CanadaMontreal medical and interview?
Okay, I'm at the one month mark before the interview, and despite leaving many many many messages at different times of day for the Dr Seiden group, I don't feel comfortable waiting any longer, and have booked my appointment with Medisys for Oct 21. I got through on the first try, like I did the last time I spoke to them, and am very happy to have that part done with!
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-09-27 07:42:00
CanadaMontreal medical and interview?

I was able to book my medical in Toronto quite easily. They replied to an e-mail literally 2 minutes after I sent it :P Stuart/Thea, were you trying to book a medical in Montreal? Just curious in case Dr. Seiden's in Toronto suddenly got a lot slower. Don't have any experience with the Montreal clinics.

I tried to book by email, they gave me a number to call. I keep trying the number but am now trying to see how much MORE expensive it would be to go there the week before to use the other location. If they NEVER get back to me... how will I get my medical?
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-09-23 14:55:00
CanadaMontreal medical and interview?
Damn, I can't afford to do Medysis, I'd have to be there the week before so they could get it to me in time... I can book at Dr Seiden in either Toronto or Montreal, but not if they never call me back :(
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-09-22 17:44:00
CanadaMontreal medical and interview?
I am having no luck getting through to them to book the appointment, I've been trying for days. I've left messages, emailed them, asked them to email me... How long does it take for them to return a call generally?

I was given the number 514-251-9331 and a real live human answers and transfers me to someone's voicemail, so it's maybe a step ahead of the computerized one on the website... but wow, waiting....
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-09-22 14:18:00
CanadaMontreal medical and interview?
I'm considering booking medicals for myself and my son in Montreal, hopefully on the Monday before my interview. I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with either of the two clinics there to help me with who I book with. If I were to book in Toronto, even though I live close, I still need to take time off work, and book a hotel and pay to have the medicals sent to me for my son and I, so I'm looking at being in Montreal on the day before the interview anyway, so what's two more days?

If I do the medical on the Monday, would it really be ready for pickup on the Wednesday? I'm hinging on that being a deal breaker, and don't have the mental ability at the moment to peruse the forums completely for the info I need. (sorry, planning selling my house, moving, marriage and this visa thing as well as finding a replacement at my work is just killing me, so any help appreciated)

I CAN go to Toronto, just trying to do what makes the most sense time wise and financially... this **** is expensive!
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-09-19 22:03:00
CanadaQuestion for Canadians

They do sell Canada Dry down here in the US as least I have seen it here in the LA area...

I am confused about the clamato thing though are you saying you can't find it in the US because I have bought it down here.. my husband uses it when he makes a Chavela..

Do they have Clamato with the works and the rimmer spice? If so, I'll be a happy girl! When I was down last time, I ordered a rye and ginger at a bar. The waitress said "Where y'all from honey?" Turns out she spent some time in Montreal, so pegged me as a Canadian immediately. She told me to have a Canadian Mist and a 7-up instead, (yuck!) as they didn't have gingerale at the bar, apparently it's not a popular mix. She also told me how much she misses Caesar's as she just couldn't get any Clamato juice, and mixing tomato juice and clam juice just didn't do it. Maybe she just didn't look hard enough I'm hoping?
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-07-31 10:11:00
CanadaQuestion for Canadians

If it's Wiser's you're missing, try Wild turkey rye whiskey. It's pretty good!

What do you mean by rye and ginger? What's the difference between that and whiskey with ginger ale? I drink bourbon with ginger ale all the time and love it!!

It's Danfield's that I drink, and rye is nowhere near as sweet as bourbon, making for a much drier drink. Couple the sweeter bourbon with the sweeter kinds of gingerale available in the US, and it just doesn't taste right. I will definitely look for the Wild Turkey though, thanks for the tip!

Edited by Stuart and Thea, 30 July 2011 - 09:07 PM.

Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-07-30 21:07:00
CanadaQuestion for Canadians
Just having enjoyed a Caesar, it occurs to me how difficult it was for me to find a lot of my favourite drinks in the US, and I plan to bring a bunch of them with me. I know you can substitute for Motts Clamato when making a Caesar, or just get used to a Bloody Mary, but there is nothing so perfect on a hot sunny lazy SO day than a Caesar complete with a stick of celery. If you still have time, and know that she likes the drink, see if you can at least get some rimmer sent down, if not the Clamato juice itself.

I also have no hope in hell of ever having a Rye and Ginger. Best I can do is some American whiskey with gingerale, or even just suck it up and switch to 7 and 7. I do plan on bringing rye with me in my belongings, and mom and dad promised to bring me some whenever they visit, along with Shreddies! If there's a particular drink she's fond of, then see if you can't get it sent along.

On an opposing note, my fiance found it very odd that we don't have Yoohoo here in Canada, and it was one of the first things I was forced to try when I visited. Frozen yoohoo is very good, but add some Tia Maria or some Kaluha with a little vodka, and we're talking!
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-07-30 17:31:00
CanadaQuestion for Canadians

Hawkins Cheezies, Kinder eggs and Kinder chocolate, Tim's coffee

Oh and when I bought twizzlers there I was very disappointed. Not what we get here for sure so those can go on your list.

Kinder eggs are actually illegal to import into the US, something about non food items inside of food items, so you'll have to smuggle those in!
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-07-26 19:01:00
CanadaQuestion for Canadians
See if her parents are willing to purchase and send along the items you can't get locally. If they can, tell them to get it at a neighbourhood grocery store, not sure where she's from, but she'll recognise the bag if it's something from her area. Then you can use the store's bag as wrapping paper!

Found this site for you too, it's super cute! I forgot about Canadian Tire money, she'll miss that too. An American's guide to Canada I wish there was a site like that for Canadians to learn all about our southerly cousins!

Edited by Stuart and Thea, 17 July 2011 - 07:21 PM.

Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-07-17 19:16:00
CanadaQuestion for Canadians
Shreddies, I'm going to miss those! Smarties, (the chocolate ones) Coffee Crisp, brown gravy for french fries, (throw in a can of poutine if you can find one!) Ask her parents what kind of Canadian beer she likes and see if you can get your hands on some. Maynards wine gums, red rose tea, or tetley, CARAMILK, everyone loves those! In fact, anything Cadbury! Ketchup flavoured chips, Miss Vickies if you can get it! Dill pickle chips, wow, there's a lot here that I'd like when I've been down there for a while, I'm going to make a list for Christmas!

Oh, yeah, she'll hate it, but try to stick some Buckleys in there..... gotta have the Buckleys when you get a cold, it tastes horrible, but she'll laugh after making a face!
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-07-16 19:52:00
CanadaCanada Immunizations
Ask your family doctor for a prescription for Flumist, it's a nasally administered live attenuated flu vaccine, and it IS available from the manufacturer already for this flu season. At Walmart in Ontario, it costs approximately 20$ You have to bring it to your doctor's office to have them administer (even though it's not a shot) but call around to the pharmacies in your area and see who is able to provide it. (Because it is a cold storage vaccine, a lot of the smaller pharmacies don't want to dispense it, but Walmart and Shoppers here have no problem)

It's not available for children under 2, or the elderly (can't recall the age, sorry, as we normally just presrcibe it for kids in our practice.) Not only will you save yourself the trip to the US, you'll get your vaccine without a shot!! (and have a receipt to prove it, but also get your doctor to sign your vaccine card.)

We got our flu shots delivered here last week, and I've already given out close to a hundred of them, but the Flumist is starting to catch on too.
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-10-01 11:42:00
CanadaI Made It To the USA!
What a sweetie! And to think, you've been here all along and never guessed it was for you!!! What a great story to share with the kiddies one day....
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-10-01 09:58:00
CanadaWishing everyone is Safe on the EAST COAST
So glad you are okay!!! :D
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-08-29 20:41:00
CanadaWishing everyone is Safe on the EAST COAST
I am praying for sure!!!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-08-28 07:43:00
CanadaMontreal Medical ... Done! :o)
Congrats!!! They are right the interview is even easier! Good Luck!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-08-31 17:58:00
CanadaYay! Aproved!

Thanks everyone!!! We just found out today that Jenni's visa is ready to be picked up! :dance:

Great news!!!!!

Edited by s&c1, 08 September 2011 - 10:27 AM.

s&c1FemaleCanada2011-09-08 10:26:00
CanadaYay! Aproved!
Congrats!!!! :dance:

Edited by s&c1, 07 September 2011 - 04:19 PM.

s&c1FemaleCanada2011-09-07 16:18:00
CanadaI Made It To the USA!

We crossed at the Windsor/Detroit Ambassador Bridge yesterday morning. They had me put my dog in a cage (which I wasn't a fan of AT ALL) while my fiance and I went inside the building and they checked out our truck (not very thoroughly, didn't want our list either) ... inside, we waited about an hour before they called us up and after that, we were out within about twenty minutes. It wasn't too bad, my only issue was knowing my dog was outside in a wet cage and it was pouring rain. Luckily, after waiting a bit, someone came in and told me I was allowed to put my dog back in the truck and a very nice officer helped me lift him back into it. :)

Glad everything went well for you...except your poor dog, I wouldn't have been happy either!!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-09-27 15:44:00
CanadaI Made It To the USA!
That is too cute!!! Love this story and welcome to the USA...Sounds like you are in for a very very happy marriage :)
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-09-27 11:14:00
CanadaCrossing Boder after NOA1
Pretty sure I wasnt sending off any signals...I get they are doing their job..I come from a long family of cops actually so I know what they are looking for.:)I use 2 crossings and I simply find one of the crossings the officers are jacka...the other ive never had a problem...

And i get kids will be honest but whether a 9 yr old "approves" completely inappropriate. Alot of 9 yr olds have issues with change and new step-parents. Luckily my DS loves my FI...ask him where hes going? who hes going to see? if hes been there before? when hes going home? but whether he approves...

I was simply asking IF "alien fiances/fiancees" get flagged in anyway...
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-07-23 19:34:00
CanadaCrossing Boder after NOA1
I had my ducks in a row had my work schedule soccer schedules, all paperwork...I just couldnt believe the ?s aimed at my 9 yr old...
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-07-23 09:24:00
CanadaCrossing Boder after NOA1
We got our Noa-1 back in May. FI usually visits here bc easier for him to drive 8 hours then me with 2 kids..
We just got back Mon from a 10 day visit to PA. And i really felt a difference crossing into the US this time. Maybe I just had a crabby border guy? Ive never been so questionned. We were at his booth for prob 10 mins. He asked what I did for a living twice...Second time I said im still a nurse...if all of us were coming home together?
He even asked my 9 yr old if hes met FI and if he approves?? Really?? Thank Gosh he didnt ask DD5 anything..

Is it bc of the process? Am i flagged now? Does it get harder to cross?
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-07-23 08:33:00
Canadauggh RFE
Checking my status every am and wham finally changed to on Sept 8 we sent you request for evidence..So frusturated..and stressed wondering what we forgot or they didnt like.
Really worried it wasnt enough photos. Im camera pics were hard to find. Better know as I know we may need them.
Or..Ive only flown once we included that info..But we usually drive so not alot of proof..And dont we only have to show proof of meeting once

uggh dont think ill get any sleep until i know
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-09-12 14:06:00
CanadaAny luck scheduling a Montreal Inerview for K-1?

No luck :(

Me neither. I happened to be at work while these opened up. Been refreshing since I got back, but yeah...
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-09-14 16:32:00
CanadaQuestions about preparing interview items
Awesome. Thanks for the help guys :) I think I'll bring the evidence of domicile just in case. You never know! And I guess I'll leave I-864 for when I do AOS :D

Thanks again for clarifying!
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-09-16 14:56:00
CanadaQuestions about preparing interview items
Hey, so, I am the beneficiary for a K visa and I am still working on scheduling an appointment at Montreal at the moment. I just had some questions about the documents that I need to take with me to the interview. I am asking this because the "Checklist" states that I need to bring "the original and one photocopy of each of the following documents (as applicable)" and I just want to make sure that these documents are applicable to my case because I worry too much lol and am panicking about things a bit. I just don't want to miss out anything I need to take.

1) Evidence of Domicile
I was under the impression that this was only required if your U.S. citizen fiance was not living in the U.S. currently, but is it required even if he is living there already?

2) Affidavit of Support/Evidence of Support
On the checklist both Affidavit of Support (I-134) and Evidence of Support (I-864) are listed as documents to bring, but I was under the impression that as a K visa applicant I only need the Affidavit of Support (I-134). Is this correct or do I need both forms?

Thanks so much :)
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-09-16 02:04:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews Available NOW!

Hi there, yeah this is pretty dipressing...I have been refreshing the page everyday at least couple of times every hour and today I was out from noon until around 4pm EST, and they ended up opening up dates! I'm absolutely dejected right now :(

Yeah, I feel ya about the dejected. Sigh. Today makes it 6 weeks since I've been trying to get this interview. Back to the refreshing game I guess...

Usually my fiance checks pretty regularly too but today was a really busy day at work for him so he was nowhere near a computer either.

Edited by Floella, 14 September 2011 - 04:29 PM.

FloellaFemaleCanada2011-09-14 16:28:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews Available NOW!

Congrats you guys, unfortnately I just got home and don't see anything open anymore...CarolineandDan, when you first saw the openings, did they all show up as possible dates or did you have to select one from the calander. Also, were those dates mostly in the month of October or did you see any openings in September too?

I saw on another thread that only October was available and some dates into November as well :( I've been refreshing the page since I got home and nothing so far.
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-09-14 15:59:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews Available NOW!
Nice! Congrats to you guys :)

I still haven't seen one open up but I was at work during the time everyone seems to have found openings...
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-09-14 15:35:00
CanadaMoving Provinces from one Consulate area to another
I'm actually wondering about this as well. How long is the process for the actual transfer of the case?
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-09-24 21:28:00
CanadaAm I able to visit my fiance?

Why would you have a ban if you've only been denied once?
I was denied three times in my life. Never banned. Just show proof and you should be fine.
I did.

At the time I was denied they told me not to try entering until my visa process has been finished. I can't stress how terrifying the experience had been, they handled it very unprofessionally and the experience just left us shaken for a while especially because every other time I had crossed there had never been any issues and they had always been polite and courteous to me.

At any rate, I have a ticket to fly out for October 7th. I'm going in armed with plenty of proof and hoping I get through. Wish me luck :)

And thanks for everyone's help and encouragement!!
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-10-02 09:00:00
CanadaAm I able to visit my fiance?
No, there hadn't been anything stamped on my passport at all. Also, they hadn't given us too much information at the time at all about whether I was just denied entry or if I had a 6 month ban. This is why I have the FOI filed but, like I said, I haven't heard back on it.

And I have already answered yes on all forms that asked if I was denied and I do believe one form let me state the reason as well.

I guess I am just going to try again. I do think my case is much stronger this time around and I'll make sure to be as organized as possible so they do not have to shuffle through papers!

Thanks for the help everyone! :D
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-09-27 07:59:00
CanadaAm I able to visit my fiance?

FOIA requests can take months, even a year

you are probably 'flagged' in the system like I was when I was denied entry

I attempted 2 weeks later and was admitted. I was pulled into secondary and asked to show ties - which I did

Good luck

Well, that is good to know. It has been almost 6 months now so maybe it will be fine now with me having way more ties plus the return ticket. I'll still call and confirm on everything today with the border patrol as I need to basically decide today and then tell both my bosses that I need that week off and so on.

Thank you for all the help! I am just really nervous and worried about going again given my last experience.
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-09-27 06:20:00
CanadaIs it possible to raise a Canadian in the US?
Make sure to teach him Canadian history, because in US schools he'll only get the US version. And read to him Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul at bed time. And feed him real chocolate, and cookies without trans-fats and high fructose corn syrup! Feed him Shreddies for breakfast, Tim Horton's donuts for lunch, and poutine for supper!

Buy the DVDs of The Beachcombers, Due South, This Hour has 22 Minutes, Air Farce, NFB shorts, and A People's History. Mr. Dress Up and the Friendly Giant also couldn't hurt! wink.gif

Get a map of North America, tack it up on his bedroom wall and show him on a regular basis that our country is not called "North".

Get a satelite dish and watch CBC News World.

Buy some CDs of The Arrogant Worms, The Tragically Hip, Bachman Turner Overdrive, Gordon Lightfoot, Loreena McKennit, Enter the Haggis, and sure what the heck some Shania Twain just to round it off.

Put a Hudson Bay blanket in his crib.

Sing him Oh Canada as a bed time lullabye.

He may not ever "feel" Canadian (I think the only way that's possible is to actually grow up there), but he will be proud to say "I Am Half Canadian" and that's what matters. smile.gif
RebaFemale02007-12-02 09:41:00
CanadaHotel Reviews Montreal
When I went for my interview (years and years ago now) I stayed at the Youth Hostel. Functional, cheap, but noisy (there's no curfew). I was broke at the time. Its about a half hour walk to the consulate. One night in a shared room is I think $22 + $2 for linens during high season. $19 for off season. Rooms were clean and very cramped, but beds were comfy.

Whenever I went to Montreal on business, I stayed at the Sheraton on Rene Levesque. Its right across the street from the train station, and maybe a 15 minute walk to the consulate. Nice, but very expensive though. ($175 to $200+ per night).
RebaFemale02007-10-07 08:57:00
Canada6 months per visit to u.s. or 6 months per year debate
The rules for staying in the US
RebaFemale02008-04-19 08:42:00
CanadaExtremely home sick
We do all feel your pain for sure. I know I have been here almost 5 years and have made a good life, but I too miss my family and friends at home (this bothers some of my friends here that when I say home I mean Canada). I do love it here, but it is just not the same the differences although slight seem staggering sometimes (depending on the mood). We have talked about moving to Canada, but the problem is my husband has been at his job for 23 years and not likely to replace his pay with the same in Canada since he would have to start at the bottom again. HIs company does have several offices in Canada, so there is hopefully an option to move there that way, but it is only a slight chance. I only wish I did live closer, I envy you that you are able to cross lots, I live in Southern VA and have only been back 1 time. I am lucky in that my husband would move to Canada in a heartbeat, but as I said I am not hating it here just wish I could visit more. Chin up and glad that Nick is on board, it will all turn out the way it is supposed to turn out. And as I am sure others feel the same way feel free to rant or bounce ideas, or just talk.
LeafgalFemaleCanada2011-06-01 08:47:00
Canadainterview timeline
As soon as you schedule an interview it's considered "extended." For example, my petition expired on August 11th but I booked an interview for August 22nd. Later I managed to-reschedule it to August 11th but even if, say, my interview was in September it would be considered fine. What matters is that the embassy is aware that you haven't "abandoned" your petition.

Now that you have NOA2, I recommend staying on top of things by calling Department of State to inquire about Pkt3 and Pkt4. It is NOT necessary to physically receive Pkt3 in the mail in order to mail back (or fax, if you're Vancouver) the forms- all that you need to know is that Pkt3 has been "logged" which DoS will tell you.

Many Montrealers never receive Pkt3, so if you're going to Montreal I highly recommend calling DoS often! It will save you several weeks! :)

Edited by pocheros, 13 July 2011 - 08:14 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-07-13 08:10:00
CanadaStill waiting for K1 Visa
There's a thread and a poll about it here: http://www.visajourn...-from-montreal/ Four days isn't that long to wait for a visa. Some people get them quickly, but a lot of people wait quite awhile (weeks). I imagine the further you live away from the consulate, the longer it takes to receive them.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-07-15 17:00:00