CanadaHappy (Canadian) Thanksgiving!
Great topic!

I am thankful for my husband and his 3 beautiful children!
My family support and love
Having my parents come over today and enjoy Thanksgiving in my new home!
God for all his many blessings in our lives :)
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-10-09 08:58:00
Canadaanyone give up on k1?
Thanks..Its almost harder bc we can juggle a couple visits every month for a couple days at a time. Sometimes he travels here for work so we go hang at his hotel while he works.Hes in canada sunday-wednesday and then we are in Toronto with him for the last weekend in Oct. Short visits and playing house makes it harder esp on the kids..

Not knowing is hard esp on the kids...I just paid rep hockey fees for the year not knowing if my son will play whole year and if it gets close to Xmas ill be paying another 1000 deposit for his spring team? again not poor kids..theyve been telling everyone they are moving I had a teacher ask if we were actually moving...

My big issue is we want a baby..and im not getting any younger..every day i feel like im wasting time..its tough..i dont want to wait too long..

[quote name='pocheros' timestamp='1318360082' post='4946674']
Unfortunately you just have to hang in there. Definitely DO NOT get married in the middle of the K1 process or you'll void your K1 and you'll have to start all over again with a spousal visa and that takes even longer than a K1! The K1 is the fastest route even though it takes so long. Once you're past USCIS things start to pick up again.

When I was waiting for my visa I cried a lot and sometimes the stress and the pressure was just too much and I'd have breakdowns and sometimes start arguments. But I just kept imagining the day when I'd finally get on the plane that would take me home to my fiancee and that put it in perspective. I knew that I would get my visa eventually, I may not have known when I'd get it but I knew that if I stay focused and prepared everything right that I would be moving sometime in the future, and the thought of finally getting everything over with kept me on track.

It's horrible not knowing when you'll be able to finally see your fiance again, but just remember there IS a light at the end of the tunnel. You WILL eventually receive your visa and reunite. Just keep moving forward. :)

Edited by TammyandJosh, 11 October 2011 - 02:52 PM.

TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-10-11 14:50:00
Canadaanyone give up on k1?

Hang in there - you really aren't beyond any timelines having only filed in had an RFE in Sept so I'm sure your NOA2 will be coming soon!

I know its just we got engaged in Dec last year...And after Xmas season work picks up then its playoffs...So when all the stuff is due for pack 3 or 4 im sure he'll be in Minnesota or god knows where..(no ofeense to anhyone in Minn..Lol )..Hes just so busy trying to get paperwork done is impossible just should have been done alot sooner..thats all...

And with no one able to book interviews in Montreal right now that scares me too..

Thanks everyone..Like i said a hormonal day..
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-10-11 07:32:00
Canadaanyone give up on k1?

Hang in fiance and i had lots of arguments too...simply because we were both getting frustrated, small things irritate us whenever we talk about waiting for the fiance visa process (almost broke up) but realizing that we can't do anything about it...since i dont want to marry anyone else but him and him not wanting to marry anyone else but we ended up dealing with it and taking it day by day, trying to be busy did helped, i went too for vacation with friends here in my country and he did the same thing, went for the beach with his son and friends...we went away the same the time we came home, he received notice from NVC that our papers are sent to my county's we are almost at the finish line :D Realizing that love is patience and love endures all things :)

God Bless you both!!!

We are still waiting on NOA-2..We were able in the Summer to spend alot of time together and now with his career its hit or miss..we get a few days next week and a few days when they are in Toronto at end of month but its extremely hard on the kids...Plus they are missing a lot of school so we can spend time as a family..When we got engaged last Xmas it was hopefully by start of school, then it was Xmas holidays, now who knows....We dont fight alot we just dont have time to talk anymore...
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-10-11 06:56:00
Canadaanyone give up on k1?
And just go and get married? im so tired frusturated by waiting..I keep hearing all of you about no interview dates and we are still awaiting noa-2. Im just tired and i feel like my clock is ticking..sorry hormonal day..breakdown

Is it any quicker?
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-10-11 05:59:00
CanadaWhen can you legally work in the US after POE?
confused..How can one do an EI claim? was that in canada? the us? very sorry its prob obvious..

just strating to think budgeting for when i can start working after i move..
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-10-21 17:26:00
CanadaAm I able to visit my fiance?

From the evidence of now VS back then, it seems like you have a much stronger case on getting in to visit and come back. Specially if you bring info from your K-1 saying your waiting for an interview.

But... cant always promise CBP really depends on them sadly. 50/50 chance, can you get flight insurance just incase?

I guess that is an option, but I am more worried that I have a 6 month ban on visitation and if they deny me again it affects my visa case. I have a Freedom of Information request in to find out if I'm under a ban or not, but since I haven't heard back from them yet, I'm just not sure.
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-09-27 01:07:00
CanadaAm I able to visit my fiance?
So the second week of October is both mine and my fiance's birthdays and we both really, really want to be able to spend them together!! We weren't able to last year and we'd promised each other we will spend them together this year but the only way we can is if I go visit him. I only work two part-time jobs, both of which can give me time off, but he works a full time research job and his work is WAY too busy to give him any time off right now plus he just started full time graduate school again.

The issue is the last time I tried to visit (on April 24) I got denied at the border because they said I didn't seem to have any ties to Canada. Back then my situation was different. I'd finished my schooling like the week before, my job contract with my school had just ended, and we were going by car so I didn't have a return ticket to show for my heading back (my parents were planning to drive down and pick me up and meeting my fiance's family in the process). The reason I'd been trying to head for a visit at the time was because I figured no school and no job yet was a perfect time to visit since I could stay for 2-3 weeks without having to rush back. The officer at the border told me that he thought I'd been kicked out by my parents (not true as I am still living with them :() and was trying to "run away" to the U.S. He refused any explanation I gave him and told me that calling my parents and verifying I was not kicked out was not a viable option.

I have been too scared to try to visit since. He has managed to visit me twice but his job really restrains him. I have crossed so many times before in the past and never had an issue. This crossing freaked me out and I am worried it may end up affecting my visa process negatively. But we REALLY want to see each other because we're so miserable without each other these days especially with the whole stupid Montreal interview refresh thing driving us insane. A visit will do us both good.

My question is if I attempt a visit this time with a return ticket in hand for a week later, a letter from BOTH my employers saying when they are expecting me back at work, my bank account information showing that I have a substantial amount of money in my account which I will need to be coming back to, my phone papers showing that I have an active cell phone here which I will be coming back for, my NOA2 to show that I am in the middle of the visa process and am doing it all legally, and nothing but the smallest possibly carry on that can't suffice me more than a week, will I be able to go see him?

Also, is there ANYWAY for me to know ahead of time if I will be denied or not? I don't want to go there and be denied again, because it sucks and I just don't want another entry denial on my record. Is there anyone I can call to find out if they will let me through??? Please help :(
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-09-26 23:56:00
CanadaVisa approved!
Congrats!!! :) I read your review too, I am so glad it worked out so well!!
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-10-25 05:14:00
CanadaHow to Pay "After" Scheduling Interview in Montreal
Guess I am going to have to pay when I get there too. I couldn't pay beforehand either and I was worrying now that I had my appointment scheduled about how to pay.
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-10-26 08:34:00
CanadaMedical in Toronto
Thanks for all the vaccine info here!! I have my medical on Nov. 9 in Toronto and I have been trying to make sure my vaccinations are good to go. I got a couple of blood tests done to show immunization for some as well as I didn't have them listed in my vaccination history.

Quick question though:

I am going to ask my family doctor to write up a quick summary of my medical issues. I had a hospitalization 2 years ago for an infection in my intestines and I have chronic acid reflux (although I am not under any treatment for it, I just watch my diet very carefully and I do fine). My question is am I going to need anything more than this? Do I need to bring any further of my medical records aside from my vaccination record and a summary from my doctor about my recent medical stuff?

Thanks everyone!!
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-10-26 08:12:00
CanadaK1 and vaccination requirements
Wait... where are you reading that Gardasil is required? I thought the USCIS listed the vaccinnes needed once you do AOS and gardasil definitely wasn't on there. Although I'm not against vaccines it seems like an odd requirement.

According to this website:

Under the immigration laws of the United States, a foreign national who applies for an immigrant visa abroad, or who seeks to adjust status to a permanent resident while in the United States, is required to receive vaccinations to prevent the following diseases:

* Mumps
* Measles
* Rubella
* Polio
* Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoids
* Pertussis
* Haemophilus influenzae type B
* Hepatitis B
* Any other vaccine-preventable diseases recommended by the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices"

I went to my family doctor before doing the medical in Toronto and she gave me a MMR booster. All my other vaccines were up to date. I was not given a gardasil shot and my visa was issued.

I'm not saying you guys are wrong, I'm genuinely confused and looking for clarification.

Edited by pocheros, 18 August 2011 - 08:46 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-18 08:41:00
CanadaPOE by Train
I'm not educated on this topic at all but perhaps she should call the boarding crossing and ask what to expect, what hours they do immigration, etc.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-19 20:58:00

Good point, I had the measle and rubella portion of the MNR when I was a child - not the mumps portion, in the end to avoid any extra costs at the medical I had to come back to Thunder Bay to get my MMR booster (free at the health unit), fax it to Dr. Seiden before he could sign of my medical. I noticed he checked off lots that were not age appropriate. I will photo copy that sheet before leaving for Montreal tomorrow.

There's another copy of the sheet inside the unopened medical exam folder, so you truly only need the one the comes attached to it on the outside- but I'm paranoid so I photocopy everything! :lol:

This is what my family doctor said about some of the vaccines:

pertussis: is only covered for 15 year olds
Hep a: is for travel to countries where you're more likely to be infected by it (Mexico, etc.) and it's not covered
influenza: seasonal
influenza type b/hib: is for babies
pneumococcal: is for 65 year olds
rotavirus: is for babies

Edited by pocheros, 21 August 2011 - 12:44 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-21 12:42:00

Thank you for the links ! Yes i wasnt planning on doing the medical until close to my interview. That i already knew, i was just looking at my immunization records and was trying to figure out if i was missing some of them. Just some to keep me busy while waiting for the NOA2 :) Thank you for all your advice!

Good luck to everyone on their journey! And congrats to those already approved! :)

Before I did my medical I brought the list of vaccinations on Dr. Seiden's website to my family doctor and asked her if I should get any. I had an MMR when I was a kid but she gave me a booster since immunity to one of those things (I think it was rubella, but I digress) tends to fade as you get older. She also said that she's pretty sure at some point during the immigration process they'd want me to get an MMR booster. It's a good idea to check it out with your family doctor because they might get you some free vaccines- if they give you vaccines at the medical exam it'll cost you.

Edited by pocheros, 21 August 2011 - 10:56 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-21 10:55:00

Make sure you ask for your copy at the medical when you pick up the results.

You do not get anything out of the packet at the POE or at the embassy.

Glad I photocopied the vaccination sheet :yes: The consulate didn't keep the sheet attached to the outside of the medical folder, of course, but I'm glad I have a few copies in case one gets lost.

Edited by pocheros, 21 August 2011 - 10:50 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-21 10:49:00
For the medical exam for the interview, I referred to this website: http://www.panelphys...munizations.htm It's the website for the medical examiner in Toronto. You will have your medical exam done either in Toronto (Dr. Seiden), Montreal (Medisy's) or Vancouver. I do not know if they all follow the same guidelines strictly but I think this should give you a good idea of what you need since all three doctors perform exams for the consulates.

I am unsure of this, but I believe that once you enter US and get married, they require a medical exam that's within one year of your filing for AOS, which usually means you use the same medical exam you got for the interview. I *think* that generally they accept the vaccination guidelines as outlined by one of the three doctor's in Canada that do exams for the consulates but I am unsure as I haven't reached that part of the process yet. Anyone want to enlighten us? :)

That is, if you "pass" your medical exam for the interview does it mean you have all the vaccinations required for AOS? I'm a K1 if that makes a difference (and I believe the OP is too, looking at their signature.)

Edited by pocheros, 20 August 2011 - 06:04 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-20 18:02:00
CanadaPre-marriage jitters
Vanessa & Tony: Whenever my fiance came to visit he would comment on how much nicer our grocery stores are. I'd take him to Fortinos and he was amazed at how nice it is :lol: Not that I shop there regularly (usually go for No Frills). Even then he said that he doesn't know of any No Frills-style places. I really love food and cooking, especially with all kinds of different foods to I hope this isn't too big of a downer in the area I'm moving to... It seems like the traditional American diet is just steak and potatoes, and the only fruits are apples and bananas. Boring! :lol:

Regarding the English dialect thing: That's pretty crappy! Even if it's meant in a jokey way it's rude.

It's also funny on how american television they have subtitles for british and australian accents... I have no trouble understanding what they're saying. I guess some people might, but it still seems silly to me... (Jamaican accents are a different story :lol:)

Kathryn: Regarding health care, my fiance is the same way. Insightful how the system kind of works against individuals- I thought my fiance just didn't like doctors/dentists/was too lazy to go even when he should, haha. I feel really bad for americans who can't afford insurance :( I hope birth control pills don't cost too much as compared to Canada.

Personally I don't find people terribly sensitive towards others where I live right now, and there's an awful lot of racism, especially towards immigrants. But in other parts of Ontario people are different. At the same time I do think Canada is more forward thinking thinking than the States (legalizing gay marriage in 2005, for example.)

It seems like there's pockets of extremists in different states that get spots on Fox News where they can disseminate their (often crazy) beliefs and encourage others like them to be extremely vocal even if they don't represent the country as a whole. Then again, there is that whole "bootstraps" attitude, and paranoia about socialism... My fiance has a mexican ancestry but for lack of a better term acts and speaks "white," so when he's at work and his co-workers are talking about illegal immigrants and how they should be shot they don't even realize how offensive they're being!

Flames: I actually dated my fiance for 3 1/2 years before getting my visa :) But I'm only 21 so it is a big step, and older people are usually concerned about me if the subject comes up. They think I'm crazy :lol: Thank you for the reassurance!

Edit: Man I really abuse the emoticons in my posts. lol

Edited by pocheros, 23 August 2011 - 07:56 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-23 07:54:00
CanadaPre-marriage jitters

Many of us, here, in fact.

Yer not alone ;)

That's what I meant- it was a rhetorical question. I'm glad that I found a forum where this is the norm. :D

I will reply to the other posts later- busy right now. :)
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-20 15:27:00
CanadaPre-marriage jitters
You guys are lovely (L) Thanks for all the replies, ideas, and good wishes! I'm still waking up so hopefully I didn't mix up the posters here and directed my replies properly.

Aloe: LOL everything you said is very true! Once I told my fiance that getting married means he's the person who's farts I will tolerate! XD

We've already made plans to divide the loft into two separate offices so we can each have our own space. This is as much practical as psychological since we have dorky little hobbies that tend to accumulate stuff that take up a lot of space :)

The point about not wallowing in self pity is very poignant, I could totally see myself getting lazy and doing that. And also making sure you have your own space.

Thank you for the wise and hilarious words :) Especially the reassurance that it's normal to be scared!

Udella&Wiz: Yeah, we've had fights before. Your advice is spot on! It's challenging but it's the right thing to do. I'm still learning how to remain calm and respectful when we fight- it takes a lot of effort sometimes!

Also good idea on the whole dividing the chores thing. :)

SF2007: Regarding culture shock, it seems to me that Canada and the US are so big and varied that even moving from one state to another, or one province to another, is a huge culture shock. When I moved out of rural Ontario to a city in the greater Toronto area, it was a huge culture shock! Imagine going from rednecks to urbanites. I didn't particularly like rural Ontario (it's not bad, just not my cup of tea) and I prefer the city and fit in well here now, but it took some adjusting. I'm fortunate that where I'm going (Las Vegas) people don't seem to have an accent, so I can blend in a little bit although I'm sure some things will tip off my Canadian heritage. :P

I need to learn how to drive- that's another big hurdle for me, since I've relied on public transportation for years- and probably won't buy a car for awhile. But there are lots of things within walking distance of where I'll be living so at least I can get out every day. Volunteering sounds like a great idea.

Regarding work benefits/career stuff: I work a minimum wage job so anything will be a step up for me :lol: I'm not having kids so I'm unfamiliar with employee benefits regarding pregnancy. Health care sounds crazy though, like how when you have insurance you still have to pay for a doctor's visit. Even if it's $10 for a quick visit it seems like a rip off when you're already paying insurance every month and you don't have a choice of going to ANY doctor. I will definitely miss OHIP. I'm a very healthy person (knock on wood) so I usually go to the doctor only once a year for a full physical but my impression is doing those kinds of preventative check ups is unheard of in the States. Sure, I'm not unhealthy now, but isn't it good to create that kind of record so when I do start having health problems they know where to look? I like to get my thyroid tested every year because thyroid problems run in my family. I hope it doesn't cost too much money to do that in the States.

Regarding money styles:

This is a big thing between me and my fiance :lol: I guess it's not just a stereotype that women are better with money than men. I balk at my fiance's method of grocery shopping (which is more like getting take out whenever he's hungry). We've talked about this a lot and he says he wants to change his spending habits and needs help sticking to a budget, saving money etc. He's been very receptive to the idea of me "showing" him what to do with his money so hopefully that works out.

I'm also a pretty independent person and I hate the idea of sitting on my butt and not making any money. I looooove cooking though and I plan on doing a lot of it while I'm unemployed, partly to show my fiance that it's possible to eat well on a budget (not buying take out for breakfst, lunch, and dinner) and partly so I feel like I'm contributing somehow.

Sherrybaby: I'm buying my plane ticket today and I'm aiming for three weeks from now (September 10th). That gives me enough time to finish up here (I had my last day of work yesterday) and I also arrive there in time for my birthday (September 19th.) Good luck with your POE!

There's also this weird dichotomy- when you're in a long distance relationship and you finally get to see your SO you want to be with them 24/7 to make up for all the time you spent apart, but at the same time you want time to yourself. At least that's been my experience. I have a feeling my fiance and I will be attached at the hip for a couple weeks before we snap and hide in our respective offices :lol: I kept all our previous flight itineraries and added up the number of days we've seen each other over 3 1/2 years- 102! So 3 months for 3 years. That's not counting all the phone calls, though.

I'm sure you'll both figure something out! Good luck :)

OBX: Wow, you were long distance for 10 years? That's crazy! Perhaps you're right, I shouldn't overthink it :) Congrats on your long lasting marriage. I hope we stay together for just as long!

CBM: LOL at the golf thing. My fiance likes golf too but it seems like the most boring sport ever! As George Carlin put it, how little brains do you have to have to derive enjoyment from hitting a ball with a stick and then walking after it? :lol: No offense to any golf players here.

There are definitely things we're going to do separately. He has some dorky hobbies than I can't get into (warhammer and magic cards) and I have some interests he can't get into either. I'm not gonna force myself to like his things nor force him to like mine.

Regarding starting over as quickly as possible- I'll try to follow this advice. It seems like it's the most important thing to do, to establish your own life so you don't resent your fiance for moving and not having your own identity crisis existential blah blah blah #######. Hahaha.

Deals and savings are practically my hobby. I love looking at flyers, finding coupons, shopping at Bulk Barn and No Frills and checking out clearance racks at clothing stores. :lol:

Thanks again for all the lovely ideas guys :)

Edited by pocheros, 20 August 2011 - 12:29 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-20 12:27:00
CanadaPre-marriage jitters
As mentioned in the way we were thread, it seems like there's an abundance of technical questions without as many "fun" threads. So in an attempt to switch the topics a little bit...

My visa arrived at the DHL branch on Wednesday (haven't had a chance to pick it up yet), so tonight my fiance is buying my plane tickets and I'm spending the next couple weeks packing, hanging out with friends, etc. before I go. I adore my fiance and I know I'll enjoy my life where I'm moving, but sometimes I think we're a little insane for doing all of this, haha. How many people actually stay in a long distance relationship for years and then move to a new country to be with them? :blink: It's nice to be on a forum where everyone goes through this and understands what it's like. I'll admit I'm a little scared because I have to make new friends, find a new job, and basically make a whole new life from scratch. The fiance has seen me many times over the last few years, but still not as much as a "regular" relationship so actually living together is going to be a shock. (Well, moving in with someone is going to be a shock even if you see them every day.) I've obsessed over this whole immigration process for the last year to the point my personal life has basically eroded, and I couldn't enjoy myself or relax until it was over :lol: Now I'm remembering what I actually want to do with my life.

Who relates to this? Oh, and advice is cool too :)
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-19 09:39:00
CanadaMedical (weight issues)

Still super worried as my medical appointment gets closer anyone else want to chime in on this topic??

Where and when are you getting your medical done? I had mine done in Toronto and it was easy peasy. The nurses/doctors/x-ray technician were very polite and efficient and fast... It was over before I knew it! As long as you have no serious communicable diseases like tuberculosis and you have records of your vaccines you'll be fine :yes: They won't care that you're overweight especially since you don't even have any complications associated with it. You won't be considered a charge in the US so you should have no trouble passing your exam.

It's a lot easier than it sounds, I promise! Good luck and I'm sending you good vibes.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-18 21:24:00
CanadaRBC Access USA for Canadians

You're assuming you'll alway do everything through RBC then (at least until your credit is established in the US)? What happens when you need a car loan or mortgage and you're not going through may find yourself in the same boat as everyone else where your good Cdn credit doesn't matter and your US credit isn;t quite established

I think RBC is very helpful, but seems to me it's putting all the proverbial eggs in 1 basket.

That's true, I guess what you're saying is you just open an account there so your credit is established. :yes: Don't most banks charge monthly fees just for letting your account sit though? It's not that I mind paying the fees, it's just making sure they can get paid.

Money is complicated! I think I see what the point of RBC is now though...

Edited by pocheros, 24 August 2011 - 09:49 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-24 09:48:00
CanadaRBC Access USA for Canadians

I am moving to suburbs of Chicago and the closest RBC is in Alabama! As long as you don't plan on actually going in a branch, you are fine. She did say a lot of things can be done online or via phone call.

For myself, since I have great credit, I really want that to follow me and just wanted any small help I could get. If I can get an online loan to get started then I can probably get credit faster in the state I'm moving in down the line. But if I HAVE to, I WILL make the 8+ hour drive to get to a branch to sign paperwork if we are unable to do so through a courier. Some people might think that's insane but I'd rather have *some* credit right away rather than waiting 1 or 2 years to get going. We don't want to live in DH's parents basement forever :no: :lol:

I wonder how concerned I should be about this. I don't have much of a credit history (all I've ever had is a credit card and my phone contract- which I've always paid off on time, so I presume my credit is good)- I've never owned a house or anything. Mainly I just want to be able to pay off the last of my bills (phone, credit card, etc.) through my bank account online, but an American credit card would be nice. How am I supposed to deposit money into my american or canadian bank accounts when neither is close though? o_O Perhaps a roundabout way of doing it is through paypal... Sigh. I dunno if this is TMI but my fiance has poor credit (which we're working on fixing together) and eventually (in a few years) we do want to buy a house, and perhaps within a year I'll need to buy my own car. So I have a feeling my credit history is going to matter too... Fiance can't get a credit card, so I'd like to hold on to one because it's convenient (as in it's convenient for purchasing things online- not as in I spend money I don't have. I never do that :P)

There's an American BMO in Las Vegas, so I think I'll head on over to a BMO sometime soon to ask them some questions... I checked a whole bunch of other banks and their american branches all seem to be on the west coast.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-24 09:33:00
CanadaRBC Access USA for Canadians
Alas, it seems there's no RBCs in Nevada, nor HSBCs or TDs. Gonna keep checking as many banks as I can think of... :(

Edited by pocheros, 23 August 2011 - 08:27 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-23 20:27:00
CanadaRBC Access USA for Canadians
Does RBC allow you to transfer money between Canadian and American accounts online? One of the reasons I like TD is because their online banking is really easy to navigate and use, but there's no American TDs where I'm going...
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-23 11:45:00
CanadaDirections from YUL airport to Dr. Howard Seiden's ?office

I ended up having to take a cab because flight was delayed leaving Calgary by 30 minutes. The cab ride from airport to Assumption Blvd was maybe 30 mins, and cost $60 ($55 fare + $5 tip)

Taxi from airport to downtown is $38 incase anyone plans to take a cab from airport to any of the hotels downtown...

Medical is done...ready to be picked up 230pm on Wed...and then interview Thursday at 8am... I'm going to do a reconnaisance tonight on where the consulate is and which doors to go stand in front of...

From my Montreal consulate review:

"The consulate is this big gray building with dark windows. It's on the corner of Boulevard Rene-Levesque and Rue Saint Alexandre. The entrance is on the side street (Rue Saint Alexandre), not on the main street. The entrance is two big glass double doors with the American crest on them. It lists the hours and what items are permitted inside (no cell phones, electronic devices, etc.) Don't bring anything you don't need! Just the paperwork and maybe some spare money and/or cards in your wallet."

Hope that helps! Good luck! :)
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-22 12:33:00
CanadaMailing Packet 3 Manually - how?
That is correct- just also add: ATTN- IV Unit [IV = Immigrant Visa]

I sent mine via expresspost because it was only $15 and it was fast.

After it's arrived in Montreal and about a week has elapsed, start calling Department of State to see if Packet 4 has been logged. As soon as it's been logged you can schedule an appointment online- don't wait for it to arrive in the mail!
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-25 23:50:00
DHL called me when my visa was ready to be picked up.

I had my interview on monday in Vancouver, I haven't gotten a way bill from DHL??? Should I have gotten one already?

It can take a few days. Don't worry yet.

Edited by pocheros, 25 August 2011 - 10:18 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-25 10:16:00
CanadaInstruction letter

Final question :bonk: 1 more question:

Do I send in the 2 - 2" X 2" photos with Packet 3??? OR I do not send with Pkt 3 and I bring them to the interview???

You send in 2 with packet 3 and bring another 2 to the interview. At least that's what I did. You also need 3 more for the medical exam, which you'll be doing soon :) I think some people have had their Pkt3's approved without the photos but I wouldn't risk it. Who knows what they need so many of the photos for? But all that matters is that they get everything they want from you, lol.

Edited by pocheros, 28 August 2011 - 02:21 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-28 14:20:00

Hrrm Well.. I just confirmed with someone else that said this form is only required for AOS and when I look under example forms .. this form is listed under AOS...

The 864 is NOT for the interview. You need the I-134 for the interview. The 864 comes afterwards. The 134 is the affidavit of support- if you don't have it ready get it together asap. You need supporting evidence for it which means, at the least, the 2010 tax return or tax transcript for your sponsor.

The 864 is for AOS.

Edited by pocheros, 29 August 2011 - 10:03 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-29 10:00:00
CanadaQuestion on Packet 4
Check their website here: On the side it lists a number for visa information. 202-663-1225
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-29 10:02:00
CanadaMy Observations Back in Canada

My family is from Kitchener-Waterloo - now I just shudder at the price of everything after living in VA for 3+ yrs and paying 5%....You never know what will be cheaper though - in Kitchener you can get a 1 lb of bacon (454g :) ) for like $3.00 or less if it's on VA it's been like $7/lb for bacon at Giant- so weird.

Paying the HST on household bills is brutal - my brother was saying it can get pretty dicey

Oooo, 5% tax :o That sounds like a dream, haha. I just looked up sales tax for Las Vegas (where I'm moving) and it's 8%- not as low as I'd like but still better :) HST is really bad for large purchases too, like annual gym memberships or plane tickets. Sometimes I balk at my grocery receipts because all of a sudden I just spent $7 on tax...

Edited by pocheros, 22 August 2011 - 09:19 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-22 09:19:00
CanadaMy Observations Back in Canada
I think they changed the recipe for coffee crisp. I've noticed that they taste really stale in the last couple of years. Also, perhaps this wasn't as noticeable but Ontario has HST now (harmonized sales tax) where most things get GST + PST, instead of some getting one or the other. It's been a real kick in the pants, especially with groceries.

Edited by pocheros, 22 August 2011 - 08:32 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-22 08:31:00
CanadaWho receives packet 3?
Who knows eh? It's not uncommon for Pkt3 and Pkt4 to never show up, to show up late, or to be sent to the USC. Anyways, you can find everything you need to know about packet 3 here: http://montreal.usco...ument=visa_pkt3

About a week after your fiance has returned Pkt3 they can start calling DoS for updates on Pkt4. When they say Pkt 4 has been logged you can schedule an interview and register on the CSC website.

Edited by pocheros, 29 August 2011 - 05:06 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-29 17:04:00
CanadaChange of Address
As Inky noted, don't forget the CRA. Also change your address with your bank, and if you're getting a new phone in the states contact your phone provider (after you get a new phone :P).
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-31 12:07:00
CanadaDid you do your medical in Toronto?

September/October is generally the beginning of immunization for flu. During fall winter you need flu shot for AOS.

Interesting... I haven't had a flu shot in forever but I'm making my POE next week and will be doing AOS shortly afterwards. Does this mean I have to get my vaccination sheet I got from Dr. Seiden updated somehow? All my other vaccines are up to date.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-31 23:50:00
CanadaDid you do your medical in Toronto?

I forgot Public Health had our records!! I might also call my pediatrician to see if I can get my old records in hand. I know my current doctor has given me a couple as well, not sure which though. I remember a lot of kids in high school getting suspended for not being up to date, and I wasn't one of them so I assume I'm all set.

I got the Hep B and Meningococcal vaccines in grade 7, and these are what were needed to stay in school some 7 years ago: diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella.... All I need is a damn flu shot. Never had one in my life. Go figure.

I may be wrong on this one, but I *think* that for the MMR vaccine, immunity to one of those three things fades (I forget which) so it might be helpful if you can get an MMR booster if you haven't had once since you were quite young. My doctor gave one to me for free, although according to the website for Dr. Seiden's it's not necessary if you've already had one when you were a kid. I just remember my doctor saying that I should really get one for immigration purposes, and I believe some other VJers here have had to get titre tests done (though I think it was because they didn't have the MMR on their records).

This is just my personal experience, I'm trying not to be confusing, lol, and it's not necessary since you already had an MMR, just an idea (depending on how helpful your family doctor is.) It might be good to check your immunity to rubella if you plan on having kids since it's really bad to get it while you're pregnant.

Edited by pocheros, 31 August 2011 - 12:36 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-31 12:32:00
CanadaDid you do your medical in Toronto?
You can read my review here: http://www.visajourn...medical-review/

If they ask just say you don't do drugs :P The medical is very easy. Like Andy&Kayla noted, they care more about whether or not you have a serious addiction.

I was let in around 6:20am, was out about an hour later. I was first in line.

If you haven't already, make sure to gather your vaccination records and/or get titre tests done!

Edited by pocheros, 31 August 2011 - 11:45 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-31 11:42:00
CanadaMontreal Medical ... Done! :o)
Yay! :D I'm glad it went well for you, especially because you were a little nervous about it. Just wait till the interview... You'll be wondering why you were so worried! :lol:
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-31 13:35:00