CanadaMy Overdue Vancouver Consulate Review
Belated congratulations :dance: It's good to see a detailed Vancouver review here since most people go to Montreal. :yes:
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-11-02 11:50:00
CanadaGathering Evidence After NOA2

Unfortunately, my fiance cannot be at the interview with me but I read somewhere that the Montreal Consulate requires original USC passport and birth certificate? Not just a copy of it. Is this true? (I am worried about him mailing them to me)

No. In the past (a few years ago, I believe) Montreal sometimes requested to see the USC's birth certificate but they no longer do. Technically Montreal can request to see any number of documents but it is very unlikely that they would request this judging by the experiences of recent K1 interviewees, myself included. They already verified the USC's citizenship with the I29F so unless they have reason to suspect this isn't the case they probably won't ask for it.

However, it certainly doesn't hurt to bring along photocopies of his birth certificate and the biographic page of his passport.

Also, if we decide to use a co-sponsor which would be his father (who is retired military veteran) what evidence is required from the co-sponsor?

I'm not experienced with this but note that they will want to see proof of his father's citizenship (for example a photocopy of his birth certificate) along with the usual evidence for the I-134. Besides that I believe they will want to see the usual evidence as described in the instruction form for the I-134. At minimum, copies of the 3 most recent year's tax returns OR tax transcripts. Along with that things like pay stubs, a letter from his employer, a letter from the bank etc.

So far I have made a list of what will be needed from me:

- birth certificate
- passport
- medical docs
- police certificate
- copies of forms (packet 3)
- interview letter
- evidence of relationship docs
- new letter of intent (30 days of interview)

Am I missing anything?

Thanks :)

Here is the official interview checklist for the Montreal website: http://montreal.usco...-checklist.html Please note that some of the things listed there are not applicable to you, notably the I-864 which is for spousal visas only (you'll be using the I-134). Evidence of domicile is only required if your fiance does not currently maintain residency in the United States.

You need to add the following things:
-photocopy of the biographic page of your passport
-two 2inch x 2inch passport photos taken within 6 months of the interview with your name and case number printed on the back
-photocopies of everything else you're bringing with you (birth certificate, etc.)
-x ray from the medical exam is not required unless you have tuberculosis
-if any documents are not in english they must be translated. This goes for french documents too.

Edited by pocheros, 23 March 2012 - 07:02 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2012-03-23 19:00:00 many photos
Try e-mailing them here specifying that you were wondering if you only need to bring two photos because you are pregnant or if you actually need three, and if you only need one photo per child. They are known for replying quickly to e-mails.

I brought 3 photos when I had my medical in Toronto last June but the office has moved since then and perhaps some of the procedures have changed as well. Make sure to bring a letter from your doctor confirming your pregnancy.
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-03-25 16:32:00
CanadaPacket 3 checklist
What Inky said :) First they have to review your case to make sure it's ready for the next stop (remember, it's possible to get an RFE at any stage in the process). This is the first time Montreal has seen your case (the petition you sent to USCIS is now at the consulate.) USCIS doesn't like to RFE without a good reason so Montreal is looking over everything first.

When they decide that your case is good to go they update their computers to show that you're ready to send packet 3. It's not uncommon for applicants going through Montreal to never receive the packet 3 or packet 4 letters, yet they'll be "logged" in the system. And when Montreal does send out the letters they can be incredibly slow to arrive in the mail- often 3 or 4 weeks after they've been logged. So it's best to just keep calling DOS every few days or so and keep your fingers crossed.

Waiting is the hardest part of the process!
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-03-27 17:34:00
CanadaPacket 3 checklist
Did they say packet 3 has been logged? I would ask them that specifically. I wouldn't send off packet 3 until you're absolutely sure Pkt3 has been logged because they might be a little slower due to verifying your residency status.
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-03-27 03:36:00
CanadaPacket 3 checklist
I am not sure what Montreal specifically would want to see for proof of legal status (is there a permanent resident card? or are you a non-PR with legal status? I have no idea how that works) but there is no harm in sending it along with your packet 3. Since your case is a bit different from most people's it might be useful, and if the consular officer who opens it doesn't like it they can just put the photocopies in the paper shredder, lol. And of course bring extra photocopies to the interview :) The documents you listed certainly seem like good evidence to me but I haven't read about someone having to prove their legal status before so I am not sure.

Edited by pocheros, 19 March 2012 - 10:22 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2012-03-19 22:21:00
CanadaPacket 3 checklist
Also, I don't know if I've already told this in PM already, but it bears repeating: On one of the forms for packet 3 it says to include things like your birth certificate, police certificate, I-134 etc. but you DO NOT mail these off with the packet 3 forms- instead, you bring them with you on the day of the interview. Packet 3 only includes the forms, 2 photos, and a photocopy of the biographic info page of your passport.
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-03-19 12:17:00
CanadaPacket 3 checklist
I didn't even check off anything, I just signed it. However, you're safe just putting N/A where it doesn't apply to you (adoption decree, court records). Even if you do not currently have a document but you're bringing it to the interview you check it off (appointment letter, letter of intent). It's basically just to determine that you understand what you have to bring with you on the day of the interview, not what you have currently.

If your fiance currently resides in the USA you DO NOT have to provide evidence of domicile. That is only for US citizens who are living in foreign countries. If he lives in the US, huzzah! Ones less thing to worry about.

If he does not currently live in the USA I recommend you check out the Proving Evidence of Domicile thread pinned at the top of the forum. Montreal is notorious for being hard about evidence of domicile.

Edited by pocheros, 19 March 2012 - 12:36 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2012-03-19 00:30:00
The operators can be really grumpy sometimes! Congrats on finally sending off packet 3 :dance:
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-03-28 12:35:00
CanadaStereotypical Canada in TV
Awhile ago I asked my then fiance to name the provinces and off the top his head he got all of them. Then I saw this topic today and asked him to name them again and he couldn't. He also named Calgary as a province :blink:

I certainly couldn't list all the states off the top of my head but I have never mixed up a state with a city and I know where all the states go on a map. o_O

Edited by pocheros, 29 March 2012 - 09:21 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2012-03-29 21:20:00
CanadaK1 interview fees/visa fees..? kids
Its not the fees its just ensuring I have paid for everything I need to..since im only scheduling 1 assuming theres a prompt to pay additional??

just i called DOS as i sent pack#3 in a week or 2 ago..and yep its been logged but i was missing forms for biggie done today will go in expresspost today but again they said they emailed..never receieved just like pack3...glad i called
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-06 14:53:00
CanadaK1 interview fees/visa fees..? kids
So waiting to schedule interview..Sorry if this question is silly...but Iam scheduling 1 interview but the 2 munchkins coming with me need to go to the interview...Do i pay interview fees? visa fees for them?? are they the same as mine?

thanks guys
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-06 13:05:00
Canadafrusturated & confused

Doesn't anyone read any of the GUIDES anymore? :blink:

Wow single mom here of 2 kids both playing rep hockey and currently 5 months pregnant...I misread something I thought I needed the pack4 to take to the medical..My bad..Im human super busy, supersick I make mistakes and now isnt the time i want to be making them......Sorry if I bothered you..
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-08 15:33:00
Canadafrusturated & confused
My pack 3 still hasnt shown up..It was mailed Dec14. We found out mid-Jan it had been sent. We just got pack3 in bc fiance has been on the road a ton this season.

Neither of us recieved an email we both checked our emails and our junk email and the email they said was sent stating we were missing a paper never arrived.

I will call again today and everyday im off till I get an answer I guess. I just worry it wont show before the medical or interview.
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-08 06:19:00
Canadafrusturated & confused
Do I need the actual letter for anything? i.e the medical? does it come canada post or?
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-07 17:46:00
Canadafrusturated & confused
So I never got pack3..I called about it early Jan and they told me it was sent mid-dec. so i quickly sent it in..
So I call yesterday to see if it was logged and yes but they "emailed" me stating I hadnt done ds160s for the kids..but i could do them and just bring confirmation or something..I cant even remember what they said bc i was upset i missed something..anyways did them quickly yesterday and sent again via expresspost..

just frusturated and confused as to why i get no communication from them. should i be calling daily to see if pack4 has been sent?i want to book asap i actually need my hands on of pack#4??
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-07 06:22:00
CanadaCan i bring the petioner to montreal,canada at the interview date? we wanted my FI to attend but timing wise Im sure mine is going to come in in the middle of the playoffs..:( Ill be there alone with the kids..So much for a mini-vacation..
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-07 06:38:00
Canadadifferent answer every day
Yesterday the story was it takes 1-2 weeks to update the info and call back in 1-2 weeks..Pack3 is there as they asked for ds160 for kids..Is this a normal timeframe? do i keep calling everyday?
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-13 06:22:00
Canadadifferent answer every day
So yesterday I called DOS and they said call next week..I called

today she asks me if I have recieved pack#3 I said no but i sent pack 3 in and it was recieved and I was missing papers and I have since sent them in. She said "well now you wait to do pack#4"..So I asked um isnt that just instructions? she said yes so i asked well can i book to which she answers "i guess"...

Um i feel no farther ahead bc i really dont think she had a clue at all..Id hate to book if any are available and have it cancelled bc im not eligible yet?

So frusturating...thoughts anyone?
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-09 17:01:00
CanadaBooking an interview at Montreal…

Hi toocool,

I just logged into my fiances account and it looks like they currently have no appointments available and the calendar is empty. The best suggestions I have is to get a group of VJers and check the website as often as you can. When dates finally show up, either text or email each other...Best of luck to you!

Waiting too..home off and on on bed rest.:( started a thread looking for people waiting for interviews..inbox me...
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-16 07:53:00
CanadaBooking an interview at Montreal…
Oh i so hope i can book too. Just redid my ds160s for the kids yesterday. i dont know how i missed doing but an april interview might put me there by may which would mean having this babe in the US and not waiting through all the red tape of having him here would mean...Everyone please keep your fingers crossed..please
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-07 06:15:00
CanadaInterview done. Approved in 2 window visits!
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-13 06:24:00
Canadamarriage liscence?
No I get its 3 days and we both have to be present. I have to take my son down next month for hockey tryouts. I havent been able to sched an interview yet..I plan on levaing Canada the day after or asap as possible everything goes through as his insurance has a month wait time for coverage, and clock is ticking with this baby.
If I have the liscence I just dont want to mess up anything with immigration..Thats all..
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-19 15:37:00
Canadamarriage liscence?
Since we are on such a time crunch..A marriage liscence in PA is good for 90 days I believe..They ahve a 3 day wait period..Can we get the liscence now before i do POE? since we wont get married when we get the liscence?

TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-19 15:05:00
Canadawhat time of day were appts released
keep hitting refresh and i realize that i could eb doing this for a month but just wondering when everyone found their interview it only mon-fri like 9-5 or..

any tips would be awesome..we do have a few ladies that exchanged numbers emails to help..

and what doe sit finally feel like when haha one becomes it seems impossible at this point..ha
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-20 08:04:00
CanadaDS-160 Montreal
I couldnt get it to work so I took our passport pics into staples and they scanned them into an appropriate size and jpeg and emailed them to me. I think it cost me $2.20..So worth not dealing with the hassle

That darn form has been a pain for applicants for 3 years running. I remember trying to upload a photo for over an hour... if you can't get the picture to work, they have let applicants just bring an extra passport photo to the interview.

TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-25 11:59:00 many photos
Acc to paperwork it says 3 per applicant..When the nice lady from Panel in Toronto called me she said 2 pics for me (im pregnant so no chest xray maybe) and 1 per child?

I def dont want to not have enough copies? What did everyone bring? What was taken?

TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-25 16:27:00
CanadaPrepping kids for interview
Any tips..What questions were your kids asked if any..
Just trying to prep the kids..I have a 6 yr old and a 10 year old..
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-25 12:03:00
Canadapapers needed for interview

If you think you need to provide evidence for your marriage then collect everything that you can. Tickets for traveling together, pictures, bills and other documentation proof.

If you have kids together, living together for a while, proving marriage will not be a problem. The whole focus of MTL will be on your Affidavit of Support (as its on USCIS/DHS radar big time) and proving domicile of the US citizen who is the petitioner. MTL knows all kinds of scenarios, where people living partially or completely outside of US and still keeping their bank accounts and other things active. This can not be enough to prove domicile. Instead you will be asked to prove your intent to move to US. There is a whole list of things you can do. Check the pinned thread for domicile.

If hes a USC and never lived elsewhere what do i bring? photocopies of his birth certificate? photoopy of passport? 3 years of taxes ,I-134s for each of us, letter from employer?

TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-27 16:27:00
Canadapapers needed for interview
what all did you bring? just off the checklist? copies of previously submitted papers? what did they ask you for?

dont want to be missing anything..
TammyandJoshFemaleCanada2012-03-27 06:02:00
CanadaDHL Information for Montreal Consulate

1) What is this DHL service? My impression was that if interview goes on smoothly, they give you a visa letter on the spot.
2) If I do have to register for DHL, how can I do it? Is there any particular link.
3) What is Packet3? All I recieved was a e-letter from Montreal with my interview date & time. Is that packet-3?
4) Do I have to call Montreal and confirm my interview or is the letter good enough?

1) The DHL is a courier service. At the interview they tell you if you're approved or not and give you a welcome letter (not a visa) with instructions but you need to leave your passport with them. Then, within 5 business days, it is picked up by Loomis and delivered to a DHL near you with the visa printed in it.
2) The link in the above reply is where you can register for it. This way you get to pick which DHL you want your passport delivered to. You can choose the closest one to you and pick it up at the location. This part is free but if you want it delivered to you directly, you pay a fee.
3) I am not sure if Packet 3 is required for a spousal visa. It is for fiance visa. You will want to check that out.
4) Letter is good enough. Montreal only has an automated phone service, you cannot talk to an actual person. If you need to contact them, they're generally good about responding to emails.

Edited by Floella, 23 February 2012 - 12:12 PM.

FloellaFemaleCanada2012-02-23 12:05:00
CanadaUS citizen pulled into immigration at Canadian Border


My girlfriend and I of 7 months travel back and forth from Canada to the US usually via the Peace Bridge. I am American and she is Canadaian. Last night travelling back from PA, where I live, to Welland ON, where she lives, we decided to take the Queenston bridge due to heavy volume on the Peace bridge. Well, needless to say we picked the wrong bridge and the wrong lane because we caught some CBP on the wrong day. She was asking all kinds of questions insinuating that I am living in Canada illegally, which I am not. We travel back and forth quite frequently and spend equal amounts of time at my residence and her residence. SO, anyway. She gave a yellow piece of paper and had to go into immigration. The immigration officer did let me in but only until FEB 29th as I said we would be travelling back to the US on that day. He also told me to bring bills, mortgage slips, letter from my grad school, etc the next time I plan on coming back to Canada to prove I am not living there, which I am not. What will happen when I leave Canada and go back to the US and then try to come back, with all of my papers of course because I do not want to be refused entry. I am a RN and grad student in the states and a law abiding citizen. Why do they have to give me such a hard time!? Meanwhile, while waiting in line there was people of other descent(I am by no means racist, but they couldnt even speak english) and they were given some sort of papers because she had all of these immigration documents with her. Any feedback appreciated!

Oh, and they said I had to turn some sort of paper in when I leave that they gave me last night. It is a visitor record.

I understand how frustrating that must have been for you. My fiance and I went through the same thing last year except I (the Canadian citizen) was sent to immigration at the US Border, we were both held in different rooms, asked the same questions, so on, and then after all of this I was denied entry on basis of "lying" about our relationship. Then again I tried again in October this time with ALL my paperwork showing ties to Canada and I was given a visitor record and was allowed to visit.

The point of my ramble is I know exactly how aggravating it must have been for you, but the guards at the border have to be wary of this sort of thing. There are lots of people who do lie about these things to get across and people like you and I who are being straightforward have to pay for it. The best way to deal with it is bring all the paperwork they ask for. It will help you in the long run to avoid a denial :) Best of luck!

Edited by Floella, 22 February 2012 - 04:07 AM.

FloellaFemaleCanada2012-02-22 04:06:00
CanadaK1 POE Tomorrow!!
Thank you everyone! :)

My parents drove me to California. I don't think it's weird at all (that's what parents are for!). They didn't really talk to my parents that much and only asked me how long they planned to stay.. Don't worry you're almost there!

Thanks, that's good to know. Most reviews I looked up, the person either traveled alone or with their SO, I didn't find much on going with parents.

make sure they bring some kind of ties to canada, just like if you were visiting after you started your app. just to be safe and stuff. also whatever you dont go to the rainbow bridge so many tourists secondary is hella busy and it will take forever. i know your not going to that one but just in case you are thinking about changing your mind dont lol. Other then that take a deep breath and dont worry it will be fine now

Yes, the ties to Canada is a good thing. The car papers are gonna be with the car, so that's one thing, but I'll be sure to have them bring their house papers as well. And haha, I'll never again go to Rainbow bridge, I only went there once, and it was such a nightmare...NEVER again! lol :) Thanks a lot!!
FloellaFemaleCanada2012-02-24 01:07:00
CanadaK1 POE Tomorrow!!

You will not believe how much nicer it is once you're together and no longer apart for AOS and beyond. Enjoy your trip!

I can only imagine! Everything is harder with all this distance.

Thanks a lot. I am really excited! Gonna go get a haircut today and get all snazzy tomorrow for mah fiance! (L)

Congratulations on your visa and I wish you a smooth POE :)

Thank you!!! :) It's been a long wait!

I moved when I was 26 and my mother drove me from Ontario to Nebraska.(I don't know how to drive large moving trucks, evidently she did lol) They asked if she was staying for the wedding and if she was excited and that was it.

That is good to know. Both of my parents are coming because the van (the only one that fits my stuff) is under my mom's name so she needs to be driving but she gets all nervous about long trips so my dad needs to be with her :)
FloellaFemaleCanada2012-02-23 11:57:00
CanadaK1 POE Tomorrow!!

Hothing odd about having your family with you at all - you have a good reaqson, they're helping you drive your stuff down! Be prepared with your list of items and 99% of teh time the border guards don;t review the list or the items themselves.

My husband came up and drove the Uahul back down with my daughter and I in the passenger seats because I cannot drive. If it hadn't been him it would have been my dad.

Good luck

Thanks. That puts my mind at ease a little. It's just there has been so many issues with this so far, and not even because we caused them, that I've just grown a whole lot weary lol. Everything makes me nervous.
FloellaFemaleCanada2012-02-23 08:52:00
CanadaK1 POE Tomorrow!!

You should not have any issues at all. I know other poeple have crossed with a parent or two as well. They may be asked to wait outside while your in secondary, as it can get pretty crowded inside.

Where are you planning to do your POE?

Most likely Buffalo, at Peace Bridge, that is where we always go through when we drive down, and we're heading to Boston.

Edited by Floella, 23 February 2012 - 07:54 AM.

FloellaFemaleCanada2012-02-23 07:53:00
CanadaK1 POE Tomorrow!!
Edit: Apologize for the double post, I hit quote instead of edit on my original post. Not sure how to delete this one.

Edited by Floella, 23 February 2012 - 05:44 AM.

FloellaFemaleCanada2012-02-23 05:44:00
CanadaK1 POE Tomorrow!!
Hey guys,

So I am making my K1 POE tomorrow. I am so excited and after being in AP for nearly months I just want to go there and be married already. It has felt like my life has been on hold until now! I am reading POE reviews to make sure I am prepared for this!

Since my fiance and I were waiting for so long and we want to be together asap, my parents volunteered to help me move (they can see how impatient I am to be with him!). Neither I nor my fiance own a car (we've always lived in big cities so busing and trains are always easier than owning a car and finding parking for it) so we were going to eventually have me fly out and then ship my stuff so my parents helping out will be HUGE for us. Plus I think my parents are just being worry warts (the farthest I've ever moved from them is the next town over) so they want to come along to make sure I settle in properly and everything.

But my question is am I going to have any sort of issue at POE with my parents? I know it looks strange to have your parents be there when you're nearly 25 years old but my family is extremely cultural and for us it's almost normal to have your parents be extremely involved in your life. In fact at my family's house both my grandmothers live with us and have always lived with us. So it's very normal for me to have them take me.

But I know that not everyone can understand having your parents with you like that. I want them there, they're extremely supportive, and I am excited for them to come help me so they can see where I will be living (they have not seen my fiance's new apartment) and so on. But I am worried that at POE it looks strange or something.

Is there a possibility that it will cause problems?

PS both my parents are Canadian citizens, and they often go back and forth to visit my Dad's sister in Chicago.

Will I have troubles?

Edited by Floella, 23 February 2012 - 05:45 AM.

FloellaFemaleCanada2012-02-23 05:40:00
Canadahealth insurance company recommendations
When my husband still had his old job we were about to put me on "basic" health insurance that cost $320 a month (it was only $10 a month for him). Unfortunately being gouged seems to be standard procedure in the good ol' USA...
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-01-13 16:37:00
CanadaAddress for Montreal US Consulate

Thanks for your replies. Really appreciate that.

SO in the photos she needs to stand on the left door and not on right door, am i correct?

Yep! :)
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-01-15 14:34:00