CanadaAdministrative Processing?
I was approved for my K1 and my son's K2 in October. I was told 4-6 business days for the visa to be processed and it would be sent to my local DHL office. Anticipating that things sometimes slow down, I doubled that estimate and gave my notice at work, and my fiance planned his flight up here to come and get me. We had to cancel his flight when we still heard nothing about the visa.

We have made several attempts to find out what is going on, up to and including now having his Senate office look into it for us. I emailed them to ask if there was anything more I should do to help speed it along, and this is their response.

Good day,

Your case needed more administrative work after your interview. Your visa will be promptly issued as soon as the process is complete.

I hope that this information may be useful.


Consular Correspondent | Immigrant Visa Unit

Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 6:14 PM
To: Montreal, IV
Subject: RE: MTL######

I am inquiring as to the status of my K1 visa, I had my interview approved on October 28th, and it has not yet been processed from the consulate according to DOS and the CSC website. I am wondering if there is some delay that I can help to speed up. Please let me know when I can expect this to be processed.


Someone finally gave us some info on it, and we were told that there was a name discrepancy on my son's passport and his visa. I have looked at all our paperwork and it's okay on our end, so someone made a typo. Today, my fiance was told that they have corrected the error but it's still in administrative processing. They told him this might take up to 2 months to fix...

I am desperately hoping that that's not the case, as I am now unemployed, and probably won't be able to qualify now for EI as I was planning on filing when I entered the US. How do I explain leaving my job to them now? Has anyone ever seen anything like this happen on here? I will also be homeless soon, so I need to fix this fast!

I've seen cases go into AP, and know that sometimes they do keep your passport, but I can't believe that this has happened because of a typo. By the way, my son's name is Connor, and sometimes I see people spell it Conner or Conor, so I'm guessing that was the typo...

Anyone with any thoughts on what to do next?

Edited by Stuart and Thea, 16 November 2011 - 03:34 PM.

Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-11-16 15:33:00
CanadaPOE Black Friday?
Hmmm... I had convinced honey to wait till Saturday after showing him this thread, guess we'll play it by ear then! Mind you, mom bought a turkey and planned to make a thanksgiving meal here for him, albeit on the Friday, so he might just want to hang around anyway!
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-11-22 19:52:00
CanadaPOE Black Friday?
Okay, looks like I'm finally getting my visa! Honey is coming up to load the truck up on Wed night, Thurs morning. We'll be looking at crossing on Friday if all goes well with picking up the visa. Is that just insane? Should we try for Thurs night instead because of all the cross border shoppers? Or would Thursday night be even worse?
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-11-22 07:46:00
CanadaTo those of you finally home (US side)!
I agree the meat and fish here in MN is very pricy and not a good quality as Ontario (just my opinion) I love salmon
and here it is so expensive and doesn't taste very good.
I brought some Kraft peanut butter, our rasin bran cereal to name of few with me when I crossed.
It is a good thing that for now we live in a border town, so once I can cross back into Canada, I will be going shopping LOL
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-09-21 08:40:00
CanadaTo those of you finally home (US side)!

Perhaps you should call the border crossing and ask? I think some people have done that before when they were unsure and it was helpful.

Thanks for the wishes :) Good luck to you as well!

Thank you will do!!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-09-06 12:48:00
CanadaTo those of you finally home (US side)!

First of all, congrats on your POE! Isn't it amazing that the process is over? (Well, besides AOS & ROC of course...)

I POE on Friday and it feels quite weird. Like you, I never thought this day would come. Best of luck to you and your hubby!

I'm making my POE on the same day as you- can I ask where? I'm going to Toronto Pearson airport :)

My POE is going to be by land in International Falls, MN. I just read a thread and I am nervous because someone said that not all US border POE do K1 visa entries. What does that mean? I thought that any border I can cross and activate my visa...I will have to do more resarch on this.
Good Luck to you and I hope all goes smooth and safe for you on Friday!!!!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-09-06 12:33:00
CanadaTo those of you finally home (US side)!

As of two days ago I crossed the border and am home! I can't get over how weird it feels! My mind keeps playing over and over (in different variations), "WOW, I LIVE here now". After two years of visiting my husband, I was quite used to being a guest! I have already unpacked most of my belongings (didn't have much). Now I'm sitting here in a bit of a daze and thought I would hop on here and ask other people who have recently moved to the US how they are feeling? I think I will miss Canada quite a lot, however I will be going back a lot to visit family so hopefully that will prevent any serious home sickness from coming up! Most importantly, I am now residing with my most amazing husband! I thought this day would never come and cannot believe it finally has!

I am so happy for you and that you are HOME. I can't wait to POE in 3 days and finally be settled in to a routine and life with my soon to be husband. We all paid our dues and waiting for this moment and it will be awesome to experience it soon!!!
Good Luck and WELCOME HOME :)
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-09-06 11:42:00
CanadaPregnant and hoping to travel home to Canada for Christmas

either way the child will be able to be a dual citizen you should have no issue

I do understand that, I was just wondering how long the process would take before I would be able to bring her home. My husband returns from his 6 month long deployment in February and I am just trying to figure out if I went into early labour and had her in Canada would I make it home in time to see him when he gets back.
usmcwifeFemaleCanada2011-10-31 22:36:00
CanadaPregnant and hoping to travel home to Canada for Christmas

You will not have any problem bringing your child back to the US.

Your child will be a US citizen. You may need to file a CRBA and US passport for your child. Alternatively, an LPR who gives birth while temporarily outside the US may bring the child back to the US without a visa.





I am a legal permanent resident of the U.S. While I was outside the U.S., I gave birth to a child. Now I wish to return to the U.S. May I take my child with me?

As outlined in 9 FAM 42.1 N1.1, a child under two years of age who was born of a Permanent Resident Alien mother during a temporary visit abroad does not require an immigrant visa in order to travel to the United States if the alien parent is in possession of a valid Form I-551 (i.e. green card), a valid reentry permit, or an SB-1 visa. The child must be admitted to the U.S. within two years of birth and the accompanying parent must be applying for readmission upon first return after the birth of the child. We suggest that the accompanying parent carry documentary evidence of his or her relationship to the child, including the child's passport and birth certificate.

I wonder if it is the same for Conditional Permanent Residents as well. Great idea on filing for a CRBA though... I wonder how long that process takes. I'll have to do some more research.
usmcwifeFemaleCanada2011-10-31 22:24:00
CanadaPregnant and hoping to travel home to Canada for Christmas

are you wanting to have the baby here in Canada?...Not too sure what the immigration implications would be if you have Baby in Canada... I would be doing a lot of research first though... Good luck.. looks like I will still be here in Canada for Christmas... Hoping my Honey might come up here for a visit.
good luck and keep us posted on your situation...

Thanks! I wasn't planning on having her in Canada but I am curious to know what the process would be if she just decided she wanted to be born there anyway. LOL. If that process seems like it might take some time then I might not go. I don't want to miss my husbands return from Afghanistan because my daughter decided to show up early!
usmcwifeFemaleCanada2011-10-31 22:22:00
CanadaPregnant and hoping to travel home to Canada for Christmas
Hi everyone... It's been so long since I've posted here but I haven't had any new immigration related issues recently. This Christmas I was thinking about travelling home to Canada to visit family, however, I will be about 32 weeks pregnant at that time. I was wondering what types of immigration issues we might have if I went into early labour and tried to bring our baby back into the USA. Does anyone know the process or how long it takes? Oh yeah, for a bit of background, I'm a Canadian citizen and a conditional permanent resident of the US and my husband is a US citizen and Marine who is currently deployed in Afghanistan (he'll be back about 10 days before the due date so he wont' be here for christmas).
usmcwifeFemaleCanada2011-10-31 21:46:00
CanadaWe're Approved!!!
Congrats...:) Wow you flew through the process...:)
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-11-02 16:44:00
CanadaOHIP ?/dumb question...
Thanks SF...There is no way I would risk it on the kids. We will be moving like a week before the wedding bc I want to work up until right before we leave
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-11-03 19:44:00
CanadaOHIP ?/dumb question...

The moment you move you are no longer covered through OHIP. However you could use chip or there are a few other problems here. Also my husbands insurance company will take people on if your pregnant, Im pretty sure they all will now. You could get temp insurance for in between as well.

Thanks I had heard insurance companies were changing that..:)

Is it just me that thinks its weird you can stuill get EI? lol
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-11-03 13:35:00
CanadaOHIP ?/dumb question...
I havent totally looked into the whole EI thing but Im wondering since EI is available to Canadians out of country is OHIP? I will be put on Fh's insurance once we get married..but im wondering about the time before the wedding? how do people handle that? and we are debating ttc now as us immigration doenst care my body has a ticking a pregnancy would be a pre-exsisting health would ohip cover any preg care in the US..

thoughts anyone..
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-11-03 11:47:00
Canadagetting upset 204 days
Never said we were thinking of getting married now?? lol thinking of trying to conceive now but we are waiting on the marriage thing...Thinking of planning a summer wedding now bc with his careeer God knows how long hockey season will take to finish..

Just really really frusturating to read all the "im approved after only...days" or read ppl from philipines who met their "true loves once "getting it within 2-3 welll educated..fiance has a good career..its just unbelievably frusturating
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-11-07 16:14:00
Canadagetting upset 204 days
Hi Guys..First of all congrats to those who have progressed in the process...

We filed back in May and so far only have our NOA-1. We had a RFE (copies of his birth certificate and US paperowrk which were in our package ugg) which was returned and recieved Sept 28..And was notified at that time our case was transfered to Vermont. Online it says within 60 days..

Im just getting so sad people after us are booking interviews we dont even have noa-2 yet..finding this really hard as we wnat to get married now as we want to start trying for a baby..every day with no progress is lessening our chnaces..
Thoughts? Advice?
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-11-07 05:51:00
Haha im one of the ones whose been waiting 205 days so far so NOA2 so i dont want to hear the vent..No kidding...I will be doing the same. Im assuming we get the NoA-2 this month and maybe be done early spring?? We wont be able to move until mid-June bc of hockey playoffs...Totally sucks..But no point in us moving if he wont be home or we cant commit to a date etc..So we are hoping to move mid-june and wedding july now and yep its going to really reallly suck..I already feel your pain...

big congrats me hope...Consider it a few more months to make a bit more money etc..
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-11-08 08:35:00
Canadaalmost heartattack
Checked the govt website like i do everyday..know my number off by heart and i typed it in wrong and surprise it was an actual case number and they were DENIED in september...Took my breath away totally for a minute..till I realized wasnt us...

Hoping for NOA2 (filed back in May RFE in sept) as we just found out Mon..we are expecting...:)
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-11-16 14:37:00
CanadaMedisys Montreal Review
ive never heard of the genital check..ive read mostly Toronto reviews bc thats where ill be going..ive heard of breast exams there...weird
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-11-07 16:08:00
Canadafinally NOA2
Finally yesterday been waiting since noa1 in may....
whats the time frame like from this point?
are there interviews available in montreal at all?
Thanks guys
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-11-23 04:56:00
CanadaDS 160, I didn't print the entire form

It wouldn't let me print out the entire application. I only printed out the confirmation page with the barcode and sent it in with Packet 3.

There was the one page where it let you review all the info you submitted for the application, I printed all of that out for myself just so I have a record of exactly what was asked on the form. But yeah, confirmation is all you need.
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-10-27 08:31:00
CanadaDS 160, I didn't print the entire form
So this is what I know:

DS-160 is the form you filled out electronically. While I did print out a copy of the whole form for my own records, the only thing you need is the confirmation page. The confirmation page has my name, Date of birth, place of birth, gender, nationality, passport number, purpose of travel, date of form completion, and confirmation number on it. It also has the photo with it since I submitted the photo electronically. Finally it also has a bar code on it that I believe they will need to scan.

This confirmation page needs to sent out with packet 3 and a copy of it (I'm taking two copies of it in case) needs to be taken to the interview. It says on the confirmation page:

"YOU MUST SUBMIT this confirmation page with a clear legible bar code at the time if your interview."

It goes on to explain that you will required to sign your application by providing a biometric signature on the same page and such.

I am not sure if there are any other ways to have this confirmation page, but that's what mine looks like. But yeah, the best way to go is just to be cautious and take two copies of each of them.
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-10-27 08:04:00
CanadaDS 160, I didn't print the entire form
You do not need the entire filled out form, just the confirmation page with the barcode and your picture on it. You'll need the same page for your interview eventually as well as they will ask you to biometrically sign it at the interview :)
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-10-27 03:38:00
CanadaCrossing border to the US to visit bf
They'll usually ask what kind of family. Like my dad's sister lives in Chicago and my dad always has to say, "I am going to visit my sister" or I have to say, "I am going to stay with my aunt" and so forth. The only issue with saying that is if they think you were trying to hide things and then they might turn you away with your record saying you lied. It will make your future visits much harder.

I know being turned away is hard, but you don't want your record saying you lied either.

It's probably better to say you're staying with a friend rather than family, because a boyfriend is not technically family. I mean, if they probe, you can always say that you are interested in this guy and you are hoping this trip will help you decide if the relationship will work out long term or not.
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-10-29 11:45:00
CanadaVisiting US while K3 is in process?
Yeah the process of crossing is very dependent on the POE officer. If you ever call customs to ask them what can you bring for ties to Canada and that you want to cross while you have an immigration ongoing, they always tell you that it is best that you don't because it's technically not allowed and that you would only be allowed in at the discretion of the POE officer.

When I tried to visit back in April and got denied I was downright treated like a liar and a hack by the officer I dealt with and he refused to listen to any explanation I gave him saying that I was lying consistently. When I went again 2 weeks ago I had more ties documents as a precaution but I gave the same answers as I had before to this officer and he looked at me and said, "I'm not going to lie to you, the last officer that handled your case said that you had been committing fraud" and I honestly told him that I had not lied then and I was not now, that I fully intended to return. I thought I wouldn't be let in since the past officer had said that I was committing fraud, which is a HUGE deal, but this officer let me in with a required return date for the day after my return ticket.

I understand that the officers have to be very cautious as to who they let in because there are people that lie and try to commit fraud but it still astonishes me that I was honest both times crossing and said the same thing but got called a liar and then the second time I ended up being able to visit.
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-10-26 18:45:00
CanadaVisiting US while K3 is in process?

I am a Canadian citizen and my husband lives in the states. We got married a few months ago and our K3 visa is in process now. I am reading different things on whether I can enter the US or not.

So can some one please clarify if I can enter the US or not.


You definitely can. I just went about 2 weeks ago to see my finace for about 10 days and I have a K1 in the process. Like everyone said, it's just important to show that you have ties to Canada and that you will be returning. When I went, I had my my return ticket, I took bare minimum amount of clothes, I had my employer write a letter saying I am employed with them and returning after a certain number of days, and I had my parents sign a letter under a commissioner to show that I live with them permanently (since I couldn't provide a lease with my name on it). I also had my bank statement showing that I was leaving behind all my savings and would be coming back for them and I took my NOA2 to show that we were in the middle of process and doing it all legally. I did get pulled into Immigration at customs but I was out of there in just about 40 minutes or so. Just be honest about everything, and you'll be fine.

Edited by Floella, 25 October 2011 - 03:01 AM.

FloellaFemaleCanada2011-10-25 03:01:00
CanadaNovember 2011 K1 Interviews in Montreal
Nov 29th for mine. I'm already going nuts preparing for it and worrying I may miss something even though generally I actually have everything ready :) But yes! I cannot wait!!!
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-10-26 07:55:00
CanadaLeaving for Montreal tomorrow (Medical / Interview)

Alright guys... So Medical went great, picked up my results today :) Now on to the next step my interview .. eekk!! So my interview is tomorrow Sept 7th and I've already posted above all the forms etc needed for the interview.... I guess it's normal to feel like I'm missing something :)... I can't wait until the interview is DONE! Can anyone see if I've missed something?? OOh and BTW, the passport is needed for the medical!!! Will I be seeing any of you tomorrow??

It looks like you got everything you need :) At my interview they didn't even ask for evidence of a relationship or NOA1/2 or the USC birth certificate really anything besides what was on the checklist.

This is just my own experience, of course, but they asked for:

passport photos
medical exam
birth certificate
birth certificate translation (since my original is in french)
police check (they keep the original as photocopies aren't useful to them)
USC letter of intent
affidavit of support and the supporting evidence

And that's it :) They kept photocopies where appropriate. It seemed like they mostly cared about the supporting evidence for the affidavit of support (they kept all the photocopies I made for that stuff.) So you're super prepared :) Just relax, keep your head clear, and you'll do fine! She asked me questions about my fiance like where he lives, where he was born, what he does for a living, etc. Really basic, easy questions, so as long as you know your relationship you should do well.

Good luck!

Edit: also regarding the photocopies, one copy is sufficient unless you want to be extra prepared for the future. I haven't done AOS or ROC yet but I assume they probably want photocopies of some original documents (someone correct me if I'm wrong) so if you make extra copies before the interview it might just save you an extra trip to the photocopier. :P I made too many copies of everything but I'm hanging on to all of it because I figured it wouldn't hurt.

Edited by pocheros, 06 September 2011 - 02:30 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-09-06 14:27:00
CanadaLeaving for Montreal tomorrow (Medical / Interview)
Regarding NOA2 and packet 4: I stand corrected. I wasn't asked for anything besides what was on the Pkt3 checklist but everyone's experience is different.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-29 17:53:00
CanadaLeaving for Montreal tomorrow (Medical / Interview)

Do you guys think I should have the originals and 2 copies of everything... or is the Original and 1 copy good enough?

The original and 1 copy is good enough. Good luck with your interview! I'm sure you'll do fine. :)

Edited by pocheros, 29 August 2011 - 04:19 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-29 16:19:00
CanadaLeaving for Montreal tomorrow (Medical / Interview)
Looks good to me! They won't ask for the NOA1 or NOA2 or packet 3 and packet 4. You only need one copy of the things you brought :) And they keep the original police record.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-29 11:43:00
CanadaSocial Security Question
Huh, weird, I thought they wouldn't issue it to you if you checked off "not allowed" going by what I've read from previous threads... Everyone's experience is different.

Edited by pocheros, 04 October 2011 - 03:32 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-10-04 15:31:00
CanadaSocial Security Question

thanks guys!! last question ... do you check off "legal alien not allowed to work" on the application?

No, you check off legal alien ALLOWED to work :) By the way, they asked me for additional ID besides my passport, so I brought my birth certificate.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-10-04 12:43:00
CanadaSocial Security Question

Card did not arrive becuase the wonderful USPS sent it back would be my guess. During this entire process we expect the USPS to deliver mail addressed to us, but they have this little known policy that the carriers need to know who is living at an address or they will return the mail to the sender. This happened to us. This is especially true if the last name is different--i.e wife keeps maiden name or husband's name is taken by wife and it was her residence before the marriage. Go to the local post office and make certain they know who is living at this address. They have a form where you can select all mail addressed is to be delivered.

In the mean time you can go to the SSA office and get a printout with the SSN on it and use that until the card arrives.

Good luck.


Yes- I went to the SSN office recently to apply and the lady asked me if my mailbox had my name attached to it because they deliver the cards through certified mail. To be extra careful they added "Care of <my husband's name>" so my card wouldn't be returned.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-09-26 21:40:00
CanadaHonk Kong police report/certificate for Montreal Consulate
Like Coconuts said, Montreal does not send you a specific form to fill out for the police check. They just take something as long as it's official and it meets their requirements. As to how to go about obtaining a HK certificate, no idea- try the other regional forums, perhaps? Good luck! :)
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-10-05 13:58:00
CanadaMontreal - People who have booked interviews recently
I've noticed after lurking here for awhile that people usually grab interviews about 3 months ahead of the day they book them, but there are exceptions (sometimes earlier, sometimes later). That's from when it's booked though, and who knows when Montreal is going to release dates?

Also, I just want to re-iterate what Soulmates said- DON'T wait to receive Packet 4 in the mail. It's common for people to not even receive Packet 4 from Montreal, or to receive it very late. As soon as Department of State tells you Packet 4 has been logged or sent out you can book an interview.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-10-05 13:37:00
CanadaMedical and Interview
He should bring at least one photocopy of everything as Montreal keeps it as part of his file which later goes into a big brown folder that his will receive with his visa that he submit at POE. Do this for the birth certificate translation too as they kept a copy of my translation and I wanted to have the original handy in the future so I don't have to go through the trouble of re-doing it in the USA.

The only thing they don't keep a copy of is the police certificate as a copy is not acceptable. At my interview, she kept a copy of my birth certificate, a copy of the birth certificate translation, the affidavit of support (I-134, since I'm a K1) and copies of its supporting evidence. It looks like he has the most important stuff ready but its a little barebones. He needs to bring the appointment letter too, don't forget that!

Since I went the K1 route I'm not completely familiar with the process for IR1/CR1 but I also had to bring a receipt for the $350 MRV fee that I paid online. I also brought evidence of our relationship (which they didn't ask to see), copies of everything I sent in Packet 3, copies of the I-129F, and Pkt3 & Pkt4. Although many people go through their interview only submitting the minimum you never know what they're going to ask for and its better to be safe than sorry.

Edit: Oh yeah don't forget the DS 230! I forgot to mention that. It'd also be prudent for him to bring photocopies of the biographic info page on his passport. Really, I brought everything I could think of (that wasn't difficult to procure) in a big accordion folder. They didn't ask for everything, sure, but I was prepared and it was worth the effort.

Edited by pocheros, 05 October 2011 - 03:19 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-10-05 15:14:00
CanadaWhat dates is Montreal assigning for CR1/IR1 Visas right now?
In this thread, people have recently been assigned Nov. 4th, Nov. 7th, and Nov. 21st. http://www.visajourn...011-interviews/

Edited by pocheros, 06 October 2011 - 01:44 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-10-06 13:44:00
CanadaQuestions on DS160 form for K-1 applicant
Montreal requires BOTH the DS-160 and DS-156. In this thread scroll down to step #4 and #5, this is up-to-date instructions for preparing and sending packet 3 to Montreal, including which forms to fill out and how to mail it. Don't forgot the DS-230 as well, even though some people say it's all online Montreal wants a paper copy of it.

You can find all the forms here: http://montreal.usco...ument=visa_pkt3

I also put 50 years on my form.

As for the visits, list the most recent dates. I believe there's a field for "list additional dates here" which creates a supplement that prints off in addition to the first page. You can also add something along the lines of "including many more dates of unknown specificity due to frequent travel, between the years of XXXX-XXXX."
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-10-09 19:55:00