16:52:00
CanadaWAITING and waiting
Just to update in case anybody is following and because i'm so frustrated. I still didn't see anything in Canada post today so I called the DOS again just to confirm what I'd heard yesterday. This time the person, who was frustrated with me, said that the visa had been approved for issue but hadn't been stamped in teh passport yet! Talk about getting a different answer every time! I know i'm venting and i'm very very happy that their working on my case. I know there are plenty of other people waiting to hear anything. I was just really hoping to get it today. 2 weeks until my wedding and it would be nice to get there sooner rather than later!

Thanks for listening.

Edited by usmcfiance, 18 June 2010 - 10:34 AM.

usmcwifeFemaleCanada2010-06-18 10:33:00
CanadaWAITING and waiting

Hello Usmcfiance, my husband got his visa today in the was sent yday from Montreal and he already got it today....

WOW Congratulations... so good chances i'll get it tomorrow. I called the DOS today and tehy said it had been issued. i just wanted to confirm the email my fiance had gotten from his congressperson. It's good to know that Canada post can do something that quickly! Good luck to everyone else waiting too! At least we're out from in front of those still waiting!
usmcwifeFemaleCanada2010-06-17 21:04:00
CanadaWAITING and waiting
Did anyone who was approved this week get anything in the mail yet? I keep tracking the number but canada post keeps saying nothing found. I'm hoping it's just not been updated and is still on it's way. Today we booked everything for our wedding except for the flights. Two weeks tomorrow!!! I hope everyone who hasn't gotten news yet gets approved soon. Only people who have been in our position can know how stressfull it is.
usmcwifeFemaleCanada2010-06-17 20:24:00