CanadaEI question

Yes you should still be recieving cards eventhough you are still awaiting your EAD. You would answer the questions on the back, but when it comes to the one that asks about work you would slelct "no" and put something like "unable to work, awaiting employment authorization".

I can't remember how long it took me to start recieving the cards, but you can call the out of country office and ask them about it. I did have a card with the phone # on it, but have just recently thrown it away. If you call Service Canada you can ask them for the out of country #. I always had to leave a message on the answering machine and they usually got back to me later that day or the next (it might take longer if you call today due to the holidays).

As for looking for work early, I would suggest that you start a very preliminary search (posting a resume on monster, contacting an employment agency registering with them, but explain your situation). It took me close to 7 months to get my EAD. I applied in May and the paperwork was approved in Aug, but due to a backlog at the ASC it took forever for me to get a biometrics appt (I needed to get the congressman involved to get one). When I recieved my EAD card at the end of Oct, the date on it was Aug, and that is the date that EI uses for when you become eligable, so had I started a job search back then (and not waited until I had my card) I would have got 8 weeks of back payments from EI. But you have to be able to prove you were looking for a job.

Unfortunately there is no way to know when your paperwork has been approved. And even if you knew it was approved, you would have to supply your EAD card to your employer prior to starting work.

Thankyou, that's exactly what I was looking for. I had thought that I might have gotten a confirmation email from EI or something, but I guess I'll wait till Tuesday and see when I can expect the cards to start arriving. As to the EAD thing, wow, that long? I was really hoping that I would get something sooner, hopefully I won't have to wait so long.

If you want the correct answer and don't want to read through the posts and dont want other peoples input, then one should simply call the EI people

I do want other people's input, but to be told that I won't be getting any payments yet, when I wasn't asking to know when I would be getting payments was really not the input I was looking for. Had someone told me that they use vinegar in milk to substitute for buttermilk in baking, or that a creeping water meter means that you may have a small leak in one of your toilets, it would have been just as relevant to my question as the answer that was given, though, they at least would have been helpful to me.

As to not reading the entire thread, I mentioned that half of the thread is archived and not available to me, as I am not PERMITTED to read it when I click the link in the first post, and the rest of the thread is too long to be of any benefit for those of us trying to navigate it. I'm sorry if you think it's lazy of me to ask on here without doing my own research first, but this IS supposed to be a help board is it not? I would call it USING other people's input by asking, not choosing to NOT use their input...

I would recommend that the sticky be redone, if there is someone knowledgeable to do it.

I don't have a phone. I will be able to get the use of one come Tuesday, when I expect the office to be open, but it's really not possible for me to call them today, so I turned here for help.
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-12-30 15:32:00
CanadaEI question
I had expected to be getting cards to return to them saying that I was unable to work, and yes, I was aware that I would't be getting payments till later, but what my question actually was is will I not get any kind of a confirmation at all that they have received my application??

And again, I know that I can't work until I get my EAD, but when I file for the AOS with the EAD, I know some people wait 3 months or longer before they get a card saying they can work but EI tells them that they should have been looking because they were approved for work, so what I was actually asking is, when do I know that I have EAD confirmation if I don't get my card till later down the line??

Please respond to the questions I am asking, and not to the ones you misread me asking.
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-12-30 12:01:00
CanadaEI question
The sticky above is way too long to view, not to mention that half of it is archived and I can't access it anyway, so I'm hoping that someone can answer my question without me having to snore through 22 pages. (I have my settings to max post per page too!)

I applied for my EI online 2 weeks ago, and will be applying for my AOS in a week and a bit. I still haven't gotten any emails or mail from EI, should I have by now?

I know that I need to let them know when my EAD is approved so that I can start collecting payments, but I have heard that I am supposed to be looking for work before I get it physically or I lose out on some payments?? How long after I apply for it with my AOS, will it be approved so that I can legally do this when I won't actually have it in hand yet?

Can someone in the know create a newer up to date sticky so that we're not having to find the relevant posts among hundreds? It is no longer helpful!
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2011-12-30 11:01:00
CanadaSchool Shooting discussion gets my son in trouble??

Anyways we're getting off topic here and don't want to side track Stuarts & Thea's thing here. So did you end up talking to the school about it yet?

Snapback to the post where I answer this.

Update for you, my son has come home and told me that the kids on the bus are always saying that they're going to blow up the school, and the bus, etc. I've talked about it with him, asked him if he's scared that they might, and asked him if it's appropriate for them to say those things. (they actually pretend they have an ignition that they press and countdown to the explosion) He said it's not. I asked him if they should be searched for weapons. He said no. I asked him if he would feel better knowing that they didn't really have weapons. He said yes. I explained to him, that while he knows they're just joking, even knowing that can sometimes leave a little doubt. I told him that the school's response to that doubt, instead of just talking to the kids and asking them, and telling them those games are inappropriate, are to take it very seriously, and to red flag those kids. I told him that they didn't want any one to say that they did nothing, in case it turned out one day that those kids really weren't pretending, that they really meant it, and that is what they were doing with him. He said okay. Then he asked if there was a way for them to search ALL the kids every day, just in case, because it's the ones that aren't joking about it that scare him the most.

GAH!!! I guess if a kid thinks this way, I can understand where the administration is coming from, I mean, a lot of them have the mental acuity of a small child, I'm sure...
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2012-01-12 17:59:00
CanadaSchool Shooting discussion gets my son in trouble??

I personally don't know many 12 year olds who go online to read newspaper articles.

I was going to post the same. I personally wouldn't allow my kid to go online for anything without supervision, and looking up news from other countries is just not something that he's asked if he can do yet. I don't know many grade school history classes that teach about mass murders. I would find it inappropriate if they did.

As to asking a person in Colorado if they know more about the Columbine murders than they do, while that's like asking someone from Newfoundland if they drink Screech. Like asking an Australian if they've seen a kangaroo. It's one of the things we know about Colorado, so what else are we going to talk about?

I'm sure there will be a lot of things that happened in the US that my son has never heard of. Violence wise, I can think of Charles Manson, Timothy McVeigh, the car snipers, and quite a few more... No reason to question how he could not have heard of them because of them being so famous... I'm sure that there are countless atrocities and murders from around the world that he hasn't heard of. I don't think that's anything weird, in fact, if he had heard of them all, THAT would be weird...
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2012-01-11 08:36:00
CanadaSchool Shooting discussion gets my son in trouble??
We didn't have cable tv in Canada, and a program about violence is certainly something I wouldn't let him watch online, as to the news, I can honestly tell you that my son wouldn't have watched much of it, and I'm not sure he was even born when it would have even been on the news! Certainly not appropriate television for a baby, nor a young child...

FWIW, I didn't hear about Princess Diana's death until 3 days after the fact...
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2012-01-09 22:46:00
CanadaSchool Shooting discussion gets my son in trouble??
And I bet your mom was mad, right?? Again, as a parent, even in your situation, I would prefer to be contacted to be part of the decision making process on whether intervention is necessary, I'm sure your mom felt the same way, and would have preferred they call her and talk to her first. It might have prevented you from being mistrustful of your teacher, and later in life, if it's affected you. (I'm only guessing that it must, as betrayal at a young age hurts a lot more, especially from a private, authority figure type if you looked up to them at all)
Stuart and TheaFemaleCanada2012-01-06 19:26:00
Canadahow many more photos after noa2?
Going to book appt to get passport photos done..Might as well do them all in one shot...
So how many more do i need?

Same number for kids? or what do they need photos for?
Does USC need anymore pics to submit?
Just trying to get my ducks in a row
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-11-23 14:33:00
CanadaPack 3..Whats needed for the kids?

Passport photos are used on the visa, if the kids are getting a visa then yes they need passport photos.
Same for the medical they need photos for that as well.

Thanks Inky...Got the pics figured out but trying to figure out the forms...which ones per person whoch ones per family
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-11-23 15:10:00
CanadaPack 3..Whats needed for the kids?
Going through all the forms Ill need for next round of paperwork...Its not overally clear to me what forms i need to do separate for kids...Do I need 2 passport photos for each kid as well?

Any help would be great...
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-11-23 14:30:00


that's a link to the consulate in Montreal's website showing what forms you need to fill out.... and yes... you do need the DS 160

(I know the link you posted states K visa's don't require it..but the Montreal consulate does)

Why doesnt it surprise me that i need to do more Was it difficult to do..when should i do it...what do i need to know to start it..i hate computers and am scared a computer oops can mess this up
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-12-06 09:59:00
So confused as a K1 filer and K2s...I dont file the DS160 only the DS156..and only my copy the kids dont need them..
omg so
I hate computers so im really hoping i dont need to do the ds160

TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-12-06 09:36:00
CanadaPregnancy & Benefits in the US vs. Canada?
So heres a ?..Our petition just left friday for the montreal consulate.. We just found out a few weeks ago Im pregnant..Timing sucks obviously my beautiful wedding dress prob wont fit..blah blah blah...

If I go on Mat leave early before we move..Can it continue? I know you can get EI in some cases? (not a happy healthy pregnant person at all..past 2 babes have meant lots of hospitalizations for rehydration and nutrition)

Thoughts anyone?
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2011-12-06 09:02:00
Canadapack3 ? list times entered US..border town no idea...
Im going to attempt pack 3 paperwork today one question has made me panic tho..List all the times youve entered the USA...We live ina border town and i cant even begin to guess or list how many day trips ive taken for groceries shopping..My ex-fiance from high school played semi-pro fball there for 2 summers and we crossed 3 nights a week for practice plus games...

I know since when Josh and I got engaged since he has an unbelievable memory...But prior to I have no clue...What do I write? Do tehy keep track fo everytime you cross?

TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-01-10 06:39:00
Canadapack 3 kids passport photos..
Do they need them for pack 3? or just medical and interview? im so overwhelmed by all this..and part preg brian i cnat focus on sorry guys...
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-01-10 08:09:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews

I have an Interview ?

The Consulate will have the original documentation that we already mailed in right? Like our original birth certificate, police check, etc? So all I need to bring are copies, right?

You mailed in birth certificate and police check? Did the instructions say to? :wacko: I thought those were only for the interview, I only mailed in the forms for packet 3. I would say try to have originals with you, I have seen explicit instructions everywhere that say to have your originals with you and not mail them in. They always want to keep the photocopies of items such as those. The only time they want the original is when they want the letter of intent to marry or forms that are filled out and signed by you. I hope they can return your birth certificate, maybe you can email them and find out if you can have it back before or at the interview?

EDIT: Also, I really want to say thank you to everyone here for the support. It's such a relief to finally have an interview date! And best of luck to everyone on their interview!!! I am sure we will all be fine and soon be home with our loved ones :)

Edited by Floella, 25 October 2011 - 05:11 AM.

FloellaFemaleCanada2011-10-25 05:09:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews
Nov. 29 at 8am!!! :) HURRAH!
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-10-13 12:36:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews

yep, do let us know if anyone sees the calendar open up!! See you all in Montreal. :)

Just popping in to say still waiting and checking here as well. I'm really hoping some Nov. and Dec. open up soon.
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-10-04 13:24:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews

Hi All those still waiting for Montreal Interviews......I had sent an email to Montreal asking about there being no appts and when would they be accomodating those of us waiting........and they responded... "The Consulate General in Montreal is committed to scheduling immigrant visa interview appointments as soon as possible after the applicant’s file is documentarily ready. The Consulate General works closely with the National Visa Center and CSC Visa Information Services, our appointment system contractor, to determine the number and category of immigrant visa cases that are ready for interview, and ensure there are adequate appointments available. The calendar is reviewed several times per month, and additional appointment slots may be added as available visa numbers change. If there are no appointments available, applicants are requested to re-try in a few days, as it is likely additional appointment slots will be opened."
So let's hope since the last block of appts was opened up on Sept 14th (congrats to those who got appts then) - that maybe they will be releasing some appointments very soon. And if anyone does get an appt please, please let the rest of us know through this topic - we will all be so grateful. I have a really good feeling that appointments will be opened up sometime this week folks. :) Laura (I don't know how much more refreshing I can take... :wacko:

Good to see that they replied to you. I am getting so tired of the refreshing too :( I really hope something opens up soon!!!! And I hope I am at home this time to actually get an appointment, I missed the last batch due to being at work :(
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-09-26 23:35:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews

I understand completely. We started about the same time and your right, the system is very frustrating in it's design. This has by far been the most frustrating and emotionally wearing part of the process for us so far. Randy and I talked about that a few minutes ago and how hard it was getting to stay up and positive. We really feel for those who missed getting in on the openings today because of work or appointments. There should be a more humane way to handle the scheduling that would be less stressful and time consuming for the applicants.

Hang in there, when you least expect it your refresh will pop up a date for you! :yes:

Thank you! :) It is really tough, but, this is the LAST step so hopefully we'll get in soon and then I hope it will get easier from there on.

Best of luck to you on your interview!!
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-09-14 21:12:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews

aww I'm sorry to hear that! :(

Now that they are booking again you never know when a cancellation will come up.
I'll be Keeping fingers crossed and hoping one opens up for you soon!!!

Thanks! :)

It's just really frustrating, it's been 6 weeks since we've been trying. I just wish it wasn't such a random and indefinite system.

Edited by Floella, 14 September 2011 - 04:54 PM.

FloellaFemaleCanada2011-09-14 16:54:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews
I just saw these posts after I got home from work :( They all seem to be gone now. I'll keep refreshing.

But congrats guys!
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-09-14 15:53:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews
I got my Packet 4 on August 1, 2011. I have been at refreshing for over a month now and nothing at all :(

I'll post here as well if I see anything open up for the rest of you guys. At least it's nice to know we're all supporting each other :)

I wonder if it is true about them not opening up anything till November, because that is depressing. I wish they would tell us so we wouldn't sit around wasting our time refreshing all the time!!!

November is so far away :crying:
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-09-13 00:02:00
CanadaMontreal November 2011 Interviews!

So glad everything went well Floella :-)

I received my waybill number via email from loomis-express about three hours ago!!

Thanks! I guess I must have been the last for the November batch.

Glad to see the timing on yours being sent was fast. I am hoping I get mine pretty soon. I just want to move already lol.
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-11-30 05:17:00
CanadaMontreal November 2011 Interviews!

You will be fine. Just make sure you have all the documents they asked for on the list. When it's done you will be like the rest of us and say it was the easy part!

:) I got approved! Thanks for the encouragement! Man, I feel SO relieved!

Also, thanks to the the people that I was talking to. The two people before me, the lady with spousal and the guy doing fiance got approved. I hope the couple doing the spousal that I left also got approved :D
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-11-29 18:52:00
CanadaMontreal November 2011 Interviews!
I have my interview at 8am tomorrow. I am sitting around going over ALL the documents and feeling like I'm going to throw up.

Ugh! >.<
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-11-28 19:04:00
CanadaMontreal November 2011 Interviews!
Nov 29 at 8am for me :) I am so glad more people have finally got interviews, it's been a tough few weeks just refreshing and stuff. Thanks to everyone here who has been helping out with the process!!
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-10-13 18:43:00
CanadaFolks from Ontario (or Toronto): Police Check Question
I also went to 22 division on Steeles and Hurontario in Brampton. It took about 15 minutes to get it done. I am not sure if there is a place near Toronto that does them that is closer to you than Brampton, so yeah, just go to a local police station and ask.

You'll need to have 2 photo IDs with you. The form requires you to write your previous addresses as well so make sure you have that info as well as your driver's license number.

Edited by Floella, 02 December 2011 - 06:08 AM.

FloellaFemaleCanada2011-12-02 06:07:00
CanadaURGENT!! - Documents for Interview in Montreal
For evidence if you really wanna take chat logs, take the most recent ones to prove ongoing relationship. My fiance and I are the same, we only use Skype and GoogleTalk so I just took our Skype conversation logs. They never asked for them, but I'd say take some recent ones just in case.

Aside from that, pictures are good. Tickets that show you visited each other is also good. I also had a ton of receipts and stuff from when my fiance came to visit and we went out or when I visited and he took me out and so forth.

Any phone records, no matter how small, are also good as long as you can explain you use online voice chat programs more often.

Don't worry too much. :)
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-12-05 00:33:00
Canadano K1 visa in the mail yet!!

Check your e-mails (spam file also), they like to sneak some in there if problems arised.

Yeah I've been checking my Spam folder nonstop. Ugh. I thought this waiting game was over, but I guess not. So mad. :angry:
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-12-07 18:51:00
Canadano K1 visa in the mail yet!!
I had my interview for K1 on Nov 29 and I still don't have visa either. DOS keeps telling me it's in administrative processing :( UGH!!!!
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-12-07 13:50:00
CanadaWaiting on my Passport
They tell me it's status is administrative processing. I really hope whatever it is processes soon, I am so tired of waiting. :(
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-12-08 00:03:00
CanadaWaiting on my Passport
So I had my interview on Nov. 29 and I still have not heard from them about my visa. DOS keeps telling me it's not been printed yet. I know someone else that had their interview the same day got their passport back LAST week.

I am freaking out, how long can it possibly take? Why are the timings so random when someone else has it back but I don't?

Edited by Floella, 07 December 2011 - 11:10 AM.

FloellaFemaleCanada2011-12-07 11:10:00
CanadaMontreal December 2011 Interviews
Good luck! You guys will be fine :) Just be honest and upfront and yourselves.
FloellaFemaleCanada2011-12-01 00:14:00
CanadaVaccination Sheet at Montreal Interview
1. There is another copy of this sheet inside the sealed brown envelope, which is the original. As such, you do not need to bring the extra sheet that they gave you, which is actually a copy and yours to keep.

2. I *think* so- I haven't done AOS yet but I''m pretty sure it's what you need. I'm gonna check that msyelf soon, actually...

3. They didn't ask for my x-ray results sheet at the interview. I assume that inside the sealed brown envelope they indicate somewhere that you don't have tuberculosis (which is the purpose of the x-ray). I've heard some VJers keep the xray results sheet and attach a copy of it to their AOS package as well, just for good measure.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-10-27 11:56:00
CanadaOk VJ friends, I need some advice,

Pocheros... I sure wish I would have talked to you before I ever started this process... I would have got married first instead of doing the K1..... even psychologically... you're married, it's done... that stress is over!!! but that's just an aside... it would have been so much easier and I live in Windsor and it would have been great to be able to come back here right away, I have an elderly mother. If anyone asked my opinion, I would say get married first if that works for you. Our lawyer advised us not to because he said the government doesn't like to see "square pegs in a round hole" ... but I think with my elderly mother and our close proximity (we live 50 miles apart) we had every reason to get married before starting the process.
Just my input on this process.. so much is learned during the journey that you wish you knew at the beginning. Thanks for everyone's help based on experience.

That sucks, Frosty :( I don't want to knock all lawyers but it seems like the Candian VJers around here always get screwed by them. A lot of them don't seem to know anything! I talked to a guy on the day of my interview who said his lawyer told him he would get his visa and be able to make his POE on the very same day. And my friend knows another couple who started the K1 process, and then in the middle of the process their lawyer advised them to get married to speed it all up. :bonk: It didn't work out well for them obviously! How can people sell these services and be comfortable about it when they're not even helping their clients? :( They're dealing with people's lives and families...

Edited by pocheros, 27 October 2011 - 12:47 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-10-27 12:45:00
CanadaOk VJ friends, I need some advice,
I should have clarified my post a bit more since the OP is new. What I meant is when a K1 arrives in the USA on their visa, that is AFTER they've gone through the whole process and had their interview, they can't cross the US border to visit Canada (or any other country for that matter) until they apply for advance parole (which you usually do in conjunction with the green card and work permit applications, which costs $1,000.) DURING the application process, however, it does not matter if you are a K1 or a CR1, you can still cross the border (as long as you can convince the border patrol officer you're not going to circumvent the visa process and start living in the USA illegally.)

However, unlike a fiance visa, upon the receipt of a CR1 visa the spouse may travel freely without having to apply for anything, and in addition to their visa they will also receive a green card. A K1 receives their visa first which just allows them to enter the USA, and then the K1 applies for the green card, work permit, and permission to travel outside the country.

So this distinction only matters if you're concerned about travel AFTER the Canadian fiance/spouse arrives in the USA on their visa, where they will settle down and reside there as a permanent resident. During the process, both K1s and CR1s can cross the border.

Sorry if my initial post was confusing! Sometimes I forget that people can't read my mind :lol:

Edited by pocheros, 20 October 2011 - 06:44 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-10-20 18:40:00
CanadaOk VJ friends, I need some advice,
Before I even started the immigration process and knew what a K1 visa was I used to run into a little trouble crossing the border because I'd say I was visiting my boyfriend. I was never denied entry but heavily questioned, and being the uneducated person I was I always thought "geez, why do they give me such a hard time?" LOL. So the point is, no matter where you are in the process it doesn't really matter- just be prepared to show proof of ties and you should be fine, although there's no guarantees. I had to fly to see my husband so my return ticket always helped!

Here is a good link that compares different visas: http://www.visajourn...content/compare

Note, DCF is no longer an option in Canada, and a K3 is pretty much useless compared to a K1 or a CR1. There are many variables to consider but personally I wish I had gone the CR1 route because when the fiance arrives in the states they already have their green card and receive their SSN shortly afterwards, which means they will be able to work soon! I *think* (I'm not sure) they are also able to cross the border a lot more easily, which sounds like it might be important since the border is so close to you guys, obviously the fiance might want to visit home often. The CR1 is also cheaper.

But with a K1, when the fiance arrives in the US they are NOT allowed to cross the border until they file for their green card, work permit, and advanced parole (which is permission to cross the border without losing status), and that costs $1,000. (Technically a K1 could cross the border after entering the States, but they wouldn't be allowed back in the US!) So the fiance has to go without any visits to Canada until all that stuff has been filed, paid for, and processed, which takes a couple months minimum.

Anyways I hope all this information isn't overhwelming. Whether you decide to get married today or a year from now, you should start collecting evidence of your relationship, research the process, and save as much money as possible (the process is expensive!). That will give you a good head start! :)

Edited by pocheros, 20 October 2011 - 11:55 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-10-20 11:54:00
CanadaProof of relationship

Thanks for the reassurances, folks, and by the way, this is really funny:

What I have in our pathetic love pile is this: Five photos of us spanning different seasons, 9 emails (two of which are me forwarding my travel arrangements to come visit him), my cell phone log spanning one year, and a photocopy of two notes he included with flowers he's given me (he's a flowers only on Valentine's kind of guy).

I found the notes in my wallet, so I guess I'm a little mushier than I thought!

You should be fine :D I also just remembered I brought a credit card statement that indicated I bought stuff in the US where my husband lives, so that's also something to think about. :)

My hubby doesn't like taking photos, I have to practically chase him with the camera. :P But I'm convincing him to take some more because we need evidence for AOS.

Edited by pocheros, 27 October 2011 - 01:29 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-10-27 13:27:00
CanadaProof of relationship
Just bring what evidence you have... I don't know how it works for IR1/CR1s, but apparently it's similar to K1s in that they don't ask for evidence very often. The photos are still good evidence, they're not going to discount them simply because of how you look in them- they just want to see that you've been together in the same place at the same time. I brought four photos of us (and yeah, we look like American Gothic in them too), our plane tickets, some receipts from when my fiance visited me and bought dinner (his name printed off on the receipts since he used his credit card), and just a couple e-mails.

Chat logs and emails, while they can be used as supplements, are not considered the best evidence. So I suggest you print out some, if you like, but there's no need to go crazy and use up all your printer ink.

I get frustrated when people from other countries post in here too... I know they're trying to be helpful but EVERY consulate and country is different. As such, those who are the most informed are the ones who went through the same consulate you have your interview at. <_< One person recently said that Montreal doesn't require the DS-156 :blink: What the heck?

Anyways, Canada is a low fraud country so they generally aren't as hard on you. I'm not saying you should show up with nothing because you never know and it's better to be overprepared, but it's not something you need to lose sleep over. This is just another reason to be grateful you're Canadian- the process is much easier on us that it would be elsewhere :yes:

Edited by pocheros, 27 October 2011 - 12:20 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-10-27 12:20:00