CanadaPOE Review - an account of my drive across America!
Very great review. Thanks for sharing it and glad you made it all safe and sound.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-17 13:40:00
CanadaPauley and Yvonne's Montreal Adventure!
Yes you must go to Shwartz's, be prepared to wait for a seat, but it is so worth it. Congrats, and enjoy your weekend in Montreal.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-18 15:12:00
CanadaPauley and Yvonne's Montreal Adventure!
Good luck
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-17 20:20:00
CanadaCan u use you canadian cell phones in US?
I think it also depends on the carrier in the area you are going to be living as well.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-18 08:45:00
CanadaWaiting, waiting and still...
No Wyatt, don't lose your Canadianness, you may still need it lol
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-18 15:09:00
CanadaImporting Leased Vehicle
I think it depends on the financing as far importing a vehicle with a loan as I had one and customs here in Virginia didn't even ask and the DMV just asked for the mailing information of the lien holder. However with a leased vehicle GMAC might not like it leaving Canada as they really would not want to have get it back from you at the end of lease, but it can't hurt to ask them.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-21 22:13:00
CanadaCrosspost - Consulate Review, Montreal
Yes congrats, and it is always helpful for the posts for those are still going through that specific process. Have a good trip down and enjoy.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-22 08:26:00
CanadaWhy all the fuss about the 2010 Census
Danu, send that leprochaun to my house (after April 1 since I didn't count him in our census)

Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-20 08:07:00
CanadaWhy all the fuss about the 2010 Census
Yes my brother in law is not going to fill his out by the sounds of it. I don't get the whole I am not giving them information, like they don't already have it, geez. I did ours and it went in the mail today - short form. I agree it is only hurting your community by not doing it.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-19 19:49:00
Yeah LGG, so happy you got your letter, I am sure that feel great. I am very happy for you, and I am sure by early next week you will have that darn card in your hot little hands lol.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-23 13:34:00
lgg all I can give you is some understanding as I have no knowledge of how the process works for your type of visa.

We all have those days early on where frustration can feel very overwhelming, this too shall pass. Chin up and it will all work out, I know easier said than done some days, but it will and we are here for you.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-23 08:02:00
CanadaPOE @ Pearson
Enjoy the sun and sand, and then enjoy the house/apartment hunting. Congrats on your entry being nice and painless.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-25 07:43:00
CanadaGood News!
Congrats to both your hubby and you.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-24 17:31:00
Canadajust want to make sure
Not stupid and understandable that you want to be sure.

As far as the police check, I went to my local RCMP in Kitchener and got a Canada wide name search. It has been a few years, I know they will give you a form to fill out and as I filled it out they ran the check, I paid my money and they gave me my paper. So no you don't need one from Sarnia as the one you get will cover Canada (unless they have changed it in the last 3 years in which case I am sure someone else will chime in).

Edited by Leafgal, 24 March 2010 - 05:37 PM.

LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-24 17:36:00
CanadaMy Interview at the Montreal Consulate
Nice review, always great to hear. Congrats. Posted Image
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-25 07:38:00
Congratulations, doesn't it feel great.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-23 16:15:00
CanadaFor those who have been in the U.S. for awhile...
Well homesick set in about maybe 5 months after being here, but it passed as my mother has been to visit as well as some other relatives.

I gained about 35 in the first 1.5 years of being here due to some family issues here (father in law fell and we had to move him in with us, big adjustment), but he will be going home this summer and I am planning on getting back to eating properly again and joining a gym to get rid of it.

I got a part time job about 2.5 months after I got my EAD. Have not worked outside the home for just over a year due to caretaking, but will be out hitting the pavement in the fall I am sure again, not looking forward to that lol.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-28 09:21:00
CanadaLosing a green card
I don't carry my Canadian stuff in my wallet anymore either, I did have my TD card for a while and thought I better of it and stopped. I have copied all my ID so that if I should lose my wallet I know what is gone and who to contact and keep it in a file. Can't even remember why I did it (I think someone I knew lost their wallet in Canada and since then I now keep copies). I hate that I am supposed to carry my green card due to the cost and hassle of replacing it if it is lost. It sucks, so sorry for you luck.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-24 20:57:00
Congrats Posted Image
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-30 14:50:00
Great news, congrats and have a nice visit with your family.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-30 18:51:00
Congrats to you, celebrate now Posted Image
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-30 19:31:00
Canadaused USPS instead of Fedex/Canadapost to send in docs
If your tracking shows they arrived today then I am sure it should be fine. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-30 18:49:00
CanadaHappy Easter!
Yes Happy Easter to all, even those who don't get the holiday off.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-01 15:55:00
CanadaHad enough..
Keeping happy thoughts for you and your family in hoping you get together soon. Meeting in a 3rd country is a good idea if you can, maybe seeing each other will help you keep up the good fight. Don't give up.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-01 07:39:00
CanadaUS consulate Montreal Review!
Isn't it a great feeling. Congrats again, and safe trip down.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-01 15:57:00
CanadaSneaky POE
Very nice, what a great Easter you all must have had. Posted Image
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-06 16:35:00
CanadaWe got it We got it!!
Congrats to you, hope you get a good sleep and celebrate tonight.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-30 14:48:00
CanadaNeed prayers
So happy to hear that Tim is recovering nicely, and it is so nice to hear about his company going to help out. Congrats on the NOA1, and have a wonderful visit together.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-12 08:40:00
CanadaNeed prayers
Erin, I am glad that he is doing better. Some rest and such will do him good. Hope he gets well soon, and have a nice visit when you are able to get down, until then it is great that everyone is keeping you in the loop.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-09 08:25:00
CanadaPippy, the Begging Kitty

Butter comes in tubs?? Posted Image

Yes and milk comes in bags lol.

That video was so cute.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-12 19:09:00
CanadaK-1 March Interviews !!!
Good luck tomorrow, and do let us know how you all did.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-03-29 19:52:00
CanadaNeed Help! Medical Emergency in Canada
J & K, good to hear your mother is doing good. Safe drive and while you are in Canada make sure you swing by somewhere and get some passport pics taken (I am sure you would do that anyways) I know you must feel scattered right now, but soon you will be at her side. Good luck in her recovery.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-21 16:49:00
Canadapicked up medical results now interview tomorrow anything i need to know
Smurfette, I am sure you will be fine. Just relax since you have 2 kids with you, not to mention the bus ride back to Winnipeg. Get some rest tonight, and we look forward to hearing how great it went for you.

LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-21 16:44:00
CanadaKeeping Bank Accounts & Credit cards after move to USA?
I am with TD Canada Trust I did give them my US address and they send me all of my statements here to the US no problem. They did not renew my Canadian credit cards, which was fine as I kept my CIBC ones, and have put my mothers address as mine on them.

I am interested in changing over to Royal Bank, so next time I go to Canada I will open one then I will come back and open one here in the US just to make it easier to transfer money, right now when I do a transfer it costs me 10 on each end, not bad but would like it to be more seamless rather than from a CU to TD.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-23 14:58:00
No where yet per se. We do go to OBX 2 or 3 times a year since it is only 1.5 hours away it is perfect (friend owns a place there, so really cheap lol). We are talking about a trip this year for Honeymoon, might have to look at Sierra Keys. Although Vegas has come up, but I just know hubby will take away all my credit and debit cards so might not be as fun it sounds lol.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-23 14:45:00
CanadaMontreal denied!!!
Crossing my fingers and toes for you Lenie.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-12 08:48:00
CanadaHow did you establish credit?
It is true that it is different establishing credit here vs at home. You can pull your own credit report as often as you like it is not a hit against your credit, but if you apply for credit (loans or credit cards) that will hit your credit record here and decrease your FICO score.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-30 19:45:00
CanadaAnother Visa Approved!
Congrats, very happy for you both.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-29 20:05:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Dare I even chime in, I mean you should all be quiet and cry with me, AGAIN this year. Posted Image

And Flames tell them Flames to pick it up cause they are my 2nd favorite team, so they better squeeze in.....

Edited by Leafgal, 01 April 2010 - 04:00 PM.

LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-01 15:59:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Too bad Marilyn, hope u feel better soon.

Week off from work, so driving up to RI and chill at the inlaws summer house. Do some yard work, watch hockey and drink beer,lol

Wow, sucks to be you Flames lol. Have a great time.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2010-04-23 19:27:00