CanadaToronto Medical Review
Haha, regarding the x-ray, I'm getting my brother to pick up my medical since he works in Toronto and when I told him the instructions stated to bring a shopping bag to carry the x ray he said "I was just going to put everything in my backpack." I made him take a plastic grocery bag just in case so I guess I'll find out how big it is tonight :)
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-06-23 10:32:00
CanadaToronto Medical Review
I had my medical on Tuesday morning and it was so fast and easy that it was rather unremarkable. I took a cab there but overestimated how long it would take and was there by 5:30am, and was first in line :lol: There's a Starbucks across the street and a McDonalds next to it. It's easy to find because the building has an awning with 145 FRONT ST. EAST printed on it.

So I sat outside the building until a lady came at 6:10 and opened the doors. She let me sit inside the foyer while she got the office ready. A few minutes later a guy showed up for a medical as well. At 6:25 she started processing me and the other guy. She asked for 3 photos, my letter from the consulate/packet 4, passport, and vaccination record. She asked for the payment which I received a receipt for.

After that I was instructed to wait outside the x ray room. The lady for the x ray got there at 7am. After she took my x ray I had my height and weight recorded by a nurse, then I had blood drawn. Another nurse came and took my blood pressure and pulse. Then I was instructed to take off all my clothing and put on a paper gown and wait for the doctor to arrive.

The doctor (I got Dr. Malcolm) was very nice. He looked at my vaccination record and saw everything was up to date. He asked me some questions (are you taking any medication, do you have any conditions, do you have HIV etc. etc.) none of which applied to me so it went smoothly. He then listened to my lungs and did some sort of abdominal exam. Then he left and a nurse came back to do a breast exam and take a quick peek between my legs (literally), I think just to confirm that you're the gender you say you are :lol:

I was out of there by 7:20. I didn't notice how full or empty the waiting area was when I got out because I was so relieved that the medical was over :) All in all I found everyone I worked with to be very professional and efficient. I know it's obvious but you can tell these guys do the exact same thing every single day and they were very kind and helpful. It was a relief to have my medical done by such people.

By the way, if you're like me and you have no remarkable medical history to speak of at all, it's okay to just bring the minimum (that is, your vaccination record.) I've never used medication for a long period of time or had any conditions or surgeries to speak and was fine with just the minimum documents. My vaccination record was completely up to date, however.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-06-23 10:06:00
CanadaLand Border Questions / Ties to Canada

Sorry you had to go through that, ralyse. Now you understand why we always post these warnings. :lol: I honestly don't know why some officers are dickheads, other than they're power-tripping. Professionalism obviously means nothing to them.

Holy #######! I would have killed him! :lol:

I was mad at him for the rest of the night! He said he "doesn't like authority" to which I said "you were in the navy for 6 years, shouldn't you be better at dealing with authority than anyone else?" :lol: I think sailors tend to be a little more unruly than other than members of the military. He knows better now, though. :)

It's like... Even if they are power tripping (as opposed to just doing their job) nothing is gained from arguing with them or lying! And so far, in my experience they're usually just doing their job. :yes:

Edited by pocheros, 12 July 2011 - 10:38 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-07-12 10:35:00
CanadaLand Border Questions / Ties to Canada
This reminds me of one time where I was pulled to secondary at the Windsor border. My fiance was living in Michigan at the time so sometimes I took the VIA train to Windsor, where he'd pick me up with his car and drive me across the border. The first time we crossed the officer understandably asked us questions about how we met etc., but before I said anything my fiance chimed in and made up a story about how we met in school in California- because he thought telling the truth (we met online and arranged to meet in Ontario) didn't sound believable? So while he was talking to the officer I looked at my fiance like he had two faces (had I been the first to talk I would've told the truth!) and then understandably the officer realized he was lying and then I explained how we actually met! Then obviously we got pulled into secondary, gave them our passports, and waited for about 30 minutes while they searched his car. :lol:

Okay, this is really OT, but I think it's a funny story that I wanted to share. :)

Another time we crossed they were doing some sort of training exercise, so we got pulled into secondary again. I had some art supplies with me because I like to draw on the train. One of the things I had in my purse was a kneaded eraser, which looks like play-dough and was treated very suspiciously (understandably play dough is one of the things you use to make bombs, though, right? I read that somewhere...) and I also had some, um, inappropriate photos I took for my fiance as a present (wrapped up in a nice little package) and was questioned about its contents (to which I just said it was a present for my fiance) and prayed that they didn't open it up. They didn't, fortunately. :)

Edited by pocheros, 12 July 2011 - 10:16 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-07-12 10:11:00
CanadaLand Border Questions / Ties to Canada
Sorry you had such a crappy experience! It's almost over now, though- your interview's so close! :) Hope you're enjoying your trip.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-07-12 10:02:00
CanadaMontreal time for visa after appt?
There's a thread for it here. It has a poll: http://www.visajourn...-from-montreal/

Edit: Looks like me and inky are fast clickers :P

Edited by pocheros, 12 July 2011 - 08:38 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-07-12 20:37:00
CanadaTeambuy Montreal Luxury Hotel
Thanks for the vote of confidence, I hadn't planned on checking out hotels this early in the game (still waiting on NOA2) but that popped in my email and I had to check it out. I think I'll be getting it, and yes, for the 3 nights. Looking at your link now, and again, thanks!
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-06-10 19:28:00
CanadaTeambuy Montreal Luxury Hotel
Le St Martin Hotel at 980 boul. De Maisonneuve West Montreal, Québec, H3A 1M5, is about an 11 min walk to the Consulate in Montreal, where I will be having my interview sometime later this year. Teambuy today offered this deal here: clicky and I'm hoping someone with experience can tell me if I should splurge now in anticipation of using it in the future.

- for $339, get a 2-night stay in a luxury room, and breakfast for 2 people at the Montreal downtown Hotel Le St-Martin Hotel , a value of $710!

-for $479, get a 3- night stay in a Grand Luxe Suite, three $50.00 gift- certificates to L'Aromate Resto (breakfast), and valet parking at the Montreal downtown Hotel Le St-Martin Hotel , a value of $1032!

I haven't started pricing nearby hotels but know that for two people, it's normally more than this for even a holiday inn in my area, so it looks like a good deal.

(If you're going soon and this looks good to you too, look at the hotel website, they have a warrior package that is a one night stay but includes a day at the museum seeing some Chinese exhibit that if it wasn't done before I will likely even get my NOA2, I'd jump to go see)

I plan on taking my son (K-2 and will be 12) with me to Montreal when I go, so if there's somewhere else you think I should look at let me know!
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-06-09 18:27:00
CanadaTdap shot?
Do not be concerned that you will be hurting yourself by getting the vaccine. The doctor that did the original study linking the MMR vaccine to Autism has since lost his license to practice medicine due to falsifying data. The study would never have shown a correlation between vaccines and Autism if it was ever repeated, and if the doctor didn't falsify his data. Sadly, countless children die each year due to parent's continued fears over this vaccine. In Quebec, there are currently around 150 children with an outbreak of a disease that is entirely preventable, and sometimes the consequences for this disease are dire. As to why your brother developed Autism, it's not something that can be answered as of yet, though a lot of genetic tests are pointing to our DNA, and not an outside cause being to blame. It is pure coincidence that pointed the finger at the MMR vaccine, as it is given around the same time period that most children are being diagnosed. As to the mercury in shots, most vaccines in Canada no longer contain it, (called thimerosal) and it's not in a form that is dangerous in the vaccines that do contain it. (hep B shots are the only ones that come to mind)

As to when you need your shot, (it's called Adacel here in Ontario) you should have gotten it around 14-16 years old. Every 10 years after that, you get your Td. For the Visa process, you will need to show that you have your vaccines up to date, so see your family doctor and get that shot asap. I promise, it won't hurt! (just a #######!)
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-06-21 20:02:00
CanadaTrouble With Toronto Medical

Mine only has me as a patient as a favour to a relative and constantly makes me aware of this fact, but out of respect for my uncle I don't say anything.

Wow, what an ####. That is completely unacceptable. If we both weren't moving out of Ktown, I'd set you up with the docs in my clinic. Believe me, you'd know the difference between what I described and what your doctor did. I'm sorry he was such a jerk to you, it's so much better when they're a jerk FOR you!

[/i]...RIGHTHEOUS INDIGNATION? that is so self-fulfilling...I hope your rant made YOU feel better.....

No, I was intending to make the OP feel better, as if her doctor was in fact being upset on her behalf as the doctor I work for would have been, then she would have been able to change a horrible day into a not so horrible day. It appears that he is in fact, a total ####. As to the righteous indignation, it's a shame that he wasn't feeling that, just holier than thou instead. The docs I've worked for would have done it a little differently, up to and including dictating a letter to the embassy on her behalf because of her high blood pressure.

I think regardless of what's "bad" medicine, it can be agreed upon that these are professionals who should act and communicate with their peers and patients respectfully. Going into a tirade is inexcusable- getting mad does nothing to resolve the issue faster or more effectively. A patient trusts their doctor because their doctor went to school for a decade in order to help people, so it's not the patients fault if they're given bad advice- heck, in this case, the patient actually tried to do the responsible thing and locate their vaccination records but again was met with unprofessional conduct. Guilting a patient because of what another doctor told them to do is illogical, irrational, and frankly reeks of a lack of basic human decency. Likewise, getting upset at another doctor is completely unprofessional conduct. All the doctors in Canada make up a part of the health care system and should do their best to work together and with other health care providers even when they have disagreements.

Yelling at someone over the phone and pushing a patient to cry is disgusting behaviour even if Dr. Seiden was wrong. I mean, parents teach their kids not to yell and scream- we're adults aren't we?

Ehh, I know this isn't my argument, it just bothers me slightly because what ralyse has relayed to us thus far hasn't indicated that she was trying to do anything other than what she's supposed to do. That is, she tried to be prepared to the best of her abilities but due to circumstances beyond her control was met with some difficulties and then blamed for them. Ridiculous.

TL;DR A professional should not communicate his "feelings"- whether right or wrong- when trying to resolve an issue. A professional only cares about "righting" the wrong, and the best way to do so is calmly, respectfully, and efficiently. It's not by yelling. When someone yells at you do you listen? Yelling won't make and adult do anything differently- if anything, it'll make them more stubborn and resistant.

Absolutely correct, and I don't disagree with any of it. But if he in fact had been upset on her behalf and yelled and screamed for her instead of at her, (which I was trying to suggest he might have been doing -I don't know him, only the docs I've worked for, and I've seen such behaviour from professionals before, even heard them tell each other to keep "your hands off my patients" though mostly on behalf of patients they have a good relationship with. As to this doctor's relationship with this patient? It's a shame that there aren't enough doctors to go around and you can end up stuck with a total jerk just because you need a doctor) then maybe her day might not have gone so bad.

As to the rest of it, good luck at the interview, and look forward to an easy POE and your wedding. I can't wait to hear from you!
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-06-23 19:37:00
CanadaTrouble With Toronto Medical
Before you go complaining to the CPSO about your doctor, please listen to the perspective of someone who works in a family practice and regularly hears requests from employers and such for similar things and feel much like your doctor does that it IS bad medicine. Required by the US government or not, it IS bad medicine. There is no medical reason for it to be required, just that it suit some paperwork requirement. It doesn't make you any less likely to get the disease for having a second shot, and while it won't hurt you to get it, it's requests like these that add up and cost the Canadian taxpayer a lot of money. And to the poster that said it is free to test for these titres in Ontario, it's really not. They're quite expensive actually, and countless thousands of dollars are wasted every year for these useless requests. Patients that go to emerg for minor problems, unnecessary tests are only part of it. In fact, if you read the fine print, your doctor is supposed to have you pay for your tests for this kind of blood work when it's not required to treat you, such as would be the case if they were researching your immune status to see if you were sick with Hep B, and not just for your work, or your application for Visa. No wonder your doctor was righteously indignant, and rightly so. Also, his patient was being subjected to something completely ridiculous and unnecessary, so that would make him doubly angry. He did a poor job in relating to you that it was on your behalf that he was so upset, you should feel thrilled that you have a doctor that gets so upset on your behalf to actually call and tell off Dr Seiden, (who unfortunately, is also just doing his job, though that particular part of it is medically BAD medicine).

I myself have been angry with Public Health for their treatment of patients with regard to their vaccine records. I've been known to get angry on behalf of a student being threatened with expulsion for not having their immunization done, even though they may still have up to a year and a half to get it according to good medicine. Public Health has also been known to "lose" records, as I still get requests from them after faxing, phoning and mailing in records to them. I'm sorry that you had a bad day. I'm also sorry that your doctor made you feel worse. I can't imagine that there would be any reason to deny you based on high blood pressure especially if your doctor did not put you on a blood pressure med. I think in this case, Dr. Seiden was just looking out for you, and it's not a reason to deny you entry. Blood pressure is highly manageable, with diet or medication, so it's really not a biggie with the US government, I'm sure. Just please consider my perspective, and no, I don't work for either of the two doctors mentioned in this thread, though I'm very familiar with the kind of righteous indignation presented here, and can just see the doctor that I work for going into just such a tirade. Too bad your doctor didn't do it right though, you should have left your appointment feeling like you want to right every wrong in this world, I'm sure that's how your doctor felt.

And it IS bad medicine!
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-06-21 20:24:00

We rented a van and drove with 6 cats, the houseplants I was bringing (with their phytosanitary certificates)

Oohh, I didn't know we were allowed to bring plants with us?? I have a hibiscus tree that is as old as I am, it's 6 feet tall, and I hate to part with it, as my grandmother grafted it for me with some of the hibiscus she had when I was born. I also have a number of tropicals, I had planned on finding a new owner for all these, but if you can point me in the right direction for a phytosanitary certificate?? I've never heard of it before, so double thanks!!
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-06-25 21:03:00
Thanks Brooksie, that's a great link, but it only talks about shipping your goods when you're moving to the US, so AFTER you have your POE. I'm looking for info on NAFTA links saying you can ship items across the border with no duty if they are made in a NAFTA country. I know that I can import almost anything I like now from the US and not pay duty on it when having it come here, and the law goes both ways, I'm just looking for info on what things exactly qualify. I'm sure liquor and tobacco do not, for example, but what about furniture and clothing? I have several items that I would feel better sending along ahead of time, including my vintage collection of pyrex dishes, most of them are made in the USA, some in Canada, so I would not pay duty to send them now. If I'm reading correctly so far..

UPS has info on their site about limits per shipment for goods with a NAFTA certificate of origin to accompany them for tarrif/duty free shipping, and to ship to the US, the limit is 2500, if your goods are less than that, you are to put in legible writing : "I hereby certify that the good covered by this shipment qualifies as an originating good for purposes of preferential tariff treatment under the NAFTA." The goods must meet the rules of origin for NAFTA though.

NAFTA Rules of Origin
"The NAFTA eliminates tariffs on most goods originating in Canada,
Mexico and the United States that all Canada-United States trade
is duty-free in 1998."
"The NAFTA grants benefits to a variety of goods from the region.
Maximum benefits are reserved for those goods that "originate" in the
region. "Originating" is a term of art used to describe those goods
that meet the requirements of Article 401 of the Agreement. Article
401 of the Agreement establishes which goods originate and precludes
goods from other countries from obtaining those benefits by merely
passing through Canada, Mexico or the United States. Thus, not all
goods made in Canada, Mexico and the United States qualify for NAFTA
benefits. Traders must carefully research the terms of the Agreement
to determine whether their goods are entitled to NAFTA benefits--they
should not assume that they are entitled to NAFTA benefits merely
because they were made in a NAFTA country. It is possible, for
instance, for goods not to originate in Canada, Mexico or the United
States as that term is defined in the NAFTA, but still be an article
of Canada, Mexico or the United States for country of origin marking,
statistical or other purposes.
Article 401 of the Agreement defines "originating" in four ways: goods
wholly obtained or produced in the NAFTA region; goods meeting the
Annex 401 origin rule; goods produced in the NAFTA region wholly from
originating materials; and unassembled goods and goods classified with
their parts which do not met the Annex 401 rule of origin but contain
60 percent regional value content using the transaction method (50
percent using the net cost method)." RULES OF

I'm not yet sure that the items I want to ship will meet these rules, even though they are made in North America, so I'm still doing some reading. I may just have to pack them carefully and load them on the truck and just hope that they all arrive intact.

Edited by Stuart and Thea, 25 June 2011 - 09:37 AM.

Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-06-25 09:37:00
Okay, I can find a link for shipping to Canada, and it says many items for personal use would be considered duty free to ship, here's the link: clicky Just need to find one for shipping things to the US, and then I can decide on sending some things ahead of time. I'd feel better knowing that my most beloved items were where they belong, and not waiting here for me to get a visa first. If anyone can access a similar link on the US side to share with me, (my google defaults to Canadian pages, and I don't feel like clicking through 30 or more pages, lol, any Americans reading the Canada forum??
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-06-24 20:30:00

K-1 entrants do not pay duty on personal belongings. You can also import your car duty free.

We used Uhaul and drove with my dog and my car on a hitch behind the truck. It was a long trip but it was a fun experience.

Yes, but this is only on belongings you bring with you after you enter on a visa, I'm asking about sending belongings ahead of time, I thought they made you pay duty on them.

I'd rather put my son on the hitch behind the truck and have my dog ride with me!!! :lol: Just kidding. As to my car, lol, I need to import my scooter... that's another thing I'm having trouble finding links for, as to the import fees for an Italian made bike! I've already paid to import it here, lol, now I have to pay again to import it to the States! Aw well, we will likely get a big U-haul and pack everything on it, or else I'll just get rid of everything and start fresh! Let's see, for 2000$ I can get some pretty nice furniture, no? :P Maybe I should start a thread and post pics of my stuff and everyone can tell me if it's worth bringing or just to toss it??
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-06-24 20:14:00
I'm busy doing as much research as I can into EVERYTHING I'm gonna need to do/know to move to the US. (what else does one do during the waiting stage??) Currently looking at shipping companies vs renting a U-Haul is on the list. Explaining to my mother that my stuff can't go to the states before I do unless I want to pay duty brought up an interesting question that I'm hoping someone knows the answer to.

She said that because of the Free Trade Act, a person doesn't have to pay duty (or charge it because her company ships to and buys from the states all the time) if the items in question were made in either country. Does that mean that we CAN send our things that are from either Canada or the USA without paying any duty on them? Is duty charges the only thing keeping us from shipping our belongings to our fiances/spouses ahead of time or is there some other government law that I'm unaware of yet as well? Ideally, I could start sending my most favourite things in small batches!

Also, so far, it seems like it's gonna be U-Haul, or U-pack for me, as I've gotten several quotes and not liking any of them. I also need to bring pets, so to send my belongings AND take flight with a dog, two cats and a son seems a little too expensive for me, so it's a long drive instead. Though I do know a guy with a plane... I wonder how big it is, and how much gas would cost???? :lol:
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-06-24 19:41:00
CanadaNOA2 arrived today!!!!!

Edited by Stuart and Thea, 24 June 2011 - 06:39 PM.

Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-06-24 18:38:00
Canadaeyeglasses for Medical
Thanks guys!
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-06-30 22:04:00
Canadaeyeglasses for Medical
I think I read on here that I need to bring a pair of glasses with me to Dr Seiden's medical if I wear contacts, is that true? I don't have any, and really don't want to go to the expense of buying any if I can get away without it. I wear contact lenses night and day, for a month at a time, then put in a new pair, I think my glasses are about 12 years old and several prescriptions ago. Hoping to find someone on here that has gone through this themselves, rather than having to buy eyeglasses that I will likely never use, not to mention the fee for the visit for the prescription!
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-06-30 21:04:00
CanadaUS School System
Has anyone had any experience yet with the US schools and EIP and IP plans? My son is on both EIP and IP and I'm wondering how receptive schools in the US are to accomadating? I have a psychoed assessment on my son that lists him as having a learning disability with one area that suggests he use a computer in the classroom as well as a number of other accommodations, and supports. He'll be going into grade 7 this year, and we'll be moving in the fall to his new school. I'd like to have as little change for him academic wise as possible, and was hoping someone could let me know if they have programs in the US similar to the ones we have here?
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-05-22 09:05:00
CanadaK2 Vaccination requirements
Thanks for the great replies, I actually hadn't seen that Dr Seiden's link before! Just the one on here linking to the panel physicians through the CDC! Turns out that none of us need Hep A, I don't need Hep B even, though I do already have it for work, lol. As to the Hep B and the Menjugate for him, no OHIP doesn't cover them at all, it's Public Health that does, and only through the school year, so that's more money out of pocket.

Also, one of my patients is emigrating for work to New York, and registered her kids for school there, and the school board requires them to have School physicals, which we charge 55 $ for. (she has 3 kids) So now, I'm off and scrambling to find out ahead of time what he needs to register for school there, even though it will be later in the school year, I'd like to know ahead of time so that my doctor here can do them rather than trying to find a doctor in the US to do it. Hopefully we don't need it.

Man, this Visa thing gets expensive doesn't it? Also interesting in the Dr Seiden site you linked me to is that it costs 25$ less in Montreal than in Ontario... anyone know why? (just for curiosity?)
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-07-07 17:15:00
CanadaK2 Vaccination requirements
I've been looking at the CDC vaccine schedule and am unclear as to what are guidelines and what are requirements when it comes to the vaccines. My son will be 12 in August, and would be getting his Hep B and Meningitis vaccines free in the Grade 7 school year if we are here long enough for that to happen. The guidelines suggest that he get these and also Hep A. Are these required for his medical with Dr Seiden? Or are they just guidelines and not required vaccines like here in Ontario? I really don't want to fork over several hundred dollars for vaccines that he either doesn't need (hep a is really not a risk here or in the US) or that he'll be getting in another year anyway.

I on the other hand, did get my Tdap shot today, and am going to have titres for my other vaccines, being a nurse, I have everything else already.
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-07-06 21:25:00
CanadaAnother moving by truck thread
Penske allows it, actually encourages it, the woman told me today, lol, I guess they want to take away as much business from Uhaul as they can. We have to tell the location that we rent from that we will be taking it to Canada, it has to be the US citizen that rents it, and we have to get insurance, they will give us a note. I tried to save the chat I had with her to post it into here for anyone else, to save them the trouble, but it is only 20$ a day for the insurance waiver, (can't recall exactly what she called it!)

All said, Penske quoted us a quote that is only 150$ more than what Uhaul quotes online, but they have unlimited mileage, ulike UHaul, and they use diesel, so that will also save us about 300$ on the trip. They take AAA and discount 12%, charge 50$ extra for an extra day if you tell them ahead of time you want it, and 100$ if you tell them after the trip. IT actually works out to costing less, even with the higher upfront fee, we're using an estimating calculator on the fuel costs, but it's still saving close to 500$

They also guarantee their truck will be there when you go to pick it up. I don't know to take this one as honestly, because Uhaul says the same thing, but you hear so many people that say otherwise. My local Uhaul office had a ton of reviews I could read from the last few months, and while there weren't a lot of bad ones, there were a few. Notably, waiting for reservations, having to go to a different location as the truck wasn't available that they wanted, and dirty trucks with bad brakes. Still enough to scare me off!

I'm still waiting on more info, but I think we will be using Penske, lol, unless I want to part with most of my furniture and have a friend fly us all down in his cargo plane! I've already checked and it's only a little more expensive, but would sure cut down on the time!

Edited by Stuart and Thea, 09 July 2011 - 10:00 PM.

Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-07-09 21:59:00
CanadaAnother moving by truck thread
I'm not particularly in love with U-Haul, and my fiance plans to fly up to help us pack up our stuff and drive it across the border to Missouri. It's the best option for us when traveling with 2 adults, one child, 2 cats and a dog. (yes, we will be cramped in the cab, lol!)

I can't see any company online that allows you to rent in Canada (Kitchener Ontario) and drive to the US and leave the truck there other than UHaul, and the reviews I read on the vehicles UHaul uses and doesn't maintain frightens me.

I've read an old post on the CanuckAbroad site that suggests that while a Canadian is not allowed to drive an American rental vehicle into Canada, an American can, with no penalty. So, now I'm researching the option of having my fiance land in Buffalo, rent from Penske or somewhere, drive it up here and pack it up to go back. (He would have been renting a car from Buffalo to come here anyway, it's a lot cheaper than flying into Toronto for some inexplicable reason)

My question to you on the board here is to ask if any of you have ever rented a moving truck in the US to use to move your Canadian goods across the border, whether it be on your POE day, or on subsequent trips? If yes, what company did you use, and would you recommend them again? I've priced out several companies already, and they seem to beat UHaul in the price department by far, and Penske has better mileage too, so any input from experienced drivers is welcome!
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-07-09 13:56:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Danu - I also felt certain that I was forgetting something and kept looking through my folder several times before leaving for Montreal. It all worked out and I know you will pass with flying colours! Be confident and remember how prepared you are! It's a huge day, but you are ready for it!!!!
cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2009-11-13 15:20:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
So, are we talking a form to fill out every 10 years, or a huge stack of paperwork every 10 years if we don't Naturalize?!
cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2009-10-23 10:04:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
So happy it all worked out, Arabella!

My fiance is coming up for my sister's wedding the weekend before my interview. He leaves on the 2nd and my interview is on the 6th! So close!!! lol.
cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2009-10-21 12:29:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
For the November 6th folk - the lady from DOS that confirmed my interview for me also said that they sent out the letter yesterday. I am assuming it'll take no more than 5 business days depending on how far away you live from MTL. I'm in Ottawa, and it usually only takes 2 business days for mail from Montreal. (I have tons of relatives there and have come to learn the mail system thanks to greeting cards!)
cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2009-10-20 16:31:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
November 6th!!!!! HOLY COW!

I need to reschedule my medical ASAP!

This is crazy!!
cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2009-10-20 15:28:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Wow! I can't believe all these interviews! I think I need to call now too. What's the number again? Do you think they're still open at 4:30 EST?
cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2009-10-20 15:18:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Hi guys!

I received my NOA2 email back on August 27th. I then was told by NVC that they were sending out my approval notice to Montreal on September 2nd/3rd. I am still waiting on getting packet 3 in the mail. Should I call, or do you think I'm still within the norm?

cdn_gewelsFemaleCanada2009-09-22 06:47:00

Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YEAH!!!!! That is awesome news!!!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-05-25 17:37:00

tomorrow is the interview date and I'm so HAPPY EXCITED NERVOUS AND SCARED Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image Posted Image... I feel a little like a kid on christmas eve who's hoping santa brings them the present they wanted the MOST in their WHOLE life....Posted Image


phew....okay.... just had to let that out and now I can be a supportive calm rock for my love who has to get through that interview tomorrow!!Posted ImagePosted Image

It will be great!!!! Good Luck :)
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-05-24 14:32:00

Hi fellow Canadians. :) My P3 response arrived at Montreal yesterday morning, so right now I'm waiting for it to be logged and P4 to be sent and then I get to join y'all in the Great Interview Scheduling Wait. :lol:

I hope everything goes smoothly andfast for you guys!! My fiance and I are in the same boat as you!!! Just called DOS this morning and she told me they have our pkt 3 but it has not been logged or the pkt4 not sent yet... :whistle:

Good Luck you everyone!!!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-05-13 07:46:00

after nearly 3 weeks of trying for hours and hours and hours every single day.. WE GOT ONE!! May 25th!!... there was also May 9th available... good luck to the others who are trying... don't give up!!!!Posted Image

Great News!! Good Luck :thumbs:
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-05-05 21:55:00
CanadaOh Canada!
Happy Canada Day to you too!!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-07-01 19:53:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
Happy February everyone. The March interviews are just that much closer!
usmcwifeFemaleCanada2010-02-01 20:01:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
I am just wondering if I can get some advice from people who have already had the interview and gotten their visas. What would you say is a good timeframe to book a flight after an interview. My interview is on Friday march 19th in Montreal and I was wondering what a 'safe' date would be to book the flight. I will get an expresspost envelope for the fastest shipping of my visa and paperwork but I'm wondering how fast that's been for some of you. If I had a car I would drive down the day I got it in the mail. do you think teh following weekend is too early?
usmcwifeFemaleCanada2010-01-29 17:18:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal

Yeah, that's what I used, essentially the envelope was put in the mail Monday evening, and got to me on Thursday.

wow, I just happen to have my p4 with me and the size of the envelope is 314mm x 394mm (12" X 15") it's the biggest one they have. I think mine was slightly different dimensions (330x390 I think) but they took it no matter, it just has to be big enough, and Xpresspost is your ONLY option. No Fedex, UPS, Purolator.

Thanks, I'll definitley do that since my interview is on a friday so if I would have to stay in montreal until monday or tuesday. the cost of the envelope will definitly be offset by not having to stay somewhere for 3 more nights. Express post does suck. they lost track of my p3 so it took, i think a few days or so longer to get there than it should have! Probably didn't make a big difference in the long run, but it caused alot of stress!
usmcwifeFemaleCanada2010-01-26 18:01:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal

Well you can give them an overnight envelope (Xpresspost), that's what most of us did.

I'll tell you, my interview was on a Friday and I had my Passport and documents back by the next Thursday.

thanks peachy, i think i will do that too. What size of envelope do they require?
usmcwifeFemaleCanada2010-01-26 14:27:00