CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
I'm leaving on Wednesday morning and getting back Friday evening (interview is on Thursday). I won't have internet while I'm gone so no review until Friday or Saturday. I know the interview is supposed to be easy but boy am I nervous! Butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it. I'm compensating by bringing every piece of paperwork and evidence I can think of. >_>; I have it divided into two sections, one section is what the consulate will definitely want and the other section is everything else. :lol:

Thank you for all your help VJ <3 I wouldn't be nearly as prepared without everyone's input here.

Edited by pocheros, 08 August 2011 - 08:53 AM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-08 08:52:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Congratulations!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Now for the waiting game with DHL... Haha.
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-03 09:29:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
I've already wished you good luck but I want to wish you good luck again! You must be nervous!

Also pretty please post a review before August 11th? With a cherry on top? LOL!

Re: the highway closure, I'm glad I'm taking a train instead of a bus. :)
pocherosFemaleCanada2011-08-02 13:07:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Our co-sponsor called the IRS on Tuesday and they faxed her the 2010 tax transcript within 30 minutes, if you're worried you could have your fiance fax that and then fax it to you?

Only thing you have that I don't is your own letter of intent. I thought only the USC had to provide an updated one? Better safe than sorry, I'll make one up right now!

We're leaving Grand Rapids for Brampton tomorrow, then driving to Montreal on Tuesday!

My fiance filed his taxes late so they haven't been officially "processed" by the IRS yet and he can't get the transcripts until then. That's why I'm worried :/ He called them last week and they said it would be a "few" weeks until transcripts would be available to him. He's going to keep calling and asking though.

As to the letter of intent, I think you're right that the USC only has to provide one. I made one just because I have a printer handy so I figured I might as well. XD But the checklist only asks for one from the USC.

Good luck with your trip and your interview! I'm sure you'll be fine with everything you have. Also this is irrelevant but I live in Brampton so I'll make sure to send out good vibes tomorrow! XD

Edited by pocheros, 31 July 2011 - 11:45 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-07-31 23:44:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Whoops, sorry about the PROOF OF PAYMENT at the beginning of my post. That was a mistake and it's too late to edit my post now. :P

And obviously I'm expecting the affidavit of support form along with the evidence.

Edited by pocheros, 31 July 2011 - 06:34 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2011-07-31 18:32:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Got my green card approval today :) Card is in production!

Congrats!!!!!!! :thumbs:
s&c1FemaleCanada2012-06-07 15:36:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

EAD/AP arrived in the mail today! :D

Congrats!!! One step closer :)

So, my husband received his Green Card in December. I thought EA and AP would just expire but they didn't. They completed them as well, we received the card on Saturday, (Didn't realize it would be the same card for both) the card had all of his information on it and a blonde lady's picture. :D I thought it was sooo funny, he didn't!!! :D

I am sorry to your husband, but that is too FUNNY!!! :rofl:
s&c1FemaleCanada2012-02-21 13:12:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Congrats Raylse on Green card and Job ( I know it not ideal but I guess it better than nothing)
Poncheros so sorry about your husbands job...I hope he finds something soon!!!

As for me, still waiting for Greencard (transfered to CSC) but have been looking for jobs with no luck in this very small town we live in.
Will keep looking, but in the meantime I am taking an online University courses to possibly get a Bachelor's in Psychology. Excited about this,
but scared to be going back to school at my age. I guess with age comes wisdom..right? LOL

Good luck to everyone :)
s&c1FemaleCanada2012-02-09 08:12:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

It was all in the same package, but I thought since I had to include three separate copies of my passport/I-94/visa that maybe I should have included three copies of my marriage certificate as well? I have no idea.

We only sent one copy and so far so good the only thing we got an RFE on is some forms weren't complete and evidence my husband was the same person that filed for K1. For he works in Canada and they were confused for some reason?? Stupid :wacko:
Hope it works out for you guys!!
s&c1FemaleCanada2012-01-09 10:49:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
We sent everything all together in one package with a cover letter that laid everything out for them that was in the package.
So not sure what everyone else did? Hope they can put two and two together!!
s&c1FemaleCanada2012-01-09 10:26:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Well, EAD is marked as Card Production ordered as of today, woo! AP is "Post Decision Activity"... really hoping to have that in hand by the interview, it would suck to be that close to Canada and not able to hop over the border to visit.

Congrats!!! I am sure you will recieve the card combo very soon!! I agree that is hard to be so close to Canada and not be able to cross over!!
s&c1FemaleCanada2012-01-03 13:18:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

The guy had a serious attitude problem. He said since I am 'not in the system with my married name' as I hadn't sent out my AOS papers yet that there was no way I could put it in my married name. I think this guy just didn't want to do it for me., or he just didn't know and didn't bother asking. I did ask him if there was someone else he could ask about it, he just said 'Are you implying that I don't know how to do my job?', which made me tear up (because I am a baby). So now I have to make another trip down there once I get my EAD so I can change my name, and waste another 3 hours sitting and waiting.

s&c1, I am in Maryland.

I am so sorry that you got a jerk...I would have been tearing up too! He just didn't know or want to do his job!! That is clear to me.
For I wasn't in the system either and the agent (in a small town too) knew that she had to keep on it until it showed up!
You should go back if you want and demand that they keep checking until they find you in the system!
PS my husband is from Maryland and his family still lives there. Hope to visit this summer!
Hope it get resolved for you!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-12-12 18:45:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Wow that does suck ralyse!

I just sent mine out last Wednesday and it was SUPPOSED to arrive on Friday. I guess cuz it is Christmas it is taking a bit longer. Mind you, I got notification that it is currently out for delivery and should arrive today! *crossing fingers*

I did have an issue with my SSN though. I thought when you applied for it after marriage, you could get it in your married name, which is why I waited. I didn't have an issue getting it on the K1, just in my married name. Is that normal? He said I have to have my green card or EAD card to get it in my married name.

I am not sure what state your in, but I am in Minnesota and I filed for my SSN after I got married and they put it in my married name, that is why I waited too! It took awhile for the agent to find me (couldn't find me in the system in my married name) but she worked on it and it was resolved. Maybe he was just too lazy to do his job and dig further??? All she needed was my marriage certificate and ID

Edited by s&c1, 12 December 2011 - 03:02 PM.

s&c1FemaleCanada2011-12-12 15:00:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

So how many sent in the AOS without the 1-693? I am going to chance it by just sending in the DS-3025 and pray it will be fine..

I sent it far so good!!!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-12-06 22:39:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Green card was in the mail today. :dance: :dance: :dance:

So excited & happy for you!!!! :thumbs:

Just got the hard copy of the RFE. They want proof of my mother in law's citizenship since she's our joint sponsor. So we're going to stop by there tomorrow, photocopy her passport and birth certificate and get them in the mail. So relieved it wasn't the medical, you have no idea...

So glad that it is easy to fix, but I know it still sucks to get these annoying RFE's
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-12-05 16:55:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

We're marked on the site for getting an RFE on the AOS, we'll have to see what it's for, I suppose. Hopefully not the medical stuff :\... haven't even had biometrics yet.

I know how you feel...hoping it's something simple and quick to fix!! Fingers crossed for you!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-12-01 18:03:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Last night we received the case update text message, I figured it was for EAD or AP but when I checked the website it turns out its for the green card and our card is now in production. We were very happily surprised - this went smoothly!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

That is AWESOME news!! Congrats!!! :dance: :thumbs:
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-12-01 12:48:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Thanks, for the info, I guess I will hopfully be working by the New Year or sooner!! Jobs are few and far between in this small town!!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-11-30 17:39:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Just a quick update. I just checked USCIS website and AP(was approved) and EAD (Card in production) YEAH...I have been watching for jobs but I guess very soon I can start looking seriously!!!! SO BORED so very happy today!! :dance:
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-11-30 10:32:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
That's all I sent and I am sure if I needed that it would have been part of my RFE that I got and it wasn't so I think you are GOOD!! :thumbs:
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-11-03 14:30:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Thanks, but I guess I spoke too soon! My SSN came in the mail this afternoon! LOL :whistle:
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-10-28 16:31:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Well, it looks like I can't get any insurance until next year. Apparently to qualify for insurance you have to file for it within 30 days of the marriage, but you also need an SSN. Guess when I received my SSN? 31 days after our marriage. My husband tried to explain to the HR person that we tried to get my SSN really early, etc. but she was a crabby old %$&^ and wouldn't allow us to be one day late. I really need a prescription for something too, ugh. Looks like we'll have to pony up the uninsured cost for a doctor's visit :ranting:

WOW that is terrible!!! Sorry that happened...I hear ya about SSN I still have yet to get mine it's been almost 4 weeks!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-10-28 13:32:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
I hear ya Tina, it's so weird to have to take a Driver's Test when you have been driving for so long. Good Luck and don't do what I did and not study, I
took it for granted I know things and just barely passed!! LOL I am so glad I only had to do the written test :)

And Hope your day in 9 days (Sherrybaby)and 5 days for (Coconuts) goes smoothly and congrats in advance!!!!!

PS still waiting for my SSN, when I went to the office she said I still wasn't in the system so she would keep trying and that I should hear in about 3-4 weeks about a card. I hope she is right...I really don't want to drive the 2 hrs one way again!

Edited by s&c1, 20 October 2011 - 08:49 AM.

s&c1FemaleCanada2011-10-20 08:48:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Starting to feel official, got my SSN :)

Great!!!! Now let the wedding fun begin soon!!!!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-10-04 20:07:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

too funny....but where is the timmies coffee and pecan maple pie and tortiere?

You are forgetting the beaver,moose, and Canadian Goose eh!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-09-26 08:40:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

So, I have started working on our AOS paperwork, including the I-131 and I-765. At first all the forms scared me but they are very easy.
Now I am working on copying all the evidence they want and hope to send everything out by Wednesday. :dance:

We are trying to aim for this week, sending out the AOS paperwork too. Just making sure all is correct and no RFE this time around!!
Good Luck and speedy Greeen Card for you...and to everyone :)
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-09-26 08:38:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
I am all for just continuing AOS info on this thread or on it's own for 2011 !!!

Edited by s&c1, 08 September 2011 - 10:44 PM.

s&c1FemaleCanada2011-09-08 22:43:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Congrats to you both!!!! Very exciting eh.... :dance:
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-09-03 07:59:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

How do you set up to have DHL mail it to your home address instead of at your local DHL ( my local DHL is like 2 hours away) I tried to pay the extra fee but for some reason it keeps taking me in circles... am I missing something???

I just completed this process today. yesturday. After I got a phone call from DHL (at the location I picked online)saying my package was ready to pick up.I emailed dhl at
Give them your name,reference id, waybill#
phone# to get a hold of (home &cell) address you want it mailed too, and any special info (ex..if you want them to come to side door, etc)
They called me the next day (today actually)LOL and asked to verify my ref id # and I gave him my visa # and he repeated my address to make sure it was correct and all.
Then he said I should have my package delivered either tomorrow or Friday!!!!
Hope this helps :)
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-08-31 17:26:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Got Approved today.....was first to get to the consulate at 6.30 am....Got out of the consulate at 9.10 am. Will write the review in detail....

I would like to thank all the people here who has put their experience and comments for others for guidelines. Thank you all for all the great help. Good luck to all whose interviews are coming up.

Now the wait for Passport and DHL........



Congrats!!!! Hope it gets back to you fast!!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-08-31 17:16:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

As several of you know, we talked of a Vegas wedding. The logistics made sense as it's cheaper to fly my adult children there and I didn't want anymore stress in our lives....this whole process was stress enough. Then Jeff suggested Disneyland (LA) as he and his kids love it there. We toyed with that. Now that the dust has settled and we've enjoyed our 18 days of bliss together, it looks like we may be doing a small wedding afterall (and his mom's comment about wishing everyone could be together for it...gotta love guilt lol). We own a beautiful home in Washington with a perfect courtyard for a wedding. It looks like he's going home to freshen some paint, possibly build a gazebo and let the planning begin! lol We're looking at an October wedding (trying to coordinate 4 adult children is not an easy task) and possibly themed. As of this hour, we haven't chosen the them yet, but costumes are abundant that time of year...I may see the bride of Frankenstein in my future hehe.

All I know for sure is the calm in my soul now. We've been 'married in heart' since the day we met and this is a mere formality... so we're going to have some fun with it :)

I loved this!!! What a great idea :) Can't wait to see pictures and know how it went!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-08-27 16:24:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

We're more than halfway through August, I've got to ask the K1ers amongst us: What are your wedding plans?

We were initially planning on marrying as soon as possible and doing a reception or first year anniversary party or something else separately. Alas, my fiance's family joined forces with my roommates and convinced us to have a small wedding. Fortunately the timing worked out, though I fought tooth and nail against confirming dates in case there was some sort of horror-story situation getting my Visa back. (Don't plan until Visa in hand and all that). So on September 17th we're having a small ceremony/reception combo at a hotel with my fiance's friends and family here in Grand Rapids, some of my friends driving over from Kitchener (since I'm so fortunate to have only moved 6 hours away) and some of our friends from the site we met flying in from a few places (which is a huge surprise, I'm so touched!). All told, it's turning out to be 50ish people, which is so much more than I ever imagined we'd be able to do in our situation.

That's just us though and I know my situation is a lucky one all things considered. I'm curious what other people are doing for their weddings? :)

What a small world...My fiance and I live only 2 & half hours from you! His children live in Grand Rapids.
Anyway to answer your question...we have decided to take off on his Harley and drive South (camp and just find a court house or
an ordained minister??) Not much money left over for anything more. My mom asked us to promise that we would re-new our vows for family
at a later date :) I am sure once I can cross over to Canada again we will have some type of gathering for friends and family and his children to be
there too! Hoping to do all this around Sept 16th or 17th for it will be 1 year exactly from filing K1...
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-08-20 08:53:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Just got my waybill email :D I hope it'll be available for pickup tomorrow so I don't get stuck here over the weekend, but at least I've heard something now :)

That's great news!!!! YEAH!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-08-11 20:52:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

I'm leaving on Wednesday morning and getting back Friday evening (interview is on Thursday). I won't have internet while I'm gone so no review until Friday or Saturday. I know the interview is supposed to be easy but boy am I nervous! Butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it. I'm compensating by bringing every piece of paperwork and evidence I can think of. >_>; I have it divided into two sections, one section is what the consulate will definitely want and the other section is everything else. :lol:

Thank you for all your help VJ <3 I wouldn't be nearly as prepared without everyone's input here.

Good Luck!!! You will be just perfect :)

We got approved thank God. :) I am so happy I could jump up and down all day but I am at work so I think my boss would not appreciate that. :D

I hope we get that passport soon so I can go get my baby! :yes:

Good luck to all!

Congrats!!! Hoping a speedy return on your passport/visa!!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-08-08 18:29:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Congrats, Ralyse!!! I hope the rest of the process goes smooth and very fast!!!!
s&c1FemaleCanada2011-08-04 20:19:00
CanadaTotal Cost for K1 and K2 Visas Canada

I have that bookmarked. Thanks.

Also, when do I get the I-94 and can you tell me why we need one? The US Customs gave me an I-94 the last time I went to visit my fiance in November. I was told I needed the return part when I came back to Canada on my return flight.

We will be driving on POE (I am also importing my van) so do I pay the $6 (x3) upfront at the Interview?

You get the I-94 when you POE. After your interview Montreal will mail your passports with your visas attached in them along with some sealed brown envelopes that you DO NOT open. When you POE you will give your passports and brown envelopes to a customs officer. They will have you fill out a couple forms and ask you a few questions. When they have determined that you're okay to enter the US they will staple the I-94s in your passports next to your visas. They look like white card stock. This is also when you pay for the I-94s- the Montreal consulate has nothing to do with I-94s.

The I-94s are important because they are PROOF that you are living in the USA legally (your K1 visa is valid for 6 months for a ONE time entry into the US, so having a K1 visa alone is NOT proof that you entered the US or are living in it legally). The I-94 expires 90 days after you POE. This is important: You MUST get married within 90 days of your POE, and preferably adjust your status. The I-94 protects your status as a legal alien when you enter the US. After those 90 days, you start accumulating out of status days and will not be eligible for a driver's license, SSN, etc. until you adjust your status, not to mention if you happen to run into customs officers afterwards you will get some stern warnings from them to AOS. So it's strongly recommended you adjust your status before your I-94 expires. Once you have an I-94, the expiry date on your K1 means nothing- the K1 just lets you enter the US, the I-94 lets you live there.

Since your I-94 is proof that you are living legally in the US, photocopies of it are required when you AOS. The I-94 combined with your visa and marriage certificate are valuable documents. If by mistake a customs officer doesn't give you an I-94 you'd have to call the POE and have them issue you one... so make sure they give it to you!

If for some reason you are unable to AOS within those 90 days you are still "okay" as USCIS forgives out of status days for K1s (I am NOT sure about K2s or other family members- you might want to double check that) and you won't be deported or anything, but it's just better to do it sooner. If you happen to be traveling on any highways with immigration checkpoints (they exist in California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas) make sure you have your passport with your I-94 and visa in it along with your marriage certificate.

Edited by pocheros, 29 March 2012 - 05:38 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2012-03-29 17:36:00
CanadaTotal Cost for K1 and K2 Visas Canada

I guess it is best if I look at the packet 3 requirements on the montreal website? That is the next phase after receiving NOA2, correct? :bonk:

Yep :) If you look at the last post in the K1 guide for Montreal stickied at the top of the forun it has some useful links.

Also, the $6 fee for the I-94 is included if you fly. If you're not flying, you must pay for it in USD cash. Also, if you do not pay for the interview fees online you must pay for them in USD cash on the day of the interview. CAD is not accepted.
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-03-29 15:58:00
CanadaTotal Cost for K1 and K2 Visas Canada
Police checks cost money, varying by where you live. Mine cost $45.

If any documents are NOT in english, they must be translated. Translating my french birth certificate cost $85.

Don't forget travel expenses for the day of the interview. Then there's moving costs- plane tickets and luggage if you're flying, moving truck if you're driving, etc.

Health insurance for you & your kids.

Edited by pocheros, 27 March 2012 - 07:57 PM.

pocherosFemaleCanada2012-03-27 19:50:00
CanadaAnyone else looking for interview date?
Perhaps there should be a sticky just for discussing interview dates at Montreal?
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-03-31 15:54:00
CanadaAnyone else looking for interview date?
Just FYI, if you book an interview after your NOA2 expires Montreal automatically extends the validity of your petition. Many applicants have interviews after their NOA2 expires. The exception would be in the rare case someone sits around for a year before booking their interview. Basically as long as Montreal sees that you're taking actions to fulfill the visa process you're in the clear.
pocherosFemaleCanada2012-03-29 04:44:00