CanadaBunch of questions on Packet 3 for K1
Well, after checking out the stickied thread "Canada Immigration Guide" I see that the police check only takes 1-2 weeks. I would've edited this into my post except the edit button seems to have disappeared? ¬_¬ Sorry for the double-post...

Edited by pocheros, 10 May 2011 - 10:31 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-10 10:31:00
CanadaBunch of questions on Packet 3 for K1
Hello everyone,

I am a Canadian citizen residing in Ontario and have a fiance who petitioned for me under the I-129F. We received NOA1 & NOA2 (my petition was approved on April 12th). Then my fiance received a letter from the bureau of consular affairs dated April 22nd that listed our case number and states that "within a week the petition will be forwarded to the appropriate visa-issuing post where your visa interview will take place." The interview will be in Montreal.

So now for my ridiculously long list of questions!

1. How long does it usually take to receive packet 3 from Montreal? Should I be calling them to inquire about my case since it's May 10th now? Or should I just be patiently waiting for it to arrive in the mail?

2. Is there anything I should be doing in the meantime besides gathering the stuff I'll need for packet 3? (i.e. any phone numbers I should be calling, anyone I should be emailing?) I already got my vaccination record updated and I'm putting together evidence. I've also asked my fiance to fill out the affidavit of support and gather supporting evidence.

3. I've seen mentions of DHL in a few places. Should I be registering for that now? (I'm not exactly sure what it is...)

4. Is it too early to do a police check? That is, when you do a police check do you usually have to wait a few weeks, or do you just give them your name and some ID and they give you the certificate the same day that you come in? I will be going to my local police station for it. Should I wait until I get packet 3?

5. Should I wait until I get packet 3 to schedule a medical appointment? I will be using Dr. Howard Seiden & Associates in Toronto ( Does anyone know if there's issues with scheduling a timely appointment with this doctor?

6. Regarding the DS-156K: It asks for evidence of engagement. Is the "letter of intent signed by the petitioner within 30 days of the interview date" considered sufficient evidence? And does the petitioner refer to ME or my fiance? Lol. My fiance didn't propose to me, we just talked about living together for awhile and then decided we'd get married. We don't even have evidence of this in e-mails because we communicate primarily through the phone.

7. Regarding DS-230 part 1: a) It asks for the name, date/place of birth and current address of my mother and father. I have been estranged from my parents for 2 years and am unsure of their current address and my mother's place of birth. (I'm pretty sure my mother was born in Montreal- I know she was born in QUEBEC, for sure- but I don't know if she was born in Montreal 100%). How should I handle this? Without going into detail I do not want to contact my parents even just to obtain this information.
b) It also asks "in what occupation do you intend to work in the United States?" Do I leave this blank since I'm not immigrating on an employment visa? I DO intend to work, of course- after I get married and get my work permit- but I'll just be working at whatever job I can get, I obviously don't know where or what I'll be doing. (The only jobs I've had were minimum wage cashier-type jobs.)
c) Again, the petitioner refers to me now, right? (It asks for the petitioner's address.)

8. Regarding the DS-156: a) It asks "when do you intend to arrive in the US? Provide a specific date if known" with a drop down box to put in the day/month/year. I don't know when I'll be arriving, just that it'll be soon after I get my visa. So how do I answer this question? My I-129F "expires" in early August (although I've read you can extend if if you just keep calling the embassy), so should I just add 6 months to August and say that's when I intend to arrive? Should I leave it blank since I don't know?
b) It also asks "how long do you intend to stay in the US?" Should I just write "indefinitely" (since I intend to follow the legal procedure of marriage then AOS then green card)? Should I write "indefinitely" and make a note about how I intend to get married within 90 days and then apply for permanent residency?
c) Again, it asks if I intend to work and study in the US, which I do, but I don't know anything specific. (It says if YES, provide name and current address of employer/school). So I'm guessing I should check "no?"

9. For Montreal, packet 4 just includes instructions on how to obtain the medical, right? When do I schedule my interview- after I return packet 3, or after I receive packet 4? Does packet 4 arrive after you've made your appointment online (so it includes the appointment letter?)

I know a lot of these questions may be dumb or seem obvious but I'm confused about some things and a bit anxious. ANY information is greatly appreciated! I'll be sure to come by these forums after I've received my visa so I can help out similarly confused people! lol. :)

Thanks again guys :)

Edited by pocheros, 10 May 2011 - 10:16 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-10 10:13:00
CanadaMontreal has Appointments!
Congrats Ralyse! :) And good luck!

Yeah, congrats on your appointment!!!! I sure hope there are some August appointments when I am allowed to book!
I am still waiting for my packet 3 which I was told was mailed on May 5th. I started filling out forms and am confused whether to complete the DS-160 and which photo to use...urgh will be glad when this process is done!

You do need to fill out DS-160 for packet 3. DS-160 is done online BUT Montreal requires a paper copy as well as the online system isn't fully integrated yet. When you get to the end of the questions on the website you will have the option of printing out a paper version along with the confirmation receipt. DO print out a copy of the whole thing along with the confirmation receipt (it has a barcode)- it will save you time at the interview, if what I've read is correct. You also need to upload a photo of yourself to the website for the DS-160.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-13 18:17:00
CanadaWhere to translate birth certificate
And just as an addition: Piefre, I would follow packet 3 instructions regarding the requirements for translations, as they can vary depending on the consulate and type of visa. USCIS and DoS have less strict guidelines, those are just the "minimum" for the consulates, if my research is correct. However I see according to your timeline that you haven't received packet 3 yet, so for now perhaps you shouldn't worry? Even so there are posters that have been fine without getting their translations notarized. I'm just super ####### and want to make sure my bases are covered so nothing gets delayed/no one can say "I told you so" or "it was in the instructions." :lol:
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-16 21:32:00
CanadaWhere to translate birth certificate
Wow, that does sound like a pain! :( I think notaries aren't that hard to find, actually- can't you usually find one at the bank? But then I *think* there's different kinds of notaries. On the phone the lady referred to the notary as a "commissioner of oath," so I don't know if that's different... I actually didn't learn what a notary was until I started my visa!
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-16 21:07:00
CanadaWhere to translate birth certificate
Packet 3 from Montreal states that it must be done by a certified translator and notarized. Maybe the notarization is interchangeable with the seal, however... I found out there's a notary close to the translation place so I should be able to take care of everything there. The only thing is the lady wasn't sure if their French -> English translator was certified by the ATIO so she has to check and call me back. I also have to give them the docs in person which is a bit out of the way but it also reassures me that they know what they're doing and it's all "official." So if anyone in Ontario wants to get their docs translated try the Centre for Education and Training in Mississauga. It's right near Square One. :)

Ozone, thanks for the link :)
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-16 19:10:00
CanadaWhere to translate birth certificate
Well, I found that the Centre for Education & Training in Mississauga does do certified translations, but they aren't notarized. She said that translations come with an affidavit, however. I know they're not interchangeable but I wonder if the embassy will get picky over it? Sigh... :S
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-16 09:45:00
CanadaWhere to translate birth certificate
Ozone: Did she get them notarized as well? And did you simply email her your stuff and have the translations in hard copy mailed back to you, or did you have it done in person?

I'm trying to get this done now, before I go to Montreal, so I don't have to spend too much time there and spend money on a hotel and so I have everything in order. Regardless, if you wouldn't mind, could I have a referral, just in case? :D I don't know if this forum has a private messaging system. If not and you can't post it publicly I can give you my email :)
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-16 08:42:00
CanadaWhere to translate birth certificate
Thanks for the input guys :) I feel a little more reassured that I'm not "wasting" my money hehe. Crossing my fingers that my phone calls and e-mails lead to someone who can help!
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-15 16:02:00
CanadaWhere to translate birth certificate
Jill & Jeff: Also (omg triple posting), it's worth noting that the K1 visa requires translations but the guidelines for IR1/CR1 are different.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-13 19:07:00
CanadaWhere to translate birth certificate
Well, I checked the website for etat civil and if I've interpreted it correctly they will only make copies of your birth certificate in the language in which the original was made. I also found a translator in the phone book whose website doesn't look terribly shady and e-mailed them. Come monday I'll be calling both of these places just to see what I can do. Hopefully I can figure something out... It's so silly that they require a translation because a birth certificate only has a bit of information, like the parent's names and the date. How hard could it possibly be to figure out? Ah, bureaucracy...

Edited by pocheros, 13 May 2011 - 06:46 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-13 18:45:00
CanadaWhere to translate birth certificate

Just an FYI, you don't need to translate your birth certificate if you're interviewing in Montreal. My husband's birth certificate is in French and when I called NVC, they informed me that as long as the birth certificate is in either English, or the language of the consulate you're interviewing at, it does not need to be translated.

We submitted everything without having his birth certificate translated. I got a nasty question and attitude about it when we went in for the interview, but that was it. There was no real issue with not having it translated. Save yourself the $50.


This had been gone over in a previous thread... One poster was actually required to provide a translated birth certificate. DoS does not require translations; however, the consulate may have stricter guidelines than DoS, and the packet 3 instructions explicitly ask for all documents to be in English. There is no clause about the official language of the country in which the interview is taking place- that's only DoS. Although they may not ask for it at the interview it will be required at some point in the US. Which is why I'm in such a tizzy over it :(

The fact that someone was nasty about it indicates that it may cause problems if I don't have a translation. The only difference is if I get an interviewer with a really bad mood that day. Although I doubt I'll be denied a visa it could certainly unnecessarily protract the process if they want me to produce an english version. This is the last I want... I'd rather waste my money and have all my bases covered.

No French canadian VJers with any experience? Unfortunately I did not get a chance to call any government offices as I worked late today and then they'll be closed tomorrow and Sunday. *sigh*

Edited by pocheros, 13 May 2011 - 05:48 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-13 17:45:00
CanadaWhere to translate birth certificate
Edit: Someone just suggested to me that I call 1 800 Oh Canada and ask if they know of any service that's widely used for this purpose. It's late now so I'll call tomorrow, however if anyone has any information they'd like to chip in it's appreciated :)

(I wonder why this forum never lets me edit my posts? *grumble*)
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-12 20:05:00
CanadaWhere to translate birth certificate
Hello everyone,
I just returned packet 3 to Montreal for my K1 visa. I pretty much have everything ready- vaccination record, police certificates, evidence, etc.- except for my birth certificate translation (it's in French.)

My problem is that everywhere I look up immigration services or translation services the companies don't look terribly professional. I can't figure out if there's any official kind of service I can use (like Service Canada) that I know is reliable... I live in Brampton so I have a feeling there's a lot of scammers out there trying to take advantage of immigrants.

Does anyone have any experience with this? It's kind of frustrating :( And yeah, packet 3 specifically states that "Documents not in English must be accompanied by certified translations" plus I want to have a translated copy handy once I move to the US.

Thanks in advance for any help.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-12 19:59:00
CanadaP4 was logged but not allowed to book interview?

Congratulations!! Mine's 8:01 on the 3rd, so I guess they just book them that way by default! :D

And I'm 100% with youy, without VJ I don't think we'd have been able to do this and with all the help and support these forums provide it's such a comfort and makes everything seem so simple!

Yeah, can you imagine what it must've been like to do this before the internet? And that wasn't that long ago! We'd probably have to hire lawyers who didn't know anything! LOL!
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-19 16:19:00
CanadaP4 was logged but not allowed to book interview?
Thanks Jeannie :) And to everyone on this forum thank you SO MUCH for de-mystifying this godforsaken process, and for putting up with my spazziness! It's been such a comfort to be able to talk to people going through the same experience as me! Good luck to everyone else as well! :)

Edited by pocheros, 19 May 2011 - 03:49 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-19 15:49:00
CanadaP4 was logged but not allowed to book interview?
Thanks :D I just got mine! Monday august 22nd, 8:31 am! It was the earliest available date. I think it's funny it actually says 8:31, not 8:30. LOL.

Was hoping for something earlier, but we can keep trying to re-schedule, right? Even if I can't get an earlier date it's okay because I don't have any obligations. And OMG I'm so happy.

Also, my petition expires on August 10th, do I have to call anyone to let them know I haven't abandoned my case, or do they automatically extend it as soon as you book an interview?
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-19 15:34:00
CanadaP4 was logged but not allowed to book interview?
3rd time's the charm! I just called again and the lady gave me permissionw ithout me even asking! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

So, to anyone else who sees this, if they state that Pkt4 is ready but they don't give you permission just keep calling every 20 minutes or so and speak to different people. :)
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-19 15:25:00
CanadaP4 was logged but not allowed to book interview?
Well, I found a pdf of packet 4 and it definitely instructs you to make an appointment online. Ugh so tempting!
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-19 15:12:00
CanadaP4 was logged but not allowed to book interview?
I know! So frustrating! I was under the impression that she wants us to see the instructions before we book an appointment! Sigh... And in another thread, the DoS operator apparently knows when the P4s are mailed out? Ugh. I think I will wait for some more responses before I do anything but I am super tempted to start trying to book an interview right this instant. Lol. Or maybe I will call back in an hour and hopefully get another person who says I can. XD

Edit: I am trying to find a pdf of packet 4. What I've read says that packet 4 contains "the date and time of the interview" but that doesn't make sense since we're supposed to book an appointment after we get it. Is your "interview letter" one that you receive in the email (i.e. the one you bring to the medical exam and to the consulate on the day of your interview)?

Edited by pocheros, 19 May 2011 - 03:09 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-19 15:05:00
CanadaP4 was logged but not allowed to book interview?
I called department of state twice today and they said that P4 was "put together" for my case today. I talked to two different people and when I asked if I'm eligible to book an interview at Montreal they told me I should wait. I explained to the second lady I talked to that if P4 was permission to book an interview then why couldn't I? She said I should wait just in case there's instructions within packet 4 that would make me want to book an appointment at a later date than I thought (yeah right e_e) and when I asked her if they'd flag my case if I tried to book an interview she said she didn't know. She also said they only know when P4 is logged, not when it's mailed out as they're mailed out in batches. It sounded like she was avoiding giving me "permission" to book an interview as their calls are monitored and she was probably just trying to do her job the way DoS wants them to.

It didn't really sound like they were saying "yes" or "no" explicitly since that's what P4 is supposed to be about...

So, this is what I know: P4 has definitely been logged for me, but whether or not it was mailed is unknown. It was logged today.

What I don't know: can I book an interview now? Will Montreal flag my case if I try to book it? Does whether or not it's been physically mailed affect the status of my case? Will Montreal "know" or care?

It's a long weekend. I really, really don't want to wait for Montreal to mail it before I can book an interview.

Edited by pocheros, 19 May 2011 - 03:01 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-19 14:58:00
CanadaMontreal and P3/P4 Question
Weird. I got a lady who understands that you book your appointments online for Montreal and even though she explicitly said that P4 was logged for me today that I should wait to receive it in the mail before I book an appointment! I feel like flipping. :(

And she also said that they don't know when it's been mailed as they're mailed in batches, only when they're logged. Seems like our operators don't share the same ideas about the process since yours knows when the packets are sent! :(

Edited by pocheros, 19 May 2011 - 03:03 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-19 15:02:00
CanadaTo Anyone Booking a Toronto Medical
Just booked my medical visa e-mail! Like others here, I got a reply very quickly :) Very impressed :)
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-30 18:10:00
CanadaTo Anyone Booking a Toronto Medical
S&C1: Thanks, I was wondering about that :)

Thanks for this post! I just booked with them over email for June 15th. :) Very exciting! And you're absolutely right, very fast responses! :thumbs:

Edited to add, I also am wondering about a question someone upthread asked. Which letter are we to bring? I never ended up actually getting a P3 although they logged my response and sent out P4 (which I also have not received, although I was told it was sent on May 18 - how long does P4 usually take? :unsure:).

I just received packet 4 in the mail today and it was dated May 19. I'm also located in the GTA, so it should be soon :)
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-27 22:48:00
CanadaTo Anyone Booking a Toronto Medical
Just a question, since I will be doing my medical in Toronto as well, how far in advance is your appointment? I.e. how many weeks from the day you booked it?

I'm kind of confused as to what "letter" you're supposed to bring to the medical- is it the confirmation e-mail you get when you book your interview on the website, or is it something you receive in PKT 4? I already booked my interview in Montreal (August 22nd) but I haven't received PKT 4 yet so I don't know if I can book my medical...
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-25 14:28:00
CanadaPossible to do Medical and Interview in Same Week?
Which embassy are you going to? There are medical examiners in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. Although I'm not entirely sure I believe that some VJers here have done their medical exam and interview within the same week, and some on the same day. If you do it on the same day it will delay the process slightly, i.e. they won't "approve" you if it's on the same day but if everything is in order they eventually will approve you.

Feel free to correct me... I haven't even had the medical exam yet but this is the impression I got :)

Edited by pocheros, 31 May 2011 - 06:43 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-31 18:42:00
CanadaPolice Check

That's it? That's all you had to do? and you got it right there on the spot?
I live in a small city in BC that only has an rcmp station and when I went to pick up the forums, ( I got the one for working with children plus another one, but it's not green its white) the lady said bring these back with 50$ and they will take 4-6 weeks?? I was planning on going tom to get it sent away right away but if you guys are getting it on the spot I must have the wrong forum. On the top of my forum it says Royal Canadian mounted police consent for disclosure of criminal record info. Is that the same on you had?

Just some info I don't have any criminal records either.

I think it varies from province to province and city to city. Ontario has its own police force after all. Correct me if I'm wrong as I haven't traveled outside of Ontario much, but the other provinces primarily have RCMP for their police force, right? Whereas Ontario has both the RCMP and Ontario Provincial Police, so more resources to work with.

@KDLang: Congrats! Things go much faster now! Good luck with putting your packet 3 together. It's really easy, so don't worry or stress out :)

Edited by pocheros, 03 June 2011 - 08:53 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-06-03 20:53:00
CanadaPolice Check
This is a bit late- but if you still haven't got it yet, all you need is something that shows that your name and date of birth were searched in the CPIC or criminal records repository (I don't remember what it's called exactly.) You do NOT need to get your fingerprints done- they do those at the interview. You don't need to go to the RCMP if you don't have a criminal record.

I got mine done at 22 division in Brampton. I filled out a form with my name, date of birth, and my addresses for the last five years. Then they entered it in the database, saw that nothing showed up, and stamped the form I filled out. It was $50, $5 for an extra copy. It was easy and painless.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-06-02 22:01:00
CanadaCanadian Birth Certificate
It won't be an issue. It only needs what packet 3 specifies, so as long as it meets those requirements it's fine. Besides, the other packet 3 forms go more in depth about your parents (their birth places, current address, etc.)
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-05-30 21:51:00
CanadaImmunization records question
For Toronto, this page outlines the vaccines you need: http://www.panelphys.../Pages/Age6.htm

Since it's not 2013 you shouldn't need a booster. However, be aware that for AOS they require more vaccinations (it's somewhere on the website- yeah, I know I'm being descriptive >_>). I had an MMR when I was a kid but when I saw my family physician she gave me an MMR booster without even taking a titre to test my immunity. She said that in the States they will "absolutely" require me to have an MMR booster (for AOS) so I might as well get it while it's free. No idea if that's true or not, I wouldn't worry about it. The only difference is that you may have to pay for more vaccines once you're in the States instead of getting some of them for free here.

Edited by pocheros, 05 June 2011 - 08:35 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-06-05 20:33:00
CanadaIs this photo acceptable for the medical exam?

Yay! Congrats on getting the refund! As someone whose employment is dealing with angry customers, it infuriates me when its ahrd to get appropriate resolution when you're so obviously right.

Indeed :yes: I work in customer service and if I make a mistake I'm quick to admit it and fix it! Sometimes it's not my fault but I'll still correct it, if it only happens occasionally what's going to cost more- an angry customer that won't bring back business and will badmouth you or just re-doing something to make them happy? It's the customer's right to get what they pay for.

In retrospect I should've made the photo black and white before posting it to VJ because now I'm identifiable by my hair :lol:

Edited by pocheros, 08 June 2011 - 09:30 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-06-08 21:28:00
CanadaSurvivor Benefits
Thanks so much for the help!
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-03-20 19:38:00
CanadaSurvivor Benefits
Mwuahhh :luv: you're my new favourite forum person! Thanks, will have a look around and see what I can find, that site looks bookmarkable.
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-03-19 15:00:00
CanadaSurvivor Benefits
My son collects an orphan's benefit from his father's CPP, will he still collect this when we move to the US? It's money that I'd like to continue putting into his savings if I can....

I've been all over the gov't site and haven't been able to find anything about it, just fyi...

Edited by Stuart and Thea, 19 March 2011 - 02:18 PM.

Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-03-19 14:17:00
CanadaGetting Police Certificates in Ontario

For what it's worth, I got mine done by Waterloo Regional Police this morning for 30$ and had it within ten minutes.

Thanks for that! I had intended to go to the RCMP instead thinking it would be faster, but I'll use the local branch instead!

Edited by Stuart and Thea, 31 March 2011 - 07:43 PM.

Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-03-31 19:42:00
CanadaCrisis Averted - no gov't shut down afterall!
Another crisis averted... lol, too bad it has to go back to normal though, sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between business as usual and shutdown!
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-04-09 15:30:00
CanadaNo Immunization Records
In Ontario, the public health schedule only uses the tetanus/diptheria/pertussis shot at the 14-16year checkup, after that you only get tetanus/diptheria, and the vaccine is called Td Adsorbed, it's NOT the same as Adacel, as it doesn't have the pertussis in it. Yes, you would have had to have the childhood immunizations in order to go to school, but public health may not have all your shots on file, though they should. I constantly get calls at the doctor's office from parents asking if their kids are up to date because public health says they're not, and 9 times out of 10, they've had the shot but the parents never notified public health, so if your parents were anything like the majority of parents, then they might not have kept public health updated with all your shots. At the very least, at your medical, if they feel you need Adacel, they'll give it to you there, for a fee of course!

Edited by Stuart and Thea, 22 May 2011 - 11:39 AM.

Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-05-22 11:38:00

Just a heads' up: Tallahassee sucks in sending out the cards, and basically wait to ship it out (it seems) until the week your temp is set to expire. I was told by the DMV that they could not do anything for me until the temp expired. Then, they could put in a request to see why it's been delayed. However, you can actually do that call yourself, ahead of it expiring, to see what's what.

The system is quite backwards.

Good idea. I asked the DMV agent when they gave me my temporary what would happen if the paper license expired before I received the card in the mail. He told me to return to the DMV and that they would issue me a card there on the spot if that was the case. But Sam, after hearing what happened to you, I have a feeling that when I go back they'll tell me what they told you! I have no faith in this stuff anymore.

Kayla --- I can't believe the lady was so rude to you and your hubby!!!
cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2010-08-12 08:07:00
Wow, they lost the I-864?! It boggles my mind how you can send them $1010 to work on your stuff and they can be so disorganized.

I would love a discount due to their errors!

I've been trying to get my car title stuff figured out. They put miles instead of kilometres on my Florida title, even though I was very clear that it was kilometres. I went to the tag agency again today, and they said I have to go back to the DMV inspector, have another form filled out, then I can go back to the tag agency. Seriously people?!

My running tally...

Social Security: 5 times
DMV: 5 times... plus another appointment coming up as my temporary license is about to expire and no card in the mail yet
Tag Agency: 3 times, plus one more to go to get my title fixed

cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2010-08-11 18:16:00
Hey there fellow Canucks!

Just checking in... Ashenflowers, I'm glad to hear that your RFE reply is now back in their hands. They approved my AOS just days after they received my second medical so let's hope it's the same for you! It still upsets me when I think about having to spend more time and money for THEIR mistake.

I'm just sending some big hugs out to all of you waiting. I think that this whole process is a true test of patience...
cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2010-08-09 11:43:00